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Clinical Research Industry in India

Article · November 2011

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Dr. Pankaj M. Madhani

ICFAI Business School


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Industry Opportunity

Clinical Research Industry in India

Issues and Opportunities
Clinical trials are performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new drugs and medical devices. The global clinical
research sector is exploring India by increasingly outsourcing clinical trials. This article dwells on the scope, nature and
business opportunities and challenges the Indian clinical research industry offers.

linical trials are performed to but also for new formulations and it can be marketed to users. Hence, it
evaluate the safety and effi- Drug Delivery Systems (DDS). With is obvious that the area of clinical re-
cacy of new drugs and medi- the advent of high throughput search holds immense scope and po-
cal devices on human beings. Clini- screening and bioinformatics tools, tential, for without the supporting
cal trials are mandatory to introduce drug discovery processes have clinical data, market launches of
new drugs in the market place. All speeded up markedly making clini- drugs are not feasible. Clinical re-
clinical trials go through four phases. cal evaluation and development as search should not be viewed merely
Phase I trials test a drug’s safety on the rate-limiting controlling step as a subsidiary to pre-clinical re-
healthy volunteers. Phase II and III towards final drug development. search. On the contrary, it is of prime
trials test the drug’s efficacy on pa- The global pharmaceutical market importance as it has to be conducted
tients. Phase IV trials are conducted is estimated at US$427 bn and Re- even in cases where pre-clinical stud-
once the drug is marketed to monitor search & Development (R&D) cost ies are not warranted, e.g., new for-
for its safety in larger populations. is estimated at US$60-65 bn annu- mulations, fixed dose combinations
Most of the clinical trial business in ally. There has been a paradigm or bioequivalence study.
the global market originates from shift in the pharmaceutical market,
the US and Europe and are directed and nearly 66% of the R&D costs go Why India is Preferred
to countries such as India, China and towards drug development, i.e., ap- Destination for Clinical
those in Eastern Europe. The global proximately US$40 bn. And clinical Research?
clinical research sector is exploring trials account for 70% of time and India has become the most preferred
India by increasingly outsourcing money spent in drug development. It destination for global clinical trials
clinical trials. Analysts are projecting is the most significant direct cost because of significant cost advantage
that total clinical research spending factor related to drug discovery and and other resource advantages. The
in India will increase by more than development process. On an aver- unique advantages that make India
30% annually by 2010. age, it costs $282 mn and takes so attractive are the 3 ‘P’s— Popula-
about seven years to complete. tion, Patients and Physicians.
Importance of Clinical Irrespective of the origin of a
Research in New Drug drug or whether its preliminary Population
Development clinical research studies have al- India represents 15% of the world
Clinical research and development ready been conducted abroad, every population having a huge population
of a new drug comprises about two- new drug needs evidence from clini- base of over one billion. This popula-
thirds of the total development costs. cal research before it enters the mar- tion is genetically, culturally and so-
With increased focus on cost control ket place. Thus, whether it is a new cioeconomically diverse. This is very
across the global pharma compa- chemical compound or an existing important as compared to their Cau-
nies, speedier, low-cost and reliable drug that is being marketed for new casian counterparts as Asians react
clinical trials are the major thrust of indication, clinical research studies differently to drugs. India also has
the manufacturers. Globally, clinical have to be conducted. Similarly, the the largest pool of English-speaking
research is becoming a thrust re- launch of new drug formulations, people in the world as English is the
search area as it is essential for the DDS or even new fixed dose combi- primary language of education and
development of not only new drugs nation, requires clinical data before communication.


