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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models

Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research, 050030 Medellin, Colombia

doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35386.34248


Traditionally, the performance of mathematical models describing a certain system or process

is measured based on the quality of the deterministic predictions of the model, neglecting the
random behavior of the residuals. Least-squares regression methods assume a zero-mean
normal random behavior of the residuals, but the performance of those models does not take
into account how well the residuals are fitted by a normal random model. The purpose of this
paper is introducing the concept of goodness-of-fit for randomistic models, considering both
deterministic and random model components. An equivalent determination coefficient is
defined for evaluating the goodness-of-fit of randomistic models, which is a function of the
individual goodness-of-fit of the deterministic and random models. On the other hand, the
performance of a randomistic model will not only depend on its goodness-of-fit but also on its
capability for minimizing the standard deviation of the residuals (reducing uncertainty). For
that reason, a performance function is defined as the ratio between the goodness-of-fit of the
randomistic model and the variance of its residuals. Such performance function can be used as
an objective function to be maximized in an optimization problem during parameter
identification and/or model selection. Different examples are included for illustrating the
concepts introduced in this paper. Algorithms for calculating the goodness-of-fit of randomistic
models, implemented in R and MATLAB, are presented in the Appendix.


Deterministic, Goodness-of-fit, Identification, Modeling, Normal Distribution, Optimization,

Performance, Random, Randomistic, Standard Deviation.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

1. Introduction

Mathematical models are able to describe, explain and even predict the behavior of any
particular system. However, no mathematical model is perfect because it cannot consider all
possible factors that may have an influence on the system, and also because there is always
uncertainty in the information on the factors and their effects considered in the model. The
difference between the true behavior of the system and the model prediction (or estimation)
of the behavior of the system under any particular set of conditions is known as the residual
error of the model. Precisely because the residual error incorporates all unknown effects and
all uncertainties, it is clearly a random variable. A mathematical model that neglects these
residuals is basically a pure deterministic model. A mathematical model that takes into account
the residual error in its structure is usually denotes as a statistical model. However, since such
model contains both a deterministic and a random component in its structure, it will be
denoted here as a randomistic model instead.[1]

Typically, the fitness of a mathematical model is determined by numerical criteria such as the
coefficient of determination ( ),[2] the likelihood-ratio ( ),[3] and the Akaike information
criterion ( ).[4] The coefficient of determination is the complement of the relative error
observed with the model. can be used to test if the model estimations are significantly
different from the error noise, since by itself does not provide an indication of the
significance of the model. On the other hand, also evaluates the simplicity of the model
trying to overcome overfitting, which might occur by just maximizing .

Although there might be different implicit assumptions during the development of the model
(e.g. normality, independency and homoscedasticity of residuals), none of the previous
performance criteria penalizes the model when those implicit assumptions are violated. Thus,
the deterministic component of the model might seem to perform very well but its random
counterpart might not be satisfactory.

Thus, it would be desirable to assess the performance or goodness-of-fit of the model by

considering the performance of both deterministic and random components. In Section 2, a
method for the assessment of random models is presented, analogue to the determination
coefficient of deterministic models. In Section 3, the performance evaluation of randomistic
models considering both their deterministic and random components is proposed. Section 4
includes a brief discussion on the procedure required for identifying optimal randomistic
models. Finally, in Section 5 some representative examples are shown illustrating the concepts
and ideas presented in this work. Algorithms implemented in R and MATLAB for calculating the
goodness-of-fit of randomistic models are included in the Appendix.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

2. Goodness-of-fit of Random Models

Random models (not to be confused with random effect models or random coefficients
models) are basically mathematical models representing the distribution of probabilities or
cumulative probabilities of a variable. They are also known as stochastic models, probability
models or probability distributions. Particularly, we are interested in “pure” random variables
where the mean or average value is exactly zero. Any randomistic variable can be transformed
into a pure random variable just by subtracting the mean value (a linear transformation). In
that case, the mean value can be interpreted as the deterministic component of the
randomistic variable.

