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©Copyright 2015 by Catherine L. Taylor. All rights reserved.

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this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any
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The Law of Attraction
Weight Loss

The reason you want every single thing you want, is that you think
you’ll feel really good when you get there. But, if you don’t really feel
good on your way there, you can’t get there. You have to be satisfied
with what-is while you’re reaching for more.
— Abraham-Hicks

The law of attraction is a universal principle that states “like attracts

like.” You attract people, things, and situations that vibrate at the same
energetic frequency you do. In order to manifest a thinner body, you
need to align your energetic frequency or vibration to be that of a
thinner person. In other words, you must become what you want to
attract. If you want to be thin, you must learn to act and think like a
thin person.
Unfortunately, your negative feelings about your current weight and
body are one of the biggest obstacles to losing weight with the law of
attraction. Do you tell yourself you’ll feel good about your body once
you lose the weight? Do you realize you can’t get there by hating or
criticizing yourself thin?

By loving and accepting your body right now as it is, you are raising
your vibration and aligning with your thinner self.
Obesity, non-acceptance, and self-loathing are all low energetic
vibrations. Whenever you are in non-acceptance, or resisting what-is,
you are at war with reality. This removes you from the flow of the
Universe, keeps you stuck, and prevents you from manifesting what
you want.
The way to manifest anything quickly is to become one with the flow,
Universe, or Source of Life. When you do this, you feel a sense of peace,
life seems pretty effortless, and the things that are meant for you soon
appear (as long as you’re doing your part).
So how can you get out of your own way, raise your vibration, and lose
weight with the law of attraction?

Practice daily gratitude for your body and your life. Upon awakening,
say thank-you. Instead of “I can’t stand these thunder thighs,” thank
your thighs for all they do for you. Every time you catch yourself in
negative self-talk or complaining about your weight or life, reframe
your words into something positive and express gratitude. Give thanks
or use an abundance affirmation such as “I am infinitely blessed. All I
want and need is given to me. My good is on its way. ”

Eat plenty of high vibration foods. These are foods that are grown close
to the sun and are as whole as possible. Examples are fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, legumes, and natural fats, such as avocados, nuts and
oils. Avoid processed foods as much as possible. If you’re a meat eater,
try to use antibiotic free lean meats and poultry, and eat healthy fish,
like wild salmon, trout, and sardines. Avoid high amounts of processed
sugars and white flours, as these foods are nutritionally dead and have
very low vibrational energy.
Note: These are suggestions, not rules. Your body is the ultimate
authority when it comes to your health. Even so called “healthy” foods
may not agree with your particular body. For example, dairy products
or grains may not agree with you. Begin to notice what foods make you
feel most vibrant and alive, and eat accordingly.

Cultivate Self-Kindness
Feed yourself a steady diet of encouraging self-talk and affirmations.
Give yourself pats on the back each day for all the things you do right.
Affirm the good and you will be motivated to create more of it. Self-
criticism is one of the quickest ways to lower your vibration, kill your
motivation, and keep you stuck in self-defeating behavior. To be in full
alignment, you need to be on your own side.

10 Affirmations to Activate the Law of Attraction
Here are 10 fabulous affirmations to help raise your vibration and
activate the law of attraction for weight loss.
My body is the temple of my Spirit.
Moving my body makes me feel joyful and alive.
I get lighter and leaner with each passing day.
My metabolism pulsates with energy.
My intentions and actions are in alignment with the person I want to
Each day, I “act as if” I am who I want to be.
My optimal weight is on its way.
I am attracted to healthy food and healthy behaviors.
I eat what my body needs to support my optimal weight.

Spend time each evening visualizing yourself reaching your goal. Focus
on how amazing it’s going to feel. Visualize yourself in a variety of
situations in your new body. Try to engage all your senses when
End the visualization by affirming that your new body is on its way. In
the morning, spend 5 minutes visualizing practicing healthier behaviors
for that day. In your mind’s eye, see yourself making healthy choices
and engaging in movement. Then, go make it real!

