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Determinants of Medication Compliance in

Schizophrenia: Empirical and Clinical Findings

by Wayne S. Fenton, Crystal R. Blyler, and Robert K. Heinssen

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Abstract Compliance is defined as "the extent to which a person's
behavior coincides with medical or health advice"
Advances in psychopharmacology have produced (Haynes 1979, p. 2). The term has been criticized for over
medications with substantial efficacy in the treatment 20 years as a reflection of an outmoded and paternalistic
of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia conception of the physician-patient relationship (Stimson
and the prevention of relapse or symptom exacerba- 1974; Holm 1993). Nonetheless, compliance is a word
tion after an acute episode. In the clinical setting, the often used in clinical settings where for clinicians,
individual patient's acceptance or rejection of pre- patients, and families it remains one of the most vexing
scribed pharmacological regimens is often the single challenges in psychopharmacology.
greatest determinant of these treatments' effectiveness. Compliance is difficult to quantify and study for sev-
For this reason, an understanding of factors that eral reasons. Clinicians' ability to identify which patients
impede and promote patient collaboration with pre- do not take medicine is limited (McClellan and Cowan
scribed acute and maintenance treatment should 1970; Norell 1981). Other measures of adherence include
inform both pharmacological and psychosocial treat- patient or relative self-report, prescription renewals and
ment planning. We review the substantive literature on pill counts, saliva and urine screens, or steady-state serum
medication adherence in schizophrenia and describe a determinations. Concordance across different measures of
modified health belief model within which empirical compliance is often low, although self-reported noncom-
findings can be understood. In addition to factors pliance is corroborated more often than is self-reported
intrinsic to schizophrenia psychopathology, medica- adherence (Rickels and Briscoe 1970; Gordis 1976;
tion-related factors, available social support, substance Boczkowski et al. 1985). Measurement is further compli-
abuse comorbidity, and the quality of the therapeutic cated because compliance is rarely an all-or-none phe-
alliance each affect adherence and offer potential nomenon, but may include errors of omission, mistakes in
points of intervention to improve the likelihood of col- dosage and timing, and taking medications that are not
laboration. Because noncompliance as a clinical prob- prescribed (Blackwell 1976).
lem is multidetermined, an individualized approach to A 1986 review of 26 studies using a variety of defini-
assessment and treatment, which is often best devel- tions and detection methods to assess medication use
oped in the context of an ongoing physician-patient among outpatients with schizophrenia reported a median
relationship, is optimal. The differential diagnosis of default rate of 41 percent (range, 10% to 76%) with oral
noncompliance should lead to interventions that target medications and 25 percent (range, 14% to 36%) with
specific causal factors thought to be operative in the depot injections over time periods up to 1 year (Young et
individual patient al. 1986). Fifteen subsequent studies using varying defini-
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 23(4):637-651,1997. tions of noncompliance and many mixing patients taking
oral and depot medications reported a median 1-month to
2-year noncompliance rate of 55 percent (range, 24% to
Although advances in psychopharmacology have vastly 88%) (Hogan et al. 1983; Ayers et al. 1984; Carman et al.
improved the range of treatment options for schizophre-
nia, outcome variance explained by the choice of medica-
tion is likely small compared with that accounted for by Reprint requests should be sent to Dr. W.S. Fenlon, Chestnut
how and if the patient takes what is prescribed. Lodge Hospital, 500 West Montgomery Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.

Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1997 W.S. Fenton et al.

1984; Boczkowski et al. 1985; Gaebel and Pietzcker on empirical studies that (1) identify current or predictive
1985; Munetz and Roth 1985; Frank and Gunderson correlates of adherence and noncompliance and (2) assess
1990; Kelly and Scott 1990; Pristach and Smith 1990; interventions targeted to improve adherence. These find-
Buchanan 1992; Adams and Howe 1993; Parker and ings provide an empirical basis for the differential diagno-
Hadzi-Pavlovic 1995; Razali and Yahya 1995; sis and understanding of noncompliance within a modi-
Macpherson et al. 1996a, 19966; Owen et al. 1996). fied health belief or health decision model.
The belief that noncompliance is a direct result of dis-
ease processes in schizophrenia dominates the clinical per-
ception of noncompliance for these patients. Reported Methods
noncompliance rates for schizophrenia, however, are in the

