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Bael has many forms, such as a cat, a toad, a man, or even sometimes all at once.
He is known to be the first king of the 72 Goetic demons, and his power is
associated with the eastern direction. Bael commands 66 Legions of spirits. He is
powerful and can highly connect one to the animal kingdom and "dream shape
shifting. It is said that Bael can make a man invisible, a statement pertaining in
which he can allow one to pass through obstacles with ease to obtain the hidden


Agares is known to appear as an old man riding on a crocodile, with a goshawk on

his fist. He is the second Goetic demon and is a Duke. Agares is often used to
accelerate the perception of language and communication; primarily in Magick,
but also non-Magickal. He may help improve employment and station in you life.
Agares commands 31 Legions of spirits, Agares has the power to cause
Earthquakes to shape your life how you want. However, Agares can also destroy
those who abuse their power.


Vassago is a Prince who governs 26 legions. He is known to appear as a man with

a bulbous head. He declares things of past and that which is yet to come, and can
bring one to things that are hidden and lost. He is highly associated with Tarot.


Samigina/Gamigin is a Marquis and governs 30 legions of spirits. He is known to

appear as a small horse or donkey, before transforming into a man. He is also
known to speak with a harsh voice. He teaches liberal sciences and gives accounts
to spirits to those who have died in “sin” (their dark desires), thus he can bring one
into contact with the shades of the dead.


Marbas is known to appear as a great lion, but will change to the form of a human
at the request of the Satanist. He is a President and governs 36 legions of spirits.
He can answer all things hidden and can be used as a cursing tool, as he causes
disease, as well as cures them. He is also highly knowledgeable in the mechanics
and natural order.

Valefor is a Duke that is predatory and governs 10 legions of spirits. He is known
to appear as a lion with the head of a donkey, bellowing or lowering. He is
Vampyric and is best used to explore the darker instincts. He initiates through
dreams and the astral body and can protect the Satanists sleeping chamber as they
sleep. In such he will guard and feed on any forms that come near you.


Amon is known to appear as a wolf with a serpents tail that vomits fire. At request
of the Magickian he may turn into a man with wolves teeth in the head of a raven,
or a man with a ravens head. He is a Marquis and governs 40 legions of spirits He
has knowledge of things past and to come, procures arguments and reconciles
controversies between friends.

Barbatos is a Count who governs 30 legions of spirits. He is known to appear with
four kings and troops. He breaks hidden treasures that have been laid by
magickians (such as Grimoires). He knows all things past and to come, and
conciliates friends and those who are in power.


Paimon appears as a crowned man upon a dromedary with a host of spirits before
him playing musical instruments. He is a King and governs 200 legions of spirits.
Paimon is very powerful and can teach sciences, arts and other hidden things, and
whatever you may desire. He gives dignity and confirms the same.

Buer is a President that governs 50 legions of spirits. He appears as an archer or

some kind of Watcher. He teaches moral and natural philosophy, as well as logical
art, he is best worked with at times of self initiation. He also heals all distempers
in man and gives virtues of all herbs and plants.


Gusion is a Duke that governs 40 legions, he is known to appear as a xenopilus (a

blue headed or strange headed creature. He is a demon of divination and a guide to
communicate with the shades of the dead. He tells of things past, present and that
which is to come, and shows meaning and resolution to all questions. He also
gives honour and dignity to all.


Sitri is a great Prince who governs 60 legions. Sitri is known to appear as a man
with the head of a leopard, and with a gryphon’s wings, but is known to change to
the form of a beautiful woman. He fills men with the love of women and fills
women with the love of men.

Beleth is a King who governs 85 Legions of spirits. Beleth is known to appear as a
king on a pale horse with musical instruments playing around him. He is also
known to be as an aggressive demon, and the magickian will want to create a
triangle in the south and east sides, and should will him to come as a calm shape.
He is known to be a “love spell demon”, causing love that may be in men and
women until the desire is fulfilled.


Leraje is a Marquis who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as

an archer clad in green, with a bow and quiver. He is best worked with for
achieving goals within one’s life.

Eligos is a Duke whom governs 60 legions of spirits, He is known to appear as a

handsome knight carrying a lance an ensign and a serpent. Eligos discovers things
which are hidden, and knows that which is to come, as well as wars, He is also
known to cause love between people. He is best invoked regarding battles of any
kind and strategies to overcome them.

Zepar is a Duke who governs 26 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a
soldier in red clothing and armour. Zepar is known to cause both lust and love
between men and women. He is also known to make women barren. He is best
worked with regarding love and relationships.


Botis is a Great President as well as an Earl who govern 60 Legions of spirits.

