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Choose the correct answer

This text is for question number

Maret 27, 2019

Dear Morgan

Your gift was waiting for us when we got home. It reminded us of your warm and sincere
The painting will always make us think of you!

Cordially yours,
Diki dan Rafael

1. Who writes the letter?

a. Dika
b. Diki
c. Morgan
d. Rafael
e. Answer B and d are correct
2. What is the gift given to Diki and Rafael
a. A home
b. A house
c. A warn sweater
d. A nice painting
e. A personal letter
3. What is the type of the personal letter above?
a. An introduction letter
b. A personal reference letter
c. An appreciation letter
d. A regular correspondence
e. A happy news letter
4. The body of personal letter contains....
a. The address and the date of the letter
b. The geeting to open the letter
c. The message you want to write in the letter
d. The short expression to close the letter
e. The signed name of the writer
5. A personal letter of recomendation is...
a. A letter writen to ask for an apology because of the mistake you had made
b. A letter written as appreciation for help given to you
c. A character reference letter written for you by someone you know persoanlly outside of
d. A personal letter to express condolance following a death of a friend or family
e. A letter written to invite a friend to come visit you
6. To initiate a relationship toward a new pen pal or a company, we send.....
a. An invitation letter
b. An introduction letter
c. A condolence letter
d. An appreciation letter
e. A correspondence letter
7. What is “salutation”...?
a. Date when the letter is written
b. Greeting and the person’s name you are writing to
c. The opening of the letter
d. Signed of the name
e. End of the letter
8. These are the sentence structure of the personal letter, except...
a. Use active voice
b. Use passive voice
c. Slang can be used
d. Complete sentence are expected
e. Use the contraction
9. These are some expression persoal letter in delivering good news, except..
a. OMG! You’ll never guess what happened
b. Im totally ecstatic to hear about that.....
c. It was heart wrenching to read about that...
d. Im sure you will be happy to hear that...
e. I was happy beyond limits tp read that....
10. The correct use of capitalization is...
a. Dear sir,
b. Truly yours,
c. With Best Wishes,
d. dear Mr.Stuart
e. sincerly
11. We stayed home .................... the cold weather
a. Because
b. Due to
c. So
d. And
e. Either
This text is for question 1-2
Nadia : Was the fog quite bad yesterday?
Ayu : Yes, it was. It was so bad that we didn’t dare to go out.
12. What is the cause?
a. The fog
b. The bad fog
c. The snow
d. Cannot go out
e. Dare to go out
13. What is the effect?
a. The fog
b. The bad fog
c. The snow
d. Cannot go out
e. Dare to go out
14. Her computer stopped working.......... a virus.
a. Because
b. After
c. Due to
d. So
e. And
15. Angel : Was the firework show beautiful?
Laras: Yes, it was. It was such beautiful fireweork show that we watched with awe.

From the dialogue above, Laras is.....

a. Asking for information
b. Giving informaton
c. Giving help
d. Offering help
e. Asking for an opinion
16. Since she is scared of clowns,.........
a. She never goes to the circus
b. She works at the circus
c. She didn’t have a happy childhood
d. She invites a clown to do a show on her birthday party
e. She collects many pictures of clowns
17. ............. therefore, he has failed all of his subject
a. He is a dilligent students
b. He is very smart
c. He is lazy
d. He is bold kid
e. He like study
18. I got stomachache because......................
a. It took five hours to roast a turkey
b. I don’t have to go to work tomorrow
c. Mom didn’t cook dinner last night
d. I ate too much pumpkin pie
e. I had 10 people coming for dinner
19. The green house gases trap the heat in the air, so the Earth becomes warmer.
Which one the signal word from this sentence?
a. Hence
b. So
c. The
d. Therefore
e. And
20. ................. her hard work and intelligence, we won the trophy.
a. Because
b. The effect
c. Owing to
d. For this reason
e. Unless

This text is for question number

Slang is definitlt a way to distinguish yourself as a part of a group or separate group. Teens
use slang to show theit independence from their parents, and give them language they can
call their own. Slang sometimes allows them to communicate without outsiders
understanding, or to show off that they belong to a particular group. Teens like to use slang
words for several reasons.

First, the use slang to show their individuality. Daily teen conversation can be
incomprehensible to many parents and adults. Influenced by MTV, HIP-HOP culture, and the
popularity of the text-messageing, teens shorten words, and pronouce terms with a
different style. The way they talk show their confidance.

They use slang beacuse it is easier to say. They might talk the way they do with words like
” coz” for because, “holla” for hello, and others.

