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Test/Your 9 Business English HOTEL AND CATERING ALISON POHL Series Epitor: NICK BRIEGER veloped by Peter Watcyn-Jones CONTENTS Section 1 Guest rations Checking out ‘Section 2 Local information ‘Conferences ‘Complains Section 3 Fixtures and fiings Accommodation Caaning ‘Air and light Section 4 Fruit and vegetables Food and bergen Food preparation ‘Working inthe kitchen Section § Mens Equipment Service| Service? Section 6 Satey ‘Theva fice Tet Ten Teat3 Tests Tet 3 Test Tet? Lost property Gest relations Reception Reservations ‘Word buldig 1 (Checking out ‘Twoord nouns Hotel services Tet Te Test 10 Tea It Test 12 Tat Test It Tea 15 Hotel facies Hotel accommodation ‘Out and about Giving directions ‘Conferenses 1 Conferenes 2 Aetrof complaint ‘The correct reply Houebecing ‘Tos 16 ‘Tet 17 Tes 18 Tet 19 Tet 29 Tet Tea Tet “The bathroom Fumitore and fittings [Name the place The building Cleaning ‘Mined up loees Hotel systems 1 Hotel systems 2 ood and dink Tout Tea 25 ‘Tet 25 Tet Test 8 Test 29 Test 30 Test 3 Fruit Vegetables Clasications Tastes Cooking ‘Utensils Phrasal verbs Hygiene Food service Ten 32 Tet 33 Tet Tost 38 Test 36 Tet 37 ‘Amen Service items ‘What typeof service? Giving service ‘A breakast ny How tobe polite Responsibilities Tet 8 Tat Safety fst Fire procedures seeeuEsR Seeene Security Legal mates Hypine Section Sales and marketing Information technology Section “The busines office ‘ofa forms Accounts Brith English and ‘American Engh Wor st LUnwecome gusts ‘Word building? Legal words ‘What do they mean? Carin of dense Heahh and hyiene Management Tens Teaa? Testa Tet Test 30 Test Employment Whos job sit Job adverisements Positive thinking Marketing Computer systems Flaaniat altace Tet 32 TatS3 Tees Te 55 Te 56 Tes? Test Tet 9 Ofc items ‘At work inthe office Handling tock Busines documentation Facts and figuree ‘Accountancy terms Fina accounts [Nationalities end currencies o SECTION 1: THE FRONT OFFICE 1 Lost property ‘These items have been left behind by customers. Write the number of each item next to the correct word or words. (See example): lipstick pocket diary purse > ski stick i @) tie i Y toilet bag, umbrella @ Section 1: The front office Section 1: The front office 2 Guest relations ‘What does the receptionist say to the hotel guests? Write the letter of each phrase in the speech bubble of the correct picture. (See example): please?" ) ‘Could you spell th ) ‘Good evening, sit. May I help you” Pema eet Gi wea dni alsa oa the lounge for a few minutes?” 4) ‘Tm sorry you've had to wait, madam, How can I help you?” ©) ‘Ofcourse, sir. [il call you when it comes” £) ‘Tm terribly sorry that you're not happy with your room.” ) “Could I possibly ask you to park your car round the back? bb) ‘One moment, please madam, and Ill work out the total. i) ‘Can I suggest you try our evening entertainment. It's always very popular.” @ j) ‘Tmo glad you've enjoyed your stay with us. We look forward to welcoming you back again in the future” | Section 1: The front office 3 Reception ‘Choose the word witich best completes each sentence. 1 Guests entering the hotel will ind the reception desk in the ne ) scullery by foyer ©) back office) corr 2 One of the jobs of a receptionist is to complaints a) manage ) deal with ——_¢) organize 4) regret 3 People who use the same hotel on several occasions are called ) normals b) returners —_¢) regulars 4) usuals 4 Customers with valuable items should use the. provision. a) safe deposit) secure ©) savings 4) lock up The people who use a particular hotel are known as the nn a) guest list b) long stays _¢) clientele ) ust {6 When puests arrive the receptionist usually asks them to sign the . a) register ) bookings form ¢) ledger ) guest bill 7 Bach day the. 8) stop-go «ue list shows the names of the guests expected. ) records, ©) arrivals 4) room 8 If guests lose their room keys, a member of staff can open their room door with a su key, a) main ) passage ©) pass ¢) card 9 Messages for guests who are out should be placed in the appropriate sa... at reception. 2) pigeon hole b) key hole ©) bird box. 4) key hook 10 Hotels may manage to fill vacant rooms with... -» bookings. 4) opportunity) chance ©) early 4) provisional 11. People who have booked but don’t arrive are known as 4) no shows a) delays b) nocomers —_¢) failures 12 In order to be successful, a hotel must try to maximize room ) availability _b) turnover ©) status 4) occupancy 4 Reservations Section 1: The front office The following extracts are from two different letters, a letter making a reservation ‘and a letter of confirmation, but they have got mixed up. Put them inthe right order to produce two correct letters 1 [Yours faithfully 7. [the rooms should be booked Susan Peacock inthe names of John Brown, Secretary Mary Black, Bill Franks and i ‘Ann Jones 2 | Took forward to receiving se u your confirmation § {Could you please inform me of ae Your rates and whether you 3 [would ike to reserve four cise single rooms fom 19th to 24th [November 19- for four of our eA era ‘managers ° [would like to confirm your ae reservation forfour single rooms 4 [We took forward to receiving gee ete ‘=a beable to offer you our corpor- pees ate rates, which you wil find in : | the enclosed eae. a 10 | Yours sincerely © | Thank you for your liter of Peter Black 16th September 19-. Weare very Reservations Clerk pleased that you have a chosen to use ourhotel foryour | 11 four managers who will be in pene ‘Angton from 19th to 24th November 19-, leter of reservation Jeter of confirmation BL ae at Beooo0o ooooo ‘Section 1: The front office 5 Word building 1 ‘The word in capitals at the end of each sentence can be used to form a word that fits ‘suitably in the blank space. (See example): Customers usually make a phone call or send a reservabon fax to make a RESERVE 1 Pmnot sure of the exact dates yet so ' like to make a booking for the 24th to 28th. PROVISION 2 They made a booking for twenty people but it isn't a booking yet. CONFIRMATION 3. There are more guests than rooms, I'm afraid the hotel is BOOKING 4 I'm sorry, but there is no... . for the honeymoon suite for the period you require. AVAILABLE. 5. The records must have accurate information so the staf? should vv them regularly. DATE 6 The customer has been taken ill so we've had a san OF the Booking, CANCEL 7 There's no one in room S07 at the moment and, room 508 is also. occupy 8 Hotels often don't bes specific rooms to specific guests until they arrive. ALLOCATION 9 One of the first jobs to be done each day is to deal with the CORRESPOND 10 When filing in the reservations form, please make sure that the... vu re written clearly. ENTER Section 1: The front office 6 Checking out Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following. Use each verb once only and remember to put it into the correct form. (See example): calculate incur liaise settle check out issue overcharge sign for dispute itemize return vacate Atthe end oftheir stay guests . PeCK: OU reception. 1 During their stay at a hotel, euests will. charges for the services which they use in the hotel. 2 When a hotel guest eats in the hotel restaurant helshe will be asked to the meal before leaving. 3 Some hotels... ‘luggage pass to show that payment has been received and the guest is free to leave. 4 Guests usually wish to see exactly what they are paying for, $0 the hotel should the bill to show each item separately. 5. Most hotels ask guests who are leaving t heir rooms before lunchtime. 6 A.computer also makes it much easier to. + any discount, 7 The receptionist will ask the guests to their bills before leaving the hotel. 8 The receptionist will any valuables which have been deposited for safe keeping. 9 Guests may a charge if they disagree with it. 10 In order to avoid problems the receptionist should «ese With the other departments in the hotel. 