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Bronchodilator reversibility in chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease: use and limitations
Peter M A Calverley, Paul Albert, Paul P Walker

Lancet Respir Med 2013; The change in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV₁) after administration of a short-acting bronchodilator has been
1: 564–73 widely used to identify patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who have a potentially different
Published Online disease course and response to treatment. Despite the apparent simplicity of the test, it is difficult to interpret or rely
June 18, 2013
on. Test performance is affected by the day of testing, the severity of baseline lung-function impairment, and the
S2213-2600(13)70086-9 number of drugs given to test. Recent data suggest that the response to bronchodilators is not enhanced in patients
School of Ageing and Chronic
with COPD and does not predict clinical outcomes. In this Review we will discuss the insight that studies of
Disease, University of bronchodilator reversibility have provided into the nature of the COPD, and how the abnormal physiology seen in
Liverpool, Liverpool, UK patients with this disorder can be interpreted.
(Prof P M A Calverley DSc); and
Aintree Chest Centre,
University Hospital Aintree, Introduction FEV1 falls below the predicted normal value has been
Liverpool, UK (P M A Calverley, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the used as a marker of disease severity, although recent
P Albert MD, P P Walker MD) term used to describe a persistent and generally treatment guidance has emphasised the need to base
Correspondence to: progressive illness that results from a respiratory decisions about management on clinical factors as well
Prof Peter M A Calverley, Clinical bronchiolitis, beginning in the most peripheral airways,1 as spirometric impairment.7 Theoretically, spirometric
Science Centre, University
Hospital Aintree, Longmoor
and that is often accompanied by alveolar loss data should be measured after an inhaled bronchodilator
Lane, Liverpool L9 7AL, UK (emphysema).2 These pathological changes delay lung is given. This approach has been applied in recent emptying at rest and even more so during exercise3 and international studies of COPD prevalence8,9 and remains
are characterised by the presence of abnormal obstructive the recommended method to assess disease severity.7
spirometry, customarily defined as a reduction in the COPD differs from bronchial asthma, which is also
forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)/forced vital associated with obstructive spirometry, because patients
capacity (FVC) ratio to 0·7 or less. However, this criterion with COPD do not show substantial variability in lung
is inappropriate for use in elderly patients4 and has led function either spontaneously or in short-term response
some experts to advocate the use of an age-related lower to treatment. However, this has not prevented many
limit of normal for this ratio.5,6 The degree to which the clinicians and investigators10 from trying to identify
discrete phenotypes of patients with COPD who show a
greater than anticipated change in spirometry after
Key messages treatment with a short-acting bronchodilator drug.
• Small changes in FEV1 after a bronchodilator in individuals A positive response in the bronchodilator reversibility
with mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) test has been suggested to identify differences in the
can challenge the diagnosis of COPD clinical course and therapeutic response of patients with
• The absolute change in FEV1 post-bronchodilator varies COPD that have not been prospectively established.
with the day of testing, the number of bronchodilator Nobel prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman
drugs used to test, and drug dose noted that it is easier to substitute the answer to an easy
• The absolute increase in FEV1 post-bronchodilator is question when a hard one is asked. 11 In this case, doctors
similar in individuals with moderate COPD and healthy have extrapolated their observation of an immediate
smokers change in lung function after administration of
• The absolute increase in FEV1 post-bronchodilator bronchodilators into an expectation that this will predict
decreases as baseline FEV1 decreases and so does the clinical outcome. We believe that there is now good
chance of being classified as reversible evidence that this is not the case. The topic of
• Although the average number of reversible patients in a bronchodilator reversibility in patients with COPD has
COPD population is stable over time, individuals change been reviewed previously,12,13 but recently published data
their reversibility status on repeat testing allow this commonly used mode of testing to be set into
• Reversibility status does not identify patients with a a wider context. We clarify what can and cannot be
different clinical course or response to treatment nor does ascertained with confidence from this widely used but
it add to the baseline FEV1 in the prediction of patients surprisingly confusing test.
with more rapid disease progression
• In patients with clinical and spirometric evidence of COPD, How to define bronchodilator reversibility
reversibility testing adds little to management. However, The term bronchodilator reversibility implies the complete
in patients who have atypical clinical features, reversibility or near complete correction of an obstructive spirometric
testing is still warranted abnormality. Such changes can occur in patients with
bronchial asthma but are not always seen. Normalisation

