Vibrational Spectrum of PVDF and Its Interpretation: Ye. Bormashenko, R. Pogreb, O. Stanevsky, Ed. Bormashenko

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Polymer Testing 23 (2004) 791–796
Analysis Method

Vibrational spectrum of PVDF and its interpretation

Ye. Bormashenko, R. Pogreb, O. Stanevsky, Ed. Bormashenko 
Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Materials, The College of Judea and Samaria, The Research Institute, Ariel 44837, Israel
Received 26 February 2004; accepted 1 April 2004


IR spectra of poled and non-poled PVDF films were studied. Non-poled extruded samples were annealed and
cooled at different cooling rates. Then, FTIR spectra of all samples were taken under scanning with different
diaphragms. It was found that the spectra and their interpretation depend strongly on the scale of the scanning pro-
cedure for both poled and non-poled films. Scanning by a diaphragm with a diameter D close to the size of b-phase
domains d reveals the presence of the b-phase in the annealed non-poled PVDF, whereas spectra obtained with a
‘‘large’’ diaphragm (D4d) do not show discernable peaks inherent to the b-phase. Cooling rate influence on the
b-phase contents is strong. When the diameter of the diaphragm D and size of crystalline c inclusions are of the same
magnitude, peak splitting is observed in the poled PVDF.
# 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: PVDF; a; b; c; d-phases; IR spectrum; Thermal history; Boled; Splitting of peaks; Cooling rate

1. Introduction the a- and b-phases, with the a fraction increasing with

temperature increase. The polar c-phase may be
In 1969, Kawai discovered a significant piezoelectric obtained from both solution and melt-crystallization at
effect in PVDF [1]. Since then, extensive studies have v
temperatures above 160 C or by annealing a-phase
been made on the piezoelectricity of PVDF. Excellent v
samples between 175 and 185 C. The d-phase, a polar
mechanical properties, high continuous use of tempera- version of the a-phase, may be obtained by polarizing
ture and strong piezoelectricity made possible various of the a-phase in the strong electric fields. All these
scientific and industrial applications of PVDF. PVDF phases differ structurally: b-phase (which is responsible
was applied widely as an ultrasound transducer in non- for piezo- and pyro-electrical properties of PVDF) pre-
destructive evaluation and medical ultrasound [2–4]. At sents all trans-TTT planar zigzag structure while a- and
the same time, the essence of piezoelectricity in PVDF d-phases present trans-Gauche TGTG0 sequences.
is not still clearly understood. T3GT3G0 conformational structure is inherent for
It was shown that PVDF exhibits at least four crys- c-phase [8,9].
talline phases, known as a, b, c, and d [5]. The apolar The vibrational spectrum of PVDF gives valuable
a-phase predominates at melt-crystallization below 160 information about the structure of PVDF, and it has
C. The oriented polar b-phase is normally obtained by been under intensive investigation recently [5,8–10]. A
drawing of a-phase films at temperatures between 70 theoretical approach to the vibrational-mode analysis
and 100 C. The unoriented b-phase may be obtained of b-phase was performed by Li [11,12]. We have sum-
by crystallization from dimethylformamide (DMF) or
marized the experimental and theoretical results
dimethylacetamide solutions at temperatures below
v obtained by different groups in Table 1.
70 C [6]. Higher temperatures result in a mixture of
In spite of significant efforts directed to interpret-
ation and calculation of the IR spectrum of PVDF, the

Corresponding author. Tel.: +972-3-906-6134; fax: +972- literature data are contradictory. For example, the
3-906-6834. absorption peaks at 778 cm1 related by Gregorio and
E-mail address: (E. Borma- Capitao to c-phase and 855 cm1 assigned by the same
shenko). researchers to a-phase, were not revealed by other

0142-9418/$ - see front matter # 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
792 Y. Bormashenko et al. / Polymer Testing 23 (2004) 791–796

