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There are parts of North: America that are very, very cold in winter. This is why not
many people live there. The land is white with snow and there is ice on the rivers. It
is so cold that it is difficult for anything to stay alive.
Two men, Bill and Henry, were on their way to Fort McGurry to bury Lord Alfred.
Six dogs pulled a sled that carried his body.
It was almost nigh-time when they heard the first howl. Bill and Henry stopped
the sled and looked behind the m. All they could see was white snow.
Then there was another howl.
"It's wolves, Henry, and they're close."
'They're hungry. There's not much food out here for them. We'd
better stop and light a fire to keep them away. It's getting dark anyway."
The two men found a place in the forest where they could sleep for the night. Bill
took out six fish from a box to feed the dogs, but when he carne back, he looked
"Henry, how many dogs have we got?"
"But I saw seven just now when I went to feed them"
"You must be tired. There are only six."
In the morning, when the men were ready to move again, they
noticed that one of the dogs was missing.
" fatty’s not here. He ran away."
"But where could he go Ol! t hereí"
"Maybe the wolves. killed him, Henry. They need food."
"And if we're not careful, they’ll cat us, too."

The men continued with five dogs. They went as fast as they could but fort McGurry was
still some days away. The next night, when they stopped to camp, they heard the wolves
"They're staying close, Bill."
"and we've only got one gun and three bullets. For the first time in my life i
wish I had more bullets."
The men were tired and slept deeply. In the morning, another dog, Frog, was missing. The
men were very surprised because Frog was a clever dog, not like Fatty.
"Why did Frog leave the camp, when he knew that the wolves were out there?
Then they saw the reason. There, in the distance, in the white snow, stood a she-wolf. But
she didn't look exactly like a wolf. She was bigger and looked a bit like a sled-dog. Her fur was
gray, but it looked red when she moved.
"There's your answer, Bill. That she-wolf comes to the camp at night and the male dogs
follow her into the forest. Then the wolves kill our dogs."
"Well, I’m going to shoot her the first chance I get. We can't lose any more dogs"
They tired the dogs up at night but they still escaped, when there were only three clogs, the
wolves did not hide any more. They followed the men out into the open -the she-wolf leading
them. The men were afraid, but neither of them said anything. Then, One Far, sled-dog,
scaped in the day. He followed the she-wolf into the trees. Bill look the gun and ran after them.
"That's itl I'm going to stop that she-wolf now!"
One ear ran after the she-wolf into the forest where the other wolves were waiting. Bill
followed them. Henry heard One ear cry out in pain. Ant then he heard a gunshot. Then
another gunshot and a third one. He knew Bill had no more bullets. The wolves howled
Henry knew that he was now alone. There was nothing he could do to save his friend. He
had no gun -and no bullets.


Henry is alone

Henry continued alone. He put two straps from the sled over his shoulders and helped the last
two dogs pull the sled. When night came Henry stopped and built a fire. He had a lot of
firewood. The dogs stayed close to him when they slept because they, too, were afraid of the
forest now.

"I understand you. Stay close to me. Fort McGurry is still far away but we'll try to get
there together."
Henry did not sleep much. The last two dogs growled whenever the wolves moved
closer and kept him awake. Henry could see the wolves' red eyes in the darkness. When
they got too close, Henry had to do something. He picked up a burning piece of wood from
the fire and threw it at them.
"Take that I’ll burn you if you get any closer"

In the morning, Henry saw that there was no firewood on the sled.
"My God, those wolves stole the firewood! They know how to kill a man! I didn't
think they were so clever"
Henry knew be did not have much time before the wolves attacked him. He decided
to leave Lord Alfred's coffin in a tree and come back for it later.
The journey was much faster now that the sled was empty. They went into another
forest, and Henry stopped to cut some wood and build a fire for the night. But the
wolves were hungry again. Henry threw burning wood at them to keep them away.
The wolves went away but came back immediately. This happened a few times until
Henry got very tired.
He went to sleep and did not hear the dogs growl anymore. When he woke up the
she-wolf had her teeth around his arm.

the other wolves were ready to attack hill1 when he jumped into
the fire and started kicking and throwing the burning wood all around him. It worked .The
wolves ran away. When Henry looked for the dogs, he could not find them anywhere.

The next morning, Henry saw the hungry wolves moving around him again. They knew tl1;[[ he
that he was now completely alone.
"You think you've got me, uh? You`ll see!”
Henry knew that fire Was his only weapon. He carried a burning piece of wood with him
wherever he went. When night came, he built a circle of fire around him and sat in the middle.
The wolves sat outside this ring of fire - waiting Henry could see the she-wolf looking at him. He
saw her white fangs. She looked like she was laughing at him. She looked up at the moon and
gave a great howl. Then the other wolves howled.
In the end, Henry was too tired to even feel afraid!.

"That's it! You winl I'm going to sleep. Do what you want. Don’t care any more."

He woke up in the morning, and something was wrong. The fire was out, but the wolves were
not there. was he dreaming? He heard dogs barking, and then he saw three men on sleds.
They stopped next to him.
"Are you one of Lord Alfred's men?"
"Yes. Am I glad to see you"
"Where is Lord Alfred?"
"He's in a tree. Dead. In a box.”

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