The evaluation of the goodness-of-fit of a random model must be done comparing the model
with experimental results. When comparing probability density functions (PDF), it is found that
experimental PDF’s are usually highly noisy and sample-size dependent,[5] and thus, the quality
of the performance evaluation might be compromised. It is therefore recommended to
evaluate the performance of the model by comparing the cumulative probability model with
the experimental cumulative probability observed in the data. Three different performance
metrics have been previously proposed:[6]

 Maximum difference in cumulative probability

( )
 Average difference in cumulative probability

〈 〉
 Sum of squared differences in cumulative probability


( ) ( )

( )

( ) ( )

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

represents the cumulative probability function of the random variable , are the
experimental values of the variable, is the ascending rank of the experimental value , and n
is the total number of experimental data.

Please notice that the third metric (Eq. 2.3) involves a sum of squares and therefore it is
possible to define an analogue determination coefficient for the random model as:


∑( )

thus, the coefficient of determination of the random model becomes:

( )∑


3. Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models

Let us now consider a general randomistic model describing the response variable in terms of
a set of predictor variables :

( )

where represents any arbitrary deterministic model, and represents a pure (zero-mean)
random model, described by the following PDF:

( ) ( )

where is any arbitrary positive function of (realizations of the random model ), such that:

∫ ( )


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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

∫ ( ) ( )


∫ ( ) ( )


represents the expected value (mean value) operator, represents the variance operator,
and is the standard deviation of the residual error of the deterministic model.§

The determination coefficient of the deterministic model is calculated from a set of

individual observations of the response variable ( ) at different conditions ( ) as follows:

∑ ( 〈 〉)

( )

〈 〉

On the other hand, the determination coefficient of the random model is (from Eq. 2.7):

( )∑


( ) ( )

( )

( ) ( )

Please notice that only when ( ) , ( ) ( ).

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

( ) ∫ ( )


Particularly, if a random model is assumed for the distribution of the residuals, then:

( )

( )

Since both models (deterministic and random models) are important components of the
randomistic model, the goodness-of-fit (determination coefficient) of the randomistic model
can be expressed as follows (as proposed in [7]):

( )

Eq. (3.13) indicates that the randomistic model has a good fit as long as at least one of the
models (deterministic or random) is good. On the other hand, if both models are poor, then the
fitness of the randomistic model will also be poor.

4. Identification of Randomistic Models

Goodness-of-fit metrics are useful for selecting and identifying the best model for describing a
particular system. According to Eq. (3.13), it is equally good to describe the system either with a
good deterministic model, or with a good random model. However, for practical purposes, it is
desirable to reduce the uncertainty of the estimations of a good model. That is, minimizing
while maximizing . This, however, might lead to overfitting of the model.

Overfitting will occur when the standard deviation of the estimation error is smaller than the
natural variance of the system ( ). Such natural variance is caused by experimental
measurement uncertainties as well as additional variations due to uncontrolled, unmeasured
factors influencing the response variable. If such natural variance is known, then the following
constraint should be present in the optimization problem:


On the other hand, since the proposed optimization problem is multiobjective (minimizing
while maximizing ), a suitable multiobjective optimization method should be used for

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

solving the problem. One of those methods consists on transforming the problem into a single
objective optimization. One possible single-objective constrained optimization problem is the

( )


If only measurement uncertainties in the response variable will be considered for the natural
variation , then assuming a uniform distribution of the uncertain measured value:


where is the resolution of the system used for measuring the response variable .

The effect of measurement uncertainties in the predictor variables on the natural variation will
depend on the specific deterministic model considered.

Particularly, if a dimensionless objective function is required for comparison purposes, then the
optimization problem can be expressed as:

( ( ) ( ))
( )


where ( ) and ( ) represents the maximum and minimum observations found in the
measured response variable.

5. Examples

5.1. Simple Linear Regression: Age Estimation in Adult Lions

Whitman et al. [8] reported a correlation between the coloration of the nose of adult lions and
their age. Table 1 shows reported data of the proportion of black coloration of the nose of 32
adult male lions (from Seregenti and Ngorongoro, Tanzania) and their corresponding age.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

Table 1. Nose coloration and age of adult male lions in Tanzania. Data from [9]
Nose Nose Nose Nose
coloration Age (yr) coloration Age (yr) coloration Age (yr) coloration Age (yr)
(%black) (%black) (%black) (%black)
21 1.1 23 2.4 30 4.3 48 7.3
14 1.5 22 2.1 42 3.8 44 7.3
11 1.9 20 1.9 43 4.2 34 7.8
13 2.2 17 1.9 59 5.4 37 7.1
12 2.6 15 1.9 60 5.8 34 7.1
13 3.2 27 1.9 72 6 74 13.1
12 3.2 26 2.8 29 3.4 79 8.8
18 2.9 21 3.6 10 4 51 5.4

A least-squares linear regression yields the following randomistic estimation model:

( ) ( )

where represents a Type-I standard normal** random variable.[10] Figure 1 presents

the data points from Table 1, and the estimations of the randomistic model (5.1).