564 Vol 1 September 2013


of spirometry after administration of a bronchodilator is reported the response to inhaled salbutamol in

not seen in patients with COPD unless the baseline FEV1 representative population samples from 14 centres
is close to the predicted normal value before the drug is worldwide. The results of the study suggest that an
given. In this case, a small absolute increase in FEV1 can increase in FEV1 of more than 300 mL is very unlikely to
mean that the post-bronchodilator value is no longer arise by chance, and that this equates to a 12% increase from
below the predicted normal value or associated with an baseline in people with normal lung function, as suggested
FEV1/FVC ratio less than 0·7. This effect has been noted in earlier by expert groups.18 A high degree of variation in
population studies that identified many people with mild FVC measurements was noted between centres, which
airflow obstruction.14 These data show how small changes increases the uncertainty of the significance of a positive
in absolute volume can affect a binary categorical variable test based on this measurement. Similar absolute changes
such as reversibility in patients with an FEV1/FVC ratio in FEV1 were seen in the healthy comparator data reported
close to the threshold value. Such a complete normalisation by the Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify
of lung function is not (by definition) recorded in more Predictive Surrogate Endpoints (ECLIPSE) investigators.19
advanced disease because a patient showing this response However, in the ECLIPSE study, the change in FEV1
on spirometric testing would be regarded as asthmatic. recorded in the healthy smoker group was similar to that
However, many patients with COPD show some reported in the patients with COPD who were the main
improvement in FEV1, FVC, or both, after a bronchodilator, focus of the ECLIPSE programme (figure 1).
and this response to treatment can reach the thresholds The definition of bronchodilator reversibility has three
believed to represent reversibility. Moreover, almost all components. The first is the assessment of the short-term
studies of COPD have focused on FEV1 as the defining (<60 min after the test) change in lung function, usually
variable rather than in conjunction with changes in other FEV1, after inhalation of a short-acting bronchodilator
variables such as FVC or the FEV1/FVC ratio. drug. The short-acting β agonist salbutamol or the
In the past, it has been difficult to determine the size of a short-acting antimuscarinic agent ipratropium, or both,
change in lung function after a bronchodilator in healthy are the most common test drugs. Second, the change in
individuals. Initial estimates were derived from patients FEV1 needs to be greater than what would be expected by
with less severe COPD or modest sized Caucasian chance; the usual way to express this is as a change
population samples.15,16 This problem has been overcome greater than 12% of the baseline value. However, this
by the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease study,17 which calculation implies that the change in FEV1 after a

Patient with COPD (%)


Smoker controls (%)
Patient group


Non-smoker controls (%)

–0·65 –0·55 –0·45 –0·35 –0·25 –0·15 –0·05 0·05 0·15 0·25 0·35 0·45 0·55 0·65 0·75 0·85 0·95 1·05 1·15 1·25 1·35
Change in FEV1 (L) post-bronchodilator

Figure 1: Distribution of absolute changes in FEV1 after salbutamol in ECLIPSE participants

Frequency distribution of change in FEV1 after 400 μg inhaled salbutamol in 1831 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (top), 285 healthy smokers
(mid), and 228 non smokers (lower). Data from Albert and colleagues.19 FEV₁=forced expiratory volume in 1 s. FVC=forced vital capacity. Vol 1 September 2013 565