11 Guests will be very unhappy if the hotel them and asks ‘them to pay more, Section 1: The front office oy Two-word nouns Use the clues to fill in the missing letters in the two-word nouns below. There is one three-word noun! 1] [rR i & D) 2(E GE E 3 1[G)N i EIN] |¥ 4 tlels olulc s{_ [Ri |v] | Mfalcie|n|t| sil E|R éls| | cle ale 7([R CiH/E|Qiule|s s[c B sit g|_[R cle T sof_[ [u[Ml [sis R " N ° 5 eg. Barclaycard, Visa or Access. 2 The number of German Marks for American Dollars varies because of this. ‘Notes and coins from another country. 4 You sign this when you pay by 1 above ‘Tourists who book through an agent will use this asa form of payment 6 Often 10% or 15% added tothe restaurant bil 17 These cheques are often used by overseas customers. 8 The most modern system for preparing customers’ ills. 9 Customers who regulary use the hotel may pay this monthly. 10 The level of administrative charges for changing money made by the hotel or bank. 11 Paper money SECTION 2: HOTEL SERVICES 8 Hotel facilities ‘The following guests have different wishes. In which section of the room information sheet should they look? Write the number of each guest next to the correct section. (Gee example): 1 Mrs Braun would like to have her blouse cleaned 2. Mr Murphy wants to know about buses to the airport. 3 The MeNeills would like breakfast in their room. 4 Christine Moore is feeling unwell 5 Bob Dixon needs clean shoes for the morning. 6 Mrs Peterson has to be sure she gets up early tomorrow morning. 7 Fiona Frelimo wants to call her friend in Barcelona. 8 Tom Moshi would like a soft drink in his room. 9 Tim Morrison would like tea his room before going for breakfast. 10 Mary Redman wants to know where to leave her ear. 11 Eric and Jack wonder what they can do this evening. 12 David Blande wants to know the prices for different rooms INFORMATION Room service Tarts Telephone Entertainment a Mini-bar ‘Shoe-cleaning service Transport Wake-up calls Laundry Garaging Medical help Early morning teas ‘Section 2: Hotel services 9 Hotel accommodation Section 2: Hotel services ‘A. Match the plan on the left with its description on the right. ‘American Plan bed only Demi-pension ‘bed and breakfast European Plan bed, breakfast and lunch or dinner Continental Plan | bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner B_ Write the number of each room type on the correct picture ss maemo iti I single 2 double 3 twin 4 adjoining doubleen suite Section 2: Hotel services 1 0 Out and about Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following, Use each word once only, although there are more words than you need. Read the whole text first before trying to fill the gaps. attractions destination. festivals nature conveniences displayed galleries resort countryside escorted ‘uides ruins courtesy events itinerary seenery cruise excursions locality souvenirs daily ferries museums ‘Visitors arriving at the hotel will be interested to know what is on offer, Many hotels. will arrange (1) . tours by coach, or on foot to visit local @. ‘These may include historic (3). Doo or (8) cusnssonne here objects from the past can be seen. Many people prefer to spend time out of doors and like to travel into the . . where they can enjoy and photograph the swowonesns «The hotel ean arrange half-day or full-d snonanen nd & detailed (9) il inform the guests of the exact route which will be taken. Guests are normally given some time to visit shops where they often buy (10) to remind them of their holiday when they return home. Alternatively, they may enjoy a an, (on a boat on a river or canal During the year there are many (12). taking lace inthe local area. Information about the time and place ofthese should be 3) .-. in the hotel so that guests are aware of what is going ‘on. The hotel can expect tobe very busy when national or local ay sons ae taking place, Some ofthese are famous all over the world and attract many vistors ‘Section 2: Hotel services 1 1 Giving directions Fill in the missing words in the sentences. There are several possi Turn left neon Cuthbert Road. ‘The Post Office is alittle way the right. The ticket office is the book shop. atthe ‘Fake the second sown the right aes sven. the castle, Section 2: Hotel services 12 Conferences 1 Fill in the following crossword. elated Across The number of days a conference will 2 The person who is invited to give a talk at a confer The person giving a talkis asked 10 the confes The document used by the hotel to list all the conference requirements. 65) 8 It’s held one 9 The place where a conference is held 10 If there are problems, it may be ECESSATY 10 vanon the conference toa later date Down 1 The people who come to a conference, 3 The dates have not been confirmed, they are only... at the moment. 4 The week before the conference begins you have 0... all the arrangements with the conference organizers. 3 S Section 2: Hotel services 1 3 Conferences 2 Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following: classroom conference package conference programme plenary estimated attendance hospitality room 1 When deseribing the size of a room, the maximum number of people who ccan sit in the room is known as the 2 Organizers will probably require ‘equipment for a conference; a show photographs on the wall and an to show dia- tent. A conference hotel will probably cal- culate all the costs of the conference and offer the customer one total price called the 4 The size of rooms is given in 5 A conference begins with the opening ceremonies overhead projector ‘square metres syndicate theatre seating capacity slide projector 7 The shows sts what is happening where and when 8 The expected number of guests is known as the 9 Conferences will require different room layouts. A room for all partic- pants with only chairs is called style. Iftables are also provided, i is referred to as 10 Smaller rooms for small groups of two to ten people may be needed too. LL A session when all participants are present is known as a Section 2: Hotel services 1 4 A letter of complaint ‘The following extracts are from two different letters, a letter making a complaint and a letter of repiy, but they have got mixed up. Put them in the right order to produce two correct letters ‘When one of my guests arrived the | waiter sat her at the wrong table. | Later, the same waiter spilt a few drops of red wine on another guest's trousers. The final embar- rassment was when the waiter pre- sented the bill to one of my guests | instead of me. | Asa token of our regret I enclose a voucher for an evening meal for two people and hope to weleome you personally in the near future. service I recently received in your Tam writing to complain about - restaurant while on a business tip. | Yours sincerely Pierre Lance | Restaurant Manager $F Yours faithfully Raymond Strang Sales Manager Dear Sir/Madam letter of complaint ee ere esi) 71 had invited four clients to join ‘me for lunch in your restaurant, where I had expected to receive the best service. Unfortunately, 1 hhave a number of complaints, 81 Tam afraid that we were experi fencing staffing problems during this period and had an inexperi- fenced waiter working in the restaurant. He has since left and | ‘we are happy to say that we now here 068), ni eee ene serving our customers 1 feel that this is not the profes- sional service which I expect from 4 top restaurant and I know that to ensure that it does 10) Dear Mr Strang 11 was very sorry to read of the | problems which you experienced in our restaurant on your recent visi letter of reply a Section 2: Hotel services 1 5 The correct reply ‘Some guests are experiencing problems. Match each problem (1-14) with a suitable roply (a-n). Write the letters in the grid below. 1 This towel is damp. 2 The pilloncase i stained. 3 The shower curtains torn 4 L wanted a newspaper in my room. 5 The room is dusty. 6 There's lot of noise on the tele phone line. 7 The mirror is cracked. 8 T think the hairdrier is Faulty 9 The window is stuck. 10 My suitcase is still in my room. 11 The waste-paper basket is full 12 This light bulb is too weak for reading. 