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This review is limited to studies of medication adherence
middle range of those reported for other common medical
in schizophrenia: studies focused on psychiatric patients
disorders. Medication noncompliance rates of 55 to 71
without specifying diagnosis and those focused on adher-
percent have been reported for patients with arthritis (Berg
ence to other aspects of treatment, such as aftercare
et al. 1993), 54 to 82 percent for patients with seizure dis- appointments, were not included. Clinical correlates of
orders (Shope 1988), 20 to 57 percent for patients with compliance that have been studied include patient socio-
bipolar affective disorder (Elixhauser et al. 1990), and 19 demographic features; illness characteristics, including
to 80 percent for patients with diabetes (Friedman 1988). comorbidity and insight; medication features, including
Half of patients with hypertension drop out of care within side effects and route and frequency of administration;
1 year, and only two-thirds of those who remain take ade- family and social support; and treatment system charac-
quate medication (Eraker et al. 1984). teristics, including quality of the physician-patient rela-
A review of compliance with maintenance regi- tionship. Interventions studied include reinforcement,
mens—rheumatic fever prophylaxis, glaucoma, isoniazid education, skills training, and memory enhancement.
for tuberculosis, and self-administered insulin—found a Potentially relevant English-language articles were
mean noncompliance rate for these long-term illnesses of identified from the English language psychiatric and psy-
54 percent (Sacket 1976). Compliance is lowest when the chological literature with the aid of computer searches
condition is prolonged, treatment is prophylactic or sup- using such key words as compliance, adherence, psy-
pressive, and the consequences of stopping treatment are chopharmacology, and schizophrenia. Bibliographies
delayed. In disorders sharing these features, adherence from primary sources and reviews were then reviewed to
declines with time (Blackwell 1973). identify earlier relevant works. In addition to empirical
Through 1994 at least 14,000 English-language arti- studies (those including some measure of compliance or
cles have addressed compliance-related issues in medical intention to comply), clinical reports were included for
care (Donovan 1995). Recent reviews converge in con- review if they presented useful perspectives on social or
cluding that noncompliance is far better documented than psychodynamic issues that would generally be inaccessi-
understood and that a focus on the patient's decisionmak- ble to empirical study. In selecting studies for review, reli-
ing process is often a key missing ingredient in extant ability testing and corroboration of patient self-report
research (Trostle 1988; Morris and Schulz 1993; Donovan were not required criteria; had they been, very few studies
1995). Health belief (Becker and Maiman 1975; Kirscht would be left for review.
and Rosenstock 1979) or health decision (Eraker et al.
1984) models that emphasize a patient's subjective assess-
ment of the risks and benefits of treatment in the context Correlates of Adherence and
of personal values and goals are advanced as best inte- Noncompliance
grating available data on compliance research. Although
these models may require modification in disorders like Patient-Related Factors.
schizophrenia in which cognition and motivation are Patient demographic characteristics. As in other
affected directly by illness processes (Babiker 1986; medical disorders, demographic variables are not consist-
Bebbington 1995), they do facilitate a shift in perspective: ently associated with compliance in schizophrenia. Eleven
rather than viewing noncompliance as the patient's prob- studies assessed the relationship between one or more
lem, it is redefined as an indication that the therapeutic patient demographic characteristics and compliance (Leff
regimen is not assisting the individual patient to achieve and Wing 1971; Hoffman et al. 1974; Soskis 1978; Hogan
his or her goals. et al. 1983; Pan and Tantam 1989; Buchanan 1992;
In this article, we review the substantive literature on Draine and Solomon 1994; Sellwood and Tamer 1994;
medication compliance in schizophrenia with an emphasis Parker and Hadzi-Pavlovic 1995; Razali and Yahya 1995;

Determinants of Medication Compliance Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1997

Owen et al. 1996). Eight of ten found no association with Although the association between noncompliance and
age, six of nine found no association with gender, four of relapse is robust, causality is likely bidirectional:
five found no association with ethnicity, and four of four Crawford and Forrest (1974) found erratic pill-taking
no association with education or income. In contrast, two associated with worsening symptoms for patients taking
studies found noncompliance associated with youth, three placebo tablets while maintained on depot phenothiazine
with male gender, one with single marital status, and one injections. Likewise, in a study that randomized schizo-
with African-Caribbean ethnicity. phrenia patients to drug or placebo groups 2 months after
hospital discharge, Hogarty et al. (1973) found that about
Illness Characteristics. 50 percent of the relapsers from either group were non-
Illness history. Studies have failed to reveal an compliant compared with only 15 percent of patients from

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association between compliance and age at onset and either group who had not relapsed within 6 months.
duration of illness (Buchanan 1992), age at first hospital- Illness severity and subtype. Both inpatient drug
ization (McEvoy et al. 1984), and premorbid functioning refusal and outpatient noncompliance are consistently asso-
(Adams and Howe 1993). Data relating the number of ciated with more severe ratings of psychopathology. Eight
prior hospitalizations to compliance are contradictory: studies assessed the relationship between symptom severity
Three studies indicated more prior hospitalizations or global functioning and inpatient medication refusal,
(Nelson et al. 1975; Pan and Tantam 1989; Sellwood and future outpatient medication compliance, or attitude toward
Tarrier 1994); two studies, fewer prior hospitalizations medication. Marder et al. (1983) found more severe psy-
(Reilly et al. 1967; McEvoy et al. 1984); and one study, chopathology, including disorganization, hostility, and sus-
no difference in prior hospitalizations (Hogan et al. 1983) piciousness, associated with inpatient drug refusal. Five
among patients judged to be noncompliant at an index investigations reported a positive association between
assessment. Although these data do not strongly support symptom severity at or after discharge and poor outpatient
the contention that patients learn to adhere to medications compliance (Renton et al. 1963; Van Putten et al. 1976;
after repeated relapses, hospitalization may improve com- Kelly et al. 1987; Pan and Tantam 1989) or poor attitude
pliance in the period immediately after discharge: Two toward compliance (Draine and Solomon 1994). One study
studies assessing compliance among patients before and found only the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (Overall and
after an index admission showed significant decreases in Gorham 1962) grandiosity score to be associated with poor
noncompliance rates at followup (Christensen 1974; compliance (Bartko et al. 1988), and one study reported no
Owen et al. 1996). relationship between symptom severity at discharge and
The association between compliance and future hos- future outpatient compliance (Ayers et al. 1984).
pitalization risk is far less equivocal: Seven studies indi- Seven studies investigating the relationship between
cated that patients rated as noncompliant have a 6-month paranoid suspiciousness, persecutory delusions, or schizo-
to 2-year risk of relapse that is an average of 3.7 times phrenia subtype and medication adherence yielded mixed
greater than patients rated as compliant (Leff and Wing results. Two studies reported that noncompliance preced-
1971; Linn et al. 1982; Gaebel and Pietzcker 1985; ing a hospitalization is more common among patients
Munetz and Roth 1985; Kashner et al. 1991; McFarlane et with paranoid schizophrenia subtype (Reilly et al. 1967;
al. 1995; Parker and Hadzi-Pavlovic 1995). Two addi- Pristach and Smith 1990). An additional investigation
tional studies did not allow calculation of relative risk, but reported greater noncompliance as measured with urine
identified irregular medication adherence as a significant screens among inpatients with paranoid delusions (Wilson
predictor of relapse (Falloon et al. 1978; Verghese et al. and Enoch 1967). In contrast, one investigation found no
1989). The magnitude of elevated risk associated with association between paranoid schizophrenia subtype and
noncompliance seems comparable with that conveyed by the expressed willingness to take medications (Soskis
randomization to placebo in maintenance trials 1978), one study found no association between subtype
(Baldessarini et al. 1990). Consistent with these data is and self-reported outpatient compliance (Hoffman et al.
the finding of recent medication noncompliance in the his- 1974), and another study reported no association between
tory of 38 to 68 percent of relapsed patients (Reilly et al. paranoid ratings and missed depot appointments (Bartko
1967; Christensen 1974; Herz and Melville 1980; del et al. 1988). In a study that may reconcile these discrepant
Campo et al. 1983; Parker and Hadzi-Pavlovic 1995; findings, Van Putten et al. (1976) found no association
Owen et al. 1996). Because relapse typically occurs between compliance and paranoid schizophrenia subtype,
weeks to months after the discontinuation of medication, but noted that 85 percent of paranoid schizophrenia
however, patients only rarely attribute it to noncompliance patients with delusions of persecution or influence habitu-
(Chien 1975; Herz and Melville 1980). ally complied with medications, whereas 92 percent of

Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1997 W.S. Fenton et al.

paranoid patients with grandiose delusions habitually ous. Kelly et al. (1987) found that greater perceived sus-
refused medications. ceptibility to rehospitalization was associated with
Cognition/memory. Neither overall intelligence increased compliance among a population made up
(Adams and Howe 1993), discharge Mini-Mental State largely of patients with schizophrenia. Hogan et al. (1983)
Exam score (Folstein et al. 1975; Buchanan 1992), nor also found that schizophrenia outpatients rated by their
Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Exam results (Northern therapists as generally compliant with medication were
California Neurobehavioral Group 1988; Cuffel et al. more likely than noncompliant patients to believe that
1996) has been associated with compliance. The potential staying on medication would prevent relapse.
association between specific neuropsychological deficits Noncompliant patients were more likely to believe that
and compliance has not been explored. A significant per- medication should only be taken when one feels sick, that

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centage of outpatients, however, attribute noncompliance it would harm them physically, and that it is unnatural to
to forgetting (Hoffman et al. 1974) or indicate that they take medication. In contrast, Pan and Tantam (1989)
believe reminders to take their medicine would be helpful found no difference in beliefs about the possibility of
(Serban and Thomas 1974). relapse if maintenance treatment were stopped between
Insight. The concept of insight has undergone con- regular attenders and outpatients who had missed two or
siderable elaboration in recent years, coincident with a more appointments over 12 months at a depot neuroleptic
shift in explanatory focus from psychological to neurolog- clinic. Buchanan (1992) found no association between
ically based formulations of self-awareness deficits compliance and self-appraisal of the likelihood of becom-
(Amador et al. 1993, 1994). A review emphasized the ing ill again. Serban and Thomas (1974) found that most
multidimensional nature of insight and its relative inde- hospitalized schizophrenia patients who reported that they
pendence from symptom severity (Amador et al. 1991). did not use prescribed medications between hospitaliza-
Using a variety of self-report measures of illness aware- tions failed to do so despite their expressed belief that reg-
ness, nine studies assessed the relationship between ular medication would be helpful. It should be noted that
insight and adherence with prescribed pharmacological this disjunction between health beliefs and behaviors is by
regimens. Poor insight was consistently associated with no means unique to schizophrenia.
noncompliance. Three studies reported an association
between poor insight assessed at admission or during hos- Subjective Weil-Being. Perceived immediate benefit
pitalization and medication noncompliance among inpa- and a subjective sense of well-being derived from medica-
tients (Lin et al. 1979; Marder et al. 1983; McEvoy et al. tions seem to be associated more consistently with com-
1989). Four studies reported an association between a pliance than are expressed beliefs concerning susceptibil-
lack of insight at hospital admission, discharge, or post- ity to relapse. Patients who do not comply are likely to
discharge assessment and poor outpatient compliance feel that their medications do not help, are of no benefit,
(Nelson et al. 1975; Van Putten et al. 1976; Bartko et al. or are ineffective and unnecessary (Nelson et al. 1975;
1988; Macpherson et al. 1996a, 1996b). Perhaps reflect- Soskis 1978; Lin et al. 1979; Herz and Melville 1980).
ing the fact that both insight and compliance can fluctuate Patients who consent to and comply with neuroleptics are
with clinical state, one study found that an awareness of more likely to report feeling better (Marder et al. 1983),
illness and medication compliance were related only getting help (Buchanan 1992), and endorsing a direct
when measured concurrently (Cuffel et al. 1996). One (Hogan et al. 1983; Razali and Yahya 1995) or indirect
study reported an association between involuntary admis- (Adams and Howe 1993) beneficial effect of medication
sion status (an indirect index of insight) and poor 2-year on their well-being. After resolution of an acute episode,
postdischarge medication compliance, but no association however, some patients stop medications because they
between ratings from attitude questionnaires and compli- feel well and therefore no longer in need of treatment
ance (Buchanan 1992). Although a statistical relationship (Reilly et al. 1967; Hoffman et al. 1974). As described
between insight and adherence has been replicated in a below in the section on side effects, to the extent that sub-
variety of settings, several investigators noted that a siz- jective well-being is associated with initial and long-term
able subgroup of patients who do not believe they are ill adherence, subjective discomfort is associated with med-
or require medication nonetheless are regularly compliant. ication refusal or noncompliance.