bronchodilator will vary with lung size, something for thereby change the number of patients with a reversible
which no real supporting data exist. Hence, if the response.39 Similar considerations apply to short-acting
baseline value is high, a large absolute change in FEV1 is antimuscarinics that have slightly slower onsets of action
needed for a positive response, but small changes close and therefore necessitate a greater delay before repeating
to the between-test variability in the measurement can be spirometry testing.40 Combination of drugs from each drug
enough to suggest reversibility when the pre-test FEV1 is class further increases the responder rate (figure 2).34,41
low. To overcome this requirement, a third pragmatic Waiting longer before re-testing FEV1 after the test dose
component was added and after the Intermittent Positive will probably result in the detection of a greater change in
Pressure Breathing (IPPB) study,20 namely a requirement FEV1 in some patients and hence increase the number of
of at least a 12% baseline increase plus an additional patients regarded as having a reversible response. How
200 mL absolute change. often this situation arises and what effect it might have
Concerns about the overdiagnosis of reversibility on the with different drugs and different background disease
basis of a percentage change from baseline in COPD led severity has not been systematically explored. Differences
to a proposal by European investigators that reversibility in test protocol contribute to differences in the reported
is present when the FEV1 changes by 9% of the predicted prevalence of reversible disease, which varies between
value for that patient. This approach was initially 5% in the Lung Health Study population33 to more than
supported by the European Respiratory Society21 because 50% in the UPLIFT trial.42 Another important factor to
the use of a simple percentage increase removes the consider in the interpretation of clinical trial data is how
dependence of the result on the pre-test value of FEV1. well patients adhere to omitting their normal
However, partly because of the relative complexity of the bronchodilator therapy before spirometric testing. If the
definition, recommendations have reverted to the original test drug is given on top of an active bronchodilator, the
definition described above.22 FEV1 change is likely to be less than the change seen in a
The absence of bronchodilator reversibility has been an patient who has successfully omitted their usual
important feature in COPD treatment trials in Europe23,24 bronchodilator treatment. The importance of this effect
but not North America.25,26 In North America, patients has not been explored. However, patients in the ECLIPSE
have previously been selected for trials because they study who were asked to omit their usual tiotropium for
showed an acute response to treatment.27 Patients with 24 h did not show any differences in response from those
reversible COPD were more likely to report a response to not taking this drug.19
oral corticosteroids than were patients without reversible
COPD;28 however, this form of response testing was not a Reproducibility of reversibility status
specific marker of disease progression on longer term To be clinically useful, the attribution of a characteristic
follow up.29 Reversibility status has been linked to specific to an individual (the phenotype) needs to be stable from
chromosomes in genetic studies of COPD,30 and findings day to day, and in this regard bronchodilator reversibility
from some studies show that patients with reversible fails. Although the percentage of patients classified as
COPD have an accelerated loss of lung function responders in any population is stable when re-tested
compared with those who do not have reversible over 2–12 months, figure 3 shows how the individual
COPD.31-33 However, to understand these associations and response varies between occasions.34 Changes in the
develop clinically useful recommendations based on the definition of a positive response, whether by using the
results of reversibility testing in individual patients has percentage predicted method described previously or
proven to be much harder than first believed. methods requiring a larger change in absolute volume
(eg, a 400 mL change in FEV1), do not eradicate this
Drawbacks of reversibility tests in COPD tendency to individual variation. However, the definition
Large clinical studies have examined the usefulness and used will determine the percentage of the population
performance characteristics of bronchodilator reversibility regarded as responsive.19 Therefore, treatment guidelines
testing across a wide range of COPD severities defined by and management strategies no longer advocate
spirometry.14,17,19,20,31,33–38 The table describes the bronchodilator testing as part of routine assessment of
characteristics of several of the most important studies. patients with COPD.32,43
These studies have identified issues in many key areas,
which are discussed in turn. Prediction of bronchodilator-responsiveness
The most consistent predictor of reversibility status is the
Drug, drug dose, and timing of test pre-test FEV1. Generally, the lower the FEV1, the lower the
The most widely used drug is salbutamol in a dose of chance a patient has of having a positive reversibility test,
200–400 μg with a 15 min delay before re-testing. This irrespective of whether one or two drugs are used in
approach is pragmatic and uses the shortest time between testing.19,34,35 Data from the ECLIPSE study19 showed that
tests consistent with the known pharmacological actions although having a lower pre-test FEV1 increased the
of this drug. However, larger doses of β agonist will chance of exceeding the 12% change threshold, few of
produce small additional increments in FEV1 and will the patients with the worst pre-test spirometry had a