The deterministic component of model (5.1) presents a determination coefficient (from Eq. 3.6)
. On the other hand, the random component of model (5.1) presents
a determination coefficient (from Eq. 3.9) . Thus, the
overall determination coefficient of the full randomistic model (5.1) is (from Eq. 3.13):

At first it would seem improbable that a deterministic model with a goodness-of-fit of

will result in a randomistic model with a goodness-of-fit of . However, Figure 1 shows
that the full randomistic model successfully describes the experimental data. This by no means
indicates that the model is perfect. In fact, it can be observed that the model predicts negative
ages at low nose colorations, which is unrealistic.

On the other hand, let us compare the results obtained using a constant-average value model
of the data. Such model will simply be expressed as:

( )

By performing the least-squares linear regression, the normality of the residuals is assumed.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

Figure 1. Age estimation for adult lions using nose coloration using the randomistic model (5.1).
Blue data points: Data reported in [9]. Solid red line: Prediction of the deterministic
component. Gray dotted lines: Represent the random component of the model. Green dashed
lines: 99% confidence prediction limits of the randomistic model.

Figure 2. Age estimation for adult lions using nose coloration using the randomistic model (5.2).
Blue data points: Data reported in [9]. Solid red line: Prediction of the deterministic
component. Gray dotted lines: Represent the random component of the model. Green dashed
lines: 99% confidence prediction limits of the randomistic model.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

This model presents a deterministic model coefficient , and a random

model coefficient . Thus, the full randomistic model has a
coefficient . Model (5.2) is presented graphically in
Figure 2, and compared with the experimental data. This model is basically a normal random
model of the distribution of the data. Although it can also be considered a good model for
describing the data, model (5.1) is better since it presents a higher goodness-of-fit, and a lower
standard deviation of the residuals (coefficient of ).

It is also possible to determine the optimal randomistic model by solving the optimization
problem presented in Eq. (4.2). Considering a linear deterministic model with a normal random
model, the best randomistic model coincides with the linear regression model given in Eq. (5.1).

Table 2 summarizes the results obtained considering the multi-objective function defined in Eq.
(4.2), clearly demonstrating the superiority of the linear regression model.

Table 2. Multi-objective function performance of the randomistic models of Example 5.1.

Model (yr)
Least-squares linear regression
98.89% 1.6687 0.3551
model (Eq. 5.1)
Normal random model (Eq. 5.2) 95.09% 2.6766 0.1327

Finally, the resolution in the determination of the age of the lions seems to be (according to the
data available) . Thus, the natural standard deviation due to measurement error is
, way below the standard deviations of the model residuals obtained in both
cases. Particularly for the linear regression model, if uncertainty in the determination of the
nose coloration is considered (using a resolution of 1% black), then:

( )


still below the standard deviation of the residuals for both models, satisfying constraint (4.1).

5.2. Polynomial Regression: Rainfall in Central Italy

For the next example, let us consider some data reported for the average annual precipitation
between 1961 and 1990 at different locations in Central Italy.[11] The data is presented in Figure
3. The purpose of this example is comparing different polynomial regression models for fitting

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
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ForsChem Research

the data. Table 3 summarizes the goodness-of-fit and multi-objective function performance
obtained for different randomistic models consisting of different polynomial deterministic
models paired with a normal random model. The deterministic models obtained by least
squares regression, from zero degree to 5th degree polynomials, are graphically compared in
Figure 4.

Figure 3. Average annual precipitation 1961-1990 in different locations of Central Italy vs.
distance from the sea. Slight differences are expected with respect to the original data as a
result of data extraction from the plot reported in [11].

