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938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City

College of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering

ENSE 506

Research in Air, Water, Noise and Soil Pollutions


Chapter I
Villagante, Ronnielyn C.

July 16, 2019

Date Submitted



Fisheries and aquaculture play a crucial role as a source of animal protein for
people and support the livelihoods. Thus, gives more demand for a sustainable water
supply as its basic needs. Aquaponics is a big hope for sustainable organic crop
production, aquaculture and water consumption. It is a combination of aquaculture, which
is growing fish with and other aquatic animals and hydroponics which is growing plants
without soil. The fish waste is recycled for plant growth instead of throwing it in the
ocean.The water is recirculated in a closed system lowering the consumption of this

Moreover, water demands, reckless population growth, manmade environmental

pollution and impact of climate change creates new challenges to the agriculture sector
that has emphasized on integrate crop and fish farming like aquaponics. The
sustainability of aquaponics considers the environmental, economic and social dynamics.
Economically, these system requires substantial initial investment, but are then followed
by recurring costs and combined returns from both fish and vegetables, and lowering
costs for water consumption. Environmentally, aquaponics prevents aquaculture effluent
from escaping and polluting the watershed. It does not rely on chemicals for fertilizer, or
control of pests or weeds which makes food safer against potential residues. Socially,
aquaponics can integrate livelihood strategies to secure the food and small incomes for
landless and poor households.

Water is the lifeblood of an aquaponic system. This systems is most appropriate

where water is expensive, water is scarce, and soil is poor quality. Deserts and arid areas,
sandy islands and urban gardens are the locations most appropriate for aquaponics
because it uses an absolute minimum water.
Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to investigate the Aquaponics system to solve

sustainable water issues and challenges.

Moreover, the study seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the ways to sustain the good quality of water?

2. How functional are the methods used in safeguarding water quality?
3. How the method solve the environmental problems of the generation?

Importance of the Significance of the Study

The results of this study could help them realize that Aquaponics can be a major solution
in environmental problems. Environmentally responsible with low water usage and low
power usage and also it benefits the consumer because of its production of multiple crops
and fish can be grown from the same system. This study will encourage not just the
researcher but also the students to be knowledgeable that they can also design their own
Aquaponics and help them contribute to lessen the waste water discharge. Also, farmers
is the one that could be the big beneficial of this study because some farms are having a
hard time of growing their plants and this design could be their alternative solution
providing a sustainable water supply.

The outcomes to be considered consists of the following: the improvement of the

students to be innovative to come up with a better solutions on environmental issues
specifically water supply and the awareness of the students on the issues that is
happening in reality.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study covers the affectivity of the aquaponics system in securing water
sustainability for future use. A cultivation of fish and plants together in a constructed,
recirculating ecosystem which recycled water is a major substance in producing both.
This would have a wide range of application in fields ranging from household to agriculture
and industrial application, but this study will focus mainly on individual households
application and water consumers.

Moreover, this project is delimited and does not cover the following:

 Structural design
 Metal works
 Fish production
 Crop production
 Plumbing and electrical works beneath the aquaponics system
 Treatment of waste water

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

The theoretical relevance of this study concerns the operation of intermediary

organizations at the regional or local level in the implementation of policies. 'Control
capacity' is the central concept of this research project. It concerns the water supply
sector and its in relation to the aquaponics system to control the usage in beneficial way.
Control capacity is the capability of influencing social processes, in this case the behavior
of an individual consumers using the said system.
The researchers aim to The researchers will
Researchers are expecting
determine the effectivity of conduct an interview/survey
to get some informations,
Aquaponics in contibution to to operators of Aquaponics
perceptions, and positive
water sustainbility. system to know the
effects of Aquaponics
effectivity of the method in
towards sustainability.
relation to water sustainbility

To attain all of these, the researchers will conduct a survey and an interview to
operators of aquaponic system to gain their perceptions, some information and data of
the said system. To determine if the water consumption of the aquaponic system is lower
than the traditional soil grown system and if it’s truly advantageous method of producing
plants for human consumption, particularly in regions were water availability is an issue.

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