Commissioned Article: Use of Dyes in Ophthalmology

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Commissioned Article

Use of dyes in ophthalmology

Atul Kumar, M B Thirumalesh

Dyes are used in ophthalmology, both as diagnostic and therapeutic aid. The use of diagnostic dyes represents one Access this article online
of the most efficient, objective, non-invasive, and directly visible means we have of identifying and tracking ocular Website:
structures at the cellular level. They particularly are useful as both diagnostic modalities and as therapeutic adjutants
in both anterior and posterior segment disorders. DOI:
Key words: Brilliant blue G, flourescein, triamcinolone, trypan blue Quick Response Code:

Dyes are used in ophthalmology, both as diagnostic and Goldmann tonometer/Perkins hand-held tonometer.
therapeutic aid. The use of diagnostic dyes represents one of
Seidel’s test: Concentrated fluorescein dye (from a moistened
the most efficient, objective, non-invasive, and directly visible
fluorescein strip) is applied directly over the potential site of
means we have of identifying and tracking ocular structures at
perforation/bleb in cases of operated trabaculectomy while observing
the cellular level. They particularly are useful as both diagnostic
the site with the slit lamp. If a perforation and leak exist, the
modalities and as therapeutic adjutants in both anterior and
fluorescein dye will be diluted by the aqueous and will appear as a
posterior segment disorders. Since the advent of flourescein,
green (dilute) stream within the dark orange (concentrated) dye. The
the diagnosis and management of retinal vascular disorders has
stream of aqueous is best seen with the blue light of the slit lamp.
been revolutionized; however, it has been used in various other
disorders in anterior segment also. In this review article, we would Fluorescein dye can be used in Jones dye disappearance test
like to give a brief note on the uses of dyes in ophthalmology. for assessment of lacrimal passage functional potency.
In dry-eye diagnosis and clinical trials, the utility of these This dye can be injected in the lacrimal apparatus using a
dyes also extends far beyond dry eye to numerous other ocular syringe for identification of canlicular ends in traumatic laceration
surface conditions that affect corneal and conjunctival cells. The of the lid margins and for repair of the canaliculus.
three dyes used most commonly in the eye-care practitioner’s
office today are fluorescein, rose bengal, and lissamine green.[1] Rose Bengal: Rose bengal is actually a derivative of fluorescein.
It’s been used for the evaluation of numerous other ocular
Fluorescein: It is particularly valuable as an assessment tool pathologies including herpetic corneal epithelial dendrites,
in clinical studies of dry eye. The water-soluble dye molecules superficial punctate keratitis, meibomian gland dysfunction,
diffuse into the intercellular spaces between living cells. The and dysplastic or squamous metaplastic cells of conjunctival
intensity of the stain is increased in areas of cellular degeneration squamous neoplasms. Research on rose bengal has revealed that
or death, where the damage to cells, cell membranes, and cell- it’s blocked from staining the ocular surface where molecules
to-cell junctions allow for the intracellular spaces to be more such as mucins, albumin, or even an artificial tear compound
highly penetrated by the dye. Standardized grading of corneal such as carboxymethylcellulose are present. Rose bengal has also
and conjunctival fluorescein staining as well as measurement been discovered to have intrinsic cellular toxicity. Studies have
of tear-film breakup times, which have been made more clearly shown that rose bengal has a dose-dependent, toxic effect on
visible using fluorescein, have given this dye broad applicability human corneal epithelial cells in vitro that is further enhanced by
as a dry-eye diagnostic test. light exposure. Lastly, it’s widely known that patient discomfort,
particularly stinging upon instillation, which can become severe,
Fluorescein is also used in identifying and monitoring corneal
is often a deterrent from using rose Bengal.[2]
epithelial defects, corneal ulcers.
Lissamine green: It preferentially stains membrane-damaged
It is also used in applanation tonometry while using either
or devitalized cells, and, like rose bengal, localization of the dye to
the cell nucleus has been noted. However, lissamine is unique in
Department of Ophthalology, AIIMS Institution, New Delhi, India this group of three in that it has not been shown to stain healthy
Address for correspondence: Dr. Atul Kumar, Room # 494, 4th Floor, ocular surface cells. Evaluation of lissamine green staining in both
Dr. R. P. Centre AIIMS, Ansari Nager, New Delhi, India. E-mail: rabbit and human corneal epithelial cells in vitro revealed that it doesn’t stain healthy, proliferating cells and has a minimal effect
Manuscript received: 19.10.2012; Revision accepted: 07.11.2012 on cell viability.[2] There is no stinging or discomfort such as that