566 Vol 1 September 2013


Number of Method of COPD severity Reversibility criteria Clinical predictors of reversibility Clinical outcomes associated with
patients reversibility reversibility
ECLIPSE19,32 1831 15 min after Mean pre- ATS/ERS: FEV₁ increase ≥12% GOLD stage: GOLD II mean 0·16 mL Decreased FEV₁: additional 17 mL (SD 4)
400 μg bronchodilator plus 200 mL (SD 0·17) FEV₁ increase; GOLD III mean annual decrease in FEV₁ in reversible patients
salbutamol FEV₁=1·25 L (SD 0·49), 0·1 mL (SD 0·13) FEV₁ increase; GOLD IV but mean baseline FEV₁ 220 mL (SD 22)
45% (SD 15) predicted; 0·05 mL (SD 0·08) FEV₁ increase higher
GOLD II=848 (46%) Gender mean for men 0·13 mL (SD 0·16)
GOLD III=750 (41%) FEV₁ increase vs women 0·1 mL (SD 0·12)
GOLD IV=233 (13%) increase; odds ratio (OR) 1·79 (95% CI
Extent of emphysema on CT: association
r=0·09; p<0·001; no association with age,
smoking status, or cigarette pack-years
LUNG 4194 10 min after Mean pre-bronchodilator Three criteria used: FEV₁ absolute Methacholine reversibility: p<0·001 on all Decreased FEV₁, no association when
HEALTH33 200 μg FEV₁=2·64 L (SD 0·6), change in m, change expressed as three criteria; age: p<0·001 all three baseline data excluded from assessment
isoprotenerol 75% (SD 9) predicted; a percentage criteria; pack-years: p<0·001 all three
mean post- of the pre-bronchodilator criteria; gender: no association; no
bronchodilator value, and change association with quit status (sustained
FEV₁=2·75 L (SD 0·6), expressed as a percentage quitter, intermittent quitter, and
79% (SD 9) predicted of predicted normal FEV₁ continued smoker)
ISOLDE34 660 30 min after Mean pre- Three criteria used: FEV₁ absolute No association between absolute change No association between absolute change in
400 μg bronchodilator change in mL, change expressed in FEV₁ (mL) vs smoking status, atopy, or FEV₁ (mL) vs FEV₁ decrease, worsening of
salbutamol, FEV₁=1·28 L (SD 0·46), as a percentage of the gender health status measured by SGRQ, or
then 30 min 46% (SD 15) predicted pre-bronchodilator value, and exacerbation rate
after 80 μg change expressed as a percentage
ipratropium of predicted normal FEV₁
UPLIFT35,37 5756 60 min after Mean Three criteria used: criteria a FEV1 Criteria a: age 64 years (SD 8) reversible Criteria a: health status measured by SGRQ
80 μg pre-bronchodilator increase ≥12% plus 200 mL (52% group vs 65 years (SD 8) irreversible 44 (SD 17) reversible patients vs 48 (SD 17)
ipratropium FEV₁=1·1 L, 39% (SD 12) reversible by this criteria), criteria (p<0·001); gender 79% reversible irreversible (p<0·001); exacerbation rate
then 30 min predicted; mean b FEV₁ increase by more than patients male vs 69% irreversible patients 1 year or longer 67·9% reversible patients vs
after 200 μg post-bronchodilator 15% over baseline (66% male (p<0·001); pack-years 50 years (SD 68·5% irreversible; all-cause mortality 10·8%
salbutamol FEV₁=48% (SD 13) reversible by this criteria), criteria 29) reversible patients vs 47 years (SD 27) reversible group vs 16·2% irreversible
predicted; GOLD II=47%, c ≥10% absolute increase in % irreversible (p<0·001) Criteria b: health status measured by SGRQ
GOLD III=45%, predicted FEV₁ (39% reversible Criteria b: BMI 25·9 (SD 5) reversible no association; exacerbation rate 1 year or
GOLD IV=9% by this criteria) patients vs 26·3 (SD 5·2) irreversible longer 67·6% reversible patients vs 68·5%
(p<0·001); present smoking status 29% irreversible; all-cause mortality 12·5%
reversible patients smoked vs 34% reversible group vs 15·1% irreversible
irreversible (p<0·001) Criteria c: health status measured by SGRQ
Criteria c: no significant association 44 (SD 17) reversible patients vs 47 (SD 17)
including duration of COPD irreversible (p<0·001); exacerbation rate
1 year or longer 67·5% reversible patients vs
69·3% irreversible; all-cause mortality 9·4%
reversible group vs 15·9% irreversible
PLATINO38 5571 15 min after Mean FEV₁ 2·49 L, ATS/ERS: FEV₁ increase ≥12% 15% patients taking inhaled therapy ..
200 μg 378 of 5571 (7%) plus 200 mL (defined as having taken a bronchodilator
salbutamol patients reversible or inhaled corticosteroid within the
previous 1 year) reversible vs 7% patients
not taking therapy (p<0·001)
NETT36 544 15 min after Mean pre- ATS/ERS: FEV₁ increase ≥12% Patients who met ATS/ERS reversibility ..
116 μg bronchodilator plus 200 mL (121 of 544 [22%] criteria on one or more occasions
salbutamol FEV₁=24% (SD 7) patients met criteria on at least (reversible) vs those who were never
predicted one occasion); FEV₁ ≥400 mL reversible: no association with age; TLC
(10 of 544 [2%] patients met (post-bronchodilator; 126% predicted in
criteria on at least one occasion) reversible patients vs 130% irreversible,
p<0·005); gender (11% female reversible vs
29% male reversible) OR 2·37 (1·37–4·12);
p=0·002; DLco 32% (SD 10) reversible
patients vs 28 (10)% irreversible (p<0·001);
no association with pack-years or extent of
emphysema on CT
IPPB20 985 250 μg Pre-bronchodilator FEV₁ increase >12% .. Patients who showed >12% improvement in
isoproterenol FEV₁=1·03 L (36·1% FEV₁ (reversible): FEV₁ decrease: mean 52 mL
predicted), mean FEV₁ annual decrease in FEV₁ in irreversible patients
improvement with vs 27 mL annual decrease in reversible; no
bronchodilator=14·5% association with mortality or hospitalisation

