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MdimM : 100 n,rk8

Tine : I hou. and l5 nirut€s

l. The n{lber ofa$icles in India. @.3t rtion

(A) 395 (B) 3?6

{(j} 335 (D) 295

2. Th€ light t prcD€lty was taken aqay ftub thong fhe Fundadend Aishft bt the :

(A) 42i @n.titutional .mednent (B) 4tu @Etitutionnl .bendh€.t

(C) .cddnstitutioral aEeldmeni (D) 47$ ec.ituliot.l anendment

t, Ths RrshL @ InformaDon Art wi. pt$"d in

(A) 2OOo (B) 2002
(c) 2oo-{ (D) 2co5

4, The Chai.nan of West€fn Gh!t6 Ecolosy Expc.t Panel wad :

(A) Kasihunadsm (B) MadhN Gadsil

(C) Dr. D.IC Slbramani.d (D) Dr'V S vij4vd
6, The *ode! Ladcr qhoD Glndhiii hailed aa TIE Jhan.i liani of Tmvan@rc' I
(A) ReannaPumu* (l)Anla Chudi
{q Al<tadtu CL€.iu (D) Lalithrprabhu
6. Tlktivali was publidh.a und6r the edito.ehip oI:

(D) KP. I{€eva Me@

?, The cedit ror hdving laid the foq.{alion of W€ltern Ea@odo! in Mdlabar dr6r s$d to:
(a) chuh sei.ry
Mi6&or G) Ir.dod Mtuion saietv
(C) B€*l E\,,nseli6l Mision (D) SalvdiotArnv
8, Sucnindran (aimullu ilelmditional ordlal of boilinc gboe wad aboli6h€d bv :

(A) Uthrddan Thiiunal (B) Avilv@ ThirurEr

(c) svathi ThLmal (D) Gaun l,kshni Bsi

9- $ bo idjtiat€d the nerlod Misrathojsd.m to 6sni @6t€ svsbn in Kerdlt?
(A) aD,n}alj (B) L Ay:taPP'n
(C) ta itxaruDPan (D) vssbhaddnad!

r0, Th. 'lslan Dhdna Pdripala.a Sanghan waefoudedbv:

(A) MaktiTnangal (B) Muhtnmed AbduahiEan
(C) E Moid! (D) ValtoE Abdul Khader Moul'vi

11. Tbe fir.t charsct€risiic Mllavdd novel t' :

(A) chenne€n G) Indulekhd

(C) Kundalaths O) DhaEarsla

12. AMRUL the ptusmDe ilt.odu@d bv tl' Gowlln€ni of India il Jue 2015 ig inbnil€d
(A) d@
Cb G) Ruol Developrent
(C) Mothe. ddre (D) Urhan Dclelopbeni

13. Who wa3 the tusi Chai Per6on orthe (€rala Siatr Wonens CoE@i-$ion?
(A) Susatha Kud.a (B) Jusii@ D Sreedevi
(C) M x,mblsB O) Ic C Rdatutty

r4. l. norn,l allo{ed io fu.nish iDfo'mation bv the Plidopal lDlornation Omer

case tlre perioil
urd€f the Right to Infornation Aci is :
(A) ddys
r5 (B) 45 d{YB

(C) ? days (D) 30 d!t6

15, ne wnt€. strD von thc 6rsi'JnlDlilL Awatd was:

(A) G SdnldcKuup (B) P V .Alila!
(C) l{aFtrfh (D) S. K potlaLLld

1G, The thene ol tlE hist novel 'K.mlacinhsn is th€ shuggle asdinst tle Briti6} power

(A) M.riLandlva@. O) veluThanb

(C) Kunjali Mffar&lr (D) Pdha$i R'ja

r?. Wllo wo! fh€ Ezhutbach.n ?dre lor ile vear 2014?
(A) vEhnu Naravalan Namhethi.i (B) M I< Sbnu
(C) Att@r R viv.rE, (D) MT va'u<levan Nai!

