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We Lost What We Lost

Has there been a time in your life when you lost something that you don’t want to
lose a grip of? Recollecting that point of your life eventually brings back how it


That is how most of you may sum it up.

It literally feels like a part of your whole is omitted. You are left with hopes of
trading chances so you can change your fate with something focal for you. Sadly,
there are people or things that you hold on so much that are predestined for you
to set free.

Accepting the verity that something you relish is not yours eternally is the hardest
part. Growing to get fond of something and realizing that it is not supposed to be a
part of your life is really a torture.

Imagine spending all the money you worked for in building a house and then when
everything is finished, you will find it burning down in a blink of an eye. All you are
left to do with is to stare at it as the fire gobble up every bit of the time, money,
effort and memory that you spent and shared on that house.

Leaving behind the memories with that “thing” is like trying to get rid of your
birthmark. You may even reach the point of denying the truth and try to force a
puzzle that does not fit.

But why do you keep on yearning for something that is not meant to be yours?

Everything happens for a reason. This may sound cliché but it does make sense. The
reason why something is granted to be momentarily in your possession is because it
serves as a reminder that you should wait for what you need and not for what you
want. You should not forget that God knows what is best for you and you should
have confidence in His plans.
If God gets rid of someone who you deem that you love, that is because He planned
to pair you with someone better. If God eliminates something that is valuable to
you, that is for the reason that that thing may cause you detriment. You see, God
takes out what you see is good, to prepare a space for something better. You just
have to let go, and let God.

You will never know what looms in the future but one thing is certain; if you believe
and have faith in God, then the future waiting for you is something you will be
thankful for. You are not an abyss with endless depth so you have to understand
that you have to be emptied before you will be filled again.

We lost what we lost and so be it. There is no sense in living with the memory of
something or someone that is not coming back. Bear in mind that what is intended
to be truly yours will never be taken away from you. So, let go and let God.

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