Results from and response criteria used in selected studies of bronchodilator reversibility in patients with COPD, including the association between bronchodilator reversibility status and subsequent clinical
outcomes. The missing data in the right columns is because these studies did not relate reversibility testing to clinical outcomes. COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. FEV1=forced expiratory volume in
1 s. ATS/ERS=American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society. SGRQ=St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire. TLC=total lung capacity. DLco=diffusion coefficient for carbon monoxide.

Table: Selected studies reporting bronchodilator reversibility testing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Vol 1 September 2013 567


1·6 FEV1 pre-bronchodilator with the studies in which they were reported. Two of
FEV1 post salbutamol or ipratropium these merit special attention. First, to see if patients who
FEV1 post both
1·5 never showed a reversible response to bronchodilators
differed from those who sometimes had a positive
1·4 reversibility test, the ECLIPSE investigators compared
FEV1 (L)

1362 patients who never met the standard criterion of

1·3 reversibility in 4 tests over 1 year with 227 who did show
a response to bronchodilators on one or more occasions.
1·2 With this strict and rather clinically impractical
definition, no association existed between reversibility
1·1 and either baseline health status, change in health status
Visit 0 Visit 1 Visit 2
(salbutamol) (ipratropium) (both) over time, or mortality. However, patients who never
responded were more likely to exacerbate in the 2 years
Figure 2: Absolute change in FEV1 after salbutamol and ipratropium
of follow up after testing. This finding was attributable
Mean (SE) FEV1 before and after 400 μg salbutamol, 80 μg ipratropium, or both on
three occasions at monthly intervals in 660 stable patients with chronic to the confounding effects of pre-bronchodilator lung
obstructive pulmonary disease. Reproduced with permission from Calverley and function because the patients with decreased pre-test
colleagues,34 by permission of the BMJ Group. FEV₁=forced expiratory volume in 1 s. FEV1 were also less likely to reverse and had more
exacerbations than patients not showing reversibility.
200 mL increase in FEV₁ post salbutamol, the absolute The relation between reversibility status and exacer-
change in FEV₁ ranging from 160 ml in GOLD grade 2 bations was lost when allowance was made for baseline
patients to 50 mL in GOLD 4. Findings from other FEV₁. Data from earlier studies suggested that
studies have shown a similar GOLD grade-related reversibility status predicted the rate of decrease in FEV1,
reduction in reversibility.17,35 but this was only true for decrease in pre-bronchodilator
Many other variables may be useful for the identification FEV1.31,45 The ECLIPSE data suggest that the association
of patients likely to respond to bronchodilator drugs. The between decrease in post-bronchodilator FEV1 over time
presence of sputum eosinophilia might identify patients and reversibility was more robust, but was again
with COPD who are more likely to respond to oral confounded by patients with less severe lung function
corticosteroids,44 although whether such a response impairment showing both a more rapid loss of lung
predicts longer term clinical outcomes has been function and an increased chance of being classed as
challenged.29 No consensus exists on the prevalence of reversible.32,46 The poor clinical stability of the reversibility
sputum or blood eosinophilia or both in clinically test in patients in GOLD 2 (unpublished data) makes it
diagnosed patients with COPD. Furthermore, extensive more likely that decline in lung function is mainly
data are not available in patients with COPD on the day driven by pre-bronchodilator FEV1 rather than
to day variation of measures of eosinophilia. Neither reversibility status.
gender, present smoking status, nor atopy consistently
distinguish responsive from unresponsive patients.34 The Physiological mechanisms associated with
National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT)36 bronchodilator responsiveness
investigators found that the presence of CT-defined Whatever their mode of action, inhaled bronchodilators
emphysema reduced the chance of a patient being produce rapid relaxation of airway smooth muscle and
classed as reversible. However, this study recruited improve the expiratory flow rate. In COPD, in which
patients with a much lower baseline FEV1 and a high increased peripheral airways resistance and a variable loss
likelihood of emphysema. The relation between of lung elastic recoil exists, expiratory flow limitation (a
reduction in CT-defined lung density and reversibility disorder in which the expiratory flow rate cannot be
status was much weaker in the ECLIPSE study of patients increased or falls despite increasing effort) often occurs
in secondary care clinics.19 The table shows a selection of during tidal breathing.47,48 Flow limitation develops earlier
studies that examined predictors of bronchodilator during a forced expiratory manoeuvre in patients with
responsiveness. These data clearly suggest that apart COPD than in healthy individuals who only have flow
from pre-bronchodilator FEV1, no consistent or reliable limitation at low lung volumes. In patients with COPD,
predictor of response, and certainly no predictor that is inhaled bronchodilators decrease both total and respiratory
useful in day-to-day clinical practice exists. system resistance, as shown during tidal breathing with
the effort-independent forced oscillation method.49,50
Clinical implications of reversibility testing However, bronchodilators have much less effect on
In view of the poor day to day reproducibility of expiratory than inspiratory resistance, and hence FEV1,
reversibility status, the fact that reversibility status does when flow limitation is present and so seem to be less
not predict clinical progress in patients with COPD is effective in these patients.50 The most important
not surprising.19,34 The table shows the main outcomes of physiological effect of bronchodilators is to decrease
reversibility testing in stable COPD considered together end-expiratory lung volume usually without any effect on