I 3, Saniu v. Samson nade hb inldrnstionsl debxi for la&a asoiftt :

19. D. AP.J. iMul I(alad deliwEd his la6( lec|ue in rhe lnd:nn lctitub or Mllagenent !t l
(A) cdcutta (B) shillong
(C) Xashipur (D) lndoF

20. Tle onmi$ion to pNh€ the SolE S.dn" i.ltad€it br:

(A) Juiiesuluhlra. (B) Jurii@ Tbonas P. J@ph
(D) JusliccC.N.Ranachandmn

11, The only *anial ner@ ihat .nelces tbroush do.$r asp€ct or boin sttn i. :

2r. T.ue recardins otic saqUon is I

(A) pr.s.nclotuc nbre8 a.he ftom 8up€rior salivalory nucleus

(B) n6!. 6bft6 pa* thFugn wnpo.ic b.dnch ol slo.aoDharynslal ncft
(C) nere 6bres tnv.r@ Fea@r petel nere
(D) oo.t srnslioni. fibrea pas th.oueh facial nes€
29, Subnddibullr duct is in iniin,t ftlsli.n 1o the fouowing nede :

(A) Fscial (B) Hlposl@3,1

(c) Ungn,r (D) lnacnor alwold

21, Flod of.arctid tiancle i5 forddd br aI nuscl$ EXCEPT

(B) Ihfa.ior dmtriclor
(D) Superiu @GFicb.
26, Carohd lub€Ele,6pddnsntin folloqnc vcrhbrt
(A) C2 (B) C6
(c) c? @) Tr
te. Mob. s€a in eebM is nridy Mirted with :
(A) Colimlrins 4l noiof activity (B) Exsuting 6ne novenents
(C) Perforning an involuntary novdnentt(D) lerfornins ,I voltrbidry moven€ntr

(A) Bipol.r @D!
(C) Oeipitll @rtex @) nods

24. Slimul,tion of Rtoreceptbt leldt or:

(A) Decrea*i[Eea r.t€ a'd BI@d
(B) Incrcase i! Eeari rrt€ and Bldd
(C) Defta* in Intrs oft tri'l ie nsio!
(D) ltrreae in Inlnclalial iension
2S- Ccrebdrpinal nuid i! pircipsllv @t€d bv

(A) Aradnnoidsranulalion
ic) Fl6! oflburth v€nilicle (D) Peiaqueduci.l creY

In Atnbt€ bra{rcardh is bedurc of:

(A) cardiad outPut (B) D@aseil sympsfh€tid tone
(C) Inft.&d vacal rono (D) t w veno$ Ein.n

31. Wiich ofthe iollowins is an intrmucled inclsion?

(A) Wa*hin Finkelday

32, Durcl cBnulona r#nin

(A) FdlciparuD dardf
(C) Cutm@ul€ishnani$i3 (D) My@bscienuE aviM inka@lularc

38. p63 acts s d tuEor .uppressr bv folo*ing dehanitdt E*CEPT :

!{) (B) *no$n@
(C) ddn Frulahon ofcatenin (D) indudion or apoDtGis

:!it. The loloFing stai€netrk arc irue about Sulerdiispn! EXCEPT :

(A) they ee bacteriar Prteus

(B) dtisE!. oD sudaco ol BoBb'v grcup RB(li

(C) @@ PolYclolal l@ll activation

(D) causo .vdrone .inilaf td septic Ehdk
36. Gm ht?ertrophy i3 *en in :
(A) AML M3 (B) ALL I,2

36. Aro od€r kimtica of €lihination apprie.

(B) E lylAlLrlol
(D) veralabn

$?, The preterred drns f.r th€ treatnent otolgsnoph@phobu poisolina is I

(A) Ail€naline
(c) Neostienine

S8. WLich ano.s th€ foliori.s is a sybplthonimetic bbnchoilibt r?

(A) Budesoniite (B) lPraircPiun

(c) M@iehlst @) s.lbulabol
tt, The Drug ofchoie lor tle ircrrnc of.htu. EDil.pticus i':
(A) Crbm@pine (D r.6zpan
(q Ph€nolrMtone (D) SoiliuD vdpMl€

10. TIE prcfeftd iLug for tn€ trtatnent of Eulli&ug-Esiilant ttphoid lever b :
(A) Anpicinin (B) C. laletn
(c) c€ftriasne @) cohiaoxazole
,[. All of iLe blowinc are true resddins Vit€Din A aciMiy EXCEPI :

(A) l RAn = I./.s dl.trans FtiMl (B) I RAE = 12 rLa heia-@rct€n6

(C) liu= 3.6 4 bett caroten€ _ (D) I iu:36 /g aU frds-reiin€r

4!. Gmd chdedt mlts:

