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The U.S.

Torture Program:


A Blueprint for Accountability 

With the release of the Senate Intelligence allow the public to understand the extent of the
Committee’s several-hundred-page summary of its abuse. And it failed to conduct a robust investigation
landmark investigation into the CIA’s use of torture, of torture architects and perpetrators.
the United States has a critical opportunity to
The long-awaited release of the summary of the
demonstrate its commitment to the rule of law and
Senate Intelligence Committee’s report brings
provide long-overdue accountability for the Bush
our nation—and the Obama administration—to
administration’s illegal torture program.
a crossroads. As the United States has repeatedly
During the Bush administration, many hundreds told other nations that commit human rights
of people were tortured and abused by the CIA and violations, a nation cannot move forward without
Department of Defense, primarily in Afghanistan, reckoning with the abuses of the past. Whether
Guantánamo, and Iraq, but also in other countries President Obama is willing to pursue justice and
after unlawful rendition. Our government’s embrace accountability for torture will help determine the
of torture as official state policy shattered lives, human rights legacy he leaves for the United States
shredded our nation’s reputation in the world, and the world.
and compromised our national security as well as
By taking steps in the five key areas described
our diplomatic efforts to promote human rights.
below, the Obama administration can begin to
These conclusions are once again borne out by the
redress the abuses perpetrated in our names, comply
Intelligence Committee’s report. Yet, to date, there
with U.S. obligations under international law, and
has been little accountability for these wrongs.
rebuild American moral authority and credibility
In January 2009, shortly after entering office, when holding other nations to account for human
President Obama took important steps to dismantle rights abuses. Most importantly, by pursuing
the torture program. But in the following years, accountability for torture, President Obama and
the Obama administration undermined that early his administration can help ensure that the United
promise by thwarting accountability for torture. States never tortures again.
It succeeded in extinguishing lawsuits brought by
Accountability for torture is a moral, legal, and
survivors of U.S. torture and secret imprisonment.
national security imperative.
It fought to keep secret many documents that would
The lack of criminal accountability for officially
Appoint a Special sanctioned torture is a scandal. As a matter of
international law, it violates the United States’
Prosecutor obligation to investigate and prosecute torture.
Continuing impunity would undermine the
The attorney general should appoint a special universally recognized prohibition on torture and
prosecutor with full authority to conduct an send the dangerous signal to government officials at
independent and complete examination of the home and abroad that there will be few consequences
previous administration’s torture program, including for torture and other brutality. Accountability today is
the role played by the senior officials most responsible critical to stopping torture tomorrow.
for it and by those who tried to cover up crimes.
The special prosecutor must also conduct a full
investigation into the cover-up of any crimes by CIA
personnel or contractor—including the infiltration Reform the CIA
by CIA staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s By taking two key steps, Congress and the president
computer system. If there is sufficient evidence of can ensure that the CIA never again engages in
criminal conduct, the offenders should be prosecuted. torture or unlawful detention. First, Congress
The U.S. government must also cooperate with must permanently ban the CIA from operating any
pending investigations and legal actions concerning detention facility or holding any person in its custody.
the torture program. Second, Congress should subject the CIA to the same
In our system, no one should be above the law or interrogation rules that apply to the military. Congress
beyond the law’s reach, no matter how senior the and the president must together repair the broken
official. The record has long been clear that the Bush system of checks and balances that has left the CIA
administration’s torture program was devised at the virtually unrestrained by any of the three branches of
highest levels, with the involvement of the White government.
House, the Department of Justice, the CIA, and the The torture and cruel treatment of prisoners have
Department of Defense. The record now also shows long been crimes. By executive order, President
that the architects and perpetrators of torture misled Obama closed the CIA secret prisons, barred the CIA
the public, Congress, and other institutions charged from holding people except in transitory detention,
with oversight of government agencies about the and applied to the CIA the same interrogation rules
scope and extent of torture, the significance of various that apply to the military. However, these executive
prisoners, the concreteness of various alleged plots, order prohibitions are only as good as any president’s
and the significance of information obtained through commitment to enforcing them, and a future president
torture. could eliminate them with the stroke of a pen.
This record of official torture and falsehoods is Congress must therefore pass legislation to ensure
absolutely without parallel in American history. stronger, permanent prohibitions.
Yet our nation has failed to hold to account any Even with those prohibitions in place, the CIA cannot
of the officials who authorized the use of torture be trusted to act lawfully unless Congress and the
or oversaw its implementation. Only a handful of president also repair the broken system of checks
mainly low-level soldiers and a CIA contractor have and balances. For at least a dozen years, the CIA has
been prosecuted for prisoner abuse. In the principal been uncontrolled—and seemingly uncontrollable—
Justice Department investigation into torture by CIA by any of the three branches of government. It has
agents, the prosecutor was charged with investigating lied to the White House, it has lied to and spied on
interrogators who allegedly inflicted unauthorized Congress, and it has successfully invoked secrecy and
abuses. Full accountability requires investigation of immunity doctrines to prevent accountability for its
those who approved the torture policies, not just those illegal actions in courts. Steps necessary to restore
who went beyond them.
checks and balances include: open congressional and corrupt important national institutions—
oversight hearings, additional and bolstered internal including the military. However, the stories of
CIA watchdogs, additional Senate-confirmed CIA these American heroes are still largely unknown. A
leadership positions, and new legislation to limit the public acknowledgement from the president would
circumstances in which the CIA can invoke the state send a clear message to other government officials
secrets doctrine. that standing against injustice and unlawful acts is
honorable, and it would demonstrate to the world our
values as a nation.

Provide Apology &

Compensation More Transparency
President Obama should publicly acknowledge and The Obama administration should release still-secret
apologize to the victims of U.S. torture policies. records that would shed further light on the extent
To comply with international law, the Obama of U.S. government abuse, and on the responsibility
administration should appoint an independent body of senior officials in ordering it. To start, the Obama
to provide compensation and rehabilitation services to administration should release the following records
those who suffered torture or other cruel, inhuman, or with only those redactions that are necessary to
degrading treatment. protect legitimate sources and methods:
With a handful of exceptions, the hundreds of men, 1. The Senate Intelligence Committee’s full
women, and children victimized by U.S. torture investigative report into the use of torture and abuse
policies have received no official acknowledgment by the CIA.
of their suffering, apology for the wrongs inflicted
upon them, compensation for their mistreatment, 2. President Bush’s September 17, 2001 memo
or assistance in recovering from their physical and authorizing the CIA to establish secret overseas
psychological injuries. This must be corrected. prisons, known as “black sites.”

Recognizing, apologizing to, and compensating 3. CIA cables relating to the use of waterboarding and
victims will begin to heal the wounds our government other brutal interrogation techniques.
has inflicted and help rebuild American credibility as a 4. Photographs evidencing abuse of prisoners at
defender of human rights. detention facilities throughout Iraq and Afghanistan.

Honor Courage
President Obama should formally honor the members
of the military, the CIA, and other public servants
who, when our nation went off course, stayed true to
our most fundamental ideals.

Even as top Bush administration officials were crafting

and implementing torture policies, an untold number
of U.S. service members and civilian officials risked
their careers by objecting to official torture and other
cruelty. They recognized that torture would harm
lives, violate the law, undermine national security,

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