568 Vol 1 September 2013


1831 Not reversible


Visit 1: 76% not reversible 1394 437

Visit 2: 77% not reversible 1167 227 238 199

Visit 3: 77% not reversible 1019 148 147 80 162 76 76 123

Visit 4: 79% not reversible 923 96 109 39 111 36 37 43 123 39 43 33 48 28 51 72

Figure 3: Repeated reversibility testing over one year in stable COPD

Reproducibility of reversibility classification (American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society criteria) in 1831 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease on four occasions over 1 year. The percentage not reversible at each visit is shown on the left. Reproduced from Albert and colleagues,19 by permission of the
BMJ Group.

tidal expiratory flow limitation.39,50,51 This fall in lung FEV₁ change after treatment with salbutamol in the
volume allows patients to exercise for longer before patients with COPD in the ECLIPSE study.19 Similar
dynamic hyperinflation reaches the critical point where results were also reported from the UPLIFT and LHS1
inspiratory reserve volume is compromised and dyspnoea studies.33,35 ECLIPSE included comparator groups of
becomes severe.52,53 slightly younger healthy smokers and non-smokers. As
These more subtle physiological effects help to explain noted above, no significant difference was found in the
why changes in FEV1 after a bronchodilator that fall mean FEV1 change between the smokers and GOLD
within the between-test reproducibility of the grade 2 patients with COPD (160 mL vs 140 mL), but the
measurement can translate into the clinically relevant healthy individuals in ECLIPSE and other trials showed
improvements in exercise capacity, health status, a smaller change in mean lung function in keeping with
exacerbation frequency, and even in symptom intensity the BOLD data.17 There are several possible explanations
during exacerbations.42,54–56 In fact, changes in for this finding. Airway smooth muscle tone is
end-expiratory lung volume after administration of a cholinergically mediated60 and airway inflammation,
short-acting bronchodilator track changes in residual which is increased in both smokers and in patients with
volume and the change in FVC, irrespective of GOLD COPD,61,62 might enhance this neural mechanism and
grade. This contrasts with FEV1 change which, as noted reduce resting airway calibre. However, many other
above, decreases in magnitude as the percent predicted processes, including airway wall oedema and vascular
pre-test value falls.19 Thus, change in FEV1 is an indirect congestion, can result from an airway inflammation. In
marker of the physiologically important effect of the the ECLIPSE study,19 the pre-test FEV1 in the smoking
bronchodilator, and as disease becomes more severe, group was lower than in the healthy non-smoker
the change in end-expiratory lung volume and FEV1 individuals, which supports this idea. Alternatively, the
become less closely related. Moreover, this differential presence of panacinar emphysema might influence
effect on FEV1 and FVC can produce a seemingly airway responsiveness as suggested in recent
paradoxical decrease of FEV1/FVC ratio as shown in pathological studies.63 The mechanism, whatever it
figure 4. This discrepancy results in some patients might be, seems to become less important as COPD
having an isolated FVC response,57,58 which has been worsens, probably because of the onset of fibrotic
associated with emphysema59 as was seen in the NETT changes in the peripheral airways.2
data.36 In these circumstances, the improvement in lung
volume outweighs the deterioration in forced lung Methodological challenges with spirometry data
emptying in terms of clinical benefit. In view of the The measurement of spirometry involves patient
complexity of these processes, the fact that acute cooperation, is effort dependent, and has a known
changes in one indirect measure of lung function within-day reproducibility in COPD.64 The 200 mL
post-bronchodilator do not predict clinical benefit is threshold incorporated as part of the reversibility
not surprising. definition is designed to take into account the variation
The absolute change in FEV1 after a bronchodilator in spirometric measurement and to ensure that any
might decrease slightly with baseline FEV₁, but no change reported has not happened because of chance
evidence exists for an asthmatic subset of patients with variation in the test itself.15,65 Nonetheless, some positive
COPD defined by an unexpectedly large change in lung tests can arise by chance, especially when the baseline
function. Figure 1 shows the frequency distribution of FEV1 value is low. This situation will contribute to the Vol 1 September 2013 569