13 The room is cold. 14 There's no ashtray in my room, a) I'l get the chambermaid to clean it. ) Tit have the he turned up. ©) I'll get someone to open it, 4) Pll have it brought down, ©) Pll fetch you a dry one. 1) Ifyou tell me which one you read I'L hhave it delivered. 8) F'llget you a clean one. bh) P'llhave it replaced. {) Pl have a stronger one fitted. 3) Til have one brought to your room, ) Fil have a new one put up. 1) Pit have it checked. ‘m) [’llcall the operator and have it checked. 1) I'll get someone to empty it wu] 2, ol] SECTION 3: HOUSEKEEPING 1 6 The bathroom Look at the picture below and write the numbers 1-16 next to the correct word or words bath soe pedal bin eee ‘bath mat coe pl toilet bath towel some shaver socket toilet paper lass shower ‘wash basin hhand towel shower curtain mirror soap 1 Furniture and fittings Write the mumber of each drawing next to the correct word or words. banister blind bookease ceiling coat hanger coat stand cushion curtains ccurtain track door handle bairdrier hinge light switch picture frame skirting wardrobe Section 3: Housekeeping 18 Name the place Use the clues to fll in the missing letters. They are all places in hotel and catering establishments. The first letter is given for each one. 1 The passageway between several rooms. 2 Guests can buy newspapers and magazines here. 3 Here you can sit outside your bedroom in thesun. 4 Bedding and clothes are cleaned here 5 Another word or foyer {6 Guests can enjoy a long drink here. 7 A bedroom on a ship. 8 Guests can leave suitcases here. 9 Its cool and dark where the wine is kept! 10 Guests can eat and drink outside here. 11. Guests can sit comfortably and relax here. 12 Climbing these to the sith floor is tiring, 13 Guests attending functions hang their coats here. 14 A quick way to reach the sixth floor. 15 Food is cooked here. 16 The place for a wedding reception, 17 Food is prepared here on board an aircraft Section 3: Housekeeping 1 9 The building ‘Choose the word which best completes each sentence. 1 The restaurant is closed for two months while it is being... ee a) renewed by remade ©) renovated —_—_) reformed 2 There will be ten new bedrooms when the builders finish the... a) extension _—_b) extent ©) enlargement —) uti 3 The chalets have everything a guest could require: they are. sy a) self-catered b) self-formed —_c) self-made —_d) self-contained 4 The building has fallen into a stat Of enn and now it needs alot of work doing oni 4) despair dispersal) disrepair) -lstess 5 This room is very quiet as it's not atthe front ofthe hotel. Its ) back-looking b) rear-facing) rear-looking _d) back-facing 66 The building is very old and the management have spent a lot of money a! : the original features. ‘) restoring _—b) installing) re-equipping _d) servicing 7 We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the of the ‘new swimming pool. a) composition _b) formation _c) assembly 4) construction 8 The new restaurant isto be built on the semnsnne OF the old factory which was pulled down three years ago. a) site ) position ©) ground 4) basis 9 The present location of the restaurant is not good and now Mr Martin is looking for new a) places 1) premises ©) estates 4) resorts 10 The around the hotel are beautifully planted with flowers, ) earth by floors ©) grounds. 4) lands Section 3: Housekeeping 20 Cleaning Match the definitions (1-14) with the verbs (a-n): 1 Use a brush with a long handle to remove dry dirt from the Noor a) dry clean 2 Make the furniture and floors shine. b) strip 3 Clean the floor with water and a small brush ©) sweep 4 Clean the floor with water and a cloth on a long handle 8) wet mop 5 Remove the dust from the shelf witha wet cloth. ©) replenish, 6 Use water and soap powder to clean the linen. 1) launder 7 Remove the soap with water. ®) vacuum 8 Leave linen to stand in water fora few hours. 1) polish 9 Clean the bed cover without water. §) deep clean 10 Clean the carpets, chairs and sofas with a machine D rinse 11 Take all the used linen off the bed. 10) dispose of 12 Put new soap and towels in the room, soak 13 Take away the waste. m) damp wipe 14 Clean the carpets thoroughly. 1) scrub T]2]3]4]3]*|7]#]9)|” nl ol ‘Section 3: Housekeeping 21 Mixed up letters Rearrange the letters in brackets to form the correct words, 1 If silver isn’t cleaned it will (rashitn 2 Don't touch the glass window or you will leave (finpitsgrern) 3 Be careful if there is water on the floor as it will be erslyppi) 4 Children having a bath often (shlasp) 5 Nasty smells in a room are known as (rs00ud) .. 6 Don't use these (rasabevi) scratch the surface. cleaning agents because they will 7 Machines which make work quicker and easier are known as (loubar -vngsi) devices, 8 In some areas of the country the water is hard and leaves (emil sleca) v-00 baths. 9 Sometimes white cotton becomes yellow or grey and you can use (bichae) to whiten it again. 10 Ifred wine is spilt on the carpet, it will eave a (nsita) 11 Some waste, eg. paper and empty cans, can be sold and, therefore, has a (alge) crn value. 12 Old pieces of metal may leave brownish (stun)... marks on fabrics, 13 (entssvol) are used to remove marks which will not come out in water. 14. There will only be light (soageil) used. con carpets which are seldom 15 A special leather, which is used for cleaning windows, is called a (amchios) Section 3: Housekeeping 22 Hotel systems 1 Fill inthe missing words in the texts below. Choose from the following: Section 3: Housekeeping 23 Hotel systems 2 Fill in the missing words in the text below. Choose from the following: drains humidity sewer Usbend extractor insulated tank ventilation, filters pipes thermostat erill radiator Air {In large building complexes, fresh air wll be supplied to rooms through an air-condi- tioning system, This provides (1) {in each room so that guests ean breathe comfortably and also controls the (2) so that the air doesn’t contain too much moisture. In each room the opening to the air-conditioning system is covered with a (3)... In kitchens, steam and smells are sucked out by an (4) contains (5)... vx Which, v-: to remove any harmful gases. Central heating Heating may be underfloor or a (6) vw may be fitted to the wall in each room. The temperature in the room can be controlled by means of a O- Me which will maintain a constant temperature. An efficient sys- tem will be well (8) sme 80 that energy is not lost. Water ‘Water required for a building may be stored in a (9)... supplied to each room through (10) through (11) the building. ‘Under baths und basins a (13) Water is Waste water is removed which enter a main (12) sone Outside stops smells entering the room, flex overloaded socket fuse plug wiring Kilowatt hours Electricity ‘A hairdrier or an electric shaver are examples of electrical (1) pale ‘They have a (2) with 2 @) swowenone atthe end which fits into a@. in the wall. If there isa fault, the electricity supply will be cut by a6). 5 ‘The amount of electricity used is measured in (6) .. The electri- Cal (1) snr 240 volts, while in many European countries it is 220 volts. If too many pieces of equipment are connected to one supply, the system may be (8) fand there is a danger of fire. When prob- lems arise, a qualified (9) .. should be called to check the (10) in Brita SECTION 4: FOOD AND DRINK oa Write the number of each picture next to the correct word or words, apple banana blackcurrants cherries rapes ie frit, Jemon ‘melon orange apaw passion fruit peach, raspberries star fruit strawberries Section 4: Food and dink 25 Vegetables Write the number of each picture next to the correct word or words, | asparagus aubergine beetroot Dutter-beans carrot cauliflower courgette French beans Teck lettuce okra Section 4: Food and drink 26 Classifications ‘Write one name for each of the following groups. (See example): 1 milk, cream, butter, yoghurt dairy prod 2 almond, bra pistachio, cashew 3 haricot beans, lentils, chickpeas, soya beans 4 sage, parsley, thyme, basi 5 ginger, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric 6 pork, lamb, beef, mutton 7 sultanas, currants, raisins, prunes jane 8 chous, flaky, pull, short 9 royal, glacé, satin, butter 10 spaghetti, tagliatlle, ravioli lasagne 11 cod, perch, trout, salmon fied 12 tea, coffee, orange juice, cola 13 claret, rigja, chianti, sekt 14 pheasant, grouse, venison, rabbit 15 consommé, cock-a-leekie, broth, chowder 16 gouda, stilton, camembert, parmesan 17 mussels, oysters, scallops, prawns 18 gingerbread, gateau, sponge, Swiss roll 19 hollandaise, béchamel, moray, Béarnaise 20 wheat, rye, oats, barley ‘Section 4: Food and drink D7 Taste Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following: bitter delicious hot sour bland ay rich spicy burnt greasy savoury sweet 1 The skin of an orange tastes quite 2 Food cooked with chillis. 