Other Health Beliefs. Except for the consistent rela- Co-Occurring Alcohol and Drug Use. Comorbid alco-
tionship between awareness of the presence of a psychi- hol or other substance abuse is common among individu-
atric illness and medication compliance, the association als with schizophrenia (Regier et al. 1990) and is a strong
between specific health beliefs and medication compli- predictor of neuroleptic noncompliance. Drake et al.
ance among patients with schizophrenia is more ambigu- (1989) studied 115 outpatients with schizophrenia and

Determinants of Medication Compliance Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1997

found that 45 percent were occasional and 23 percent Inpatient drug refusers were described as including a sub-
heavy alcohol users. More severe alcohol use and abuse group of patients with severe side effects and a second
were associated with medication noncompliance, psy- group in whom illness-related factors, such as denial, hos-
chosocial problems (including homelessness), disorga- tility, and grandiosity, were major determinants of refusal.
nized and hostile behavior, medical problems, and fre- Fleischhacker et al. (1994) attributed their failure to find
quent rehospitalizations over a 1-year followup. In a an association between side effects during the first 4
second group of outpatients, Kashner et al. (1991) found weeks of treatment and subsequent compliance among
that substance-abusing patients with schizophrenia were patients on haloperidol and clozapine to an aggressive
13 times more likely than non-substance-abusing patients approach to detect and treat adverse effects by changing
to be noncompliant with antipsychotic medication. In a medications, lowering dosages, and prescribing concomi-

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group of schizophrenia inpatients with a rate of self- tant medications.
reported noncompliance (72%) before admission that was In an important series of studies based on the obser-
too high to find an overall association with their substance vation that normal volunteers differed in their reactions to
abuse history, Pristach and Smith (1990) reported that 62 a test dose of phenothiazines (Heninger et al. 1965), Van
percent stopped taking medications while drinking. Putten et al. (1974) described a subgroup of schizophrenia
Patients often cited their physicians' advice not to mix patients who experienced a dysphoric response to a vari-
medicine and alcohol as a reason for intermittent noncom- ety of conventional neuroleptics available at that time.
pliance. Among inpatients assessed for substance abuse These patients felt miserable on neuroleptics, complained
and followed after discharge for 6 months, Owen et al.
about drug effects, and pleaded to have their medications
(1996) reported that substance abuse in the 30 days before
stopped or dosages reduced. In contrast, nondysphoric
index assessment was the strongest predictor of noncom-
responders reported that they "liked" medications and
pliance at followup assessment. Substance abuse
"felt better" on them. Akathisia was found to be the most
increased the risk of noncompliance eightfold and seemed
significant factor underlying a dysphoric neuroleptic
to interact with decreased outpatient contact to result in
response and was highly associated with medication
poor clinical outcome. Of potential relevance to compli-
refusal or outpatient noncompliance or both. In some
ance are reports that tardive dyskinesia and akathisia may
patients, akathisia was experienced as a catastrophic sense
be more prevalent among patients who abuse alcohol
of terror and impending annihilation that was phenomeno-
(Lutz 1976; Olivera et al. 1990; Dixon et al. 1992).
logically similar to an exacerbation of psychosis (Van
Putten 1974). More frequently, patients reported a subtle
Medication-Related Factors. inner restlessness, anxiety, and inability to feel comfort-
Side effects. Neuroleptic side effects that may be able in any position, a phenomenon that was incompatible
particularly unpleasant include sedation, anticholinergic with any productive activities and could not be tolerated
effects, cognitive blunting, depression, sexual dysfunc- for any period of time. However, much of the akathisia
tion, and extrapyramidal syndromes—dystonia, akinesia, responsible for outpatient noncompliance was described
Parkinsonian effects, akathisia, and tardive dyskinesia as sufficiently mild as to remain undetected by an
(Weiden et al. 1986). Between one-quarter and two-thirds observer who lacked a close and continuous relationship
of patients who unilaterally discontinue prescribed neu- with the patient (Van Putten 1974). Two subsequent stud-
roleptic medicines cite side effects as their primary reason ies replicated the finding of a significant association
for noncompliance (Renton et al. 1963; Reilly et al. 1967; between an initial dysphoric response to a test dose of
Hoffman et al. 1974; del Campo et al. 1983). Among out- thiothixene or haloperidol, akathisia, and subsequent med-
patients, both self (Falloon et al. 1978; Hogan et al. 1983; ication noncompliance (Van Putten et al. 1981, 1984). In a
Kelly et al. 1987) and physician (Nelson et al. 1975; Pan third independent sample, a greater proportion of patients
and Tantam 1989; Buchanan 1992) ratings of side effects with a dysphoric than a syntonic response to a chlor-
are associated with or predictive of noncompliance. promazine test dose were noncompliant over a 9-month
Although side effects are consistently associated with followup period (Ayers et al. 1984). Together, these
poor maintenance adherence among outpatients, inpa- results point to a strong association among a dysphoric
tients may not reliably report a history of side effects. response to medication, akathisia, and medication refusal
Pristach and Smith (1990) did not find self-reported his- or noncompliance or both.
tory of neuroleptic side effects to be related to noncompli- Dosage and agent Higher (Pan and Tantam 1989),
ance among inpatients before admission. Marder et al. lower (Nelson et al. 1975), and no different (Hogan et al.
(1983) found no overall association between the self- 1983) neuroleptic dosages have been reported among out-
reported history of side effects and inpatient drug refusal: patients rated as less compliant with maintenance treat-

Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1997 W.S. Fenton et al.

ment. A curvilinear relationship between dosage and com- administered by a treatment provider, noncompliance with
pliance, with very low doses associated with lack of effi- this type of treatment can be detected quickly and with
cacy and very high doses with excessive side effects, certainty. Such noncompliance allows an assessment of
seems likely. However, few data are available that assess clinical impact for the individual patient and may trigger
differential compliance rates to different agents. Carman assertive interventions. For this reason, the major advan-
et al. (1984) found noncompliance rates as measured by tage of depot neuroleptics may be the ability to eliminate
serum and urine assays to be significantly higher among covert noncompliance as a cause of clinical decompensa-
patients taking high-potency compared with low-potency tion (Schooler and Keith 1993).
agents (65% vs. 13%). Among outpatients receiving phe- Complexity of regimen. Although the complexity
nothiazine injections, Carney and Sheffield (1976) of a medication regimen is associated with compliance

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reported a higher noncompliance rate (43%) among those across a broad range of medical disorders (Haynes 1976),
receiving fluphenazine enanthate than among patients only one (Razali and Yahya 1995) of four empirical stud-
receiving fluphenazine decanoate or flupenthixol ies that focused exclusively on schizophrenia identified a
decanoate (23%). The difference was attributed to a statistically significant association between complexity of
higher rate of extrapyramidal side effects among those regimen and compliance. Hoffman et al. (1974), Hogan et
prescribed fluphenazine enanthate. We were unable to al. (1983), and Buchanan (1992) found no such associa-
locate any randomized controlled study assessing compli- tion.
ance with different agents.
The correlation between greater psychopathology at Environmental Factors.
index assessment and noncompliance likely reflects an Family and social support. Social support, in gen-
association between the efficacy of prescribed treatment eral, and the availability of family or friends to assist or
and compliance. The finding that noncompliance rates for supervise medications, in particular, are consistently asso-
chlorpromazine were substantially higher than those for ciated with outpatient adherence. Eight studies indicated
imipramine among depressed (70% vs. 44%) but not that patients living with relatives or whose medications
schizophrenia (32% vs. 25%) outpatients provides addi- are supervised by relatives are more likely than those
tional support for a relationship between efficacy and lacking such support to maintain adherence to prescribed
compliance (Willcox et al. 1965). antipsychotic medication (Parkes et al. 1962; Renton et al.
Route. A 1986 review of 26 studies reporting non- 1963; Reilly et al. 1967; Hoffman et al. 1974; Nelson et
compliance rates indicated a lower mean default rate al. 1975; Van Putten et al. 1976; Buchanan 1992; Razali
(25%) in studies of depot compared with oral (41%) neu- and Yahya 1995). An additional study found a nonsignifi-
roleptics (Young et al. 1986). Based on the hypothesized cant association between stability of living arrangements
advantage of depot preparations in improving compliance, and compliance (Owen et al. 1996). Causality is likely
six controlled studies comparing relapse rates among bidirectional in determining the association between fam-
patients randomized to oral versus depot neuroleptics ily or social support and compliance. In a group of mostly
were reviewed more recently (Davis et al. 1993). These schizophrenia outpatients, Draine and Solomon (1994)
studies suggest a modest advantage for the depot route in found that better social functioning and more extensive
reducing relapse rates that may be greater in nonresearch social networks were related to positive attitudes toward
samples (Dixon et al. 1995). Changing patients to depot medication compliance. In addition, negative or stressful
preparations does not, however, seem to be an effective social interactions may counteract the positive effect on
global strategy to eliminate noncompliance: Van Putten et compliance of living with others (Reilly et al. 1967).
al. (1976) found that 83 percent of habitually noncompli- Practical barriers. In one investigation, 28 percent
ant schizophrenia outpatients who were switched to of patients who had reduced or stopped taking medica-
decanoate did not return with any regularity for bimonthly tions before an inpatient admission cited financial burden
injections. Likewise, Falloon et al. (1978) reported that 73 as the principal reason for discontinuation (Reilly et al.
percent of schizophrenia patients returned to the commu- 1967). Sullivan et al. (1995) found that family informants
nity after hospital treatment who were irregular in their reported that 7 percent of previously hospitalized patients
tablet taking also missed at least one injection in 12 lacked money for medication and 19 percent had missed
months. Buchanan (1992) found no difference in compli- medication because of a lack of transportation to the phar-
ance rates over 2 years postdischarge for patients taking macy. Practical barriers or lack of access to care may be
oral and depot neuroleptics. particularly salient for homeless individuals, who are
Although long-acting phenothiazine injections do not often viewed as noncompliant (Interagency Council on
ensure medication compliance because they must be the Homeless 1992).

Determinants of Medication Compliance Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1997

Physician-patient relationship. The clinical sup- toiletries and personal items. Compared with patients ran-
position that a positive therapeutic alliance facilitates domly assigned to a control medication group, the experi-
medication compliance finds empirical support in three mental group showed better attendance, higher compli-
studies. Nelson et al. (1975) found that the single best pre- ance levels, and more positive attitudes toward
dictor of medication compliance among discharged schiz- medication. Cassino et al. (1987) successfully increased
ophrenia patients was the patient's perception of the attendance among schizophrenia patients at a decanoate
physician's interest in him or her as a person. Marder et clinic from 58 to 76 percent over a 17-week period by
al. (1983) found that, compared with patients who refused offering brunch at morning sessions of the clinic. Offering
medications, schizophrenia inpatients who consented to lunch-type food at an afternoon session, however, had lit-
neuroleptic treatment rated themselves as more satisfied tle effect on attendance.