between day instability of the reversibility classification Clinical and research lessons for the future
in the scientific literature. A more important factor Several decades of intensive study of reversibility testing
identified in both the ISOLDE34 and ECLIPSE19,32 in COPD has highlighted some important truths about
populations is spontaneous variation in the pre-test COPD and our general approach to interpretation of
FEV1 between test days. When spirometry was spirometry data in clinical settings. First, the apparent
measured repeatedly, an average FEV1 value could be simplicity of classification of a patient as either reversible
identified for each patient. If the FEV1 was low relative or not on the basis of one test has proven to be an illusion.
to its average value, a positive reversibility test was Without an understanding of the between and within test
more likely to be reported. Conversely, there is less variability in FEV1, this apparently straightforward test of
room for improvement after treatment in patients with lung function can easily be misinterpreted. The failure to
a high baseline FEV1, and this was associated with a identify a consistently responsive subgroup of patients
decreased chance of being classed as reversible. These with COPD, despite repeated attempts in large
data suggest that the between day variation in responder populations over several decades, shows that this
status probably results from normal physiological approach is unlikely to be of benefit in routine clinical
changes in pre-test airway calibre on a background of a practice, whatever the threshold chosen for significant
low FEV1 rather than clinically important changes in FEV1 change or even if other volume-based measurements
airway responsiveness. are substituted. In fact, the real importance of these
findings is that a clinical diagnosis of COPD supported by
a measurement of lung function is a robust way to
A Post-bronchodilator FEV1 change by GOLD status
identify this disorder. In an era of protocolised medicine,
p<0·001 it is important to stress that in all studies of reversibility,
patients were selected for inclusion because their
physicians believed them to have COPD on the basis of
FEV1 change (L)

clinical examination and spirometry testing. Patients who
have atypical features in their history, either in terms of
age of onset, family history, or in the timing of associated
symptoms, might exhibit the kind of dramatic responses
to treatment that are so clinically memorable. Just
because reversibility assessment adds little to routine
B Post-bronchodilator FVC change by GOLD status clinical practice, does not mean that the assessment is
0·8 p=0·983 uninformative in specific situations. However, in general,
p=0·865 the between test variability in classification of reversibility
0·6 status makes this reversibility test a poor way to classify
FVC change (L)

patients or select their bronchodilator treatment.

0·4 Likewise, the value of post-bronchodilator spirometry
in determining the population-based prevalence of
0·2 COPD is considerable when the prevalence of GOLD
grade 1 disease (FEV1/FVC<0·7 with an FEV1 more than
80% predicted) is high because the number of patients
identified as having COPD varied significantly between
C Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC change by GOLD status pre-bronchodilator and post-bronchodilator spirometry
p<0·001 assessments14 (ie, the use of pre-bronchodilator data only
will exclude many patients with apparent COPD). Most
data have been obtained through the study of patients
FEV1/FVC change (%)

who already have a diagnosis of COPD. Reversibility

testing might be more helpful in truly treatment-naive
0 individuals, although it seems likely that the same issues
of between-test variability in lung function will still apply.
Alternative tests that show the effect of spontaneous
–5·0 variations in airway calibre in disorders of tidal breathing
might prove more helpful. The measurement of
Gold II Gold III Gold IV
respiratory system resistance with forced oscillation
Figure 4: Changes in spirometry after salbutamol in patients with COPD methods has already identified substantial spontaneous
grouped by GOLD grade variability in patients with asthma66,67 and recent advances
Changes (SD) in FEV₁ (top), FVC (middle), and FEV1/FVC (bottom) after
treatment with salbutamol by GOLD grade at the first visit reported in figure 3.
in the technique mean that it might become a useful test
Data from Albert and colleagues.19 FEV₁=forced expiratory volume in 1 s. in a research setting. In this context, this method could
FVC=forced vital capacity. be applied to patients with COPD to confirm or refute

