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One of the more famous historical figures of and served as head of the Baggins family
the Shire is Gerontius Took, also called the for eight years after her husband’s death un-
Old Took (since he boasted the longest life- til her own death in 2934TA.
span of any hobbit, after his grandson
As mentioned, we know very little about the
Bilbo.) The Old Took had many several
other two remarkable daughters, Donnamira
claims to fame, least of which was his twelve
and Mirabella, besides who they married
children. Three of these were girls, referred
(Donnamira married Hugo Boffin, and Mira-
to as “the three remarkable daughters of the
bella married Gorbadoc Brandybuck.) But
Old Took”: Belladonna, Donnamira, and Mira-
there is the interesting matter of their names.
Traditionally, many hobbit women are named
Unfortunately, the only one we have any sort after flowers (or, in the case of the wealthier
of detailed history for is Belladonna, mother families, jewels.) But the Old Took’s three
of Bilbo Baggins. But what we know of her daughters follow a different pattern, thanks
implies a fair amount about what would have to their creator’s linguistic humor. All three
made her sisters equally remarkable. Bella- names are based on three Italian words:
donna was, like her father, a lifelong friend “bella” (meaning “beautiful”), “donna”
of Gandalf the Grey. She is also strongly im- (meaning “woman”), and “mira” (meaning
plied to have gone on adventures (like a few “sight”, “look at”, or “aim”). It just so hap-
of her brothers.) Later she married the re- pens that “Belladonna” is also the name of a
spectable Bungo Baggins, who built the flower (belonging to the poisonous Deadly
most luxurious hobbit-hole on record: Bag Nightshade), but her sisters’ names are
End. Belladonna raised one child (Bilbo), more word-play than anything, really.


Pippin Took, a member of the fellowship of the Ring and future
Thain of the Shire, grew up with three older sisters. I don’t know
what it is about the Took ladies, but they continue to impress me
with their awesomeness.

The oldest child of Paladin and Eglantine Took, Pearl was born 15
years before her famous little brother. As was sometimes com-
mon among the more well-to-do families, she was named for a
jewel instead of a flower (not that pearls are jewels, but you get
what I mean.)

Pearl served as caretaker to Lalia the Fat, a mighty matriarch that

you’ll learn more about in the next segment of this series. Part of
Pearl’s job was to wheel Lalia out to her front step each morning
for some fresh air. However, one day there was an accident and
Lalia fell down the steps to her death. What might have been writ-
ten off as a tragic accident takes an interesting turn, though.
Pearl was excluded from the celebration of Lalia’s son’s acces-
sion to head of the family, but later she was seen wearing a pearl
necklace from the Took treasury. And as you’ll see in Lalia’s bio,
the idea that somebody wanted her dead isn’t completely ridicu-
lous. Basically, I’m not saying that Pippin’s oldest sister was a po-
litical assassin, but Pippin’s oldest sister was probably a political

PIMPERNEL & PERVINCA TOOK died without an heir (this was, by the way, the son of Lalia the Fat.)
And so Paladin the farmer became Paladin the Thain, military leader
Pimpernel was 11 years older than Pippin, and Pervinca 5. Unfortu- of the Shire and head of the Took Family. So while Pippin and his sis-
nately, we don’t really know anything more about them - in this Pip- ters ended their life as Shire “royalty”, they grew up as the children
pin’s family definitely follows the pattern we see with Belladonna of a farmer.
Took and her sisters. But I can tell you a little bit of what their life Also, a quick note on their names (for anyone who’d like to try deriv-
would have been like. ing personality or symbolism from such things): “Pimpernel” is a
Their father, Paladin, was a farmer. Though he was a descendant of flower from the primrose family. The Latin origin of the name (which
the Old Took, he wasn’t of the direct line, and so had no expectation Tolkien no doubt knew) is “little pepper” because the fruits look like
of becoming Thain or head of the family. However, in 1415 (when peppercorn. And “Pervinca” is another name for the periwinkle
Pearl was 40, Pimpernel 36, Pervinca 30, and Pippin 25) the Thain plant.


In a letter written in 1958 Tolkien said of hobbit families: “The government of
a 'family', as of the real unit: the 'household', was not a monarchy (except by
accident). It was a 'dyarchy', in which master and mistress had equal status,
if different functions. Either was held to be the proper representative of the
other in the case of absence (including death). There were no 'dowagers'. If
the master died first, his place was taken by his wife, and this included (if he
had held that position) the titular headship of a large family or clan. This title
thus did not descend to the son, or other heir, while she lived, unless she vol-
untarily resigned.” This custom gave rise to a couple of the strongest hobbit
ladies you’ll ever hear about: the great matriarchs of the Shire.