Table 3. Multi-objective function performance of the different models considered in Example

5.2. Deterministic models are described by polynomials. Random models are described by
normal distributions.
Polynomial Model used in the Deterministic Random Residuals Randomistic
Deterministic Component of the Model Model Std. Dev. Model
Randomistic Model (mm)
Constant (zero degree polynomial)†† 0% 95.1% 215.65 95.1% 2.05x10-5
Linear (first degree polynomial) 62.8% 97.6% 132.18 99.1% 5.67x10-5
Second degree polynomial 63.3% 97.4% 132.01 99.0% 5.68x10-5
Third degree polynomial 63.8% 97.4% 131.86 99.1% 5.70x10-5
4th degree polynomial 63.9% 97.2% 132.44 99.0% 5.64x10-5
5th degree polynomial 64.0% 97.4% 132.96 99.1% 5.60x10-5

This model corresponds to a normal random model.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
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ForsChem Research

Figure 4. Comparison of the different polynomial deterministic models considered in Example

5.2 obtained by least squares regression.

The standard deviations of the model residuals were estimated using the following equation:


where represents the model residuals, and is the degree of the polynomial. In other
words, represents the degrees of freedom of the model residuals.

Even though the goodness-of-fit of the deterministic model increases with the degree of the
polynomial, the goodness-of-fit of the randomistic model remains practically constant ( )
from the first to the 5 degree. There is however a minimum standard deviation of the
residuals at the third degree (but still larger than the natural deviation due to measurement
errors), which leads to a maximum in the objective function . This optimum value
illustrates the parsimony principle, since increasing the complexity of the model does not
necessarily improve the performance of the randomistic model (even though the performance
of the deterministic model improves).

By increasing the degree of the polynomial model from zero to one, the objective function
clearly improves, with a relative increase of . However, increasing the degree of the
polynomial from one to two, only yields a relative increase in the objective function of .A
question then arises whether this difference in objective functions is significant or not.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

Considering normal random models, it is possible to compare two objective functions using a
-test of hypothesis. In this case, the objective function of a second model can be considered
to improve significantly with respect to a first model when:

( )


where represents the critical value of the distribution with a significance level . Smaller
values of the significance level require larger differences between the objective functions of
the models in order to consider them different.

For this example, assuming a significance level of (which is relatively high), the minimum
relative difference between the objective functions of two models for considering them
significantly different should be about .‡‡ Thus, there are no significant differences
between the polynomial models from first to 5 th degree, even with a significance level.
Therefore, even though the third degree polynomial model was found to be numerically the
best, it is not significantly different from the linear model (as it can be observed in Figure 4).
Thus, from the parsimony principle a linear model should be the right choice (between the
polynomial models considered), since it provides the same performance with the maximum
number of degrees of freedom for the residuals.

5.3. Heteroscedasticity: Chromatography Calibration Data

The third example was obtained from the calibration data of a high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) method for quantifying caffeine in coffee samples. The calibration
data, extracted from plots reported by Sanchez [12], is presented in Figure 5. Clearly, a linear
calibration curve is adequate for describing the data. The model obtained by linear least-
squares regression is the following:


where is the concentration of caffeine in the sample in mg/L, is the peak area
obtained and is a standard normal random variable.

The goodness-of-fit coefficients for the different components of this randomistic model are:

Since , ( ) , and √

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
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ForsChem Research




Figure 5. Calibration data for the determination of caffeine concentration in coffee samples
using a chromatographic method. Data extracted from plots reported in [12].

Even though the performance of this model is very good, the residuals of the deterministic
model show heteroscedasticity (unequal variance) as can be seen in Figure 6:

Figure 6. Standardized residuals of the deterministic component of the randomistic model (5.6)
vs. caffeine concentration in the sample.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

Since homoscedasticity (equal variance) is a key assumption of least-squares regression, the

behavior of the residuals casts some doubts about the validity of the regression model. From a
randomistic point of view, heteroscedasticity in the residuals actually indicates that the
standard deviation of the random model is also a function of the predictor variable, and
therefore, the randomistic model assuming constant standard deviation can be further
improved. Thus, assuming a linear relationship between the standard deviation of the residuals
and the concentration of caffeine in the sample (which is the known variable in the dataset),
we get:
( )

where and are constant parameters. Finding the optimum values of those parameters
by optimization, the following model is obtained:

( )
with goodness-of-fit coefficients:




Figure 7. Standardized residuals of the deterministic component of the randomistic model (5.11)
vs. caffeine concentration in the sample.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
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ForsChem Research

The standardized residuals for the model (5.11) are presented in Figure 7. Please notice that
standardization is performed dividing each residual by the value of the standard deviation
estimated at each caffeine concentration level. As it can be seen, heteroscedasticity of the
standardized residuals was reduced, and the performance of the model slightly improved.
Other non-linear models describing the change in standard deviation as a function of caffeine
concentration are also possible. Since models (5.6) and (5.11) present almost the same
performance,§§ the first model (with fewer parameters) would be preferred.

