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orlIafi s0l{}lsoN$

ili.rr:ing the elxtcentl: e.e:nt'ury, Iiu"r*i:te was 5-n the elol"clrum8CIf,

ws"s"s, 't$ ss:'t nothj"ng1 of bctt}-5"n.gretr-tg;5-+rassnd rt**l"s}

3ip.:t,{,sl:.s} een*

i.r:. rt,htr"b:',r-r;kn*rnr ag Lhe

{:f01.ei:.*:J-*rj, gj.tu,atlr-:,n culiirJ-yrel'c,e,C
ii;::.Ji.gfatJ-onrtI iiLr.CCup $Ili.€fJ-;f of I'f;f\r$$es -i"::r;:nt,:n:ro}'e "bo

f"rrr.:-'.tr:g'fi}13 lrf'$ar, l.S$Os netvtnt;cl}eJtr:sJ:ji-::1$iltl*t $l'l i:h.era ca&s

?:r$"i:;5.n"r:gtir*J..1' l"s:lves, c;1:lLl'3re*'lo
fj:"og. ::x*3:i:iLfiyyl ar;.cl r';,::sterrr U1:r.;;;'1-rlio,,
1S$* f'rrrd l"S4Cn trvonty
ti1t.;-i,{} anc1 Tro}ort6ln:;,;c" i}*i;ir,'*en tir*
'hlr':r:i:lr:ic"t ar;':Lvell :Ln lriagse.cir$nett$ cllL'jl'fi.{i

Tlies,*€e,s lv*lf,s ch.Lef).y I'utrit*rr,gn h*rt).*r:r*c1 and eritb*t*

.l;er., re).5"9Lous '[-rent

iley"secutl.c:r..t and it*r:'er sr .! *r:. dotng

f,;I.I.i"d;ti-e t-rsrsecutlng +rl th*tr ovlrl s'ccou-nt" t.en }'eiar':: be;'leire

of 'u;}re g::eeri; ill$velxlsntt

ciirlio i:tre fanie& l{a;v:fXowero tkle fsr*ru.r::ntl:l

S"'i; al..L n.Iong the;; c$ari'b f,arth*r u* tire rJouthli'Jer*'1*

s'il-' ;'.i-;1.t:o*',;}:{'}r p:ro"Ji'nc*'tr'e'wn

1"nrpi;|iri? t;?it: I,ialr:{l}o'';virr:}a:rdn*d f..3-:',-$'l;

l , , i l , r i ; i : : i i : - Ii ,' r : A : ; ' b e l ' t . i ' i i : l S i p t ; i ' i ; * r i r & t h g g : f g ' b S L i b g t d r ' , ( ia l " ' t * " f t $ ' . ' i t
i.:,.,:';i.',i:."-l0iii os {,1.3'g1l;',1*!1.*,'

';f '*1:eT'-: r:'.i.:b*ateli" i];; ::l:i'11;;J"*'u'g

i,"li. .i.ll :.':i::1-J)* i::r;;:e .i"'lfu'5;;t't3$

-:,,...fJ *f:lidi1iri'uir.L :{,i:gt:i.rifit s,:€l-ii,pl'*ric';irl.::in.rri:; 1-rr <lt'lit'l:ri"t'i"

::,,,:::-:'i j i;i:.*

'- i;i i,i':*:$t{'r gfll:;iill !: Lr: }:.t+.1:fi,C,v:ii'i';1:'$ ri:*"';l'ne:it;

ii.-,,,i,.;r.',: :1'}1',;*' *i:ni::,:t'::.iS: 'l"ll


*i1,1.:,(j:i.i:i:,1; i.:r:','' ill.r.;i.i:.f f|i;i{i;'ilj'r;i:.*l*i:.i r';p,it *i::ir} lii:rgl;::l*:i:lu.$;$"i:';S i:rA,y

f,;f],,.jij1,.1, ",:til:1.1:!:'unf-*:r :':'r3-u'.i *il-r,":'r'hc:i..' t':;i--i'l $!'Ji?' 'n'tsvii' e' -l'l{}ri}


s:rL$teslee Ln li;:gl-and. An eleetl-on of the stockholders euas hold.,

at ul.:illeh& go\rernor and a$etstan'bs (d.eputles) vrene choson, At
fhe flt'st el"ectlono I'latthew Crad.sck wss chosen governor and

or:ong i;he ltassistan*ntr were leseie Jchneon and. fohn llunphrey

{sorietlriec spelleci. Ilixnfry" Itrrmphrieou *e' Urnphrlee)" Those ad.ven*

turors carie nostly fv"orc the eagtern pel:.t of Errg).and*-Hast AnglLa
*-t'hors the ftrj.ban sentlment predor*tvrated." They were nelgbbors,
i:oLa:.u*'qresrand frLentls, cLosol,y bound. :cgethen by re3"5.gfous as
vreLl as tteso rsEversbody knesv etverybody,rt But rellglon
and trafflc did. not n:5.x very woL1" Craeock coul"d smell a ponnd.
note a long way off. IIe was accused of sharp ]:t'aetlces and trou-

ble foil"ov;od.. The upohot was that on Oet. EA, 3639, the company
iitas :r..eor€sn*sed"" Cradock was ousterJ. il::onr the gcrverrrorirlrLp and

Jol$? l'iLnthr,op took hls pLace, .]ohneon ancl llinnSrhroy rvetre retaLxred.

€rs ??ags:l.stantsrf (" *:, prxrgs 'bo Cnad.oeie,

BesLdes s:3:p3.;
i:l:s re:organisatlon vras forbhe pu::pcno of axpeCitlng 'blee tranefor

r:f ti:.e goverru:ent and. oolony to liassn*Sruseti;eo 'bhns iratrS"nglt

noro lnclepondent of Engll"sh control"

W3nthrop, Joh.nson, tri.rmnphrey, and fire.dosk $irero al.L men of
neal'Lll, Joi:nson betng the etrongest ff.nanclaltry, From tha$ tfune
on, t}:.e ]iIe-ssaehusetts Bay co3.ony beeanffi a sorf; cf famll"y affair,

doraine.ted by theete non and. thelr lnffied.J.atera.ssrocLates" Ilumphrey

li'tss espoclally lnterested 3"n flsh$.ng" $torLoel ,rf codfLsh
the L'lassschusetts coast corunand.odhls enthusLastlc at'bontlon,

fiorne of these reports were qulte oxtraCIrd.Lnary. As early ag

1498, SebastLen Cabob had. reported. that lre encor:ntered so many

codflglr that they rt!.nrped.ed

the progre$s of hLs vesselon Cabotts

lurtcl yarn j.e belleved. to have had. sonething to clo vslth lnspln-

Lng Charr:pla5"nrs ventilre of ecXoni"zation fn 16O5*4" Anyhow,

Farson trl'h.lte and. llunphrey engl,neerecl tlre Cape Ann lllghlng Company

i.rhich Later on came to grlef.

fohn Hr.mphrey was s, Irgcnt of great meri.t for hls servlces

and. affeetlon for our country.rr f-io llved mostly ln Lcndon though

h,s l:ed" a house ln Sanclvllcfr, County Ker,r'b, ltrrthsrmore, he was &

son*ln-lalv of Thoophilrtsli th.o Fourth liarL of Li"ncoLnt of tbo

great Prctcstant fanl3-y of that narns. IIls vu,Lfellr'ldgetr was &

daugleter of V5-scount $ay and SeLe srnd c,ne of these $taters was

Lady S'u,sanwho became (1630) Ilunrptu:eyts thlrd, hr3 havlng

sh.ort3.y before irurled hls second. w1"fe, Ell"rabeth FeLhs,$t. Stllt

*"notl;ror cl.aughtero be'bten linown ae tady Arbella Flennesr had. mar-

rled Isaae Johnson"

,Iofui llumphrey arrlved ln Jurne 1., 1654. B€;cc.tJ.*eh.$ dld. not

cstr* on the or5-glrrer3"f leret, ho was F:llporsed, cleputlt liy

1"/Lth.IlU-mphrey ca51s
T}^r0nn$Du"dley, wlr.s J.s.ter beeaJce Eo*?"$r'::1013'
r!! Tl:ornae
hts wJ"fe $usan, vrl::ows$ a Caughter of b}re
C-l.l:r*;on, 3d Elar-'l-of ti.n*ol.n' Ile brought a Con;s-{-deraltSefamlly"

A:noirg ir3.s ChLLd"ren vcer€ .Joirn, ihe e-Ld.lst of the 3,rt, Aren, Dorcae
,*ncl Sa::eh" The latteu' birree ?Iers haptlzed at $elem" Chlldren

born their so'Suv* in ldassaehus'*bts were:


born Jann 24, 1637
born Aug" 26, 1658"
ffigeF, born April 35n L641.

Theophllug was so naned ln honor of hls uncle, the Fourth

liarl" of Llncoln. Ann was (probably) nrarried et SaLonr to 1'i11L1a:n

Palmes, an<l La.ter on to the li.ev. John ldiayles. Two daugbters were
rtri.estlned to suffer the sarldest fate of,'any Ln our eerly annal-srfl

::tlcord"erJ.!"Jtr"nthrop (Vcl, II, 45)' Joi:n }Jr:raphrey Jr. llved at

S,ll.t'*1r"'bevrb.ero 3ls sr*s ln tJ:tr Sesoncl 0huneh on liay B, 1655.

]l,Iary was i:s.trttlzed there

i*le.,l:.,Ti::.1nrlr' on r\p:rll 19, 1S65' Idargaret rirae
Ftb" 46, l-641"
.ilnrx"lng hlo so;ior:rn Ln $a.l"om, Jol:.n ilurnphney { Sr. ) vras aetlve

tn c*SonLal affalrs, He enJ-lsted" tn t;?le arti.l-i-ery eornpany and.

eventu,ally becane 'bhe fl-rst [laJor Gen€;rs*.Lof the co3.ony, Eventu-

*.3-ly lre sailed. back to lond.on (Oet" l1$, i.64L), takLng most of hLs

farrlly hLn'

etAbrahqlnbegat lgaac.rr lgaac vvas a scn of l\bratrann Johnson,
Itgentlenan and Esq,n who was born ln l{orth tufflngham Pn July 6,

1"5??, and dled ln July L625. IIe was a profound seholar, ProfL-

aient [n Greek and Hebrew as well ae l-n several" modortl languages.

lle 1,ras aff}lcted. vrLth a roarlng tenrper, ancl vrhen his son leaa0

cor';rted, LaCy Arbella, o3.d.Abraham went stralght up Ln the alr'

li.,ller"'aror,rbl"ews.s pertLy flscal" anC pat't;Iy family soclal tradltlons'

T3r* -fr.rrn9.lyovrned l"arge estate , some of whlch weve ln progress of

$et'bls:n*nto Abreihanr not otrly :forbaele the proposed marr5.a5;er but"a,r'edthat he vrould <ilsi.nherl.t lesrac unlese ho woul.d cancel



the proJect. It vras horrlfylng to the father for hls son to

trmarry above bls clegreerrl and ArbeLla was of hlgher soclal caste.

Arbellers mother, the Countess of Llnooln approved of the match,

but not Abrahsa" Further, whon lt came to dlslnhenltlng Isaact

the executotr of tho estates ancl the courts had soute rersarke to

rralce j.n rrsirLch the ttgentleman and IJsq' tt got the worst of the ergu-

rnent. $Ld" Abrahaur uought to even thj.ngs up by wrltlng a lengtlry

a*c*un.t of the vrhoLe affalr ln whJ"ctr he Lar:beet€)C all- coneerned'

wLtlr bllet,erlng epj"thets. He hai. been lrmlsled by medcll"ng, tat 6

ttrlng vroptotaotrInsbead of obey!.ng, .Tsaac pressed. hls ceiurtshlprll

eagerly pursulng t3.LL they hacl got e cJ-andestlne marrS.age, never

d.nrlng to own or tel,L tbe father ( vrho marrled then.fl

A cLerk who lrad ald.ed Isaac ln the natter was a rfLowd.felLowrr

and ttutterLy vrorthLesstr ancl so orl. Not a word dld he have to say

agaJ.nst Arbella. On tlre cbntrary, he was satlsfled. that tlrere

nas nan lnherent greatness or nobloness of blood. ln the lady whlch

$ras not lmpartable or d.erlvable to hls son or any chtld he nlgbt

have by her.[ In other vrord.s, Arbolle vrtas too good fo:r h1g son

Isaac. fLnyhow, the narrlage Llcense rras taken out on +s Aprll 5r

LOa$, Tbe age of each vras glven ae 22 years. But nel.ther AnbeLla

nor the Countess woukl telL the oLd patriarch wh.ere and by whom

they were manrled. That was the baslr, of Abrahaml s wrath about

the rrcLandestlneft"

# coLoNIAt PERIOD OF ALIERICANIIISTORY by Cbarles Andrewctr Yale

U n L v ersl ty P re ss"

Wlntlrrop vras a Larryer, matrlcuLated at Trlnity Col-

J.ege (Car:brtdge), helcl publlc office and. becar:re the Lord of the
I'ianor ln 16o4n on Aprll 8" 1630, vrLth a fLeet of four vessels
and ugx"ards of a thousand adventurers, he salJ.ed. from Yar.rnouth on
the great cluest. Tl:*y arrl-ved. e.t Salem on cllfferent d"ates about
tl:.e t-Jd,c-ileof Ju.neo Isaac and Arbella had been so rocently wedd.ed
that io tlrem lt was a sort of 3roneinnoan trlp. The newly wed.d.ed,
couple natur*lly tooh upoxl theueeJ"vee bhe spotlLght. The four
ei:lpe r"ril i]:e flee'b 1i:,sr€ the l;, the Talbot, the Anbroee and. the
Jowel, To acld.'bo bhe rorris.nco, bhe of the wan changed.
ts i;}re Arl:e114" I{o'i; r:nLy that, she lvas ciuhbed theltAdtnfral of the
Ii'}eet"?? i;hi-lo risny vrent l-n a spLr-'Lt of adv'entureo not so ArbelLa.

$h.s)!?Lef* en ear{r}r}y;":arad.lso in th,e far*ily of an oarlCom to en-

corrnter the sorrorts of a vLld.orness for the pr:re worshlp of God.fl
Thls CeLlcious oplsode of Isaac and. Arbel1a, leaving thelr
hone of Lurnrry to pl.unge lnto an r.lnknown v,rllderness, peopled by
save.Sesr onLy to flncl a place where they could vrorshlp God after
the inanner of thelr d.ee1res, ls a story that ls never overlooked.
b;i the hlstorlans of the per5.oc1, for ArbelLa d.led. vrithl.n a few
weeks of thetr arrlval" Isoac, who r.iae one of that |teor:pany of

la€nfr uiho rlsat dovrntr ancl forrned the FJ.rst', Church at Roxbury, foL-
lovretl lrcr to the grave about a month Later. 0f Isaacn l?5.ntlrop
nrroi;e *rlrs was a holy rran and. ciled ln srrteet It was a
Crear.'y reaiit:a'blon of the tfeorror,t's of 'N,l:ewlld€rrr€ssnlt lllghty of
tire co-"1-,cnl-e'bs
d,i.ed. Cur'lng tlte winter at Salem, as dld. tirso hund.rod.

1n the varlou,s settlementso Isaqs I'ev€aLed, hLs faltlr ln YJlnthrop

b3r malcl"nghlnr one of the exeeutore of hls will"ta

The sctors of thi.s draraa, one e.fter another, dropped out of

the i:Letu.F€r Abraharn Johnson, the lrascLbLe old patr!-arch rriho

coulc'. re,qd Greek and. Flebrew lrlth botl: krands tied behlnd. his back,

ri.=ver again sal'l tl:"e son of hls borvel$" IIe vrent d.ovrnLnto hls grave

r.;J-ti: lnnentatlonn$ehls $on, who was only e land.ed esqulre,

hir-c:rrilri?:;*ied"i}:e eicru;hter of sn Es.rf.,

Tl:"s *n"lol:5.$ts on gett:Lng contrcrl of, the:ir laac1 i,egs, lost no
'i;:i"raeS.n up 'Laverns nnd chureJie;l The'ls of t}:.e organ-

l-sati.on of tlre cl:ureh.os cor]re$por:C roug:rl"y tire foundXng of

the s+'bt3c*e::t$" ?lre Fllgrf-:;*e set up i;h.elr fLrst church ln t6?O

6t Plyr:routh or ProvLneebovrn). Sialen, fellowed ln L6?9n Boston,

Dorchester and. [Jatertown orgenlzed Ln ].63O and Rox'Lrury ln 1631""

John Ilrmphreyo filatthevr Craclock and the Eev. John t{hlte wer€

professlonaL pronoters ancl for ttre noet part r,vorked.together ln

ti:elr adventur:eg" Cradock Looked after theln corrunonlnterests

in London vrhlle iithlte operated ln l.'iass$chusette. Thelr proJects

rrere r:.oi a3-v.raysethisaL. $candale nnd questj.onatrle chargges nere

l"*.k1.*.t t}:elr doorn Fe.rson t'fhlte, whlle he served as rector of churc]': of trnglo.nd at Dorehesterr was keenly Lnterested ln

d"lvll':cnd*, It r:ras cod. that cormianded llls rraJor attontion,

"lr III$T'OFiY 03' $Ll1i itii$.LAi{Ir, by John fiinti'rrop. ]i't'or: lrls or5.g[ nal
sanuscri;:te , edlted ?ry Jar*es $avagen II"
FOU'lmnlG O!' ITffi1ili{St^ii}lDp by Ja::tos Trusiow Ad.arcs"

One of hls scheraes r.rss the pronotlon of the Cape Ann Fishlng Corn-
pany'nvhlch soon went bad. and bec{rne a Itplace of burled, }ropes.n

Orad.oek CIwneda plantatlon which galned hln nore ralsery than proflts.

In L632 the Fyllry Councll 1n &anC.on set up an lnfLuentlaL com-

raittee of rrs.nvestj-gation"fr The co:*rritt€e found plcnttrr. The tslehop

of London (Laud.), for tho sorsnr.Lttee d.ecl-ared that lflrnphrey

and, eracleeir v*oro s. lrc*uplc of praposteroug kngves*fr Craclock?e

$ras s. ercenter of dlsaffectlon,?l

p1*.ntr.:t"3.on $ls scrvants wsro rlan
'ln4: ?t
tr-n.rotr'i-;-r |twlekeC]-y
ej.r3 H.".t &\i ;:pec.klrrg
anCi. bOldly against t[O 6;OVefngterrtnrr

S,r:r:,sof -i-,lressliranr'*3.y'rg
foLk got rathcr rude tre*trrent' One of

fire.d*okts trss:tnt&ilt..r,lrPhl3"3"pRadcLlffeo vrao norcSenerlwhl-pped., to

haire hctlr says eu'b *ff, snd fl.heC forli;'r elrllll::is ln adr-lLtlonott

the re6'i.rteition of i;Iht're, hoiver/etro eppe€rr*d. to suffer less than d.ld

titet of Ci'adock and. I*rmphreyu f'b turred. out Cradock, by

cLover r*anJ.pulatl-on owned the, shlp ArtrelLa and. probabLy the entlre


Hunphreyrs fl.naL dLsaster'was hl.e promotion of the Provldenco

Island Conrpe,ny, organi"sed for the purpose of foundlng a settLe-

nrent on the $anta CataLina Isl"&nd.. IIe hacl boen frunable to get on

r:rlth ','Jlnthroprr and. besldes, hls and. domestlc affairs

wexre tn bad. conclltlon*lr He r,:anaged,horr.rgver to secure for htmseLf

t}:^e appot-ntnont as Soi,ernotr of the lTest Inclles ftrrltan $ettlements.

H* 1:.nc1s:ont out trL,s son llenry Siwaphrey, an ftadvonturous and. lmprov*

1*stl-x:33*:-yl "
+IREV. Jolili lTliITIi, FOUiit$R OF IIL&SSACEIISETf$Iby I';irg. Rose Troupn

Iiarl"y ln L641 nent tho prlnclpal expeciltlon wlth 150 men and two

shlps " John Ilurphrey Li'uecl for sorne yesrs at $alenr where he had

been rluly appointed. rrl'{ajor Generaf,.oft Eventua1J-y he sat}ed. back to

Lonclon 0ct. 26, L641, Arldl'er',rsgLves the date of his <leath as 1651.

The Rev" John, the codfLsh psrsonr llngered on ancl pl"ayed

sr:c,h.a part Ln the developrnent of the coLony that liltos. Rose Troup

nrote a book about him, rfThe Founder of l,lassachusetts,n One by one

the loaders of the colony sllpped array, l"eavlng Jolm TiJ.ntl:rop to

n c a r c y o o " rr S o , Jo h n also, wr ote a book"

Isaec and Anbella l"eft no progony and whother or not tlrere Ls

ar:y blood rel,atlonsh-ir"p betvreon the oTohnsonand. ilir:nphrey fanlLles

ln no'b certaln" App*.rontly there r$as sueh a rolationshlp througl:

Goner;aL Jolm ilumEbney, It ls, hot;otrer, CertaLn enough. that the mem-

ory of, the rras kept Sreen fo:: generatlons thrcugh the prae-

t*ce iry the House cf Johnson and. the I'louee of }lumphrey of bestowlng

on thelr offsprlng eueh farrrJ.llr names a*q lrle&aet' and. lrHutiplrreylt Ln

Itcnot of t,ireJ-r fanl}"y {:rac1-r-t1ons. CI'b}ierns.mer$wss"s taken l"argoLy

fron'r ttre OJ-d T'estenren"t. Atrratre.m l:r.i-rilseif l-eft a hrood c,f haLf a

rJ,oz*n c,ih1.ic1::en
hy $eeovrrlvulfe, i:ui; nonoa so:far as ascertai.ned.,

ev€r? cffi16 to Amortoa, The Abraham ,Tol:nson Line goes bael< to L523

vriron i.aurlce Jo1mson, lloq" r'r&s a i':orrber of Parllantent for $tasford,

iij"s sion nas Archeles-con Robert Jolenson, founcler of ti:e Oalche,rl:and

Tjpptnghar: school"s t LegS ).

liLs son rr&s nbre.l:em JclLinson, trorn i"n 1"5??, father of trsaac

Johnson who marrled Lady Arbella Flennes, leavlng no lgsue, By

Abrahenls second rvlfe the 1l-ne of descend.ents runs ttnrg:

Thorras Johngon"
ffiTohnson (soLe hein)"
Tl"f1Tlanr Johnson.
ffiFdfE Augustus Johnson, brother of l,oxd Cravann
ITe-Af Genet"nl $$!f*gg Augustus Johnson who tvas llvlng as Late as
Aslde fror: the Jol:n Jolmson etrain of Johnson bLcod., at Least

three other stralne of, Jolmsons had theLr l{eti Bngland. beginnlng.

fhey rlero descend.eirts of $oloraon Jol:nson, Fdward Johnson and l'J1Ll1am

J+hnsrnn The progeny of each of these eontrlbu.tod hlsh credlt

to thtp develotrment cf the eoLonles around $iassaehuse{:ts l}ay"

Ltke d.lffisul"tleu to those encountered ln lclontifying the

,swsrtns of Johnsoi?s and near Johnsons ln the New }lngland. oolonles,

also appeared in tho Virgtr nia and. the Ss,rbaiioeg reeords. !{o have

s. Llst of the Johnsons who camo from England to those eectlons,

with thelr narnes and. addresses the years L634 and L655. In

thls llst there are forty-Xso Johnsons, i.ncLudLng ten John Johnsongo

Ue also have a L1st, a sort of census of the lnhabltants aLready

lLvlng I"n Vlrglnla at that perloci. On the llst are founteen

Johnsons of vrhom sLx are Jolur Johnsone.

Further, there vrere sone ttdonvlcted rebeLsft and. other male-

fe.etors anlsing from l..lonmouthesrebeLlLon of 1685. One John John-

son vras sent to the lJarbadoes" Another John .Iohnson, fresh from

tirs l,orchester jall wxs |tdisposod ofrr to John Hothersel"l as hls

?l$.agtoro tl

Johnsons appeo.r to bob up everTrvrhore, 'Ihe first poreort ex-

ecuted at Hartford for wLtchcraft vras L Johnson. ELlzabeth Johnson

jr,, Stephen Johneon and llebecca Johnson rrere accused. at $aLem.

lll-lzabettr was convtcted and. sentencecl to be hanged but was p&T-

doned by Governor Phl.ppt s proclamatlon'

Conpensatlon was granted. b;'ordor of ny" governor and Counelltl

to vj-ctLnrs of tho eraze, but the name of El,Lzatreth does not appear

on ti:.* lLs'ii of tho pot5.tloners ttel"th*r or purposety

'bes*.r.ree llLisaheth Johnson vras s lrclaughtertr
of her bacl eharacter"rf

cf tl:e fieir" FrayrcLs Islno, senlor i:aetcr of the church. Ablgal3.

FsruLirner was convi+ted. r,vltir. trltnal:eth hut vlas reLeased. bceauso she

vrs.6 pregnant.
1,Trl-'berson thoee colonlal affairs are often }ed. astray as

to the real charactor of the colonl,sts" 0n tho one hanC we are

toLrl that tlrese plonoers were of hlgh rellglous and. mora3. purpose

who sought a heven where they couLd. r,rorshlp GoC.accordlng to the

d.lctates of thelr consclences. That ls the generally accopted

story and, lt Le correct wlth some Llmltatlons and explanatlons.

On the otlrer hand., Wtlllam Stougfrton, ln hl.s ilelection getuonn

in 16?0 complalned. rrl,f God slfted the whoLe natlon that he ralght

senC eholce graln ovor lnto thts vrllderness, lt le clear from ow

rscords e falr nrrmber of horse thleves, cheats, drunkard.s and

i:: ::: ::: : -Ti:::::-:: -:1:::-::: -:1i:: : ::::il : ll- ---E-------r-s--

ar Sj.hley, , l*247,

Even the Rev" John ![?rlte poured. out his Lncilgnatlon, d.enoune-
lng some of these ldevrOngland settlers as the nvery scu13 of the
eartl:.. tt€t

And John i:{lnthr"op had. sone cs.ustLe renrarks to maken He wroteo

rtfiven on Lroard. tho Arbella thone were notorlouso lewcl persons who
got at the 15.quor vrhii-l,ehoLy CInos wero u.nclpra;11ng.rr{+r
'Ikre expla'natlon of these eppe,rently eonfLletlng accounts ls
cloar v;hen und.erstood" The onrlgratlon as a rnrhol.or,ras chiefly o.f
ro] anci rcoral, as rnoll ss cos:r:rereLaL l"ntent" Yet Lt aLeo
Sncirld.ed. s.n essorb:r:.ent of blaek sheep wirs wene sh.3.pped out of ths
ol"d country for the good. of the countr*yn $orn€ were sent abroad,
b;r dtrectlon of some maglstrate as pwr:|shment f,or ertrne, Ourers
sere lrolped. out of the country ae a conroni.ent way of gettlng rld
of tltsrn. $uch scalavrags qulte cornrronly engaged, ln the l-uerative
traffLc tn intoxlsants wlth the Indlans, whlch v,ias tlro prlrne cause
oi'most of the trouble wlth tlre redsklns, vrheroby the colonists
lrers drenched. ln bLoocl agaX.n ancL agatno

-ffiffi; -* - - - *------
;.:rr.i ffiffi;ffiil ; ; ; ;;;;; ; ; ;;; ;;ffi ; ;; ;il;
LfF,!: JtiIS LIITTER$ Oir JOHN tJIl{tIIROp" l"-fg0"

To a eonsiclererble extent, Co*ro"tlsut was settled by eralgrents

from ltrrgl-and vrho' first came to lJsssachusetts and reachsd. Conrrecti-

cut Later, 3.ured thero by accounts of the ferttllty of the great'

Corrnectlcut rlver bas1n. For the rnost part, they ortglnated arourtd'

Royston, near CoLehestor and arouncl $haLford, Essex" They trans-

planted to th.e new co3-ony such ancestre.l names as Colchester and

iVetlrorsf,iel.d. The early reeords are sprlnkLed lvlth euch famlly

names as Foote, Johnson, f,iar<1, Charaber.La!.n, Ilunt and Beecher. Thel"r

actlvLtLe$ llrere ch3.ef]-y around Colclrester" Bozrah, l{ethersfLeld'and

LJ.tcirflaLd" Besldes gr:ograpfiLeal llanes, the settLers wer€ addlcted

to tiro po1lel. of trestowlng on thelr proseny such Chrlstlan faralLy*

nayass aa leaas, Eebocca, Davld, John and l{athanlel, the latter belng

the most populan.

Tlre oarLlest lmown'of the Footee le Robert Foote of Roystont

Eng].*nd. IIe was tho g:randfather of l{atiianlel }'oote,

near Colehestorn
the t,settler.rt IIe ls ldentlfted by the fact that ho bore such rda-

Hls son, the second Robort Foote, was a nan of propertye halL-

lng frorn shaLford.. In 16O8 he made a wtlL prorrlding for tho poor

of hls natlve town, lVethorsfLeld.

NATHANISLFSOTE trtrre settlerrtt the ftrst of the of fou:r

conseeutlve Nathanlel Footes, wac born about 1593. IIe wae marrled

1n England about L615 to 8llzabeth Dernlng, slster of John Denlng,


one of the flrst sottLors of lliethensfleLd. $he was born about

L595. He c1led about L644" nLs rrld.ow about L646 marrled Thog|as, magLstrato, afterwards €overnor of the colony"

NATI{ANIIELFOOTU2nd. Born about L620" I,,larrled L646 to

Ellrabeth, ci-a,ughtor of $qmuel $mlth. IIe dfed. ln L655" She mar-

ri€d, ?nd., 1'ri1111anGull of 1'Jethersflol.d. and. flabf5,eLc1, ltase.

ITATHAI'{I1iLF0OfE Sd. l3orn J&n. 10, L647. Idanl.ed }6?2 to

I,lergaret Bllss of $pring:llteld, I,iass" Resiclecl at lla{;flel"d but di.ed

at i'iothersf,ielci. l'iiife dJ.ed at Colehestor"

IIATHAIilIEL IrOCITg4th, Born Ln 1682. i.larried Arue Clarke .ln

17L1" $ho dJ.ed Ln 1786. $athanieL thon maruled. {2nd} ln 3727

Ilaryn sridow of Joseph l{ancock. $ho aled ln L?65. He d.i.ed ln 1??4"

IIe was v€ry lnfLuentlal ln CoLchestorn Held aLl. of the prlnclpal

off,lces in succeselon" Y{ae CoLc}rester representatlvs 1n tho General

Assembly tluontX-throe tlsee"

Thls by no mes,xlsoxhauets tlre llst of trNatbanlels"n

I\TATIiAIIIELJOfiNSOI'Iof Roxbury was boru Aprll 29, 1"667.
!{ATIIA}'I$'IL JOI'IltsoN of Roxbury (?nd) son of the above. Born March 19,
NllTIiANIIit JOIINSONof llLngham" Baptlzod July L666.
I{I1.TIiAI.IIELJOIIN$ONof Roxbury. Baptlsed. March 8, L67O.

Ome can:rc.'t rsad far tnto colcnlal, hl,story wlthout

v,rlth dS.stress:lng accounte of confLl.cte wlth the Indlans,

nrasgacpes and. 'nrhLte aien?s massacros, .[n these honrlb]"e affaLrs

the whtts rfl&n corapeted wlth. the Indiana ln -qavag€ryr even offerlng

revrands for {:he scalps of Ind3an me!:, won6n and"" along

with rewa3'ds fo.* s+a1ps of wolves. Xnrllans utere rrheathenfr and. thus

on the s{r;t€ baels as rvil"d bcaets. The Inclt"an, l5,ke other aborl6tna3.

folk, haCna strange lnfabuert,'i-on for i-iqtrorn anrl the v'rhife nurxtyJas

rrot $lot'!'to l,ake acivantage of tt. The IndJ"an would be gotten

Crri--nl;anrl beconre tire 'u1ctln of a crookcd d.ea.}, ReprS.saLs srouL,S

f.ollor+ nnct an Indle.n ltrar r"olilcl" roeuLt, Practlca)"ly everJr Indlan

iscrr of lilstory vras ceiueed by 11-guor, partlcuS,arly the Foquocl rrar

of, 1$SS anC King Fhlli-prs war of 1676. Some of these shady trans*

eetlons on the part of the urliites dld not lmnredlately result ln

k;.],A notabLe affal.r of tlrl"s sort rvhich tnvoLved our own

fai.xlly' record !s gLvc*u becsuse lt ls well for us to go Lnto the

ConfossLonaL ancl teLl God. a.bout lt,

In LS99, I{athanlel Footo (ffft:r goneratlon of our Footos, born

Jan" 10, 1647 ) got ol-tl l$ohegen Chlef CIrraneco drank and purchased

fron hJ.m aLl of the $tohogan }Iuntlng Ground.s, lncLud1ng Colchester

anr3.other l"anCs" The Lancl Lnvolved. conprleed tirree traets, two of

i.rl:ich er:rbraced ncarly all" of the towrr of SaLem, one of them elglrteen

squar* fir.iLes on tho northern bound"ary of Llmno anC the other cov€t-

lnt tiro lr,-hoLeof Colehesten, rloro than fonty gqllare rn{Lego The

eons-i.d.eratlon for aLL of these LancLsvrr.'"eonly flve or slx shLllings"


Tho vrhtte popu3"atlon conrllved at the sr'.rlnd.Le as they were to share

ln the spo3.1.
But they struslc a snag. NlehoLae liallanr, Sarcuel I'{ason and.

Denl*r:- $,{asc:ncha:riplolred. the of the InclLans and. DanleJ, was

n:.ebbedj-n Col,chester tieeause of hls aetivltles. IlaLlam drew up E

p,itLt1an, enuffieretS-ng tlre Tnclls"nts rrrongs and. presenbed Lt to Queen

A"r:ne. 1'!ro j-rnnecl:1o-be

result r"rag that on July P9, L7O4 a eom:aLsslon

tis$ e;:pointed to try the c&se. The con:r'rLeslonwas Joseph

Duc'13-ey,$olrernol" <;f lilassaeh.usetbs an.c1v.'e.ggi.ven povJer to restore

ta the In4:lans thetr lands, subJect ta appeal to the Crovrtl" the

court r$as appolnted for $tonlngton, anC aLl lnterosted. were sDr:l- appear. The coLony appointed a cor:udttee to defend' the

w}:Lte $&nf s ca$e, a rather hard proposltlono

Tho eonnlsslon declded that the Indlans had gotten a raw deal,

and that the coLony anc, government ehould. restoro to the Indlans

alL tt:.e land that they had irel.d at the tlme of the death of Uncas"

fttrtl:errncrre, the colony was soaked for the eourt eosts aggregatlng

5?3-1"2e-gd." T5e c;olony appealod from the declslon and on Feb" lot

X?O6j b6e eueen granted. a co::nrlsslon of revlew bui the comnlsslon

!T&$ i:Iever, used and so the Ceclslon s'bood. The redsklns won out

fclr clnce, but lt took ?2 years of flglrtlng to get the natter

stral.girto::ed out"

Ths na{iles of tv,lo uromenvrho leit a cleep lmpress on the hlstor'5'

of CorulectLcut v,'ers Jerusba Foote and F.oxana Faofe"


CHAnLii$ FOOTlt of, the seventh generation of Footes (fnom Robent 1)

vras b.or.n ldo" 3.Os L7?3" In October 175O Jerusha marrled, John Gham-

be,f-r:3-n, :r;*;iibr:r of the !'ourth Reglli.ent of Connectlcut' troops who

t*oi". liart, ln the *lege of Boston" He dled Aug. 25, 1?95. Jenrshs.
ri.j-cri Aprti- l0o 1?82. They llved {n Colchegtorn
inOiiTE, nlnth gonenatlon from Robert (1) wag born l,larch 2,

l"?5$, On Fe'!:. ?5, :"-'779$he rnarrlod Joseph Johnson of Colchestor.

lle died liotio 77, 1fi08 st Colchestero Jerush.a. died. Je.n. 2l., 1831.
at Covent;r.;ri"

Fron Joseph and Jorusha, ttrero a long llst of remarkabl.e

d,escendente spreacllng clver lior,vYork end ComxectLeut, to eay nothlng

of the far west, partlcutarly Nebraeka" TheLr achleveruents dld, to atono for the dinty c1eal that Nathanl.el (s'fftfr generatlon

froro Robert l.) trled to puLL off at CoLchester.

UI,I (rlLIE$) fOofn, born oet, 5O, L74'1, married Roxana, daugtrter of
C'eile::aL AnCnow encl lll.ana (nubnard) fiand, at Gullford, Conn, Oct. 11,

77Y2,. 811 was a son of Danlel Foote, a member of the State Constl-

trt-i-cnal *onrreni;lonr and onee wrc,te a treatlse on ltorlglnal sLntl

wlil"eh !ir&s nov€r, pu?:lj.ohed. Ono of Andrerwls deseendents was CoL"

Anrl:letr i'carC rsho wa.rr .qt tbe capiure of Loulsburg" IIe rvas a thrifty

sor'?l nnd sol-d hJ"s ru*r r.a'blons, purchasing stlvor spoon yrith the

proc.eecl.s" Golo l.s.f,d haC a son vsho served. under George iiashlngton

and. toolc pa::t Ln the capturo of Trenton.

on Sept. L7, L779 Roxana Foote ?ias marrled. to the Rev. Ltrnnan
Boeeher. Thug there samo lnto belng one of the aost fearorrs famllles

i thct *knerlca ev€tr produced, heacied by the Rev. Llrnan Beecher and
Il by ir-{.o son the Rov. ilenry Viard. Boechen. It was from the V,iards
ff, bhat lTenry i:riard.Beeeher got hls mlddle DB$,Br

tffi In 1655 llannah Bebcber, a wLdow and mldwlfe, came to Con-
nectlcut on the sarire shlp vrlth Andrew iTarde the progenitor of the
!r & l'/and faml\r. Fron Lyman Beocherts autoblography vre leann that

Iis.nirah Beeelror had s son Isaac vrho tracl a son Joseph who eould ltfb

a barrel of elden and. d.rlnk from the bunghoLe. Joreph had a son
i{s,ti:.nnl"el"who coul"<l llft a berroL of etder ancl caruy tt to the eart.

iis ,;ii,i,r!a blaclcenlttrr. nj.x foet taLl, $athanlol Beecher had a son

..};*.'i-':',,nll"ro a bLa*ksntth, who could lJ.ft a barrel of cider and

cn::J":r'tt 'i;o the

ils,iri,; Seocl:er' hed tEreilve chlLdr"en, havlng been mamied. flvo

tl:*os, To hls thtrd son was born tho Rov. lynan Beoclrerr at Llteh-

fi.eld, It 'd,rasthors that he preached. hJ.s frslx $ormons on Temperancerf!

rvhl"ch, ln splto of hls clder background, was q,cceptod as the begln-

nlng of the antl-lJ"guon reforo ln AmenLca. Theso ssrrnons were pub-

Lished ln trook for:n and sent througlr flve edltlong ln one $€a?r He

becarns the founder of Oberlln Colloge, was mobbecl at Ctnclnnati

becauso of hLs antl*gLavery actlvlties, and, fon many years $as p?69-

ldont of Lane TheologloaL Semlnary. IIo died at the home of hls son,

Iionry Fiard. Iloecher, ln Brooklynr Jan. 1O, L863.

Iile son, Henry idard, Boeoher, stancls unchal"lenged. as the great-

cst of Amerlcsn preachens. IIe was born at Lltchfleld Jurlo 240 18L5,
the ollghth clrl,lcl of Lyman Beecher, Seven of the elght chll.dren
ffi* ffiS*#* ffis S,t,* ffi* a# $M tlessrffi* *tt#fi * ffiS.
ffi ** SWW* $?l** ssff &Sr A$&L* & tsffi* w Sm*# *
*ffi* *ffit *# W M Wnim Se tpt$* ss.*u* fie tM
effiffi* sn S#[$* effi**m s# Ww ffi*s*& *# W &*&&ee$*$ffi
acEgs$#gr ftlh trcll,c ssGt og lt@r Er*r Ftffit ffia|*D €f

becsrfle Congfegatlonal preachers, and another was llarriet Beeoher

Storven who achleved. LnrrortaLlty as the autlror of Uncle Tomrs Cabln.
TIIE FOOTUFAIi1ILY, by Abram i1. Footeo a trvo volume vrork ag-
gregatlng 3.$$2 pagee and Trzgz, was pubS.Lshed
by i;he A, w" Iroote conrpany at l*iLddreburg, vt. ln 1g0?. on June b,
l,9O?, thene was forrned, the Focte FalnJ.i.yAssoclatLon whlch hae held
reunlons at varlous tlmes,

. Aceordtng to_ tho fanlLy records, cbrlected by Lt. Joshua

Hewes, guotod. fy.tram Itl, Irooton $1r Thomas Footo (sometlmes spolbd
Foot or Fotte) was shorif,f of rond.on, sngland, ln 1.645; rord l,{ayor
of London (1.649)r created Baronet (L66O)" IIo wgs a cousln of Nath-
an*e} Foote, the rrflrst settlertt and. thlrd generatlon of Footego
iie vvas born !.n England about L595; marrLed. ln EngJ.anC to ELlzabeth

Demlng, sister of ,Iohn Demlng, ono of the flnst settlers of ltyethers-

fleLd, Conn' He dted about 1644. Els wLdow marnled llhomas tJeL1eo,
maglstraton later governor of the coLony.
IILI FOOTUb Oct. SO, L74,17 merrted. Ro:eana r."rtard,.
0IIARLUSFooTE b Nov. lO, J.?33; nanrled. Jesreha ChardberlaLn oct. l?EO,
CFIARLESFOOIE b Juno S, !753i marrlod Sarah Day
.IERUSHAF0OTE b llarch p, 1?85.

FOOTE, tbLrd. chlld of Charles irooto, b at Colclrester Nov. S0,

ELIAS Lr0o?E b Oct. 4t l"?66; mar.rled $a13.y Tracy in l{srch lgog. $
wes a daughter of EsekLel. Tracy of Otego. r,!.ved. at Franklln, N. y.
.IARUSIIAJOIIIISONb 0ct. I, L?AB; d March 1?4L

f,UDGE,ISA/IC FOOTII b at Coleheeter ln L'746, Camo to $nqrrna, N. Y.

ln L?94, IIe v,rae prornLnent ln publlc affair"s. IIe was Justlce of

tlre pease and rnember of the Assemtrl.y. IIe was the flrst Judge of
Chenango County" Ile was a grandson of NathanleJ., 4th generatlono
( s e e g xp ra )

As l{a'bilani.el had become tire favoc"lte nam€ cf the maLes of

i;lle *Tohnsoi:*lrooto trl'ben iuet so Joru.,sha became the most popuLan

einan6 ET:+*fslinaLes <lf bh.o spec*.eso Tho fol"l"owl"ng ts & llst of the
Jerrtrshs F'cotee ths.t s,ppe$:r 1n tlre necord;

JilRUSHILFOCTITt, Oet. 6, L72A; d ln l,lareh l"?41,.