570 Vol 1 September 2013


the existence of patients who have more asthmatic might be misplaced. Future treatment needs to address
disease features; neither reversibility testing nor the effect of loss of airways early in the natural history
provocation challenge to induce bronchoconstriction can of COPD when lung function declines most rapidly71
conclusively solve this issue.68 However, the available rather than focusing on the few gains in function that
data do not point to coexisting asthma as an explanation can be achieved by manipulation of airway smooth
for the response to treatment in COPD. muscle tone.
A further result of these studies of reversibility in A better understanding of bronchodilator respon-
COPD is the light they throw on COPD pathology. siveness in COPD will also lead to an improvement in
Changes in inflammatory cells, especially mast cells, the ability to interpret the clinical trial data that form
have been reported in airway smooth muscle in patients the evidence base for treatment frameworks. In view of
with less advanced COPD and in patients with asthma.63,69 the failure of reversibility testing to identify patients
However, the response to anti-inflammatory treatment in with a different clinical course, the exclusion of
these diseases is very different. Airway smooth muscle reversible patients from clinical trials in which clinical
thickness is markedly increased in patients with asthma outcomes such as exacerbation rates, health status, or
but much less so in patients with COPD;70 this difference mortality are the main outcomes is not sensible.
provides a physiologically plausible explanation for the Experience with bronchodilator testing has shown that
difference in bronchodilator response seen in these two the absolute increase in FEV1 after a bronchodilator is
disorders. The similarity in absolute FEV1 improvement greater when the baseline FEV1 is higher. Similar effects
in response to bronchodilator in patients with moderate have been reported in drug trials, even when
COPD and in healthy smokers of similar gender anti-inflammatory drugs are being tested.72,73
composition (and hence lung size) is striking, as is the Aggregation of studies with small but significant
similarity in spontaneous variation of the pre-test FEV1.19 differences in baseline function and degree of
These data suggest that airway smooth muscle behaves reversibility can be misleading and emphasises the
normally in patients with COPD without the lability that need to look at endpoints other than just FEV1 in the
characterises patients with asthma. Further, the main assessment of treatment response.
abnormality in COPD is persistent airway narrowing,
whether in the peripheral airways or as a result of Conclusion
emphysema. Bronchodilator reversibility in patients with COPD is a
If, as seems to be the case, acute variation in lung normally distributed continuous variable and the
function is indicative of the abolition of preserved application of specific criteria defining significant and
airway smooth muscle tone, then a ceiling probably insignificant reversibility is arbitrary. Careful study has
exists for the effects of bronchodilator treatment in revealed that bronchodilator reversibility varies between
patients with COPD, however treatment is tests, often as a function of baseline FEV1—ie, for an
administered. Optimisation of bronchodilator treat- individual on a specific testing day, a decreased baseline
ment with one or more drugs of different classes is an FEV1 is associated with an increased chance of significant
area of great interest, but this approach has restricted reversibility. This finding is independent of the chosen
potential. Likewise, because of the ceiling effect, the definition of significant reversibility and associations
addition of anti-inflammatory treatment can improve with clinical outcomes have not been consistently shown;
lung function independent of and in addition to any therefore, the presence of a positive bronchodilator
improvement due to bronchodilators; however, reliance response does not identify a useful phenotype.
on changes in the FEV1 over a few months of treatment Reversibility testing should not be used to determine
to establish the efficacy of anti-inflammatory treatment which patients with COPD should be prescribed either
short-acting or long-acting bronchodilators, and the
presence or absence of significant bronchodilator
Search strategy and selection criteria reversibility should not be used to select patients with
This Review combines the research of the authors over many COPD for participation in clinical trials.
years with a search of Medline and Embase for articles Contributors
The authors of this Review conceived, conducted, and wrote this paper and
published in English from Jan 1, 2003, to Oct 30, 2012, using
take responsibility for its content. This Review was done independently of
the search terms “bronchodilator reversibility”, “chronic any pharmaceutical input and without the aid of a medical writer. This
obstructive pulmonary disease” OR “chronic bronchitis” OR Review was not directly funded nor was ethical approval sought for this
“emphysema”, and “reversibility testing”. Relevant work. PMAC conceived the Review and was responsible for its overall
content. PA assisted with writing, editing, and created the figures. PW
references published before the search period were also
assisted with writing, editing, and created the table.
included and references from relevant articles were also
Conflicts of interest
searched. Review articles and book chapters are cited to
PMAC has in the past received funding from several pharmaceutical
provide readers with more details and more references than companies for studies of patients with COPD. PA and PW have not
this Review can report. received any funding. All authors declare that they have no conflicts of
interest in relation to this Review. Vol 1 September 2013 571


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