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Kumar and Thirumalesh: Use of dyes in ophthalmology

associated with rose bengal. anterior chamber, further clouding an already poor view of the
anterior lens capsule. Therefore, prior to capsular dyes, we would
Dyes used for Posterior Segment Diagnosis struggle to complete a capsulorrhexis in such instances and would
and Evaluation sometimes have to convert to a can-opener style capsulotomy.
Fluorescein is also used extensively in photographic retinal Capsular dyes[3] have dramatically improved our ability to
vasculature imaging during fundus flourescein angiography. perform the capsulorrhexis in these circumstances. In fact,
The dye sodium fluorescein can be used either in concentration they have eliminated the problem of visualizing the capsule.
of 10% or 20% in the form of intravenous bolus injection.It is Indocyanine green (ICG) has been used but requires preparation
used to image retinal, choroidal, optic disc, or iris vasculature, (reconstitution and dilution); it also should be filtered to prevent
or a combination of these. It is used diagnostically as well as in undissolved particles from entering the eye. Trypan blue 0.06%
planning for many retinal laser procedures. It has a very important ophthalmic solution is FDA-approved for intraocular surgery
role in management of diabetic retinopathy, vein occlusion, and and is available in ready-to-use preloaded syringes for cataract
age-related macular degeneration. It is also used extensively in procedures. The dye is injected onto and painted over the anterior
diagnosis of macular ischemia. lens capsule under an air bubble. This produces a blue-stained
capsule that is clearly identifiable throughout surgery. In addition
Indocyanine green angiography (ICG: tricaboxycyanine to cases of a poor red reflex, capsular dyes are extremely helpful
dye) isphotographic method of ocular angiography similar to in cases of weak zonules. The use of dye reduces the risk of
fluorescein angiography; however, the contrast agent is ICG capsule-related complications because any radial tear or shift
rather than fluorescein. It is used for imaging choroidal and of the capsular bag is readily apparent from the clearly outlined
retinal bloodvessels. Compared with fluorescein angiography, capsulorrhexis.
ICG provides better resolution of choroidal vasculature, but lesser
resolution of retinal blood vessels. ICG is used in evaluating Triamcinolone can be used if a posterior capsular rent occurs
suspected occult choroidalneovascular membranes (CNVMs), and during cataract surgery to know if any vitreous strands are left
can also be used to identify recurrence of CNVM after treatment in AC after anterior vitrectomy.
and choroidal polyps (PCV: polypoidalchoroidalvasculopathy).
Corneal Surgery
Dosages up to 40 mg IC-GREENÔ (tricarbocyanine) dye in 2 mL
of aqueous solvent have been found to give optimal angiograms, Trypan blue 0.06% ophthalmic solution is also used to stain
depending on the imaging equipment and technique used. The Descemet’s membrane during DSAEK (Descemet’s stripping
antecubital vein injected IC-GREENÔ (tricarbocyanine) dye bolus endothelial keratoplasty). It is also used in staining and stripping
should immediately be followed by a 5 mL bolus of normal saline. the endothelium from the donor lenticule in DALK (deep anterior
lamellar keratoplasty).
Dyes used in Ophthalmic Surgery
Retinal Surgery
Two of the basic tenets of ophthalmic surgery are exposure
and visualization. In ophthalmic surgery, we often take these Trypan blue is also a helpful aid for posterior segment surgeons
two principles for granted because the eye is readily accessible and is utilized for retinal procedures. Visualization of membranes
and we can usually see the pathology directly. This is especially overlying the retina can be difficult [Figure 1], so trypan blue
true when we are performing corneal, cataract, and retinal 0.15% ophthalmic solution (RetiBlue, Auro Labs, Madurai,
procedures. However, any clouding of the ocular media can India) is useful for identifying and delineating them to allow
interfere with the quality of our view during intraocular surgical complete removal. The dye stains the posterior hyaloid, internal
manipulations. Ophthalmic surgical dyes have become valuable limiting membrane, and epiretinal membranes blue, making
tools and are now widely used for both anterior and posterior these structures highly visible against the unstained retina. This
segment indications. facilitates macular hole and macular pucker surgery, and makes
these procedures safer. The dye stains the pre-retinal membranes
Dyes may be designated vital when they are used to stain living and ILM under air (the dye is injected after fluid air exchange) as
tissues or cells. In ophthalmology, vital dyes have become effective the dilution of the dye is prevented.
and useful surgical tools for identifying ocular tissues.
Trypan blue now has a well-established role in ocular surgery.
Cataract Surgery It is readily available, simple to use, and extremely effective. There
is no reason to struggle with poor visualization any more.
The continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis is the most difficult
as well as the most critical step in modern cataract surgery. A Vital Dyes
properly constructed capsulorrhexis maintains the IOL implant
Triamcinolone acetonide. The state-of-the-art staining agent
in the proper position and resists radial tears of the capsular bag.
for identifying the vitreous is the white steroid triamcinolone
An adequate red reflex is necessary for the surgeon to visualize
acetonide.[4] Its crystals bind avidly to the vitreous gel, enabling
the leading edge of the curvilinear capsulorrhexiswith retro-
visualization of a clear contrast between empty portions of
illumination as the capsulorhexis is created. The capsulorrhexis
the vitreous cavity and areas, in which vitreous fibers are still
edge may be difficult or unable to be seen if the red reflex is
poor or absent. In the case of a mature cataract, not only is there
no red reflex but also milky liquid cortex can escape into the Triamcinolone acetonide is injected into the vitreous cavity