(4 rDL (B) I'LDL
(C) chylonift! (D) HDL

a3, OLUT2 ksmpori.r sen i! alt t!. foUdins ti..u6 EXCEPT :

@) a4in
(C) Pdrcatic t t{ eU (D) Sn.U i.te.tift
aa. Whrch of rb. tououile E lolse rcstrdrne Hhs?
(A) Clutamic scid it beta ohsin i5 rcpla;ed bv Eline
(B) CAC in 66 edon is.eDld@d bY CUC
(C) RBCS dt alwsJe abno.manv shsp€d
(D) sicd€d RBCS€!cau* spleni. infarction

46, Trlndamination i. the fibt .atabolic atep of which doino acid swen below
(B) Ptulin
(D) LYdine

t6. C.nhbuhom ol l,ub Ptsi€u indude aI EXCEFT :

(C) Live attndudt€d lnthrax vaccine

(D) Didwyofr4y@bacieriuiub.tculo.i.
,r?. Compon€dt of Bac!€ial cell respondible for

{A) LipopolYldh..ide (B) Pepiidoslycm

(C) Cyt pla8micneobran€

48. Th€ bechuis! ofsene tnN6. aseociated witL P€nicilin resistance in ataphyl@@i i3
(A) TraNfo.nlhor (B) conjqahon
(C) Tran.ductio! (D) Lyegenic @nveBD!
,tc. ExanDlc ot Z@toti. diee i$I EXCEPT :

50. Duing win<Io{ peliod in Hlnf€ction :

(A) Vital RNA €nei be dote.t€d ir tle sun
(B) lllv,ntibody tetts are neePlre
(c) vtal @Bpomtrt! @nnot b€ del€cted in this phlrc
(D) lnfection cannot b6 hanamifted i! lhis peioit

51, The lines thai are seen cleallr in longiiudi!,l srolhd Fociioh. ofenanel wiewed by reaecteil

(A) enaDel
cnarled (R) straio of Rotziud
(C) EMi.! Sch4ssr bandB (D) P*ikyhdta

62. The organic Dha6e ir deDtiD is pnFuilv conpGed of :

(A) \Te l ellasen (B) rype vmll4en

(C) Type III ftlhser (D) rype xl collacen

53, Tte ffF. eicn ofdeniin tornariotr b thc rppe.r,nco or:

(A) Lia€sofvon Ebne. (B) Toned pres
(C) von Korfi's fibrer (D) Contourlin eofow€n

6a. The prircipd eU i! tbe l@in. pmpria of ginsiva i. thc :

(A) ceU
Eldothelid (B) Mum. @U
(C) Ili*ioc,ie (D) FibRtbla.l

55. The eflcat l'stologic indi€tioa of rdU dev€lopnert rl :

(A) 6tr ofehbryospEsis
reek (B) 2d week enbryoelnesis
(C) ad *.dL.fenbrqenesis (D) 3n sel of€nbryo3en4is

55, Tbe a@€t€ .ailiog.,ph fo. rho ditgnGia oI apprcxiEal carie! l$ions *t€n 3 .ntact poinl

@) lniE oral pe.iapical
5?, A restomtion nabnd th,t sil 6€t in thc dark ft ;

(A) c.nponor (E) R.sinnodifodclc

(c) Nsnoilled 6npodii6 (D) Pii dnd nssure sealant€

53. IPS Enpress 2 is an exanple of;

(A) c.arnic
lnjection nouldsd (B) cA.DcAM ceranic
(C) Siltesd ceranh (D) Glas infttlat€d @.anic

59. h the hand inst unent fo.hrl! the fiat number inocai€ :

(A) The lengtl oft]1e prinary cuttins.dsc in tcntbo olr nn[dele.

(B) Tn€ Nidtl' ol the prindry culling eilge in hundreds of a nillimeter
(C) The width of the pibary currins edse in teolhs of a Ei]ldeter
(D) The length olile Dri'ra.y cuiiiq ad8d in hhdre& ola nillineler

60. Dikh cui is usually enploy€d in i

(A) laninalion t chniques
G) CsIs rny prep a.a tio.s foi cod F oeile3
(C) P.inary lde lo! indircl casi rcEtorutiong
(D) Prcxiodl preparations for
61. Which is ihe nogi @nnon odonlogenic cysl repdt d?
(A) Denrisercld cr3t (B) Odontoeenic cFt
(C) Periapical c'!t (D) Cingival cyli

62. trlip shapedN{n i. a GatuE ol whi.h ol the fouwins ondition?

