MBA 5020 - What Is Plan B1

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What is Plan B?

Plan B is a medication that is made by pharmaceutical companies used as an emergency

contraception. The emergency contraception medication is designed to be a backup plan for
females who believe that they may potentially be pregnant due to unprotected sex or
contraception failure. The medication is directed to be taken within 72 hours of the incident in
order to prevent pregnancy (“15A Contraception”, 2007). The pill is not designed to induce an
abortion and will not work if the person is already pregnant.
Is it a good thing?
There’s no yes or no answer to this question. The Catholics all over the world do not believe in
birth control of any type. The Catholics typically do not take or use any type of contraception,
and Plan B is definitely not an acceptable option. They see Plan B as interfering with Gods plan
for you and your potentially unborn child. On the other hand, in China couples apply and show
proof of how many children they can support and if they exceed the amount they are penalized.
The country does sterilize men and women after a certain point in time, however if there is a
time where they could potentially have an accident they have their own version of the Plan B
What are the implications of allowing Pharmacist to prescribe Plan B?
Many people believe that allowing extremely easy access to the medication promotes sexual
intercourse. Without age restrictions any one at any age could easily go into a drug store and
purchase the medication without anyone knowing.

15A Contraception. (2007, Spring). Nurse Practitioners' Prescribing Reference, 14(1), 262+.
Retrieved from

Davidoff, F. (2006, March-April). Sex, politics, and morality at the FDA: reflections on the Plan B
decision. The Hastings Center Report, 36(2), 20+. Retrieved from
Krisberg, K. (2006, October). Emergency contraception now available prescription-free. The Nation's
Health, 36(8), 6. Retrieved from

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