Botis is known to appear as a viper, then as a human with great teeth, horns on his
head, and a sword. He tells of things that have passed, and things to come. He
brings union between friend and foe and can reveal how one can learn secrets from

Bathin is a Duke who governs 30 Legions of spirits. Bathin is known to appear as
a muscular man with the tail of a serpent, riding on a pale horse or donkey. He
knows the virtues of herbs and precious stones, a teacher of the arts of the earth.
He also causes the magickian to travel to other countries or lands through astral


Sallos is a Duke who governs 30 Legions of spirits. Sallos is known to appear as a

gallant soldier who rides upon a crocodile and wears a ducal crown. Sallos is a
demon who causes lust and love between men and women, and women and men.

Purson is a King whom governs 22 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

man with the head of a lion, riding upon a bear and holding a trumpet and a
serpent. Purson knows of all things that are hidden, he knows all things of past,
present, and that which is to come. He will answer truly to a things earthly, both
secret and divine, and the creation of the world.

Marax is a President who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as
a bull with the face of a man. Marax is known to teach man in astrology and all
other liberal sciences. He is highly wise and knows of all earthly virtues of herbs
and precious stones.


Ipos is a Prince who governs 36 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as an

angel with the head of a lion, feet of a goose and the tail of a hare. He knows of all
things past, present, and that which is yet to come. He also gives man wit and
boldness. This generally makes Ipos excellent for bringing one to self-
development and self-reliance.

Aim/Haborym is a Duke who governs 26 Legions of spirits. He is known to
appear as a man with three heads, one as a serpent, one as a man, and the other as
a calf. The head of a man has two stars on the forehead. He also rides a serpent,
carrying a firebrand in his hand or torch to start fires. He is known to set cities and
great places on fire. He makes man witty in all things and gives true answers to
private matters.


Naberius is a Marquis who governs 19 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear

as a black crane that is fluttering, and he speaks with a hoarse voice. Naberius
speaks in all of the arts and sciences, but he especially speaks in those in the art of
Rhetoric. He also will restore lost dignities and honours.


Glasya-Labolas is a President who governs 36 Legions of spirits. He is known to

appear as a dog with wings like a gryphon. He can teach arts and sciences of all
kinds, especially those hidden and the Black Arts, and cane teach of things past
and to come. He is also an author or creator of bloodshed and manslaughter, thus
he is a demon of cursing, and causes dangerous situations. However Glasya-
Labolas is also a demon who can make union between friend and foe.

Bune is a Duke who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a
dragon with three heads, one like a man, one like a dog, and one like a gryphon,
and speaks in a high and comely voice. He changes place of the dead to gather in
one, or sepulcher. Bune brings the knowledge to make one greater and wise in


Ronove is a Marquis who governs 19 Legions of spirits. Ronove is known to

appear as a monster of sorts. He teaches the art of Rhetoric, he gives knowledge of
tongues, Magick, and favours for friend and foe.

Berith is a Duke who governs 26 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

soldier dressed in red and riding a red horse, and wearing a golden crown. He will
give true answers, past present and to come. He can be worked with in
Necromancy, he also brings visions and dreams, bring one to self-understanding,
including the strengthening of form and is generally great for self exploration.

Astaroth is a Prince who governs 40 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a
hurtful angel/demon that rides upon a dragon. His skin is known to be pale with
blackened eyes with no pupils, and holds a viper in his right hand. He is a
powerful guardian demon that is uniquely balanced. He gives answers to all things
past, present and to come, and discover all secrets. He can tell of how the demons
fell, if desired, and the reason on his own fall. He also gives the knowledge of
liberal sciences.


Forneus is a Marquis who governs 29 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as

a great sea monster. He gives understanding and teaches the Rhetoric arts, causes
men to have a good name, and to have knowledge and the understanding of
language. He also makes one beloved of his friends and foes.

Foras is a President who governs 29 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a
strong man. He is useful when working with initiation involving Magick. He can
give the understanding of Earthly natures, and teaches the arts of logic and ethics
in all their parts. He can find treasures and all things that have been lost. He is also
excellent to work with when dealing with self improvement.


Asmoday is a King who governs 72 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear with

three heads, first like a bull, second like a man, and third like a ram. He has the tail
of a serpent, his feet are webbed, and flames issue from his mouth. He gives the
Ring of Virtues, teaches the arts of Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geometry, and all
handicrafts. He gives true and full answers unto thy demands, improves ones inner
strength such as for initiations. He also shows where treasures are and guardeth it.


Gaap is a Prince who governs 66 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear in front

of four kings. He teaches men Philosophy and the liberal sciences and can cause
love or hatred, as well as teach you to consecrate things. He answers truly and
perfectly of all things past, present and to come.