The corresponding calibration curves obtained from these models will then be:


( )

5.4. Nonlinear Transformations: Biomass Pyrolysis Kinetics

This example considers the decomposition kinetics of biomass by pyrolysis under non-
isothermal conditions. The data summarized in Figure 8 corresponds to a thermal gravimetric
analysis (TGA) of biomass decomposition in the temperature range from 235°C to 278°C using a
heating rate of 10°C/min, reported by Mallick et al. [13].

Figure 8. Solid mass loss as a function of temperature during TGA of biomass pyrolysis. Data
extracted from [13].

A hypothesis test can demonstrate that the differences are not significant even for less conservative
significance levels.

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ForsChem Research

Using the Coats-Redfern equation for non-isothermal decomposition of solids,[14] and

assuming a first-order decomposition kinetics, the following expression is obtained:

( )
( ) ( )


where represents the fractional solid mass loss, is the absolute temperature in ,
is the ideal gas constant, is the heating rate, and and are the
pre-exponential factor and the activation energy of an Arrhenius-type kinetic expression. Eq.
( )
(5.17) represents a linear model between the variable transformations ( ) and . The
transformed data, as well as the corresponding least-squares linear regression, is presented in
Figure 9.

Figure 9. Coats-Redfern transformation of TGA data for biomass pyrolysis.[13]. Blue points:
Transformed experimental data. Red solid line: Least-squares linear regression.

The model obtained by linear least-squares regression is:

( )
( )


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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
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ForsChem Research

The goodness-of-fit coefficients obtained are: , and .

From the model coefficients, it is possible to conclude that: and
. Thus, the final deterministic kinetic expression becomes:

( )


which can be analytically solved to yield:

( ) ( )

Assuming a normal distribution of the residuals from model (5.20) comparing with the original
experimental data (before transformation), the performance of the corresponding randomistic
model is: , , and .

However, from a randomistic point of view the final kinetic model obtained is:

( )

Expanding the exponential of the standard random variable as a Taylor series, and truncating
to the first terms, the following approximation is obtained:

( )

Expanding and approximating the exponential with the random variable again, we obtain:

( ) ( )


which indicates that the standard deviation of the residuals depends on the temperature. For
the range of temperatures considered, such standard deviation increases almost linearly with
temperature, taking values between and . Model (5.23) presents the
following performance: , , and .
This model provides a significant improvement in the goodness-of-fit of the random model for
the residuals.

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ForsChem Research

On the other hand, if the original data is used to fit the parameters directly in model (5.20),
without the Coats-Redfern transformation, by maximizing the objective function , and
considering a normal distribution of the residuals, the following randomistic model is

( ) ( )

These parameters correspond to activation energy of and pre-exponential

factor . The performance obtained with model (5.24) is the following:
, , and . Furthermore, the
standard deviation of the measurement error of the response variable is estimated (using a
resolution for of 0.0001) to be , which is below the standard deviation of the
residuals in model (5.24). A comparison of the three models obtained is presented in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Comparison of three different models for the kinetics of biomass pyrolysis. Black
dots: Experimental data extracted from [13]. Red solid line: Model (5.20) Arrhenius equation
using parameters obtained by the Coats-Redfern transformation. Green dotted line: Model
(5.23) obtained directly from the Coats-Redfern equation. Blue dashed line: Model (5.24)
Arrhenius equation using parameters obtained by maximizing .

Using the generalized reduced gradient (GRG) nonlinear optimization method, and using parameters
of Model (5.20) as starting point.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

5.5. Nonlinear Transformations: Solubility of Different Solutes in Two Solvents

The next example considers experimental data for the solubility of different types of solutes on
two solvents: Tetrahydrofuran (THF) and 2-methyl tetrahydrofuran (2-MeTHF).[15] Two models
were previously obtained [16] considering a simple linear regression and a robust optimization
using the log-log transformation of the solubility data (see Figure 11). The corresponding
randomistic models are respectively:


Transforming back the models into the original variables results in:



Figure 11. Solubility (mg/ml) of different solutes at room temperature for THF and 2-MeTHF in
decimal logarithm scale. Blue dots: Data sample. Dashed purple line: Least-squares fit (Eq.
5.25). Solid green line: Robust fit (Eq. 5.27). Only the deterministic components of the models
are shown.

