WarMachine - Color Card Deck - Mercenary PDF

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DUAL HANDCANNON ETS LL) UN cai ic aS else a FORGE | FORGE FATHER | gs) A) id 1672'S got Bigs ee sd GORTEN FORGE FATHER © Mercenary Warcaster ¢ Critical Concussion — ¢ Rhulic Mercenary DUAL HAND CANNON ° Both Barrels (*xAttack) GORTEN GRUNDBACK MERCENARY Gorten will not work for Cryx or the Protectorate. GORTEN MERcENaRY WARCASTER - Gorten counts toward the maximum number of warcasters allowed in an army. Only mercenaries may be included in a force if the only warcasters are mercenaries. Gorten may only give orders to mercenary units. Only mercenaries may use his CMD when making command checks. RHULIC MERCENARY WaRCASTER - Gorten may only have Rhulic mercenary warjacks in his battlegroup. DUAL HAND CANNON Boru Barrets (*Arrack) - Gorten simultaneously discharges both barrels for a deyastating attack. Make one roll for the attack. If the attack succeeds, target model suffers a POW 16 damage roll. Gorten cannot spend focus to make additional ranged attacks after a Both Barrels attack. FORGE FATHER CrrricaL Concussion - On a critical hit, target model suffers Concussion. A model suffering Concussion forfeits its next activation and cannot allocate focus for one round. Illustration by Brian Snoddy WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 GORTEN GRUNDBACK Gorten’s command of the element of earth extends to an uncanny mastery of tectonre forces. The powerful warcater can actually force the earth to shift, slide, and create areas of telluric interference to draw his enemies closer or push them away. Gorten can quickly turn an enemy offensive into a scramble for escape. FEAT: LANDSLIDE Enemy models currently in Gorten’s control area are moved up to 8” directly toward a table edge selected by Gorten’s controlling player. All models must be moved the same distance. Models cannot be moved over anything but open terrain and stop if they run into obstacles or other models. Gorten’s controlling player chooses the order in which the models are moved. Models moyed by Land Slide cannot give or receive orders and suffer -3 SPD, RAT, and DEF for one round, BONDED WARJACKS TYPE OF BOND GORTEN GRUNDBACK SPELLS Cosr_ RNG AOE POW UP __ OFF CRATER 3 8 4 13 xX Models in the AOE cannot run, charge, or slam for one round. Mo ten METAL 2 10 = = x Target warjack suffers one damage point to each column on its damage grid. If a damage column is full then apply the damage to the next column to the right. Rock WALL 2 105; Wall} = - xX Gorten creates a wall of stone. The wall template cannot be placed touching a model's base, an obstruction, or an obstacle. The wall template is a linear obstacle that provides cover. Soup Grounp 2 | Caster |CTRE} = - xX While in Gorten’s control area, friendly models cannot be knocked down and do not suffer blast damage from) AOE attacks. STRENGTH OF GRANITE = 3 6 S E Target model in Gorten’s battlegroup gains +5 STR and Critical Knockdown on melee attacks for one round. A model with Critical Knowdown knocks down its target on a critical hit. LU eae ie ; MAGNUS * Backstab ¢ Feign Death * Mercenary Warcaster MECHANIKAL ARM ¢ Knockdown FEAT: HIT AND RUN : a FOECLEAVER Big st/ Ae) ed B34) eed ) 3 MECHANIKAL ARM 4 FOECLEAVER ¢ Powerful Attack o-Handed Strike (xAttack) POINT COST MAGNUS THE TRAITOR MERCENARY Magnus will not work for Gygnar. MAGNUS Bacxstas - Magnus rolls an additional die for his back strike damage rolls. Feicn Deatu - Magnus cannot be targeted by ranged or magic attacks while knocked down. Mercenary WarcasTer - Magnus counts toward the maximum number of warcasters allowed in an army. Only mercenaries may be _ included in a force if the only warcasters are mercenaries. Magnus may only give orders to mercenary units. Only mercenaries may } use his