Furfur is a Marquis or Earl and governs 26 Legions of spirits. He is known to
appear as a deer with a fiery tail. He will wittingly urge love between a man and
woman, he can raise lightning and thunder, and great Tempestuous Storms, and
will give true answers to both things secret and divine, if Commanded. One should
note that Furfur can be used to assist the self, or destroy it.


Marchosias is a Marquis who governs 30 Legions of spirits. Marchosias is known

to appear as a wolf or ox with a gryphon’s wings and serpents tail, vomiting fire
from his mouth. Later appearing as a man. Marchosias teaches initiates astral
shape shifting, lycanthropy and techniques of war and combat. Thus can be useful
to fight obstacles which come before one.


Stolas is a Prince who governs 26 legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

Raven, often with the head of an Owl and later as a man. He teaches the art of
Astronomy and the virtues of herbs and precious stones.

Phenex is a Marquis who governs 20 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as
a Phoenix with the voice of a child. He speaks and teaches of all sciences if
required, he is a poet, and willing to do your requests.


Halphas is a Marquis or Earl who governs 26 Legions of spirits. He is known to

appear as a stock dove with a hoarse voice. He builds towers and fortifications
around magicians, protecting them from spiritual attacks. These towers will be
filled with weapons for war and spirits to man them. This is also excellent for
building strength against any spiritual attack, both man made and those not man-

Malphas is a President who governs 40 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear

as a Crow, then into the shape of a man, and speaks with a hoarse voice. He can
build houses and towers, and bring to you knowledge of your enemies’ desires,
thoughts and actions. However Malphas is known to deceive the magician if they
are not careful, quite possibly as a test of sorts.

Raum is a Marquis or Earl who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to
appear as a Crow, then into the form of a man. He is known to steal treasure from
King’s houses and carry it where commanded. He destroys cities and dignities of
men, and tells of all things past and what is and what will be; and he can cause
love between friend and foes.


Focalor is a Duke that governs 30 Legions of Spirits. He is known to appear as a

man with the wings of a gryphon. He will slay men and drown them in water,
causing storms in relation to the seas. But will not harm any man if commanded to
the contrary.

Vepar is a Duke who governs 29 Legions of spirits. She is known to appear as a
Mermaid. She governs the waters and causes storms in the seas. She can reveal
and cause men to die by infected wounds and sores.


Sabnock is a Marquis who governs 50 Legions of spirits. Sabnock is known to

appear as an armed soldier with a lion’s head, riding a pale horse. He will build
high towers, castles and cities and furnish them with armour. He can also afflict
men with wounds and sores rotten with worms for many days.


Shax is a Marquis who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

stock-dove, and speaking with a hoarse voice, but also subtle. He can take away
sight, hearing, and understanding of any man or woman. He can steal money from
the houses of kings, and will fetch horses at request or any other thing. He can
discover things that are hidden, demonstrating wealth of literal wisdom.

Vine is a King who governs 36 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a lion
riding a black horse, and holding a viper in his hand. He can discover things
hidden, Witches, Wizards and things past, present and to come. He will also build
towers, overthrow obstacles and make waters rough.


Bifrons is a Marquis or Earl who governs 6 Legions of spirits. He is known to

appear as a monster of sorts, then as a man. He can make one knowing in
Astrology, Geometry, and other arts and sciences. He teaches virtues of precious
stones and woods. Bifrons is mostly used as a demon for Necronomtic practices.


Uvall is a Duke and governs 37 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

dromedary, then as a man. He speaks Egyptian imperfectly. He procures love
between man and woman, and tells things past, present and to come. He will also
procure friendships between friends and foes.

Haagenti is a President who governs 33 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear
as a bull with gryphon’s wings, then as a man. He will grant wisdom and instruct
men to divers things, also, he can bring simple meaning to initiatory work and


Crocell is a Duke who governs 48 Legions. He is known to appear as an angel. He

speaks of things hidden and teaches the art of Geometry and liberal sciences, and
commands water.

Furcas is a Knight who governs 20 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

cruel old man with a long beard and a hoary head riding a pale horse and holding a
sword in his hand. He teaches the arts of Philosophy, Astrology, Rhetoric, Logic,
Cheiromancy, and Pyromancy, in all parts and perfectly.

Balam is a King who governs 40 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear with
three heads, the first of a bull, second of a man, and third of a ram, and has a
serpents tail and flaming eyes. He rides a ferocious bear carrying a goshawk in his
fist. He gives true answers of things past, present, and to come. He also makes
men to also be witty.


Alloces is a Duke who governs 36 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

soldier upon a great horse. He teaches the art of Astronomy and all the liberal
sciences. He can also grow paranoia within the enemies of the initiate.