Intention and Focus
Stay focused on the solution, not the problem. Keep your focus on what
you can do for yourself each day. Set your intentions in the morning
and make sure you set yourself up for success by setting small goals
that are attainable but stretch you a bit beyond what you can do right
now. Remember, intention without action is worthless. You must put
some sweat behind your intention to manifest your ideal weight.
Stay positive. You lower your vibration when you complain about your
weight, focus on how fat you feel, or think about how hard or how long
it’s going to take. Keep your focus on how great it’s going to feel when
you manifest your perfect weight. Better yet, “act as if” you already are
your perfect weight. Eat and act like the thin person you want to be and
soon you will be that person.

Create Joy
Cultivate joy in your body. Your body is meant to move. Find ways of
moving that are pleasurable for you. Dance, swim, or walk. It must not
feel like drudgery or punishment to you. Start out with 10-20 minutes a
day and build from there. Any exercise is better than no exercise. You
want to imprint in your consciousness that you are now a fit active
person who enjoys moving your body.

Release Stress
Stress is one the quickest ways to lower your vibration. It depletes the
adrenal glands and lowers the vitality of the body. Develop a self-care
plan to handle the stressors in your life. Find activities that relax you
and help take your mind off your worries.
Take up meditation or listen to relaxation CDs. Meditation will connect
you to the Source of All That Is. It is one of the quickest ways to raise
your vibration. The more time you spend connected and aligned to
Source energy, the more powerful an attractor you become.

Eat To Live
Eat to live, not live to eat. Listen to your body’s natural signals of
hunger and satiety. Eat when hungry, stop when full. This is how a thin
person eats. Try to eliminate snacking unless you’re actually hungry. Eat
until satiated, not stuffed.
Eat slowly and thoroughly chew your food. Take the time to truly savor
your food. Notice the flavors, the textures, the aromas, and the colors.
Try to engage all your senses in the act of eating. By doing this, you will
feel truly nourished by the act of eating.

Release the Blocks that Lower Your Vibration
Many people aren’t successful using the law of attraction for weight
loss because they have emotional and psychological blocks that keep
them stuck. Here is a list of possible reasons you may not be
manifesting your weight loss. If any of these ring true for you, enlist the
help of a weight loss coach or therapist who can help you work through

• Emotional eating: eating for comfort and stress relief

• Negativity, self-criticism, and complaining
• Letting yourself get distracted and losing focus
• Not picking yourself back up quickly after a setback
• Perfectionism – black and white (all or nothing) thinking
• Unworthiness, low self-esteem, self-loathing
• Bad habits – acting on autopilot
• Overindulgence - wanting to eat whatever you want whenever
you want it, in the amounts you want.
• Fear of change and the unknown
• Fear of thinness and unwanted attention
• Using food as an escape – to avoid, numb, and procrastinate
• Loneliness, isolation, and sadness
• Unprocessed anger or resentment, lack of forgiveness for self
• Food cravings
Note: If any of these things are blocking you, you are a good candidate
for weight loss and emotional eating coaching or my group coaching
program. Contact me for a free consultation.

Feed Your Soul
Do things that feed your soul, not just your stomach. Overeating is
often a result of a lack of joy and pleasure in life. Develop hobbies and
interests that you find pleasurable and absorbing. This will help you to
shift your focus away from food and weight. Get more engaged in the
joy of life and before you know it, you will have manifested a healthier
mind, body, and soul.
Remember, the mind, body, and spirit are all interconnected, and when
they work in harmony, you attract the very best in life.
Be patient. It takes time to manifest a new body. It won’t happen
overnight, no matter how much in alignment you are because you’re
dealing with physical matter.
Be gentle with yourself when you have slip ups and setbacks. Everyone
has them. Life has a way of throwing us curve balls. Pick yourself back
up quickly and get back on track right away.
Above all, enjoy the journey and you’ll be very happy when your new
body arrives.