CMD when making command checks. | MECHANIRAL ARM Knockpown - A model hit by the Mechanikal Arm is knocked down. FOECLEAVER PowerruL ATTACK - When attacking with Foecleaver, spending one focus point boosts both its attack roll and damage roll. Two-Hanpep Strike (ATTACK) - Magnus may make a sword strike with all the force of his mechanikal arm behind it for a combined POW + STR of 17. Two-Handed Swikes benefit from the Powerful Attack ability, but the target is not knocked down. Illustration by Matt Wilson WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 MAGNUS THE TRAITOR Insanely reckless and uninhibited, Magnus has learned that motion in combat is the key lo maintaining a superior initiative. By overexerting his warjacks in combat, Magnus can close in, attack, and then distance himself from an enemy while exploiting his foes’ inability to = the changing tides of the battle. FEAT: HIT AND RUN Magnus and the warjacks in his battlegroup currently in his control area may make an additional movement at the end of this turn. After all friendly models have completed their normal activation, models affected by Hit and Run may make an additional advance or run. During this movement models cannot be targeted by free strikes. Warjacks do not have to spend a focus point to run during this movement. Salita oe ne BONDED WARJACKS TYPE OF BOND MAGNUS THE TRAITOR SPELLS Cosr _ RNG AOE POW UP _ OFF ARCANE Bott 2 12 - 11 xX Magical bolts of energy streak toward the target model. Buur 2 6 - - x Target model/unit gains +3 DEF against ranged attacks. DisRupror 3 8 Ss 5 xX Target warjack loses any unused focus points and cannot be allocated focus points or channel spells for one round. FRENZY 3 6 = = xX Target warjack gains +2 MAT and may charge without spending a focus point. RAINING STEEL 4 10 5 13 x Wreckage violently rains down upon the battlefield. Temper METAL 2 6 - - Xx Target warjack gains +2 ARM and is not affected by continuous effects. Continuous effects on target model when this spell is cast expire. sm | Lait aad =); men fa[i2]s [4 | 9] 19) vay STS Va : 5 oy 3 aah Bad = 4 DRILL, eae ey : Be ar EE " GHORDSON DRILLER ¢ Rhulic Mercenary Warjack GRAPPLER ¢ Fist ¢Grip DRILL * Critical System Failure GHORDION DRILLER HEAVY WARJACK i me —_— - The Ghordson Driller may only be included ina battlegroup controlled by a Rhulic mercenary warcaster or assigned to a Rhulic mercenary jack marshal. GRAPPLER Fist - The Driller’s Grappler has the abilities of an Open Fist. § Grip - After a successful Grappler attack, all Drill attacks made by this Driller against the same target this turn hit automatically. Grip only affects the last model hit by a Grappler attack. DRILL Crriricat Sysrem Faure - On a critical hit, each warjack system damaged by the Drill, except the Hull system, is automatically disabled. After marking regular damage, those systems that took damage have their remaining system boxes marked as well. Illustration by Brian Snoddy WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM GRUNDBACK GUNNE ¢ Rhulic Mercenary Warjack CANNON ¢ Powerful Blast GRUNDBACK GUNNER GRUNDBACK GUNNER Ruutic Mercenary Warjck - The Grundback Gunner may only be included in a battlegroup controlled by a Rhulic mercenary warcaster or assigned to a Rhulic mercenary jack marshal. CANNON PowerFUuL Bist - Spending one focus point boosts both attack and damage rolls. Illustration by Brian Snoddy WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 DS NY ou Cr Wa BL PUNCHING SPIKE | real 11 a LS | rist | 2 | 13) LFT Mees SPECIAL POW P+S te Maiti | os |17 | baat MANGLER * Custom Warjack PUNCHING SPIKE ° Fist WRECKER ¢ Circular Strike (x Attack) * Reach We POINT COST ‘om Warjack - The Mangler may only be included in a battlegroup controlled by Magnus the Traitor. | PUNCHING SPIRE Fist - The Mangler’s