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Certificate of Inspection

Reference No.:
Importer: Seller:

Pro-forma Invoice Number: Container Number BV Seal Number
Pro-forma Invoice Date:
Place of Inspection:
Date of inspection:
Port of Entry:

Item No.: Quantity Type of Packing Description of the Goods Subject to Inspection

Bill of Lading Number & Date:

Quantity Shipped: Net Weight: Gross Weight:

This inspection certificate is based on findings recorded on the date and place of inspection .The company is not an
insurer and disclaims all liabilities in such capacity. This certificate is issued according to the general terms and
conditions of service of Bureau Veritas
The issuance of this certificate does not release the contractual parties from their own responsibilities and the
fulfillment of their obligations.

Name and Position:

Authorized Signature and Stamp:

Place and Date of Issue:

Certificate Template for Containerized Shipments. E.D – 1.0 Page 1

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