Lesson Flow Topic

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1. Greetings and Introduction

2. Warmer :

 Show sun’s position showing different parts of the day (Morning, Afternoon and Evening)

 Question and Answer

- Elicit student’s answer about activities that they do in the morning, in the afternoon and evening?

3. Presentation:

 Present a song video about daily routine

- Students sing the song and follow the actions presented by teacher in class

 Bird Box Game : Different daily routines written in a card were hidden through out the
classroom, students need to find them and put them in the correct boxes.

Target Language:

 Target Phrases:

- Wake up, eat breakfast, take a shower, go to school, eat lunch, play with friends, eat snacks,
do homework, eat dinner, go to bed

 Grammar structure:

- I, we, you, they + play, go, eat

- She, he, it + plays, goes, eats

 Sentence Structure:

- I wake up at 6:00 a.m

-She takes a shower at 7:00 a.m

-They eat dinner at 8:00 p.m.4. Practice:

 Charades: Daily Routines

 "What time do you ...? (Survey)" exercise

“What time do you ….?”

 *True or False: “Do you ________ in the morning?”

*Supplementary activity

5. Production:

 Students will have writing activity. They will write about the activities that they do on Sunday.

 Students will then have oral recitation. They will read what they have written in their papers
about the activities that they do on Sunday.

6. Wrap Up

 Review the vocabulary related to daily routines by playing “pass the ball”

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