Camio is a President who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as
a thrush, but then a man carrying a sharp sword. He can give the understanding of
all birds and other creatures; and also the voice of the waters. He also gives true
answers of things that are to come.


Murmur is a Duke and governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

warrior riding a gryphon wearing a ducal crown. Before him are his ministers with
trumpets. Murmur teaches Philosophy perfectly, and is also a demon associated
with Necromancy, as he can constrain the souls of the dead to come before the
magician to answer the questions they wish to ask.

Orobas is a Prince who governs 20 Legions of spirits. He is known to first appear

as a horse and then as a man. He will discover all things past, present, and that
which is to come; he will also give dignities and prelacies, and the favour of
friends and foes. He will give true answers of divinity, and creation of the world.
He is also a faithful protector.


Gremory is a Duke who governs 26 Legions of spirits. She is known to appear as a

beautiful woman with a duchess’s crown tied to her waist, and riding a camel. She
will tell of things past, present, and to come; she also knows where to find hidden
treasures, and what they lie in. She will also procure the love of women, both
young and old.


Ose is a President who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

leopard, then later as a man. He can make one cunning in the liberal sciences, and
gives true answers of divine and secret things; also to change you into any shape
that you pleased (in dream shape shifting).

Amy is a President who governs 36 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a
flaming fire, then as a man. He will make one knowing in Astrology and all the
liberal sciences. He can find that is kept by spirits.


Orias is a Marquis who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear with

the face of a lion, riding a mighty horse with a serpent’s tail, He also holds two
hissing serpents. He can teach the virtues of the stars, and to know mansions of the
planets, and how to understand their virtues. He also gives dignities and prelacies.

Vapula is a Duke who governs 36 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a
lion with the wings of a gryphon. Her office is to make men knowing in all
handicrafts and professions, as well as in Philosophy and other sciences.


Zagan is a King, as well as a President who governs 33 Legions of spirits. He is

known to appear as a bull with a gryphon’s wings. He can make men witty, bring
simple meaning to initiatory work and concepts, and make anyone wise.

Volac/Valac is a President who governs 38 Legions of spirits. He is known to

appear as a child with the wings of an angel, riding a two headed dragon. He will
give true answers to hidden treasures and where serpents can be seen. He will
bring treasures to the individual easily.

Andras is a Marquis and governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as
an angel with the head of a Raven or Owl and riding a black wolf, and holding a
sword. He can defend one against their enemies, as well as destroy them. He also
sows discords, and teaches the assumptions of bestial forms.


Haures is a Duke who governs 36 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

leopard, then as a man with fiery eyes and a terrible countenance. He will give true
answers of all things past, present and to come, He will talk of the world, divinity,
and of how he and other spirits fell. He will also destroy and burn ones enemies.

Andrealphus is a Marquis who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to
appear as a noisy peacock. He teaches Geometry, makes men very subtle therein;
and in all things pertaining unto Mensuration or Astronomy.


Cimejes is a Marquis who governs 20 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as

a warrior riding a handsome black horse. He rules over the spirits in Africa, and
teaches grammar, logic, and rhetoric perfectly, and can discover lost, hidden or


Amdusias is a Duke who governs 29 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

unicorn, then as a human. Musical instruments are also known to play for a while.
He can cause trees to bend and incline upon will. Thus he is a nature demon and
can allow one to connect to nature when in its environments, as well as with its

Belial is a King and governs 50 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a
beautiful angel sitting upon a chariot of fire. He distributes presentations and
senatorships, and causes favours of friend and foe. He is the Lord of the Earth,
thus can be more powerful in its natural environments.


Decarabia is a Marquis who governs 30 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear

as a star in a pentacle, then as a man. His teaches the virtues of the birds and
precious stones, and to make the similitude of all kinds of birds to fly before the
initiate, singing and drinking as natural birds do.


Seere is a Prince who governs 26 Legions of spirits. He is known to appear as a

beautiful man riding upon a winged horse. He will bring abundance to all things,
and carry anything you wish. He gives true relation of all sorts of theft, and hidden
treasures, and many other things. He is of an indifferent good nature and willing to
do anything the initiate desires.

Dantalion is a Duke who governs 36 Legions of spirits. Dantalion is known to
appear as a man with many faces holding a book in his or her right hand. He
teaches arts and sciences to any and declares secret counsel of anyone; as he
knows the thoughts of all men and women and can change them at his will. He can
cause love to any person through vision, let them be in what part of the world.


Andromalius is a Marquis or Earl who governs 36 Legions of spirits. He is known

to appear as a man holding a serpent in his hand. He can bring back a thief as well
as the goods that have been stolen, and discover all wickedness and underhand
dealing; he will also punish all thieves and other wicked people, as well as
discover hidden treasure.

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