The performance of the models, considering both the original and transformed variables, is
summarized in Table 4. An additional model (optimal model) is included, which is obtained by

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
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ForsChem Research

maximizing the function , calculated on the original dataset. This model considered the
same structure of the previous models, and only the values of the coefficients were used as
decision variables. The corresponding models obtained are the following:



Table 4. Comparative performance of different solubility models with respect to both original
and transformed data (decimal logarithm transformation).
Data Randomistic Model
Least-squares model 39.68% 73.05% 11.266 83.75% 6.60x10-3
Original Robust model 43.10% 80.49% 10.941 88.90% 7.43x10-3
Optimal model 49.03% 81.17% 10.356 90.40% 8.43x10-3
Least-squares model 72.78% 98.43% 0.3827 99.57% 6.800
Transformed Robust model 62.59% 96.52% 0.4486 98.70% 4.905
Optimal model 70.37% 95.91% 0.3992 98.79% 6.199

The deterministic predictions of the three models in original data values are presented in Figure

Figure 12. Solubility (mg/ml) of different solutes at room temperature for THF and 2-MeTHF in
original scale. Blue dots: Data sample. Dashed purple line: Least-squares fit (Eq. 5.26). Solid
green line: Robust fit (Eq. 5.28). Dotted red line: Optimal fit (Eq. 5.30).

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ForsChem Research

For this particular example, when the objective function of the optimization is defined in the
transformed domain, the optimal model corresponds to the least-squares model. Even though
in the domain of the logarithm transformations of the variables the best fit is obtained by the
least-squares model, its performance on the original scale of the variables is not optimal. Thus,
when fitting models to transformed data, it is very important to determine if the goal is
optimizing the performance of the model in the transformed domain or in the original domain
of the data, because the results may vary significantly. As it was previously mentioned,[16] it is
confirmed that the robust regression approach performs better in the original scale of the data
compared to the least-squares regression model; however, its performance is not optimal from
a randomistic point of view.

5.6. Multivariate Fit: Simultaneous Saccharification-Fermentation Process for Ethanol


The last example consists on the comparison of three different dynamic models used to predict
the behavior of a particular fermentation process for ethanol production. The experimental
data and model results are reported by Ochoa et al.[17]. The key feature of this example is that
4 different response variables (cell, starch, glucose, and ethanol concentration) are considered
for assessing model performance. Figure 13 presents the experimental data and models
predictions at each data point, for all 4 response variables. Even though all the response
variables are expressed in the same units (g/L), the ranges of experimental values are different
and thus it is preferably using a dimensionless objective function for model comparison.
Furthermore, if all response variables are considered equally important, the following function
can be used for assessing the performance of each model reported:

∑ ( )
( ) ( )

where represent cell, starch, glucose, and ethanol concentration, respectively.

It is also important noticing that the number of experimental observations is different for each
response variable, but this has no effect on the value of the performance function previously

Table 5 summarizes the performance comparison for the three models reported in [17],
assuming a zero-mean normal random model of the residuals. The relative performance
( ) of each individual model is presented for comparison.

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ForsChem Research

Figure 13. Dynamic response during ethanol simultaneous saccharification-fermentation from

starch. a) Cell concentration (g/L). b) Starch concentration (g/L). c) Glucose concentration (g/L).
d) Ethanol concentration. Black diamonds: Experimental data. Red squares and line: Model 1.
Blue triangles and line: Model 2. Green circles and line: Model 3. Data from [17].

Table 5. Comparative performance of different models of ethanol fermentation reported in

[17], considering different response variables.

