Basics For OGT

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Outgoing Global

Expand your work horizons

Launch yourself to a challenging role that will allow you to have a professional advantage with our
companies and allied organizations, which are dedicated to providing an experience aligned to various
tasks that will help you to self-evaluate and grow.
Have a minimum of 70% of the career taken
Between 18 and 29 years old
1+ year of work experience outside pre-professional practices
Have the level of English required by the different opportunities (intermediate - advanced is suggested)
Have travel availability of 6 -12 months

International professional experience
Development of skills to work in a team
Development of skills to manage projects
Growth of the international contact network
Compensation on the cost of living of the country
Investment: S/. 1500

What’s included?/ Why should I paid?

Consulting for the application process and during the exchange experience

Use of the opportunities platform

Seminar to prepare for the exchange


*The payment is made only once you have been officially accepted for the chosen Talent Global internship. No more than 72
hrs, after being accepted on platform.

* Your travel bag, airline tickets and visa have costs that vary according to your destination country.
Young people trough 18-30 years (they can be RE with 30 years old)

1+ year of experience on the background they are looking opportunities

English (B1-B2) preferred it depends on each opp

Most of opportunities are for: BA / Industrial Engineering / Marketing / IT / Teaching / Finances

Subproducts oGT


Subproducts oGT



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