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Activity 1.3: Types of Interactions

1. Predator – Prey
a. My groups definition BEFORE video: A animal who hunts other animals.

b. Example observed in video: wolves hunting their food.

c. My groups definition AFTER video: Animals that kill other animals for food.

d. Another example of this would be: coyotes hunt for there food also.

2. Competition
a. My groups definition BEFORE video: Animals that competes for food.

b. Example observed in video: the bears compete with the wolves.

c. My groups definition AFTER video: All animals compete for there food

d. Another example of this would be: bears competing with the wolves.

3. Symbiosis
a. Three types:
i. Type 1: Commensalism
1. My groups definition BEFORE video: When animals start something.

2. Example observed in video: spiders

3. My groups definition AFTER video: an action between to organizes.

4. Another example of this would be: any two organizes interacting.

ii. Type 1: Mutualism

1. My groups definition BEFORE video: when a speeches multiplies.

2. Example observed in video: birds

3. My groups definition AFTER video: an organism that depends on another thing

to survive.

4. Another example of this would be: wolves needing to eat rabbits.

iii. Type 1: Parasitism

1. My groups definition BEFORE video: something continues

2. Example observed in video: small insects.

3. My groups definition AFTER video: the practice of living as a parasite in or on

another organism.

4. Another example of this would be: plats making their own food.

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