3. Food cooked with a lot of cream is very 4 Sugar and honey will make a dish 5 Indian food is. 6 If you forget the salt and pepper the food will be 7 Lemon juice is 8 The main course cooked with salt and spices is. 9 Too much fat used in cooking can make the dish. 10 A dish without enough liquid is 11 A dish cooked to perfection will be. 12 Toast cooked to0 long tastes ‘Section 4: Food and drink 28 Cooking Replace the words in bold type in sentences 1-14 with a single word from thelist a-n. ‘Write the letters in the grid below. 1 The bread should be cooked in dry heat in the oven for about fifty minutes. 2 When roasting meat it should be covered with melted fat regularly to keep the meat moist. 3 Decorate the vegetables with some parsley. 4 Be very careful to cook slowly, just below boiling point 5 The meat for this recipe should be eut into very small pices. 6 Onc method of cooking fish is to cook it in lots of very hot fat 7 Could you remove the skin and bones from the fish before cooking it. 8 When the potatoes are cooked you can erush them toa pap. 9. Remove the ouside skin of the potatoes, please 10 Guests may like eges which have been broken into boiling water and vinegar. 11. Increase the temperature completely before cooking the frozen chicken, 12 Cut the carrot into small squares. 13 Add salt and pepper before serving the soup. 14 You can improve the taste ofthe sauce with vanilla a) dice ') minced ©) deep fry 4) season, ©) poached 1) baked 8) garnish 1) flavour 4) defrost i) mash 1K) peel fillet ‘m) simmer 1) basted 12] 13 | 14 ‘Seetlon 4: Food and drink 29 Utensils Write the number of each drawing next to the word or words. catetin hopping board colander cooling tray dredger frying pan rater ladle mortar and pestle parsley chopper pester roling in scisors spatula ‘Section 4: Food and drink 30 Phrasal verbs ‘Choose one definition from the box for each of the phrasal verbs in bold type in the sentences below. become continue not have any left ‘become popular find something in a require become rotten ook take control break a promise learn ‘cause (an object) to fall look at again to the ground k BI Hygiene 1 Stop wasting time and get on with your Work... 2 I've just been down to the store and we are out of flour 3 If this milk isn’t put inthe fridge it will go off... 4 IFyou'te not sure of the quantities to use, ook it up 5 When I’ve prepared the sauce, you can take over and complete the dish, 6 I've explained this once already but let’ go aver it to make sure you understand. 7 It looks very complicated but you'll soon pick it up 8 This machine has broken down again. We could really do with a new one, 9 IFyou continue to beat the cream, it will turn into butter. 10 Dor't put that bow! there, Someone will knock it over en 11 You promised to cook tomorrow and you can’t back out of it now 12 I don't think beer with raspberry will ever eatch on! Do you? ‘Section 4: Food and drink A’ Complete the table, (See example) Verb ‘Noun 1 | toconsume consumer | consumption 2 |, leantinesvleaner 3 | to poison | 4 | infection 5 | todisinfect 6 sanitation/sanitizer 7 storestorage B__ Now use words from the table to complete the following sentences. 1 Nowadays, itis necessary to knives, chopping boards and other pieces of catering equipment. 2 Kitchen staff are not allowed to work in the kitchen, alcohol while they are at 3A ‘can be added to water for cleaning the floor in order to remove germs, 4 The kitchen porter is responsible for hygiene and i in the kitchen, 5 Acuton the finger must be cleaned very carefully o stop 6 A.cool, dark, dry room is ideal to... ‘many dry food stuffs 7 Frozen chickens must be defrosted completely before cooking to prevent food SECTION 5; FOOD SERVICE | SEES 32 A menu | eI os ERPS \ THE WOODLAND Write each of the following dishes in the appropriate section of the menu. Menu Bavarian Apple Strudel Herring and Apple Salad sae Braised Leg of Lamb Layered Vegetable Terrine Broccoli with Hollandaise Sauce Leaf Spinach with Diced Bacon | Cauliflower with Almonds ‘Okra and Courgeties in Lentil Sauce | Chef's Patés Pear Héléne f Chicken Viehy Potato Croquettes | Cold Chocolate Souimé Prawn and Orange Cocktail (Créme Caramel east Pheasant en Crod Entrecdte Steak Roast Potatoes Escalope of Veal Salad Marguery he French Onion Soup Sweet Com Chowder Venn pers = Vegetables and Side Dishes Section 5: Food service 33 Service items Fill in the following crossword. Each answer isan item found in the dining room. Across 1 Used fo open the wine bottle. 4 thangs over the waiter’ arm. (7, 5) 5 Fit the five candies in this, 6 Cheese is served on this. (6, 5) 7 The team of people working in the restaurant. 8 Carry the plates on this 10 Carry the drinks on this 1 White wine should be placed in this to reduce the temperature. (4, 6) 12 Put water or mil in this 13 Cigarette smokers will need this 14 Soup is served from 15 The fold marks in the tablecloth. 16 Salt and pepper set. 19 Serve the toast in a toast 20 Used to open a bottle of beer. (6, 6) 23 The guests use this to clean thei fingers. (6, 4) 24 The best quality cloth for table linen, Down 1 One word for plates, owls, cups et: 2 One word for knives, forks, spoons et. 3 Another word for seasoning 7 Bread is served in a bread 8 Used for lifting asparagus. 9 Itstops the tea-leaves going into the cup. (3, 8) 10 It holds necessary items and provides a work surface forthe waiters 15 One place for one person at the table Sweets can be wheeled tothe table on this. 18 Used to break the shells of nuts 21 Serve. boiled eggiin this. (3, 3) 22 Place ths on the plate under the biscuits ‘Section 5: Food service Br Section 5: Food service 3 4 What type of service? Write the number of each description next to the correct type of service. Seton $: ood sere 35 Giving service Complete the dialogues below. Choose from the following. Use each line once only. Family Gueridon ... Plate Silver French un Mixed Russian 1 All the food is served in serving dishes which are placed on the table so that the ‘guests can help themselves. 2 The food is put on the individual plates in the kitchen 3 The guests help themselves from serving dishes which are held by the waiter. 4 The waiter serves the food at the table from a serving dish, using a spoon and. fork ‘5 The waiter serves the food from a serving dish using a fork and a spoon, while standing ata side table. 6 The waiter carves, filets or cooks food at aside table and then places the food on. plate ‘The main food is put on a plate in the kitchen and the vegetables are put on the table in serving dishes so that the guests can help themselves. a) Toe and lemon with the gin, sir? ) And what would you like to drink? «) Ifyou like fish, Tean recommend the salmon steaks. The salmon is fresh from Scotland, 4) Dry of medium? ©) I'm sorry, but we're out of pineapple juice. We have orange or apple. 