Table 1 Thickness of Kynar films was 40 lm, and poled films

Vibrational mode wavenumbers (cm1) of PVDF 25 lm. Spectral study of the non-poled PVDF films
Band Phase Group and Assignment
was preceded by a standardization treatment, i.e., by
(cm1) vibrational annealing at 150 C for 1 h. According to E1 Mohajir
mode and Heymans, at this annealing temperature, most of
the thermomechanical history of the samples is erased
483 c 9
without altering their shape [13]. Annealing was carried
489 a 9
out by use of the laboratory press, Specac (P/N 15011/
511 b CF2 bending 8,9
530 a CF2 bending 8 25011), equipped with heated plates and automatic
615 a CF2 bending and 8,9 temperature controller. Then, non-poled samples were
skeletal bending cooled by ‘‘slow’’ and ‘‘rapid’’ cooling. Slow cooling
678 Polymer chain 9 was performed in the press with an average speed of
defects due to 0.1 K/min, and rapid cooling was realized by immedi-
head-to-head, ate immersion of the annealed samples into ice cold
tail-to-tail lin- water.
766 a CF2 bending and 5,8,9
scelete bending 2.2. Experimental technique
778 c CH2 rocking 5
795 a CH2 rocking 5,8,9 The IR absorption spectrum of the PVDF films was
812 c CH2 out-of- 5,9 studied with the optical bench used by the authors pre-
plane wag viously for the investigation of laser-induced changes in
834 c 5 the absorption spectra of polymers and presented in
840 b or c CH2 rocking 5,8,9 Fig. 1. Spectra were taken by FTIR spectrometer under
855 a CH out-of-plane 5 sample-scanning using an iris diaphragm with a vari-
deformation able diameter [14]. A step of the scanning procedure
976 a CH out-of-plane 5,9
was 50 lm. Moving of the samples was carried out
1234 c CF out-of-plane 9,11,12
with a precise XYZ translator. A FTIR spectrometer
deformation Bruker 22 allowed spectral measurements in the band
1279 b CF out-of-plane 9,11,12 400–8000 cm1 (1.25–25 lm) with an accuracy of better
deformation than 1 cm1. All spectral measurements were done at
room temperature.

3. Observations and results

groups [5–9]. Gregorio and Capitao classify the strong
peak at 840 cm1 as inherent to c-phase, whereas other 3.1. Investigation of the absorption spectrum of the
investigators assign it to b-phase [5–9]. Theoretical non-poled PVDF
vibrational-mode analysis performed by Li leads to the
conclusion that only modes which are located in the Fig. 2 presents the spectra of non-poled PVDF
region 1020–1330 cm1 may be responsible for the samples annealed according to the aforesaid procedure
spontaneous polarization [11,12]. However, this infer- and cooled slowly. Absorption peaks at 1234 and
ence contravenes experimental data obtained by other 1279 cm1 are located in the band of PVDF strong
investigators [8,9]. absorption, so we depict in Fig. 2 spectra, which lie
We applied first time scanning FTIR spectrometry within 480–860 cm1 (fingerprint region for crystalline
to PVDF films with a well-defined thermal history. phases of PVDF). Curve B presents the typical
Change of the scale of the scanning procedure gave spectrum obtained with a diaphragm of 5 mm (‘‘large’’
valuable information about absorption spectra of diaphragm), and curves A and C present spectra
PVDF films and their conformational structure. obtained when the diameter of the diaphragm was 500
lm (‘‘small’’ diaphragm). First of all, we notice that
measurement with a diaphragm of 5 mm gives the same
2. Experimental
result at every step of scanning, that is why we present
2.1. Materials and films preparation one spectral curve only (curve B). This spectrum is
innate to the a-phase of PVDF. Well-known peaks of
Two grades of PVDF were used in this work. We the a-phase located at 488, 532, 615, 766, and 795 (see
performed our experiments with non-poled PVDF films Table 1) could be recognized very distinctly. The peak
(trademark Kynar) supplied by Westlake Plastics Inc, at 855 cm1 assigned by Gregorio and Capitao to the
and poled PVDF supplied by Precision Acoustics Ltd. a-phase is seen clearly as well.
Y. Bormashenko et al. / Polymer Testing 23 (2004) 791–796 793

Fig. 1. Optical bench used for spectral measurements.

Curve B does not supply clear evidence about the the typical dimensions of the b-phase inclusions d.
presence of the b-phase in the sample. The curve shows When condition D4d is fulfilled (curve B) we obtain
weak and undecipherable peaks of the b-phase only. an averaged spectrum, which demonstrates very slight
The situation changed dramatically when the same peaks of the b-phase. In the case of D  d (curves A
sample was scanned with a diaphragm of 500 lm and C) the spectrum depends strongly on the dia-
(curves A and C). Curve C demonstrates peaks phragm location under the scanning procedure. When
inherent for a-phase only, whereas curve A demon- the diaphragm spans a domain of the b-phase, we
strates two distinct peaks inherent for the b-phase at observe strong peaks inherent for it (curve A); and
511 and 840 cm1. From 20 spectra taken continuously when it does not, we recognize no presence of the
under scanning of the sample, at least one shows b-phase (curve C).
pronounced peaks of the b-phase. It is reasonable to Fig. 3 presents spectral data taken when a rapidly
suggest that the sample comprises inclusions of the cooled sample was under investigation. It could be
b-phase dispersed in the a-phase. The peak disappears recognized that the peaks innate to the b-phase were
on the next scanning step, hence the characteristic size strengthened very significantly in the rapidly cooled
of b-inclusions is estimated as d  100 lm . Typical PVDF films compared to the slowly cooled samples.
dimensions of such inclusions according to Gregorio Curve B taken with a diaphragm of 5 mm demon-
and Capitao are also something near 100 lm. strates the distinct peak of the b-phase at 840 cm1,
Thus, it could be concluded that spectral data and and the peak of the b-phase at 511 cm1 is recognized
their correct interpretation depend strongly on the as well. All spectra measured under scanning with a
diameter of diaphragm D, which must be compared to diaphragm of 500 lm demonstrate peaks at 840 cm1:

Fig. 2. Absorption spectrum of annealed and slowly cooled non-poled PVDF. Spectra A and C were taken with a diaphragm of
500 lm, spectrum B measured with a diaphragm of 5 mm.
794 Y. Bormashenko et al. / Polymer Testing 23 (2004) 791–796

Fig. 3. Absorption spectrum of annealed and rapidly cooled non-poled PVDF. Spectra A and C were taken with a diaphragm of
500 lm, spectrum B measured with a diaphragm of 5 mm.

some of them demonstrate more sharp peaks (curve A) First of all, we want to give special attention to the
and some of them relatively weak ones (curve C). It peak at 600 cm1, which was not discussed by previous
could be concluded that cooling rate is important for investigators. This peak makes its appearance in the
the formation of domains of b-phase in the PVDF spectra of PVDF membranes comprising a substantial
films. fraction of the b-phase [9]. The samples under investi-
A very similar situation was observed when poled gation demonstrate strong piezoelectric properties,
PVDF films were studied under the same FTIR scan- hence they also obviously contain a considerable frac-
ning: measurement with a diaphragm of 5 mm gives the tion of the b-phase. Thus, it is reasonable to relate the
same result at every step of scanning, so we depict in absorption peak at 600 cm1 to the b-phase.
Fig. 4 only one curve B taken with a ‘‘large’’ dia- The spectrum taken with a ‘‘large’’ diaphragm
phragm. A very strong peak at 880 cm1 is common demonstrates a broad and strong peak located between
for a-, b- and c-phases, and could not be used for their 830 and 840 cm1. This peak is interpreted variously
identification. Absorption peaks inherent for the by different investigators [5–9]. It was related both to
a-phase (488 and 765 cm1) and b-phase (507 cm-1) are the b-phase and c-phase of PVDF. We believe that
recognized. It is worth noting that the b-phase peak is scanning with a diaphragm of 500 lm sheds new light
shifted slightly from its location in the non-poled on the nature of this peak. Some of the spectra taken
samples. We will show that variation of the scanning with a ‘‘small’’ diaphragm are very similar to the spec-
scale reveals the presence of the c-phase. tra obtained with the ‘‘large’’ one. But some of them

Fig. 4. Absorption spectrum of poled PVDF. Spectrum A was taken with a diaphragm of 500 lm, spectrum B with a diaphragm
of 5 mm.
Y. Bormashenko et al. / Polymer Testing 23 (2004) 791–796 795

Fig. 5. Splitting of poled PVDF absorption peak. Curve A taken with a diaphragm diameter of 500 lm, curve B with a diaphragm
diameter of 5 mm. Presence of b- and c-phases is recognized.

(on the average two spectra from every 20 measure- the b-phase. When condition D4d is met we obtain an
ments) bring to light a spectrum given by the curve A averaged spectrum, which demonstrates a broad peak,
(Fig. 4). that integrates peaks of b- and c-phases (curve B in
The peak under discussion splits into two distinct Fig. 5). This peak splits to the separated ones in the
peaks located at 831 and 837 cm1 (see Fig. 5, which case of D  d, when the diaphragm covers the domain
presents the splitting of the peak on a larger scale). We of the c-phase (curve A).
propose an interpretation of this splitting, correlating The same splitting is seen in the far IR between 480
with the data obtained by other investigators: the peak and 490 cm1 (see Fig. 6). The broad integral peak at
at 837 cm1 we relate to the b-phase, and peak at 831 488 cm1 in curve B splits into two separated peaks in
cm1 we assign to the c-phase of PVDF. Gregorio and the curve A: 492 cm1 assigned to the a-phase and
Capitao noted that the peak, which is located close to 483 cm1 related to the c-phase. Such a splitting
831 cm1, strengthened when the fraction of the disappears on the next scanning step. Thus, we con-
c-phase in the sample increased, so this peak is obvi- clude that the poled PVDF sample under investigation
ously assigned to the c-phase [6]. At the same time, contains inclusions of the c-phase dispersed in the
most investigators relate the peak at 837 cm1 to the matrix blend comprising b- and a-phases. As to
b-phase. The situation becomes clear if we conclude c-phase inherent peaks, it is worth noting that we did
that the sample of poled PVDF comprises small not reveal the absorption peak at 788 cm1 assigned by
domains (d  100 lm ) of the c-phase distributed in Gregorio and Capitao to the c-phase [6].

Fig. 6. Splitting of poled PVDF absorption peak. Curve A taken with a diaphragm diameter of 500 lm, curve B with a diaphragm
diameter of 5 mm. Presence of a- and c-phases is recognized.
796 Y. Bormashenko et al. / Polymer Testing 23 (2004) 791–796

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