Learning Strategies Form (1) - Josechirino

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First Assignment form learning strategies for adolescents and adults

Learning strategies
Suitable strategies for adolescents (possible Suitable strategies for adults (possible activities) Suitable strategies for adolescents and adults
activities) (possible activities)
Direct Indirect
Reading a story:
Cognitive The picture show: associating elements:

Associate images with adjectives and nouns. Example: A short list of elements will be presented and subsequently each student will go to the front to read a simple and short
associated with another list of elements. example: text, then he must express in his own words what he
House: Bedroom… understood from the text in order to work on reading and
Hospital: Nurse… comprehension.
Bank: credit card…
Church: Bible…
Happy/sad/ bored/ furious
Money, bible, doctor, bedroom, injection, credit card, living
room, nurse, god word … etc.

Happy/smart/bored/ angry/sad

Memonic talk about the image/who is he?: Learning the numbers:

Verbs and sentences:
For this activity an image will be presented (in this With the students' prior knowledge about the numbers, they will
occasion there will be no text) then each student must go be taught to understand and pronounce numerical figures of 4, the professor will indicate to each student a different verb
to the front and say all the words that he knows to 5, 6 and 7 digits. On the board a different number will be to chance, so that this elaborates a short sentence applying
associate them with the image.( the students will only use written and each student must pass and read a number. One that verb, this verb can be conjugated in any of its forms
adjectives ) example:
Example of image:

The synonyms:
Compensatory To say some synonyms: Learning synonyms and antonyms:

In this activity, two columns of words will be presented With the previous knowledge, each student will pass to Learning synonyms is very important, as it allows us to
and each student will have to interlace or indicate which the front and all the words that are known with their know and use new words so as not to be repeating them.
the synonym of each word is. For example: respective synonyms, this will promote the development That is why for this activity, synonyms and antonyms will
Bad clear of memory, speaking to the word association. be addressed using memory cards.
Dark dirty
Clean good

Order the sentence: How is he/she: Human body:
The students will receive a list with the parts of the human
body and they will have to order them in a decedent way.
Each student will be presented with a disorderly sentence Associate images according to their characteristics. Example: Example:
and this one will be arranged using metacognition. For
example: Arm Head
Suzan-I-but-prefer-I-Maria-like Head Neck
Feet Shoulder
I like Suzan, but I prefer Maria. Legs Arm
Neck Hands
Shoulder Legs
Hands Feet

He is…
Fat, black, white, thin, blonder, toll.

What is your favorite movie: Sing your favorite song: Face to face:

in pairs of two students they must pass to the front and

Each student must say which is his favorite movie and being one in front of the other should be said in a very
why? ... Talk of the things we like motivates us to learn. The music will always be influential in the feelings of the respectful way their characteristics as strengths and
people we all have a favorite song, that's why it will be weaknesses what they like about that person and what they
easier to learn it in inlets. This will help develop memory, do not
speech and no doubt motivate learning.

Where am I? The bottle: Tingo-tingo-tango:

In groups of two, the students should recreate a scene in groups of six students will make a small circle and put a In this activity all the students will participate in a big
where one of the two is a lost passer who asks the other bottle in the middle, someone should turn the bottle and it will circle, then a small ball will be passed one by one while
person where he is and by a direction. point in two directions to the boss and the one who obeys, the the teacher is on his back saying tingo-tingo, and when he
boss will only ask a question associated with the subject is says tango the ball should stop and whoever stays with it
being treated in the class in his hand You must answer a question according to the

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