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with ward staff and their own physicians and felt that their Education. Circumscribed educational interven-
physicians understood them, had their best interests in tions aimed at providing information about schizophrenia
mind, and had explained the reasons for taking medica- and its treatment have been ineffective at increasing com-
tions and their potential side effects. Illness severity or pliance. Boczkowski et al. (1985) found no difference in
treatment response may partially explain these associa- compliance between an experimental group of outpatients
tions. Frank and Gunderson (1990) found that 74 percent provided a 30- to 50-minute information session and a
of patients with fair or poor therapeutic alliances (rated at control group for whom no specific attempt to focus on
6 months) failed to comply fully with prescribed medica- medication or diagnosis was made. Macpherson et al.
tion regimens during the next year and a half. In contrast, (1996a) randomly assigned patients to one of three
only 26 percent of schizophrenia patients with a good groups: one receiving three educational sessions at
alliance with their therapist (rated at 6 months) were non- weekly intervals, one receiving a single educational ses-
compliant. In this study, the association between therapeu- sion, and one having no educational intervention.
tic alliance and medication compliance was independent Although participants in the group receiving the three ses-
of the patient's severity of psychopathology, type or sions did have fewer knowledge errors at 1-month fol-
dosage of medication, or inpatient/outpatient status. lowup, their scores on a medication compliance scale did
Attitude of staff. Irwin et al. (1971) reported a not change. Similarly, Brown et al. (1987) documented an
nonsignificantly higher noncompliance rate as determined increase in knowledge among schizophrenia outpatients
by urine screen (39% vs. 25%) among outpatients treated who received two instructional sessions 1 month apart,
by physicians who viewed medication as having question- but noted that instruction did not affect independently
able value, compared with patients of physicians who rated compliance.
viewed medication as an essential aspect of treatment. Skills training in areas related to medication seems to
be more effective than providing factual information.
Interventions. Psychosocial treatments for schizophre- Eckman et al. (1990) designed a medication management
nia often include promotion of medication compliance as module that trained patients in four skill areas: obtaining
an implicit or explicit goal. Data bearing on the efficacy of information about medications, administering medication
individual psychotherapy, social skills training, case man- and evaluating its benefits, identifying side effects, and
agement, family psychoeducation, and assertive commu- negotiating medication with health care providers. The
nity treatment programs have been reviewed recently module was delivered to patients in a variety of settings
(Lehman et al. 1995). Here we review a more narrow set for 3 hours per week over 15 to 20 weeks. Upon comple-
of interventions that specifically target medication compli- tion of the module and over a 3-month followup, knowl-
ance: reinforcement, education, and memory enhancement. edge about medication, skill utilization, and compliance
Reinforcement. When characterized by institu- improved over baseline. Compliance assessed by the
tional surroundings, long waits, and impersonal or patients' psychiatrists increased from 67 percent before
bureaucratic treatment, mental health clinics can be training to 82 percent after training, and compliance
uninviting in a way that discourages attendance and com- assessed by designated caregivers increased from 60 to 79
pliance (Talbott et al. 1986; Chen 1991; Dencker and percent.
Liberman 1995). Making the setting more appealing by Based on a randomized trial of individual and family
providing reinforcement has improved adherence. education, Kelly and Scott (1990) described two circum-
Liberman and Davis (1975) designed a program to rein- scribed interventions that each reduced noncompliance at
force compliance by serving lunch at a monthly medica- 6-month followup. The individual intervention was deliv-
tion clinic and allowing patients who tested positive for ered by a health educator before the first two postdis-
neuroleptics to select among several rewards, including charge aftercare appointments and focused on increasing

Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1997 W.S. Fenton et al.

the patient's ability to communicate with providers by in struggles over medication (Amdur 1979). In view of
expressing concerns and asking questions. The family the significant loss of personal control associated with
intervention included up to three home visits that focused psychosis, Diamond (1984) described noncompliance as
on the development of an individualized behaviorally ori- an effort to regain control over one's life and feel better.
ented compliance plan that, if necessary, included family Gutheil (1977) noted that individual patients may con-
involvement in aftercare. The authors believed that the cretely equate medication with sickness ("/// need drugs
critical ingredients in each of these effective interventions I must be sick. The higher the dose the sicker I am. I'll
were frequent repetition and behavioral modeling, rather stop being sick if I stop taking drugs"). Book (1987)
than appealing to attitudes and beliefs. Skills training of described several dynamic issues affecting compliance:
this sort was described as least effective for patients with paranoid patients' experience of being controlled, poi-