,l.t,iU,:)iA FOOT}Ib.Tan. 4, 1?89; d at And.over ftjarch 8,, LB76;
JXnU'SltAFOCTI{b Lrec" 29, 1?83.; C t,141;?0, 1838, at Lere ldaes.
JfiFUSIIA FOOTIIti Jano 2, 1845; d. at Clevetr-arrd, Oo Aug" 2?o
:t[3 4 8 ,
JnRi!"5I11, FOOfE b i.,lerch 2o L?5Sg rnarrLed Joseph Johneon (q.v, )
JIiFUSIIAFOOTflb Feb. ?42 -L?55; marrled. Nov, S, \772, to
I'SathanteL fiornwsll of Fortland, Conn" To them wae born
a dauglitran named Jertsha,
JIAUSILA ITOOTEi: June 4, 1?59; rnarrled, $amuel Bancroft
JARUSIIAFOOTEb Oct. ?2, L7461 ra.arrS.edSamual" Pakner. Dled
at l;iLdd.3.ebury, Conno
JEnUSfiA FOOTE b Folr. L, 1785; narrted S$ephen liklnner
SI;RUSHAFOOTEb Oct. 20, 1789; marrled. Dwcon Srulth et Wlnetead"
JERU$IIAFOOTAh Fob. L7, 1795, at Newton, Conno Llaruled
Harny }Iewel.l at Davenport, I.Io Yo
JERUSI.IAFOOTEb Feb. 4, 1815; msrrled Jonathan lil}l"
JEROSIIAFOOT$ b Jan. lon 1.810; cl l,larch L5, 1883
JERUSIiA trOOTtrb &rno 2O, 1831 st Ea*t Haddano Conno
JERB$IIAFO0T$ b Feb " 43, 18Sg at Hobart, N, Y. She was
farred ee a d,nCIssrraker"

The Coneoui:ee of, Johnsons hae beon prollf,lc, partlcuLar-

Ly ioher Jolutsone" Tlae Late lTllltan lldward. Johnson of llartford, Conn.

coLLected. s vast elrorurt of genoologlcal date of the fanrlly. In all,

he ga'bl:ererl rnore than si.x thousand. menaberg of the famlly" IIe de-

poslted nanuscrlpt coples of the result wlth the State Hlstor-

lea} Llbrary at liartford., The followlng ls a lLst of the John
Jol:nsons Ln the orblt of our rocord," irlany scoros of John Johnoons,
other than of our fanlly straln, ene omltted:

-arrlvedprI-or to 1"630
JOIil{ JOIlN€q$ b tn F,ngl,and
.fTHffi JffiN.'TIf as,o ?,3; l"n &[asso or]. the ELIZABETH tn 1635
ffi Jm a$e ?,6i can€ on the sanre shtp
.Iffi$ J@ a*ch116; carre ln 16sb
JbTfifi JbTffiS'OSanother chli,d arrlved. on the JAMP$ ln ].6$5
.frm Jbliffim b t{ov, se t6s9
Jfltrffi-TmmiT bspttsed- 1g1166?
Jt-frfrT@sE$ n lt Hlnghzun,Loss
Jffi itHlTffii b tn l6gd
.ffitr Jffitr b i.n L,rLz
Jffi rbffiffitr b in 164?
Jbffi JbTTffil$ b about 1645
JTf;F JnTffiO"ffb ln t6?4
JffiS ro."fiffis*trb ln L6sa
J6Afr Jffiftffifr b ln 1?5o
.@ JW b ln 17so
The Ilumphrey as well as tho .Tohnson famLilos Left behlnd them
creclltabLe recond.e of servlce tn the RovoLutlonary trriar, both clvll
and mlLLtary. In 1889, the GenoraL Assembly of Connectlcut author-
tced the compllatton of the rrRecord.s of Servlcertt Conneotlcut men
who fought for the soLonles dunlng that struggle. Thls compllatlono
plrbll"shod. by the state, showed. that there were 1O6 Johnsons and Sg
iJr:nrplineys who gorvod. as eol"diers ln that w&ro

The Nevr England. mleslorrar;r eplrlt,, a3,so, wa.s msnLf,ested ln

tli* e,*tl-r,"j.tles of, IJn, I:iarcus Pal"mer, e-l.arLsse Jotureon (q,v. ) and

Jolanson {q"v" } anrong tha 0hero}eee TnclLanerof A:rkaneas and

whet ls now the etat'? of Okl,ahoma"

Tho activLtles of these three wer€ nelther the nor



the end. of rnleslonar-y wonk ln our falrily. On Apr!.l 4n LBeO, the

sal3.tng shlp Thadcleusn after a flve months voyag€ around Cape Horn,
arrl'.red. at }Ionolulu, brlnglng fourteen mlgsionarleE, seven males
and. $even fomaLes, They vt€re the flret Chrtsttan mleslonarles to
arulve l,n that cowrtry. Thoy $ere sent out from Boston bry the
Bsard of Corsnleeloners of Fonel"gn lvllselonsr That was the gtart-

lng polnt of one cf the most clramatJ-c eplsodes ln the hlstory of

mleslons anywhereo

Among these pleneers was Captaln DanLel Charrberlaln of Brook-

fie-ld., lllass, l':.lm wLfe Jornrsha {Burnott} Charnber}e5.n, and. flve
eirLlCysn" &mcng *::e*ls yourrrgsters $repe Nancy, two years of age,
Dani-el Che:nberla$"n Jrn and Dsxtor Ch.a"inberlain" tr'Jhenon3.y sevon
ycars olC, Da:rlel J"ro got s. Job teachlng tlre k3"ng to rsad.. Dextor
becano an l"nventor and perfoeted E. machlne for proceseing lron
(1E45) anC S.ater.bescuio onc: of the found.ers of the RepubLlcan party.

Captaln Dun3.e1, ln 18?$, was obllgecl to return houe because of J.11

heaLth" He c1lec1a'l; Auburndale, I,liase.€&ln Lg84. HLg wife, Jentsha,
who eceomp&nXod hln, dlod. at the age of 9?. ffhLlo the contact le
not def5.nLte, lt ls presumed. that Captaln Chamberlaln ls fr.on our
England. straln of Johnsons and ChamberlaLns"

-6-[i;; - -;;-;;;;i;;
;nliDAR- sffins;
HAr','dilm- il- ;; ;ili; ;;;;ffi ffi ;,


sIn1CSO a thousand poople sroesed to l{egsachusottsi

nfreenrenn, or stocktroldcrs of thc
amsn6 tbem a tlozen or so

co$penl-- (The }.lassachusetts Bay Company) rvbo eet the govern-

r:ent of the colony tn notlon by eLectlng John tr\tlnthrop $ov€r-

xloFau,o*t"tThegovernCIr r.ts.selocted €very ycar by the ffeemon

of tho conpan;r, wsre tho assistants (orLglnaLLy a

board of cliroctors o.f the co$$iany) " In 1654 tlto tor'lrrs began

to send. treo*r.rl,ttessril or d.elegatos, to tho genereL sOurt

(or"1g3.na11y tho stoeld:.oLclors? noetlng) and. thue ostabLlshed

s'representa'b1vegovernment,1nwh1.chtheass1stanterer.is1ned' l

Ba an upper houpo' Irr practico th5"s was not A vsry d.ouoerati.c l

systorn, slnce freemen had to be chrrrch nembers and hardl"y ono l
adult rnale Snmlgrant Lr: olght was admlttcd as a froeman"
- - - - t- - -

Sssentlal's ln Amerlcan nlstory--g15ert Bushlrcll Eart

;; ; ;;;;;;;;;" ;.;;;; ; ;;";;;;-"

ln L86?,


L. JOIIN JOHNSOT{ b ln EngJ.ard Wlth hts fanlly cano from

d .Tuly 3O, L695 Errgland ln thc Yflnthnop
floct ln L630. Yrltth hlm
came sons Isaac and IIum-
phrey, daughtcrs l,laryrfna,*h.,
*argcrct and. Eilzabcth
(nllza), and wlfc D[angerlr"
2* irqiEsriE{roqNs_oJ b 1n BngLand I(nown as $ergcanL Johnson.
d July 24, 1693 Camo to Anerlca hls
fathero tlved most of
hls llfe at Hlngharn, gnd
dled thcre.
s. {ggu-{ffiggsee b June B, 1.680 Born ln litngham; dled at
d Aug. 7, 1?55 Colchester, Marrled
l{ary Ramsey at Roxbury"
Septo 2O, l?l8Born at CoLohestcr
d Aog. ?8, l,?55 l,{arried. Sarah ????
5N JOSJJPII'TOTT}I$ON b Jnne I?, L75O Eorn at Colchestor
d I{ovo 17, 1BOB Marrlod Jerusha Foots
6n nAi,PH JOf,IiS0$
# f f i
b Feb" 9, 1791 Born at Col.chcstor; dted
d Nov" 1O" 1882 at Coventr-y. Marrled
ELi.zqbeth (Betsy) Hunt
b Aug, 18, 1B1g Eorn at Otcgo, $. Y"
d Jan. 8, 1905" Dled at $nlthvllLo Irlats.
Marrled. Ellzabeth Hannah
$tlLos at Covcntry
b March 25, l862Brliyr at Covcntry. lJtar-
rled L1111c &Iay trevltt
on Dec" 28, 189 6. ,She
dled Aprd1 2L, lg2io Man-
rled (ena) Idri" Desslc
l'Iay Stanloy,
TEEVITT J0HIISON b Jen" g].. 1888 Born at tLncoln, Ncbr,

On $ov, 16, 1912 he mar-

trLcd. Gladys CanoLyn Brewer
of Faltlmoreo

10" EI,ARI{}ICETRT.XTIXTJ0HlIq_o$.IrDDoc" 1O, 1920 Born at Rlvcrsldc, Cal-o



J'onfi JoEI{sCIN {X) b tn lingland


tlne a trconnnonerlto
In .bhj"s wxnthrop fleot effne a new actore thls

famren ffOm East Angllat who wag

folur *T,rhns$:r" Hs.was a vrel"l*to-do
part 3.n tho affa!,re of the Massachlrsette Bay colony
to ;:L*.y a loacling
trTi.t?.ihfm *aine hls wLfe, !'{arger'5r, two sonst Igaac
f'c,:l ti:,3.rty"
and ElLzeibet}r'
r::r,1 ll,*tplu.0lfr 5:1u.e threle d.augleters, I'{ary, Martbra,
li€,"r&::: the firs* cl{,-$$t*hle 3"ir Roxlrufy, },[ass. Besldes beLng a fatuert
depu$y ln
l.-r9irrs,il cr p6.'i.!i;*]:tlt"clutartu srlLectman, leglslator,
amg gnd"
.elr.; O1)i:.r3r€:{}C,:r"-r:,i)rtnverR k**g:er, g'lt.storilan of, the colony?s
foy defont!€) *gaj.n*'b tho Ind.iane, keeper of tho tovrnts
ttbgsg'fl FOr
:ec*r*so and :1'nmOClerrtparla:r:een roli.glrt be called &
'll:ir"ty yee.rso no'hh:trig rsor{:h w.trLLe was prouotod ln the eolony that
l[n a]'1 these years' ha
C.Lrl not have sor:':efult{rrgto Co w!th'
i..abored ee a Eiort of r$.ght hand nan ts Governor
tfangery dled ant3.u's.s bulrled June 9, L655' Later on John il&1t-

:,:Lcrtl tSrace, t3:e wLclow cf tsarnabas Fawer" On JuIy 3O, 1659 be dled''

In 3.631, a few rnonths af,ter hls eg["ral", Ire was mado a free-
rtlle wag a very lnrlustrl-
a.:d. c:leab13d a seLe*tm&n tho se\me ysar6
onei authoflty" ile kept
riri.l,$a:.':tl fcrl?hf,a}. mon 3,': l:lgs p].acOtr, wrote

r, ils..u;3,* $s1 Til:ibu.ry s'L::',get.'s,ih,*:rgaxe$'y pul:lic meetJ'n5s werCI heLd'

f:;h,f)fantE*ii $rrn }iu'hcfiir:.scr:' rvag taken lnto CustOdy tho geltrera}
,::ou,rii ord.e.led tlrat ths !?&ira$to of her adh,erents be cloLlvered. tc>
:tg* G+cl;lincii: $r-:'r1:nrionrst'bi:o t$o,tn of Ror,bury requlred to lttake

,*:liior foi" li*:r:, eirrtorly?? and ttif any charge arlse to be d.efrayed by

;rg:r.' h-fs'cenrf o ll

O:r ilqr i3, L6S8, lte slne":Robert Col,e r.rore chossn to the

t"q:i'er.r:,'ir at bile n"oxt Ger"ersLL.Courrtn 0n l'{ay }41 L634,he was q

ei.cput3'" fror: i?oxirr:,ry tc, tk,e f'ir,-qt Generral" Sount of Delege.teso lrr

:.6$* l:io ruas naC.g a ::;e*:::-:lr:r

tf the art5.llery conpsnyo He was an orig-

:,.irs3" {:or"!cr *f -l.ltc llf:rrrc gcltcr.:.!-s,tl li'or.f,oue.teer} years he wirg & tr3ep-

:,<):3en"h&t:l',rt]j.::r tfue fi*;ir*rs.i, rJ,':r13.'b" IIo was rgade rlourveyoy*gBsteF8.L of

r:,i,1!"yil ar"nl-CIsr3m:;lu a:l l'll*,i:. was'i:lro custrrrlLan of tho mll,i"bary,stores

:'ils'1i',rbLlc ils:fonsg, !.'r)''tit ariil. lainrl r+eor:ele ware placed f.n,rX.s ueep-
.: r. t,:"J +

Sut of ilh.ees rer.l:r:'n*5.?..iJ"J.ttesca$e an hour of treuble. Unden

, 1;'i;c c;f I'i':h" ilr 1.6''L5o,i:i,ii'bktrr,pteLJ.s the story:
rnic!::: J*hnnen,,;i.ngi-:aril's a falr house ln the -alii"ds'iof the
'lrov,'i.:,w.l-th c11','el'#'batrrri anC othen outhouseg
! l,t fe13" on f5.;:e
:ir: 'l'he e1a;J'ht:n*, iu) rlg.rx imoru'lng by what Oscaslon arld 'bhes"ebS,.
fng :i:::.l"t .so"*,I*i1"1;,?r'lir
bc.t':rCIls of the countrnrts powder and" many
$l:Elf', e}--l ;iuCCe:::.-l;r tlnd bLown up to the value of four
or ili'.r,s i..r"it:drod :r+und.** v}:.oreln a speclal provldonco of, $o'*
app*ai;o-$o f'.lr l:il 1:ici-:::,1; froin honie, the peop}e csme to;3e'L}:er
to hn;1p i].ne ''rJir-l;r..','ors.l,ni:?r,shouser $o man of t]:a
powd*:,: ;i11 oi:.e 'rf 'b*o coi:rpany put then ln nlnd of, l,'be Ti*:'er€-
irpo:'3 *h*y *11 ni. bhdreixi, an* soon af 'b,er the bl"ew up
and ail n?:*u'l; $.{:, nsl,* $hoo}r the houses ln Boeton and Osn*
br'ld.g* ,es es #,afiF a:.*m.thouCirt lt had been an earthquake and
csrrl"*d grca'i; pi-ncen o"{ tlmber a good way off, arrC gor,le regs
end suctr Ligh'b t'kirn,15s Boston Meetlng Houee fr'cm 'bhe
hcuses i.n t;}le te,lvnp fcr this wsrs a nost northerl"y, othor"wLe+e
Lt hsrrl *nclnngered. t?:e greatest pant of tho tori'nctl ts
a{e!4r*aldrdead r6ddo

{} fitt TOlTt{ OF Rt)XBtI}'tY, IT$ }iiSgORY AND ANTI,aUITIES. By F::ancos

S. DrElko
The ilev" Ellot, flrst pastor of the Flrst Ctnr:rctr,nlwaya
reacly to recogntrze speclal prov3.dence, recordedl
uYe Esi-nd.^,at fLrst to carry ye flre to otber houses but sud.-
do:rly tiur$ed lt froni al"l other houses -o!ly carryLng lt to ye
o^bhei"outhouses and barns thereby, and lt was a flerco wLnd
anC thes"oby' rlrave ye elem.ent from ye nel.ghbors r houses whlch
1n cp.b:r ti-&e $ot:;16."byye great heaLe hav6 been set on f!
$ot ori3.y v,ters t.}"r+irrilltary eupplles gathered, for defense

egi*[::*t ti:* Ind.fs.n.$I.n I{f;ng Ph5.3.1peYfar d.estroyed but the flrst

'b}ro eshooL chaerter, and aLl, Land roeord,g
i:,i;;h o:f *?,rct+',',rn:'*s:{:r.,1e:1.s,
t;:::i; tip !.:;1,mlnlr*, Tl'h:?#est:'uetj',:n of tlre igrnd. recorde craated.
'i;;.:.r 'bho fl"re tiae town appo3.nted a gorml"t*
-.:i'og'i;e? ;:;ro'i:)-,-l,lt, Af;t:c,
"bt: *f ,f,11's*,w$"th J*i:::;'rri as cha:ly*ren, to rtd0o thOtn b,est to endeuer

t* *:,i .J'pvrr:ei;si: :mailrs l*"nd.ft whi"ch was rro emall unclertaking. The

y*:o:rC of tk,.: La'uoy'g;ri:.Cd"e.*islc,ns of ttre eeffintttee o0Orrp];r$any

l)l Icr, of repox'i:r: elr;d.1::o<:*cr lngc o

From iill:?.ot t e ::ec*rcl cf, c.l.iurch nrernbershLp at the tLno of o::gan*
j.:;a'bion i:,OfU) wa g;e'l; 'h]:s:f'oi.lovr3.nge

Johxr folrnson ';lJ.fe

3ils*riicffiffifiisr:n, Johnson
of Joim a@
"35.ffi'v'Ij.:ie of rsaac @
.ffr*:n the b*ole, TlWi.TOF SOXBURY,A Report of the Record. Corn-

nl*li.f.*tr*r.s ecirtn"tu!-ng, t,he Rc;rbr:.ry Lan& Church Eocordo, Second lldL-

t::'*i: {3"ij'*4.i 3'*"5* :l."1Sefl:'(-r fiu,:*d the f'o}l-ovrlng onts'les;

$, 6d!d^-i*'
-- -g&rsg€ {qry,se}r
rrl.i,r;:rr:th,?* d.n.;; $r)" *Rb&;Igheggn. surv€yor-General of a1.3.
:r* j.d.imeoo Sy:rC- fl: {ris bu:rLed. yo day followlng.

'l:iE t'tr'it$,TCiiUllCIl oF A0XBURYT },illss., b!' {:-Ir: T}rwlng'
Fli.ilfF-ilS' ajjj Ai;J ccs,cl;Y ar t,lgsggcnus rts BASr by
'fim *0iti:fi.1:l,ii,I,.l1f
i{*t}:c,"::1e1 S, Sburtli"ff
-E e66sGr* ' dt
FrssGE c@e

'11-'*: es:r i*l,ili

Iii".r"5-:..:1; r;:*s'o i'ol::neons arrLr"od' 'from fing3"anrln bu'b

. l';i k, i+t:'nn (l:l theiin" They Ttef€ 3

:C,'i:J.:i].nfi .i't;l;,':i.;}:.e3'

J c r i : n , ] . i i } ' 1 H g " * ' n i . ^ 1 * E 3 . , n r r 5 . v e'bbe

TffiT"ifr :I,!iT5:ff:#, *,,* ;r$ns o:r senlevegselo
'ij.-llg*:,:*i'#*r,ro;3:s.:;o l?,
&n.!, *,*.mo o:r tho Sames 5.n July 16550 brj"ng*
F*i]:t ( :"i:'otra1t1"r r. *hrtril ]l
the fameso
ffifiC ic'bnsep { Plo:ab3-3' a e:i.Lld) ewle $usan on
e,*q, e|gj$ n, saine cn. t}le Js"mesn

j:..i.L bi:.s'ri. 3n Iln5land"


( Ieae.'i) Jtl.hnnctl)

ISAAC JC}{NSOI{ 2, {Ca;ptaln) of fioxbrrry (,Iohn Ir Isaac 2} Eldoet son

0f Joh;a,
tr l.:r Engllan$

*-:31:_(,c o€_d..,& _-,____-_-s_cp€_-_-__er_---r*

Cas:s to l.iassactnl,sett::r wLth h5,s father ln tiflnthropls floet Ln 165O.

ioLiied El"loi;ls chureir ln the same ]l'eex3r lTae rurdCIfreenan l{anch 4,

1"63.5" IIo t'ras ons of,the fq]und.ers of the nfnoo sehooleil. On July 60,

l-6S$ he ns.rrl,ed Ell",zrt (Ll.l"J"uabethi Porter, who hsd. proviousS"y unltcd

wLtlr the e,l:r," Soilge, ${)LDIERS OF KING PIilLLIPTS gLvos tho

d.ate q,s J&n, 2Q, 169)'i"
In 1645 he er:l-"'.ster1:t-n the Artll]"ery Conpany, IIo wao enstgn

cf Li:e silcck,sberr;"r! ir:13.5"'her::y

company prerd.ous to 1653, Orr ,Tune 13

rtf ';i:.e fltihi* yeer ]re r,'rr.$e}*etecl. captaln. In l€'VJ. ho vias etroeen fGP-
res*]::'ds.tiveu In ',:l:.e*
F"ci;urs:'of, OffLeers onganlzocl for the l].}-fatod " l',1,;f':LrrC the f'ollowLngI


I'lou:,:'i?rficr:1:an3'eI$&4,:) Jolu'lson, 0aptatn

.P]:k:r:es'Llililam, Lleuter:.ant
Hsnr.f Eri:'ruiilo eneLgr
In l.6"15 he ivas kl-ll-e'C Leadlng the flsht agalnst the Narr&ganset

e trcngholC. The narle"tlve of thls traged.y rea<ls:

ItCn Oct. 6, L6',vba bndy of 52 praylng Indlans, Bllotfg eonvertst
marc,hee. frirrn ${r:unt II*po, irnder the lntrepod, Captaln Johnson
of ftoxtiurfo ",,]te ll'lth flvo other captalns waa ktlLod whllg
sto:.m5-ng thir lTnrr*rga;.-rset stronghold: n
illf,ferent d&tes aro ,;fven :ior thls tnagedy" One glves lt as Doco 10o

Jiga*her s&y* Dec, 1g, In i;he battto Lioutenant llpham wae aleo kll,lcd,

s$ bhs c*:,,unandof th,l ct$rlipir]Iy clevoLved" upon trnslgn Bovren, rorhovras

proinoted. ne Lleutena:rt, I::. Captaln Johnsonrg roster E"ppsers the' Iiw:phrey Joh:taon sts one lnpraooedo


Brrt he vlafl repo'rted eLs fh'*.rw.*tLngfiand eo clid. not sorvo. born cf the marrlage of Captaln Johnson arrd Ellza

P,irLer rrvers; h Jies " "i'.4, L63Y
C Aug." 1-3, L685
Jcl:*r b l t.pv, Ij: L639
d .l)ec., J..Be166L
S,Ierv h A p r i"i 34, L842,.s br.r;,flir;*., Jan" 7e le44
qJ{ fl'Sp.fl b l i o vu i,I L645; dled soon
If+I1i?Ii*.*:1. b t,iay :i.n 164? (Tovrr: Itecords ) Churcl:. reeorce say
iJiay f;,,
!*&l#*rlsi t,;.pu1.;lr*ii Jan* 2V, i646
Or: De* o '[JQs l.6ij? t,rn ri.auglrter lJl"lzelboth (2nd) rnnrrled llenry

.ii.:i'ierl:, 'i;lz* be*ame L-{-r;u!:,*:il:-ti on the death of Captaln Johnson"

CIl:l}1r*n bot'n of thl* ::nili:i-':i,lge w@re I

Eests b 0':t, 1659, bept5.zed ln 1675; burled ln the
o3d *.'*inetery at l'Toodetock, Conn"
E l " L sa
qrb F|t#
b*p'bl.*eri Jan. 27, 1661
df,n.n bapi;tne'rl. $ept . 7 o 1662
I'ffilFF,sret dj.esl ir$,.'.iI?
ffin*rYA* b $eg:l;" :L2, 1666
llEffir,rt.2nr]. tl Jar:l. i-l$e L668
.Lisrtf,ret3 b },{nrc;}: G, 16?5
rsf.,Be F'ebu .,.2, 16?6
Or: Dee, L7, L6t-:8 t]:r* ilaptaln?s d.aughten I',Iary merried i{11114m

Brr::tL:oL*rnevrand. re.nover"l to :iranford, Corux.

TSre eldest sonr Ts.:.a,'l, raarrled i;iary llarrls and r.toved to l;llddLo-

t"rirnn Conn.
Th.o you:egest s*rlp .r:le'bhanleLr marrled. l,tary $nlth Ln li:'St anti.
l.*'bEr moved, probabl;;'co lirulr"Lborougho
In trls ''r11J", ciatr,d i;i:.reh 8, L6?Su probated $'eb. lO, 1676, Cap-

triJ.n Jol:nscn provldsd !'a::' i,-i-lsa anC faur chlLdren sunrl"rrlrigr vrl-th a
or:ubie porti..r:n fop t1:.* e.:.cil.r;itllLlza.
EJ-3.aa, the v,rLdr:tio.f (l*rpteJ.n loaac, died Aug' I5, L685" She ls
r,:ferred 1o "i.n tlre c:::,ll:el ::;,lcord.s as the tl0ld. $lstof.fl
Ellsa." wlclow o.f Is,;Lri': 2ndu dlod Aprll 2O, L?Ol.'

{Ilwirphrey Johnson)

{r:iergeanti J$HN$OIS{.Tohn 3.u tlunphrey 8)

ir l.::r .ftng.Laird

#. -Tu3";r84, 1695, e'b ll:l"nghar:

es 6--ccd-sFFa cFdtd-3ae-aibe-6€d3

;io c*i,lrg to lJascaehusist'rn .i+'lt;":.his father ln Winthrople fleet ln

:.fl*C, In 1f,45, i:o g:al'* s dees to so$s property whlch ls reeorded rir:ifctk fiouaty r*,er.::e; w}:3.r,leess"babl"lshee hls ldenttty' Hs was

j.:',,ris* i::*:;::i.*r1, O',l'i)iri:';b'. fiCI, L$d$, h$ ms'rrled' filLen tgl-ean-or)

'"vj.rccl-!ci- J-r: lij.;:..;irar: S,e,5:'h.B$3 i-ST8o
i'rlli]:i,e:;;^ On Doco 6 of tlre flams

:::i.]ii:r ,..if-rtiii:.i3:!q:ls:..['i-i.:::fti.1 i;i*ry of" Ilo:r.blrry, claughten of $amu'e1 and

';"']":i*;:. $irir r1*ed !n L695'
.1l1i1r;11:.i.;y *f ti,r.e ',r$]i..;J They ros:ttiecl at

;.,*lii;u.,::rtn, hj:e::. at Lii:t,::'f;r Ir1.+in, $outh iii"nghan:, before. .l"en$virag t0

'hrs'u,'r'le tn l"Sf$.t$ The etory road"a a
Iiunphno;r had .ro:r,::
rtAt L,tb*nty P1*,1.,t, Ilu*:rg.1'rrey Johnsono who had been turned. out
of $oi"i:uete, .::e* r"rp er Sior!.serwhlch he had. remsved from that
t,olvrr hu'c oni;n oii eon.ciL{;J-on that ho shouLcl remove lt out of
llJ.nglirem on eIlolr* i,rit'rrilri$ ss ho was q i;roubLesone ulEnorE

hs was ,sdr"ln{sheel ts etaecept a fer:ce, In

';r{r,y,bslciuilrra::, Hr,imtrri.t:ro;;ston+'3 f,or hLs sborteomings by nso:'lvLng

t.rJ.s ccrintry i.:.r t3le rlonrlLl-et tlren gol"irg osntl !{lng Phlltpeg l'rrs'r' Fie

,in.!",lst,.eql ti:. tl;ro {i:"'?ly *;rd 3:1-o,1:"ed"

a Qc}ffino$dab3.o part, havl"ng boon Go's-

;:::::::::::.":-:::1331i3: l:--T:i:-::::::::-g:-::-l3l3i:--683&@Fe-dr**@s
.i: 3f:[fii]f,f;)f OF l{.tlii#t{fi.trir 'b;,. fi'eo:*'3o Ltncoln, pl.tbllehod by the i;own.

14-T-- ftr"* tt* 7-eurv"12t{ *^ 24 da,tel. o{, Scf**L

h/u X4* ft-
,,r?wo4sW /6si, ,u/v12
/6 ,n, t
?+&,uPd aa*-S/t=

vi&s a bl-uek*mith
:lIJ.n $nn., i:1,on;r,'n,{-n.+ *rnd. Latetr g!r, w&.rl pr3$,"

i-'r:l-etr::r.'of i;?r* Fl-ne tv*c Tnv,::iln,

{."':.,'.lii;;'*n to lirrripir::*y anf, }:lLen \peroI,,t
i,leirir.''r; e
i) S:?g:t* 1fi44" IJIanch890 1646 iq"v. ]
lit&,13tli?#. *iapl;J-reci.,:1,';pt" }P, L64?, I{arrled O'beilLinh3llCIrso,
{ct.v" }
'tr5fti*"* ctfed. ;reun$
tr 5":i Marcii, t€5S. Hinghain Jrme LF-, 16?4
ffifpfi b Jier:,s 2/*, LGSS; dled. soone
ffilF,ril.r h $r:-:, ?7; :[6s?-
1i*:ffi119-" b D:I" l"€,i:iS. $n {-,*t" 80e ?e she marrfori Joooph
!*ca-.' (q.v" )
ile?.:os''r.,h{fi:rd"} .1.:;il-S61". DlocX JrprLl 1, LS69
Htri{rl*"* b :"n l"ct}s
-'-"* iutr;,rui6€'$
?: :n-i:.
::,Ufri#F. i.r l.'c,t'i, 18,) 1.661'*S
,;ii*r1 ,:ie.1rtre', 3"S?6
*i;.1.]'"r"i.:.,::.:1.:t::.:'r:.!o ,lfi,llil'iii"'r;:jf .1i.,::.':i
frb'X-13a13 T,.lstrst

.;ip.,,,'.; i,r ti',.:${r8u i.S8O {q"v" J

11..irug, '7, :1"?5,5,a"u fioLr:hcrJter
::11_'.:*,"ili* l_{::1,, .li}1 i:..S$5.?;
*:rx"X,rd Ieaa* DavJ.$., i}**" l.'0e

$a.l';;c ii::-s: i;ii;.ra:;,;"] :,rli:iee the'i ;i*?ang€r Hi:rnphi"ay rian *:^-,s of'

"i-:.r', ,9c",iqi,it:;';,; ii?.'Af i;C,i. f::'t'::n ilj-rt1;t:eer l-n tl:.r: I'{errageneot ea:::.0a1!"g:nr$sr'\i,'*
-!.;:,.i. 1n 6;.f i;her r*bt'il.vo
E'gi1;p.1.;5;'r*.1n icirneon of':-rryrr? hlsl

i l:3"1rnbe"i:hrJohnson )

EI*IZ'"qBUT}ItfiLlUA.) J'0Hl{sCII{f; tJohn }, ELisebeth 2)

b ln lingJ,nnd
r] #ann S$ 1SB4 sr 1665

l].il* ,:rar$etn i,la,ssachuu,s'L:'Ln

r*i^*lr her father ln 1630r wLth tire Vfln-

t..::"o;:: fJ"ee"i;" On. iiiarc.h 34, 1"',34?or 1645, she marrLed ftobert Pepper

r.!l it};.r,rti;,;;,JoSn h:Ls -l;l-L} .3al::r L macLohlg sons eOn-in-law

'r"r;i:ir,: 't:-{-e
".,t B1r1:;;oi *:;:.s;flr":',tlcr*i wl-ll- whlch he gxecuted' three d'ayn
(., *J-l:, dr":glbi'i. F{;F3.:c:fq;r-n ragrCe,ffeeman on l,{ay }Oe 3643" Ctn
;:,-.:,.ii]{i.-s',}.:r {r,a$ m;;tvc,ii -Le'li'.'g'Lobrew effitl seLl penny beeroll

:'1i.,,i:'l:,ir,xli:.:':r i"r.1t}ie, chu:lah reeordg"{i,l:i:}-'itlix?oti ea3.lectrhlnr, dle'3

!;,:.;-r"tu"l.,I'l':1";i,;',rJ.&l;?ri-'* t s rle 'bh."

t:::.;1.1:i::e:*. of, lloi.,r r-i ri,rd. flLLsalleth ttres'e;

HL.[ zr.]:,1L".' ]'0uT-''r]l:' b*"pttned. J.n l,fercho 1644; dLed soorx after'
b I'[ng' PSo ],6'4S; narrled tghn Evere'Lt
,iffi: $i"sii}:HS-*iik.g I,{r,y iS, 16S2 d Jan. s, 168$
irohn Ji'eppsr b Apr!.l !1r 1,647
io sgrri: .P{}tlp@'J' b Slarelr, 1Sr 16'39
b Ap:r1.} ??, L65L; marrJ.ed. Samuel Everett
41p**#l* .*.&

nr&u'v .L'eDUotr
crJ,Dodham, I'tagsu oct" 28r 1669
.,M,'Y- +r,dl$d"'e'

Ee:ifi,cr.ln Psnpol.' ffit

b 3;lqy 15, L65S; dted youngo
.tloi:r*"*t lPel)sor b Aprll ?1,, 1655
b Alrn} 2S; 1"65?; ssrried. John Saeon

$9.3'iuf i'onnel:
b Apr5.3.86r 1659
a7@d {d;

1sa&*, .yepTJsr
tr July 28, L6$t
r*r!*:l.4j& *r:1&

F*:pper Yla*l Lqi--LJ.eii1n servlce
o?s*ct.)?r under iTadsworlbh at $udbur5r.

,r1* "L::.fb ci:* ch.i"Lcl Sis's-:la' il,obert Feppef was taken ceptlv'e by the

.;i..:,fii:,nsg'L [c;ir.n}]:.€,n'rd,Bel-3.r:lvcdtc ]ravo dled" ln captlvS.ty. $o tgro j..l.iy,u.i:c*i,its sgil$r r.r6r's kll,lnd !n troubles nlth Indla.nso



tl,laYT' Joh"neon)

'e { Joi:r: :", 1;..,.i,rr

S) of Pr"ovlCence; oLdest de.ughter

';*'.i.:tthrsptp f1oet, tn 1630. $iarrLed Roger

l-l.'.* t.'.9Jii,:-: Tl:tg^innil, :?,ri

,l-i"' ,1ii:li*,i-* il:)fii.'

1,,1,-,r1.'-:t" 1:ii;;..!. .f5"::'sh at PLpro',rth, th-en a'i laleBx frcm

I -,T,1;t* l-ij'.ii, , ui: i;i; -!:,: t*ti ,:c:il. ts lt'r*ti'i.d.€,Rcero I{e arrtve$" f l:cm llr:g*

j,.::lir tir,i"*i':i.?,, lf,i.;i", ]:.e Ele* rcaCe & ff€errlcrn -t"rr -L655.
i i"; ]::t"*'r:i.C.efr.cs
il.*:.i., j:;-6 l;,:l''; fl. tl,',;'f;i'i:t," 1?Or;ef E:nrl ?riEl ti'lfe deled.e<lt<l
l - . i i i ' J . ; C C r i l . i - r : : i . i i . : : . 1 \ ? ' r ' r l " r**; { } : l ; i l i;irFt Sf eStAb€) Of JOh::.;Cgr {1i'

lir;:1t,," c]:,..:,i:..1r.:riie l-Ci-,i-"l'

"1io:'i:1'br: ll.lfl :;:*

C;.r":1,.',i",,:*:: anii. ,,Ia:ry Yrore t

n# -.i._a-,
i,io;i'fy ilie8 yo::ng
tl CLLlit'.'Ui-Sl3
.-rlt$+4. !t!-"@!*d
h i-n L63V
ilC I r-i-'',* 'c Ln 1S38
| ;f\"rT :ln 1.64O
i: ln 1645
ii fi I;iltr i1.i, € .L
'** !176*'rrrs
b ln 1.644
k sborrt 1645
-" ..i&-irf

u L-.141.r.
L {-.bor,t i646
'.:J.i.; ii. .: J. e

i -.";;.1
r a


b ln l"6ri?
iq.;ai" nF a-s''',F,: rr


i:; Ln -1.64'9
=j-ar^'.-rt*, r

J,i1! i..'lt).1.,1I"il
'-i:i.rc:,:r,:,,9 ir Ln 16li?
T: :Ln 1656


{3'Iarth* Sohnson}

J$il?lljr)l$ 2 (,Toi.l:r 'L, lis:rthm. E) Deughter of John L"

"n j"n ,9rrg-La;r*

1 ""::,::-:3:".llT, ! *'n$e$ss.{*&€E&e6-E--s'--E-G€usi6€86--d

(15-ri:i*L+- t{cri:,',1:.,il Id-J"t:hh(}r parente ln the v{lnt}rrop fl"eot

Cf I3.OXbUX'y. $aVagr'l Dtr"CtlOr"rafg
:;-:.i _l.,,li,Co .,i,g:ry-,i*d ,:iij-ii"Lgil,i .1,,r,::i:Lee
i..,3.'r;''br*i:rr e' gcconel wtfo
.il:r;il; 5)I,} t-:ill;",i or had been prowlortn-

l;:r",r::!,f1:! L1:1I'd:i."1-lt---*.i. -'3cx'l;rrry$es ngrrled' ln 164I to

hlmu Felrli:o wss
I, r::-ii:.n ],ii,ll.$:r.r.t$'sat $rLum, s:r,J. shil l.grr}$ outLived
j,6$l., lie rvas an eLcler ln ELlotte ch'Us'Cho
ift;it:r€ ftrrl l::i*:r ci-r. l,!e-y i.*,
T'.i'ie]r.'e ciili'6r:en r"6re bOrn betwoen ]6$?
.Lr* i:lc* I;i;ry 3.1g l.('[]f;ju

ar"."* -i$8{i"

(l{athelnLel" Johnson of RoxburT)

iftt?fiAldlnt Sfl,qNSON*f Roxbtr,ry 3 tJolrn 1", Capt, Isaac 2, NathanlsL g)

y:3:-*::'r:-::-1113:-.Dc.,6no-o-,--o--c,---d-------,-co ----o-t-d,€c-

0n ,{.prX"l 29, L66? ils ,nar;rleC Mary Smittro Fenhaps l,[ar].-

Ci.l.l"l"dron bor.n to lfatl:snlel and. l,{ary:

Jchn b Apr'll ?90 r.668

SttHanle]. b idar*h 19, 1,670
s"ff{Ttr* b o}&n. 22, L673
m-difl b I'eL.n lrtr L6l.l4
Hfrffiiab b " 1683
l.Ia;'ch 13,

(Xgeac Johnson)

8nd of iilddLetovm
fSAAC JOHItrSOt{ $ (John 1, Isaac 2, Xsaao 8nd S}

:-1:-1:3:--*----er-e-*F, F-o---i-------r---3,--- ----- -----,F ----'r,

Eapttze$ i.rr Ellotts clrurch at Roxbury bu,t l"ater was dlsaLssed to the
cb,urel: at jjlg+Letovln u;here hs rnadehls hono, 0n Dec. 26, 1669-he
n*rriecl iia.ry ll.axnrls.
Ch116rq'n borir to tbi"s nrarrlage riere t
.{,$aee b liee. J.9, L670i mars'led }largaret l,{111er ln L695
3Idff{3'r b 0ct. B, 16?gi roarrled AblgalL f,oek
:6Tifi"* b Aug' 1., L674; dlod J&n. 6, 1'692
@Eph b &ictrch 9, J'677; marrlerl ltLlzabeth i.}Iake ln 1698
ffi'tTils*ntet b fan. L7, Lg?9; uamied }frary l}lako Ln 1,699
lffi b Fo'o. 19, 1681.
Wffi'fffi* b l$arch 14, L68$; dlod youns
fiA'ffi* b Jano 18, L687
b Oct. ?gt 16923 dlod 0ct' 51r thd same year.

Jn hle vill.l" lss,ao nentloned hls wLd.owMary who dled AuU. 6t

\Y/t"CI" IIo further nsntlor:ed hLs sons Isaacn Danlel, Joseph and. ths

heLrs of Nathanlel' (d'oce*sei;)" also tho Gauglrters r;Llzabcth and

!.Iary, "i:he r';tCow of liLake. IIe Loft a 6ood estato. L,ands rocordOd

to Saaac Johnson (Aug. 16, 1670) are found Ln the land recordst
,,'oJ, T, page ?S" $ e o a l so H.oglster , Vol. Ir pa$e 55S'
( I;orri.tante Johnson )

;ir$IITASLE;itlliiisci'{ $ (Ja}m 1, i*wi:;ht:oy ?o }'{ehltab}e S) Saughter of

iierge e.nt Hii:rph::oy.