Punching Spike has the abilities of an Open Fist. WRECRER CicULAR SrRIKE (*Arrack) - The Mangler may make a separate melee attack roll against each opponent in melee range of its front and back arcs. Completely resolve each attack individually and apply the targets’ special rules immediately as each attack is resolved. Determine damage normally. Reacu- 2” melee range. Tlustration by Matt Wilson WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 ce iain SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM pas | m (Ub OPEN FIST * Buckler een io ds ed Tee — oli] pameloomlay ‘o gst ed eee” PP Ree we OPEN Fist Buckter - The Buckler grants +] to the Nomad’s ARM. This bonus does not apply to damage originating in the model’s back arc. Mustration by Brian Snoddy WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 pe saeagree | O: in aa Ul SHREDDER gst) eed RENEGADE © Custom Warjack ° Faulty Arc Node OBLITERATOR Arcing Fire ¢ Buckler * Knockdown * One shot SHREDDER * Shred POINT COST RENEGADE Custom Warjack - The Renegade may only be included in a battlegroup controlled by Magnus the Traitor, Fautty Arc Nope - The Renegade may channel spells but every time it does so there is a chance it will backfire and cause damage to Magnus the Traitor. Each time the Renegade is used to channel a spell, roll a d6 after resolving the spell’s effects. On a roll of 1-3, Magnus suffers one damage point plus an additional damage point for each focus point spent to boost the spell’s attack and damage rolls. On a 46 Magnus takes no damage. OBLITERATOR ArcinG Fire - When attacking with the Obliterator, the Renegade may ignore intervening models except those that would normally screen the target. Buckter - The Buckler grants +1 to the Renegade’s ARM. This bonus does not apply to damage originating in the model’s back arc. Knockpown - Models in the Obliterator’s AOE are knocked down. One Suor- The Obliterator may only be used once per game. SHREDDER Surep - The Renegade may immediately make an additional attack against any model it damages with the Shredder. Scparate attack and damage rolls are required for each additional attack. Completely resolve each attack individually, applying the target’s special rules immediately as each attack is resolved. Illustration by Matt Wilson WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 PS a Ua sa 3 pe fe | s [a | 2 | 16) ROE or papel SG) * Powerful Charge ° Reach ¢ Stall Sa STUN LANCE gst) TALON LIGHT WARJACK STUN LANCE Powerrut CHarcE - When making a charge attack with the Stun Lance, a Talon gains +2 to its attack roll. Reacu - 2” melee range. Stat - Target warjack hit by the Stun Lance suffers Stall. Stall is a continuous effect that reduces the warjack’s current SPD to 1 and DEF to 7. Stall expires in the model’s controller's Maintenance Phase on a d6 roll of 1 or 2. Illustration by Matt Wilson WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 BOOMHOWLER owLER | CMD 8 Bd trowukin | cm CMD6 Sit GY) Saati RL STR MAT RAT DEF ARM PSripeatSs RNG ROF AOE POW i ale lena st) sD yD Tid fo BOOMHOUWLER'S BOOMHOULER ¢ Fell Call (*Action) ¢ Leader UNIT * Combined Melee Attack ¢ Stink Bombs (*Attack) * Tough ® FIELD ALLOWANCE | G | LEADER AND 5 TROOPS ¢ VICTORY POINTS [-2 | UP TO 4 ADDITIONAL TROOPS GREYGORE BOOMHOWLER @ COMPANY MERCENARY Boomhowler & Company will not work for the Protectorate. BOOMHOULER Fett Catt (Action) - Enemy models within 8” of Boomhowler must make a command check or flee. Warjacks within 8” suffer -2 MAT and RAT for one round. LEADER UNIT Compinep Meter Arrack - Instead of making melee attacks separately, two or more Trollkin Mercs in melee range of the same target may combine their attacks. The Trollkin Mere with the highest MAT in the attacking group makes one melee attack roll for the group and gains +1 to the attack and