1) Are you ready to order, madam? In the restaurant WAITER«(1) . Ek Bema GUEST: I'm still looking. What can you recommend? WAITER: @) GUEST: ll have the salmon, then At the bar WAITER: Yes, sir? GUEST: A gin and tonic and a campari orange, please, WAITER:G) .. ts GUEST: Yes, please. And a glass of white wine, please WAITER: (4) earns GUEST: Dry, please In the snack bar WAITER: Hello. Are you ready to order? GUEST: Yes, I think so, We'll have one cheeseburger and one hamburger WAITER:(5) ae b GUEST: T'll havea pineapple juice and a mineral water for my girlfriend. WAITER:(0) GUEST: Orange, please. Section 5: Food service 36 A breakfast tray Look at the picture below and write the numbers 1-12 next to the correct word or words butter dish jam dish small napkin coffee pot milk jug sugar bow! cup saucer teaspoon dessert plate small knife toast plate Section 5: Food service 37 How to be polite Read the direct phrases, then write them more politely. Choose from the following: Direct 1 Wait a minute! 2 We haven't got any left 3 Sitdown, please 4 You're wrong. I'm not the head waiter. 5 Do you want some water? 6 Move to another table! 7 Confirm that tomorrow, please. 8 Do you want a taxi? 9 You've got the wrong date. 10 Ty this organic wine. 11 Do you want my help? Could you Please Shall I May I suggest Tm afraid ‘Would you mind Would you like Actually ‘Would you like me ‘There's beena slight misunderstanding Just a moment More polite please. haven't got any lef. vn take a seat. , Pm not the head waiter. water? ig to another table? confirm that tomorrow, please? to get you a taxi? about the date. x that you try this organic wine? help you? SECTION 6: RESPONSIBILITIES 38 Safety first Write the number of each picture next to the correct word or words, accident report book ambulance bandages cotton wool fire alarm fire bucket fire escape fire notice fist aid box plasters smoke detector sprinkler warning sign © Ra Section 6: Responsibilities 39 Fire procedures Fill in the missing words in the fire notice for hotel employees. Choose from the fol- lowing: brigade evacuate lis smoke éxill ait raise spread doors extinguish safe enter extinguisher 1 Ask quests to check where the nearest fre Beaks y located as soon as they find their room. 2 There will be fre hotel every six months, for everyone working in the 3 Allfre.. : must be kept closed at all times as they will stop the... of a fire, 4 Ifyou see a small fire, you should try to... 5 Ifitis an electrical fire, do not use a water fire 6 Hit isa large Fey sn the alarm immediately 7 Donotuse the there isa fre, 8 If there is alot of -y €0ver your mouth and nose with a handkerchiet. 2 the bulding as quickly as possible. 10 Do not allow anyone to . the building 411 Check that everyone is. 42 Phone for the fre. ‘Section 6: Responsibilities 40 Unwelcome guests ‘Match the criminals (1-12) with the crimes (a-I). Write the letters inthe grid below. 1 He stole a handbag in the foyer. a) forger 2 He said his name was Lord Pratt but after a three-week stay in the hotel he disappeared without paying. ) drug pusher 3 There was some money lying on the desk so she took it.) burglar 4 He sexually attacked a woman. @) drunk 5 He was holding a gun as he told the cashier to give ‘him all the money. ©) opportunist 6 She sold heroin to someone in the hotel 1) rapist 7 He drank too much whisky and made alot of noise. —g)- mugger 8 She made fulse copies of American dollars 1h) arsonist 9 He set fire to the hotel because he was angry with the manager. 4) thier 10 He attacked and robbed a lady in the corridor. i) vandal 11 He broke the toilet and basin and sprayed paint on the wall kk) armed robber 12 He broke a window at night and stole valuable items and money. }) fraudster wy un] 2 1 *]2 ee 41 Word building 2 Section 6: Responsibilities ‘The word in capitals at the end of each sentence can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. (See example); valuable, The hotel asks guests not to leave pieces of jewellery in the room. 1 This area of the hotel is only for personnel 2 The management must do all it can to the hotel guests. 3 Burglar alarms often work as @ and. stop burglars even thinking about breaking in. 4 The receptionist called the police because there was a sirange woman behaving very... 5 The management hope that computerized door locks will _ thieves from getting into hotel rooms 6 It's always possible that the money has been stolen by a 1 member of staff 7 Valuable items should be marked. smonenn 6006S Which the thief eannot see ‘but which can be seen under UV light. 8 Every member of sta should be alert and if they tf . anything strange they should report it immediately. 9 Never accept a cheque without 10 Before you leave the building you must make sure that All the doOFS 84€ sen ronnnnvnen Hoke, 11. Members of staff who prove themselves to be . Will be given more responsi VALUE AUTHORITY PROTECTION DETER SUSPICIOUS PREVENTION HONEST VISIBLE OBSERVATION IDENTIFICATION SECURE. TRUST Section 6: Responsibilities 42 Legal words Use the clues on the left to fill in the missing letters inthe legal words on the right. 1 The laws which businesses must observe, 2 To be responsible if someone is injured in the restaurant 3 To refuse to let someone come into the bar. 4 Someone who buys something. 5 Someone who sells something. 6 An official agreement between two parties. 7 The person who owns the hotel. 8 You pay this if you are caught breaking the law. 9 You musta’ sell alcohol to someone under the age of 18 because it's 10 Official permission to sell alcohol. LI The person who has permission to sal alcohol. 12 Allow someone to enter a club, 13 To enter the private areas of the hotel without permission. 14 The length of time spent in prison. 15 Leaving dangerous chemicals where children could find them, 16 The police will do this to law breakers. 17 You must report serious accidents. It's... _EGISLATIO_ _IABL _ _XCLUD _ _URCHASE _ _ENDO_ -ONTRAC_ ROPRIETO_ _IN_ _ROHIBITE _ -ICENC_ -ICENS: _DMI_ _RESPAS_ -ENTENC _ -EGLIGENC _ -ROSECUT _ -OMPULSOR _ ‘Section 6: Responsibilities 43 What do they mean? Choose the best meaning for each of the following phrases. tocomply with the law ) to do things as the law states, ») to change parts of the law ‘¢) to complain about the law ‘unfit for human consumption 4) the food should not be eaten ') the food is good for giving enery «) the food is being prepared ‘ust be used solely for the purpose of a) should not be used too often ») should only be used for ‘©)must not be used intoxicating spirit a) drinks which contain alcohol ») drinks which have over 20% alcohol ©) drinks which have over 30% alcohol to be needlessly exposed to risk ‘a) some machines could be dangerous 'b) you mustn't show problems ©) there are unnecessary dangers which could easily be removed to sustain personal injury a) to get an insurance policy b) to be hurt ©) to get promotion 7 9 10 to make available for inspection ) to find time to maintain the ‘machines b) to arrange to clean the machine ©) to let inspectors see what they wish fn the event of an accident 4) after an accident b)if there is an accident «) avoid accidents persons frequenting the premises 4) people cleaning the hotel ) people outside ©) people using the hote! breach of contract 1) an action which breaks a contract 'b) an action which cancels a contract ‘)an action which is included in a contract to be legally obliged to do something a) you must do it b) itis allowed to do it ©) you shouldn't doit Section 6: Responsibilities Section 6: Responsibilities 4 4 Carriers of disease _ 45 Health and hygiene Pe eben af eli gc ‘A Mat th yerbe lao fod clan wth awed or pra rom the eh hand olan ee ramp wea she infection chicken come ose saa) aoe oe ate flea transmit AG into contact with ¥y sora eb mosquito ‘keep ie germs eo ice inane eee peat food ee Contant eee a oe Ba olay words te eataces bow: Choo om the exits a Hive sats Don't leave wet towels or cloths lying in a warm comer because this is how you wil harbrun gerne 1 Don’t spray fly killer in the kitchen or you could . the 2. Ifyou are stung by a wasp, put this cream on to the 3 To happening don't leave things lying on the floor. 