} 1644

ei $"u9. 4, 1689
@ a E € s@F€ -dfi59-o-e oe5 Dc-d

:.-rlLe.l,nrrl-e*" (flrst), l.$60e srmirol lllnsdaLe, HinsdaLe was born about

1.{e$"'s.skLi"Le;. Serpt. 18" 1"6?5, Ln the battLe of Blocdy Broerk'

l.e i:l.s & *jc,i: of, fiob*ri; r*:d" Ai'm tU'iooclv,rard) Hinsdal,e of Dedhen. They

t,* ii..,:.*llo;r, I,1;:sg"

:,:ci',ior-", Sl:e l::s.rvied teeconcL) .lonn Reot, anil (ttf::A)

l..istrr:(r:--iJi,i* CirJ-*l:i'"::o $l:e re{;elvef,. a legac;,r from her Gr*nd.t'"

:i:i:r::, l-]" Ii*;'flifii:I g:nanc1*on) $auroL

ip:",:;-ia.,:3.;r lilns'laler n&s,:alled.
ilr-.r)"lt;intr il;,':,i,:"::tJ:e.t',
i\ltlvso ln her wl"J-]-. In Vol" 3V of tj:,B

A,tslc,3i-abi.on ean ?:e found

T'al3.*y i[+:;:lc:".'.i.s.]
i'c*ri::,::l.ta,eir an acco";nL of

il,;.::ii:l:hi*'l-vr':v}::lch s3:.* i-s cie*r:rlbed as a typlcaL rrroman af the ear'ly

:)icr:e:er$ of ti:e c:oJ.onri',

ilhe, cl.ri"ldi,en af $arnu.el" Ill"nsclsile and. I,,iehltablo l',rere I $

!ffiselg g{qsgsag' 1'66s;marrled'$ergeantobecllah'

I{arv l1lnsda}e
b ,Tr',j;yfi"?r i.665; rrarrled Deacon Tlromas
Anq liLns{Ale b lreb , 92, 1666*? i neruled Martln Kellog
ffr,aTfTfffire b a'h i{arl}ey, Mase; marrled $an'luol. ianes
Sfir-fdr'*'rT{fiffife uias"rled $usannah Rockwood, a tanner nt
I,tedfjl.eld snd $hertlrorn, Iilaes.
Ii{el:.umanglns-glei3-e ir j.r: LS?S; marrlod. &lany RLder
-T61rn"'Htrri6'ifeffi* d l"n l"?oi5

E r t i k r f r i r eF d4r . r r r R f!€rrsr* a6E c6& ds6-G--* E ai@6€ar666asG6soDsF-

::' i;j'li:rlit:;Nl--iil:t{?$
SF ROBEnf Hi:NST.'AJ,E}}Iqo}meee tr906,

iftii;x'"bha*Tohnn*n, 2nd)

*:r,3, $ tifo.t':r: i.u l{lu,rpbroy I?, Ltarthe 3) darigh."her of

:rr:iirTlli: i'{)lii.i{,lL)::i


.:nL 'ii,Lf,*. i:,";,,,'1""lS, 3$,{i'7 {$:rv,r',,3e

}" !fiarrLed. lta.rch P?, ]-GS5-r'3 to
,. b':,1"i-,,h;
j,ki:';::.: tiHe..:*:rils, li*cf ::'d, i'{ess. ) 0bedla}r was born :r,t:.165S;

'"li-,:;*1" li*l:ir-,
i:.t, $].,.,*:{'?:',;':i:'1':, I-.le; +i, }u/O4, I{c* qrag a son of Sahfel- arrd

.; :rtl:L& iilc:'r,i'1, Hr:, w[rr,, 1.].r,-,t'!-r'*! tmwn crl-erk of $herboffi* Tairg.trt

:"Jir.r''*.:. c.i; ;jiir);'j'-,i):r'Ir.:i,:i "Lii!.)t.r. ??r'ey he.J one ehf.Ld, 0bed.La1l" '.'iho df,ec1
":i.i'i,iii,, ;;,.i' Ofur:Cj-ah::rade hef
l,ft":r.;l.i,ri,,j*.fg;,.i, rli.';16;1,,9 lv:i"LL I)eC" i?,|t, :?L4.o

:,:"),:ir:.:,::;d aI, )"'ii,'f,

.l':,;1.,:.{: fll" i:l-i:i.gtiiLl- sh,q nacLs, ln part, th,leg be*
, r r -, ;' +

uit:: ii.i' -:i'r.u-:-3-r,, lilLr,;,":.e.1 .ii:i.ns,j,*l"e of &iedford., son ef $airuel

!;.i-::l:d.::;.1"':o dec:t,tll;.',, ,ih,,;,n ?rti :rTtjtflband-brought up, on-o CIf n'S
.:ii.:''c,.t .nr:r nl-cter &ie}iitat,l"e}*-*--trc
11.i'-irr:.!.-.-,,'"'{f:ri,:;*r"df s.l,r eol*,si"n
.)1;;,?11i1-1,. lir::'s;l-"., .-l-; n:3'" i;gu.*Lcr Experlenge }.lor$e---'-,*f!1y'96
*f :,:'1"r:iji*cq., tcr ti:,_gc.(lueln l{arth.e Johixeof;a;*ra*o
*-f' l:.i:,1:?.::"c.tlrg:' If.c.t]:rar:Le1 Jghnson of l,tld.cil.e*eX {loo,
i't''i';liio 1;
rlrcbnte l,€cords, 14 j 6i)4*5

(BenJaqln Johnson)

BIJIIJAI,III{JOSN$ONS of Slrrglran (John L, fiumphrey 2, tscnJanln 5)

b Augn 27, 165? at Scltuate, Msgso

:-y::::-33:- 11i7 * * -* * - -66c---{ r 6- -- -- - d- -- - -r- ------- - - t - -, - a- - --

l,taml.ed at }ltngham to ftebecca fiensoy ln 1680" Se wae a bLaoksmltlro

IIe was eonstable ln 1"691and also tn 1692" $cJ.cctman ln L684. For
a tl$e he was proprletor of the Plne 'Iree Tavorn. IIls fathen, IInn-
phrey, &BpsrentLy rnaire hls honro wlth Benjamln at thls tlmc.
Chllclren born at lllnghen woro i
Robeeca Johnson b Juno €8, 1684
d, $opt. 28, 1684[
Ben-lamtn Johngcn b July 15, 1645
d March 21,, L69S-4
Joshua Joturson
f f i #
b Aug. 9, L689
d I'iarch 21, 1693*4
Ruth ,fohnson
b Jan" 10, 1699
d Illarch 8,- l.?L$
$arah Johneon b Fob. ? f 1695; naruled llathanlcl Foaning,
a wldowor
Ren.lanln Johnson b J'une 5, 16P6
b July 2?, L699; norrled, ISarnabas $eabu:ry

of Dix, on Oct. 11, L7?,2,
foehua .Iohneon b ln L?O2

{}fargaret Johneon)

iiARAAruiT J'OIill$CIN g {Ji:h.n 3u l{urnphrery B, Margaret 3) Daughtor


,i }iec, F"tl, 16$Sr et $tlJ-tust"b*


fiO, LS?S eh",p:r*.rvtre':. ,loslah Leavltt of nlngbse' Leavltt wae

iin, r}:t,
,,"ci;iti i.l*.$, J"SliS" Hs r,:lr'[i ,go:: of John and $arale Leavltt' Ho di.ed

J,ti, :i.?*gn
:1{.:','i.:.0 Sn l.:: f ccdlper' and faltlsr'

; r;r j.nlt T.c:r'rJ.t;i, t) ,i'i-xiy AEe 1679

J-c',1 i:tL;-1 J:iJ l.l.VJ-'u111
:-' + r4r-
j: ?3, 16Bn
Oi-:ts ?0, 1685
t ? q l e E

:ilLil-]"'li.i*O il .-;l)1"i'l' $ ri

27., 1685

i) A',;.go

riqiillft] :"1''-t U'-i

. * . i { ' ' j J

1 4 F f f i ' ; * _ q l r r

Jc:liu.a fuu"itl?:L1;-d ir .i'"u.g.

dn+..qq.6',t-.' "l: Ailg" i6r 1,691
iJ*"'v'tl0- r€8-v;l'il lj
q-r!!-4c !c.

f-' .e
"h ; "ilY .i.?).,1695
ir fr*pt. 1?, 169?
]*,!r'i*.- r# l!{,grFds

z-ei.I I rl T,cevi t i;
b *';t, *i, 1699
<#k1 a:.\':.\trvJ.

:!ii].fl," fu{ AVI.l;8,


{John Johnson 2nd)

f,nd.o .3 (Jol:n 1, Humphrey ?, John 5)

?r J-rrno 8u 1680, at lllr:ghamn l,Iasso

3-*:g : - I : - *133:- : : - : :1::3 r li i: -33T: - - - - - o- 6r - - - - s6- - - r E- E- EGe, - - E-

)i-n 1€*S, after the of hLe father, John went wlth hls nother,
t;o at lto;rbury, Tn that year trer Jolned 3lllotrs church. On
2f\, I?SP he nrarrlod. lJary Ramsey at Roxbury. Eo movsrd to CoL*
il.Jrli::, about ZVj-20 pnobably
rfo.e);.rtr,rJ:, wlth Igaae Davls, wtro had. ma:l-

:-'ir-ilri.Jlhn?s sioter, Di:b*rah Johnson, *1 conveyance of land. to John"rsr;i1
of iloi"chesi;er ln .1"?S5stated that ho was f,oraerly of, Roxbury,
,r-:l*o .li-r-ltlco 3:L, -1,'7].2,
s::icr'cly after his arrLval ln CoLchester,
1':,s":,'{r::+:J"e*'ieiJ.surv.lyr:r at the torvn ro.eetlngo On Deco 2S, M6, he
',:i;ij alr:,L",::si?o:;'n lntci '[i:,e e$gio cfflee" At tho town rneetlng he]"d.

Jlr:" [:i, ]?1.(,1*1?, her r/e,$ tte:;*,*ptec1 anC admltted. Inbabltanee on son-
t,i;:Le:i, th*'b hCI (the;r) novr d.eclartng that they d.o not nelther vilLl-
::ot Srs,reaftor Cla5.";re any rlglr'b to the uncllud.ed. lands ln Colcb,ester

:-:.eiihen to {:}ig statod Oommonslj{Tralnter, p* 1.6)

0n Dec, EEs i718, the town meotlng elocted John Johneon as

r:s:rl o:f the ,$€ven fivray wardeng*n 0n Dec. LS, L7?,5, hg wae ol-ected.
i:* 'bho rtfrhooletr(schoo1) Comrrrltteeo 0n Doc, 16, L?L9, b.e was eleet-

+d. rtfence vlesretro?r on triec, 2'7s L?2O he wag chosen at the town meet-

J-r:g as ttgrnni Jur;rnr*:,n"?! on Deco 21, JVZL tbe town neetlng elected.
ir,.r gi,,-oil.*. cf the F$'u,yrJ,rtors*f h.lglrvlaissof On Deco 1O, ITgZ the

c}:.o$ehlrl *s th.e lrcollectox,?r

j,,:xi:l;,,.{;.st:9-r':fl At tbe Deeo tovrn meetlng

:.?f;f), lto we.e agaj,n choson as Qne of tho fence vlewers' 0n the

ilir.::rdnyaftisl' i)eoo 13, 1?95, &t an aclJourned. town meetlngo lre wao

shosen-Lc se.'i,voorl a, cornmLt'ceeto settLe e gwsmp land dlspute" At

'bhe rogula:: torryn n*otlng, he vras eLected one of the survoyorso At

.blro to6n intoet5.ngSee" l}o l.Y27, he was oLected as one of the grand
gg, he was agaln elected fenco
Ju.r;pnon" At meetlng Doco

of the chl]-dren born {,o John Johnson and Mary (Ransey) Johnson,
rlJorCIg'${iorded at Rc:ibury:
tl-..i: i""riLl"ow3,ng,
I.klry ,Tchnson b [.hay 1", ]?05; mat:rLed $oah $mlth of, Shef*
ff r,;id,

#c,}irrr:on b June 9r^1?9-6; narrled Je::omlah

Slg3gU31i* {,gu*:an; Jsnathan &nlth, of, iiheffleld'.
iiunlco Joltieo:r b Jrl'}y 13, L?OB; dled. ln lnfaney'
3ffitrffi ;nh*.p'a {fi$g) b r6b"--i% }zOe; n?rllgd- (probablv) to
.i;'irn Cha:nberl"aln of CoLchester ( or
,1'l^ "r
J .\,' r:.h.ll.r"'-l.rr;nrs cord.ed at' Col"cirester vero I

.gs$*.&"h*ss* b Jan" 16, L?1?-J.3; narrled Ansti"s Newtont

claughter 6f Isre.eL-and Hannah $ewton (Jan"
6j 7.73',7),
Devld .fohneon b- Feb. 10e L?L5. M ar r led Rebecca Foote,
Oct" 24, I?Sc
b $ept.-P;8, 1?18i (q"v')
el" fr9, 1?55
trilaabettr Johnecn b f'obo L7 o L?20-21.
trfI.ffih*ffinffitr** b Jul"y 3.6" L724; marrled Ellzabeth_,Ilopson,
clangghter of Captaln John Hopsono S?pgon

rlled Aug" 61 175L. On Oct" 1?, 1?55 Let-

ters of-afudnletrstlon on i;he eetate of
Eiljah ue:'s srantad to hls son (ichir
Johi,son ir, )-and to sarah Johnson" (ltrx-
tracts "frorn tho Records of Colelrestert
, " log) (q"v")
T a 5 " n " b o rp

{t{athnnlel Johnaon)
Hfifi{A}lffiLrol{3{sot{4 cf Hl.ns}ram 2, BenJan!'n5,

::l:*:*-1"1-T:-::::-- --a-s---a-c---6--a------60----!----+-

lfrL^r:::i"e*to one Abl;;u,J.l, I"tkoly rnovod to lltnglram prlor to l?OO'

{}l:.:i3*rsr: hc;:ln at LilnEiilar,r"tfle;fsI

$ss,rph. b S*;.;b" $, 1685

"f"bT1Tfi3.:t" b ABrll" 1.8,' 1688-8$
'lH!?f"blrr"n b t'i*::t?l i6sl"
b llia:'ch" 16Si,?

(i:av*.d. Jchnson)

ni\VTIJ JOlilf$CI'i 4 (i*1::, }u f;''-:mBhrey ?r John 2nr1 of Colch.ester 3,

{}^ Bro*her of EL1Jah"

3 ", I : 1 , - 1 ? :-3 3 1 3 ::.. * *." ** i- d- F- sEa c- ,€dr - - G- - ,s5- - ,d- - b- ED c o

lj ,p 0;l i; * 24 , }?g6
!in5,:"!e* trte'lieerygil,,rJ{} "
Ttrre tl:i,e nni:r-, r.'CIre!
S3j"hu 'Iohna+n ir i'[aY ?2, L73'l
SiltrfA Tfi:ffiffi, Jr ' ir sep'h" ?.4, L?58
fffit? Tffiqb'fi 'ir l;!ay ?4, L?41
Feb" ?'4, 1Y45

l'.fJ'..i'Jl .JOLlm$ On
q!^!ri 6r.


?: Apr5.1 260 L'l&Y; marrled Reuben Cl'ark,

*..*,. ":"-- Sct. 2, L?6,$'
Chr:";"1,rre Joh::*tc:it h /r.pr13. B, 1?5O

{ifahn Johneon Jr' }

J0Ili{ iO}IN$Oi'l Jr'. of Co}che$ter 4 ({ohn }, fiurrphroy 2, John 3, John

Jr, 4)

b Jen.

on JB.n" S, LY37 he u'rarrled Anetle Newton, the dauglrt'er of IsraoS'

Sowton, Israol Ne-srtonh.ol"d.Ban1r offlces of trust at CoLchcgtoro*

CoLchestor at varlous tlmos

IIe was to tkr,* Gsuer{r} Court for
fram oct" 1o, ]1';A *o ffarEl:r 14e L744-6.114t 0n Feb. 28, :l.74i4}re wag
appr*3.n.ted.rrblayor?t f*r the l"'orges ordered to be sent fron *his

urer:b oir the erpodS.ttln ng*fnst 6ape Bretono 8s wag Captaln of the

f3.rrt cotlpsny to trel"n *t Colchester'

Sn..Tlulre19, 1Y45, ?lells oa.ixo that the fOrces hed' been elefes't-

*r,1i,rlt!:. i:. J-ces of 1'l'3 n*ito l/laJoil l{ewton was antong those who felL

f :'c:$ Cl. r: e s{.s e n";i'F*ff'

Tlr,* ch.j.l-Cren bDi'n tc il'laJor Israel and Hannah Nervton wore E

Lerae} l',leviton
RffiT TI.5i'iSAfr
ffi J, b Mareh1'-1119i marrled' John Johnson
Jano 6 LV$T
-o t
Marv ide-'';br:n *lanch i, 1?19; merrlocL .Tohn Kel3.ogg
HdffiaiJ*rrf':6€on b 28, L?L?-i marrlod' $tephon Bock-


r\blqatrt l{ewton b Oct. 1?r L72B

{r REC0I{DSPP" }l-, 1$, 18n ?Lt 26, 54o
.r$? 0sj';CI3{g&LREcofi}s cF C0Ii3{. Vols' VII' VIII; D(.

+r'rl+',CALSII{S' HISTORY OF i'Iltttt LONDOI{p" 392


i: i:;r,,s. Johrnsi}n i
{ "-*- JOiIJ$iii)i ef $ {Jo}ut lu H,.mphney ?o NathanJ'eJ- 3u

Idathanlsl 4, Igatrc 5)

b Felb" -L1]) l-6d.?-6ij, :ln ll:Llr;i*trl::n

t@b-oGd €G6 6s6
i._t fl! sl !rd s.rd-€-* d.€s6ot

Llny' have rsl-,.$fsr1 6y.'p6r.rti?0*1" II[s wlfets name ws.s Abl""

Ci:Lidyen s
r. er '1 i v .1 iJ$1. 16&9
!tl. !':1-r"l i,,Ceiu .i.S,.l.SS*
.tlS.l :it tft,'.:1.
!j i ,b'. r
,"', 3,694
tl J'e,.:.

l; ':).i.i"r'J'ii.iI
r *:!v,. r:rs'q) GF
U .{}n l"$Sf;

-j_i.:.!.:,:i" *11111111j
.i. b ri1,:.'1.)"l{Lt" l"?er#

( }l.e.thantr

6 {J'ohn 1, }ir:urphrey8, BonJarnln S, l{atbanlol-At

$iathaniel. fi,1 natfrairlcl 6). Son of $attranJ"el.
-- -*e, d-----c----€ d@ - D*E'r- -G
- - - .-

Bi:ip4r3ged ?,i*l'rlh. 8, :r.(i','$" F,:1lOFd of h5,S mafrS,age 1S not evalLablO.

T:r.e :.'ego:"':i ,;f hl-s c'b:i.l'.,-lr':n :iret

Jol:,;r b .rp:' Li16S$; bapt:lzed Jan. 2t., -l'668-9

"ffdiri,' b '-bi.' 1.4r i"6?s; baptLzod' Doe" }s, L675
T-rl46:CI ba:ct ji,r;*C ir*i:. 2 t 1676
ff6tl-6$ca bu,;:*:!ancl4.1:'rJ"feY, 1680
ffiSi'ilff-* bg't;'b:.ssd. i'f,.,io 18n l"683

i :l*ir.$u.i,rtn *iohnson )

,ii:o'':ir;.i:'l:einS { John I 1", }Iumph:roy 2, BenJemrft:Su

1{s"than:[o]. 4, Isaac 5, Ber:.Jamln6)
',:r J r::* ,i j :.'i${i ln II:i.,:.i1ir;.r:":*t

ilillr.::'teri- i;':r ii",t'i;]: F,:*li. i':r,$i:" .li, 1?lg*20. Thls fanrLly rlove,l t;c $tcuglr-

t rr::l . jir-t"; ii .

f .i-:.l.i.r1r<'n."i;(r,r:rrat i;l i.ri ';1:,4::r 3

flirl r: i: h l.'lc.::'3hllrs,s a?2f-28

lr l;iei:i ,1,. :.?[:i]
.! ts' I Ll rs'

J-r:f:-C !:rts,

l"?$3; dlod Jan. f,o11ov.tLng"

I r r . i : -
* 'j !'L & li,rlrt::l;::,t.i .lUf.,* 1?,
t";;r'',1.{ ?::ci} Ii,;r'l;i.';'*;{.':Al.tfi6 1?, .LY|55; dled. soon.'

(Joahua Johnson)

JoiSi{$*. i'}.iffis'oti of sb':ug}it,rn ? {John }, Ilumphrcy 2, BenJamln 3o

Nathsnlst. 4, Isaac S, l3enJaraln 6,
Joshua ? )
::.bcret l?O?, at .,{l;ighein

llarrled .{prl.} ,?9, l"i'5il ts i,lrs" I,yrila (ward) Llncoln" Joshua $as

a c*"rp€ntetr. Thls f"a::riiy .::oved to Stoughton.

f;iiiSdren b+rn of th:Ls rnarri"ags we?o 3

Jelur ?.: isr,* :Lgr 1"750-51

ltaffiu.or b Oct" f5, L'13?
Iffiffi'- l.r ,i&n. i:11, 1?54-5
\ 61.


$At{UlIt JOTIN$OI{of i{ft:gham I ( John l, Iiunrphrey 2, BcnJamln 5n

4, Isaac S, BenJamln 6, Joshu.a ?,
b s F 6 e F a r a " " _ __ : y y : l _31___ .o6_,_-c

ll*, w*s cne c.f t:lr,pi;n3.:,,

Ga3lu.p?s conpany operettng agalrlst the Iniilsng
L.{iftCI" {ir: !,'{?" .r.83 l"?4{:*{i he marrled llannah Leneo
f .r.:.,r. r:rl' 1;!..j.I j-lr*r,-
$,ii::',,y, Telilfr :l

S.SSngL, i.; r:'i:rlc i{::, 1'/45-6. On l$ov" 250 176{i she uarrj.ed,
'!"1 ;.':1e;; ,,i.r,re11
C*31.a ,':pn11 t?,, 1?485 d5.ed Feb. 15, L?51-,?
Tffi''$ffir is i'an. p,i!.. 1?49*5O
ffi{"?n"ij 1: i:*g" S,' 1?52; d.Lod Apr3"1 6, L?54
fiffdf ir l-res" l,{j, l?Sd; d.Led bsc. g; L?s?
ffiITfr{ $r'i
-[r, ) Lr Gat" ai:}. l.?s6-

ffit J-1,.r:rr:'],r,,sii.nonses
] bapt lzed June 15, 1?6?

( ffcir:r Jolrnson)

.i)Hli JoIiH$0.i{?ndo' rrf i{lnghsm 1O (John-1r-Hunrphrc!-2, BenJanJ'n $,

l{ai;}ranle} 4, Iseac 5, BonJamln 6, Joo}rua ?,
sa:,*uel" 8n J6hn 9, John 10)
r tsA{as6- oc*d- - F----C-c-------__--_o--* -* _--_---F
h{ * nd. r d- - - - - - E - 6 s6et

I,{nrr"lecl at lllng}ran lil.rare,h8n 1?49 to Mary cushlng"

F,:lFrr of this marriagrl wer€ rl

John b t)et. 1?, i.'75O

ffir.-Y b ;lug, 3, 1?52
trffi"fitet b Jen, frr.' 1"154

{i",tE:i.Llsrra,pdJ'ohnson }

!,"':.,"[,.L',i,I f,] ii*i:i':3, Capta5.n Isaac, 2, Isaac 15, DanLeS

,l* il*.l..ei: $, Jrua*'-q{i, *l'r:n}'7, i.}:[].e* L{.e 8e }Ytlltau Edwand g}

:'il l-ilr
i;.i-.i.r', trlJ*'7n i,."* *"i.:i,gt'oxli:llFy, Connu

: l':::: .""
' ,.'..1-'J, ilelu,c.sted, at F.yr*
1" i.i:r1;:i..*i*:r ?:y' tr:r.'.:r:f':*es:1"c,:;:." Lghlgh UnlversS.ty.

r'.ir .;'i:':. ;*,;f i.:i:i'l iJ,*^,r:;r1.

r:f,-;g,r' { of Hartford., Ccnn' }Ie

:': ::::; j.i(,:i,

i :,.:t:,':. fr::.:-i. ',F, j"Sgn, $Loranee
o, .*,p::'.1.j. l{ay Alvord (liorn

,:,i.:::, ..:;." ljij'i:l.]'. f.j:qr rrr.;,;.:n i.l; -:i',.h'l:t,1,;f .FrEirrkLSrr llttLl-s aird. "fruc;r lirri;h
r t: i; ::;: i"i:i..i"ll.l; s:,j.'A'.jc:t*
'. ',:...'
I ... i.', .t.-...'-s.-l r,.,,.t ::.,: . , . = 1 i 1 : t : - , : ' : " f } f i ( )1 y 3 3 $ 3

,-*1*g Aj,.{#,* 1[,i}*g: ii June }$i, L89S, at Bloonrf3.eld, esnn*

* -?Joe.".f.o11ouuLng
j .Iih,i'r.r.y:q1 ,)ct, J.S, Lgg4, at BloornfleJ.d.r froirno
'jr-fi:lf,niT',,ftT:l.iH"f'friiii$5a ii
,r }'*kr" L8g?r et !'fest llartf,ord, eormo
.^#rffij-" : Apr'3.110'- 18ee, &t Y$ostHanbfond,
"lcnn" Grsrluated'fron SrrJ-th Colie6e,
illassr of i.9eP
"il .$svn ?S, l.9OI, at rilesb Hart$lcrclo C"l$.n'
' ""':TFFrE}Y


( sorE)
{To avold confuslon anri ne€dJ.essLy
-€ eneumbe the record,. -lt
i.s deemed"best to hene terrnlnate the recorcl wlth
2. J'olur Sl,- &nd start anes w1t I@,

rJohn L" llr:znnhrov -cla

jrEil:gq6'sHlffi , ffi le$-sffiereE

of a new
e - @

J .F-,'.
{ELlJah Johnaon}

I:.i:.tfA3{ JOR:'I$OI{3, t}.ro s*n of Jolen .IOhngon

lr ii:r;:i:. ?Oo L?38; at C*l"r:hester

i'l ,ii.:;l$,*8, l?{i53 at$etn}r
i, .:ar,d ra

i 3 :nr-r.,:'r':k-'€ ???o 'irho Is.'bor nrsrrJ.ed tlaterg ( or Watroue)" On

f"s'iio '!n lt]*S $arslr rs'aters cf Colel:.eeter potltloned the Brobate eou::t

i.o:r, l.rc-nr.5.gilt;r of d*r,i*r -{-n i:?ie ostate of EllJah.Iohnson. On Apn13.

f:,On Lii0g!, tl:,e:io rqo-s<ll"su* lrer, ln part, 16 acres of land

$f tlr.e Flnet $oc5"ety of Colchester, $ltchen and bed"r"oom!n th,s

ss's!furest co?n€r of th;: house on ths abovo ].and, reeervLng to tho ef Joeeph Joh::scn Lho pnlvllego to bake Ln tho kltchen (pno-

'!;nto;Jourt Record.s, !.n the $tate Llbrary at Hartford)' In 1?59 a

g:unrdi-an rvas app*lnted" for the followlng Johnson ntrnorgt


TSre fcs}ontng i.tosrs ar* from tho Recorde of the flrst Church
of flol-chesterl

S*!gggl"* Ilapt3.ned sgpt, J.4' 1?46' Llarrled Jann 4, 1?6? to

obad Alrrord-
JSCmb Eorn :t?SO;baptirecl tbe saao year

ffiur"qlon Be.ptS.zedL?$g
Sor: of w5.el.ow$areh Johnsonp baptlzod .Iart" 4e 1?56
jiefffi Bagrt$-ued.Literch J"3, I?48" $arrled Oct. L2, 1?69
tc Rr"r.b*nCieirlr. He nado hls w111 Oct, 34, r.77L,
prcrt'a,ted. Jen. 'l , LVY?' In thls utll he l.eft all
of, h3"s es*aie to hls wlfo lrrcy, namlng tucy CLark
anC Jr:hn $}er,nberla1n as executorg.

tul"i"nrn Johnson)

:;L:.SX?.J'f,'I{I!$OIS gt ELtsha 4}" Yotmg-

"4 {;.+}r::i 3-, Iir"miphrey ?, John .}r"
cf tr]-lJmh'

i:,.i:1.t*l:oti:,:{*p:,:t:n,dnilg}:'b,ergf Cap'b' John Sopscn, lllay 3,$,
::';:ir.1* '1*.p',;. ][r]rj)$sii {l-.1,3,-*,
:\'.i1;" 62 }?51, tn hlg 44th y€&tro€' AftOf

,i:..:.il1::it:i).;il fnp'b. Ilol,scrnrliis w'ld.ol no.mLerl llenry Bl"lss of Lnbancn"

.11;q:', f;p l?e}- fl:e;' l::.gCone d.au5;hter, Irydla.

f':i {l:'b, cf
T$ ;,t,.'$S i.$;"li{;r:l:i';:; were
aeinrj"n.l".q,tr-a'blon g:'eanted to

,.j.;.,, 1,.'l:: l,:.i;{,,g;j-$ji:,t:r:: Sr,:}t''*}}Ji..i*neOii On the,r eetate Of E}iJA}f Wi:Ci CUA$

1;1c;r'ii"lfi, :i'/J,[!* Srip"b" i{opson?$ vtr&s dLvtd+;cl be$troen

i:;,:. r',',;"-:li)i4lili*" n::3 ::r1;:l ,*c'n 'Joir:ao Joitn ilopson and Lydla Kollog
'2t, r,if this !,usa'bdt'lg
ii:;,i] jirfbtf;i,lG l;lloy l-o,';icr marrlaga vt&8 borrr

,'tl,'""l?, 1?2C**A'

I:.i:i.jl,,'; ic'h"n*r:: c.i-ed A'..19" 2&o l"?8,5, 5.n hls 38th yeero

l:i :i:tq:;r's {}n'l.ches'L*r' Il.ecorti.r:


{ C*.t}rer,5.r.leJohnson )

f,itT],IE3II[E JOII]I$O]I 2 tEli.i8,h l-, cetherine 2) Daughter of ]3ll"Jakr.

Arr3" Lr L'74'trat Co-Leirester

::t:: : : 3 - 3 3g l : -1 1 - l l f :i d oc @- o- G€ EF- - - - r o- - - , - - ,- - - - - - D- - - - -- - - 6

Cn $an, 4, L?6? she mamled" Obed. ALvord of Col,chester, a son of

f,.sah.€]}an<l Re.chel (Gorild) ALv'ord"

('lhilctrr'en born of thl'g n*rrleg€ were!

Alexander Alvord. b Aug. 6, 1,76?.

F*ff.Tffi-7nv6iffi--*- r*tFrd.4t|
b Jtrne L8, L77O,
ltAc.gieL AIV0!3(J b Novo 19n L77Ao I
s&ren Ai.'irorct
b lday ?Sn L??5

iJun';e$ Alvora

b March L5r L778. *

J.illCY JtMro b May 15, 1?8O.
trffifr'nffi'd b $ept, 2L, 1?82.
Sll5sh'f-Effi6rr1 b Aprll 5, 1?85

.Llrrl'ta A.LVOTCT
b ,Tuno Sn 1788
3cil6-tTffis) jiJ,HJg b Aprll" ?, L79$l d, }lay 13, fo11ow3'n6"

i$urdo:: Jchnson)

Gtrj.liDril{ ft {m}tJ;r,:: }, Gurdon 2}
ir l'trrlr" 3, ZY62i at CIo,tchosterS Baptlzed (flrst Chrrehi }?f,g

*""13::*31..11?9:@d6&Gs$, e6ss.*F,eb6 3-G--G--,-6$r*,--

tlir: e.Lee,thgf S:.liah.,

4,i.''i;r.:r, t,ire w-{"d.ow,$areh naruled ??? Vile.tenrqof

ic,-'-c1'l,ss'b3r*0n lr*h* ]", 1BOS i?) $arah petltloned. the probate court

f-o:, ::ight* of C.oirer1.,: 'bile s*i'bsi'beof trer, Yrusband" Gurclon was oltg
of fl;"'r,'* :l;J.nog'-xfog' ivir*'xl e $u*3."SJ.{rn$as e5}ps:knted' ln 1?59. r


tJosoph Johneon)

2 (ntr3an t,
J{3$EFHJOI{}I$ON f,oseph 2)
b Juno 1"1, l.?S$ at Colchestor; baptlzed the semoyear"

In thre F.evolutJ-*n*lry r;iar he onLlstod ln Captaln Tfobbls Corrpany, 4th

N{.nn, Roglm*nt" ccr*na.nded by Co)-. John Durkoe, Bls anllstmont waE

f,:.r three y€,Rrr* (l;;*rrii. 1, i'l??), IIo wae appolntod. corporal L{anch

J.r 17"18, &vtc dinclrs.rgori I'fiareh 1, ]"?8O.

On Feb. ?:5, 1Y',?9bCI marrlod Jerushe Foote (Onc fannlly blblc

g,i.veu tho ns Feb" 5, LT?8)" Stro was the daughtor of Charl.os

at:;S..Jerush.a (Ci:a,mberlaSn) Fccto of Colcboster. Before thelr m8!r-

r1 ;1geloJo*.eph lLvrtci- i',t"?ir hLs futuro father-1n-1e$lr who was qulta

nllst of pollsrf ctco for
w,:althy. fc.soph-lp nr;*':tleppeers on the

t?:* IrLrst Sc,el*ty {CcS.ctresfsr for. ].l37" After the death of Josoph

h i . s . , ; ; ld o w (Je ru ,sh a ) n e n t to llvo wlth hor gon Relph ( q.v") at C ov -

e:::try vsh.ere she di{,d of sruall pox Jan" 2L, 1831. iio:r'n ,co Jos*pir and' Jerusha were 3

gssr*rg*siis o cur]'er
d JuIy J.1, 1856; tuitaa at $oo lisncbcstor
Conn, ( q.v. )
ELl.eha Jc.irnEc'n b l)sc. 61 1780 (q.v. )
uqffii ffi3HFiF b $rov"fu 1?.9?-
d. ilct " ?.L, L?86
S**I*,.g.e fflgror:,n. b l)ec' 11r L?Bfi narrled L'r. Itrareug
Felrrrer Aug. 11 1823
d $ept" 8, lazA-st Granvlllc, oo (q"v. )
Gugdori $$glirorr . "49 b Aug. ?9, Uqq
d. i,rsE, L2-, 1860, et coventry iq'v")

Rsloh Jolms{.}n b }'eb. 9, l?g'l,t at Colohsster

d .iiorr" LO, 1882, at Coventry (q.v" )
The'ldc slei Jc,hneon b ldarch 10, l"?9S
d i,'iay 1O, 18L9, of consumptlon
1'.Ii.111"*m.l'clt;rsoi.' b L.arch LJ,, L?95
d r!.ate unknown, probebLy eomewberc Ln
'{:he south ( q. v" )
iict. !4u 1?98; marrled Dr" IJareus Palmer
*re1'trell;.g rl hIr.$Oi::;
i^reb, ?r-IBl3?"' Unmarrled' l"ri 182?u vrhon
*hs eonveyed. Land ln Colchester, whero
lrho lLrred.
ci. date unknown

tDernte 'Iohnson)

S, (E].i.jah 3., JosepiT ?, Donls 5)

b .Irme l?, L779

3- ::1y- :1: - 1? 33- s b * €., d s.s s 6 n e, F ] -, c x D o € o o -- r - -- - - c - ! - - E -- E o E - s ! D!

On Octo 20, 1SC3 she rirerrrLed Jacob CutLer of Llsbon, Coru". (Jacob

w a e b o rn L n 1 ? ? Or(p o ssl .bly l?B5) g dtecl Oet, !40 LB42) " T' he U . So
Cein,sus;fler LSIO'* 'tlae fanll.y of tTaoob Cutler of Col,ctiester

ecj *rro s,ons aRd c;le riaught*:r undey terr years of &g@o Jacob wae
a ll,rravy rl:r"l"nlrer and i"u1"ew$:fo took 3.n board,ers to suppor"t tlre fan-

ffl:Ii'flr,*n anrl .Tscob worei
l:orn of

Jrrqqph ,firtLsy i,ia:r.rLed-AdaLLza li,lheeler, Novn 11, 1838,

ffi*lifiEefih*ffiC ^{claLiza Cutler was born;
SarygL _{g;-bl-qf-,who clled, Deeo 22, year uncerta3n.
In:"si.u-s'ffi[fE,r*"ff"trn :Lg'04; Irtarrled Euth- Anand.a ffebster ef
F,5ltiililr*16fin: .ilrr.€ $r 1Ei36" Ruth ws.s born Marctr PE., IBj.?s
d.3.c<il{o1ro 2$, -i.t*S, bu.rl,ed at South l,ianchesteru Corrl, She
sift$ a Ce,ugSei:erof, .Ia*ob ancl Rutli (CuLver) iTebster"
{l:ob,*ter Genes."i-c;:ly p;) 54L ancl TLY|
Clai:lssa eu'hLe:.'. },la:ry:loeiJoseph tr"Jether.all of l,Ianehesten
Girrion Cu.'blsr" D::ov,r:reclLlarch Pg, i.845
ffiT'Jtr"ffiI .ql**r3g Marrlod. Fiancls osbome of East
1'J'lhdsoF;--Coiln.-;l'lo+; 27, L845.
T$ Fr"an6ls Osb6rae a:ec1i,sLs was born:
Aclel,afuLe (Add.le) Osborrre" a msmber of the D" An Ro
tffi heF-ffi8'cefrT-fffi- (Corpona1) Joseph Johnson
(Llneage Bcok 6?, page 259" Noo 6L7471,-
{ 'itl"t'cii'li itn}:rlr**n }

. iJ,:'.;.tii., j1.:ljr,l.1*:l{
f;rd, {1,:;1.Jala.;-.. ili:scFh 2o Ourdcn S}
| .\i^.! .. il:.,

ilc 'ue:ri;'
rl r
1?, .:.tli;lCr n t

ttt'i.i.r:i"ahl,*"i,{ r.'*,teJ,t,f11I"g. fleafnesg

rr :1.:*;'!:i3"'S and he gaS ScSe;fd"s,l"e$

{t':.,3{}i"r1r J:,:rl*n'b*r ;yi:a:;:s h'a .i.:Lr;ectwlth hls trrother Ralp},, (,J*v" } CIn
l,i*t::lr;; tgr.:sj..s,f th.e femt
ali] C,lve:r.t:',/ i"u.;:"..-il, wsrk whLle w03l,rscr"a.b hte

s,s'jl-rras €l oaulj&l:t.or,* *t*-l'p):,'ruelsclrsftecl J'n the war wli;i,. trir:gl"an.d i-n

fi.i.P l,ut *9. i: gutstj.tute
.*tr.:r'C.otr*r.l1.1.r1't;:,r,:-l" ln hJ.s pJ-eiee" IIe sr::t1r#{i. e."rj

ii::lii:).t6 5.n., {lrrl-:t1,..::i.l,i};;

i,ilirp&r4l of th.e SncL {sanforite :,eg3ilrent",

Ii'l;s;Lt 'll;-tt$jr;ii,
i,.?..r.:+ $ox"',il-o.ehe8srn $ey-r'b" 1S, lfjLS, trnd. tergid-riel{:od,
'.t'.:t li, r":.1'l;l:*' ;J,l,i:"ey:..,:*. iir::,;'h-{.i.1s4rnViee g }fer lqrag glv'l::. t"l;o .Ll;*fci1?3"T'-
t:ll;r.r. c:ci30 ,;lr
illi:.,;,r,i,ll ii:rr:bi:er. Ra.Lph zr,:ro gaue theim bo iri"s forry

j i?"{-"i"
i-J.'::n'ici$.:..r, ,i,,:,1r-g"g,:
:rni .4.1"'bor*. YilLl"}Lau and i\Lbei:,t ;+u:rc}:lls*

:l i;ri.;'-,i.::1;i1,.'e*'i:,;t' i:ii,l Dt;"ne':"i):r,otilsrs and. Lleabed the Lo_nd airc,ut

,:'i.-,t:'.:l- a i::;l"f' t::i-l.e;:'! Li.:"it'*of i,'::gr*nt, liebr. These lanci,.g q"t.e *bJ.1i,
j,'!aj,,i {ii},it}i }:,' "":l*s ,$e;,,crr;{:i;:'i1;s of v/1111aryi and Al,bert. Su.l'clcn n'ss,

{. :.t'.iirrl. al, Ct;r'*:rrtfy'"


(Ralprr Johnson)

F"frLFiI JOI{NSON$, (811J# 1, Josoph. 2, RaLph 9)

b ire'!r" 9e f igL et Col.chester.", Connn

::- :::::lII: -I: -l: -- -----, -€---i_-_-_@,r
--__: -- ___
oii S::pt" l,'*i, l{,ii? }re inarnSsir rlLl.sabeth ( getsy} Hunt, cieughten of
oTv*sein and, CharLo-cte Castle Hunt at Frankl.!.n, Nn Y. Sho wes e aormtrSr
s*hpal tesrsh"sro Stre r*a,$ bo:'n l'eb. 3, 1.?94; dtcd et Covontry Fob. 11,

Tho death of Rs.lpirts r*'^rther, .troruslran Jan. 2L, 1$g1, was undon
d, *lreunistaness, At ?,he tlme thc oonmuriity wgs go torron
gtri-'i:'ken at the pJ.agu,* ( sra*.lL pox) thct no ons wou].d. go noar thc
h::trse. lletr6hbc,Fe troli.t"cl hring foori ancl suppllss ncenby encl shou*.,
for *crna one ts c$:ue ;ind get, them. Tho penlc wes so 6neat tbet en
x'tueotr'}:eosnil surrsnt that a reputable phyeicl"an {Dr. zurplo}
r; 'orr'n''':'
,.'lrr r/ al!-
UJL *"lL$;94$,1
ln. r:;:der to onhance hLs medtcel pnr.r,etlcoo OI1
*1l,: r:lgir"i of ]:-{-:r n:oth*r:rs ck:atho Ralph medo c cofflnl t,oolc tho body
o:il i:.i-s reo'bh.e:rllr a rvhr*$.Lbarii1otrTand. buntorl her a few hunclred yands
ns*:'bh',vost of 'li:r; 1'."i)1tr,r.:.'fh,* loeatlon of thc greve has boon


Ralph uae a r&rrjsnt,ilr s,.nde, ssast-wLgc sellor by tradc, cngaged

ln raftlng cord.tlocd dc'wn th-r, Connectlcut rlver to New llork alty, At
Snc"tford $ocl &. t;atch by owlnmlng thc nlver holdtng lt out of
ttrn waton v*lth c'ne hal;cr whli.qi ho swsm wlth tho other. f}rj.s lvs,e aald
to b.eive been th,* f,.lrst w*.tetr over brought to Bsrtford. trn hls young

mftl)hilo.d.Ralpir rrw,snf,w'.*stctr FraLking eLl the ruay to Otogo, whorc hls

eJ.,.Lect *]on "{.nr;as
}:o}:,t" Wlth. }:1s brlde, Relph Journoyed to Groenc,

lI" Yn s very .l..'ill}} eas?: cepltn'l. Dlfforcnt Etorlos hqve boon

trr.Ld of L*e :rme'r":tri:oijns srq,;dLts Ralph wlth 25/ erfi. Betsy wlth 6O/i

sgotl:ec. tetrlrr t;l*a"i;he hsd, {i;:".?S whteh he spont for tobecc$r and

tl.l;rt "slre irsd- {[:,.OLi, w,i.1;hw3'r:*h she bought two gecoo. But Ral,ph bad

.Rh::x.ltt{;SiX}. ';;fui-r3hlne ,r,:i,'3..!"r::jt wlth hls brother !'I1}11en for safe keep-