damage rolls for each Trollkin Merc, including himself, participating in the attack. Stk Bomes (*Atrack) - (RNI AOE 3”) As a special attack, a Trollkin Merc may throw a Stink Bomb. Living models in a Stink Bomb’s AOE suffer -2 to their SPD, STR, MAT, RAT, CMD, and DEF for one round. A stink bomb’s AOE is not a cloud effect, but it remains in play for one round. Trollkin Mercs are immune to the effects of the Stink Bombs. Toucu - When a Trollkin Mere suffers sufficient damage to be destroyed, his controller rolls a d6. On a 5 or 6, the Trollkin Merc is knocked down instead of being destroyed. If the Trollkin Mere is not destroyed, he is reduced to one wound. Illustration by Brian Snoddy & Matt Wilson WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 ace SS a 7 ARM Bd LU i ARM eed = oo RNG ROF AQE POW SS AXE (A) Sa ees Fel o - ¢¢ Eas LER ae SD ee Ts ae F HERNE STONEGROUND ¢ Gunner Bes ed * Leader PISTOL & AXE (Herne only) BARRAGE ARQU EBUS (Jonne Only) © Scatter Shot (*Attack) GREAT AXE (Jonne Only) HERNE: ‘S DAMAGE HERNE @ ONE MERCENARY Herne & Jonne will not work for Cryx. HERNE STONEGROUND Gunner - Jonne gains +2 RAT while he is in base-to-base contact with Herne and not engaged. LEADER BARRAGE A RQUEBUS) Scatter Suot (*Artack) - The Barrage Arquebus may make a Scatter Shot special attack when Herne and Jonne are in base- to-base contact. When fired in this manner, all three barrels of the Barrage Arquebus discharge at once. After determining the initial shot’s point of impact, roll deviation for two additional shots from that point. Models in the AOE of the additional | shots suffer blast damage. Mlustration by Chippy WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc, 2005 cut Bey osc ‘SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM aS Pree 13 612 BMM ls tT gst) ee a2 167) er Bigs ed eed SLI EIRyss's EIRYSS CROSSBOW ¢ Advance Deployment « Death Bolt ult ¢ Disruptor Bolt am ouflage ¢ Phantom Seeker Bolt * Invisibility ° Pathfinder * Technological Intolerance * Weapon Master EIRYSS-MAGE HUNTER OF [0S MERCENARY Eiryss will not work for Cryx. Eiryss Apvance Dertovenr = Place Eiryss after normal deployment, up to 12” beyond the established deployment zone. Assattt- As part of a charge, after moving, Eiryss may make a single ranged attack followed by a charge attack with her bayonet. Eiryss is not considered to be in melee when making the Assault ranged attack. Eiryss cannot attack with other melee weapons after am Assault Camouriace - Eiryss gains an additional +2 DEF when benefiting from concealment or cover. Inviswaury - Firyss may forfeit her activation to become invisible. While invisible, Eiryss cannot be targeted by ranged or magic attacks, cannot be charged, and gains +4 DEF against melee attacks for one round. Firyss cannot become invisible if engaged at the start of her activation. While invisible, Eiryss does not block line of sight or provide screening. Parsuanoer - Eiryss ignores movement penalties from rough terrain and obstacles. Eiryss may charge across rough terrain. TecHnovocicat Intoterance - Eiryss cannot end her movement within 5” ofa friendly warjack, If this is not possible, she must move as far away from friendly warjacks as she can, running if necessary. Wearon Master - Eiryss rolls an additional die on her melee damage rolls. CrossBou Eiryss may fire one of the following bolts per attack: * Death Bolt — Target model automatically suffers three damage points. Against warjacks the attacker chooses which column. suffers the damage Against warbeasis the attacker chooses which branch suffers the damage. * Disruptor Bolt - Target model takes a POW 8 damage roll and loses all focus points. A hit warcaster does not replenish focus points next turn and a hit warjack cannot be allocated focus points or channel spells for one round. © Phantom