Lalia Clayhanger married Fortinbras Took, grandson of the Old Took. They
had a son, Ferumbras, and Fortinbras became the Thain of the Shire and
head of the Took family. Things get interesting, though, when Fortinbras died
before Lalia. While the position of Thain went immediately to her son, Lalia
remained head of the Took family in her husband’s place. So she ruled the
Tooks and the ancestral home of the Great Smials for 22 years. As a leader
Tolkien says she was “great and memorable, if not universally beloved.”
Ferumbras never married, and it was rumored that he was “unable... to find
anyone willing to occupy apartments in the Great Smials under the rule of
Lalia.” So Ferumbras was still a bachelor at age 64 when his mother tragi-
cally (and accidentally??) fell down the stairs to her death, ending “a reign
and life that might well have rivaled that of the Great Took.”
LOBELIA SACKVILLE- he went missing for a year (during his adven-
ture with the dwarves) Otho saw his chance.
Lotho got involved with Saruman and basi-
cally became a bit of a dictator in the Shire -
BAGGINS (NEE BRACE- As Tolkien says: “It was his rather absurd am- until he was replaced by Saruman himself,
bition to achieve the rare distinction of being and then murdered by Grima Wormtongue.
GIRDLE) 'head' of two families (he would probably
Lobelia spent much of this time locked up,
then have called himself Baggins-Sackville-
The ambition of the Sackville-Bagginses is a as she’d attacked a few of Saruman’s min-
Baggins) : a situation which will explain his
famous side plot in Bilbo’s stories. But in his ions with an umbrella. The hobbits admitted
exasperation with the adventures and disap-
discussion of hobbit family politics, Tolkien that she “showed more spirit than most.”
pearances of Bilbo, quite apart from any
explains a bit of what made Lobelia and When the Shire was liberated, Lobelia was
loss of property involved in the adoption of
Otho so determined to claim Bag End. While rescued from the lock-holes, and Tolkien
the headship of the family followed patrilin- says “She insisted on hobbling out on her
eal lines, there was a system in place for Now, since Lobelia would inherit whatever own feet; and she had such a welcome, and
families with no sons. In this case, the oldest titles her husband managed to earn in life, there was such clapping and cheering when
son of the oldest daughter would become it’s no wonder that she was equally eager to she appeared, leaning on Frodo's arm but
head of his mother’s family, and would likely claim leadership of the Baggins family as still clutching her umbrella, that she was
hyphenate his name to reflect this. So while well - along with ownership of Bag End and quite touched, and drove away in tears. She
Otho’s father was a Baggins, his mother Bilbo’s fortune, of course. Unfortunately, Lo- had never in her life been popular before.
(Camelia Sackville) had no brothers, and so belia was not a very lucky character. Bilbo But she was crushed by the news of Lotho's
Otho Sackville-Baggins was already head of didn’t die, and then he adopted Frodo. It murder, and she would not return to Bag
the Sackville family. looked like things were looking up when End. She gave it back to Frodo, and went to
Frodo sold her Bag End in 3018 (Otho had her own people, the Bracegirdles of Hardbot-
Meanwhile, Bilbo - head of the Baggins fam- already died by this point), but then the War tle.”
ily - was still a bachelor at age 51. So when of the Ring got in the way. Lobelia’s son

Elanor goes by many names. The daughter of Samwise Gamgee and
Rosie Cotton, she is sometimes called Elanor Gamgee, or Elanor Gard-
ner (the last name given to Sam in the Fourth Age for his efforts in re-
planting the trees of the Shire), Elanor the Fair (for her rare golden hair),
or Elanor Fairbairn (the last name given to her and her husband later in
life.) And her first name is, according to tradition, a flower - the elanor
flowers Sam admired in Lorien.

Though she was born after all the action of the War of the Ring, Elanor is
undoubtedly one of the most significant hobbits of the Fourth Age.
When she was fifteen she became a handmaiden to Queen Arwen.
While Tolkien doesn’t go into detail about this, we have to assume that
this meant she spent several years in Gondor and Arnor, socializing with
all sorts of important people. Later she married Fastred of Greenholm.
When Aragorn gave more land to the Shire, creating the Westmarch, Pip-
pin and Sam (who were Thain and Mayor, respectively) name Fastred
the Warden of the Westmarch, and he and Elanor move west.

They establish a new hobbit town near the Tower Hills, called Undertow-
ers, and Tolkien tells us that eventually the Fairbairns of the Towers (as
Elanor and Fastred’s descendants were called) became as influential as
the Tooks and Brandybucks. Elanor especially remained very important
- when her father decided to sail west to Valinor after Rosie’s death, he
left the Red Book (in which was recorded all of Bilbo’s adventures, as
well as Frodo’s account of the War of the Ring) in Elanor’s care.

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