Thus, teens use slang beacuse their own terms is the easiest way to make a world of their

21. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To inform the readers about why teens like using slang
b. To explain to the readers about what slang is
c. To persuade the readers to use slang
d. To present two different points of view about slang
e. To describe what slang is
22. Which of the following sentence is not true according to the text...?
a. Standard language flows more slowly than slang
b. Slang is not used by general groups
c. Parents and adults aren’t familiar with teens slang
d. Teens think it’s easier to use slang
e. Slang is way to unite some different groups.
23. Slang is definitlt a way to distinguish yourself as a part of a group.
The underline word has the same meaning as.....
a. To make different
b. To extinguish
c. To forcast
d. To provide
e. To give up
24. The slang word “coz” is indicated for ..............
a. Cousin
b. Because
c. Choosing
d. Cause
e. Chosen
25. As soon as possible has the shorten slang word, namely.....
b. OMG
c. BTW
26. The purpose of the slang for teens, except..
a. Use slang for speed
b. Use slang to add a little humor
c. Slang can color their vocab and sentences
d. Teens don’t seem boring while talking
e. Parents know about teens communication
27. These are example of slang word....
a. Hello
b. Yass
c. Yes
d. No
e. Go
28. The shorten word from” Correct me if iam wrong
e. Cmw

This text is for question number

Rain is the primary source of frest water for most areas of the world, providing suitable
conditions for diverse ecosystem, as well as water for hydroelectric powee plants and crop
The phenomenon of rain is actually a water cycle. The concept of the water cycle involves the
sun heating the Earth’s surface water and causing the surface water to evaporate. The water
vapor rises into the Earth’s atmosphere. The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into
liquid drplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the earth as precipitation, which
can be in the form of rain or snow.
However, not all rain raeches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air. This is
called “virga”, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.
29. What do you call drops of rain that evaporate before they touch the ground?
a. Fatamorgana
b. Virga
d. Sagitarius
e. Oasis

30. What is the grand scheme of the process of rain?

a. Water cycle
b. Photosytensis
c. Respiration
d. Transcription
e. Evaporation

31. What kind of the text?

a. Report
b. Explanation
c. Narrative
d. Procedure
e. Descriptive

32. The suitable title for the text is.......

a. The cause of rain

b. How rain happens
c. How to make rain
d. What is rain?
e. The effect of rain

33. the water in the atmosphere cools into.......

a. The surface water

b. Liquid waters
c. Diverse ecosystem
d. Crop Irrigaton
e. Water cycle

34. The generic structure of an expanation text is.....

a. Materials, steps
b. General classifications, description
c. General statements, sequenced explanations
d. Thesis, arguments, reiteration
e. Issue, arguments for and againts, conclusion
35. My mom ............................. the noodle now.

a. was cooking
b. Cook
c. Is cooking
d. Was cooked
e. Is cooked

36. My English a task everyweek,

a. giving
b. Gave
c. Gives
e. Is giving

37. I will................. you tomorrow

a. calling
b. being calling
c. Call
d. To call
e. Called

38. Fani and Faisal ............. about the homework yesterday

a. Disscused
b. Disscusing
c. Is disscused
d. Will disscus
e. Going to disscus

39. My father and I.................... go to the market two days ago.

a. don’t
b. Didn’t
d. Not
e. Am not

40. The painting ................... by her

a. make
b. Is make
c. Is made
d. Being made
e. makes
41. Active : The teacher is going to explain the lesson
Passive : ...............................................................
a. The lesson is being explained by the teacher
b. The lesson is going to be explained by the teacher
c. The lesson is gone to explain by the teacher
d. The lesson was going to explain by the teacher
e. the lesson is explained by the teacher

42. Active : She closed the ddor

Passive : ..........................................
a. The door is closed by her
b. The door had been closed by her
c. The door was closed by her
d. The door is being closed by her
e. the door is going tobe closed by her

43. he ............. invited by John

a. Did
b. Was
c. Were
d. Does
e. wiil being

44. A contract .............. by her soon

a. Going to be sign
b. Will sign
c. Is signed
d. Will be signed
e. being signed

45. Have ypu told the hoax again?

The passive form of the sentence is............
a. Will the hoax be told again
b. Has the hoax been told again
c. The hoax is being told by you again
d. Is the hoax told again
e. the hoax has been told again

46. A: Why do you look so unhappy?

B: As usual, I................... for the dorm-rent by the landlady.

a. am dunning
b. Am dunned
c. Dun to be dunned
e. am to dun
46. A: Friansah seems very cheerful these days.
B: Don’t you know he.................... a great bonus for his this-year achievement in increasing
the sales of new products?

a. Has awarded
b. To be awarded
c. Being awarded
d. Has to award
e. has been awarded

47. some workers were painting our new house

the paassive form from the above sentence is........ “ our new house ................................ by
some worker
a, was painted
b. Was painting
c. Be painted
d. Was being painted
e. are to be painted

48. Jaenudin is sweeping the floor, means..............

a. The floor was swept
b. The floor is being swept
c. The floor has swept
d. the floor wa being swept
e. Must be swept

49. The passive form of “ someone is following us”

a. We are followed by someone
b. We are following someone
c. We will be following someone
d. We are being followed bu someone
e. we have been following by someone

50. Ela: Can I borrow your car?

Tanzil : I’m sorry, it..............................
a. Repairs
b. Is printing
c. Is repairing
d. Is to repair
e. is being repaired

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