:i.rl1" ltd:Ltll thes,s r,x8s'rlce,g ii.o cclntrected wlth a llrench land oomp&rly

frir tho ptlreleas,.l ofl 8r.) acre* of land Ln the adJolnlng tovrn of Cov-

efr';r;'o ller w:rl-i::;lCal"l tne rve.ybaek to ConnectLcut to get tho monoy

'bl:.,it he hs.d. ief''; l''r'* trr,cther" &rt the brother bad squandorod

i:}.:r:::.$ne;r J-n r*iii "!.ir1u,.r:i:"A1l that ReJ-ph eelvagod frorc the affatn

t*i";:i i rrs bi'.',ff:t'.::*tfa).-:.*n, Ra}ph waLked aLL the vre,yback and,

n J.:sti; ,.?: Jul.::.r.lnrlatho land. agent,
rc:t]o'li''rr*S-tr: i"1$1" of tho dtsaeitcr and

ir, *,.;,iri',li']..i'i;,r,:rr::r.i-et.*i;1:.oprmchasg. Theroupon Col. ftrLtand gavo

.,1:;.;{* bu:r'E')} }f *cr!.':i" an.J '';i:Ld hlm to t€'ko tho land an3rhow and pey
fc,,., it Thfs *:e Ci.d and on thls
rvFre:;r.,'re'iro1.:i.l-C, homesteaC el,l of hls

uer.$ trrlr
r:l'..i1-Cren, the eld.ost.
ex:':r'grt 1"ii..1"1le:n,

Raiph. lrau ds-r,,fti::d.l"n t;ir,o wor of 1912 but Gr:rdon tooli h5.s plaeoo

Gr"i,.,.{trr,n, ri,}rviid onl;.' two rveeks, for tho wer tleas shortLived'

flu:.(k:n ns$'er ie.]t i;he ,:ount;; but reselvod for bLs setrvl"sss e land

l,:.,:iEisvr) bo .hi-r: nophewo who Letcr

lxg,lr"iirilti vlir,5.e;:. locetod tbel land nocr

3,'.'.r:gltlt, I'l9b"34i,.;a*

Ir':r rzurh :f 'hJ.nieitnlph ruorkod at hls trada as a cerpenten

.uulr.lls G.Lrrrl.onetr,i 'bi-r$ :]*ns riiirkod the farm. subsorlbed, (155'
tc,wnirrd.the c,ons'bx'riet:.on of i;he CongregatlonsL Church nt Covontry
Crrners arid. wcr"*ketl or.l'1,the 1:3od.go at a d.oLLEr n dey, tho ':lron cuitr-

rr:nt \TagsD f'or cs.:l''.re:":.'bsrs"

Hg i:esefirr+clr::,lpl.T.lntli.'osted ln roltglon, bocamo a teachen ln

a su*Ca.y $*3ioc-1., '.ri"rd.

l,"ss &,:rrtuetcned to Lrold fnrnll"y wor'ship" IIe weB

$. rlan cf p,lv:erfnL ph3sI.ciro" It was e coreon thlng for" hlm to walk

ei.;.hi; or ben n:i.ies a ri*y t,t hls work and. rcturn tho sn.$rewsgc On

l::,r'::il0th h:l:ith"rir.y ]:.e *i'a}'+over to 'bhe f,nnm of hLs sE^':rYil:"ltsn (q"v" )

s, cil.ltaric* c'f ilre"!*.reml"h:;" On hls arrLvel ho took tri.s g;randsons,

cnd. Frclrk, dr.,;;rr{;o 1;1:,etroLd.ff.mritng holoft to teaeh the young-

s!*,ux,t;h,ow 'bo sul.m,, i:.iewrii"lli-,lteach them by throwlng th.em Lnto tho

'lvlrto.T over" th,p:'r" ]rear:is and iaugir!.ng to soo the leds serambJ.e out es

brl$t thoy ilo:tl-,;), lflrcuglr r'l:!"r:Jrtyyes"rs of ege, hc wouLrj put both hands

o.,l tiio te.p ral.i. s:f ti.:,'l f,enc,s an* Jump througlr them wltlrout taklng trls

b.o*r$r.;off, In llls elghty l'j.ret yser be was badLy lnjurccl by e tree

f'r i.1"3..ngc:n l-.,!m ro i.,brat he tr,'i;'.re.n. Lnva1.ld for tho reme.lnder of hle llfc-


Tl::r* i,,!'en bc3'11 io :1411::hi',Ild,l3etsy weroS

S$#,JSSjrl.,gl.jijigkt*t ' b 4t s" 18r_191e, at otel;:o {s"v'}

d. Jcn. 9, 1903
"**t11pkgfSt,rg jj,:i}*1gj1
b fruLy l.!, 1q??'.1n_coveltry (E"v,")
d Aug. 26, 1898 ln Coventry
Wal,i;or Jc;m;rr:4 d. ?r1ly 7, 18S5r egc 6 yettrs
ffig ]ffi{ffi ln_cdventry_(q"v' )
b x{eich-L?n_1?15-
d Oct, g9r-1909 et Fnomont,ltrebr' (q"v"
#**tu^gg "*, 3l35.ggg;g ! 4oe" 2A91 lBPg at Covcnt'ry t3"o_"_)
d A'irg, n L85S et Mllfc,rd, I,l. Y. .
-*ilruSg b teel et Cover.,trS'
{q"v. )
d 1889 et $reensi

{filaris,$sr. J"ohnson PaS.mer)

S (1i11jalr [u Soseph *,
CIARISS.&.i0l11q'Sol:;i C].arlssa of'
5) Da.r.r-g]:.ter


b D n e " l -1 , l .? 8 4 , *9 {,i o 1ehe;r ;er

ri Sept, 8, l.A?5e iilt (i.t:snrr:1,]leeOhto, on a journey east. Buried et

ii l:l:i1*3:*-**".- GEilo-FosE--is.D,-Ea ,-d-*o

;j,;::eearno :lnte:rest :'-n -nii.$ltr.i.OnanywOrk arnOng the fndla:rs and wag

gili*'",r. e,a-rrr:g'SOJl 'bhr*'i.i:r:,',::: l'iiiguJ.fn ln Afk" Thefe She rret and m&tr-

,:,Lr;il tl:.e ile'f', .rlig"nlrlrg:l:',)-CS

ilrr-:,rnenB*l#€Sx anOthef rnlSSi-gnAIYr Cn

-i\',i;;. J"j i"Sg5" { $}'st J,i-':{'ugh* i;oi::;:,son}


(lvgtltalu Johnoon" tho $allon)

wtrLLXAt[ JO]t!{$oN tho sai"3-or S {gl.LJah L, Joeeph 2, lVl.l1tarn 5} Brother

of Ralph
: ":3:::- ik- il31: -31-l: 1:::::::----F&---doo,---o-------so-e- - F- -- ---
Ee was marrf"odr to !,tr,ny SchofloLd HoLt of ld.abon, Conn, at Brlstolt

C,Jn::r,on Ju3.y 3"O, 18?L. She vras born Seb. 27, L79'7t, dled et Bfletol

1n i33,?" l{ary vias a clriu;hter of Vtne and Suranne}r llolt (BrlstoL

C*ra;re;ationai Chr:,ye.]riiereorcJsn pubLlshed ln 1B5g). Susannah JoLned

tl:i.* r;lrupeh Arrg, 3$, Ll--rf3." t{:Ltrl.larr wae llvlqg ln Srletol ln LB25

rite:rr hs conve:rod Lar"":d:i.n S'rl"chestor" Hls nano d.oee not appser gn

tiro lenC x,gcorcls of Llri"srtol" 0f thts rnanrlage of YCllLlarr and $ary

c. deruglrter' &lary was born vrho marnled ??? Marsh. VtllLtaln rras a d.ard.

dr.Lnken end oqu,andorod {)SOObelonglrrg to hls brot}rer Ealph (q"v')"

In $ept" 18SE Wl.LLl"arr erabarkod on a whallng sblpo I'Iaria of,

},,srret,ueketr Aloxand"or Sllrey, I.,laoter', owned by $eth and Charlos I',3tchel

encl Coo, bound 8or an oxtenelvo voyage to the Paclfto Ocean" IIe

l:cp'b a dl,ary or 3.og*6solr of' the voyago whlch contlnued untlX lilaroh

l.E, 1836" trhta log*beo1' ls bolng prcscrrod by TjllLlan Bugeno Johneono

J'a v,,as gj"v,an by l'J*Ltls:r to hls brother Ralph who SBve lt to Wtlllan

Srgono befoys hls (Fial$i?s) death" Xn thl.s entry for pssn Sls 1gg4t

rl:'i.ttsn off th.e riost eoast of l,lexlco" ho rooorde I

ttilr"rrlng t1:o l"as'b tweLvo months we have bosn very euccessfult
s'ron beyond our oxpectatlons, lri the pursult of whaLeso
?h].r'ty i*$ have. beon tsken whtch pr.oducod 3&OO br1.s"
rf c'13., Thls be-l^ng adf,ed to what wo tooh tbe year pi'evloue
r-r.etriosa sun of LF.:5Obrl,sof,

Thi.s l"ogtroolr r/hl-ch con$lsts of 3S4 closeLy urltten pages,

fcoJ"scap si.zo, ls :*lcil ln na.:'ratlves of rugh svents that usuaLLy

'ca);e plaoe on extenele{t whs,ling voyagesa Thls voyage was termlnated.
iia:':'cir 1$, 13-36. In h:is Ltrst ertry lYlLllaer rocordg, oI wlLl. now

,11;:se ti:l-s JaurnaS. by brea'i;liing a curso on the namc of Alexander:;rand one or tr,'o of, hls offLesre, boplng that lt may be my fortune
t,c tre, wlth thenr o!:,cs f:r.or,e"rt

0r: l1pni,l 6, 1"85$, he irr.;hlpped on bsard tho sl.oop, Unl"on,

#a.i,1" j'ctiey" of *iai.ntur:ket, f'or J'ourteen aollare per month, bouncl

l;c, le.-LtJ"no::o" Ocd c,pi:,edt3:* rroyassp Aasn,tt On fi:ne 2C, .185? tue
i'ii..ll"J-ac:ln ilsw Or"J"eans, IIe recorrls that
.;".1..,',i he rttook passa6e on
;*':tr',ii 'llhc scho fil:a.;:"Le*,C,r":'cn:i.n
!?eens, for Gal.veston, havfu:g beeone
ii:,.ji:"$tccl w*i"'uhl-r:.r-:fl-r- a)o1;:;,, and preferr-.lng t;a orr-
!-L;::t -in the Texas l{r:"'ir;1
an'i asslst ln the glorLa'*e cause of Llberty
ilcr. rl::,lc?: slie, ls ui; nc:bly si;ruggllngo ft lirihlle cli.scourstng about
'i11""i:ei,tyrtl:e has 'bi:ref'oLl"or,vJ"ng
remar"ks to make about sJ.averSrt
r'0n €o&e plantatlons lrs saw $0 an<l 4O houees for negroes,
buiLt v'er1f neat anC LaLd out ln rogular or.der, presentlng
the eppearenoe cf siral.i vlJ.J.ages and. from the neatness of
sorne of them I shoukl thl,nk onners took more lnterest ln
the corfort *nd. welfare of hls negroes thsn he did about
hls orrhr The alaves hero I thlnk sre real,ly ln an envlable
cond.J.i;ion; for Yri:at nol'e can a senslbJ.e raan wlsh for thart
a dellghtful hong, and so$s one to supply every r,'iant, ln
sl.clm.oss or ilaalbh and at the same tlme, be entlrely exempt
from 3arf,Br Cornp':.retXrls sltuatlon wlth tbat of the unhappy
ne.[]oes st tl:re ::c,rth anci.trhat a vast difference is percept-
nble, 'Ihere they dlrt'"y, ragged, v,rlthout food, clothlng or
hsireu ad.d."1"cttt1 t.p the 1;rosseet vlcee, contlnuaLly rlotlng
in th.s streets, .d.lstur'b1ng the peace of good cltlzens, fllL-
:i.n,i ti:ie an'i prlsene wl"th crfunlnals and flnally afford-
tr"n3 al"ncst const*.nt empl"oy-rnentfor the hangra&flrtt etc,
The d.lrlrp' cJ"cscn with Jun* 24, fou.r d.*ys after salllng from
i:n-I"r.**iboilr }le ls berll-t';''leclto have rlled gomewhero ln the southo

8{rplrd t}cr
$*W $r{*#t*|r t$rffiirE, *nprt tl, t#5
rPlrrt fimnieap fu *frml rf, r,trfurw fa**tu*rr !g.r Milau, Ohlo
rtlr ifind emd,m S br*ut ptds of, Sa*rra hrrlr hrlrl. fuhoofr,&d
f;m ralttt{tc, hrld trfut lt, I tbr sld r*il*l sfllm, rrr ra
crot t&rt tttll_uot mcu prr *x t&r ror|,*r of t& kryff thatr it rttadmsr*
*'. fhr nrti.m* ffff! fitri&S lrn thr *rp*rftt hrl hl ffi*&est *m" tU
drsamtLw af t'lu -ln*l,mrl-Slrsrr *rd *r rrchny *t tb ntr*a*r ts tls Xror** hil'ifr; -
S*l'cn r.8$*f$5rr rtrr t&r vl"ffqr sftr * hrf*dry rrimm,
t? lf$,Fqry,trib{tn t{ t&| fnrLL$l.m; - €d
rrr -f,tttGl nhi*b ln wtuWraqf th; n6* e[irl"lro
lrnfurtr ta our hlrtorT. .r.
ld&rle ol rcltor hll &l;idrat .Isilron FuEls*
*dd$iar sr Fmfcrrsr 3rnls.

J*l,rtorl,erl fdrirr* gry l&l. S" S, 8dry.

rI! fe; ;u*l *f 1,831$t f$'e rn rst of imoryollrtlffi
- rg sbtrld fer thr
3tffidr.tsg of rn l^srttfutHm 6f, th 4trtem S*rrurr-trr.r yxq[ :u aa1i bl
p$tP|$rd ft*l call*gr :ad lMr ln rm ryeatr,l nartrr#r t*;r uoald pr*w ar*[
r ffinnl| of rtn$rr ltl f,nhlt !h to frttr r &r*l*ftcrl ;rdtri-t sfl rI*
1}nn_t&r pqt* t' tlh ?ef, n*ftra th Mr af ;fb-hrrb1"t.ryrt'eeul* r*trry
t,h. rtlrratqt: of * ttmt slrff ti& MsoI or rsrdrilr. trc oirpiltr nru to-ll
qb hr{n Istltet*.r ...tb sp**sg rrr ln ISrg .., rtbr *4lt trystmt
rdvras ln ffrcre*,md, frotlittm ll* rurt af CtrvrXd, p;*rdLrg tal mu'pr
r&ool, rhi* ;ffi fallmd.f ,.*
rla $t0 h"* Irr h*nre rd *'rf, srol ha fM te tE$jEnl rnd
*|trl&irlld th tr*tta h.ll enrl $shl"r &lr es& *:l . eoi*i
lntOstf rad r *!y FGrt brarf;tt to tls empt *f, tlb *fU*r n tr*r r?**rtLe
bmm re goo{--mdm t* totst nnre* oi W r*ttm rnd b rfuat
rlrrfffi a{ fr' Im tA*t rtudtr m{ cvq lfu rer trE*gha tc fu;i
&il,$r|rt d['*uars to rusm*r tfu kf,lt d *. ssltuil rhtsh ti"offrrd rt r
nrlft noda*l Gett,
ttr. Iqrra rrr rlrletrd far f,Iw- lreror W Er. e.e*$ 0oH. rd r11o 6iff
F*: -rag-bf trn._Brgrrnqr, I!,rr Srtltr fenfrlr, tEfl btttr r.Uf.f, n-
lbf||ldr ltlrr !ts._ad
Coulta d trdlr Glnoa, rbout om tur-r.d. rgrr ll5111fil 166
lF. Sprncmf -ih fint&or sf, th. Wsr*fun rydffi ai ry*lh*Irr*irril.f;*d ilr. Itr,
.l'tn l3 rr.ftfsg 6rt.&r*

rs $?o k. *hrrttr tfttll,m t€$k os.rtp of, thr mboel, nd wntl,xs tt fir
oal frl' brl4-r[lrtal ty l8n illm, r*o tfrruftrr rrand rntfn
{8tf,1 .bmt l0tu, nbm tt mr }rrd for r }trr €r hu tf r|nf,. tr.grssr."tr1ri"1--
IS.rr llll*r ml rr*:irt*d *t rtltsrrut tt;r ry tlr lf*cr $lryma, fhsrLr
HnSry, &eilr{ }rrden gnf* f*ltlrr kr ar*" rd'amrr nndm; dffi tr girr
ast tfim to tAr *r{$ar,
,|llr rcbod, em mdr er
mrmnat lf, ttmf, 3. *. erll .ifi$nrt i' l$8g, br
oo*tmiag & obrrgr rot*l M fp# m k ren*l s srondl m ir rdlrtra
lt nrtr'sr tdtr tt Ht*r* *f$or e, rcedr tnilfi *r rllm, hlltt* Hl;"pa; l6mti n,
Isorsrrt*, qls,lDr Hru, er f,erh qd-bt rhmrl, r; t: gb;n;,
f. rps#b' *fqm, la!
Flt s" *. n" L. ucrrdith .nd ffrr. fiGrt- ltqrrf, t&a rrtt !,
tffshfry ml*g. ...1Ptrl{ry;
l'&mr rlEm lrLir lblrml *rr {d,f,r rHil nnt$ bf |&'. *, l* gdp{l, af
Elrilld, rrt *lely r L* *f l*r.a rad hf*hr*t ilIrlt, fs"lr aar lir-or sf
lrtniltr rrrrr* gru rd htr aobl.r f,ffr n*Ll rtfm f,srsltl m l,mmttrr to
br&n r l$"lni tE dt S* lscil br**.
b. S*lPitrt lffif.

* trlom, {t*b hsb ef, 3nL*

fild ffit rild ry tmrt&l
A f,riml rdib rrrotr brlrt
Fotb eaory*C rt tsush sf dlrth.

trhe blarm ffif ilst lnltt

Sor, la thr nl,lr r *eP vnlc
*e hrgt tir Prt*Il nnr
|nd r$" ffu frr*rrut

fb. ffiad ritl m dtttt hxd

trS *r|}i f,!s$ tfi 3 ns'
tbffi$ sff la s|lr ffir
ghrt $If *fid l* S*ru.

itrd thil ltr ftttms sill

lo ebrg lllrtr tal1rm rny,
i! th lrtb *t tro{
th fFllw {rf tf drf.
tlt thtr Ff.s d * tfrir w*ntsa it *n Hfmtlf *l*tlf,h k..
frr*f#, *&*1 ru**n eld Lr * *f hs & fsr rn:urX trril ern*A
a111 $r ixtmr*r cf tMr i.n;titetts S rtprr llfr ru ffa*xf *lth tH
lrtt# 'irfi sl *tl rtrfrtrffir'
ffi,;; rb$r f$rtr rnr boun lrr tDr Iadffa t*tit{f,f l* kth Ee-p3?r
rad nr c el;r dlli, Elr pmtl
-$br Hld to tttcMlilrr^*fs' ls lftOr #
rh fi th1q| lms| of 16l. comrmr{ t*sU,n* r nbot tshnel' tr Ht
S:*Srir bs1a-rt t&r rj; of fl"fffi. Ie thr $lpttf ef lSSb Sr rttffid
tb ltrlr s.dfru rtEu"F r*r, obL, tdmr rb 3lrertffl ln ISt6.. Xs
fgdf *i tm*t r l*rtry*st ritnol ria eelr: !rnt'ts, r alrfr t* rucrtr
nris. Snr irurnl 1mrr fm ilt grlscbrf, sf ib p*l,tc reh**r *t
fft Br*tlr, rki]Eb poil$m, I n fifo[fr* Sc ffllrd 3lo|l|f
F ry*lrtb ||titfr6.
tion of thi ptilLen rf,tcr irhf* tbr rlr1 frlmffrf ef lbf F$sftrli
aefu, ** tt* f;"il th rr$rrtmt of- ter b.ffffi aC hf.5hft irt
$iltpriffitg*l sf t}r Y*rtrra hrir n€rnl Sebacl rt Hll.ffi. I !*f* to
l'*f,. Ciilrf iI'* tlmro Sfi rlr lt f,*rx; rtndmfirn *il *l*{n tn |lr{ oa
tfi*r ccsrrlm* Slr *mabrut i0n. ilr* Hmm Et,tosilfid tUr bof- Sf.'-
i*1[.l3pr rfrs mr e***fu far r SErt ttrr Sm lbfru b*S hif tnfJlrsl'
Sb thfir harn t.ti e*n&*nll, e.! hld lh*t id*fss u*&l 1S?9r rhn *.

Itr r$& e rrtrhltrhl r plntr ftMt ln hf ffi h,ilr r*toh *r|

Frtd,mrd sr htr u*& rltthtn tls gry of Lm &arnr* *f* oo{rurrd m
fscb !0, tit{, *t ttr rgr of f,st4r n*r. furr llm la t&i llitlr cst*ry
*t f1tlfi*ffer-&i*r +lr-tfr:t tffi*ru *f t&r rr*bft t{ry}t ts Stl[ tllr
iff,r*t &13"- thir-tf r b'|,rf, Hrtr*1l ef lrr l,*fi im *I* frctr tr r
ls*bt,r{r tp bnr rq}lrtlmr ail *!qlmb.
*ro $rrar lbil ftr mfls
fitffi rm& lr fnrrfil r* rFItr lt* mc*x
Ent tt*i mr t# ** j}*tffi{* tl ltlr *wr rer* rnfr gt
rtthst t*flw ilolr$ltul+
re'* k {ht *.r"th aftd, f'H rrrtLrr i
ttrrrt fil|tsilrt *e
;nl.t, I
ttr n.l:l,to$*nt. r lsrln*
ngq F^taq rwurtr sh*st.r ilbich r*t,
to rad s*t of ttrtr roram **r ;iEd;!fr!
Bs ry sad
t!u-r*$*dam nfi tr br.
bottuad &yr ;Tlr*st
lf,sa* of rtnrnr{w r'*r;l a.l noi alffipri$*trxt' ,ra*r b* *strs*tils. I
etn'etsr. hrey- tory'rtrr ef tffr rrsr ,n*d sabilr
r grrlrod i"r. ;; &,-; rtu tt rqr
frttrHrv b '.t{i rrb ilru{ fior;il;;f "i*r g*err
i* rxry at tlrtr ffi* ailosr r cG *lm6
lr tbrt llp nr-e e#|run t*rctrr-b*ag tkr plt
thlB ly rt. har dss tn Sfo sr**.
fs tk*r of yen rta tnm t* er&tr trlmr
cf thr! hl''..d llfr rtradr *t' nr.."v.rTr.atr*rr g_t** getr lg, ttu mrrrr
la 16;Hrrer. tfut t*n tr*tr *i.--u nr p5t.-
thc poffien 1t*-6 t**-*rrnstr*f ts h* rr* 3E**
a3 ctr:rrtrn F.-., 6t L r* -f,ed
brrtt{ttl k th.- ht8}rra=rrd-E"HfuIt **}*-ymfl h r!il't t,n {$'D.d.ttc Ed
tlrt }*"b t@h llrilddCIr rrr rrmrlrU
u*e mc.*q -afw rnerina *;nr*rt-ffi** .od
$vrnt tanrsh fn unn**;i
thc rchrlrtr'm trmo* &lttrtngie*r-toili;- *.*. t*rr ,t t&, trrchr b,obrr
gNr;b.-rr-Iq an*ffi, ril
kth*| *1'a tt* ffi€r .f rtrar
m*G ist* *r {rr& l"r,tb} liblAias* ffi. kr rrt*gtou ffiir to bG
rbr r$ flrt' ffitlir grtixra $.nr? -d in * i*r{*, rr r tm&m
-A *c-urifuil*r;r:srrtc r"W;s rfff,tr, *rtur
l! rtrtt 6Dtag rt rll rartn &r!I _frFo
tr' S"GI_;i &'"sd;\ f.;k i #"ffi
Eu&rtrbn{ mrrr b-do g. ta *; ui u thr p,'brar rur o.t tE
rcln s tb +ffi nnrrr, *E am
*ry,t* isro br rmr inc my-ir FFG{; rm rp rbr.}r hr
ti *;ili-*.r rl{*m1; o,rrfu hlp to r*r
fu mr nlf cmrtnr t! br r*tft .ad rra l ftna rM
rut $or8' &* r** i slrtr ri,fr m* w
fory rndr!ryr*{r ryr starmta
4rlli *rilr-gxng prf,rrmc te *orrrd
s* $s#re;t-liit
*bod'cd th.n.'a:_ rsi rynrr, t :rrrli u**r .r*srr
$nrns tD thtf-drmcttd. dIIt *l ;&&;Hs-r t n* far hlr-
ri rnryri ;i drilrt'f, brmrti far qthrm
p**t n* to c*n yom rttr$tsn "ats mi s*ri tr p*t{,*nr*.
llny of ron ffi 6', frqq'tllafrr la rbn fi lrylmc
&altir ef rn c&lcrtlea u[rwsr l"r-p.imrrJtrtnctrm, t&r fl,nt
nr rrs, te r &attm s*llrf,r rt lb rEd so, lrtt rlJr
ln mrLE u* *r rn*t ffi"i" ftr rrr W{rl"lr rntdrrt c
r t'|shr' -* critl *r& o.t ffi iii rn rrrhrts htr ts 1*m
lb. rSitd*r hrimr r-s*$nL m;*q ttr
nr *rllrd ro hlr fmrd ffircrl m rrsr rn th. strll r#
xa t'hil rffi; fi; llnc]]T, ttr d*ri ui hrr m*l,m.
*r nJ-t" fut*, ffi-ts ilir' re fcryrt tr ef t*.
"t$? t*ff t*fs
lnpl,.hs rftt ffild if,tSf#'ry*
s ;sry*afrt*'' ry tbry brrl l.fb b.r srrtr
th lndldd-d;t; &f* ilrfrrd, t&rr bi er rhr
t*.l bfe bccftttdd * n* ffieo{t,rn' r-br; -otroq
l'tttLr chi'ld rr : l,orl* pthi"iidnfrfnl,.*..c tt rro hrr *ordlr r *tiradrr
ilfrr frtel *r nr ffittf f.sf s;rtr*r pf hr frer
lfL& r thnm$ r*crt'lar.!-ltronfr
r ftrl* ts rmr g3mr' rrr-ir*r '.rE$; lrt ffi.* *Llrnlre ahr6*16, rad
sf Ysc rbo t*3 re te *fui ;f tlt' ;rd-ffit hlr-dr: ro ffi*r. & ilrom
f,rtl p to ry *r kF $frffit**, p**
ff misr
qr€n tu& xh*sh h.r rter6 t&. tmt *-tarr-iLr:E t*f rrn-*Xirx rrymnran
btrt* r* ltifo.T* nrrs rr b*t*.* l,pr hp
tt'r{ t' it. xrr reEi *_ lx &-***.-6
t&aprr{H ttd$: $; b
;[* t4$ r*tnfcrn ts
Ft *ex
ffF;r, rs *++J Eq?|r{ tr. i+i***dTilifr ie &;, *s ri rrrr H rbar *,
ffi"*d t*ltrr rrtb lr".
r*t lr|il|B il* hffi irfinmor *d b*Ip{lram ta tb ars:*a E{Lmr' mr*
l,a th *a rrlr#*rb absn* ru rmU&o* sh$lr, #f tu mr reeut'fli
tr n* ry tlr f*"tli.f pe*ntr il* ttr lr*oe s nit hb&l$, w'8 Sr lil*h-
bs.l,{ .r- p ria. ftff lir sorttmd t+ e uffiit frlllsr batnb frwmt*a'

tLr fiibp, t&f tcr. hreur I* lhllrr,r r1f t€,m bril tbt l?t?l le
ffill!,b, c*m.r"La ln rstg mr w*r**lard t^! f1t!ryI ffiff3_I
ffiHmr"*nlx,:ro*:*l.F,Ern: thnff
;p.r6ilr* prurtri* lFlryr Sslr{e.rq*qg1
ildffii.;"iiil-r"-r&t=ftd i*nffid r! rb r.*iin*t
sf *h rrrrrfinrrn
t .LLrr
,b* al..r
thft-pl$. r*-iftztr-
ll t$?9. gr
g. ArC m fsaxra6r.
dLd o* frbtrw l5'
16. IiBl. , 1[ bt,|
ffi rerlse
"In pth|dr,
$rg. -iStS frl.tlr}br Jn ilrlrr, r|r.Dorn odte!* t&, l$ $olftrr!*t
eH!. l* rnr rrrt gr t&r'rnrtffi borrd qf imtonr b ifir ffi
ldsr * t*551r, &;r;it r;u'rlrrr ?, !$!sl 6.r{ fr}nqrr?' lB, xssr,
Xfri e.*r* ffpt** to h6 Fr*l1grt*||ril trt|dr |!i tt?il-rtilirtlt3l-||
t&rtr iuftnr.b,flr nr*trrmq. &€h ion r*r leru fr* r Qhrl'rt*X'!,b rslltt,
mi-He r gtrrt tryr.5r*.am s rl1 16a *rttcd trg il bm brur lf cil ef ffi
prtracts,l rt3 rui; tanfinrlf srrr for br prrmt* lnil ffir h*r*f, tn ruf
ili* nr;,adi.eil{fit md b*rprnr*..-s$' Iltrtter| n*-b't' s*rrt'
ni *c hrd -ilri r ml'* StM r*tn lmr rilt q' trlrr{
ryry.try: mry br trntrFr rrtd
hie;I I-;14 igt i effiml_frt#c, ird tt tf,rt
rry rt6 rF te *rff--i;p !ili*1;d" $tffslti rlsn se t"pr bl*rt'af lbrt
th*r llJr ml tn tlt srl$'
Baffr frtrrhfr EH dn trm* hr *Sr{,rd Is etf m!{*l r€ th.
f.agtnracr of t** Surr {.ft $.JIl rbd'dr ln sun hs*tl*
nt}}r brts{ ppnbtl'* ry
eil tfiXgr lt sa h ta|d of lml -{;3tt f$
h *. L tk-aru*t t|il*tr fid &.,Fhrttc rhrt ta&!:||, rrtr *sf, m l,f u rl
tD.:6 fr. .td-S.! llt'rre rcbol 1' clond nlr n rnt lE I !ffil? dq3
,.*lf}-fi ffii x hryt ta rct rrt of ffir tnr$ht'r, *tb*lrilr ntd
lffid orct of t.,!'tb.r"ltrw

S. l. $rfff!
$tt"ddr Oh{s

$o1o, qrdndry trrr*tb ffi srl'* lrpfr fralr* kr Hfl Hr errlf

ld&rgr, rgcbat lrms&rttoma* !tr Prof' S. B. II*IL of, l*nrol'

*fd t&|B *,h|.l fir xi *|ffidag mr*fal ffi l,fttGl fnr rlmt ilur rnd
fii ib l;ri* eru,$iltilt *nt*rtrl**. S# !m t* S00 pefr rtimdrd tk

Ib nl! fl|5rrc_nldqt sr||B t*r *rmt of tb fttfs-ry- of tsr ell

ffiffi-*iicFl'tntl trS ar rn*-Fr !!*rlgrl,rner cf t&r
ffi"ffi1m*,*fr-tilln* rf, I'g, t* elrr*L stbnr rlb e$fr.ritt.

\ l( Ausurt r51 lesg

ToEbetonc lnccrlptlon8
TonbEtonc lnscrlptlons at thc
et tJrc lFltchvlllc ccnctlry
.\ $ N '|.
J \$ - thc Pehcr ctone of obcllak ehepc ebout Btx"fc6t hlgh. llrc astorrlel
raa ef sonc nctel elsr,rlatlnt trsy grenltc. fmcrlptimc rerc ln reilrcd '
tr ..f\ {
N \ N lcttcrc rnd perfcctly prcacrvcd. Thc etonc r*s lseetcd no*r the nortthcert
N -+"S corncr feoing thc higlrrey, on e 6ont1e alopc of thc hlllaldc, undcr e3

D blgcvertrccntrcc'
N X :

onthceouth fecp of ths stonc the follo*lng reg tnrcribed:

t t- \ S
*$ \ -i S rJeruchn &ohnson,/ /':'af / rrrcur Prlrcr / aora ta /
N cN. {J Colchoator, oonn. / aet".-,I4, l&4 / tduriccl to / flcv. Pelncr /
\t \i d\ Fcb. J, I'816 / Dtcd FGb. 18, L8s7 / ln hcr 8)ftt yeari. 3.'
*\ t-
onthercctsldcr I
o;| t S.{ - l

U- N NN i rn neuo,ory
of / ncv. !f;rrcucPerror / uora'in Grcauich, oonn. /
Nc\ -\ -"0-N Aprtl 24 L79-5/ acrultraloncd aiaalonuy phyalolrn to thc / Chcroksc ;
\ N R Indlcnt L82O / lnborad rlth tbca 2O ycerr / Ordatnad nlnlcter et
N I S , , Frlrftcld Statton, l.T. / .Tunc 14, lSrg / Rcnovcd to Ohto l84O
\S ,. N N J J rhcrc hc laborcd er e nlnietcr and prectiotag phryrlcl.ea / tor msny
\ \\ \S ycaru / olcd Fcb. 15, 1881, in hlr B6rh yarrF.-

\ SS *$ N Andon tlre north rldo:

.N \
* / oalv deughtcr a? I Rav. M. ead J. pehcr / bora La /
, sN { C}rerokeal{rtioa, I.T. / &reh 6, l8r7 / Greduetcd et Collcgc HlIl,
\ i-: \R J ohlo, L856 / Thc rcnnladcr of her lifc .rna cpcnt ln tceaht& / n
northcrn lhio, rhcrc / ig held !" I q*cftrl rencnbrenc- /o
, f O (\
S$ bv nenv of her pupllr. "\"
./ Ued Hrroh tsca 49ycur.'
t0,-1886 /
t 13
R.s \ \< )
S' \aN < Othor Pelners were buricd ln thc Fitchvlllc Ceaaitry: AblJrh palnc,
\ gv' l\ dled Oct. I8r 1840 egcd 62 ycua. Slsuol pelper dtct Decl s, tgg2;
\ . S _ * N- born Sept.22, 1799. preston pelmer born Jen. 5, lg]4 and dlcd
Wov. 1I' 191I. Edrln Palncr 18t7.- f9f7. And on thc very htlltop ofsI l
oN N t
N r*\ -,'- - { the cenetr:f thlc ll-ttlc atone: r}fnrcwracn of R. end J. behcr, iott b
' l\ S { and pcrlshcd ln the forcat, Nov. 26, 1825, Agcd Sycer;, 1l aonthr,
J r _(\ _\ end 12 dayrr.
\ \\il S
r i ,J Q Dete copled W Clnra B. Johncon

-\\) .$\
$N5.l '^ i I


N [1

".=)\ S X
'- N ;N^$=\Ntj
i$ i Y's.<{ I ;"-


SUS i )

*sb6*t ) atlse rclt
. grtabllsbcd btr
18$ urdqr alupieer. ef
6crlel$r ane6
Hlrgt lodatci lrn Popa
lxlca as b*rlbcrry
uL*rtmr:f,ea at
RcTGr*a{l' E}tsur Butlar
. ?cochcrr inEludcd
Eutler, .lildtc forcar
. ( Jsrr,rslu Johnson )

I S (ni.tJah 1, Jonoph 3, Jerusha S)

Jiiirs:i$$ JOHNSOIT

l_3ij:-li :_1iY3_r:::::1I_::
Sl::e wp.s eng*god".l"n n:i.s;::loneiry wcnk arnong tho Indlans ab Uaion Sta- .;
t3"on, Ark, and s.l,ilo e.t Fat:r,{'teLd Statlon among the Osagos, now ln
',tl so'u'bi.lernKanses rr, okLshona, Her: sl.sten Clar'lssa (q.v. ) p""-
$,i:ilet trer J.n. the s&me l'ros,k and., on retunnlng east, dlod on the w&So
Iu the nean{:lnre, t}sr'"|se& marrlod a felLow mlsslonary, Dr. l,larcui
I'e3l?er:. S,3rietJ,.riea.ftor t;he d-ea'birof CLarlsga, Jerusb.a manrlgd
DI'' r'al:r,er {q.v. ) (r,l*b. Yo 1.83?} and assrsted. hlm ln hls r./onk. Be-
c$-i''-1io.f"jigt'ri',?l-ng,triisf,i$,.FaLner moved to FttchvlLLe, Ohlo, where
}.tr ';'r:g;aged 5-i3 i:I'er:* rri:,ci.opei.atfng a statlon on the fanrous |

gj',.ji-:r.:i:!Ri::i.J,1,f;iyrt$ t,rl:i,:j1l+:i.tig; nCIgrCI slavos tn eecaplng to Canacla.

J( ,ir.tfi.]i.tgi.rlj.*rl. ????
ll,tr 'l;'.,1 ':ii*.:'rJ";aE;i:l lr*.s
i' f il:l s '}*:nnl

li*l-&* .P,*HSS i] :1r a h*u.$e?,.oat

e?,.oat on tne Arkansag
.r Rlver;
llvei:buelly tl"rcl f'rl:eL3.y ncvei.l to, Ohto whefe D61ia, ui"uru
prlnclpl,i arN*lpr*Frlet;r of tlre iTestenn Reserve Nonnu,l School
nt:j-eh slre caird"ue.tod for maqy yoars, At dlfferent tfunoe three
cf th.+ i{erq Yorir Johnsor,s (Charles A._1 Bessle Algeroee, and ]tr, ) sttenclecl thLs srchool.,

lllrl:*.o i3.', at Fl.tctrvi.lle efleg sl,hvery had beelr gboLieh-

/l&r/r?^/ 7t'(. fYSf+t"oA.+-
€d, tho farailly r:ncued a n$gro Osyalvlio had. as s flmasootrt f,ol-

l-oued O:rlon sol.d.lers golng northo They educated the -boy who
3-ater b:lcanre a toacher ln the sclrooL" Iie l"lvod ln ths fnnlly

as ald V.ILlllam E. He, was the fl,nst negno that TfLLltam €ver saw

and was hls flret tseclror 1n Lattn and Algebra. Tbey becamo chr:mg"
Lte.€e-ussof *his lntX.sie.te canrpanionshlp such a thLng as ncolon ll.nerr

h"ed i:o ch.s,nce tc rna*r";o In Later years Eenny went to Louls*

t,,h{rrs he opr;s'a'iecl a. mrsl.e sehool, for negr.o€Bo There he d3.ed
f:i'rx, t;uler'ctil0s*{. g "

. tr/r,yilJr:r:.nLn ,], Falrfl"eld

3ieti.'*u,$.Fs.^'-:-i.i:: Cormty" Conno

:L:.:i'j.i. ?,4i, l.?$Sj T,:i,; ;,.*v'e,"ri;h,*rf * fatnlly of founteen; rlLed ert IlIl)"sxrn
Cr,'i:), Fc'b. gJ-, :1"'i:i1," lrc,l h1,"i.;CI,,r,emorlal s$nvLco was {:oncuctecl by

tl,* Fie";. ol. i.Io iT*r,?.t.i::

r .f*:.1 :::J.f{:y yeay$ pastor of ttre llllan e]:u,rs]ro

T,':tr:::.n:en'bl';e,s e.'': .fJ-i:r:",rrlli.J'.r:u I{e joi.noa the Congrega'i;l"gna1 c}rrrcki

*.t 'hl:.e c{i::rri*f }9, rrt-:.{.J.od nterl1"* r"rlth h5.s bnother acrtl gr'qCu.ated.