4 Ifyou are handling dirty linen, wash your hands regularly so that you don't SAEYOW orn se sven imal ArOppiNgS, please wash your hands immediately. 6 To safely, place it in these plastic bags and tie them securely. 7 In the fridge please -- Taw meat and cheese 8 In tropical climates it is possible to some drinking, water. SECTION 7: MANAGEMENT 46 Employment Fill in the erossword. Each answer is to do with employment, Across 1A person who isin employment. 4 This type of job is only fora few hours a week. (4,4) 7 Theextra money left by guests 8 Ifyou work extra hours you get paid this 10 People who are happy at work have job 12 The manager appointed him to the... of head waiter. 13 The more jobs you do and the longer you work, the more ofthis you get 15 The extra money that workers get from the management asa special thank you. 16 The meeting when you discuss a possible new job, 18 Ifyou decide to leave the job, you have to. 20 A hotel which is very busy in the summer will need... workers 21 To got the best results from workers, the personnel manager must them, 23 Before you go to discuss a new job you make an 25 This money is pad to people who have reached the offical age to stop working. 26 Someone who has writen to ask fora job Down 1 The person or company who employs you, 2 To find suitable people and employ them is to. 3 This isa percentage of what you can earn which you pay to the State. (6, 3) 5 When people reach the official age to stop working they {6 People have these if they have studied and passed professional exams 7 Another way of saying ‘to employ’. (4, 2) 9 When the manager has found a new che, he will... him to the position, 10 The housekeeper has to ... the work of the cleaning staff. 11 People who are paid weekly are paid 14 When you move up to a more senior position, you get 17 The time that you start work is the time you come ... (2,4) 19 A word for all the people who work in the hotel of restaurant, 22 Write a letter and... for the job if you are interested. 24 When you work, you... moncy. ‘Section 7: Management ‘Section 7: Management 47 Whose job is it? ‘Write the number of each description next to the correct person, ‘advance reservations chef. ven pantry maid clerk sm dispense bartender... pastry cook banqueting ‘enquiry clerk personnel manager ‘manager head waiter receptionist cashier som housekeeper waitress cellarman som Rouse porter 1 Someone has to make sure that everything in the guests’ rooms is in order. 2 Mrand Mrs Murphy would like to discuss arrangements for their daughter's wedding reception, 3 The guests bills need to be prepared 4 Someone has to make sure there is enough wine, ber and spirits. 5 The sheets and towels have to be taken upstairs. 6 Four guess have just entered the restaurant 7 The waiter wants wine and beer for his tables 8 A special eake should be made for the function 9 The busy summer season is approaching and more sta are required, 10 Someone should plan the cookin times for dinner. 11 This etter booking two rooms for next month needa reply: 12 Someone has to welcome guests and complete the registration form. 13 Someone has to prepare early morning teas 14 Guests at table 8 are ready to order. 15 A lady on the telephone wants to know if there is a room available at the weekend. Section 7: Management 48 Job advertisements Find words or phrases in the advertisements below which mean the following, I only for important people 2 an applicant’ list of qualifications and experience 3 equipped 4 minimum of 5 looking for 6 not newly started 7 chances of promotion 8 extras to wagesslares 9 applicants 10 able to develop new ideas 11 atthe start 12 salary/wages higher than at other hotels GREAT HOTEL CHEF Enthusiastic and energetic chef required to intial work with cchet/propristor and later take over established restaurant. The kitchens are fitted out to the highest standard. We are locally known for our fish specialities. Own flat available. Wiite enclosing CN. to John Bloggs, The Woodlands, Way- Receptionists This exclusive hotel in the heart of the city is seeking candidates who are enthusiastic and innov- ative. We offer excellent benefits, ‘great prospects and competitive pay. Candidates must have at least two years’ experience. Please call Linda Bolam on 0192 13579 side Road, Oakton MN13 9EJ Section 7: Management 49 Positive thinking Here are thirty words or phrases which are used to describe hotels and their facilities. ‘Write each word or phrase in the appropriate column below. There are six words in each, appetizing rand popular family beachside gourmet romantic ‘beautifully decorated highly recommended spacious, bright home cooked tastefully furnished central hospitable traditional herfiul ideally placed tranquil conveniently situsted majestic welcoming Acticious mouth watering well appointed clegant peaceful well located nourishing picturesque seting well run Rooms Location Food Hotel Atmosphere Section 7: Management 50 Marketing Choose the word which best completes each sentence. 1 One way to find out about your customers, their needs and how much money they are willing to spend is to ask them to complete . a) an inquiry form ) a questionnaire ©) booking form. 2 To be successful the outlet must the needs of the customer. a) satisfy ) provide ©) decide 3 One way to tell the public that the outlet exists is by an advertisement in the local newspaper. a) giving ) advertising ©) placing 4 Some companies may decide to advertise allover the country in an advertising a) campaign by survey ©) action ‘5 When there isn't much business, the restaurant may advertise a spevial snow to merease sales a) order ») offer ©) market 6 If food is attractively displayed, customers will be to buy. a) forced ) treated ©) tempted 7 Itis up to the staff to create a good ... : Of the restaurant. a) image by side ©) reflection 8 Free badges, hats, Tshirts, and book matches are examples of nnn MALTA a) selling ) potential ©) promotional 9 A restaurant will lose sales iit gets bad ... after an accident. ) publication ) public ©) publicity im loeal newspapers 10 On the other hand, a newspaper about the excellent food and service will increase sales, a) story ») advice o)article 11 Tn large towns you have to with other outlets. ) compete ) competitor ©) competition Section 7: Management S51 Computer systems Rearrange the letters in brackets to form the correct words 1A computer is an ideal machine for (stngior) {information about reservations 2 Once the information about reservations has been entered, other (licappionsat) sniun oan be added. 3 Inboth the back office and at reception the information can be viewed through @uvs) 4 The reservations clerk can type in information using a (yekdboar) '5 The reservations clerk ean then see the information on a (enescr) 6 Inorder to speed up the process and simplify the system, the hotel will use (cesdo) 7 ‘The necessary information for reservations will be shown in a (mune) display. 8 Itis only sometimes necessary to have written information on paper in the form ofa (proutint) 9 IFinformation were lost it would be catastrophic so all information should be (edbake pu) -» a regular intervals and stored on (skid) vo OF tape. 10 Some hotel groups have designed their computer systems to (infaetere) .- with telex, airline networks and travel agents 11. When a guest registers at the hotel, the information can be entered straight away and later (callreed) if requested, 12 A (ordv-pressingoe) on. allows office staf to quickly produce letters facility on a computer 13 Computers are also used in bars where exact amounts of spirits are dispensed by (opetis) Section 7: Management 14 In the restaurant or bar, customers’ bills can be calculated quickly and accurately at the electronic (pinto fo selas) 15 Its also possible for customers’ orders to be keyed into the computer at the table through a hand-held (minalrte) 16 Linen control has been greatly improved with an identification system which uses (bra desco) 17 Messages can be sent and received by hotel staf'and guests by using (elonictrec mali). 