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comorbid alcoholism, who frequently dropped out of soned, or invaded by medication; the painful reminder of
treatment. Nelson et al. (1975) reported that a basic form a defective, "about to fall apart" self among patients who
of skills training—allowing schizophrenia patients to self- make extensive use of denial; and the possibility that
administer medications while hospitalized—increased patients' attitudes toward medication are influenced by
outpatient compliance over a 6- to 24-week followup. The identification with relatives who received similar medica-
intervention was effective, however, only for patients tion and experienced poor outcomes, such as suicide.
who, based on Rorschach test data, accepted that they While viewing compliance primarily as a learned
were psychiatrically disturbed. behavioral response, Falloon (1984) noted that some
In a study of the impact of psychoeducationally ori- patients fear that prolonged medication may lead to
ented family therapy on medication compliance, Strang et dependence and addiction or equate the need for medica-
al. (1981) randomly assigned to individual supportive or tion with having a weak character. Taking medication may
family therapy recently discharged schizophrenia patients also be equated with physical or psychological weakness
living with a relative who exhibited high expressed emo- so that the recovering patient who feels strong enough
tion. Patients receiving family therapy that included spe- will stop taking medicine (Amdur 1979). Noncompliance
cific behavioral compliance strategies worked out in this context may be a test or gamble designed to deter-
between patient and family (Falloon et al. 1984) were mine if the illness is still present (Morris and Schulz
more likely to take their prescribed tablets, less likely to 1993).
require a change to depot neuroleptics, and showed higher Medication may be be an area around which family
and more stable neuroleptic plasma levels, despite identi- or interpersonal conflicts are enacted, so patients stop
cal mean daily doses for the two groups. medication to express anger toward a relative or mental
Memory enhancement. Boczkowski et al. (1985) health professional (Kane 1983). Similarly, patients may
described a "behavioral tailoring" intervention that discontinue medications in the face of increased pressure
included identifying a highly visible location for storing to improve functioning or on the verge of hospital dis-
medication, pairing medication intake with specific rou- charge or beginning a new job, school, or rehabilitation
tine behaviors, and prescribing a self-monitoring calendar program. In these circumstances noncompliance can be
with tear-off slips. In a randomized trial, behavioral train- understood as an unconscious expression of the fear of
ing participants were more compliant at 1- and 3-month autonomy or as a communication that expectations have
followup than patients receiving a didactic educational been set too high (Fenton and McGlashan 1995).
session or control intervention. Psychological homeostasis. Psychotic symptoms
may be syntonic or serve to support an individual against
Psychodynamic Considerations. Data concerning the further personality disintegration or the collapse of self-
role of psychodynamic factors in medication compliance esteem. Grandiose delusions cast the self as powerful, and
derive from the observations of clinicians prescribing persecutory delusions mark the sufferer as worthy of spe-
medication to patients with schizophrenia over time. cial persecution. When psychosis provides a more posi-
Three areas are consistently identified as pertinent: the tive self-image than can be provided by reality, patients
psychological meaning of medication to the individual will cling tenaciously to delusions and resist efforts to
patient, the role of psychotic symptoms in maintaining ameliorate them (Van Putten et al. 1976; Corrigan et al.
self-esteem or personality organization, and issues related 1990). Under these circumstances a frontal attack on psy-
to transference and countertransference. chotic symptoms is rarely effective and may precipitate a
Psychological meaning. Clinicians have reported a catastrophic collapse in self-esteem that leads to self-
wide range of psychological meanings ascribed to med- destructive behavior (Drake and Sederer 1986). Some
ications. Patients who are preoccupied with issues of patients, particularly young men, who organize a sense of
authority and control may be particularly prone to engage self-cohesion around body well-being and activity may

Determinants of Medication Compliance Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4,1997

experience the physical effect of neuroleptics as a threat Table 1. Empirical correlates of noncompliance
to self-organization (Heninger et al. 1965). Other patients in schizophrenia
may adapt to impending personality disorganization by Patient-related factors
globally organizing in opposition to the will of others and Greater illness symptom severity or grandiosity or both
may resist medications as part of an overall effort to Lack of insight
maintain a tenuous sense of effectiveness or control. Substance abuse comorbidity
Transference/countertransference. Clinicians Medication-related factors
have noted that patients' views of medications arise in Dysphoric medication side effects
relation to their attitude toward the prescriber and may be Subtherapeutic or excessively high dosages
Environmental factors

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distorted by these attitudes. In the context of a relation-
Inadequate support or supervision
ship perceived as authoritarian, the physical effects of
Practical barriers, such as lack of money or transportation
medication may be perceived as rejecting, hostile, or Clinician-related factors
threatening (Sarwer-Foner 1960) or as a bodily attack or Poor therapeutic alliance
invasion (Gutheil 1977). Other interpretations may cast
the prescription as a negative dismissal of the patient, or
the patient may fear that the reduction of symptoms will
be accompanied by a parallel reduction in the physician's tions that focus on a single cause of noncompliance—
interest and attention. Positive transference toward the inadequate knowledge or skills, for example—is limited
prescriber may spill over to the medication, which can be to those in the sample whose noncompliance derives from
viewed as a "relationship equivalent" or gift (Gutheil that cause.
1978). Based on the empirical and clinical literature
reviewed here, a general set of treatment recommenda-
Countertransference, or feelings and attitudes evoked
tions to maximize the likelihood of compliance are out-
in the physician by the patient, has also been described as
lined in table 2. Given noncompliance in an individual
potentially undermining pharmacotherapy. Hopelessness
patient, however, a process of differential diagnosis
and frustration in the face of patient noncompliance and a
should lead to specific hypotheses regarding underlying
desire to see the patient taught a lesson by suffering a
causes that allow the design of focal and targeted clinical
relapse have been described as common countertransfer-
ence reactions (Weiden et al. 1986; Book 1987). The urge
to abandon or humiliate the noncompliant patient may
Health Belief Model and Differential Diagnosis of
also be felt. In this respect, allowing the noncompliant
Noncompliance. The health belief model posits that
patient who leaves treatment against medical advice to do
health behavior is a product of an implicit and subjective
so with dignity can at least set the stage for more collabo-
assessment of the relative costs and benefits of compli-
rative interactions should the patient return in the future
ance in relation to personal goals and the constraints of
(Diamond 1983; Frances and Weiden 1987).
everyday life. Elements of this model include (1) individ-
ual goals and priorities; (2) an evaluation of the perceived
Discussion adverse effects of illness and the personal risk of suffering
these effects; (3) the individual's perception of the advo-
Major difficulties in empirical studies of noncompliance cated health behavior's likely effectiveness and feasibility
include both ascertainment and the fact that the most (the patient's subjective assessment of benefits weighed
severely noncompliant individuals leave treatment alto- against the costs of treatment, including physical, psycho-
gether. Those who remain are the "curiously ambivalent" logical, and practical disadvantages and barriers to
individuals who continue in care, but do not adhere to action); and (4) the availability of internal or external cues
prescriptions (Blackwell 1972). In view of these limita- to action that trigger health behavior (Becker and Maiman
tions it is perhaps surprising that available empirical stud- 1975; Bebbington 1995). Because schizophrenia may dis-
ies yield a relatively consistent set of correlates of non- rupt illness perception and the capacity to plan and act,
compliance in schizophrenia, as outlined in table 1. consideration of the cognitive and motivational resources
In evaluating these findings, it is important to note available to assess risk and formulate action should be an
that data suggest multiple possible causes of noncompli- additional element of a health belief model applicable to
ance. Because noncompliance can have many causes, its schizophrenia.
statistical association with any single factor is diluted by Elements of this modified health belief model outline
the presence of patients in the sample for whom other fac- areas of assessment pertinent to the differential diagnosis
tors are causal. Similarly, the potential impact of interven- of noncompliance. A structured interview that explores

Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1997 W.S. Fenton et al.

Table 2. General interventions to maximize the effects are the most significant costs of compliance.
likelihood of compliance Psychological reports suggest that stigma, loss of the sick
• Conduct an assessment of compliance history and role, or disturbed psychic homeostasis may be less dis-
risk factors, including substance abuse and financial or cernible costs. These costs may weigh heavily, particu-
other practical barriers, as part of the evaluation of every larly when accompanied by a low perceived benefit of
patient. medication that derives from a lack of knowledge, poor
• Allow sufficient time to know the patient as a person insight, denial, or grandiosity. Interventions under such
and to understand his or her personal goals, concerns, circumstances should target potentially modifiable ele-
and psychodynamic issues. Place assisting the patient in ments thought to be operative for the individual patient.
meeting self-defined goals at the center of treatment. Neuroleptic dosage reductions, use of adjunctive agents,

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• Use a negotiated approach to medication. Create a or a change to an atypical neuroleptic with fewer side
therapeutic environment where deviation from recommen-
effects may reduce the cost side of the equation.
dations can be discussed openly, rather than concealed.
Show an interest in medication by asking in a nonauthori-
Promoting participation in self-esteem-enhancing activi-
tarian manner how much is being taken and the effects. ties may diminish the need to maintain delusional sources
Involve the patient in medication treatment by allowing of self-esteem. Change to an agent with greater efficacy
self-regulation of dosage, if possible. may reduce denial and grandiosity and create the potential
• Maximize efficacy and minimize side effects in for greater insight and perceived medication benefits.
choosing agents and dosages. Attend seriously to all side Inadvertent noncompliance is associated whh severe
effects and actively elicit and respond to concerns. psychopathology, including cognitive disorganization,
• Educate patient and family regarding the biological memory impairment, or motivational deficits. The chaotic
underpinnings of illness, relapse prevention, and medica-
life circumstances associated with substance abuse
tion side effects.
comorbidity, as well as such practical considerations as
• Enlist support in the community, including family,
friends, and employers. If needed, arrange for supervised finances and transportation, may also be operative. Here
medication administration. behavioral skill and memory-enhancing interventions,
• Employ cognitive and memory-enhancing strategies assertive outreach efforts, and recruiting the assistance of
if disorganization or forgetfulness is a problem. family or other supports to supervise medication are
• When the patient is rendered incompetent because major treatment considerations.
of illness, be prepared to recommend judicial intervention.
• If the patient will not comply and is competent, man- New Neuroleptics Versus Depot Preparations. Be-
age countertransference to allow for a continued relation- cause of their reduced extrapyramidal side effects and
ship and the possibility of future treatment. greater efficacy against positive and negative symptoms,
• Promote the patient's participation in activities that
new neuroleptics, such as clozapine, risperidone, olanza-
can compete with psychosis as sources of gratification
pine, and sertindole, should provide greater patient bene-
and serf-esteem.
fits at a reduced perceived cost. Depot preparations have
the advantage of eliminating covert noncompliance and
maximizing the likelihood of steady-state neuroleptic
many of these areas has been developed to facilitate blood levels in patients with cognitive disorganization,
patient evaluation (Weiden et al. 1994). memory disturbance, or motivational deficits. Although
Noncompliance may signal that patient and physician an empirical basis for choosing among these two pharma-
goals and priorities differ (Weiden et al. 1986). Main- cological interventions is not available, the full range of
taining sexual functioning, avoiding obesity, or not miss- factors associated with noncompliance might be consid-
ing work for a doctor's appointment, for example, may be ered clinically relevant. Patients with good insight and a
of primary importance to the patient, whereas relapse good therapeutic alliance but who report intolerable side
reduction is the physician's priority. An assessment of effects are likely the best candidates for a trial of a new
patient goals forms the basis of a negotiated approach to agent. Patients with poor insight, grandiosity, or other
prescription that is likely to enhance compliance psychotic symptoms or those with memory, motivational,
(Eisenthal et al. 1979; Wilson 1995). or cognitive deficits might also benefit from a trial of a
Since pursuing strategies designed to remedy inad- new agent in the absence of comorbid substance abuse
vertent noncompliance will fail when noncompliance is and the presence of either a good therapeutic alliance or
purposeful, the differential diagnosis should attempt to adequate family or other supervision to ensure regular
separate intentional from inadvertent noncompliance. adherence. Poor insight and severe psychopathology in
Empirical studies suggest that from the patient's perspec- the absence of sufficient supervision favor the use of
tive an immediate subjective dysphoria or other side depot agents. Weiden (1995) has suggested that family

Determinants of Medication Compliance Schizophrenia Bulletin, Vol. 23, No. 4,1997

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