3".i;tl:,t':'d.l"'Iev;Yc.rle ffi.i:;r" fn )"82O, after htu grarluatLon, he

wi;r *.cccg>t*d. as s. ri?-{-Fs:lonai1l
by the Urr-tted Forelgn lfJ.e*Lon*ry So-
e:l"ol:;rui:r:r:. t]:e rsoonx'rndnti"CIit o.f llr, Gar.'cllner Sprlng of the Snick

?i*sbyt*r.!"an Chur':i:r 3{, T" (.}Lty, &s ons ileuLtabLo as m'issl.onsyy to

th,s -indl" I{o Lofb Now Y'prk fon PhLl,adelphla on one of the flrst
s**&;rboats ever e$n$'r;:{"ucterdand, wLth eLght others, orosssd. t}ro
rc,:'nn'halns to Plttslrr:rgh wLti: e. rragon tralnn fie Journe;'sC d.own
ti':* Clh:!.oanq3.IilJ-ss5-sul1:pl rlvers to the mouth of the Ar,ks&gae and.
r..i.j:tira.t rf iver tc' I:,Lttl"e F-o*lr iry Follng and bushwhaeklrrg" Ehenae
i::: a."rj.ved a'b the ',Jni-,:r:$tatLon ',vhere hls mLssl.onary work begano

Tl.,ltrr.;cll:.cln'b Fli.r'i:1-ei.'1.$lcrtl-on, ,re t.ror1se$lvlth CLanLssrao .flrst as

ar;sl:';tai:t nl:ql ia'bi:r &rr i:J"s utfe, $onistL::'e s.fter CLarltl'ssliS d.sath,
h* m,lru1ecl Srsr s:l *"hel' Je:n:.:::la {qov. )
anrE- &,o*,uta-e-, a'td )pur/'fr& t&t U/t"/L -bt l 4^<-
q4/,rr'a;a4r;r- /frr* UL"tze,l et4.-- Uuie 2.ttH4/\
; t#/a, 8*ui,4,,- t4r^/h,; /8?3,
(n:"i"Eh.rthe tramp)

liLI:LA ,30]I]I$0$ ?r:C.S,u {Iil3.Jah 1, .Toseph 2, Elleha Znd 5)

::*,y; 3 : - I : - 1139- ::'- :: : :*i * i T : - e 6doF* o n Gd - -r -- - -, - - : r o c qd ocd - -F - *

i,in f;ep'b* 3.", 1$C4 lro nr.rx"r'Le*.Lydil.a GrLffS.n of $aybnooko Coruro claugfu-
t;r:r of Lei:tr*:l- {3nr}} airrl layrij-a 'i''!"!o Lydla was box,lt at Easi; Hadclam

.&'ig3o15, L?89. lfhey' ^llirod at ilast Had.demat the rllrarrdlngorf On

?,iareh .5, lBlO Elisha *,sr:aend. Solonan ScovlLJ.e wsre appoS.nted
ci::criltcEos of ti:rl .:et,?:e *f Joe*ph Johnson, late of Colchestern
tj.i ;i*b, 34, l"*14 ELl:lrh*. nro,:"hgagodhLs property' rrat ttre Lendlngtt

** ?:i:l ileith,sr, .Ter:rri:,:l ,.i,rili:*on. I{o wag 3-$-vlng at East Fird,clsn cn

l"l*i:'i:,2.il2 3"88Scv.rl.c'r,,
i:f, *rii:.voys:dhLs l"and at Colehoster igolchester
.licc:i,:'dir.,t" Ii':: ii,,.;i frn, J.liv'e{itof of cLocks and, had. e

c l;:i:,1-:i.l.rirn*r-rt :,rir:::li,'s"*t'*r3.:r,r,;; at J-'l"tchfi.eld where he hacl nov€d.o
)i:.' :::)1"* sl.*t,lis t:l':':t'*;?.:.r;r:'o
i],+r:rlingland arrC Ln the Soutlto Evgn-
'i;,:i:J; trr '*:':,.1;li:Lr;::.iibe*an:e practlcalXy
i;i i.l,i-i.rr-,.,.;) a tnutrp.
*f itl-inl:r::, *:''cl "i,;y':li.{t
C,;::-.,.-1:ro:: wrif{} i
Ilarrl*t lto ,f,.ih,:lfJoy)" g tn l80CIn d Augo 9, 184$, age 1"6
ffiETtr;.- TTf.-"fr;'S6jr s'*er)
Jcnei:l:'. ffolur*on
LJ.ved. Ln New OrLeans
U3-:t-EiIf cJOJlil 5O il
Csrne to Conno to flird Falph. D3.ed.
Ltl .LiogEon,
Ilcivisrd .Tol:ns*n
-dtdr{B- rlhiift*.'*q
Dl"ed Ln ther eouth
JHAenCre. tlO&nSCn
Itii,.l,y _{p-hng.grn
Derugfuter of lll_lsha 2ndo Her second.
n.usnanct $D,s tueavcnso

(,Ice,eph Jctrrison)

.l'itl{l:r$*1{L:ni..4 {llLi.jel;: I.e .Ioaeptir2, trL1sha 2nd., S, Joseph

i?.*:i., 4r) Scl'i. .:f l"iLi-elin 3nd tq,v, )

Fio Slved ilr *l:c sou'bb r,vhere he plospered before the Glvtl 1'.4r, He

+ii,rlocl:.a *1:'r4; itor':, a lLng ,;"f s{iesmorg on the I',fisslselppl Rlver and

r l s . ! ,
,: '!',r'r,r.l:lurrtbor Of slsVer. IIg was flnanClaLly nrlnOd by the WOFr

ili"i| e,tes,rnprswer6 suilk a:rC nLs sLavos set free. IIe had a daughter
',shr)':onciuete<X.e. scl:oo} s,t lrTewOrloane, GeneraS. BenJanln Fo Butlor"

ti:rn ln cormand ef ircd.eraJ. troops, closed. hor school because of

he-r: c.lL*gor.i ,.leelltlous tal"k. After the war' rtUncle Joelt eame north

ali,l. i;:n,3si;rJ.shone vri;i,lr rel"aUi"ves ln Nesr York Clty, IIj.s troubl"es

-lilr,; ;r*n-r*w;:ni1affectcr'i h,i.* l'l':"irci, Tihen tr.aveLing ho aLwaye a

} hat asklng tbat lf anythlng

,:.1.i;r cf ;rr.-;*:r sevred. :.i..,;ii;': lrappensd.
';i;. J1:il:, tii:it l:i.s folkl be n*tlfled. at an add.ress gtven. Durlng

1.,.rPli:i.lsd.etplrla (1E76) trUncLe Joe ac-

i::::; i,:rr:r::nir.).. D;r;lesJ.l;:!-';rn

it3' l{i--1.}J,,e-:*
i:i^,::i,:::::..1.cC. .,tx,r.'..tra
$::d. .N,.lbent Jolnson vtslted the affaLf
.1:-,i '.-i\y::r-,r-,1::.e SC*.i::eil j, {n
:!. :.. , j._ ! - ., rJ rq Jd, A fA1.l"r,n;A3raCCld.ent. IIe Often Spefit

;:ri":; rtii:",iner: r.;"1s:i*ir.; :;"-el"e.tLrrog

Ln chen&ngo county, N. Yo IIe dteed

l:: l;i:.e ro'[i:l- "

G:rif,fi,rr Convonse )

{n:.13atr 1", Josaph ?, Ellsha 2nd., $,

c'::;'EJ"i.sha ? n d , " ( q " v . )

.,1,,n ."111',,'':'l"gil
{,9rrd.} lill"Lliam P, Convevse s.t l{eii
:i-i- "- 1r Jr aJ - l-,
I; v -il*.rt tynne , I{. fi. July 28, 1.8$4.
-* Cc"r:"rlorsel,' by Cha.:r'lesrfil"J.on

,'ii"...i,-ii lll.'lrr:.',1
i::ri.T';.: fi-i-' i i;-i",l -itt'y'3:i"t i;e eSf'e i

'a*1,';,\:(,::'flfi i) ]fCtr, 89, 1A4? , Ln NeW Ofieane

Jtl.t.::'r-l: ;l,i.rg:i'l 'b
i'ii"ri::,.:{"Ct"/t$rifrr,ii'** JFno S0, 1845, In New orJ.ean't
:i"€.;'Et'Tffilffil1FFt i,. l.reih, :.?, L84L or."r41 l{ew Orle;erne

; ,;';,:?'i,""rr,n*,, i',:arrLert hrs ftrst,

1'Jj-..t1".i.::"rn vrtfe, sar"ajr
'rl.,rt's1,j"in .nfii$ h* t,loveri to I',{obll"e" For some he
n.$ TJ" ii, agefi'l; ,'Of' tl:r';t fihe:lOlCee end ChOCIAW Indlangr Leafn*
'u::'*n vleaLt}ry and made
;,;;i.; i.;,.1{l:,,r":.'illj.,'.trS$
ci ti,i,ese trIe beaame

-'.s.'i: ilr);.rtrihrlt"lons i;*'ii:.e ii,}pubtrl,c of Texas, In L859 he went to

''i;r:; i.;hsrgr L,.e'..ngageci lil the cornmlsnlon busLness as Con-
:^:.1.iti -,r;tii CI.t;".e.:":,.i..-u;:,- *h:.t'.,;;ifl t:c COnVgfSe & GOn haVlng aS hlg

'l'ilt::j:.:.,{:i'i. ',ijJ"L:"1$*rn
lrg i-r{ .:i i-,:^:,:)1.,1:li,:,i:
:.,.i1.::.'=: C,::nvel;:gt} g.nd. }ftg sOn f
':J*ttil;: tlghcioseLs j.r.-,
-. ..;i':.":.t; ,.,tr'" :1..,.,::.i::-::] I :i;h.'* i*le:J!.ng 83"ili)$3:e
''.. ,,'j.,.i'!i.. t,i:-:
i-: - ;'-j : :l ii;, i., ',:, I:'l:om* Ll"{tn of fAl}wayS.
.: .: :: . i;.1-
(A:uandaGrlfftn Convonso)

At,iislfpj\GnIFFIN JOm{SGN4 (nttJatr t, Joeeph 2, Ellsha 2nd, 0,

Arnc.nda4) ElCesb claughter of Ellshs 2nd,. (q..v')

tr iui.y 16, LBOg

-:::ri::-i:-:i:-i*ll-3*-13-:::::1r- ------,pO
0n A'r;rg1.l, L$e4 shs menrled Nathanlel BatteJ.l.e at East Eaddamr Conn.

{lg" FiadctalnVi"taL'Reeords ) and moved to lrlontgometay, Ala. whero l{ath-

dt,ed ln
r...rli.eJ, 1830"

o;r i,iay 14, 1C.40 *he mo:'r,3.ed (gnd) lilllLlan F. Converse at lrlew

C'"rLe*n*:. iryll,llsn w&$ born 8:t East L3mne, titr. $. JuLy 2Br l"BC4"

il-er$ l-n :l{" Y. CJ.ty tn 18?5 {t}:.e Converse tr'arnlLy by CharLee A1Len

i o n v e r s e ).
lllrlLilren bar''n .of t;i:rts marrl-ngo w€rei

Jul"lue Foarl Oqnvere-g- b Nov. 29, Lt.42t ln New Onleans

nffffcffisE*- b Jern. 5o, L845, in New orloans
Sffiff ffiffie b Feb. 1?, L84L ont41 l{ew OrLeane
of"Lil*ro, t.iiLLi"&n,ma'rted. hLs ftrst wtfe, saratr
Pai:acll,se lTerst. In L8.35 he moveC to $1ob11e. For some years he

nc*ecl as U" S, agen'b.'for the Cherotrceeand Choctew Indlansr learn-

3ng ttro ll,anguage of tirese trtbeso IIe bocame wealtby and, made"ge contrLbutlons to tho RepubLlc of Texas. ID 1869 b,e went to

l{ovr CrLeans rvhere ho engesed Ln the comrnlselon businese ag Con-

iiarlse u.nci$trven, lnterchanged 15oConverse & Co. havlng as hls

'v'{lILlam P.
1)nltil.Grls l:lsi bro{,hen Thorno.slil. Converse and. hls eon

.J:r', ' f:l"ri::. bgcal:e th-g Lead3-ng wholesale

i,lor.r,n$.ltee grocers ln
'-ile :;auth.-ii'ee'b,!: Lr: tl:le promotlon of raLlways.
1 lg"

Tn LB54 he retirod and went to llvo at Now Haven, Conn. but

d:l*net stay rrretlr'ed..t! I{e ongagod ln the comnigslon and bankrng
buelnesg the narne W" Po Converse, flr'ler & Co. AssocLated,
wi.'bli h.fu. wer,e hi"s $ons Eclnsrrd lT. Converso (lg60-Zg) Jul"tue Po
Ccnverse (1869-?5) and Leter,Jesss II. Tyler who had, naz.nleci hlg,ghter llarla r,ourse convorseo From L8?o to hts d.eeth l;Iorah 1g,
l-375 hs) was eastern represesxtatji-vo of the Baldwln locouotl.vo lTorks,
jI'.1 ffEre a.n ar'3ent synpatlrS.ze:r of the conferate cause. By orde:r of
tr,, $.' wa arrested ae a |tprteoner of statert and,
iv"ihi:r*'Nher dis'Utrngu.Lr,,::.i:,,1.
inei), lr&s eonfLned in Font lrafayette, In
l,h.; ltoir harbor,, ilu.t was released ten d.ays laten by order of
F:r*nld*r:.'r; l",lncr:lir* Ila uras burl.ed, ln the fanrtly plot" corner of
n:rd $n,gl.f::ae A,r,"o
o SI''e€nr,'gociCemetery, ErookJ.yn.
AlilAlitrA {Ijattolle-.Johnson) coNVItR$Ewas a d,evout Chrletlan
wo:'ker. $iro sew 'bbe flr"st nteari'rboat on tho Corxroctlcut ri-ver and
e*"11",:dit r3The per;il" lTnrtrrirq3on ffater. ff Her flrgt huebande Nathan-
i-o.i" i-lattel-Le, wels borr: nt hler.].d.enn
Mass. They mad.o thelll bonoSnnroon
trip to ldc:lt6onery, ALa, l"n a rregon, taklng two months for the Jour-
rley. Aftov tho cloath of her husband, Nathanlel, she llved ln
i','lobtLe rintlL lB4O, when ehe went to New Orleans here ehe met and
raarr'lod 1';111i.4mP, Converse, $he dled Aug. t4, 18?9, and. was burled
tn the famlly plot Ln Brookl^Jm" The chlldren born of, wllliam p.

0cnverse and hLs f'Lrst rvj.fe, Sarah ParadLso tr{est, vrore!

Co-n*"or:rse b Nov, 19, L829, at l{ontgomery
"{t$.ggg fffg" d }tanoh J.6n rc90

!ilJ:{L$jn go-Lqq"r"_S.ffigffigg
lf{LLJeq Soqtq-e"C.onverse Jr".rr" b June
June 18, 1851,
1851r at }.,{ontgomornr
at sprlngfleld'
rr.llnole. He.rnled.
He.rnled. utrfiliFol88otUtt',
Iiggrg lleglgpllgg SqlggJlg,g. lreb" 15, 18s5,
-$qlggggg b lreb" 1895, at rrontsomery
d. June 5, l.B69r at llergen, 3i" J.
Inlarrted. hlary Ade"l.l.e l;hi* send-on
Rg5eg, k*:-qf$ ;,kp.g*:g ! Jano g'6, L9s5, at t#ontgcmorxr
d' 'lano LB55' at llmtrerst' vrhlle
$. stuciont fr,,r,.r'.r*l:,j,]:0
+gqfffig $g,gg.93" $g'lg$*o b Jan. 1s, L8s?, ot Mobt}e
d Dsc 74, 1839, in New OrLeans
.*H_rlgj .!,gg't S*3_llttr,Xt"g b ,Iuly" p0 , lss8, *t r{obtLe
d Feb" 4, L806, at Oak Grove, Tfsct Fei.l*l"ena Farish, LRu L{ai'rled l,/lrs. Idary
{ iii:l:e cl"r'rott J C.r:'i ita$6 i'".i.Cow } .

'Ii.tli"u-r:F'eai:l G')ll.',.'evs:?
r'i*sr & son of, I{Llll"am portei" Converse
l:,' soccnqi wii.Lle. ile'n,:s eclusatod, Lr: i;he i,lj"lltary Instltute at
if*r }i.nver, l:ru* a ph;"05"::'il]cief *e t lpneventecl h.trs engaglng Ln a rnl1l*
l: n 'r'rr
d 1rsc"r w,ri
fi ?r-:r /: tr)
" Aceo3:,311-:;;J.y
he ong*ged. with }.rLs father Ln the cog!-
;nsrctal fl.rvr of itii' Pn ffoil"t'etrss & Co" He nracLeand losb s, fortune"
l'hen ]le rriurv d tc l,ilrlwr:;r, Lis.l,l,, lrhere he amused hLmself in local.
; err:d,hel"d. vr.3"1."tu*r$
I.cral offlees, He nev€r marrLed.,
ctLs Con?erse }leti $rl'/er, chll"drol1, Joslab eui.ncy, liplrrlarn,
li.hQilas, Firoebe, C1c.r'5-rrnei,Iiei:ry, ancl Albert" Albert 5ad son6,
llranlr [,Iu.sby erid. Al?:er'i; f s'o 'r'he Latter, a nephew of lrfl,l],i&m F.
ilon'rrg:,$o, rrutLgbgrr: a'b r\rcc,lB." La" on LIay g, l86p. IIe was "i.eft an
c-'::;;i*.l1ilat tire egs of, sente::r yiiars Eind was pl"aced, wrder the 6uard.lan-
r.ih:l-Fc;f l:ls rr:.l.cLa, -ri3".L-l-liam
P. Conversen In L872 * ?5 he attend.ed, tho

i:rr.i:Lti: seh.o.::l"$ i":r liew :fcris {J.i'Ly. In 1g?4 }1e attonded. the hlgh schooL
s't .&r::lJ.ngton, vt" rcsldLr:g iilb3lo f,a,mlly of the Revo John Kendrlck
(,ln'.io.l'se" ?.'h'ln for *rq.* yeer$ he r*,ae ln the boardlng schooj. of
E:li.'i;h.'i' at l,Iecll,ar pa" IIe wae enrpJ.oyod for a ln

'i:::r; i.,;:,r-rkr3i:ege
off"i.,.:e *f'Uti.l,:i"am P" Utley at 51 Ptne St. N. Yo In

:18';li) h* l.rerLt to Tr;:rlre;o .I,*:[::.,-ng ir,lls brothe r lt'ank lfusby Co::rvsrse,

iI'., ,,r;ig;lge*" J.q cic*r.a'fui.r:.;;n

:;a:r';eyl.rrg;, cattle dealtng and flgi:tlng

.1"::,;1.1r.n.;3a 11* ":,,fl,*a cattle

i?sj:. two Ji"e€,":p,s i"nspector. Frorn AprLl,

-:-iir3;5l:e 'ffas ,*mpJ-o;ri:i s,s ,fs::':"r*srnfor the Clmarron Cattle Coo ln STew

Iit::.,:.ic+" &,:.ter h.6i b*.r,i1h{:sr,lool a+, IJobetS.e, Texas, There (llcv, 25u

,:i.i:ii'}, ?r*l nar:,:led l,l;r:1"-r,Ori" T\r.rnscottle ln L9OO. The,y hncl one

i-li,.i-*l-l::,ilier:i'JIti,;ffiY€rlg, ".vt:.c!1'-ifJbpl"r:. on hlg rAnghe ten u:1Les e ss'b of

Ii r:,i:r''11.,,,:i.,
ilc5" ,5j, i.fiC:]" E.'t :i's,$ lLvtng l.{obettle 1n"tr*OC,, I}:
:r'I d.*y*u i,.riJ*.,:,1 -Lr''*.';.ln$ for
:::r:!rc.,r:i. fe:iJ", hu ruuu accugt*rrecl 'bo

.:r.:rlilii. iriir 'ir:i::n{:;;lon:i :"i"!th- rel"atLves

,I'!.i,-mldiP ln Chonango $cru:rtnr, iVerer

-' - -T'7


iil"ir,LIfi,$,{AIL{tsA Jolllfsol{ 4 (g:.rJah 1, Jesep}r 2, Ralph 5 , till, 4)

illi,r-e:;t eon of Ralptrr (i{e never uered the nrlddl,e neme of, tlAmaeall ).

b Aia3;" l"$-rr18l"gr &t Giego

t:i JRr," $, LgSSr et Snii:-'bhvtl"Le
F3"ats, N. Yo'i:.n"I2 3S5$ hc; ;nr.::::tr-c:d

ll.LLznbeth liarulah Stlloe at Coventry"
,''li,:)!;if,tittro:i'n rtr1:.r:5--.-
)'?e i83? {Fra.:nkrs birthday); dled at $nrlthvl"lLe

F"i::'};ro i,brch P8, :i.Si$" $]:o was a ulaughter of Ludolphus Sbtl"es

{qi."v"i w}ro ,r*s b"u:.n aL Gree..:f1e1d., L1ass" }vlay2, 1?95.

Cai,lelren bclr$ of,.ti"rls narri.age were:

Jifsprsse.l{g#ss )--Hss}b.-db
Aqe-ele Manch 2?, Lg{fin at Coventry
TililT June 19, 1955, at Roxburyr0onn,
lirlJ,.Lllan l{uffer:*
'rffir"T* &*- ii$hn$cn b $arch 25, 1862, &t Coventr.y
i;'B*e.rrL;REtl.p'ir q q.)1;r:;;l:Ii
s" !da"l-
b Aprll J.?, L865, at $, ( t1,rr" ] d May 5L, 1891., at Sremontrldebr,
'?.-*fffiT,:r;ffiT*"" l.:Xr3*fgj :;: Sffi b Arrg. 28, 1866, ai: $m$.th-
d LIareh 51, 192$s at Groene,
!'1.::', t q. .r" i
i**;';.s '{'fffi'}*
.t:iu:{il..LtrJl*$"ii.i lr*.},M b July 25, 18680 Eb SmLth-
r":}b(?r'DTinlr Jc';:;tr: i;r b Sept, 4, l8?L, at $
TfI;l&*" d Aug. 26 o LB'72u of shoLera
,.-Xl.i:*:ri itriati Jc,:lls':ir f,nd b L{ay 15, LB75r at $nlth-
''**' "*"Er'

ti,;:rs a cerpenter, worklng rnuch v,ri"th hle
fn;hc,r lialpir arou,r.f, G:i"srlf,e,fioventry, and ColesvlLle. Hls uncle,
tuo.l.g,n(i 1",',:i::,rartgfof hls sefvLces ln the second,
,',i&i,'{ 1"Slfi I v;-!-th.Ilr:i11-c,i:i.. 0; r.4 of these wanrants was glrlen to lTllllalr.
iln iin:i*il. 3"s, .i.*{j',' .i:.'* .'"e,f$ :l'r,:n tho west for tho purpose of"t:ne
.:[r]i.{i"., ti v' *l^.at'*:1.
i,vlg brother George Johnson, wroto the
-3r,' 'l
nr rri r^,-
1 n 4-,
".v,.-,"t",,,u.r..'!r) t$ h.-',1*brs'ri:l"ra3lJooeph, glvlng some ngc,Is eg to the
lakii-dt V{ur^le-,,^ t?aute-,o* 'w{
F {*" *vk,

provementsSurgedAf ter Middtre


Lob_ster, Quail,BuffaloSteaks
gFMenuat Hern don Hour.
s Str,
? iHd l,*T::",:,:?.
-i,""H "f
j.iii a Hg" ; ; -;;;;;;;;
lll 5'
y"T,pu.n" -,il
the 1,"*n3,i:l
,,ptains I
i ; ;
"u,l ,.iil.e ;;,,1;J'llfj
rum jelly' assorted- nut meais,
specialties were lobste o{s- I
rq ctams
nreha and
dhi other
^+L^- s^9it"9As
---"1 iapples, - raisins, peaches
Herndon House offeregl l;i";":lr"tl"i"u, cherryandport
,tog, lwines were served with dinners.
venison, ill"yll
quair. :*:,^ ilf ly,{:js''"""?"Ji"
flfirrirre'Ai;;- I _,8".""a-.,iowGenerars Grant,
:'i".* Sfrir.,il;
steaks. ",.::.:f .:tg
And ahvays trout .!.,;; ld;r;'';",:,ilre patrons
t" n" tt"i"i.
or ure

d.*pa.';"cureo ?ho or5".g!",:rrilL

le{:'oer 3"s ln the possesslon of lTLlLlam E.
It0reens, Ma:roh p?!h,
irft.:a::- Brother
and FI'J.,*rrd.B o
rnf talee thls ttn:
tsl ws'Lte you and J"et you larow that vje are
e'J"i vrell n,s ooxrnor.lo 1,1ro h.ev.r not'lrsard. f;;; jfi
' jr.i.::e:rt rvas ther-s, ;ffie !illLLlam and
_TF":;l fi:*u"gltt yg" woula ae"oown-drr" nsw weeko
jn::--e gr.lrc.+rlrs j:ea3H: is r.Lte ior nr*. I{;-har-"ni"rrfi-."v
.irr ')r .*pe3.J.sve* ti:Le :,Tinte:',, Fatherrs g5"ni-nas-1ef; alrd. trj1lllamrs
r;iij"'e ,":.ils g*r.4ri ilter* t* lLrre, and. he
has gone i;o fr,ensas then he
j_*.flc'j-ng !c rorra ti't,':lgt coiL;:try d.onrt siltt hLm. fl; start;e{:.
i;,c,',r1a;;'' H-l-e fcu*s .b.r"i fi*t so tre"cou]"d" go wtthout Last
a cane. Albert
i.:.rr l":1":"ee1 the f;lir;r: ,rf illll: fni: p ye*r. "tT* h*rre been talkir;g
,,;c:l.r:gu,p tc i""u::;-i.acr srl"l lrlnte} crf
lut we l.rave not got s.baz,tod.yet
rr,nrj.thers.'i-s r.1,3,:_rlll:n*,li th.:ts ',,, lrv.i oru shell e,s soo31 eg tr:e
i;{}i io
l{ hev* a Ltt*:"* bi.r.e or;, ny^Leg anc now_have got on* on r.y
ilrd)$0 e.nrl tllet; sf;rinii;r *e 'il,e or:ir; 6f tile way"
TeIl Franele that Unele
ris,cl$ trl":li p" c,a.l't bef,ci:'e h,e wen{-aw&yc yife rv*nt tcl hoan
j.v*',rn al"l" ari.* Let u*
k::ovr i'iherl;hes"yoo to let y6qy plaee
'tr riiQl'k i"ti' lr*,lp F"4 seti{B ancl freve ""u.goJ":rg
-iiJe thLr- eal"ves"
maq h'avo-?re,sz'c1 *nat l;Iepslrts
--?ir.s i"r:$-fr*ru"lg
cr'ay last Fri*
'rjc';:an*.'.er*,eh:-lr"1od today. ".nrt-Menrb
eex.use of.her a.i"rd;; rs u*1'rowro
r-';laeb';:rl*e as rc;sy, i.*_y-curge; thj.e lotter
i;-s soox: G$ T heii;' :i}'or: i:lLl-li.*rrr" yeu must coae ail* r wir.r wrLte
tt i ' '-a
aJrrn au es
, - vc;-l la
.qlS i;'.;i.:-:r,',r
r.iha::t: Ctrir+fl.le hAS bOOn wrltlng
{j;":fli.:I"l:i"tllfrurt:1i: tO hlg
{1s lrr l:'j.d ln* wol.lltC v,rhenwo found. trtm aE
?fyours wLth respeet. tt"
i:* tihe bot'br:m'rf ';rij.n si:iset &re a lo? of sersTuLs
nad.e by
or! Tno ?-*t'r:r{:.:*fi ?r:J;il}lj.amrs laroq foot is explalned."
trefnrg -L$s",:'*ilc:r ,h;:ii:rce*t, he fell
firom a barn, brgalelng
'l""ir::: .;rrhLch.
br.;r"..o$cJ i.,i?# rrf i;"il fee.l cauged. gcm€ f€ar$o
Lameness for
Cr.r i:h-:i; e.xlrecl;:.i:1.*:r .ir i.j:,a wer,"ll; iTillLan $Jas ecconpanLed by !:ars,
'3-:n'-nt" Tht': 'i:v.rc!r,l.r.,ii,air
f,6;;r{:1ier. ln p*ntn€rsh{p r,n contpactlng r.n
3;i:,b:'r:a'saar..'f'fe::ti"i*-i.:" $.::,r:i.1rr1" Tl:.s followln8 le the ftret Letjler
ti:ai: il, r"e:e*i_v*:i f,r*c.rullil.l..llam aftor he leftl
stt)mahaC3.tty, I{eb::aska Terrltory,
May 3 e l.8S?.
ttl-Left l.roure}3ar'r:h.i.S,"b,:by way of Nlagra FalLe, BuffaS-o,
Cj.::s:i"natti, -i-n*tane.pol"J.eo T*rrb ltauter. Atr'tonn.St.--"Lou5-s, ffefferson
'bh.6nse to i'iansas by lteanrboat, !'ie travelLed a
Cl"fy-_f:y ratt an$.
vre+it J.i llans*lso stopped &'b l,ewF()ncg, LecOurpton, leavenwOrth,
Kaa,seri Ci-ty, ide :ili<e the crruntr;r g6nerally very vuello TLmber !s
st(:ar,*e trll*e rnost e,f t",trepra:r'1o e6uiltry" Stone can be got 93! of
tha 1:li-11$ veiiy krar.tay" Th.e r';mlgnatlon I'e Ygry great -there tlrts
*3iiti'i-l:1g" Xt rvas poor siflrco;ri+clatlonaE 2 doLtrars per day' uB coll-
c;."r6-sil t* sk5-p eii; aml lenv'ir motrs roola f,or the rest' fi'e eane up
::,Lr.rer::.;o brnahe, -l ha'rr* tra";,'e1l"ed gne week ln lowa ln 'bhe
sjc iiaf.t, 'J- h*..'re &n ;rLc} 'i'
It{:,::,'r;:"1?e a"equalntgnc|e vtlt}r me. l{e
-l*'i,i r,li,3!:o'i:Ol'li .l-l.rrr;d f",)in tO i4 nlLes apant and. f3'Om the'!
ll{r -:i} Al: g,"lJ-
?tsrr;;1, Gor:::i;er lire Hrlxl''l ir.*y:s 'u:l'b:,lout-sae5'ng a ho-use ancl got
.'.i.,l;:l 1Te fr:,i6'Lr,,-1:i.t o'it: ,:*1ll ;iro nli- nig-h!. wa8
'bhi* 'i;,ri1s!.; '!;1-; ;:::'arlo -i'Iy-pnPUrteF
jlc,. .rril;" ?;Aerl,'" I :p*fsuade:l !rtm. to fol}orru dcr.v.:l $
-',*i.l*lr. ls:C 'i:,: i;,:e: ili-l-:":r'li:.ri F.tvo::* ['he next day rote cs'ris to
r, ri;:iij::di:fl 8';'ii-:"i.i:';ir,,'l'if, ii,: "i,s-:l &. \;$x';f gOrfd eppetlte gnd 'iieaS S*ln$
'1"..i...:tll iiy f,1ill; 'rl*i.:: iti:r:r:ie.!.A;.:rl" Vie 3'OtUft: d tO Omgh.a e.nd e"f* f:OVd
" pef weelc for i:eretfd'"
:r"i; r,l:i:,i,,;"o at tll:,:*e, ri-t"}-1-r,:',.1 psil tia.y, Fsy'E*
li i",;r''i,l 1t:i.:r'";tJ" tl::e f"':::311;i: t,{} il;i-1,,:;:"t [].nd Seo!"Sge I thl.nk of'st'etylng
i:{:'..''i:t ti',;1.1 :ti[r:rg';i:t:'" :;- .]lsirrc br.'i]i:: i;r:]?s ? vtteekg noxj: I'foncay" '[ ltarrg
:1,c1.;,'..:.c,s,3'c.:ft'r]n ir,,+i:i13 ji';:i:'u :t. *;"i.p{,'{tt'bo he*f goone I wgrnt to herrf
i.':,,-".1i)'i:1:r.1;111;;,',o}t: rii:;i; ;.,t;*'-h.1'Llri"'i:3"nE" I{; takee atlout two vree-:kg
',1t.t 'bo O'rgaha C$"!tyr-NebFa$}cgi ni*e}'-
1,.(.;i.',i;;:ij.;1' li':::,'ir;
li,'l'ei,:.i c.
i:.r,1:; Ii-{'tre,et
i.i...i;cr.-;io lji' ii,'{,t;i.l.il1t.lit'.rr "ir41g33 *:.ndLFl-l..Lzebeth--aLL lnqgtx'I'rr6;
. i L ' - i. l' /r.r -ril ! o; i ' ' o
ftrrom !i5.}LJ.$m

ftr "Se;:'i;*l-5r 'il.l-i'iar* i''-. r'to agaS-nn

anrl. rqgsei"f .,]&V€ bulLd s houge at Sa:rat?S9r two'
:,:i--;,;s t'boiir &:tnhe. C:lty for oursel-ves whtch we have renteC for
;;I.ii ner rncntl.:., Tll:.* t'-,rtsi1nfl-.;::of the tlme w.3 have worked by tho
,lie:,.i.U li$ p$:r c.'.1,.;g,,in'-''l-rlard lurseLveg. Board eosbs trore from
':f' t,: pbn riee}rn l,'l:: laF€ :r'lw at work by ttre J-ob, bulldlng a
i:,f O:nd.:,1.Clty' The frane Ls tlp" It Ls
;18,v- 50" !u,'ear€ to }:.r'r.'e{i;g*'* for dolng the carpenter work"
:r,Jl1re,]:t5-g hefO ai:";*r,1,; fer tWO WeekSo lirie lntend.
l;s l-sLr:ri"$'i:.otn.o i,S llkO the sOl1 hefe. Water tS SOOd
lir,:"e, as- ir.* J-r: il:l I'is',,0r.r'c.'r]: *q'i:;ite"

{i:;:.i.ini'*k ffi}, :i.:iiYi:', tr',1)--:..r,u.m wrote er.gninl

ilij,g.:.'cilj,{.r,ol.i i-,} 'L:.'c *u'*.r'r:i' of' the do"lr he::e r}ow. Mon<ly 1s
";,,*:ij:8: {':i,Cr,i4 t* C 't'l,ffl6fiit' a nOnt;h' Cafpefrtef WAge$ ffOm
't '; ?-,,i "!;$i.t3:1
dr:i;;r ar:,cii-},.1g:,'cl.cxP;rl':,Lrres' Pg'od'lce 1$ 9!ruapn flcrugr {c;ur
,.*..1.;:::"i: ".
pi:]" i-",fr:'i-,t:1L.,i';pry1 iiii eon"bs" Boat"d 4 dollfrfs p€i" w8o]r,
. - *..::r.S


IIa::d tLrnee has redlrceLl property about ono thlrd end no sal'es at
tl"iai;. 1..€hsve our house CIn lsnd yet. The prespeots are that w€
shall Srave tr"r keep lt rl whlle, f[e think we shail. stay beqe anotber
$18n$er lf r-re can f;et *r:3iJ-oy, Tau want to see the west. Come out
5e::e and. mako us di vl,s1t anci preenpt 16O acres of land. I thlnk
i.'l; wi"ll FaY. If notr $gs. e,re gaod" for ltoft

On tho $al$o C.ater/l.lbert wrcte:

tti'fe are weLL e.t 3c'eeen'i: and- aro maklng about the s{rme aB ws
eoul{i. ln },lowYcrk etabe. T?re ho.rd tiraes has just reached here and
irri* noctrled er"erythflng enCwa;rn,
's3.*v'rl:y George has sont hls butter here"
,it -li.r:i:*''; e,t 1lhl"rty cents per pound but now ws are
ji"n lr':rlles t3:a'b i"'b vr;111"be a J.l'btl,e hlgher but cantt teLl' It w111
*eiponh on ,onllign,*tl-cn snd hoil they brlng up the rLver. trVhen
,atr'-ry'ro'beGoor[e to se:-rd h5"s'buttor, lt wae worth from f,ottty to
:'l*:rt1r fLve c,onts n'l; r',:ta11. But wo have glven up the Ldea.o! 8et-
'b3.:rgblg fl"gleres a:r:.* :|f, rre gtlt out of lt and not l.coss
' r e s h a ti , b e -g l a d o f l 'L ;o f!

The two brotkrers, and Albert,

tT!"J.3.$.an remaksd ln f.malm and

f,c'ul' year:'s, F.ccurllrl-attng consLde!'atrl,e land,

tliils,*sr'b*ut,s fon ner*.rJ.-1.
::rci:t of wi":lctr ls stLi-i. ounc,;1by tlhefr cleecendents. On hls retux'n

-l::*rt i:ir* r,;es'!;, lfti.l:1.ur:r pur*Xt,asod,a f,ar*l (fg6g) at Colesvl.ill-s. Two

,f,"c3i.$-"!-a'Lcl-',hel ec.,',':ll,i:iils "i:i-")i:er'4;yand prrrehased the farm at*

' uircre.'rtr inad.::l-"..1n* durLng hts llfetlne. IIe wan agtLve

-:,-r'ibi:e #.fjlnl:.'o o.f ti:.e Fnesb; Eerfuan Churcb at Smlthvll1e arrd was

l;n.r: ,3f th.a tl'uste€'s f,,:i:: ngrny yefi.rso


(Joseph Castle Johnson)

'T0SEPIIcAsrl,E Jol-tl\Isoli (uLlJ* l, .roseph 2n Ra3"ph 3, Joseph Cagtle 4)

$on oiT

b July L9, 1825, Ln Goventry

lJavrLed lreb. 2L, L849 to Hepsy $toddard, youngest daughter of Curtle
and Fle;:ny $tocLdard. $]ro svas born l{ovo 3o, L8g6i dled Jan. ve Lgl5-
Bobh Siepsy'and, Joseph CastLe $retre burlecL s,t Coventry where bot5
Llved d.nring theLn l3.fetl"ne, DurLng tho last ten years of hj.s life
I'ie.i"ph ifatirer) nrade l:-is home urlth Josepn"
ClrrtJ-s $fioclc1erri- 'born
was at lilaterteivm, Conno July 3.4, 1?86.
I.lnl'v:leil Hepl; l.,Iarti.n i'rh"ov,'€rsborn nt tr'/abe:'town i{, Y, }trov, 2bo L?86*l
Dl,e{]"S}e1rt, 7.:l-, 1454. .[n ]856 Curtls StecldarirSnroved to Llttl.e S.b,
J o s e i , ) .., OJri .i r.
C3:11,i'!.:;,;::n Cr-ry."b:is
an* ]Iepsy Stocidm.rd,wereE

JS"nggJ,r;$q:L{ggg b Feb, 15, 1s0s

d Sec. ?,9, f8ri3"IoJ.s l{or'bon, Wae Judge l.n Y'llillanrc Co, Ohlo, ln i8S9"
LLvsel ln l",Lttle $t. Joseph.
s,todd.ard. b May 10, 1EOS* Lfe,ruled $arah Beecher
S**g1J, J*ig+Sjue
t,a:il* 1'c'is. l,Sr*ffi a+
Clu:"'tls Stodr-3,erclb July 1O, I8l.l"
$tr-Sfi;ct'Tmri?T6, 1BS5 to, Jine E. Dc'ughty; J,tved at $tarrucea, p&u
l*tlke sse_lt_qdgesq g"!. 2?, 1g1g
d July 8" 1851'
*k]g g!_qggg$ b Dec" 22-,.18ao
d" $.u9. ?6, 189?
f;erah $todd.srd b Jan. ?, i"8?5
f'ffiEEteT?Tffidnr:", I{, - T: Aca6.eny; taught sehool ln i(entruclqr,
rn 18sP s;'oenvLlle Ark, where 5e resldsd untll- Lg6l;
l'jartln $tod.dard. b ost. 24, Lsg4. Llved rn rndlana
itffiffist-fficiHFil- See supr&,

{Clarlssa P. Johnson}

4, (lJllJah 1, Josoph 2, Ralgr 5, CLarlsea P.4)
Daughter of
b Aug" 9, lgAg ln Goventry

-33: _iill-::_9r33: _Li: -_--__
On Aug, 28, 1BS0 ghe marrled. George lT, Vlll1ltams of Otsego County,
tr{. y, They Lived fLrst at Laurons, N, Yo then at MLlfond, N. Y,
Seorge dled llec. 3, l"BOg. Frlor to thelr nrarulage sho Jolned the
BantLst church at Coventny. After her nemoval. to Laurens she was
granted the foLLowlng Letter by the Coventry chrrehr
rr1srls !.e to esrtlfy that CLarlssa Wllltams ls a membsr of tho
Baptlst church at Coventry In good standlng. As euch we com'
nend her to the feLlowntrip of any sl.ster churoh of our faltb
anrl onclor anrl, when unl,ted wlth another ehurch 1g dl.snlsged
from u*.
ilBy ord,en of the chunch at Coventry, Feb. 22, 1851.
llfi.,o, Clerk

Thxs rtII. Gilsor"elr wac knorpn ag nDeacon Hervey GLlnorotl and,

l?as tirre fathen of trugene I{. Gllmone who d,led. at Oua}ra about l{f#e,
He rnarrlod. Ors Johnson, al"so of Quaha.

l,orn of thls marnla,ge of Cl.arj,sga P. and George $ore:

Granvll-Le B, ltJJ"l"l"Latns b Fob. 2O, 1854
d Aug. lg, 1854 at Laurens

Fremcl s Johneon Jsl*ahlsqulsne-H 1"8s1

$Ef;:3; 1 9 5 1 ( q . v . )
' 83-4.

(Georgc .Iohnson)

Ja]r lu Jooepb 2, Ralplr 5, George 4)


#-asd--!€-rcs-------- -r------t----------o-6c6--

iled PoL).y l?arner, who waa bortr about 1891 at

led at Grscno ln Aprll 1894. He purchascd
Grsene ln lrls early roantrood.and. Llved, on lt
{rrnoo Tho farm ls stlll operatod by hle das-

at Grcene (q,v, )

hts aro all burJ.od ln Sylvan

ry st
ert ,,t

*e*S ;i::.
si9 '4d'';


. ,l

.'rh ,
{nlUert Johnson)

ALBIiRT JOHN$ON4 {EltJah 1, Joseph p, Ra}ph 5, Albert 4) youngest son

of Ra]"ph {q,v. )

b Manch 1?, lBSb at Coventny, N. y,

d 0ct. 89, lg0g at Fremonti Nebn.

0n Dec . $Qs l"863r. he r*aruled Van Sess at Gneene, shs lrag
born July 2, 1S45; dted. at Gnoone, oct. P, L88L, $hs was a aaugtter
of }Ien:ry and lriagcalLne f'sn Eych (uprram) Van Ness of Greene. Albert
mal"rlecl liav'rlet 3,too='s,his socdnd. v,rlfor et Johnstown, N. y. Oct. 25,
L833" sl:e wao born Feb" $, 1B4o; dted. at Fremont Au_,. 3Le 1gog,
she wag the d.c"ughter of Godfi'ey and llanrfet l',Iooro of l$evryorko
.' 1
Al-?:*s.t 3j.vet1 vri,th'i:lo par"ents (Ralph) untj.l ho becane of eg€r J,oarn-
tng the car.'poltttle'rs trads" In tr85'/ he wont to lrlebstrska,w*.th
hls brot?:as iTiL)-J.ain, ho eergaged.3.n oanpenterlng snd
t'ho trilo irrotl:^es's aoqulred. conelclerabLe lanC, urostJ"y lylng s few miles
east of Fremon'b' Tleey proomptod part of lt and. located the baLance
r*lth Land- waruants glven to thelr Uncle Gurdon for servlce ln the
llfar of i"812 (soe Gurd.on Johnson Znd), Thego l"and.s are, fon tbe most
part slf.Ll" (1940) tn the pooedssLon of ,theLr descende$ta. Retur.ning
- to llow York,
ALbert engpgod. ln farmLng wlth hls fathen untj.l Lg7,7
r'*rerr ire rsent tlack to Fi:emont anrl d.ovoloped hf.s own Land. flo .retfu"ed,
about'bvrel"ve years before hls doath, takl"ng up irlo resldence in Fre-
'rvhere he lLved r.intll"
qont hle d.eath. Ho was a woll Snown worker Ln
f.he Ccngregati.onal chureho

ChlLdnen born to Albert and Adallne wereg

IIenr5r Arthur Johnson b Nov. 23, 1"868, at Greene (q.v. )

nm .EFE@
O c t n l t 1870,- of Covontrlr
Oct. 1., l.SS3, at Broken Bow, Nobr. (q.v" )
Llaridallne Van Ness Johnson b Doe. 19, LA72r at Coventry.
rldFtrfffaffiffi Fiftreffeffi.v.)
ngFgt R331ge $lgggn ! Aus. 19, lq?p, at coventry 'r',:lrt.( q" v"
d. Oet" 160 193?, at $uporLor,
'b )
.A.*}3gg *gggg .#}*HS AprLJ. ls, L8?8,. a'b Frernont' Nebro
ci a'bout bb.txggrrrrnthg Latgr..