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Kumar and Thirumalesh: Use of dyes in ophthalmology

toward the area to be visualized (0.1 to 0.3 mL, 40 mg/mL [4%] intravitreally or deposit persistently on the optic disc after surgery
concentration). Injecting this steroid during vitrectomy for the for macular hole. Studies also suggest that ICG can diffuse into
management of retinal detachment may prevent fibrin reaction the sub-retinal space through a macular hole, causing damage to
and proliferative vitreoretinopathy postoperatively. The steroid the retinal pigment epithelium.
improves identification of tissue through the deposition of
crystals, which helps the surgeon achieve complete detachment It has been postulated that the use of ICG at low concentrations
and removal of the posterior hyaloid [Figure 2] and improves in ILM peeling could be a safer alternative because lower rates of
the results of primary vitrectomy for management of retinal RPE abnormalities have been observed with ICG at a concentration
detachment[5] and diabetic retinopathy in young patients. of 0.5 mg/mL (0.05%) or less, and an osmolarity of approximately
290 mOsm.
Indocyanine green. Indocyanine green[6] (ICG) and infracyanine
green may be considered the gold standard dyes for staining and There are many hypotheses about why and how ICG may
visualizing the ILM in surgical therapy for macular hole and diabetic induce retinal damage. Intravitreal ICG injections may change
macular edema. These dyes possess a great affinity for the matrix the osmolarity in the vitreous cavity, thereby damaging either
components of the ILM, such as collagen type 4 and laminin.[4] the neurosensory retina or the RPE cells directly. Investigations
in various animal models have shown that ICG may be hazardous
ICG-guided chromovitrectomy [4] first gained worldwide to the RPE or neuroretinal cells. Moderate to high doses (2.5
popularity, and a number of studies showed ICG-guided peeling [0.25%] to 25 mg/mL [2.5%]) of intravitreal ICG were toxic to
to be easier and less traumatic than surgery without ICG,
retinochoroidal cells, and impairment of retinal function was
demonstrating good clinical results in macular hole surgery.
described even at low doses of ICG (0.025 mg/mL [0.0025%].
However, subsequent studies have revealed that ICG may be
toxic to the retina. Clinical data showed that ICG can remain An ICG molecule has approximately 5% iodine in its final