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Industry Opportunity

Patients make available the state-of-the-art the limelight that poor and unedu-
India has the largest and diverse pool therapy for many deserving Indian pa- cated patients, who do not under-
of patients. The Indian advantage in tients who have hitherto been de- stand the meaning and purpose of
clinical development is clearly the prived of such therapeutic advances. trials, are lured into it for monetary
speed of patient enrolment and Patients who participate in clinical tri- gains. Subsequently, they may be-
thereby shorter timelines for clinical als study will have access to the latest come victims of the possible side ef-
trials. In India, many people still live medication or treatment; get free fects of trials. High levels of illit-
in large, joint and extended families medical care, which includes costs of eracy and abject poverty in rural In-
making them attractive recruits for investigations and medicine. And dia combined with the pressure
genetic linkage studies. India is also though they participate in the trial from the sponsors of clinical re-
home to a wide variety of diseases voluntarily after signing an informed search study for early completion of
ranging from tropical infections to consent, they are not bound to con- clinical trial, sometimes lead to un-
degenerative diseases. The highest tinue to participate in the trial as the ethical recruitment of patients. An
number of cancer and diabetes pa- consent can be withdrawn at any increase in the literacy level and im-
tients is found in India. It is also time. Patients also receive more fre- provement in socioeconomic levels
home to more than one billion quent and focused consultations lead- are expected to improve the aware-
people, including 30 million with ing to an improvement in the quality ness of patients along with their
cardiovascular diseases and other of healthcare. Investigators and physi- rights regarding the approval they
diseases as given in the Exhibit. cians who conduct clinical trials get give for clinical trial studies. Subject
firsthand knowledge and experience willingness is very critical in clinical
Physicians with the most recent drugs. Physicians trials. The GCP guidelines stress the
India has high patient–physician ra- also get global recognition by work- need for documentation of the whole
tio. There is no dearth of medical, ing on the same research platform as informed consent process of clinical
pharmacy and science graduates and other international experts on the study participants. A strict adherence
plenty of trained professionals are project. They also get extensive train- to the study protocol by the on-site
available in the field of medicine. ing in the internationally accepted investigators and the study team
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and members will help protect the rights
Clinical Research in Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) of the clinical study participants.
India: Benefits to guidelines. They have access to the
Stakeholders latest medicines to use in their pa- Inadequate GCP and GLP
Clinical research holds tremendous tients. It also provides an opportunity Training
scope and opportunities not only for for the publication of clinical trial re- Certain uniform guidelines for GCP
trained medical, pharmaceutical and search study. Hospitals and clinical and GLP need to be followed while
paramedical professionals, but also sites where the research is conducted conducting clinical trials and gener-
for regulatory authorities, govern- will get a boost in infrastructural de- ating clinical trial data. Out of the
ment and the society at large. It will velopment, get recognized globally large pool of medical professionals
and will have collaboration opportu- in India, only a handful are GCP-
Exhibit trained and experienced in conduct-
nities with educational institutes.
Disease Patient Population ing clinical trials. A major plan is
Asthmatic patients 40 million Clinical Research in required at the beginning of the
Diabetic patients 34 million
India: Major Issues clinical trial to train doctors in the
basics of GCP. Each year the number
HIV positive people 8-10 million
Unethical Approach in the of GCP trained personnel is steadily
Epileptic patients 8 million Recruitment of Subjects increasing in India. Sponsors, Con-
Cancer patients 3 million To protect the interests of the clini- tract Research Organizations
Alzheimer’s disease 1.5 million cal study participants, a written in- (CROs) and Site Management Orga-
Hypertensive population 15%
formed consent of participants is nizations (SMOs) are making ef-
usually required before the recruit- forts to train more and more num-
Schizophrenia 1%
ment of participants in clinical trial bers of clinical investigators and
Source: Igate clinical research International study takes place. It has come into ethics committee members on the


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Clinical Research Industry in India