No citti.rlron wsn$ bcinn to fiiberrt arrci iias'rfeb,

{ tardo"LPhr"ts$tlles }

LiiTiOLFiItiS *qT;Lf,$ $. Fnt;}le:"" of E}lsa'beth llannah Stlles Johnson

b 3'}ry P, .L?95 at fiveu:'.r:rfl.*3""rlr

*. i::::3""1?:*1?*3:- ll l:: :i:::I:- 13*33l3ilil:-cc i i -** -, p- c3..s--6ssG

C1: llay 1, he:na:::..le:l
3-*l-",C l.iirs' llannah {Packard) Gllmore, e pal"ntef,

resi.ii.t3':,f ri: i.:'renl;FY. 1!1,r.'*ahd"Led of c"f"d e$sr at $raJ"thv3-1-1e,Oct'

l , i.e8!..

i:otrr of 'Lhi";.' lttl;t'l'-lr.€:'ge
r!'ere B

li.'::nrp' Gtrmxtrl€;. Iioyt'

[l:l;j.J.r:s ril.a:,'l.i.e:..'r
Er;l:--L'ir-ti$xif T]rey l-i-vecl a1-; Satht
Tff- "lL i:-cti c.'** r"rlr"rghtor Lottlsr w5s
Trhose.mnrri.arl. 1.1i,u:{3
'bO the
Jri-el.r:it, ti io;::. e":,i'.L{i l;i,,Ughtef frof$ hO::n "l"kLenS"
j-*g$gs,* .,1*l*g;: b &rly 181i2. Marrted $arv A" trsn*a}L
"+,q*F-#t 'i: Nev" 2? l"l)$5. };las'rle& Jared Yalo Ja: o 186e"
Jan,; ,tr:xr$'biles ,
ifi.TT IllV's'if-i%f-,,: IL;i.e Ln trrlna, ttrrsvl 9t Quilfold, No Yo endt
La'i,;p ai''*Angellrrr, :\Jili,ilglreny aor*rty (L8&6)" No e.hi-Ielren $isre
bo::n. of, thl.e: trr.o":r';'1*.ge'
l,iel:'.:.rl.'o Sitil"se i: Ap:r!.} C', l'8SO. Marrled John $" !'{j'lier
T:Fffrf T;larffi**, -"*'" tr F'sb" 1$r 1B4O
S. flc.t" Pl. 1944
Liex'nied- "l'onathan Kelley
' lilj-subotli Hsrnsisl. ,31;1.i*s 1?, 1"85?, at Coventry
b /-rpr'1"3.
d l{arah BB" }919
Joh"nsgn (rtr.v.) at Soventny on Jan. S,
iriel:,'::':l-ed t:'J;lli-iir. ar: J'.rinl.-rril
(}iercy D. $tll"ee' )

It$nCY p" STIL,BS ( gr daugl:.'l:er r:f "*in:'-ri.t;1ptrru.e

tr Aprl-l 6, 1850

On Msy 16-i L85O she malrrlecl John $" i,n".,"-Le:r'

o:.' ColesvS"J-}eo i{, i'fog

carpenten, L'1111enwas bovn Jsn. 26, Lf;2L; Ci"ecl l"tarc.l-r3"$, L87S,

Forn of thts marnlage wors:

Elia E, Ir{Lller b I'larch 6u 1"851"

d Ap,r5.l 15, 197*
ISe Jane, I',til,Lex' b Jt'',].y 2?r 1t!55
iT6Frft1{-o-n-*Jffi s, l,s?c, to, T " rli +pr:.r, a c*s" 3,r-',
produce. CharLes wes t,o::n June ti., ,il]$fi. Hi;rn of 'sl':,:l"e: r.t4
r_ "1 -
* (:

\ilgI,g 3
i'ohn Guy Coopen b l;iay ?Clo il.f it
,}ffi ffiper*- b ltrolr. '7; ltti*
01*ra Ii"S'Fffi ffifT:ffi' b Ncv" 2, l"BOi
TffiFT'eH*ffiUffi;'ffVnoutlr Je.n' $' iir;35;'
tir.erowa.* irorni
:learl lV_qwgrti: b ldaY [], 3;:r;].5

(IJogoondonts of Judeon lir.rnt )

rt'psoli ffiH*$3t?:''ll:"3t8l'3*3'nE"$33i""
E}lzaloth- ( ng!"V) -marrlod Ralph Johnson (g.Y: ) on_$oPt. 19,
I.B1B. Slre Cled at Loventry !'eb. 11, 1E7L


GgOnGUIIUIIIT, uarrled lJally lralrchtLd

Janc. narrled Cherles Ghalkor
TffiItl;h, marrLed John i;obb
u u , o , , u f f i o r n A---noi6,py,
p r 1 ] . 2 s , 1 ? 9 6 ; T 1 r r 1 . o d J o } : n A b 1 a t l r e r - $ q e?'-
u ! e r1B$5'
Adrcfr e, lgL?. she clLeid1lov*
gg*ioano and'sovf,?l sonttre. .Tohn lllrS.ather
s{ulor iae-bonn Jen" 5s \794.1 dlod oct. Bo 3,86},
Sellv $aphrona Jan, 15r l8Lg
re'FfrF March 6, 1B2O
iilffa- Apr'll 5, LB22
SEpt" hAn 18241 mothen of t-a}ter Judeon
@r Booth
$ary b Jen. L4, L826
d OIfn rI o b hrno it; 1ge9; marrlod sllzaboth 0rof,ut
f l'ne ?''L85l'i-ki'Lled
- n tho bsttlo of ltorlo-
@rEs9. sarr lfouitaln" Af bor the vratr, ]rle not]relr
arranged. for liclgar A, Alford to d'ielnter
ifre t6AV vrSLch f,ad b*on burleci u*clcr e tres tire k11J"J"n3took p3.ace, Alfarcl-bei"ng
nrelent" Becaued of the host'l"}lty tire body
fias dlslnterred- at ni;ht and returneC to
RoxburY for bu::lalo
poLLY ffUIfiI, marrled l{athan $" Hurcl of Ro;tburryo-- Dl-ed liiarch 21'u 3965,
*g J Z S , 8 t l i u tte rnuts, otsegc Cooe No Y'

AiAl'iL,A l.itrilii', m&rrleci $am;.e,"' Caok

$r F/qttieD



Cii.fl'RLOT[tr ]IIINT, marrled Anirolv 0unnJ.n6rham

tV fl yrai

lfiARg E:|TA liill{T" nrarrled liurx'oufi

fih.arLotte, ual'rLod hi:t.chard .Pai;e
rnarrled- F'red i]lrrSlrart

5'.ffi;fffi*& naruLed R*uben Lrtuslir i:ry
narrloct }ionrY 'ffei:b
rJLt(lf-l $il
j tf',&h

[q9 ts6"
kt;g'sda3 Is-Ti$$gElX*
s:s sE*3
Fil*s*a $iT
I. af. tif;
ii srF E
[sg; *


ig iigg
rig; [i[$*ig
(, ft
' F dg E I '
O i'\Y

d, g.E
.F q

Ei, "*$silgaslr
,FrE gIf[$:;
'1f =--Hffiffi#.$ffi
-F'FAiiF€ + F *9e$

o rEg*f,iAi

$$g ;* iast:$reai

n ;it:agF$
is; tpi*uiFl;
. €s.s.3-sd=iFg&
,5RreFa3t'?lg$g gsFg
s:dt*--l -:*
e*FE 3-31 nq
EieH :E-:sri
;;r;g {tr
ieleFie; +'lrt
,$ F; :F
ff sE. 6.&s B b'{
*$'*; F.g;E,F 'Ot
Zg6T raqurereg
'aurze8eyllpleroH-plro6 depun5 '99
'tt!:i::.1:::::::t:::t t:1

: ::j ::: :
i t*l,:iii:! :i:ll
i;Eiara rg6
ligliE' i i


r i5i:tiffiFlE

ig? 'Iafi;[E
; .
; a;F*lq;Fi[

o sig*gi
;si3 ;*tsgH

g=Eisi i;$tgas=a[?E
;"a; FFFE?IFIarr€

o si3EisfggH
rg*rE $,3
airife[ca= e
;Fiqfi $
r*iiFs:i *[us[

Fli:gFil;u q'
3EF ; riEr?s AIE
s*e =i,:sre $iii;gf;qle

ili;:: gifrE seic arlis
*;sE$ E;lEFIEE ti:;+
$ile ;E;;;iel;q;q
tr[5 gFE'FEg;
Fr*g FaF
aEFE f;'FE
Sunday World-Herald Magazine, December 30, 1962 *b

E'i$r$t*5;:;t $g;; nXF;s;5Fs;5flfs
: :E i

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F[ Fa *"r: 5 ;;;r":3E"gi=ggl >'H '55
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*e; lr3fr

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nFi;[. 0q


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"E'a€ *l3li*iiliEF
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?ggFa iiiEE?i;

tl:, -iieflrg?gi?aq

gb5g ai;FAiElsSHiE;$;
1. *si1E;"1ssl
z I*i'
r[]*[r; =fltr"**[ii
i=+ s=: geF:€
: ::i:l:iiri:!r!:l:!:
: ;]i ;*[ F:,6F;i"a13$34;s
'csi=E stf $BSrir;;*il:
- ,::ttt:i;:iil1:!:'i
;ii ;;f {FsiF3;?EgH

e*aFH :*; gii;:rai;ffE.:

;;g gq E.q*rs- Ff; r

89, ii

tLaurel ],Iarla Stlles)

I/IUTiA lannjq STILTI-q { }'e).i.e-r'}

b I'eb, 19, 1"840 nt L:cve::try, Ii" Yu

d. Cct. 21, \9?.4.

i,in Oct . T2, Lt)68 shc, ina.]:i:'i"eCJonathan 1teJ.Le;r, son of Jacob liolle

of ','ilrt*nbcrlj.o

formerlli (ic:rnanyo In 1852 Jacob $oL1e left Ccrmany

fo],lovrlng the tvoubJes ;::cwing out of the Gernran ftevoLutlon of
1848" i{o AngLlclzed. bhe spolllng of hLs nams so that Jacob }iollo

lecerne .Tona'b]:anFie}].ey. In the trro foLlovrln$ years he saved up

sr-lf':fl,cler:t noney to senci, for hls famlly. The fanlly Left theLr
{a ,,
; k,crr;*fc,:.'A.i,rerl.ceI.n r.i,e;'. 1.1154s.nd.emt,arked at LLvenpool on & salL-
-'{ "' ir.r.6.[,h'-':.-1r
o.]ri:{'l-irintJ":..:iili:'"Y.,"irkon Ju1;f 6" The famlly eonslsted of
' '
'. r"'*
,leriil*hr:-:r., nci:rel' ant;: hrvo sLsters" They vterg outsld.e of land
1,. fr;.-,3? r]r:1rs" Ja*ct' m,et tlierri l"n Ne'wYork anC took them to l-,eposltr-
rrl" .f. 'Li':,en*eto Cov,l:r'bry" fhe Lad" not knowlng a ytord. of Engl,lsh
1lfi 4 \
:i.t'henri.edtire CletrLct ar:f, seloct schoolo At tfre age of fourteen
erntene$. th.e enrploy of O" D. PhlJ.llps & Son for a perlod

of fLve yes.v,s" For hi.s flrst years vicrk he wse pald {igO"':C anl for

each aailtional ye*.r:-'ru*,rglverr {i25.0C. At the death cf I'h3.111pe

i:he busj-ness vras ear,'"ri-oqlon unocr the flrm narne of l'lrllLlps & Iloyt.

{*I At the deatlr of U" A, Flril1lps, A. J, Hoyt conclucted the buslnesg"

$ fn L89E Frank, eon *f Jr:.,na'bhsn,purchased Hoyt I s lnterest and the
.t fLr::r be*ari,e Ke3.ley c,y:li *r:::, Ln$ern fsther Ani. son retlreci enC went

. a{- to 1lvo a.b G.reono, ):r, Y.r:urlng the remalnder of thetr lJ.ves' Jona-
'i",' f\
fr, Greener $in;' !i4.e L924, and. Frank dled !'etr" 17r L954.
than d:i-+.:"1.
1898Is Still A Vivid Memory
of Marriage
fn late summer, 1898, a young: cou-
ple from Covenlry, New York, honey-
mooning in New York City, stood on
the deck of a tug off Sandy Hook
and watched the United States fleet
com€ home from Cuba and the Span-
ish American As they watched I
the crippled ships file by, the battle- i
ship "Illinois" and'cruiser "Brook-
ly.n" looking like "tan plates full of
huckshoL" from war damage, neither
of them irnagined tn-at in their mar-
ried life they would see these'mon-
sters of the sea supplanted by ocean-
going airfields, nuclear bombs, sat-
telites, or submarines capable of
skipping beneath the polar floes. Yet
this has been the experience of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Porter of Coventry who
celebrated their sixtieth wedding an-
niversary Sunday. IMARR.IED SD(TY YEARS, Mr. and Mrs- Fred Porter of Coventr;r c.elo-

Mr.andMrs. porter isno';r'

that wedding trip to "r,11:*:11"^,1:rfi"ffi[
Ocean Grove, |
-- - # #""""'J:'rm'a'n,
N. J., and New York City vividly [-_
despite'their 85 years. BoLh are ]rale I o^rn
and heartv' and except^:t1.1"13:-[*fiitll. are members of oid Coventry
Mr. Ponter's g'eat grand-
mending broken hip which Mrs. Por- I:i:::il"
ter susrained
rer -uD@!rw a yearffi
a J@L 45'|u il';
'r a ?inill:T::;^:iT::::"::i;'"::";;:":i:l:
LaLL' ii ^--- ."rat
'l{ veteran, settled on the Cov-
they are able to lead a normal, ac-rl ,'-":
tiverire.Mr.porrer, tt*:: T -::T'^?'*qT"1:T:
ilil-;,JJit; # ft ";;il;':1di-11""t'"
n""i;,'"'iJT- illil"""^'!n "",1i"?;;
::1"..t'*.i,1; T,'J";.*l
sessor of coventry Township, p*- -*';;'^;.Mrs. I"or-
conn. ':
sonally tentl"s100 acres of Christmas l:":* Naugatuck,
each ;;J;1ffit't"
ye11 l::*_fiJ|"d, Xli*i" Xl?;i:T"til:
This week he is fishins in Canada 1""'::'
at the ase of nine and
with his son clifford, *i?"'"r;;fi: ]P !_1* countrv
try. Mr. porrrer t. at the a8ie of 15 where he
9-"1-::"v at an annual wage of
the coventry cemetery whtre Mrs. ,335x-enticed he even-
Porter is treasurer. I $25 a year in the store-lvhich
own' IL was in this
Mr. and Mrs. porter have lived. all , tyaliy. came to Mr' and Mrs' Por-
their rives in coventry?;"ilLtii :l:'*:lt*:that
1929 they operated u.'t"'il'in*ii"i were married'
property where Mr. Porter was born.
| | The couple have two children, Clif-
On Sunday, .f.hey aelebrated their an- I ltorO porler of Coventry, and Mrs. J.
niversary i:r their son's home, just allS. nccleston of Washington, D. C.i
stone's throw from the spot where I l four grandchildren, Robert Porler of
they were married on August 10, I leontorr, Mrs. Edwin Krepple of Tuc-
1898. Arizona, Mrs.-Edmond ly.l:"_tl
of Washington, D. C', and David Ec-
cleston, also of Washington' D. C"
and five gre,t grandchildren. AU the
family with the excePtion of one
grandchild were at the fandly party


n /r-L t-rf^ fo 7'(.,1, /Ac-
1 4+ ' - u'P 4&-P-d;-
We44A- l{c

' ... I

. r\.,

( : 'L
\ Y;

Alvrvd- !
{i:ie of tbs sS.oters^r:,s.r'ried ??? ${:el.,.ry" Tho othel:ra.rri-ed'

Ger;r;ie lilan;o)-cl' Tho rrotlre:r iiled at Qo".'en''ry"

0f t5e rnarrla;o of Je.natlran and. Ireirtra-, theso c}:.l"LCren 1'roF6 \


r,*g{t} Aclelbol't jielley E {u-ne ?.r- ip] coventr3r

For tho most 6f, trLs l"lfe 1rs rvas en;agcd".l.n ners]1anilJ"sln{: i'n
cgnnectfon lrls fattrer at Covon'bry (Corners,)' IIe r'ras Ln l,iesonlc cLrcLesr vJas secrsrtary of Easten: tli}! i
GCgr at sroene for no.ny yoans" IIe tres also ac|'lve ln the"r
work of tfre Con;rug"{fo;rai C}rtych" On .}une 8u }8915o Frank
n"r":."$ Addls ilIit"of Oreone (Brtsberr]. $ho wae as'tlvc lrr
Tfrb of the Con;regatlonal chur*h ernci'for msrry y€ers w&s
tlo "otk
church organlst;- No c5llcrren v:isrs bss"n of ti:'1*t i!&P*
ft;s;;- tJt;;-[isd {p- t t r '|4 t-{ I "* G6ee'ne 't,'t-i'
u '4 | ,hed
Bertha EoLa KsLloy b Manch ??* tril?5 et Conve:rt'rxr'
fi#ffi.*iffi tB6#trtu o,*r"i"d Ftoctor:ci';iipc.neonFortorl li'o.I' freq
nany ysar' yort"r-*o" aetfv€ G r;he,af:i'a!.rs of She::a"io - i 4bI offf** of Toan ririBu:rvlsor n*verer3 * or
Ge."1h (o'Il-
tgtrng" te;b,
bortr of tbo rna.:lrlai;q of lrrstlorl-qk and' ferti;ha.
Tv;o wer€ 't
Cilfford Porter b Aug. ?7, 19DO
ffi-fuf16i-:fgge he mae"rlecl iloli'rtii L5"ndsey (li l*rg" 29,
f$OO)I Tel"CLlfford. and EoLlutl f,w'r c]=ll4ireit rtrero borne

X Rofert LS.ndsey -Lqeqgg. b lla'.. tL\, -192rs

b Ap;'13"10, Li:'eg
./'l ./\

I.a.ura Porter b l{ov" 'j"J', i'Y- ?

;ffi"fi3 *: ;ffi.I'li*; i.i'

-,';ii*" Ngt"t
o,*nt oi tiru JnterLoro sbatibned
&,:6xLcou;h*'J ti"i'eir ho:':e .1s l'es}:itt;tn;n''
ho co *f' /?37
()n-fln''or)t A/'"-* 6cet-6'

fra-.,.J I /v4+
'6, / 7 3''
F,X 7Ldd-'ae2- 4 /?#"
A ./t /t ,/
Wtrta'a-q "(>, l€ s^t
t t F
3"; rr .a- ** & ,*l,*b af"
*; * #+t
t) U s,r,t b
(Iiesconciente of Lillo ijaa::]:j

iiiIl,0 [O$T]i, fath.or of l;ialtor Jucisr.:n Uolth

Born Oct, L2, 18L9; dLed }lovo 4, 1888i ms"rrLc'd Fiachel Iiulclah $prr3en
Novo ?Ou 1843. Ilul,deh vras born $ept" Ple lBt?4; dte<l l"eil" 2*r:"93C
JP&L{"- Boelh born $ept" 2'1.. i-ii4,.i: died. Au3,, tiu L*"$4"
lfiarrJ.ed l;Iay J.., l36ii ts Cathe:r:ln,* iJlri"i:o
llafy -8" !-o,-otb, born l:iiarcir Slu 3."34{}; ril*d. Lr+'ir, S, l"Siil?
| d E

Charlec B" h.-c- born Oct" 24, 18.39; il3-*d. Ju3-y 3i1* lii$9
u'"Hf,1"c(9fl" lJ.)otn born Jan* 19, lfi5e; C.J.edJ&n, 8, L$?*
On ian" 72 o Li.l:f4 sl:iE:r::a::r:lec. T]:o:rins G*t:
i'{.l1te:r JuCson --:'Led.
tootl: be:rn JarL Se .l"l'i;iC.;0n O'31' o 'i, l[3.i i:r* ,:iai]*'
sess'3-e Al le ::c;JL:,.Ieiursor': (q*-t",-)* Ii-:re;
riled Sune 19, Li;se, 74./fr4 dA4 r-Ll, q - / / 4 I
l&xssjs Grant l l-o o th b or n Jd.n" e, } ;le,*; Cled Dc*,, ::' i, - i:;iii ,
0n May 23,, 18,1-,$ j:s :':+rrLocf .A-r:.r:.*
born $ept" S, -L{:,fi?;lH*tl Notrro4,, }b'1i?I' ,
CIIILFREII OF [TLY*$liSr ':]Fr"rr.i;ilSO01li1

*3'*esLti l,lao tlooth l:orrr lfov" f3, -;.'iltt}g r:i.:rlx'L€cl

Iluml"ston IIov" .ie . i,.ti34
Hcrbe--":i:l,i11o Ilootb born Jan, 29, l$';1:r ::3&.:!:xal.sC Lipv., : f.L(]j
to l,labqrl Marl^.:;. Srrck.;"*y
A:rtlrnr Claude **to Booth br:I'n Juno 4, "d"$ii8; .,:rarrl"*ri ll*;:"::" 4, i8fti
Rea'brl"ce Ii. i, inrisiler" Dl-ed.-jrr::* ?$, 11?3":
C.iaren*e I{e1son *--66 ljooth born tec, ?'i,$,r,,,11 mari:J.ei. i,-i,:e iS, 3.$2"-
l{elen lioel-i,:, l;',a.i;'l' *r
[ l t z a b e t h i i o o t t i borri A u . g " t ) 4 , . . - { D S ; m a n : . " i r e i 'i: + l b ' J . 1 ' ,
3.i':]S * *Iffil
to Ern6s I J" ite
$*lgl* jihgglgg qgqqF bStl fan" I' :.|00i mnrrleu $eiit,, *r"?' :l-s*1,
to l,labe1 .i-'aLr.:
CIIIILFFN 0F ;OHN il. l_,C({ii

ijillar$ Booth
bor'n Apr13" 5r i8;i9:: tJ.ec1 ltrov" 1.., i.g(itl
u}"sce D00EI1 born i.,Iarcti ln :l"Sii'4; dl*i:d" Iirrreh li0, :,Sge
G:'atLr.'..DootYr born l,Iarch 25. 1.88fl
ClifLDI-:Bii OF EUISICIi B{j{r.'III GTilgj

iinrl& R, Geo born .fr:,ne 290 .t.rltif")';

i.3?5.; ::ia-:::rled. iira:r:k !,{n::.,r's;rt
f:i;Fr6* Fcee trorn }iov" 2Bo Aus" 2$, ]s.Ll" '31ec
Kf&ibFfnE' rii-''lGeo born Feb" 2Q, .r.isg
-Tl1fiffi"6iiT3zEne{E-ceeborn tfiareh }i5, i89C; :ranler:1" CLl:ffo:"il i1,{"0': I
Six*t5Ts:-mTt6t- oct, 1894; i Lea lJiarch 2$, 1"0CI8
.+ *L*
*l - r
- nqFh,
!i*-;. .S^
r. l-c (.
_ ;,t
' rf^,
. r '". r
ij5. Y l
.$ r--
,){,',};h i?, i' :.i. ':';jLj.i...r-;;'::1"


:i':'1,{';;},'it r : j F . g i : t - t , ,i i } . r a r ' r l - ; + i , . i ' i ; l : i . * : l . . '

;, - i I ,l-:. t:,..'f)€ ,',11.rlfi-:jr4*

i: .: i. )., t :; i i,rl:1t.i.,".:1.1.. 1..i-1/*:11'1:;; , :'

'; ' i 1 , r ; - , . ; i . . 'r, ; . i r t tl

;i: :..."i. :.r.-1.' paj .,.1"i:



a ---.

flilA,J-8-t- (q 33
aI -

b t'be
y@r a,go. :l
(nfttrs*",irr.gane l_t

Johnson) ,j

Lr "*
WI LI,T.A.I'{!.iiGlrliE J0lil{s{.}.j g r,...{gfgphP, neip$.i,
{,.":.ijatr.. !T111Lan
.ilris& 4, !'{11"1-Lam
Bugeno 6lj

T":tel klo tra$ri:w* y*arr r.f, siier the famlly rrorred to whet bocarno thc

riss': l:rni".tl:ir'l.l"Le FLate. Aftef the dosth Of TfllltAm
tl'rrl fr.'I';n vr,o,r-;t
;rr irl intgr lre,g pur.ahaeed by lrrl$"lJ.lan llu,geno
'iri:g::'3 i]':. i:i.r,:is h!s 1::"orroJ.:.r'l,ire Latter yoe.y$ of hts l.Ifr*,

Th:t*€jJ iillrte::r: he. i;a:;41:r; eel:"gol" Siduee,ted. ln the UnLversL'ty of

itii::"i,rskar. -;;h*.i",l i:.g ti.: tl ci.d. jobs to psy hls eNpensos,

S* lre., g$o .i"f;*i he ni:.::-rteci LJ-LL3"e trlay Tnevltt s.t LLncnln,

:.f, ,lc*,*tayit
ci..r",.i.;r3:'he:. and Sii:.*an Ann (Lee) Trevltt, Fo:ir sorne ysc"rs
t.r:;:ry ii.rr{'i,!. s 1l Ltnc*J,r. , t.*eir at ltansas rJ3.ty, then at Lr*rroLr l,,ld",

er:ti t'kien i.l.t t'fos$ev'l;rllli-ec 0.t""1-o" There I^,!Llte dted 3*p:+L1 81, L92rli
;::::,UL'iag t,'.ifi.',3*. 41, tran."'f+f..

Clr:i1r1r,*,1borr:. ei' 'bh.Ls i:mr:rlage wer€ a

fl.}.;a:*enceTl'*'lrltt Joi:nson b fan, 51, l"BB8, at Llncol"n ( q . v - )

I? 6"T'ffir::frFn** b Dec. 51n 1BBg, at Llncoln ( q " v " )
f.)n iixne, 16, L92t. iidl.].1is,rnSugono eerrlod (2nr1) Urs. !,tay Besel.o tnprt,
Jr e'tr
$*lur:J.ey, 'hhe,srldow of Efl"i.l L{. $tanLey who was mrrd.o:red. at $obobe,
cs:"' whein nervlrig euwd.ep:r;fi::'to chlof offl.cer 'LT
Johnsono engaged in
of t!:e"rili.elx,
tr{rfflc ar:rong Ind,lang. Stan}ey was. tBtft,if* i,i.-:h* r;f J,:)1ili.,,,0::tt:,:"lciI,."rXbi,SSr:t{:,}-,<Lrt'
Whi.tO On1-41;"gedlff 'bhAt


Telo ':iril*.ren we!,'e bil.',:t,sf bhe uarrlago of Yrll}l" S';anLey *;rcl &leyi

4g'.*914#glt*.kglg ,]raduatsd
S!ut*s: b Junc Zen 1899 at Lavrroncou
ti&ni a.$" at tho Univorslty of Kansras
{R. t}. } iiradu.atocl at Colrmbla Un!.v6nslty, }1"y"
{}ilar,ter c,.tlBustnese $clcnee}, Trafflc nenagor
of (.:oLr:-tn*i,.r.rI,111J"s,N, Y" I,{aruled Sept" 2L, 1,955
'b* iii.l"c.:;'*cl.PattLson at Yonkers,
llo Yo
llrl 'ihL.*, m;.:l'rlage onc son w&s bornl
*S;H* g}!}Lgg sglnlcy b Feb" rY u i"e40
i*qffi,figgpgj*;g**git e,gg5lgg b Aus. le, Lso$, at soboba,
Lial. liri',arrntecrst tho UnJ.verelty of ilansas, Snttb
. fiol."l{:Se, ,itrlrbhampton, }Iass" $urLth College aw&rd-
eid.ho;" *hil degreo of B" An and. Colurrbla gavo hon
i:,*'n d.egl,s* of l'[" Ao For two years she was at
t;irs hea,S r:"f ih.e $panlsh dopartrront of tho Urrlvor-
sL'b;v of l,tnryl&Jtd, F+r two yeers shs was hoad of
i.:::o $pa;r3.r:hDepantnsnt of Rockford. eo}loge afr
.tccif'*r.*o I11,, serrlng as profcseor, Shc -qtud,led
g''-1I_s trrem,f,.at ths Unlversi"ty of l,{adrld, SpaLn.
0n L*3rt, 30, 1950 she marrled Robert Citflord
Sietl-,arcu* S:oekforC" Ta thle nrarr*age rrns born;
S'*Li,i*ggS*.p"t! {gthor.ggL b Jan" 1es6
Fcv y*&r'l
i;{.',ii":3 Ii:?$o li'i,el.n,l,eywae eraployecl ae toee}rer j.n tho
$* l{:* se}:irr,:r?.s* lt'.*;r',:: $fr,e v{&s Ln the rndjen of-flce s.rt lofash-
1:':"fi:'c;i.o S, i)" *n c1;ra.:'g6 *.i 4*H CLrab work f,or Indla.n Cl1lldren l;hropgfr-

*'t.t'i 'i;.i:.eijl.r:l"trci $ta'Les "

1lji"l--i'i.a:-r;'Eugei:re,Cnl'ii4: hls l"lfetime was chl.efly eng*g,erJ in r/er-
;l"c;itig i:rr15i.,-};iquoY' s,i,*tli'lfitii3, TrlrS,tlng booke, pamphl,ots and edltlngg

:l:rr:i::.ib:3-i:l',''n.reriod-l,eols" From J.906 to 191,2 hc we.s sp*e1-aL officer

nf i:}::r rni-1L.*-::.
bu::os.u :ngegecl ln the supprssslon of ths 1J.qr.lor trefflo

llr:lr"rl;j "tl;;i,,.u;ri,iuhut r,vas

Tr-.1 .: ^^-',
6h.,\1r'r kirl. ,",-
". d:r.*r,'i;J.y
*u^--^!^l A^
to nchlef
Lr -t ^---
specl.sL offlcor of
sgrvir.cs. Tn thp.; s*.:::v:lcg hrs secured, tho convi.ctJ.on of sioro than
iiLe4O'}c",ff,-.,ni1,lrs, Ii* ::J€{l convletlons tn 97f, of h3s cagss that

catllke po3.lcloa :;n pu:"suI^ng law-


Internatlon Antl-
ilo ws.s nn offieLal clerlegate to tho Fourtcenth

Al*,rirol fio:rgress st l$l"lan, Italy, and to thO samo congroes hel'd et

ton yoars ho was rf,lrsstor of tbe
'{ Tartuo EstCni.a, lir -l-913' $or about
I A].cohollsra, ln the suropoan
e,ctlvltXe,3 c,f tho vfc,rlcr Lea,gue Agalnnt
at Lonclolr' ottt"I1u,'--
?sosy of thet, org*.nLzat,lonp vrLth heodqua"rters
lndlc; organtaed tho Prohlbl-
He made norCI tl,an f0t:r l"egturss ln
of alL tbe Indlan d'rry organ-
utrc,n League of that ogu:atx'y, a fedoratlon
'bb,e alEtlinr of sevoreJ' books and numtlrDug brochurgs"
l.entioni:, 3I8 was
edj-bor of the glx votrnno '$tabdand llncyclopedla of
i{is !u+.!B ass*,3i-a'lis
Nettonel Lodge (T"O'GoT'}iEng-
i ; i : r *A t * o l r i : L p : r s b i ' e $ f i { i * m ' * o r o f t h o
of Fythlasr s?nd d'egrec Mason'
.l.ritr:.1, .LL.f."emenibs:i:c,f, tt1e tsnl,glrts
,1., ii,:,rli,,,,*e thg,ee J..estrire'brips sround tho worLc1, l"ectrrntng and
fie hlrs been honor*
'ii.';'t,.:rlt,;::.:i,go ::il"'hl-ti11 ll'iovs ful:-an4'0#S Lectr:'res ln a1J"
'L':f occaelons' lnclrrcllng o tr'uneheon
i";{:,':.i}'}:rd'i:'i"'r:::'r3 sc'r:-lra''3'a:'id effi'eLa}
'ny."bafi',tet{:]", a cij-rit:er party iry l;be vlceroy o:l lndfa {Lord
$. te& pri.:*fy by li:te llt-glneso Prlnce omar Toussoun' COUSIn
and an au&loncg wlth tho sano klng.
il:.; ].nbe }r,[:lg tif ilg;lpt (paud I} l
tw-l-c:l the i:olr;se gir*;rt of the Thakor sahlb of Lfunbd! and
chlef Justleo
.bhe g*es{; s,t a dLnner glven by str'r Anto Bertramr Lord'
Of, AfgFranlstan tO be
cf, ceylc,n. He w&s i-nrri,tecl by Klng Amrrnallab

tite AfghEII sovetrnmen'[ vras ovorthro$tn and' thc klng flod"
I'nto Kan'dy' Seyl'on' T{lLllam wa$ grsetod by &
0n :r.lst srrtnSr
*devll dancorgn
by s trer* of twelve oS.eptranbs, flfty
*.gsr:l.orr l:ea.*usc'
*rrC i:wo hilr:irecl ehXl-dron ssattorlng
i iJ':,'rl|ii Ital.pir iohrst:r.l)

.f0il$S0li 'T iEltjasr 1", Jr:rseph ?,o



rir: ,.iep'b, 2?,o t

l.r-{'c(,€:' ai Fg'eilft::.t"

I l-.g t C -l F".f.;*r :i- 'a'N"

i:i :: ;.;:,6.3.'1'i.6.ggr

f ,i.:,lj:'ilo -l;r:-'i-rr' Ti-i.;,:'5 ]iSl, 2.t*, 19

t;. : j lier..Lo in
r.)il i, rin:l'.:::] t;i"r:i.,sr) chi";riren v

"UtirJ'(, .r!l=y-
i.ic.'sfije t2ncl;) 6tffi''gU,
i!J-II tiCn(t Lg24
O':ii:t;f ?/42 LV44
..@q.q-.,FF>,€.rFF .:G.*. F }io'r. - }9P
- i
::;iiff **i::.9 i:,ffi"*
1F^ ?fal,
u rili,,''J i3't, l,gg0 ,.i.:

'a :r:
l-iclrr: '"aFr,'ts---'-'-''"
i{ne -""*'b
iII-y Sept, 2'i, 1.905; atopteo- Nov. ,12, L905
d I,ieFch ll", :.gFo USr l"ilr? i{cl.en rirarrted Y3.rgl} Al"Lon l,teUu,rney. , i:]:-i,* ns,ll:.i,iaile oil€ ehiLC vtas hornll

Cli"r,.rJ-s;**.i,oulse llcllrr-rnr:iy b l,[arch lO, ].930,

ii:::. .l'u."i;i-;:]CI, :LL'tiiti llhma rr&rr{,ed. ($t1} IialveE
'l::,::l:. :i.:.:Reiir.$t c:i !'remsn'h (Gard.on Cltn'),
(ncnd, E fr5EFs= (n
x s..ffFSfi =
: ^ L _ J

;+ :< xoq 3*E.-fi' 9 H r ,.4 lai :Y t:s \7
:Ea rX3 F'*,: t'+

El 5:j.
H 'F^
='lD p ^. ='- rl
'4 ;a f l F! 4 .
-a.a Z
E E* -t" P
' 6 l r d5 A
lAa a

c 8t d : e =
5 X
f I rFFE
0q -?
-.u) | -i
" a> o /:'
,t2D. F ' : .*" = : ta*
?;|X a \J

? *:
- g
# < 6 *- "o * s A\
x( Di 6- 5F
; +^
35 ++PaE'
B (
ii'o o 'o< 3 E* F; n Vi d H" -u r
T < F e _ F Eg . A
F ! r D= + o ' ^
q E F E - = 3 _ "L . /
7+3t . P- FEd
Y; = -7,:;,c'7; 8q
-r- *; @
31J=Zai Fdo
*6 4 aHi{< ofi F"E
(D -" ? 4 =ti='at. F
aD- l '
*u ,
. / + -

- -
t ; l ) - - P ^

c_xsd =!r
' <
€:+ ol:i^- I F
s< - i;5Y '!ua e
t" hd
tt F,
7 *5aod!Da)

Y Ie
H d - !
? tt s2=. + = A
I i v ?

rF*aA+r = aFgA
F-5 [3:= "-
1 ; i ; = , 1 4 a; ; ? : ' ; i ; ' : ' 3- +
-.-- i = 1 , . | a x a -" *E" ' d '==a=; ]
= ,r -== . , 79; .=, =
d ia f r - " = e* t E
?aFfzBr F.'l

h"d -D 6 - "

4 = . = 7 7t ; E = li = -V 4dd"u=

=f F= L-!= i.'= ; 3 I *4 =6'c-i i !,:

: "'-o: t i 6 -" r: _i g; fEE; =; =
, t- r* q 2* !'"13=
?a TDi t r ri = - : n
Z 1- = z''
igFH FH.?qH
i+ ,* E ^* ci ! !i i l H . ! ! GA
; y t I - ' i ? q s S E a - i .$ = 9 71 ,-"? 6 9r i I *IrF;i.lafrT=
; g i ; e * f , y , i : i ' e ^ ; -g -4s3?.'=t1 e Fe+3cr?FIi dz *, .E3-33. *t -5- '=E- -' - g N3
- = ; ' : = ' = 7 ' ; r r ; - l *-3" - - ' -= E- 7 3 = l ='
Z . =^ ; . - = ? e 3 = i " ) -i;-2'
1e-=" 9 33+"
;: ui =a: ?=.
+ aE*6 \,V
z3i --?1lr==-i'-t- *H3;l:-
: -= = : t = z Z t ? E , i i 7 i a P 7z ; = i
7-9 =<
=E;.3 F t'F€A

F i:,13a13::s r
- E F 1n i
.?i 2 ; _.=-,.2 4V, 1. AA
< tt - a: ; J'
-_-nt ]r.i:ic5;
= =-4i ' :: .= "* =^ -.a-:^: +
; *---l

- = =
=1.-=\itft?*= wr
t v J
= h : , ^ # O
- l.=a- --2- !' -



( l$.Lltan ltrannah Jolsrsonl

4,. t''rtr
10 foseirh 2' Ralp}r

JOI{NS0$ $ tnttjayr
tlTJ.,TAl{ t{Al$'lAlI
,&r LiLlian flannah 5) :
ic' ?8,
b' 1866*on t'he fa'nLly
us|rc?\'*g--- ::"::::*tt- *'
" -- .!^,, a* r*r1th.r.rilL€
ab si:eeni:,"ljil3:..::-3:::::::i:-Gds@@&'Ddxc-&dE5*-
d r,Tareh3r-r a*?.P ,.
of -.T;:-u"-;nn*
u**,,"' " u. ''l"'r'ci5
;;;; :"; ; ;;;;; theE llted E{ti
FeiT' sorf*)'r'&J' 'Ye{r]313
sisi-"ie;'icg'::$ l'ator'
s.he ir:i"Td'rceil



B"t I'ieD*nougir'
lil' l'9S? {anc1sras brmleel
dle* Jt'iv:e
';olrfl' v'" neirrln'$'ij Tiierei
ilc;.'r"' crf tbSg
rlh!}(ly*n {liF.

n}*us s'*sffi+#t$ffi-3"'lm r*3"
,. ;
tr3"i&ner!" ilq: * a# ; uracs
'J!' ee i'jiB'ri1CIs
il,F}#r* *4;Ittgtr*[?Spo.^r*sri?Lsd
,'d;i; ::t-ry:t-toi-il
,'i;"i,;;; oi-tPt*-0'-1*;
,lf aS bOY{}l
-''ti, i-ui.l-{l3i'u*tili:,
, cal'
'r't - 19L6
t)i' "*]:.':ii -t-ll&.flll-ui'".