Law of Attraction Quotes

Every single second is an opportunity to change your life, because in

any moment you can change the way you feel.
– Rhonda Byrne

It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible

force of the law of attraction.
– Charles Hammel

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.
– Henry Ford

I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy and focus to,

whether positive or negative.
– Michael Losier

You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, “I release
the need for this in my life.”
— Wayne Dyer

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The law of attraction is this: You don't attract what you want. You
attract what you are.
— Wayne Dyer

Life has a way of meeting your expectations. If you feel less than, you
will settle for a life that is less than what you really want. Expect the
best from yourself: dream, stretch, and grow, and watch life rise up to
meet your expectations.
— Catherine L. Taylor

Gratitude is the attitude that heals and attracts everything.

—Catherine L. Taylor

What's the biggest block in making the Law of Attraction work?

Selfishness. You can't be all get and no give. That's not how the law
works. The Universe isn't a vending machine. You must give in order to
receive. Giving puts you into the flow of abundance and manifestation.
— Catherine L. Taylor

We become what we think about most of the time and that’s the
strangest secret.
― Earl Nightingale

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We are all self-made, but only the successful will admit it.
― Earl Nightingale

Your prayer causes you to focus, and the Law of Attraction causes
everything in the Universe that's in vibrational harmony with your focus
to come to you.
— Abraham

Where’s your focus? Are you focused on food and weight and what you
have to give up, or are you focused on your desire to lose weight and all
you will gain by doing so? Let your desire propel you forward and align
your actions with it. Your body will soon conform to your desire. It’s
only a matter of time.
— Catherine L. Taylor

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The Law of Attraction for Weight Loss
Audio Course

Do you love the law of attraction but are confused about how to use it for weight

Have all your efforts at manifesting weight loss produced little results?

Are you unsure how or where to focus to produce the results you're looking for?

This self-paced digital course (no actual cds) takes the law of attraction and gives
you easy methods to apply the law in a way that will get results. It takes you step
by step into a process that will help you manifest results in no time at all! It also
includes 3 guided meditations and audio affirmations that will help focus you,
raise your vibration, and connect you to your source of manifesting power.

For more info and to purchase click here.

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About the Author

Catherine L. Taylor is a weight loss/life coach and meditation teacher

who helps people overcome emotional eating, make peace with food
and weight, and achieve lasting weight loss through mind/body

She is the author of several audio weight loss programs including “The
Law of Attraction for Weight Loss” and “Affirmations for Weight Loss
and Wellness.”

Free Coaching Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about how to lose weight with
the law of attraction, or are interested in overcoming emotional eating,
making peace with food, and overcoming self-defeating patterns
around food, weight, and dieting, contact Catherine for a free

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Additional Courses You May Like

Affirmations for Weight Loss and Wellness

Change begins in the mind. All behavior is first preceded by thought.

Your thoughts create your feelings and beliefs, they in turn create your
attitudes, and your beliefs and attitudes determine your actions and
behavior. Therefore, your thoughts create your reality.

The secret to losing weight permanently is to change your thoughts

about how you feel about yourself, eating, food, and exercise. Change
your mind and your body will follow!

The word affirm mean to “make firm.” This eBook and the
accompanying audio affirmations will show you how to shape a new
body, mindset, and destiny for yourself – one affirmative thought at a

For more info and to purchase click here.

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The How You do Food is How You do Life
12 Week Weight Loss and Emotional Eating Program

If you're like most people, you've probably tried willpower and dieting
to lose weight. Unfortunately, for most people this is not enough. The
reason willpower and diets fail are because most people overeat for
emotional reasons. Emotional eating is a response to various
environmental and emotional triggers.

The How You do Food is How You do Life Program is designed to get at
the core issues of what triggers overeating. It provides you with solid
strategies to overcome the reasons why you turn to food. It teaches
you how to identify what your true needs are and teaches you

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appropriate ways to meet them so that you won't be tempted to turn
to food. This is the key to overcoming emotional eating.

This self-paced 12-week program consists of 6 module recordings, and

weekly assignments and handouts that will transform your relationship
with food. It will get you off the dieting hamster wheel, teach you ways
to deal with your stress, sabotaging thoughts and emotions, teach you
how to eat mindfully, and allow your body to lose weight naturally
without dieting.

For more info and to purchase click here.

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