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Human Values

We live in a society, but for this it is necessary to have values, because thanks to them we can live peacefully.

What are the human values?

Human values are the group of qualities and characteristics of a person and a community that defines the
human as a species. They are universal concepts that control people's actions and that are in all cultures and
societies, but without depending on them. They depend on ethics and morals, philosophy and religion.


o They multiply when they are used, helping to have a better society; and are the guide of people to do the
right thing. They are specific to each person, and depend on the action.
o They don't follow science.
o The values are eternal because a good deed done years ago today is the same.
o They can be considered correct or incorrect, objective or subjective. They are objective if they provide
universal human needs, like respect and peace. And they are subjective if they are important to us, for
example honesty and punctuality.

Some of the human values are:

 Honesty: Always telling the truth, in any situation, and being fair and objective, it builds trust and security.
 Punctuality: To be on time where you have to be, it means to be organized and attentive.
 Humility: Not having ego, being respectful and modest.
 Peaceful: To be calm, and not cause unnecessary violent conflicts. Peace is the base for harmony with
oneself and with others to have a calm and peaceful life.
 Responsibility: Is an obligation, moral or legal, to do what has been committed, assuming the
consequences of our actions.
 Sensitivity: It is about understanding the other, being empathetic and understanding.
 Gratitude: Being grateful for all the good things that happen in our lives.
 Prudence: Evaluate situations and problems to control them fairly.
 Respect: It is related to empathy and justice. It is one of the most important, thanks to that; good
coexistence between different people is possible. It is the ability to recognize, appreciate and value others
knowing that we are all valid.
 Loving: Is to want the happiness and the good of the other.
 Freedom: It´s ours and others, helps us to realize ourselves as people. It is related to respect and
responsibility, because we must respect the freedom of all, unless they have acted against the freedom of
another person; and we have to assume the consequences of our freedom.
 Justice: Balance between one's own good and that of society.

People weren’t born knowing values, actually they are learned as they grow, so like everything else, it is better
to teach and learn in childhood, because to raise a good society, it is necessary to raise good people.

Between 3 and 12 years, them is the best age to teach values that will serve to build someone´s personality,
between 3 and 9 years it is very important to teach sincerity so that they understand the moral value of the
truth and its benefits. Between 7 and 12, study, generosity, strength and character should be taught.

We have to understand what the values are if we want to improve our society, because change begins with us
and human values are the pillars of humanity.
Human Values

We live in a society, but for this it is necessary to have values, because thanks to them we can live peacefully.

What are the human values?

Human values are the group of qualities and characteristics of a person and a community that defines the
human as a species. They are universal concepts that control people's actions and that are in all cultures and
societies, but without depending on them. They depend on ethics and morals, philosophy and religion.


o They multiply when they are used, helping to have a better society; and are the guide of people to do the
right thing. They are specific to each person, and depend on the action.
o They don't follow science.
o The values are eternal because a good deed done years ago today is the same.
o They can be considered correct or incorrect, objective or subjective. They are objective if they provide
universal human needs, like respect and peace. And they are subjective if they are important to us, for
example honesty and punctuality.

Some of the human values are:

 Honesty: Always telling the truth, in any situation, and being fair and objective, it builds trust and security.
 Punctuality: To be on time where you have to be, it means to be organized and attentive.
 Humility: Not having ego, being respectful and modest.
 Peaceful: To be calm, and not cause unnecessary violent conflicts. Peace is the base for harmony with
oneself and with others to have a calm and peaceful life.
 Responsibility: Is an obligation, moral or legal, to do what has been committed, assuming the
consequences of our actions.
 Sensitivity: It is about understanding the other, being empathetic and understanding.
 Gratitude: Being grateful for all the good things that happen in our lives.
 Prudence: Evaluate situations and problems to control them fairly.
 Respect: It is related to empathy and justice. It is one of the most important, thanks to that; good
coexistence between different people is possible. It is the ability to recognize, appreciate and value others
knowing that we are all valid.
 Loving: Is to want the happiness and the good of the other.
 Freedom: It´s ours and others, helps us to realize ourselves as people. It is related to respect and
responsibility, because we must respect the freedom of all, unless they have acted against the freedom of
another person; and we have to assume the consequences of our freedom.
 Justice: Balance between one's own good and that of society.

People weren’t born knowing values, actually they are learned as they grow, so like everything else, it is better
to teach and learn in childhood, because to raise a good society, it is necessary to raise good people.

Between 3 and 12 years, them is the best age to teach values that will serve to build someone´s personality,
between 3 and 9 years it is very important to teach sincerity so that they understand the moral value of the
truth and its benefits. Between 7 and 12, study, generosity, strength and character should be taught.

We have to understand what the values are if we want to improve our society, because change begins with us
and human values are the pillars of humanity.

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