Model Response Variable

Cell concentration 57.19% 98.67% 99.43% 16.25% 37.6
Starch concentration 73.48% 76.20% 93.69% 17.10% 32.0
Model 1 29.5
Glucose concentration 96.05% 91.59% 99.67% 5.12% 380.3
Ethanol concentration 35.30% 93.58% 95.85% 27.12% 13.0
Cell concentration 62.66% 89.29% 96.00% 15.18% 41.6
Starch concentration 93.12% 92.87% 99.51% 8.71% 131.1
Model 2 100.8
Glucose concentration 93.42% 88.43% 99.24% 6.60% 227.6
Ethanol concentration 96.37% 89.68% 99.63% 6.43% 241.1
Cell concentration 75.65% 93.71% 98.47% 12.26% 65.5
Starch concentration 96.18% 54.03% 98.24% 6.49% 233.4
Model 3 137.8
Glucose concentration 98.66% 53.69% 99.38% 2.98% 1120.4
Ethanol concentration 92.42% 99.34% 99.95% 9.28% 116.1

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

The best overall performance was obtained with Model 3, whereas the worst overall
performance was obtained by Model 1. From a deterministic point of view, the best individual
model was glucose concentration for Model 3. It is also the model with the lowest standard
deviation of residuals relative to the range of the response variable, and highest relative
performance. On the other hand, the best individual random model was ethanol concentration
for Model 3, which is also the best model from a randomistic point of view. The random models
for starch and glucose concentration for Model 3 presented a poor fit. This is due to a drift of
the model with respect to experimental data which results in a significantly different from zero
average of the residuals. Eq. (5.31) can also be used as the objective function in an optimization
problem aiming to improving the estimation of the parameters of the models for ethanol
production from starch.

6. Conclusion

By analyzing the goodness of fit of a model, not only the performance of the deterministic
estimates should be considered. If the performance of the random model describing the
residuals of the deterministic model is also considered, it is possible to evaluate the goodness-
of-fit of the full randomistic model. Based on the definition of the determination coefficient
( ) for deterministic models, analogue coefficients for the random ( ) and randomistic
( ) models are presented. The best models will be those providing the largest randomistic
coefficient with the minimum estimated variance of the model residuals. Such variance
cannot be smaller than the natural variation of the system, caused by measurement
uncertainties and pure experimental errors. Different examples were presented in order to
illustrate the concepts introduced in this paper. They included topics such as model
comparison, optimal parameter identification, handling heteroscedasticity of residuals,
analyzing non-linear transformation of the variables, and evaluating the performance of the
model when multiple response variables are considered. Algorithms for calculating the
goodness-of-fit of randomistic models were implemented in R and MATLAB languages, and are
presented in the Appendix.


The author wishes to thank Prof. Dr. Silvia Ochoa (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia), for
helpful discussions on this topic.

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research


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ForsChem Research

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Appendix. Algorithm Implementation

A.1. Algorithm Implementation in R Language

#This function evaluates the goodness-of-fit and the performance of a randomistic model. The evaluation is
#performed considering both the original experimental data (datasample) and the deterministic predictions
#(estimates) of the model, under the exact same conditions of the original data. Both variables should be vectors
#with the same dimensions. The random model is evaluated assuming a certain distribution (rdist). Included in this
#code are the "Normal" and "Uniform" distributions. The standard deviation of the residuals is estimated using the
#number of parameters (nparam) considered in the deterministic model (including constant coefficients). The
#output includes: R2 (Randomistic goodness-of-fit), Perf (randomistic performance), detR2 (deterministic R2),
#randR2 (random fitness), sE (standard deviation of residuals), rPerf (relative performance), rsE (relative standard
#deviation of residuals)

#Calculation of residuals
#Calculation of deterministic R2
#Calculation of random R2
if (rdist=="Uniform") {
} else {
for (i in 1:n){

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Goodness-of-fit of Randomistic Models
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research

#Calculation of randomistic R2 and performance

A.2. Algorithm Implementation in MATLAB Language

%This function evaluates the goodness-of-fit and the performance of a randomistic
%model. The evaluation is performed considering both the original experimental
%data (datasample) and the deterministic predictions (estimates) of the model,
%under the exact same conditions of the original data. Both variables should be
%vectors with the same dimensions. The random model is evaluated assuming a
%certain distribution (rdist). Included in this code are the 'norm' and
%'unif' distributions (among others). The standard deviation of the residuals is
%estimated using the number of parameters (nparam) considered in the
%deterministic model (including constant coefficients). The output includes: R2
%(Randomistic goodness-of-fit), Perf (randomistic performance), detR2
%(deterministic R2), randR2 (random fitness), sE (standard deviation of
%residuals), rPerf (relative performance), rsE (relative standard deviation of
%Calculation of residuals
%Calculation of deterministic R2
%Calculation of random R2
for i=1:n
%Calculation of randomistic R2 and performance

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