Figure 1: Non-dye stained ERM peel Figure 2: Induction ofposterior hyaloid detachment using Triamcinolone
crystals (preservative –free)

Figure 3: BBG stained ILM prior to peeling Figure 4: Injection of BBG dye into fluid –filled vitreous for helping
stain the Macula

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Kumar and Thirumalesh: Use of dyes in ophthalmology

solution and no sodium or calcium. Nevertheless, it is has been in a 1 mg/mL (0.1%) solution with an osmolarity of 300 mOsm.
suggested that removing sodium from the saline solution used
MembraneBlue-Dual is a dye to stain both the ILM as well as
for diluting the dye may decrease the risk of RPE damage. It has
the ERM and PVR membrane, without compromising the staining
been speculated that ICG injection into the vitreous cavity may
effect within one injection. MembraneBlue-Dual is a 100% stable
absorb light; this interaction may lead to a photodynamic effect
mix MEMBRANEBLUE-DUAL: Dye for staining ILM, ERM,and PVR
that induces retinal damage. It was demonstrated that sub-retinal
membranes consists of: Combination of TrypanBlue 0,15%+
ICG injection plus light exposure in rabbits can result in functional
BBG 0,025% + 4% PEG. It stains the ILM at the same level as
retinal damage and RPE changes.
ILM-BlueÒ and stains the ERM and PVR at a higher level than
Once diluted in any solvent and exposed to light, ICG may the classic MembraneBlue. Due to a new integrated carrier 4%
undergo various chemical reactions by self-sensitized oxidation PEG solution,MembraneBlue-DualÒ can be injected in a BSS-filled
because it is chemically unstable; this phenomenon is called eyeand sinks immediately as a cohesive ball without diffusion
decomposition. It was demonstrated that, independent of light throughout the whole globe.
exposure, singlet oxygen (photodynamic type 2 reaction) is
generated by ICG, leading to dioxetanes by cycloaddition of singlet Double Staining Technique (in macular
oxygen. Furthermore, dioxetanes thermally decompose into ERM eyes)
several carbonyl compounds. Decomposition of ICG was blocked The double-staining technique is an elegant procedure that may
by sodium azide, a quencher of singlet oxygen. This supports facilitate negative stain” of the overlying ERM, which does not
the rationale for future use of quenchers in chromovitrectomy. stain, but is visible against a surrounding blue-stained ILM. The
Infracyanine green. Iodine and its derivates may be toxic to non-stained ERM is first peeled off, and then BBG dye is injected a
the RPE. Therefore, infracyaninegreen (IFCG), a dye free of iodine second time to stain the unstained ILM, which lay directly under
in its formulation either as free ion or as part of the dye moiety, the now peeled ERM, and is now peeled off.
is believed to have less potential for RPE toxicity than ICG. With
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the staining properties of trypan blue, the dye may be injected triamcinlone assisted ILM peeling in macular hole surgery in Indian
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into the posterior pole after fluid air exchange, or it may be mixed
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toxic osmolarity of 2020 mOsm/L. It is recommended that trypan
blue be used mainly for ERM staining. Trypan blue has an affinity Cite this article as: Citation will be included before issue gets online***
for epiretinal glial tissues such as the ERM.[8] Therefore, we consider
trypan blue the best dye for staining the ERM. It is suggested to
Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: No.
mix 0.3 mL of trypan blue with 0.1 mL of glucose 10%, resulting

58 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology and Research - Jan-Apr 2013 - Volume 1 - Issue 1

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