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1 Flow of Data in the Actual System

The Manager of the laboratory, Mr. Jean, opens the company at

9.00 in the morning and the employees start to analyse blood samples
and make their diagnostic. Mr. Jean controls the finance of the
laboratory and everyday he gets the reports of the analysis of the blood
sample and their diagnostic. The laboratory gets about 100 blood
samples per day that need to be analysed. Since Mr. Jean operates in the
manual database, he usually faces some problems.
2.2 Specific Problems
1. Sending diagnostic to the wrong patient
Sometimes diagnostics are sent to the wrong patient and the
patients are very angry against the company. These mistakes can be very
bad for the business as if the diagnostic of one patient is a disease that
cannot be treated is sent to another patient. This mistake can cause
many further problems to these patients and to the laboratory.

2. Doing the wrong analysis of a patient’s blood sample

A patient may have asked for a specific test but the employees
have done another experiment on the blood sample. When the patient
will get his result for the test, he would be very angry to see that is the
wrong test has been done. The patient must be repaid and redone to
test for the blood sample. This is a loss for the business as they are losing
money and time.

3. Writing the wrong analysis on a report

As the company works on a manual database, the employees can
make mistakes when writing a report. The document is given to the
Manager of the company who will base on these reports to make further
decisions about the company. If a report which contains mistakes in it
will affect the decision of the Manager and this may cause for the failure
of the company.
4. Some files are not updated

When a new patient is added to the member of the company, the

employees update all the files so that the new patient appears on all the
files. Sometimes, the employees forgot to update a file and this can
cause many problems. If they had forgotten to update the file of the
laboratory, for example, this will cause confusion in the work of the
scientist doing the analysis of the blood sample of a new patient.

5. Inaccurate Receipt

It is important to give the patient an accurate receipt so that the

patient is able to understand clearly what the result of the test is. But,
this is not the case for this company as some patient has complained
about the receipt; they say that they understand nothing. This means
that the customer service is not good enough for them. There will be a
loss of customer and therefore loss of money for the company.
2.3 Specific Objectives
Business Terms

 The analysis on the blood sample should be accurate.

 We must get the details of the blood sample of the patient on time.

 They must provide a better customer service.

 The company must become more competitive.

 Work load and stress must be reduced on employees.

Computer Terms

 Automatic file update

 Data input only once

 Quick availability of reports when required

 Automatic calculation of fine and rental fees

 Reduce volume of space occupied by paper files by storing them in a

hard disks
2.4 Description of Existing Solution

When a new patient arrives at the medical laboratory for an

analysis of their blood, we must have some personal information of the
patient which will be recorded in the system. The patient will have to
give his name, address, date of birth, sex, telephone number as personal

The patient is given a form to be filled with his personal

information. After getting all the details on the form, the receptionist will
write all the details on a manual database. Then, all the files will have to
be updated for the new patient by the employees

The employees in the laboratory will take the blood sample of the
patient. He will then do the analysis asked by the patient. After wards
they will write the result of the test and diagnostic on the database
which is sent to the administration.

At the administration, they will write a receipt on which there is

the result and diagnostic. Then it is sent to the patient’s doctor or the
patient will come to take it.
2.5 Evaluation of existing system

The evaluation of the current system is done and there are

advantages and disadvantages of the current system.

 Employees do not need computer skill

 It used less electricity and therefore save in money used for electricity

 File must be updated continuously by employees

 Errors can easily occur

 It takes time to get data on a patient

 It is difficult to change the structure of a manual database

The existing system need to be improved to bring a better

customer service and more competitive.
2.6 Description of other possible solutions
1. Computerised a system

The computerisation of the system will imply that changes will

have to occur: hardware and software need to be bought and etc…

When the employees will enter the data of the new patient, he
will have to type the data on a table via form on the computer database.
Then all the files are automatically updated for the new patient.

The scientist will do the analysis of blood sample recommended by

the patient. Afterwards, the scientist will enter the data obtained from
the experiment on the database.

At the administration, they get the information immediately. Then

they would type the result of the test and their diagnostic which is either
sent to patient will come to the medical laboratory to take the results.
2. Employing more employees

The addition of new staff will be distributed to all the department

of the company.

When the receptionist has finished entering the data of the new
patient on the manual database, the employees in charge to update all
the files for the new patient will be helped by the additional staff.

The test of the blood sample will go more quickly as more blood
samples are being tested by the additional employees. Afterwards, the
result of the test and the diagnostic is put on the database. The
employees then sent the database to the administration.

At the administration, they will write a receipt which is either sent

to the patient’s doctor or the patient will come to take the receipt.
2.7 Evaluation of other possible solutions

1. Computerise the system


 Data are stored only once

 Data are automatically updated

 The record structure can be modified quite easily

 Rapid access to information of the patient

 Validation checks may be made in order to minimize mistakes


 Employees need to have computer skills

 If the computer breaks down, the access to the data is lost

 Hacking can easily occur if the files are not protected by passwords or
other security measure
2. Employing more employees


 It reduces work load on each employee


 The company will have to pay for addition fees

 A lot of money will be used only for a few apparatus

 The laboratory will be saturated with employees

2.8 Recommendation

After the analysis of all the possible solutions,

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