(-4) Tum€l.hypoDla3i. (B) Trur.dontiD
(C) Dedtinoeen€sbisperlectr (D) DandnDysplasia
63. WLic! of tbe fou@ing iB the 6nnon@r inttu .n€ for Eu{nli&Doid €rcinona?
(A) Buaal nlGa (B) FlerofdouiL
(o Psb@ (D) labial E@sa
6r. Bllmilhed dentine ir:
(A) Itrid,r d€.iin,l €i€s (B) Are€teil d€DtiDal ades
(C) Advan@ddenti$l carlo. (D) N€.bti. d€dthe
65. DrireD snos appearan€ in rddiograph i. ae.n in :

(A) iunour
Pindbo.cls (B) Ab€lolraotona
(c) canentoma (D) Ad€@n€lobl,stoDa
66. Nunherofbones D.oFnt in an infant sluU:
(R) 46
(c) !6 (D) 40

3?. OptinuD o*ho<lontic fo@ in s!,/cn, i6 :

(B) 30-35
(o 50-56 (D) 60,100

2Ag20t5 l0
G8. Which ndo.g tho follNing is not sn ex{mpl€ ol sdnd m€*ns€f involEd in bih

(A) Cyclic AMP (B) Inoetol ?ho.phai.

(q Crtlic CMP

69. De.hbisd nal@ludon i5 see. in:

(A) Class I binaxilary prct u6ion {B) Clss 1l Div.I
(C) Cl,*II Div.2 (D) CIas lll naleclwio!
70. Revere O.thodo.lic. is .ad u*d in :
(A) Intaeptire ortlodontic! (8) Preretrtile O.thodo.ti€
(C) Canounage teatnent (D) aurgical orthodontie

?1, Ctass \tI of Itlli. anil Dav€y daseid.aiion of i@th f&cture is :

(A) Avubion
(B) FrEciqa oa rcot wiih o. *ilhout l@! da cswh structure
(C) Dlpl.em€lt of tmih
(D) Non vitd brh
Extelml dt Esorptiotr due t inGLt dDdpi6:
(A) Infl abnalory resorphon (S) sure rcso.ption
(C, Rlph@meni resorphon (D) OsFou re3o.ltion

Objfttire test of tg5e66ing pulp vfttrily ic:

(C) Pll3e diaetry test

Pre&mtiotr pulpotodY i.:

(A) MTA pulpotory (B) Crlcim hyiLlxide purpobny
(C) FornocreslPulrotoDy (D) F€Fic 6ul&t€ pulpotohy

75. Flxed spa@ naintsine. Ned slEre deciduoud econd 6old is prenqtu€ly €xtracteil lior t
e.uption ol Pe.ntnent ffst mold i5 :
(A) Band and l@p
(O Linsual @b (D) ftam polatd Mh

16. Multiple fibronasolface can h€ see! r :

(A) corltn coltz SYrdrooe (B) Co{den s SyndreD€

(C) AlbrightSyndrcne @) cardn€is sYndrome

??. R.ddish b purpl€ disolouEtid of slin or E6u Eenbrlae of 6it 0 4 09 cE 4$ed !v

hlMd fton ;c.Fls ledlting inio ihe conneclive ti$ua is @n€d :
(B) EdhYnlE3
(D) fiaeEa4rona

76, Harddd us€d i!Fn€r &luiion i. :

(A) Anmonino Sufat€ (B) BeMtriaate
(c) AluDiniun Sulfara (D) soajun sulai.

19. Tne dbility of a mdiqtbph to define an eds€ Drcci*ly is calleil :

(A) FilnSemitivity
(C) FilE Contra*
80. 31 Unit ol Rtdiation Expmn.€ rs I

(A) Coulonb/tiloem

a NoD{p€rttins D€ntal AuilidY?

Dental Laboratorr Techdician
(D) Expaniled Function Dc.tal Auxiliary OIDA)

.ot 6 prcperty ot nomdl c|re?

