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Assignment No.

01 Total Marks: 20
Semester: Spring 2019 ID:BC 170401614
CS610 –Computer Networks Name: Shahzaib

Question No. 1 [Marks: 10]

Create a directory (Folder) and name it as your own student id i.e. mc123456.
Go to your own student id directory through command prompt and execute ping and trace route commands for any
of these websites:
Screen Shots of all process is given below:
Question # 2 [Marks: 10]

a) How much time is required by a machine to transfer a file of 8MB across the network with 64Kbps?
Here we find Time =?
File Size = 8MB
Packet Size = 64Kbps
First, we convert file size into kb
8MB = 8(1024) = 8192kb
We have formula that Time = File Size/packet size
By putting values, we have:
Time = 8192kb/64kbs
Time = 128sec. Ans.
b) How much time is required to send a packet, if file is broken into packets of size 1024 bytes?
Here we have some different condition but we use same formula
Time =?
File Size = 8MB => 8192kb
Packet Size = 1024 bytes
Time = 8192/1024
Time = 8sec. Ans

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