18 Written messages as well as drawings and diagrams can be sent through the telephone system using a (xfa) .. 19 Many hotels are trying to increase security by using a (Kye arde temssy) “Which records every time a lock is opened and by whom. SECTION 8: FINANCIAL AFFAIRS 52 Office items ‘Write the number of each picture next to the correct word or words. bulldog clip calculator desk diary diskette hole punch notepad planner printer ribbon ring binder ruler stapler suspension file trays : window envelope Section 8: Financial affairs 5 3 At work in the office Fill in the missing prepositions in the sentences. Choose from the following. Some of the prepositions are used more than once. about for from of off on out to_—_with 1 Could you take care... the seating arrangements for the conference? the food 2 Mrs Brown has complained. the manager. 3 The number of staff depends... the season. 4 Something seems to have happened ...... this plant. I's dead! 5 We still haven't heard... those clients about what flowers they want. 6 T.can't find the keys and I've looked ...... them everywhere. 7 Pm relying ..... You 10 ort... this problem peacefully. 8 T'llthink........ how to promote your idea of a Japanese night, and we'll discuss itlater, 9 We should provide our cleaners... new uniforms 10 T’m glad you reminded me ....... the meeting. I'd forgotten! 11 Any telephone costs will be added... the bill 12 Chef won't put up ....«. any nonsense in the kitchen, 13 These new computer key cards should cut down ...... electricity costs as they tum the lights... as soon as the guests go out. 14 The manager is very pleased ....... this month's sales figures. 15 Our restaurant is famous 2... its fish dishes 16 I's been so cold that there's been no demand... soft drinks ‘Section 8: Financial affairs 5 4. Handling Stock A. Fill inthe bin card headings. Choose from the following: balance item price suppliers date ‘maximum, quantity type in ‘minimum reference unit «: Sherry 12 TS. bottle . Amontillado 242.53 3 ve | Out i Ist Oct B 2 24 and Oct Be 6 |i 4th Oct 1B 3 [as 6th Oct 1B a 9 7th Oct BP w | 29 | | stock: 48 stock: 8 | Re-order point: 24 snowmen’ Classic Wine Importers Re-OFMEE vars! 4 Lid B_ Update the card with the following information. | 1 On 8th October 8 bottles were isved by John Bridges. | 2 On 12th October 24 bottles were received from the supplies by John Bridges. 3 Barbara Palm took 10 bottles on 13th October. cd Section 8: Financial affairs 55 Business documentation Use the clues on the left to fill in the missing letters in the words on the right. 1A member of staff writes this when goods are running short and are now required, REQU_ ‘ 2 This information is then sent to an external supplier as an official OR_ 3 When the goods are delivered, ths list of goods is often enclosed. 4 After delivery the supplier sends this ist ‘of goods giving quantity and price. 5 Ifyou pay within seven days, you can often get a. 6 If you buy regularly from the local baker he may allow you a... 7 At the end of the month most suppliers send out thi lst of everything bought and all money paid. 8 If goods have to be returned to the supplier he will send this to adjust the amount of money due. 9 This will be sent ifa customer doesn't pay hisMher account. ‘Section 8: Financial affairs 56 Facts and figures ‘Write the number of each picture next to the correct word or words, addition average balance bar graph ‘cheque book counterfoil entry fine graph multiplication ook purchase account table © A BELUS BAKERY | Date [betas *} 104 | 200 rote 224 |i loaves 1-204 | paymem | 4620 @2s6-20 ©) © 3x15=45 72 220 65 Section 8: Financial affairs ; 57 Accountancy terms Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following: cash float debit petty cash book credit debtors posted credit customer accounts double entry purchase ledger payroll visitors’ paid-outs 7 use a system of accounting known as 2 This divides the page into two columns which are called wand. 3 Suppliers who have not yet received payment for goods which they have already delivered are ee 4 Customers who have not yet paid their bills are. 5 The accounts of suppliers to the hotel are kept in the 6 The accounts of customers are known as. 7 When figures are moved from one account to another they are 8 All the information needed to pay staff wages and salaries is on the 9 Small amounts of cash which are paid out are recorded in the 10 Small items of cash which are paid out on behalf of a guest ae called 11 Atthe start of each day the bar and restaurant staff are given a fixed amount of Section 8: Financial affairs 58 Final accounts Match the words (1-13) on the left with their definitions (a-m) on the right. Write the letters in the grid below. I Profit and Loss Account a) Includes cash in the safe and in the bank, 2 Trading Account 1), Bills which will never be paid 3 Balance Sheet «) When sales equal costs no profit or loss. 4 Fixed assets 4) Includes rent, telephone, 295 advertising 5 Current assets 6) Shows the goss profit atthe end ofthe year 6 Long term fbi {) Furniture, ktchen equipment, eroekery, ete 7 Current lbiliies 2) Food, liquor, and tobacco stil in store 8 Bad debs 1) A statement atthe end ofthe year showing how the company is financed. 9 Depreciation 4) Borrowed money which will be paid back over a long period of time 10 Bud; 3). Money which will be paid to iget suppliers soon, 11 Overheads ) Reduction in value of machines and furniture over several years 12 Stock 1) Shows the net profit after electricity, rent, stationery, etc. has been deducted. 13 Break-even point 1m) Planned financial figures for the future. oT elutets ‘Section 8: Financial affairs 59 Nationalities and currencies A. Complete the table. ‘Country People ‘Language: Curreney Canada English French Germany German Tialy Lire (TL) Japanese Sapanese Australians Dollar (AUD) Rusan Rouble (RUR) Switzerland German/French! Italian United Kingdom | British English Pound (GBP) United sates | Americans of America Sweden Swedes Krona (SEK) French: Franc (FRF) B_ Now use the words from the table to complete the following sentences. ‘What isthe exchange rate for American dollars into French Ny ‘You're from Italy! 'm afraid I don't speak ‘These guests are from Germany and I can't speak .. ‘The guests in room 147 are , from Japan How many vill I get for one pound when I go to Sweden? ‘Our American guests from the want to pay in dollars Can we accept from our Russian guests? Can you tell me the rate of the Swiss today? British English and American English British English accommodation alter aubergine barman bill for food) biscuit cheque colour ‘courgette cupboard, wardrobe curtains enquiry fillin form fridge hhairdrier holiday interconnecting labour lager licence lie lugeage ‘main course ‘note (paper money) age boy Post provisional pub, purse reception receptionist rubbish shop ‘American English accommodations change cegg-plant bartender ‘check ‘cookie ‘check, color zucchini closet drapes inquiry fill out ‘blankiform icebox hair dryer vacation adjoining labor beer license levator bagcage/lugvage entrée bill bell boy, bell hop, page mail ‘unconfirmed saloon/bar pocket book Front desk/front office clerk, desk clerk ‘garbageltrash store spirit staner sunglasses syndicate room tap taxi toilet traveller's cheques venue waiter ‘washbasin liquor appetiser shades ‘conference room, faucet cab ‘bathroom, restroom, washroom, travelers checks locale waiterlfood server sink Answers Section THE FRONT OFFICE west binoculars 11 op s amerbag 1 compact 7 ‘oll 6 gases 4 a) sys 10 pick 13 pocket diary 8 puse 4 skisick 1S te 2 toileting 2 umbrella 3 vest 2 Te 2i 3h 4g 5d 6070 Bf 95 100 vests 1 0) foyer 2 (deal with 3 (@) regulars 4 () ste deposi 5) clientele 6 (a) register 7) arial 8) pass 9 (a) pieson hole 10 (by chance 1146) noshows 12 (@) occupancy vests Later of reservation: §, 3,7, 8, 21 Dee Sit Madarn | wold ike to reserve four si se rooms from 19th to 24h November 19- for four of our manages. ‘The roms should