(B) Mc,t is Z€F and sLndird d.vittion b one

(c) M€an, Mediar! Mode Coircide
(D) M€a! i! ono .nil silndard devidtion i3 am

la aDd Silb..s Gineiv,l inilex (B) DMIT inder


s't- i l'
SeGl,y bl€reiad dose of nuoide
(A) 4.8 ngoffluoridc/hc body w€alt (B) 3.16 ne of 0qoid€&c h.dy {eighi
(C) t6 92 ng or nuonde^s body ve*hl (D) 32-6.1 ng of rud.ide/q body *ethi
36. wniclis noi !N€ lor Cohori study asNnldrod io c,ss c.nirclStudy?
(A) DxpcNive (B) Prc*ds ftod e$e to efcti
(c) Uslitable for oudyolrare disaoc (D) Yiclds resull,3 quickly

86. the lynph nod.s lLai alc inrolved nr acute n*Ntisi4 ulcerative poriodontitis are confincd

(A) Subnd.dibullr lynph nod€g

(B) sublingual lymph nodeo
(C) Sabbandiluh. and Snblilsual lttph nodes
(D) Slbmandibul$ and Ceaic,l Lyiph nod€s

87. The oat€rial pre&nt belw€en tle b&iEia i. d6ntdl plaqrc called intenictubi6l btlrix

(A) 26% of plaquc hlune iB) 35% ofplaquevolnne

(C) 50% of plaque volnne (D) ?5%orpl.quevdde
aa, Tho snzyne AJgl proteaic in biotun i3 prcduced
(A) P.ryhyronon$ gingiv.liE (B) ADiilonycoeusvisdsud
(C) clpner&pblBa (D) TEponidi pallidM
89. l*ion h.vrng an
The deEqued.tlve
(A) Penphjsu vutssir
(B) Benirn Mu@u. nenbran€ peDpnigoid
(C) Em.ive khen Pla.N
(D) Erythema multibme

00. The nosf ideal .ufgical treato€nt for sinsle borh gingival rc@$ion i6 I

(A) ComnaUr diplu@dilap (B) slb epitheu.l @lnetite iissue stdi

(C) LatcraUy didpl.ed dap (D) FrN girgiv.l3.6[i
01. whi.6 i5 the naturalb @curing 4ta.nohnn€s?
92. One of rh6rollNing nere is aor ane"*esis n g*aaie tchnique of neft ble& :
(A) Auriculotenpoml
(C) Newe io lat€r,l lta.rroid
93, AndysuEp d€lo.mily connonly @dr fdtowirg :

(A) Total naxiudtdby (B) Alvcolrr ridce aguEedaiion

(c) ouho! inju.y of dialfa@ (D) Total naldibuld rcsetion

94. I ouowing h noi a cljnical feature of sup.rior

(A) oprh,ldoplegia G) roreh€&l m€asihesia
(C) coBricted pupil
t6. Wlich ol the fouowiry b not a.&ciated wiilr tenpeloDaDdibular joint patholosz

(D) Tlaunaiic d.Iuion

96. lthict o{ th€ foUowins nat€iab is @mEoDlJ used for naling lrmimt6 rerE?
{A) Mei,l errhic (B) Inj$tion @Mic
(O) Zir@.ia c.ranic (D) In Ceran

97. A desnabl. pr.!er9 of D€tal eruic ellorr is :

(A) t w ela.ticity (B) Eigh ihen,l qpaDion
(C) Sasrt.i.tan@ (D) Eigh fl€ribitry

98. Ship€d bloclot i! ued lor :

(A) n?noval ol und€lcut jn the proxid.l Eide
(B) &endal of undercut in tle bueai sid€
(g) f,ddal of udercui in the int€.pqidal ca
(D) Plaen€ni or.etsntive claspd
tr, Mimr @ntrrbr for nandibulu dst3l €xtcBion ltPD ohodil eI€nd leledoly b d€ :
{A) Retrcholdprd (l r12 dE ls!8th of tbe edorulous ndg6
(1 2/3 lhe len&b ofrheedenrllow ndgr (D, lanst! is not a prblen

r00. micb of blldils is a. Gl!6rl

dE nor @n
(A) Balancsd *clusion (B) Canin€ gdd€d Occlusion
(C) Cmup tunctio' o€lu6ion (D) Mutu.Uy prot*te.t dlusiod

m&20r5 ll

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