principles and practice of GCP. All ting up of Institutional Ethics Commit- educational institutes are now offer-
these steps will ensure the timely tees (IEC) at the unit levels. The IEC’s ing specialized programs in clinical
and economic completion of the responsibility is to supervise, scruti- research. India has a large pool of
clinical trials. nize and approve the clinical trial be- English-speaking, highly qualified
fore the study begins and also to con- and experienced scientists and clini-
Multifaceted Regulatory Affairs duct periodic reviews of the progress cal research professionals. The
in India of the clinical trial. DCGI has simplified the global clini-
The Drugs Controller General of India Many clinical research institutions cal trial approval process by agree-
(DCGI) is responsible for regulatory in India, however, either do not have ing to accept clinical trials approved
approvals of clinical trials in India. an IEC or there is inadequate represen- in recognized countries. The DCGI
The DCGI’s office depends on external tation of the non-technical personnel. has implemented new guidelines for
experts and other government agen- Without adequate representation of global clinical trials in India from
cies for clinical research advice. Addi- persons from a non-functional back- December 1, 2006. All these initia-
tional permissions are required for the ground, the opinion of the IEC is likely tives are certain to improve the ex-
export of blood samples to foreign to be unfair and biased in favor of the isting situation and are likely to
central laboratories. All this usually clinical study. The clinical research boost the number of clinical trials in
takes about 3 months in India, com- guidelines clearly specify the need for the country. In brief, clinical re-
pared to 30 days required for US FDA such personnel in the IEC. Some insti- search is emerging as a sunrise sec-
approval. There are some instances of tutes have IEC but do not have a regu- tor in India.
clinical research firms violating DCGI lar schedule of committee meetings, One of the major reasons why
norms. While clinical study sponsors lack Standard Operating Procedures clinical trials are coming to India is
claim to take responsibility to insure (SOPs) or do not have a proper mem- that in the developed countries it is
the subjects involved in the clinical ber representation according to the increasingly becoming difficult to get
trial, the reality is that insurance in ICMR guidelines. However, things are subjects (people willing to undergo
clinical research is yet to gain grounds changing fast for the better. The ICMR trials). This ultimately leads to delay
in India. Indian regulations are get- has a Central Ethics Committee on in the drug development process.
ting more and more stringent and Human Research (CECHR). This com- However in India, sponsors have the
ethical committees are playing a very mittee audits the functioning of these plenty of opportunity to recruit sub-
significant role. Clinical trials are to IECs composed as per the ICMR guide- jects. In India, a large section of the
be conducted as per ICH (Interna- lines. The DCGI’s office, in collabora- population being unable to afford
tional Conference on Harmonization tion with WHO, ICMR and many com- their own medical treatments, opt for
of Technical Requirements for Regis- mitted research professionals, has such clinical trials as they are as-
tration of Pharmaceuticals for Human been conducting training programs sured of treatment and healthcare,
Use) and GCP norms. The ICH-GCP for members of the ethics committees which would have not been available
guidelines, critical for reliable clinical across the country. otherwise. Hence, India has one of
research, have been mandated in In- the highest subject return rates in the
dia. Indian regulatory authorities in- Opportunities for Clinical world. At present, 5-10% of global
cluding the DCGI and Indian Council Research in India trials are being held in India and
of Medical Research (ICMR) have is- Despite all the above pitfalls, India analysts project that by 2008, up to
sued the Indian version of GCP which is in a position to attract more and 30% of global clinical trials will take
is in compliance with ICH-GCP guide- more firms around the globe to con- place outside US and Western Eu-
lines. duct their clinical trial studies in In- rope, and India will emerge a favor-
dia. The Indian regulatory system is able destination.
The Deficiencies in the being simplified and laws are being
Functioning of the Ethics amended to facilitate the entry of Clinical Research:
Committees global clinical trials. Massive and Growth Prospects and
Though ethics is an important part of concerted efforts are on to train Market Opportunity
clinical and medical research, it is clinical research professionals and India’s pharmaceutical market, the
very often neglected. The ICMR guide- increase the base of clinical investi- second largest in Asia, is estimated at
lines for clinical trials insist on the set- gators and supporting staff. Many US$5.70 bn and projected to grow up