be booked fin the names of Joh Brown, Mary Black, Bill Pranks and ‘Ant Jooee Could you please inform me of your ates and whether you ‘offer discounts for company bookings | Took forward to resving your confirmation. Yours faithfully Susan Peacock Secretary Leer of confirmation: 11, 6, 9, 410 Dear Ms Peacock Thank you for your leter of Toth September 19. We are very pleased that you have cho- fen 10 wie our bots for your four managers who will be in Anyton from th to. 28th November 19- 1 would ike to coal your reservation forfour single rooms for these dates. We are happy to be able to offer you our eoepo- rate rates, which you wil ind in the enclosed let ‘We look forward to resiving ur guess. Your sincesly Peter Black Reservations Clerk rests 1 provisional 2 confirmed 3 overbooked 4 amilbty 5 update 6 cancelation 7 vunoeeuped B allocate 9 correspondence 10 entries Test 6 1 incur 2 sign for 5 vacate 6 ealeulate 7 sete 5 rows 9 dispute 10 fisie 1 overcharges Test? 1 creditcard 2 exchange rate 3 foreign cureney 4 sales voucher 5 travel agents voucher 6 serie charge 1 tral chegoes 8 computer bling 9 ledger account 10 commission ate 11 bank notes Section 2 HOTEL SERVICES vests 1 Laundry 2 Transport 4 Room srice 4 Medial help 5 Shoe leaning serine 6 Wako-p calls 7 Telephone 4 Minbar 9 ary morning eas 10 Garaging 1 Bpterainment 12 Tass Testo a “American Plan ~ bed, breakfast, Tunch and diner Dami-pension ~ bet, breakfast snd och or dinner European Plan bed only CComisental Plan ~ bed and bakit (8) At B2C1DSEE 8 into, along /dowa up, on 9 along/ down up, until 10 on. aftee west 2 ders 1 duration 2 speaker 5 address 7 function sheet 8 anna 9 vee 10 postpone Down 1 delegates 3 provisional 4 Snake 6 lester 7 fipebart, vest 13 1 seating capacity 2 slide projector, overhead projector 3 conference package 4 square meres 5 opeaing ceremonies 6 hospitality room 7 conference programme 4 estimated attendance 9 theatre, asstoom Pt 10 syste 1M plenary TEST 14 Letter of complaint:, 9.5 Dear SitiMadarn 1am writing 19 complain about the service Hrcently received in your restaurant while ona busi- ess trip. Thad insted four clients to Join me for lunch in your restau fant, where I had expected (0 ‘revive the best senice Unfors rately havea number of com plaints When one of my guests reve the waiter sat her a the ‘wrong table. Later the same water spit few rope of ed ine on another guests trousers ‘The Gal embsrrasment was when the waiter presented the bill to one of my guess instead ofme ‘This is not the profesional service which T expt from a top restaurant and T know that ou will wish to ensure that i ‘oes not happen again. Yours fifty Raymond Strang Sale Manager Letter of reply: 10, 11,8,2,4 Dear Mr Strang 1 was very sorry 10 read of the Problems which you expensed Tam afraid that we were expe- encing sling problems dur ing this period and had an inexperienced waiter working fn the resturant. He has since left and we are happy to say that we now have only fully quaiied waiters serving our ‘Ae a token of our regret 1 cnclse a voucher for an evening ‘meal fortwo people and hope t0 welcome you personally in the sea future. ‘Yours sincerely Pierre Lance ‘Restaurant Manger Testis Te 2g 3k AF Sa 6m 7h 81 9e 10d M1 124 136 14) Section HOUSEKEEPING ‘TEST 16 ath 2 bathmat 13 bathtowel 15, lass 4 hand towel 3 iror 7 pedalbin 16 lug u Shaver socket 8 shower 10 shower curtain 9 soap a tap 6 tole, toilet paper swash basin vest 17 banister 12 tind r bookcase 1S cciling 14 coat hanger 16 coat stand 4 cashion 3 comains 7 curtain tack 6 oor handle 9 haider 13 hinge 7 light wich ‘tur rane skiing | wardrobe window TESTIS 1 conidor 2 Kiosk 3 talon 4 laundry 5 lobby ‘TEST 19 1 (renovated 2 (a)ertension 5 (@)sell-contained 4 (disrepair 5 (0) arfucing 6 (ayrestoring 7 (@)eonsruction 8 @)sie 9 () premises 10 (2 grounds west20 Te2h3n4dsmerrjst 9a lg 11d Re Bk 6 tilowatt hours 7 eucent 8 overloaded 9 electrician 10 wiring Section FOOD AND DRINK Perper 1S potato ndh 9 tomato 4 1 eicious 12 burnt vest28 1f2n 3g 4m sb6e 718) 9k We Iti 28 13d Mh morta and pestle parsley chopper paler rong in scinore stl hk TEST 2 notto have any let 3 become aten| 4 find something in «book 5 take contol 6 look at again 2 wodean 3 topoison 4 toinfct S todisinfest disinfectant 6 tosanitine 7 rosiore @ 1 sanitize 2 consume 3 disinfectant 4 sleanines| 5 infeevon 6 sore 7 poisoning Sesion S FOOD SERVICE TEsTR Appears Chet Pies French Onion Soup Prawa and Orange Cocktail ‘Sweet Corn Chonder Salads ering and Apple Saad ‘Salad Marguery ‘Tomato Salad uncer Braised eg of Lamb sti Chicken Vichy EnuccdeSieak Eselope of Veal ‘Roast Pheasant em Croite Vegetarian dies Layered Vegetable Terrine ‘Okra and Courgeties in Lent Seve Vegetables and Side Dishes Broccoli wih Hollandaise Sauce CCailower with Almonds Leaf Spinach with Diced Bacon Potato Croquetes Roast Potatoes Desserts RESPONSIBILITIES TEST 38 accident report book 8 ambulance a bandages 3 cotton woot 4 fre alarm 2 fire bucket ° fire escape 0 fre noice 7 first ad box 1 plasters 2 ge Hi 213e 4f 5k 6b 74 9h log 11} I2e stat 1 authorized 2 protect 3 decerent 4 suxpciouty 5 prevent 6 dishonest 7 invisible 8 obsene 9 isentieation 10 securely 1 trustworthy vesra2 1 tegistation 19 compulsory TEsTS 1a 2a 3b4aSe6b708b 96 10a tha sading = wasp 1 Tests a harbour germs ‘ome into contact with ‘spose of waste teansmit diseases spread infection keep separate relieve pain Prevent acidents contaminate food (o) 1 contaminate food 2 relieve pain 5 pecvet accidents 4 spread infection 5 come into contact with 6 dispose of waste 7 hep separate tamu dscnses Section 7 MANAGEMENT ‘TEST 46 Across 1 employee 4 parttime Tipe 8 overtime 10 satisfaction 12 post 13 esperione 15 bonus 16 interow 18 resign 20 season 21 motivate 23 appointment 4 colarman, 5 house porter 6 head waiter 7 dispense bartender 8 pastry ook 9 personnal manager 10 chet 1 advance reservations clerk 12 receptionist. 13 pantry maid 14 waite 15 emguy eck Test as 1 exclusive 2ev, 3 fied out 4 atleast 5 soaking 6 entabshed 7 prospects 8 benefits 9 candidates 10 innovative 11 inal 12 competitive pay est Rooms eauily decorated bright eegant spacious {asiefllyFornished veil appointed Location ‘ache central conveniently situated deal placed picturesque sting ell leated Food appesione ‘elious nourishing gourmet ome-cooked mouthwatering Hotel ‘grand Iighly commended majestic popula family ‘radon well rua| Aumosphore chert hospisbie peseefal romantic tenga welcoming ‘TesT's0 1 (b)aquestionnaire 2 (asa 3 (@ pling 4 (@)eampaign 5 (yor 6 (otempted 7 (abinage 3 (©) promotional 9 (e)publcty 10 @amile 1 (a) compete TEST SI storing 2 applications 3 vDUs 4 keyboard screen 6 codes 7 mec 5 printout 9 backed up disk 10 interface 1 called 12 word-processing 13 opties 14 point fale. 15 terminal 16 barcodes 17 electronic mit 18 fax 19 ey cad system Section & FINANCIAL AFFAIRS TEST 2 bulldog ip 7 calculator 10 desk diary 2 ddstone 3 hole pane 5 notepad 4 planner 1 Printer ribbon 2 Fingbinder ° ee 1 stapler 1 ‘uspenson le 8 tye r windowemelop: 6 vest ss Tem Shey ‘Unit 75d boi ‘Type Amontillado Price: 2.53 Date terme [ta [Out | Balance stot 2B 4 ” mdoe | BP 6 |i amo |B so lbs shox [3B 4 » Thon | BP 10 | shox (JB 8 [at hor | 3B. Py 4s hoa | BP wo [3s ‘Maxim work ‘Minima sock 8 Re-otder pont: Soppliers: Classic Wine Inmporers Lid Re-onde quantity ‘vest ss pie chact 5 1 requisition prchase account 1 2 onder fable Is 3 deiery note ‘oul 2 4 invoice 5 cash discount vest s7 6 trade discount 1 double enty 7 staterent 2 debit, crit # credit note 3 editors 9 reminder 4 debwore 5 purchase edger ‘TEST S6 6 credit customer aecouats dition 4 7 posted amerage u 8 payeot 3 9 peti cash book 3 10 visitor pid ous “ 1 cash Boat ' 2 ‘TEST s8 0 U1 2e 3h 4650647) 8 6 9k tom Id 12g 136 7 one fees Cama Dolar(CAD) tae Desir mak DEN) alae Lic) ‘pases Yen PY) foals Dol (AUD) = Rove (RUR) Sve Frans (CH sh Fogih Found GBP ‘Aneta Eng Dalla (USD) Swedes. Krona (SEK)

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