Seeker Bolt - With this ethereal bolt, Eiryss may attack any target in range regardless of line of sight. Phantom Bolt ignores cover, concealment, obstructions, and intervening models. If hit, the target takes a POW 10 damage roll. IMlustration by Chippy WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 ALCHEMICAL GRENADES LTS a Sg CMD 8 SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM kes (A SPECIAL POW P+S Sens GORMAN * Bushwhack * Invi ity . Black Oil ¢ Smoke Bombs ¢ Rust (* Action) * Stealth > GORMAN DI WILFE, ROGUE ALCHEMIST MERCENARY Gorman di Wulfe will work for any faction GORMAN Busiwnack - Gorman may make a ranged attack before moving. After attacking, Gorman may advance normally but can take no additional actions. Invispmty - Gorman may forfeit his activation to become invisible. While invisible, Gorman cannot be targeted by ranged or magic attacks, cannot be charged, and gains +4 D inst melee attacks for one round. Gorman cannot become invisible ifengaged at the start of his activation. While invisible, Gorman does not block line of sight or provide screening. Smoxe Bomps (*Acrion) - Gorman may place a Smoke Bomb anywhere within 3° of himself. A Smoke Bomb creates a 3° AOE cloud effect that remains in play for one round. Sreautn - Auacks against Gorman from greater than 5” away automatically miss. If Gorman is greater than 5” away from an attacker, he does not count as an intervening model ALCHEMICAL GRENADES Gorman may throw one of the following Alchemical Grenades per attack: * Acid Bomb — The Acid Bomb has a 3° AOE. Models in the AOE suffer a POW 12 damage roll and Corrosion. Corrosion is a continuous effect that slowly erodes its target. Corrosion does one damage point each turn to the affected model during its controller's Maintenance Phase until itexpires on a d6 roll of | or 2. Corrosion is not affected by water. Black Oil - Black Oil has a 3° AOE. Models in the AOE suffer blindness for one round. Blind models cannot make ranged or magic attacks, suffer —4 MAT and DEF, cannot charge, run, or slam, and must forfeit either movement or action during their next activation Rust — Target warjack suffers - ARM. Rust is a continuous effect that remains in play until it expires during the target’s controller's Maintenance Phase on a d6 roll of 1 or 2. Mlustration by Brian Snoddy WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005 ceed REINHOLDT CMD 4 SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM Ms] 2 | 2] 2 lie] o +f REINHOLDT ¢ Assistant ¢ Coward WARCASTER BENEFITS * Lucky Charm * Reload * Spyglass MERCENARY Reinholdt will not work for Cryx or the Protectorate. REINHOLDT Assistant - Assign Reinholdt to a single warcaster; he cannot be reassigned during a game. Remove Reinholdt from play if his warcaster is destroyed or removed from play. Cowarp - If Reinholdt begins his activation more than 3” from his wareaster, he must pass a command check or flee. Reinholdt must also pass a command check or flee any time he or his warcaster is engaged in melee combat. Reinholdt automatically fails any command check if he is outside his warcaster's command range. WARCASTER BENEFITS As long as Reinholdt is in base-to-base contact with his warcaster, the warcaster may use one of the following abilities during his activation. ¢ Lucky Charm — The warcaster may roll an additional die with one attack or damage roll. Discard the lowest die. * Reload — The warcaster may make an additional ranged attack without spending a focus point regardless of the weapon's ROF. * Spyglass - The warcaster may premeasure the distance between himself and one other model within his line of sight anywhere on the table. Illustration by Chippy WARMACHINE and all related contents, TM & ©, Privateer Press, Inc. 2005

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