,ftltJ,{;i'riffi; 6
b i,'tarchr?, { iil,t-t?
'i:, "r,:,+',ifi-'ff1?--;.Ij: *:T'
;',i:-ff iH.t
r*d- i" I g r"#;,k?
I *lhLng'ror
:,;ij,rL:i':fc'ri :stb *:.u **iig*lt{1trlffi"*1r5:
,,ii'.i,"rr" t:jni**t,r,,nh};#;t;"til,: :srs, n@waseil'-
.i,i:.i;i:Ii:l,' .*l{^s:
;:i[:i *?f."
i: :;.:i'*;s:
:'\'iz:a'" :fHt
,,i:;;' ;;;'" i ig?tUfii:'l:ei:ii;:ili{"[[T;'?3'
itapifu"kT3:o 1F
i, l'{"iil*"*h?.'t
il'.,';it -
':,I ti',;rrri ,i ";:$,:1t'lt
.':':il;il riif :*1fi iAi f'.13*-3nlro["
:;: ,,
', i, ll,:*i,;",1^:ffiffi\;1,,'i::,t:t*ia)
'.i::'li Inco [Aglrierru'
v r r & r ' i ;'

R_rk/,/rfrlrr>b. fuy
^r,ra,.tzr,o4 t*tQ:fz
CIf, thJ.e ma.rrL e of, illr$eLla dnd iiiili.atnwore btinni,,
' "' b Aus, 30, l.9i? "6''.
4Antolnotte X*-g
on ,avls b Aprll 18, 1924
ISgb A+Sgry,flS.S$y b Doc" f5, l,BeL, in Gerr'ran
mt€lagea"t"n Eeacrr:.+g
d.,4*7- /?'
,,r'..Tq*$:: for^ecrrie
{?r some Jieari}" -On.Xbne
_vearilr On .g?e
B?e s$e
1;il.ltsm *l^:g?:l*?g Gramer €rr o,-;tsnsl-on husbinclnaln
ll; - ri;._ll * :"^i"* 1:g**{'_
-:f .rhe
}qollul.bure cornerr-u;i
:P1j!d1:t_'*re1:o_bqf* marrla$(1p one rou*"""efJt
fhog 11v* at LucU.owvtJ"l*u N" yo "a;Ft6A:
il. X o B*.tS &( iqo"b<,f{rtrgJ rnq,r

+ d.fioap';+
* *,hf :€il''' I,1ffr,fffffi: i',1',-

l,-ed, T-r-;,'g !(?,'lf


t,i;tIian f,'Dr.u,. -,., f,.r-nPz3,'{f f, *t d,ehen"et*d

)rF t'r'[( Stafe Lir'* 'l-hes=,
n.Li, *e DaY+ 4n".1-{t"o(:eh 4
*' i6' l 1t7
3 *#Il' : 7"q-
ryY L' rn ^'13'r 1ba
5e'ie" +"

hif" w"" ,mt*
&* elare M. i
Fffiats, New I
tb which. hb i

fied with alt lj
growth a'rrd i
ps closest t6i i,
work of the.l
i which hb I
.ial eapacidsii i



_ ,- I afi

.i . i;:

l" ,

t. "
r {iieire i.'iarte'}'ti}.:rs i.':-
l ,,".,ii.,
t .,'''
Cj..,{i.iiit;;lSfA ;'ij:t}is$lT S:;'{Tiilja}+..}, ?n"$alnrh
o}ri*le:,rl:: S, t{i"lLlam Arii.esa
I ,:"ii ,. , A,{-4 O*, t tz, t 7 b o
,i, .l.l"r-Ire D) 'b *uly
?f-;, l.8f;8, '-
.rr*.....o".,**r{ 4d*€"=#.q$--.,::-----d-S*o"s;JJ?"tk+h.,Io -

-liCrr,l$.tei*, J.n tl'iri,'echools* Cii I'i'ov" 15r 18S0 slre nisrrl,oci

l.'':.i:,,.ii: l,l.rr..ti-c? $tttl"Ln.cir cf d:'olien lor:,", ].'ir:'iir., fs!3n6r3-y of, Stri't}lvl.lJ.e'

j.'.r",,ii...!.: } Str3.3::"*
5i;.r:) soyt of, F'it,;l.l $.r:.5;usturr ant1 Eg.LantLns {liait*

i:)" ' Tire,y' nadei tire 1r

: ...:.,i.r.rl jl':.ij-t,"j:{i3-f h.*i,:.: i-ll il:r:olsen j}ol.'o .'*,'iLol:e .1.'oi'

r,.;'.:r";i .,,.*f',i?i:iI'r'*f:Ji; $ng*g,:;r"i. i{n l;l:i;; Fi.**.1 :'-ll:,;;:.';i: ?:t"Lil:l;.nogg" Lcite:*

,.,ro."r,1{*ffi 1.1;"r i,:* ,!,!il, r-,.dpr*r:.-tycf Cli:;; r)lefl* an$- \:u'lto:: fio,i;itn:!.s;-r3.i,":rr:i-',

,"''"ffiiff,.$u*rtq,'i:l :,iia:."e'1,1're,:v'.:trrc'bgirr:n
i'neir v'errS.rleri:tcr $r:
epbe}ri:rlssc, - gJ-vti-lg
rr;r,ti'il ry-ef${".h'r..J,J.j,,a'#Ti:nrl1t;l
-." '. sp*e1*1 d'*vct:i-c::r
'f-.: i.i.t.r,r
".'- . ,$.'L* , +ra'n(d dfsd' @eJr'\q/lX+t
u6t11,rr.i::lcr;l Frar:rby::;ql''lAne.1:'*.";:'el.i" * Bt-oh*r, &uS
il'fl tl:i ai-,:;.r;nc;
:r :i?*i.i:'i.'l. *irJ"l.C rIfi.s ht:,: itt

il;i1.a.:;''::'-i,r.{j.i-r:rt: i:iki-r-l*ri:;r.l"r"
i; r.-t:,:.i,:';r;ie l"SS2, t"t 83";-:l:i{t:l. Lli:,r:
sjii,i-lt;,-.i, i.':Iir.jrfrI#;l"-Trii"'T}ft,*i::'.r':"'.1e$L)"I"-tl:{1i11
t:i" lir':E
l:tl* :i.i, i.'""1=i:-ir;i';1; t ii.:.;i"e;;,f .' i:l:r.,:;'* $fuq r;.riie ;,fFirl;i";1;.-i:..;tl.l
i'i':.t: *,1-:,,1h'i,,;:'r"L' rt-:. i:i, 1ttt, ;i.'1;"rr"ii il1i Aug" l"':1; i,1)i-^', _;l'lq
ill:,: rlr,'l': :i,llltrlr ri"l"'l;*, +"'i IIt?::''*,ir, i.{c;i-,:.'" .l{:; r.".!I;l
sc;: r.i.'il A*.elr i,':*cet"::-L*ic il'.,d. [iJ-.Lire,n:.]-iin {J.r.,:'::;'l::.'t'ra:'5;
" f.i:*i,i:tle;; ;i.redus,teld. :llo:n HcrstS.*1s 'fi*1.1e:,: :lr
"L}3-tl':;';it},:..ii::"ed.oi.;.':ee*f,IJ"'1'Tn}lfi|?i:o3"eeci;gei. "l
the i,i" :1, rl, .i':f'c;i t.he ii "i;li:r';i:l"i:;l lf lieb:', Ii: ';}.lt
.c:enn'i;i;::.i.} 1:; jolir:ii;ri thi'c. ;.r1..:: :,c3''l-j"ce c,f' tj:.,,:: il. $,* s.i,:irf,
,,:,l::.l; hiirl il;*r,'J.r,:,riir--:ro j.i{} tr',*,:,;.g thLl'g cct}upiei. f i'i,rl tj'r':3rn
-riii$"ho ,...i':i::,o
l.i);.'rl, IJ.:l.t "i:.j,;'r,"ito Lncl.r;.'i+ri. g?:"*ti;:C,;ii,l-ir:t,-..
.*c:i'k cf t.j::.e 'Ltl.:li.,:{.J:.'li::ii.'.;' ,-r.i' i;::J-5.f'o:'rrj"e;", i}*fkel.c,.r. .,.r,1{i;
j"):,.'J.i:r"l:'y:1).1rj.;1i1',il:i''l:.i.n::.-"i.ilsrl; i!c*l;*e 3.3. F':';ei C, f,,;::i I.l:l"c;:o ,
-L;::llt.l.i,D'i"-l:'l; "il'l-:,r:::;;,g ilr:,"ij.;.$rrirJlyi'r' "-* Fti*i.A , i.;:,lIi :lrti'b,;nj"t],
'-ifi*{i::'., }t*: :: t*eri.,:e cl }:il.* ii*l:*rver iiiil:.';t,':';'' i:.'u1ab<.'g'Is
,, ic;:,:"1:1-i-'lenie anc;., ;1',; i},1:r:rJtn'i;i:ri-L,"er1:J"l ;-L:,ij";:J :irlti't::":c to:$ l:
il*:,.t-i.j.'-",-Clgr'bC, Il* Sez"*.rgei ntJ ;',.t.:':1.::;ijj.irS i",::,',-:.*'l;r:P J.l: ;3$ir;ti:(-,-.'
'S "
;: '? 1,.'J"':l^i.i
, a'i": J';:lg,r'j.e;-rin * G'e,.,
irfth,";' 'il:,c !:;i:,.:il , it"* :li:t'i:1ir""l:'rr("1 to l'.-i i l::i'*"i'er::-:-"1-c:ti:f
'r;.:'l-r-:i.:r*i.n30 i.,.;'4)3ir *r: ti]:i"li ]re ?:e.r-, il'J,rl;:'. .;;;:11;--l:.i *:l
',;l-:.* ..n13): **l:::el- rr{: ii:+}::onr ilebr. .'.31."ci:iLiiiti*1,;',..r: l-:.*--
':iing :}ii.p"h, c.l ,s*l;*alni g'b"rt. .ri*l:::' ,.;.r i]:l: ,'{,:i.nii

l.Xfi^r;ir vnr,T& 11t0T0R
{rr'€JdEa, IN GEBIr-{'NY
Declard Dead "
l\avy Casuqilty Section
Nofifies Wife Of Mtesing
Officer Of Finat Action
,":'Mrs. Clarence..Tavis has, been
-notified by thd casualty section
of the Navy that her husband,
Engign, Clarence A. Tavis,. U. S.
N., has beqn .declared dead. He
lhad beeri previously reported
missing sinee Dec. 2, L545.
' The follo&ing is quoteq fronl
the letter' .received. froln the
casualty of the Navy:
"Ensign favls' left'. the Naval
Air Station at. Edenton, NortJr
Carolina, shortly after noon on
Deceniber 2, 1945, on an authgr-
ized canoe trip in Albemarle
Sound. He did. not .return from
the reqreation. trip and it is be-
LIEUT. CHAS. S. I'ELTE nieied that he drowned. as an
overfurned canoe was found in
{ First Lieut. Chas. S. Velte.
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Velfe
of Creie, is now serving as motor
cfficer with the 580th I'ield Ar-
tillery tsattalion in GermanY.
He ll'tls a memller of .the
ROTC at the UniversitY of Ne-
braska, graduating in MaY 1943.
Following his graduation, he at-
tended Officers Candidate Sc.hool
at t'ort Sill, Okla., and ieceived
his commission in the fall of
1943. IIe then served for some
g.p time with the 580th X'ield Artil-
up lery at CamP VanDorn, Miss"
and Ft. Sill, OkIa., before going
o overseas in APril, 1945.
€=,$ t
(' o$g
rl -q +t +) qd
(l) l-O.
O{ o 9.{ ,$ cci g o?
ndFlr{ r{ Ss
t{ '{ t" r{
o+ri5 rr !$
dH='g^ \O fi3
o ooh "fj o {r
S oE<C o 3 ,o8e the vicinity. An immediate and
d> 53 t-r O
(.r n 0O dqB thorough search by aiPand sur-
r\ a<
- F H H - d 11 BiW face craft in the area was con-
O (J.Fr O d! o* ducted at 4 p. m., the time at
d O r{ tril f, *{A which he was scheduled to re-
13 i{ -l C" r{ F{ >rt . turn to the dock, ".ut no trace of
rJ * o r"i) o 6 oCI him could be founo. The search
=-tOO.inC o . A €dit\
( ) al * t ' d Q was continued ttrrough Decem-
iO g tOr{
. Eo' ber .8, 1945, bu.t proved unsuc-
itP{ +5 o cessful. fn view of these faots,
e d +{€ a and of the fact that the com-
f:B q{ fO manding officer expresseal the
S +{ 3r{ opinion that he met his death b.y
g2 f{ i? r f,l+t
U C-r F{Er].d drowning because of the cokl-
*i$ q+-r () c.l
qi{ {J f{
S r:' 4q E d.6
r-f "f{ d E
a '{d d q
d ag d rJ /"{cO S
'15 \O r{ * Flt-1p
tsr a\jd d fi r{CO y{
c13 (nd 3F{A
Fr 3 r-r at aa
7\ h.
r{ ,D$
il gLl #
u F{}r ]J+)
H -cL) E: ts.
of 1t'19 ha servcd ao'principrl of tlae Hfgh acheol et She1ton, Nabr. and ia
the sasc year he beeaso eup*rlntendant of echools at Crete, l{obr., a pooition
he still holds in 194O, llc is a lifc'nember of the Satlonal Mueational Aesrn,
Past :'resident of Diatrlct I sf the $ebraeke Teacherg I Aas lnr and wae for
soveral yearo a mombor of the Boerd of Control" of the Nebr. State High School
At]::l-etic Aeeln, a.nd latcr president of the sa., Hc ie a Maeon, anden
aetive membar of the Firet 0ongnegational Church of Crote.
Three childron xere to CharloE end [glantine:

Clarc iTilhelnina Vo1te b :iept 5, I9L7, at Broken Bor, Irlebraska

i,,'larried lvor GruffYdd Davleg on Nev. lQ, 1945, in the chapel of
Rivereide Church, in New York OitY. He is the "eon of Hm. and Sareh
DAviee, of lconta, New JcrsoY. the Orvlcs feaily came to $ow York
fron Cardlff, 'J[416s, when fvor urai & boy.
To CLarb and lvor were born:
Hueh Griffltli Davles b August 22, L949, at Hackensaek, T { . J .
ffi b Decembor14, Lg1r " ta

cr)i..\ t*ilav ch a.a1 rl5frdf+{c'a\{'<aost'-t/'F''I

F.-c r \) <:r-u'( €s'

b October 22" 1918, at Brokon Bow, Nebr.

ffiil.i---('l) Clarenca Arthur Tavlc on t{ov. 11, 1941, at Crete, I'lebr.
He was enlieted ln the United Statoq lfavy at the tisc of their
marriago, and won hio $avy lfinge shortly bofore hie dsath. He dicd
Doc, 2, 1945, at ndcnton, l]orth Cci., The exact circi;5stanses Ef
i:fs death are net known. ffittr another Navy men, hc had geno out
on a canoo trlp, and failod to return.
Born to Phyllia and Clarenec wcres
Chsrlos Oondla T8via b Dec. L1, L942, at Ccrpus Chrieti, ?ex.
ffi b Nov. 24, 1945, at Lincoln, Nebr.
cttarlri-Fnffi-n-d orrald lfrx Tavis were ddoptod by R. v' Hasitt,onrin 1950
Ilarrled (Z) RoUert Victor Harilton, of Kerrnit, Tdxas, on Doc. 17, L949
Born to Phyllis and fiobert ure;
"r t, Iawrence John b Auguet 15r 1952, at Kernitl Texae
'( t?ro-ort{atr p}1il@f
{ b &{arch)0, L954, a t " / I i c h i t a , K a n c t r
( ( s.8 ,
l;e,rn-TJc"' t, * f, e-1,*ts', t''" l:tLi13t,
ta 14

, g + d,'f7,rro.t-
r , f wl ' G
- l'LL':"'

Charles Skillnan Ve1to b June 18e I92Q, at Crete Ncbr.

;itarriia on tUry aa, L94r, iSetty Je' rr ificFsrland, et Lincoln, Nebr"
He eerv:rd ln the fi-tll.lery until the end of the war. Betty wee
ithe daughter sfFrank M. and Mildred Hankg McFarland.
To Charloe end Betty was born:
Suzanna Valte b ilarch 7 L946' at Linccln, Nobr.
{,.:. .i "
a ..1 l* .1,".
101'. \ \' " : . ' _i1"

{ALbert Ray Johnson}


A&BEnTnA.YJo$t{soi{ i?nd} $ (EllJah L, Joseph ?, 5, TflllLam

Arnasa4, Aibert nsrY5)

-::-:T*ll1113:-d,-!*FE--3--r--- r-r -- --------.p----

:-T:I-1l:- 1311:
Educated ln the pub)"lc schooS,sn On Oct, 9r LB95 he narrled. Jewtle

Dell-e 'r'Jalker, daughter of AustLn Garret iialker and Besele lloLLen-

becli (Fent) ileLlrer" por scrne years he engeged, 1n fanplng at $rLth-

vllte ancl TrlsngS"e {I["Y. ) fnen ho moved to Cortlande S"Y., whe!'e

he rvas enp).cyed ln varlous industrlee, there and. at l,lc0rew" He

norr Ll,rres ab LicGraw, 1{, Y. JennLe dl,ed at Cortland Jul.y 3I., 1992.

ChlLdrer: born of tirLs marrLage vsere3

Lll.ltan Sllzabeth Johnso-n b Aug. 2? 0 1896

(Jn l,tey l. ualter lirvlng Popo, son of Goorge
Pope of Scre.nton, P&. V:eJ,ter wae born ltrov. A6r, L896. Sls
ma{:ller rr*a* I'iary Bretrer I'op€* T}rey l"J"ve at Blngharrton whero
TJal,te:' l.$ emp3.oyeS tn an Lndus'brLa3- pLant'
Sf i;hi"s tut*,on was bornt

Srrrt era J,ryt$ Eg€,g" b l,tay 12, 1923 X (ot^t*\

Sranir ?{Ll.1LamJohneon b Augo 222 1"89?, the flrst annlver-
ffiff*oTr*frffiT1ffitf:5T*t1111an d, J4n1t",t- tNf

Ilanry i'ialker {qlfpsqq b Aug, 5, 1909

?]fi*ttreT-Ff,*1'ffie*Ti6*frarrlod at CortLarldr Rrlth Arlone Knlcker-
. boeirei"r;}:ter of i:ltl-Xlam ltnlckerboclcer of Sew Wood.etockn
I1T.Y, and of, Alma ijush lkri.ckerbocker of lrene, S. Do They
lilie st CortLand. where llarry l"s the proprtetor of the Colonlal
Gas Statlott,



.{- lK

X 4a4-,/1 - /?13 +fuf ?A^4A^UUa4//'4*f

"1^44^^4 P"rd
4 t

etu"al /T*h * t' /?+6


*L o\it)" o sf' b' t 1 {o3

Tffa-v".r-(( 04,*
f *' **1 2 c 7 |) q ( t ? -
Tflartr * *o-ye'n'.C"*'
+xf 'DzeoiL { P o 6€ - v TS e - e - 1 7
G o r t - , t o f { ' t " t - t li - - , , t


r-t I
.ir n


t * 1 , i' : ' i:

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, .i l ; l
f .! ir" t ,
]t t I

':;1a !
l ltir:

ttll: 'l{'
Jl fn ,l;
tf!{' llll;L
ll l, l:t

i , il .i.


!. :..' (\,gf
!ri(i de,:",,3;, | a.l

r f) Jt (( .r(r11 ,'fJc-,

ffi;-rq \ ui.'*-.\ th l\rc:L

j. - l
-t I

'p,1C!-1,6' /711'

i $prings Masonic 'Lodge .

II Riehfield Springs chiipler
Royal Arch Mosons and and.
Fn honorary nember 6f'F
Brown, Fsultder
$erhffird Dies
HCId Notqble l
rrolesstonGl, I
Public Ccireer iI
Df. Rex$.alrl fi|rr$ it. ,-rrrc (-,f
] 1l|csirlent of tl-le CaJltorlrla Slale
tlle cortttlt:.r.'s lc;rr,irng sllgorurs. 1 Itlcrlica I socie tr', past. presiclerI
t ' c - s i d e n 1 .o i - l a n l a . i i l l l i - r i - t r : rs i t r c e j oi Sanla Ilarbaia Counlr' l\4edical
. l l l O t i , a l t ( l n r r , . o l t l t o r ' , ) m t - t t U 1i. l
-rociel\-, member cf \\:cst.ern Sut'
. i l ) " l s f o l e m o s i . c i v i c : . 1 e a < I e r - .d. i r : c l i ,-lii.;rL :risn( i;rliott 1,ltstr ir'r' presi-
J ' r : s t c r c l a r .n r o r n j n g a I h i s h o r l e . l dc:rrl ot 1he Pat'ific Cloast Surgi-
J6iii llrrr*lr'ptr1i:i l.iill loacl, fnl.i
cal lssociatiotl. ptrst r,ice prcsi-
l o t t i r : g ; r r l i l l l r o . . i , .l t i , t r r l n , i;
"r'n1 r i e ' r r l ,o f S o n l . h c l t r C a l i f o r r r i a . X ' I e d -
o\ep 59lcrrl r1'11;, i r : a l s o < ' i e t . r , ,m e r n b c i o f , l, o ; A t r .
-\cris rrf llr'. jli,,rVrr'. 1r;s..iI]q geles .sulgical anrl Palhologir'al
i r r r r u g h t f o r ' t h e - rp i e r s s i o n s c f p r o - 1
s o r : i c l r ' , l r o r r r l r ' : ] ] r r -t r t e n t l t e r o f . l, o ;
fottnd sonorv frorn Jlicnds irr all l
. A n g r ' l e s S r r i g i r : a l s o r : j e t . \ 'a n d S e '
, u';rliis c.if life, lris ricallt bcing i
i t t 1 l { , rS i i l g j ( i r l s o r ' i e l t ' . : n r l . l - t 1 e i n -
r e g a i c l e r i . r i . ' t g c l t u i l r r : l o s s n o , uI
]rcl of Caliioi'nia 11;26lsnr.y of
o n l . t ' 'l o S a n l ; r I l a L ' b a t ' ai l r t l o l . h e r
i \ J tc l i r ' i n e .' l
I { ' . r 1 l 1 l t r ' . }a, t J a r g r : . N (.1,1'Tls
I J-, Tll.. c,rrl\lr-v tl, llis r'lrrh a{filirlions irrcittdecl
(irr-l rror i
I l 8 ' ; S . d ( : r i c r r t t r , l a r l .o I tlrc Sarla Rarh:tt:r r' rr'1-rich
j \.r':iplfi111,r of .lla.,.'-rclr-n':11.r.. he
i rr:a,s gLar-lr-ia1-efi{1 oir r-he l\Iiclti- h e r v ; . r s 1 - r a s tr, ' i c e p l e s i d e r r t ; l - ' l i r i -
vct'silr. (.lilb. Xlnnlecito Corrnl.r\z
l g a n l \ : l i i i 1 . a r : 1 'a r : : a d e r u t ' 1 n 1 3 3 r , '
ft11. llEXl\'A-t-r!.' BRflnrN c l r i J r , \ ' a l l e r ' < : i L r bo f l . l o n t e c j t o
1a i i c l - f l o r n t h e N o l t h t ' c : t e f r 1 . l fir. ,
lleLsilv .medii:a1 sclrool iir _1!0j1. l r r c l C j o s n r o l - r o l i t i r nc : l t t b . l i e l ' a s
1{e agair icsponrled rllretr a
l:Ie t:as a nrerllri:r' of t hf I'iti ;rlso a ttrcilber of the Atleritratt
call for serr'jr:e in t.he filst \\,'ot.lri
Ltlro Signur lrlrtt ririt.)". r\:al' l\i:ls l'et^eivcd, l,egior. San{.a Balbal'a pc)ill Ad-
I le ser.r,,cd
l ) t . l , r ' o r ir l { ( ' l \ t t l ; r - i t r t , . rj t C u i t h t l r u l a n k o i c a p t a i r r r r r i r i r i l : i a < r o n( ) a r n t r t . N o . ? 2 , S p a t r l .
l r l 1 . l l e i r l i i l i o l l . l r ' . . 1 i . , , | i llii . i \ l l l l . thet Amet'jr:i:n r)\'erseas forces in ish-Anrerit'atr \\'ar' Ieteratls: ancf'
l r l l J 1 1 l {I J e i . r . r . ' I r o s p L L e i , i i i t l l r i - , I r a n c e otlre't' militar'.r' ot'clers.
t l - uo t r g h o ' - r 1 t. h e c i u t a l i o n
( i { . ,. , , i l ' l : , ( ) . : .I i l h t l l { l t l t . r t r -i l i t '
of thaL conf'li<:{.. Sant:r IJalltala (llit-ticr.l'lrir;h
[ \ \ ' { J\ i ] r i 1 : i I o l l t t r , itr t g 1 \ i i i SS t l l g r ( ) i l lle u'a.s s1a1ione(lai. il;rse ltos- h e l o t t r - r r l e c li n I I ) 2 0 . u ' i l l l l e c l ' o s e r l
l ( r l i i r e . \ t ' n L i t t u J ' t r t . k i t r g r : o r t r - p i i a - l N o . l l j l r 1 . . P o i :t s n r o r r t l r . all drr- lodal out, of tespect
l ) at ) \ ' . l a n c i . a s l a p l . a i n o i t h e 1 1 .S . \ r l c d - ln the ilrell0t'\' of T)r. Bro\\'t1..
.,\1 lirc r.lirsc ol ll)0li itr: failtc llcrrrorial seli ir-es in hi-< tr-rem'
i r : a l ( ' o r ' 1 r s .a r d a 1 .t h e o \ ' : , r r n a l i n ! l
l f ) S : i l 1l a l - i r r . l r a r ' ; t . ' i r r r sl 0 r ' r ' r ' r i a : olr: rvill he hel,^l in the Sa'nl.a
fi6,spit3l lf. Sl.. lliltjcl scctor.
rlrou::e Fhlsii:ian at lhc llntel .llarJrala clitric lotnot'16r1r 3f1gp
l ' , r ' 1 a 1 .; i l r t l i l l . r r rr n e r i i i r - . r| r t , - , no()11 ;r1 4 o'c'lot'l<. 1o rvhicl-t
\ 1 ' 3 1 :; : t C 1 - l | eA r S n t ' ; l F t . i n i . r l - { h c }{t,i..l I) F)I) lt OSt' t'|]..1L Sit'rlI,' t,.
Ilirncls are ir-rvitr:rl.
. r o r . r ih e l - n [ ' a c i f t c : ( ' { } l r ]p : t l t r ' , i a k i l 1r { R e t . t . i i ' n ) l g l r o n r r . I r . ou - a s l c t i v e ,
. r r n g s ' 1 1 c | a lI . ) l ; r fi t i , e i r - rS r r l i a F r i ; , l t , i n I l r r . g r ' , r r v l l ol f t h e ( l n rl a ! r . l t n s -.
l ) : il ; t , p i r a l t h r o u g l r t l r e r - c a r s 1 l r a t .f o l -
. l ) r r ij n . q i . l i e r r t rl s o l _ l r i s t , t ' : i - icwcri. a.rlrl l'as hcacl oll 11tc lros-
r l t ' t t r : e J t c t ' e l r e ' s c Ll r : ( l ( ) t i t l t o i:rilai's r.rcr'utjr'e:stalI loi';i nl.l]r-
; i a f j S O i S t . , f L a i t r . i s .( . : , r r l ; 1 . .' 1 , ,.. ( ' b c l n f v e a t ' s .
( j c n e r ' ; r l l t o s p r l l . r l s .; , i r l r I f i ' r . \c a l s l ) r . R t o u t r t ' n a ti ' i o l i l ' l l j z a n i ' l l t i
i . q l r - c i a f g e l \ o t J r i r t . i r - n ct o c i . ; i r : \ ' lr r r ' p h r - n { A p p } e . i o n . \ \ ' i s . , j : r r
arliljti.r.. tirliillg :i ie:rtliirg p:ilt.
1 i n f o r ' r r r a i t l i n g t ) u l l c l o l r ; r o r i i , r lllili-). l\'tr^s. lli.o$.n r_lierl at, tire
;;1;rrrtlrng inrl\'(,tlteltffi lrii' Slnllt f l r i n i i l l r o r ; r e h e l ' e l L r . 1 , 1 j 2 ! a, r t r l
i . l : l ; r l b . n ' as r l u r , e . l o l t n r e n t . l ) 1 1 1 . 1 n - ; , ' l l i ? i i l t i ' \ r ' l r s r r i l r r l j e t l 1 o i \ i a b e l
i i f l l l - 2 , r I ) l ' , . l : j to \ \ ' i t r r . a - sl . _er is i d e r i t . . ollli:rirttrl (;lt'('ltt, N. \'., rtlrU
l o f t h e r ' h a n . r l l c : ro' f ( o r L r r r e r ' ( . e . irilt \ tl,jlii llilil.
llF)1'()'lFlD {'IYI{.t \1:0tili t,lfi ll,- r'lr. lrr r,i,i,,\, hr lrJ\.e';
J { i : ; r l r : r ' r t l i i t n 1 o S a n l a . B : r r i t : t i . a , l r i i . i i : t e i , \ r \ l t : , . ( i t i ) 1 ' ! j e( i , ' f I u t p
lirri clesile lot' ihe coi)tnliinil\'',{ U f : \ i r t r l i s o t r\.\ ' i - r . ;x i r | o t h e r ' , \ \ ' t n -
g i ' o \ \ ' 1 i 1l r l o n g a i t i g h l l l l r r e , u ' a s l i t . l r l l l l o n r r o f . l o l i e l . ,I I 1 . :a l t a l f
j o n e o f h i s l r r t s i : r n d j n q i . i v i c l r _ r r , - I r l l i i r c r ' . \ \ ' : i l i l r l c t F , t t r ) \) \t o i . l l e r t -
i l l l i c ; ' . l e a d i n g h i n r 1 r - i r i c r ' ,e a ) I o l r l , ( l o r i i i . l . l r i s i r l n rl i e r ' . j n , l a r r ' ,
, p i ' e s i d r : r t 1o. f l h c l i l r ' l r l i l t r l i l g ( i h a l l e r . , \ lr r r of L"\'eret.t,
1 ? l tl
i \ (]lllilti-<siorl it oltr lll:l:l 1i) l!l:l(i' \ \ ' a s h . : : t s i . : 1e r - . i l r " j ; r r r .[ { t ' . . , "X . i C h ,
, r t e r i c l e i r i .t f i i r r - ' b o : r r ' , . 1r , l i r o a l t h a t ' r l f t l r ' : rr i . : n i - ( ) r ' o n o l l o i l o r - . \ \ - i : - . , ,
I l t ' e r r - nl . 9 l i ( ) l o l l l : 1 , 1 .: r n c i ; i s r . h a j L - : 1 1 1 rri . i g i r t l r e n h r l r l ' 1 : : l r t d t t i e r . : e S ,
lrla.n oi the col.lnl-\' lrlolta' T'hr,: r..rlr,rrt. r.rf lris actir.iliel
( i o mI n , t t c e .
nriry lri: itrclgcrl ltorn rrrcclilal
\ \ ' i r r : t t t h l i l ( : . ) i i l r l r ' \ : \ \ ' . . n t . i t t 1 ( ) \ r r ' : { ' 1 \ 1 l r ; l r ; 1 1 r r lo r I } e r . ; t L s n { . i e -
ilre S1r4r-tisit-..\ntr:r'ican r\,:tr he
I i o n i r l l ' i l i ; r l i o l s , u ' J r i _ c .ihr r l l r r c l e d
\\':ls called 1o llir: sef\ as a tlrct {ollorviug;;L iife nenrhe'r in
l i . 1 r 1 o l a n 1 .o f t h e a i n r t . i n e d r c a L
Irrrl 1rllnu, o{ :\rlet:ic:an [:o]loAe
i r)t'lrs,
o l S l r ' g ( , ) o l r s ; t l e ' l t h e r ' _ r t\ t r c r . i c a n
Iiciillal rrss.oi'iliiolr l-r:i:,f \rjco-

I Ol-t
ii- ... .l!

(Cher.les A. Joiineor:,]


5 (811j&h L, J', fr.alph s,

cligFiiJ$ A" ":OHNSON Ge*f;,.i: 4, ih"*lr : €$'€ }
* ..":.r
b ivis.y?, 18',,1"et Groeno, }tr. Y. ,
'. *.r;ir l
d. Fe.b, 6, 1895; burled at $ylvan Ls.wn {l€}metc}r:.y ',4'

On S;erpt" 18, 1B?7rhe marrlod. Cora lTrtil.:"lb of +rsene" $lre was "i:c;rn
et S,;rpasuso, No Yo, Deco 18, 1859" Fd;:".l-1*tr8€$S-:lf,6"' they "i.lVed, O::

tlre i.rornsstee* ne*.F Ge.oeng, In 191.6 tti,'; ;ari3"ly moved. i:o Siant* Il"lr"ba

Ca3-ff"ornlee where they mads thei":r h.enr':r* Ab%*ffir*;l?

- F . '

To t?::Ls un**n of Charles and Corae tho,:,* ,:ht-i"riren wsr': ?,jirnl

Florence Johnson b "frug" 220 Lg*0 at ':lre.t::on

G:raau.a'l;edf'ror: the l;'axton il*splt,:i'.i Trn.-nfu"ig $*?r,r*i. at U*;i'jsp
ti* Yo j.n 1906" lYas $uporin'l;*RCe,'.* ef i;h3s ltpr,gr'lterl: frl.:,lri'
3.g0g to 191,6" lfas nr:;'s:iiag rit $ari $.*:*narri,ln$o,,Y
flnLLfq:"nla 1gL6-1"7" $up'h" Gf fic,'iiriii"t€i::ior*1i1"tc,1, ,$ant:a,*i:ir"-
liara i'i'om 1917 to l$25" $iti.*e t; 1,:n..D3-'r:etqg of lh i:s1.n*i:, :;;
VLsltling, Vlsltlng I'{urso Ae*recia.,:i.r:,.r:l er,; Se'ri$e BirrtrL::ei :if
$i*.beL Johnnon b l,pr1} il, *r"e;s;e" ,,i a'h-";?siii n= ii#

Sffiffisffiffin $yrar:ur:L tjnlveis:l';.r. iln .LX.l:tr;:.:.-:iffr {*,f'.$,

{:he pr:,bLLe I:t-brary at iiontciair. .1.i,,T,. 1905*?, .r,;,;rerii .f

r:f thq, Clty Llbrany, {.N, Y" } }S}f,'",';'-15,'$e,c,netaro;r':f, tll8r, +i

:1.Leci:l'icaL-Voh.LcLe-Ae$oclati,pn 3"',.i;1-1,'i..feae!::.1 i.n th'rijii .+
Grlv€Flrgr€rrt IndLan $cl:ool at Paqr,,br;, i{, ?,{" s"nd *t ;ii.'-l:re;: rii

Cal-lfo:rnLe" lTorker-i,ln the pub11r,, X.*.'l:,r,rrya'b $*:.r la:r':*:a.n,J-*ltb i,,i

1;L6*1?" 0n July 10, 19PS x,.,';':l:1e.3ai Santa ss.::'1'ftJ;1&.l-r i
tril}l, $enta iSarbara* th.ere ,)r" :.l:'cilr'.r.,$.:l:eel"th faJ"lod an$ ,l f.
tlrey 3J.vgd there l"n retireme:t" il.*i,rtt'r*"id llirowrr T,iiilr bor:n 6,.'l',. '':i
Jollet, Ill-, Iday 6, 18?8, Dled ;une 2.rr, J"94Oo G:":rduati:C' .1; i
fnom llorttrwestenn Universlt;r 5.n .-ii*5 {:.1,b-.}" For X;}peo ..i:k.:r
ysers ho praeti.ced mstj.lci*ne lri Cl:',i.cragt::,,: Settled fui".gis:* "',,'*u
Bsr,bara 1n L9O6. $erried. in'bhe l',*::.1c1i|*rr eil Co.;;.te1,Ft,fi'..lin:i:
Ijiedlcai.. Corps, Bese l{ospltal S$, ln biri;lpnd and "}irafres. ..ii
FellOn, Of th.e Ameflean l,ledl-*isl" i:,.:r;Lr::j;la.,lon, .[\rn$:".1n:]tt""ffio.-,.-+l ,].
iergo cf $u:lgeons, ''iitestofn $u:,:gec,,.1iifis,-)oeLatLon., P.ric.lfL'-:. ;;: .it

Coast $urgeonf s AgsooS'ntLon, 6f,.*iiri'ilstdi,nt' of, thi] Scru'bhe.::n .11,,,.1i *

fiallfs;:r'nia gg',J.'',r";-ln ':r:lrl,tus ,s*;auc -3i{
lieclic$,1" As.soc$"eti')il. i's.1..1i1 {
and i.*,:aL rlnterprl,gsse


s ''i


d ry, lT - tq+L
l:'f. t{
It Lc4' *.,,... ' :,i'::;

(i:oriry rtrthur *Ichnsoni

]mifRY /LRTIIIIRJOHtf$oi{ 5 (gtf jah 1, Joeeph P, italph 3, Albert 4,

-: i *!-$gy -33-gr39t*-S:*Yz!,-& l:#1 !-{ afr '
llairrlod. at Brolron Llorr, $elrn, Aprll LLzzLe j!:l
190 1900, to g-a,^.1.^
mors :ig31nrr Thome, c.aughter of Ilavld $ll"more and. tdary Ellzabil:n'u l?e n

{ r ; e t t o n} T h o n re , $ h o w a .s bor n at"l' fost Llber ty, Iowa, Desn 4, L8?1. ,

ili;:,ena. cl:lLd cf'.n!n$ ir:sy,$ Henry camo wtrth hLe parents to Fremont
ii;.lir':,r{}th.'*ii Eett; }rls fa'bherrs larrdo fn 1B9O }re he3.peo"traLl
Ilcvad-a, 'bo Rarvl"J.sgsr!'fi;omlng, travel-*
.l-opfiilil n1:€*1:,f'r'*'i* i"'n"ain"*nn:,oc*1,
Oi:'ilgcn t"lg'erl'^l, -in 389f; lto';irel:t t*
lil5; r-,';r,:."'l-:he trylth hls
f,r"olr Ir3-ver"poo3on rsli'he01t'5" of Parlset,
fu,{,:}:c::"$s*r.ii.;'i'Le, robi.:r-r-';.:in;
vrl:f;;I;i'il r:i.:.i,":.*
t'i:*:fal:tesi;'br:l1r" "?Jev,:n*'bn liroken tsolr 3.n 13$6,
ii', iJs!.::'It,.r'c*l:lil;:\, l:urginegs Ln a s,ld lrous'3o Tl:gre he regLrle*.
t::rtll- :1130?wh.e* ]re ;:rcrre* to Broken Bcw, and engagmd ln 'bh.ellve*$to+h

Lr.1sL::r€tr;$,Iio ssrved. on the Rrotr:en Baw Ctty Co,.inci"l,for ten Se&Bsla

jjet ls e":neniber o.f tire,"epend.en'c
CIrd"er of Odd FeLlows"
1'her cl:.J.LCreir:bo:rn cf th,.ls rnamS.age were a

trtenrletbg, Jclrnr:on tr i{ay 1O, lgOL, at B::oken l3ow"

Ififfi.,6fe,f"ffiTr:Lvex'stty" of ltrebra.qka, Tauglrt uolrool ln
Llroiren Sow, In L9S5 slie vras mad.eilTorblry Matron of ths Ord,er
of the Sastorn $tap" fih.e Is a menbox' o.f the D, Ao Ro and of
tl:e lil, Ilo ck;u"rch,
Cl"a:"EiBello *Fol::rsonb Dec" ?Sp i.9OA, at Syolcen Bown
G?aT$-affiTr'-T:"T*tfrb*"Untvers i.t].- of l'trobrasira wl'r;h tho clase of
1t},3?" $hs errg*g*cl i.n &eac}llng for some yse]:s and then be-
cr&risel$brarlan of, the Casnegle tS"trery at Bnoken Eowo Re*
*etvod the degnoe I3n S. ln the L. S. Stybool of LlbrarLa.nslxip"
Untr"el:slty clf Denvex', 195?, Fros thlg ehe wa.s.attached. to
'i:3:,:I'jc'l:;l&si{a ,Stato Llbrary Corrimlsolon, Elnd Later bocp.rne
$trte SUB'ervl"sar of Ll?rraryFroJectso iiJ" I'. Ao $he le 8, slsr"-'
i,t;r cf bi:.e trrastern S'Lar, S. Ao 11" ancj.of the I,,i, IIo cl:u.r,cho
Tha:no Jchnscln b ian. P*, 1905, Bt Erolten Bcvu.n{q"v"}
narrleC J"o*-n /iiverne, Clar:eyo
Olona rcnt lnto scrvlot Urvrl Hgrpltrl in Portrnotrthl Vl.
fn Juno 1942 hc rrs gagt, "dtU
to PeLrl Eerbor et Hmolulup end latrr
want t,o $ldrrqr, Prl4;rrl end $nnton fslandr. f,a cpant-2l.eonthl
ln tht Islendt bcf,ora lituratng to tbc 0.Sr In lhy, 19rr4 H.
v!.eltrd llcrnr.ln Uabnrkr. 0n July 241 1944 Clcnn Esrrlrd Vor*
et 0trrubr Okl,rhg. Sl tes rtltloncd et Fsrt l{ucmr 0rl.r thrt
frtl rhca Vcrnr epcnt oavanl tccki rlth hln. 0lcna anbarkr{ frou
thr $tet*r Jtnuery 101 1945, frm Port Erram ou tht i$epa $ct!"shri
r Brltlrb Bsnenr iort-rtth 1800 non on board. thcy rcru 4S Aeyl
sn t$r Peolf,lo Occrn and Lendrd on $q-ur osQ of tht largcr lrlendr
of tbc Fhlllpplnc felaudrr tho legt, sf, Fcb. lg4$. (Ihir tr.t.ftfr
tho vlotorlcur b*ttlt lf loyt aB{ Just at tho ttrc O;ncrrl l&Arth[r
rm rootlgg out thc Japaaoti on luaoa nnd hnd rptrkcn hntle.) Olrrn
rrr rltb tlrc 5th U,$' f*ry Coaatruotlon 8nttrllsn rhloh puffS
rord rnd olufemy on Srnrr 1!O0 nen bhzad * ttatlr ob-rnc8 thc
undargrorth and rat up r bm. rlth tantr. Olcan laft blr outfl.t
rbcn hr rri acnt out ctr lndepandcnt dutt !n lhreb to Ocbu lalrnds
)ll] Brvrl gpcratlonr. t!l"r nselgnucnfi rre ttth r drtrchmcnt ef
gei-grar, l?i ncn undtr r Lt. 0omorndu ffid r tt. JrSr tho r.rr
bulldtng r rrdlo ctatLm. Ilc apcnt lhrohr lprl'ls lLy rnd Juac
tilrcp rrorklng at thc alok bryl r tcnt rtth r plyroed fl.aorr tnklag
crrr of qrn tleh rlth troplc*l dlsaastr sf, lhloh acrub typlnu rar
thc rorat.
Tho Ccbu lnhrbltartt tcrc of Errry nrtlonrl!.tlcl and om agokc
Engllrh' flu etty of, sobur naxi to ttro brgort ln t'hc Pht 11plncrt
hrd bora dotroytd by t&c inary Snprnorc rnd prorantrd l plcturc of
dcvaatrtlorl s rubbla of, roed end trltt d tellr. thc 8cr lcr[
drtlchncnt ledr th6 or{:,sitnf (ebttrt 160 n{hr bcr ltar) tn rn l,g$ ,f '
bort, 7O9r rhteh Lt er lnrgc ar n flald. rhcy rtut, rr part of tbr
lgvrrlor forclp tho 43th Aracrlean lrry Dlvlrlq but t+rrr 9f
Eircwtla noirtnt--f,iry. ?trc foril rt{3# fg*tle it
tltry lendrd. T?rc eruy rcnt rlglhfi ln rd rttrbllshed r b*o
Otrcnn te!,d aholh rarc buratln6 rll rrsrnt rni rt tlu a*nt
rrcrl bmrlng auolo f,rm tJm rldlO on tlu to$.t. (grta eotlsn rer
during thc ieuc pcrlild es tha Gonquttt sf, hraou end rm ? part ef, thc
Battlc for thc Fhlllpplnor ln tbr Eetth of thc Prciflo.) Obnn rel
rarcrtl,ng lt nrtr ln tbr bun.ilr tropltol hart on 09bu, hc rrldl rhsn
ha rasctvld rord of tho btrth of hlr drughtrrl !&ty Ellzebcth on lfig
6, 19&!. ?hr lnvulon forccr rer6 cetrbll,shcd rnd hrd thc elr bnra.
Embtrt rcFG ovrr oyeiry dry, B-2&rr flndtag Japanctc gun posltlEar nnd
ratcr supnllcr ln ccvrc tn tbr htltr. Tha Ancrlornc et flret caorod
to bc toelng aoru E n tilrrn tbc Japancrf, Gucrllhs and rugular troppr
*ould drivc to lakc thc h11"1. Thcn onc nlght thcrc f,ti no opporltlofi;
thc Japa hrSovcil to Bngllo on thc nrrth ond of tha lrlrnd. tlrc Jrpl
croetad ovcr thc op6n speoo wltheut Cov€ft Cub planal flc; avcr rad
dropprd hand grcnndt., The Jape brokc up lnto bandl.
Ont nlght sitttag ltetentng to ttra ndtro,0lcwr hegrd Gcncrel lfie-
irthurrry thay *crc all thru but I'ropptng upr on Ccbu - thrtr,ba thughtl
when the AmoricaRr w*rc Loelng sc asry EGn on Ccbu. Tho Jeprpfghttag
on Ctbu rerc uarin;r "ud tlrc Inpcrlnl Isnvy, tneaky fcllowt, a part of
thc foreca thnt took $hnllr. itt ttra *cli"vl.tleo fenlllerFolot& rare
1n the arca cf, ihc l.cyi,* Oulf , tlrc Aaerlerna '*erc maktng e ncn belt
on thc tlp cf $ennr to evcld thr ffihoonr. tftor returnlng t'o hlr sutr
flt fron Ccbu, &Ionn *ent, on auty lFfpa fros S$nrr to Loytc. (fy .frrm
28 tbe conqulet of ldson res ccaplatcd. In July en lnttnslf!.od ett rrt
agatnrt tho citloc of lhc Jepnnosc lalnnih r8,3 car;il{ sn aa lcll rl
flsat henbsrdacnt, rlth grcrt IoeE to tho Je:snQtor Auguat I lllrolhln
was dcetrrycd by ths fira! rtomlc Boub. Augr,rrt S Hngur&l rra dorircy-
ad by thc sacand boab" Auguct, 14, I945r V'.I Deyr Prasltlcnt Tnurn
rnnounctd thc unoondltlonrl aurrandcr of Jrprn'
Iblr rra a dry of, g"srt rcJolattg ry frelll*r rnd frlandc of tb rcn
eerving ln tholrcrfle.)