Industry Opportunity

at CAGR of 13.6% to US$9.48 bn by creating a demand of 50,000 profes- grown around the world at an un-
2010. The clinical research industry is sionals by 2010. Trained pharmacists paralleled rate in the past few years.
a major employer of medical and sci- and clinicians can fill this wide gap. The clinical trial market worldwide
entific staff and with the growth of They will be involved in the various is worth over US$45 bn and the in-
clinical research market the demand aspects of clinical research starting dustry has employed an estimated
for qualified personnel is also on the from site-monitoring, site-manage- 2,10,000 people in the US and over
increase. It is a knowledge industry ment, clinical data management, 70,000 people in the UK, and they
driven by doctors, patients, pharma- data analysis, report writing, report form one-third of the total research
ceutical, biotech, diagnostic and IT submission, presentation and publi- and development staff. These large
companies. Clinical trial study is a cation. A number of factors favor the numbers can be attributed to the fact
very data and quality-intensive work. recognition of India as the hub for that this industry is fast growing and
The scope of any error is very limited clinical research due to which the dynamic and hence offers lucrative
and involves high degree of ethics, MNCs have identified it as their ideal job opportunities.
both personal and professional. More destination. There are numerous gov-
and more pharma companies /clini- ernment-funded medical and phar- Conclusion
cal research organizations / site man- maceutical institutions having state- Indi a is emerging as a natural
agement organizations are entering of-the-art facilities, which can serve choice and ultimate destination for
the clinical research industry in India. as ideal centers for multi-centered contract clinical research services.
Basically, clinical research is a clinical trials. In terms of cost effi- Clinical research is a rapidly grow-
human resource-intensive enterprise. ciency, India works out to be a ing industry in India. India’s lower
Each step in the process of planning cheaper option as the cost to conduct infrastructure costs and the rapidity
and executing a clinical trial study a trial here is lower by 50 to 75% than of subject recruitment for clinical
requires highly qualified individuals. that in either US or EU. R&D costs in trials, which compress clinical trial
Some of the most knowledge inten- India are much less than those in the timelines, offer a favorable cost-
sive parts of the clinical research pro- developed countries and it is possible benefit to sponsors and clients. A
cess relate to activities that require to conduct both New Drug Discovery huge population with a diversity of
knowledge of the therapeutic area, Research (NDDR) and Drug Delivery diseases, competitive costs, high en-
clinical expertise and research expe- System (DDS) programs at competi- rolment rates, good patient compli-
rience. The clinical research industry tive rates. Additionally, while clinical ance and retention rate, sound infra-
requires the services of a diverse trials cost approximately $300 to structure facilities and favorable
range of specialists like medical pro- $350 mn abroad, they cost about regulatory environment are the ben-
fessionals with specialization in in- Rs.100 cr in India. efits of conducting clinical research
ternal medicine and pharmacology, Globally, there has been recogni- in India. Many pharmaceutical or-
nurses, phlebotomists, quality con- tion of the Indian advantages which ganizations and clinical research
trol and quality assurance personnel, attract pharmaceutical companies firms have started extracting the
data entry personnel, pharmacoki- to adopt collaborative outsourcing vast potential that India has and are
netic specialists, bio statisticians, strategies for clinical trials. Accord- conducting clinical trials in India on
analytical chemists, laboratory tech- ing to industry estimates, the cost of a big scale. As clinical trial study
nicians, medical writing group, di- phase I trial is 50% and phase II costs are 50-60% lower in India
agnostic technicians, etc. From a 60%, lower in India. Considering than the trials conducted in devel-
qualifications perspective it employs the fact that less than one-third of oped countries, more and more
post doctorates, medical doctors, the drugs tested in clinical trials ac- MNCs are thronging to India to con-
post graduates in the fields of organic tually reach the market, the study of duct their clinical trials. r
chemistry, molecular biology, micro- drugs in humans needs to be logical,
biology, biotechnology, pathology, with sound scientific basis in both Pankaj M Madhani
Faculty Member,
biochemistry, pharmacology, etc. conception and execution. The rig- The Icfai Business School,
According to a McKinsey report, ors of research should be adopted so Bodakdev,
the Indian clinical research industry as to maximize the benefits to man- The author can be reached at
will witness a business of $1.5 bn kind at minimum costs and risks.
from the current level of $600 mn Clinical research industry has Reference # 10M-2007-11-13-01


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