Sltnn $hlpprit out, frsn Seorl s thr osrrl;tr Sallnla SFlr

00 pklre orpncityr *n rsoort Or;.rtlt. lhcrt rrrl 11000 prsecnt-'fh.f/
smt EUo-"r{. thc Prolfl.e s?oa.lgt wll lo4g rrd herd'
"*"gO0I dnyr and I nlghte ln r lfphs3; aff &u1a' Ths osrr.16 ltopgd
ln thr grnrffin lehsdr st Pcrrl frpbsr te rtfutl ni Dock'#1. 3h
Srlt.utn lry nllcd undcr.Ooldm 0*tc Brl.rlgr eud dotka{ lr Sla Fnp
cl66s hy bn Sot. lgr I94S. &lffin rccclvrN bl.r digehergl et tbr
U.S.X* Pirrenncl Scpnr*tlen Scstlrr Qrcp pllreor Ecxm, Oet. tl, fp&
tba r*tlngr bp hcld trom Pbft6r Pffior pUne,/ Fg. )I-noatrtr ef
rc* du*y ,undcr 'l*r polut ayetr*p ht le cntt,tfud to 6l potntllr

o::' Al,-brsrt S. niirn s.nct lllete {HarllLtqn} Claney of l;il3.burn,
ltrobr..;. .,.r j. '' .
,t;'e born of thls ''"arrJ.flgs l
Al"bert Johneon b July 23t 1.:932
ffiilToffiEffE $ept, LS, L934
Venntfi;i, tr"T5nfiffi*T-'Jano b6, 19io at Broko:rr Bow
I GFffifs, t5*e*mFEes Tralnlng School of the lilshop
Ciai;keen l,ie rtsl" Hospftol of ornaha. She ls a rner,rber of
th e E a ste rn $ ta r, li, A" R, and of tho,D1._p, chur cho,.

ffiffi*ffiKffifh.,bo* 6.*t r'-

3 Wir*ry- Tf t;,/ a^, -,j.L +a-. | la

:i :W))fn"lk a4-, L4--/?#sat a/L-e,*94

*x Y*bi'
dk lli:i! _,.r-&1.
CALLED BY pE+TI{. ,",'il"'''"."'"
iit''ilt t Lansing )"
". hn,' t\l
G' ncn,', .C i.:'.t.",l" lr';,,),; r)' i.
&-s4/,f-*+t|T I*' l'"I,i;;'1"i,*'
[' ;"!:l:]i'.i
llis I'assing a Ilistinct ffi8",.'- ;rfy:i,:1.
rurnnity-F uneral Lorgely ittentl- i}'gLl;
i,.., tn eutPtt- JI.:'htt::"
eil-Iturietl rrilh llasonitl Ilouors'
RalPh Jcihnson, mayor of Broken'
Borv, passeci away at his home in
()rr Iust Sunday' As this il:Ti;.t.i :'il:il
'- i t i " ' . i L v '
turut; b"cao'e kn(,wn it cast a shad- '

o* .rt*a t l r e c i t y ' a n d u n i v e r s u ' l s o r -
t o\^ soon fouDd exPressiun'
]lr. Johnson hatl been in ill

;*hil*:*:*; i'^;i:;':';
Ilrrlph 'Iohnson
health for sorrre time. An examina'
'Lion at the i\Iayo clinic at Rochester, I -'lrurch
I ftinnesota, some weeks ago
reveal- I t o r e e t v a ' l c l l r l e r l ,t h e
other' ir;;l# ncut' tite-capaciti lo scat

i ecl a heart affliction rvith
! complicaiions which was more ser- "'^ii" -."tti"u
j i i - r u s - t h a n p e r l t a l r s h e ' w i r s c o n s c i o u s I' *uu eonducted bY
n#'L"*i"i'6s16nPr, ihe resident
ni- ana rvirile il was not entirely
, rrnexpected to t-hose nealest hinl' ita rn; singin.g *^: !i
ivef ii deali a sad blow ttl family'
i an
- ldi a l fprhi e n d s .
J o h n s o n w a s s e . tv i n g - : h i *
M ;***. Ariirur''\Ielville'
Camp, trl''s.
W a ) n e
t;;' euraick with 'urs' Gladys
tlte Piano' A wealth of
r l t n f a t h e r a nd
Ho , O o
i i r t i . l
I apDroval Lecause the peuple of Bt o-
a s n ' ' l l y ' ! ! -o [ t l l l s ( l l ] " i
ration has met general iioiai otteriugs from various
utii"*tio"* oi.tO *qt)-
individual tJ'ffi E'lii$i;
'n','I fr,il$,'#
f"o gu* knerv hini to be honest
and conscientious in his official I
friends bankert the-altar'
" 'itt"^tutu.o"ic
body. fortned an es- "ol"="'i
";*i:rru'l;ll:l i'i
a c l s a s r ne l l a s i n h i s o l v n b u s i n e s . sI
the lesidence to the

life. He wlls a tnan oi
good busl-l "otli-i.o-
.rr"t"rt"";A to the. cemgt-e1v' fefi
ness itttlgtnent whose .hu1tt, ,*1: I n"i"" t large nurnber of f{asons
g rot onlv
*irh ihe people \1hom hu had beenf

iiit"," - -11:. ^t3"-
--Uu"ft to administer to'
of his time since residing I
in Br'0ken Borv had been given to
"p. "t:";tin

Fi:; :.+:Il:li*
oublic rvork. He served as county
iup".uisn. from the Bloken Bo*' "l;''tld;i!
i :;l i:.iT-,
:iifl ;:TJilt:;i;::l:','?il'i'31-,' ",:*
tL ili:"x.'i'su\^ c-errrete'v
Oislrict for eight years, and in that
capacity did constTuctlYe$*o-rK^* r^ol.:
I i,Gi"t count-Y.Prior to his electiou
int *nvo. he serve.d
I o-f t l r e c i t ) ' c o u n c t t '
, r';ot:
as a mentber

] c i t L sl t e w a s a I n e m i i e r
ili,:i,i.ijta*, ii
i ,,tiitu "bo:rrcl'of ilirectors of the Cus-

I;;;-;.,;;it fair, a Position he held
,i.i ti'n tirire oi his death'asseLlr"il
L . r he wiis a valued

' i,i,' i.t.i"u1 ,.n, ' t l r e f a
jr ul'ganizitl b u t 1 t r:
i, ,,i'ut'al ancl liseslo('k in-
of the county as u'el1'
. l 1 r ' q from colrtipting
\ \ a s free
t l c *ut
tfl,,, 'l'he
n a- ,n; i* i , ! l i l ! n ( ) l i v e s . liltlnlftle
:..-,ai ;,,r-i ' elrrrr'. and rn'; 'r'el-
fiLre was'a]vl:tys stitrght by him'
iii"1r"i"u.. t r a n s a c t i o n s , o r r e could i
*r Ft"'.t':y,Hi*t
u:i'i f \*ll ii
illtt"grtrv depend upon the fair-

ii"o. he would perfolm
" palt'
H i . D a s s i n gi s a g r e a t l o s s t o .tvas

ol Broken Borv' He
i"""0 Ut his familY' his triends' bY
'ilirn * t'oru he *'orlced and I
I iltl* i l d t e n *'ho
b r t l t t ' I h i1,1."tt a n l e i.o
\ \ h o ccame ro l{il()w
J'1rtl* ' '
' h i r n . l l i s"t l r u m i l i t y o l s p i I i t l e d n r . n l
I lo--in"" and associate rvith - the i
*1.*o, i,"a sniali. the li''h rttd
; ; ; ; , a i i ; f o r l t L l n a t ea n i i l l r e
'ftre seat oll plelerence' as
,iuoot". lo
i ' - . t i e t v e , l i l , s e e t n < ' dr u b e l o n g
rvhorrrhe felr was ill'
I "s'orthy'
{fialPh Jotrnson 8nd} l

Bnds (3*lr3}ta"jfiill}
aAlpsr#risom uuou"t4, Rerph
3l *lifll l:,
b oe'b" Lr 1S?O at CsventrY I{' Yo
n I
-ltli 3I11-w-! -% :!!-:-l!!-2-,--
1-3ii :-k -1333-::-:::* 3-33::
, LLvod. ai; Irror:cnt.C.n hls younger iays. X$&rried ab Ccdar Rapldsr lowa

Lans!.ng of srdene. Ra]"ph
the cerughter of Jermes and clorfiiraltwalker)
wa$,eated ln th.e Fr.enont publf.c schoals and tlre. Fremont l{ornnaLo
gre'j l
In l-gT? he nc,roed r,..,!th hts father to thelr farrs ttro r:i.les east oh

*.cri-)j" fhree years Later, becaus<l of the notherls 111 ?, tlre
fa:rt1.;'r'ient trilth ]rer i;s Oneene for necilcnl treatment. On Oct. 2t ,

to Nebrastrran i
. rl"ec ldarriet iioore of "Tohnstcvrnn IIn Y. ancl lia1,ph.1'returnod.

0n hLe return ire re*ralned at contia::d and oroene rurtll L893'

cattle" l

ho marrled
, It $as at {:hle per1orl that he mot hls future wlfo, whomi"
ln l$g6, Ho resl,d.ed on hls fathe:rf s f,arm at Fremont, whsre

{}hlLd"rsn rrers born, AdalLne qnd. IlarrLet" In xiarch 1904 he'',moved neEr ,
purcibased" rn l'9L4r ,
Brolsen Bovr, Hebr" to live on tlre fann: that he had
untl1 hls death
he noqed to i:ls hoee ln Sroken Borvo restcllng tfrore
' oct'
;: ll;-; nenber or rhe Granso and servfcl a term as tts.'lrastur"
.lie r.rae pe#u-$rj.$i:er of tiro ]iasonle Loage at ilrotrren Bow, and rvag


afftllated rith thc Eastern $tarr ln which Lodge he trc Worthy Patron. Ile
but letcr
J olncil 1n aarly aanhood tho t'lrst Congrcget,ionrl 0hwoh at Feaoont,,
lrangferrcd hia nonborship to the Flrat Frosbytcrirn 0hureh at Broken Bsr. Ilo
eervcd, aa Trustco ef tha church, and t;clvc ycars ar Eldcr. For cightccn ycail
he rat troasurer of ths Sr.rnitaySchool. At thc tinc of hla dcath hc rer uryor
of Broken Bol, and prlor to thle hc had bcca e ucmbsr of tho Otty 0ouncil. Hc
servad eight yoan ar Eupervioor of tba Brokcn Bo; distrlct. Por sovcnl yGar.
ho rar one of the dlroctors of thc Cuetor County Fair, e poaltlon hc hcld et
the tisc of hie dcath. Hc rrg burled slth Meaonio honorr. fo Ralph and Jrnc
Leneing Johnron nerc born;-

&dqllac !&rlr_ b Jnn. 28, lg9g, at Frceont. On Junc I1, LPZ, sbc n*rlcd
I[i-ffiv.-Gr-lV. oray. Both rcrc greduatcg of Hertingo Oollcgc. Grey sorvcd
as pastor at Aurora, f11., later ln Orogon, and then ee pretor of thc Core'ne
Presbyterien Church at Dcnvor, Colo. 3o thia nerriagc rere bornr-

Rrlph and Vern- (trina) b Aug. 26, L924, at' Aurore, III.
Vern afea $ept. 7r 1928, at, Brokon Bor, Ncbr. ,
Relph mnrricd Lug, 261 1949, Vlctorlr Rodriguoz y McJl.e, at tsrorigrr-
icuaro, Hlchoecen, Mcxico. Of thia marriage ma born:-

ttlllen,e{rthur b Oct. 28, 1955r at Ero/gericuaro

Genovievo b Juno 28, 1928 at Broken Bor, l{ebr. Merricd Dec. 26, 1948
t;lffiffit, (gOU) Jemoc Huffrkcr, at Brokon Bor, $ebr. Born to thcm ro'rot-

Pegg Jgr b $ov. 1.1' l95O at Brokan Bor, IYcbr.

Jqqqa Mlqhgl b Auguet 26, 1952 et Corvcllle, Orcgon
S*." ffi- b Novl 7, 1955 rf corvelllg, oregon
T < , - r ' a t4 n n i * ' f T . e 1 , + , t 7 r r | L

}-{arearetMarto b h{ey16, LpJzat fffi'*"r$:i". }Iarricd Petrtck

Arthur I{r11, Nbv. 10, L952, at fhetlngr, Nobr, Born to thcmt-

Olaudla lpn b March 28, 1.951+, at Hastlrgc, Nobr.

ii*rr".c-cr' ii.:ihledr? 5; ,-l':-. >, t{i fb i, *(
' L r ' : i - ' " - - . i * " s i 1"*
ij{*lli?r r,tr". ,;c-
*,., t tl i"9-*t S.''[<-hr ,6r*

Herrlet - b Oct,.21, 1900, at Froruont, Nebr. Muriod Erneot 0, (mct) $tmc

ffi;-id, 1924, at Councll Bluffc, Ie. He le e fccdor of cattlc'Et Oonstock
Nobr. One chlld res born of thlc unionr-

Richard Johnson Stono b Nov.27, L925 Marricd Wy 27, l9IE, to ihry

Ellen Arnour, daughtcr of ldr. dnd Mra. Ernost, M. Amour, of ttcstcrn, Nobr.
Born to Richerd and Mery 1016!-

Deborsh "Annltonc b Nov. L4, 1950, at Broken Bor, l{obr.

Rtc_lerd Jo-hnson Stone, ,Jr. b lfiay )I, 1955, Llncoln, lifebr.

(Robert Bnrce Johneon)

5, (Urrieh t,
ROBITRT Joseple 2, Ralph 5, Albert 4'

Robert Frlrce 5) b Aug. IB, 1"875, et Coventry

: -::.,:::li13i : - :ilI : - - - - - r o&€E- -, o- €-- - -d- - *e r -- -G

1-331-13: - 111?
On $utrrt , 9,Q, 1904 he marrLed l,iargarot llartLn at Low Seacho

$ulLlvan County, Itr. Yn She rn'aeborn Dscn 260 LSBSr ed dled at

guperLon June 6r' 1931. l]trtrce wae eduoatod ln the publ-Lc schools

at F,reinont, and the Fremont X',lormaLand Buslnsss Col,lege' As a

young rnan ho served as ral,lway el,erk on the unJ.on Faclfle, runnlng

'fJyoo La'ber he oporated a
from Councl.l Bluffs, T&' to Cheyonno,
and becanne actlve ln lor3aL and state poL-
fann south of $upei:lor,

ltles" For oLeven yr*ars he eerved, orr the Doug}as County Board as
He was a dlrectos" and
reprresenta'b3-ve f,rora the tcvrn of SUperlor.
,r166*pp€frl-delt cf the f:ci-*State FeLr Asneeln'ttono lie reprosented

ttrc -iceog1dp3.strtct of Doug}-as County ln the l:'i*econeln State leg5"s*

'bertil, eind ln :1S26 he was eLeetod Stato $enator from
Iatu.ri: fqs' olrs
tl:e l:lLeverrth $en*r{:aiL&l Pl"strS-cto oenvtrng tlvo tr,i'o-year terrnso A
'bhe Johnson farm has slnce hls death been
tr*ct of l"and aciJae,ent to
ilR. B. Johnson Park.rl
d.ecllcc-tedby tho state of i:Jtsconsin as the
]Ie was an aciive me:nbor cf Ave. Presbyterlan
the Harunrc,ncl

church and of Supcrlor lodgo I{o, 4O5 of the Benevolent and Pro-

teetlve Order of lllke"

Chlldren born cf hle rnarrlage to llargaret ssere:

{F}ovcl Jo}rnson
Blnrce -ffi' b June 18, 1905, at Frernont
l1-.-a- *-@-
b Deco 23, L906e et Fronont
llaura }idnreref-.1'olmson

XlNWfu /6 - tV+/ a+ 14/;

ffufu*L 14,*,3-/7tf
l' oe'
0n Feb, L6j 1929 Laura raamlsd. Jerome Trtman
ilrlcseon 'l:oc"nl
To then wgre
-tf[o Ann Erle,sson b Oct. 4, !1929, at I'.{llvraukeon !'rrLs.

46{^pr.rree-frtuxE;n iirlcsson b Dec, 18, 1950 at Fon du


I.IAC I 'iCJ.8 r
Iirqr:f liiaqgaret lirLesson b .Aug. 25, 19$S, at Super-
Tffir"lt'Y6"1?lNdv.T["iTSsg .

Er ' r ctuan n" . Yt-t o rr ig*. 3 rrt o n *- D,'*{hon

** Brou'
fh*.,1 1t,((i'l

\!:=" rJ'.,A 4tr',t r t , t q s 1



(I'{"tneVan l}ees Johnson)

JOI.l$$o$5 (glfJal:10
.i':AGDALIIfil VAI'I lTE*q$ .Tooepb2, Ralph S, Albent 4,

I,tegdai.:i-n* 5 )

li:i:."33:-i?Ii:-:'i-::::i3ii:-5-T:- ---*..--.:---dEbE-es'{s€adq6sdG-!
*rlr: i;ir,) up"t'ing sf L8?'7 tle,o Alb*t:{: Joh;lson f*mX.3,y moved. to a farm two
sncl *::i l:*lf nll',rs east of Fi'smontr ldcbr.n where they llvsd untLl.
,*li:i:e spr"tng t:f 1897, vir*n th,ey moved to 849 ilttest Tenth $treet, ltpomont.

.*l'lagd"al!l:ie wss*d Ln the Frsmont publi"c schools and was gFaduat*
6,i f*?C f:",."r:::Freracnt I'i'o::rualn now iriliLand Colle;jeo $ho was uarrled Fob'
I' .!#
t S$.f, :Srr[1, to Sanes $.nr,ger-$oe3-ey, at Fremonb" He was borrr at $critr*

{ *,$i,r, Ilc'i:,:{.,
r Jui;i 5." L8?i," Fie :r'celvod }ri.s eoliege educatlon'at VaL-
PF" s',
;# f:td* r:,T'trntrvJri# eo:tresiecl wLth tl:.+ Sli$"cago ancl Nortl$restern
i* $L;':,,cn
;L r-l,oii" ::'*t' L{i jl{}sl,i:$o tr:: }:ia3r 1g;gp t}re $s$1"{-ry$moVed to Fortland, Orogoj}o
,'riii,:{,..l'i:he;r l"jlved. s yeftr, 'b3:Bn moveiS to Grsnts 8ass" Oregon, where

fb*y i-Lv*d. tiaree yo{r'rs, trn the sprLng of 19L4 the faml3.y movod. to
R1..r.ri1ilng,Iontana, rv?re:'e t;hey ra.adethei.r honre untll Jlm!s d.oath
;ip:-lJ. 11, 19$?o IXe vrs.n ix;.r'fea Ln ths }rlasonLe soctlon of the eeme-
bt:ry' l-:;r 'o;i:rjr-{:;*
$trlphur, $pr3-n._e, I{cntana, Fcr sonre year$ kr€ rr&s post-

inrlst*;, a:'f Iiii:g11ir,g, i:.evtr:g1 a r"ansh. n*er byn

C:,,ii:i:h-{..iti r""s.sho::n ci" tho :nelrriage of l'Ie:gdaLlno and Jlml

$ o e 3' .r ;1,b Oet. 24r :1903, at ?49 idest leth St" ,

S .i .t;e r:'u ,fo l ri :so'-ffitffiecl
* 1ft;ffitiHt?lffiffil Ln tho Unl"vorsttS' of l{ontans e'b
i.ilssou}r-, anC irras *ngagc,d. Ln survoylng wl,th the J3urear:.F\rbll"e
Iloaele fo;' some ye Fl.r-q, Later he was eiuployed. on the Fort Feck
i;'ion"bem.a)Irr"igation projoct. On .1iept" B$ L934, tn G3.ascoui,
l{on'oann, lee narrieiJ Fas.trlco Co }ieasuro, claug}rtsr of lilr" & 3{rsn
iohn II" }llea,suro of KaLlspell, I*ontane" 0.f thLs marrlage two
{., chtld::on wetro irorn:
{fq$es Al"trerlb $eel-gy b Ocb,- PSr. X?i?_z 6,?fia-r=ha,rse6t tJbA
SLTIf+ffiffiS]ffiU b i,iarchlfi, l"ese'
Jf D,ik\r to $?r.- ur.o{ ?hars{-1.,-

?"G- 335!- , c.-d'r.'J'r, ( 1G3 ,r* otti^hocn.

J,4!es Ds:r{, T.:!:,L*, tgv+*_
#s?r f
I"t.0.T.Jobnson fr. 0-4ii1ss&
?tb I'ursutt ;:iqua&ron
49th FureuLt Sroup
A.F'0. SeL Foatmrieter
De*r trim nnd See[i
r,--__ I sgl{ you e-ooupl-g J"etters * weelr ago but n111 vsrlte nor$srs
t. .{leivenotl}lng to clo at the monent.
la i told you ln my other letter.
=PurpJ._e r hnve reoelvecl the
liei;rtr_ deooretlol. Cne of the generaLc le to present lt.
i thlnk. I talil norr relats ql' leiteet eipertence. r atfaerea sAE
po:-ipgrar t,ne slrot dor:'n and bAred out. ,,f,en-rny ciu{e opened, B}
Po-o,tBrlere Jerked. off. r rvas thgn barefootetl-in tbe Ji'ngle. uil
*y9 qeTgegcy ratlone ln the btk of our gnraohutea] so I
fI'gured. thet I irr:s all get. *fter I*.ndfng i estqbllehed lry oesp
c":rd stertLng lrt&tlng, clvlllsetlon. *

ft 5h*q r deELf,eclto geturn to ms osmp for ar ogmpes r couldnt

Hml"*"$g$fir noon. I r,,uandereila,round. untl]
all thnt tlme. I ftne1ly osna*upon
uhtta men andl trvo natlvec tn a boat on e rlver. Soyi lshnt
fi.n sxperleuoe.
AF 6ooa €rs eot baok tirey rtuok ae in -ssaeyl
a *up hosplt*I
ror_p. ressn r }u'd I"
bn6 eentiJt 6i6an-Ji-teour E:.ey-are rn
frtood. shape.
r;i :F ;A ;ii g ti * ,,..

x-r !Iiotlrlng muoh lirappenn"{ng sr{rund, here eo I }:armt a l-ot ts

!ell YOll.
We1L, ,}ell"y l,io for no.!y. Tel"l every one thet thle ls a great

Lerve to aLl
YOUHSSli (Sone netlve *lnost!
', ouT it
Fi,fth At!' rsffit
ArF. $.
F*1. 18, :tSaS
Ssnr $rrr $*Manl
1{a*Gfi31y y6r# rot snil ur}er€a*l tt* alr sr{al. Tbl* *
ewal{ ?m! es{s Ln rs6sgw*.tlan sf hll ssurusafigtr feerFm sgrvlrt
to bll fffir aonbat srg@ttetl,ou, btr f,*lltr .{s€trlsae Alenu, hS
Goustrf, htr bffit an# tu y*u*
Tsw tsil waa dlecofettil fsr ulptsrotil anhl,svae# rhlla
pettlstsssin6 La aeral fltgsu ta thn $outhclt Patlftf aroa f,rfl
Apr!,Le? te Ottab6tr $, XS*ll.
Sr parttstpeta{ i.s nsrp thntr ?wouty f,i*r s?etatlsfral
fl.l8bt slattam, 4lrrt+* rtirb hoattl,; cont*ct r*at probablc ad,
erpmtoil. Shes* fn'l"gbtt tslrldladl lntafosptfe* ul*tlsK agals,}t
aga1uat esegg ffe*t€** ed b€Hbtmgplea*s E*[ alfiS *wX&+meb]g
ln tbe rment slulocsso* in tbl,r t&.eetro.
Atlnort s"atry botrr of e*eqy {ay yow Sdar aslt tb fow o!
otber.epert*as qsthsrc, u ara {slry Jt$t rtrh thtrg ae thatt
hore |'1; tUs Sosthtpa*t FasLfLs.
Sbelrr, la a vGt? :raal aq& rcxy talslbls eo&rlbnttron ts
eHfr ts gc&6&rr
"tftsfy '
I wouS&ll&e totolt yas hffi gGasleXy pro$e I m te bett
men r$Fh ar four ren l*m..ry *wa*il, ent hsw gratLf,tGe f n to
kasin tbet youilS .{Wertraam wtth s&*h Ooura#t anfi mrffi ffi
reEcutreethnln',eea ars f,lgbtlry outr eouxtr?l $sttlc* agatxst tk
r6ffi a$gFeGotrnetl,oaa.
You, hflrsf fohu;og, hstu t?elT r{$nto:l to tharc that Pri{*-
and gfatlgatlon. o /) -,,4.L
(* //\^' 4h4't & lY"-"-vtry $l'werely
,.olz_@enry'-'^,1 tr
j4,* llzLnt"aU^-"xP4
' tf$$*8*.** {iffiqW&cmasntsg
l-^&r*,;e*- h'rr""*^L,%"&*' Mt /3 * /-?42-

n4rr*^a lgt<ttzatr, -6h f t4ryp*<\rM- fu',-

hule^fr{.A,l ,W ^4 ';;- j ;,* E, s,dr?,,r*/^,c
zJ"^n,;J h{tuWa&'* ^'4 W gJ,,' ,,.
-% u f
iW d,0 " \/,P*LVL "U + t/*4 /"'-t hA"i tfr'"'+ 4 4
a:,bw-do4e*k /*{-e0afu ^rL ,96'Wa, AM/rlh.k14*-
- ;i;ri;,,'-
)-^,-n,fr,n'- W?*
'flk A't9ut^*-fefrL
_* fu)^g
% n/4-ddz
n^.,aao /-
4 Wl, U*"%-o,,
?nlns.h,,, A-
n4,&). 9
*^*4, WA/<
'siur+ W vu,zl eil-*u,- M\W af ^dd,)h.,.g.
ilffi1+, b-udrdar(o( ro^'/, ^ -/tLfo b&4.44?/r'd<
j I" W\rhffi.'-
^il//.* ry, bo t'/p'
ry,.m'ar u-tzL- g,uLotr/rvrb-+4
fz'c&+ .1^ru]4 WLq- #* !2b''..q
ir,/W- ffiL -Ot/"?- .
-{* ;p:40*^o* /tu4,^*r
'Wr fr* AdJffi. y,^avL

fhhr'r<, Vtua-fu,-e-(,rf-%o
14/uA tl/-

f '\- (*
i,- Xf'-fil,"i
.'tq-4..r*"'ffr-afilr"4 {* A@qtapt f-7 Y,l fhr"Jj"4^

, ,ffr o or
J n^ L1 Lu4/x-
,it.oha ea-+ra.ilL ,j- frrrrth-tfurl* €; a/a-


"ff::#;, '-o4ht,- 4e"< a-b

.-*# 'ffi
F Sgcre.I
t .: I
ne's i
(Clarence TrevLtt Johneon)

cIAFJil,iCATnEVXTTJOItl{$CI}I6 tUrrJ&f,, .Iose$ P, Ralplr 5, Vrt13.11au

: 4; 1TL13-tar*Llege::* 5j Cl"aronce Trevttt 6)

br Jsn, 51, 1888 \

B E 6 c . e A ' } s * f ! a } B g . ' & g F s 6 g F g F d f f d s s i l s f i o s t $ f . c - - | - € B - C - G - { - - F

A'btenCorl p..obl:Lce,:hoole a.t Karreas C3.ty, l.looe New York Clty, and
'#ae}3n6t*ln, T), Co Graduated fron tbs. hLgh ochoo3., LaUrel, f,{do3

soi.r.:rg6),'1906" #raduated. from $t,

au-:o,*.e:nl-c Johnts College,,

Bo s* Sogreo, honorery
LgO'J" -&.rso":r*ed. degree (8" Sr.) by the Unlver-

e$"ry of tinrryj.c,::,t" Appointed, e d.eputy spoclal offleer (U, S. fndkir

Scm'-,rJ.ce)'boa-ss-{-etln the supprCIssl-orr of tho f,lquor Traffle Among

( t$0? ),
3..*cLJ"ana I;r l-91,0 len was promoted to a Speelal Offlcer in

the stulLe ee.,r',ri-cs. IR 1916, iro wss e.ppoj.nt;d flnaneLaL cJ.erk ln

t.t:.e .l"nitlsln Servl"ce fsr the l,iLssLon IndLaE:s of $outhern Call"

lie i,,:aii;nerl tjri.* pcsb ln" A.g:ri.J-191? ln srd{}r to enl-Let ln tbe U, So

.8r'.r:y at the +u.*hr'eatr; cf th.e Si*rl.d. rYs.r" Hs was assl.gnocl to *l.rst

O.ffJ.c,c::sT:'alnLng Ca::g:, (Prestdlo) as a sanrlldato fon a corsiLsg!.ono

Iils::,eeori as si r*l3!ta::y eacLo'i:tn $t. Johnfe 0o3.3.egocountod ln

l:i.s,..f*,irc:*. LS, ]'S17, he vrao eoraffilssl.oned.Flret

on "fl"rr"g, Lleutgnant Lilfr":.ut:'y esel"3:'reclto:ths 19th DivLsJ-on at Caap Lowls, fiagh-

3-ngt,:n" lle vra$ 'Uransfa$rocl to tlre 55tir }lvLslon at Carrp Donlphano

Oicle:i*:ra, and assS"gneo*'bo Co, I[, l$9tir Infantry" Salled for Francs

-t' hls r*gli:i"eut on Aprl]" 10, 19L8, iitrlth hle regfunent he partlcL-

6*t;eC. ln tne operatlone !n tlre Voogeo, $etnt Ltlhtetro and the Argonne"

fro$: tlre Air,ry Oet" $1, L9L$.

Er:1e*ha:"$ed, In L92O he was appointed,

Ci;ptai;r, fl'u fi, Snfentry' Reses've and assi.gned to the S64th InfanrtrS'


Tn 1930, lre was appoi.nted MaJoro U' So Infantry antl assLgned' to

.Lhe lleg$"montal $ta.ff, 364th Infantry as Plane and Traln!.ng Offteer.

Engagod 1n the automoblLo busi.ness et nlversldeo Cel, 19?O'21' tbsn

at San Bernerd$":flc, whoLosa}lng motor and replacement parts cov€rlng

four statos" IIe served tvlo terrms as Sayor of $an Bsrnardlno, CaI.

In l-g34, was presldent of the $an Bernardln+-Rl,verslde CormtLes

Au*o TrsCes Assoclatlono !,l[asvlce prasldent of the San Bernardlno

llus,J"neseAeoocJ.atloit' Fast Cornnandep (lggg) and DLrootor Anerlcsn

te6;t*yro San Bornnrs*no. Dlrostor Chanrber of, Conmeroer San Barnardttroo

ili'roci:o:: Tlcii,j:edVotr;r:a-ns of the Republlc, San Bernard,lnO. Dlrectof

Jruto T:'riclss As* o.f Soutl'rern Cal,if,or"nie. lrl9::nberof the

!iils,:y:j.c ord.e;', H}trie, molrber Rotary Inte::trErtlon anrS aLso Reserve

^bkreU. $o -Armyo On NoVi 16, L91e he mar-
CIff'lu*rs /tss,t,tLntJ-on of

rl!.ed G1sdys Ca.::ill;rn ilre?.,sr (t, pee o Y o lgg$, 4t Gordonevl.lle, Va. )

<i.augSter of llenjarnln irance Br-ewer ane Bornlce Payne Brewer of BaLti*


of: t!:-{s niamiage ene chJ-}d was bornl

Clnrence Trovi-tt Johnson3 Jro b Deeo 10e 1920

$r8,orLnE ffi"ffinaFtllno l{tgh $chooL, 19s8.
fu!* /t"* tJL,^ En't -14,^r,* A-fo,a^'214
74,wrhnL Wtb BL* a+ -g/,'
r^ry e,AA L
fi W
$o<',*'(r- (h.-*

(ctrffors les Johnson) *.

cLT!,FCIFD 6 (nttJarr :., Joeeph 2, BaL

|* .,
4, Wllli"a:n lftrgerm 5, CLlfford Lee 6) t

b Dec . 3J', 18g9; at tLneohi, Nobro

Attended prbllc schools ln New York Clty, l'rt

3{d" Gnadruated f:ronr St. Johnts Col}oge (Anna

the degnee A. 8.. In the same year ha was

A. B. by the OnLvorslty of lrtarlyland. Tarrght

at BLadensbu,rg, l,id., $tudled l*ls l.n George

bwo yeare and- under I'[arlon Duckstt of B].ad

ml-ttecl to practlce before ttre Court of A

atsC frorn tlre lfetlorrol, Lsw $choolr 3928, wi.

ayrC L. Lo I,T, Ad*rLti:etl to the Suprene Court

urrbl:l, 1$26 "
llnterlag 'che .ffcrl"d. vrar, h.e was appoln

Trp-lntug Go,"mir,Ftj.{amlson r IndL

oc1 ,leeencl lJeuteriant, Inf*rntry, On H' C"

pe"onotecl, ceiunrlesLonod Flret Ll.eutenant,

2I 0 191g lte r,ras honcrrab}y cllscharged. fronr tffb

On 1,iarch 15, lgg0 he wag appolnted Ftrst Lj.euterant Infantry, 0f-

fleers Roserve Corps. In 1930 be was qppolntod Captaln, U. S. Infan-

try Reservss
Fron 191,5 to L917 he eervod as fl.el.d secretary of tbe Arrti-
$alc.on L,eagueof Amer3ca, contknrally over the llnl?ed Statos.
ori .3une LTu 1g?0 he wae appolnted Glalms Exarnlnen, Veteran?s

: Clifford L. Johnson, KCCH I

C o t nt n at t d cr
Robert de BfUSS^lPnl{l

The Commander of the Council,

Brother Johnson, who was raised on
November 13, 1916, is a member of
West Gate Lodge No. 220, of Mount
Rainier, Maryland. He became a Mas-
ter of the Royai Secret on MaY 17,
1940, and received the rank and deco-
lation of Knight Commander of the
Court of Honour on October' 22,1947,
at the House of the Temple in Wash-
ington, D. C.

, slsof te
I'o ar--r, ij G":'. {tir,9 " -
Go"n toTn*t't u-Ye+ *, t *
tio el, r 4 ., qit3*"'r- IrnoJ,
ll t
| 7'( 16' ,<_-
3lt '

Adenl-ai.stretlon" U. $, Goverruaento In 1924 he was rxecle a n€mbsr.of

the Ocr,srrltteo of i,aalvers aryS Forfegtures und€r the $wn€ .q.dslnl,stra-


0p Sune L*/n 1916 he nsrrled VJ.olotta L,q-eDuckett, dauglrten of

n;ianl-sn Lee end Gabr.{.e3La S.ugusta $r:ckett of i3Ladonsburg, I'!d.. VloLet*

''L !'iiestotrv3.l.LeoOirlo, Oct' :.3, 1918. ',

ihr,i:, of 'li:.'r-grini.on tT'es3

lLflol.<;br)a Leo Jolurso4 b Oet" 10, lSLB, four days before the
/ /.*"3-*'3*
uother d.lod"

iln Jiin,o l.Cu I**2, Cllfford marrled Gabrlell"a Augusta Duckett,

s:Lste;r c:',f l:l.s first wl-fe.. Slnce then tbey h.ave l1ved at Bl-aC.ene-

iloru of' f,r:ie iiit'i'cr narriage l"Jere3

xx / l:kerilerr:'r; i.,cufl$s jc}*:.son b Ju].y S* 19?51 at ',"iasirlngtoR, $o

x 'Xffiirffis1ltr-ntrti6"f*.To6frEffi*
rfii-:fffid@ ggm .{9.
I at l"Jashlngtcn, D'
b l'[ay 3o, 1:9EY
b oet" 5, }o33r ab llraehlngtonr D.

illl"fforC has senvecl as Presl,dent of the Greq'ber Bladensburg

Sttlaente Aesoelatlon" He ls Fresld"ent sf th.e Veteranf s Adralnlstra-

tian E;ltp3"oyeoteCreC.Lt Unlon. He Le pas'i; preelCent of tbe Craft-

Club, l,re*er.*.n Aclnlnlstratlon-

n.ii:r.i?f;, IIei ls $tato VLce-Pr:es5.dent of the

$:le.tfonsrl Leegre of, lllar.ronSeCl-ubs" I{e Ls a men}rer of the A. F' and

A.o !X,n ^{:::e;ri*elrLcgtorr 4O and 8n Federal Bar AseocletS.on, Y" liio Co An,
,Socloty and the Rseerve 0ffleers
Slade:r;i::lrg ;'{5-s'boy:l$aL AssooLa'blon"

{ 0n A;-:.g, 12, 3S5g VloLstba LCIe John,gon was m&rrlsd to Franels

.*,}ii:::, Flr'x'.sonfi, iit: BtrErd*nsb*f,$a l,laryland"

v rW% fu%14. ne/n'*d 2ffra,,^z<fe/h?-/?
'nw*""ti:;)ivw'f,fi.,(;,&Arr.t4"o\p -nfl
y x x r7u-,-ronfffiht X,'Ci;;.72hr""-,'sl a":^F
f^",L ,
tr*!,{(,K_W6*ff k(

{ i':a:'r5r"il aLker Johnoon )

HilHI.T l'j.Si",?igfiJclllif:iiti 6 ti3l$.Jah 1, 2, Rclph 3, ly3"LLJ.anAmaea

4$ frLbert Ray 5, llarry Walkar fi)

b Ar:43uot l:, -{.Sf}B

gv l]scu ,1-',1e
1g$2 l:* :"iri::x'"1.ec1
** Cortlarrd., Ruth Arlone I'nLekepbocker,
of l{ow trTood.stock,I:{, Y. and cf
Cil,;;:htn'r:,of 1iri"11k;::"i.::,r.1-cl*e::'oeker
;if Iren*,
A.i-r,;rBurh Kntalcer"r::ic.:'.$3r $. Do They llve a'b Cortl"and. where
iil:.,:l'y t* thc i:rcpi:iet.*r of ':;he Colcnial, Gas FLl,llng $'baticnn
I 16"

tEkcore Thome Johnson)

6 (nffiah
ULX,IO8B 1' ,Ioeeph 9, Ralph S, Albert 4,

-9J-l-f33:-t: -1933s
I3YI- 9:-11:T: F-,----o---r@-
On Feb. 14, L96O he mamled. Jean Alvsr'na Claney" She was borrr at

$tanrsood,, Lowa, Oct. V , 19L0r daughter" of Alberb D. Jro I end. Elsle

(ltamtiton) Claney of L{l).burn, Nebr., formerly of I'lechanLcsvllle,

Iovra" i:itttr the .class of L92?n Thome wes Srqcluated frorn the Col-

lego of AgrS"cultune of the tiniverslty of Nobrask&u }ie ls a mentbar

of .t,l,phs Genma Rho anti. ql,so cf the [iaaonlc A farmer-rancher

by, he operates the A'OOO acre ranch wtth h3.s father,

18 rn:t,l"eenortlrreslb of' Broken Bowo lie and. hle wlfo are rnsmbers of

ti:e chimch at l,[erna, I{ebr.

'Ilffo gorss welro born of thls narriage i

*lfll-lan Albort
'ffiiffrffifoffidh-- Johnson b July 25, L952
b $epi. xoo L934
f)g,,.l-,-dz-rc\ rh, qfr, ,( (
{ t G,},
5*r.-,., L.,"n dq,a*, o\ o-,,t_.
s* tT)y rtr-e, tJor-tf<r Lo- h.[ .i ,^1, .,{ tn,'t

' - , , r. .aFna ^ t F t - r , r y q( J . r ( ( e [ e o - r t r r o - r rD e e . t q t I q f 3
^ ! 9 , . tt';';:-'il
+ tJ'it oi I",, re,,rc.-
,%" H (f, I q1? d Tret- ar*'ft-67a
* T=gn " ?ot ,t
O. t:S' l - t t t Xb - 1 k '( k
I 1 .. .
| ..J*'- E!$Eg-"
{nu t.- E *5 l- Tu'q e 7, rq b o
{r't +
r-.. {? r -
!t -trg
Howa:rdC, Johnson
theq are blestalone
Whoselives BORIV
a peacefrul'tenor JANI.'ARY 22, 1893
has showrr
A blessin$
for the eqes' PASSED AWAY
rhat weep. ,j APRIL I?, 1942

TheliAhtof smiles f sERvrcE AT

shallfill a*airu *oorgrgRAr. HoME
lhe ltcls $
that overflowwithtee f
1 of woe;and-pain:.:1
Are promises' :
of haRniL,^1g"1jl.:".
Grcete, N. Y.
Root Furieral llorne
Greene. N. Y,

(flovrard Johneon)

/-\owann JoIIN$0N 6 (ariSarr rn Joocph 2, Ral,$b s, Goor6c 4, Cha:rloa 5,

, Howird 6)

:-i:3:-3k -1:::-::-::::::-*----!--*: lI :!I I-L--------------,---

I,Iarclscl l{ovo 1, L9L9, to Franccs I'larlc Kcator at Slrerburtte, }I. Y'
Sbe vras born O":" 1?, L894, daughtcr of 1'{1111anPettorson lleator
and Any CruenpKeator, lTlll"lam was born at Taylor, .l[, Y., Auguot
15, 18?O snd dlod on his fart tn lfcDonorigb, ln 1953. ^Sry Crunp
Keai;or was born 5.n o:lfond, Jan. 23, 18?9. $he on thc fan-
i"l-y farm at, IrlcDonougl.r. Howard.and Franecs l.lvo on the honrestcad.
S"rsair Gr.eene, He ts *ouuuanS.y ln:own ln the nclglrborhood ae trJaken


- r .

A.Sdenrto.ttis Hott' g5 Booth, llerbart gilor'gf

;iivor"ri, rrtrexarrder-.iZ '
Boofir, .lonn g.; 9L
rtlvofd, Arshsl, 57 Booth-lIabal, F.airir,.*st, gl
i,jrr!, sli?h.r-rtjf,11rl Jotrnson, 54, 57 Boour" lrEbo: trsrie, 91
fYTi* Elgir:', 5f 8coth,.'l{argaret A" Olsen, 9p
{r:rr_',rri} lli:j;rir, 5/ Booflr, $arly Cecel1a Clcnsnt,: g2
Al,'.'tr.tii tji:.':lar, 5? Boothl ht"y Er, gl -
. Al.rur,i; E.rnl{re, 5? Bsothr i{il,;, gi
Arvcrd, iqic*r 57 Boo,ilrp Rqshol l.luldah Sguior, f;?r Ft
; lllvord, Lrrdia, 5? $ooth, Richard gdlrtn, 9i
lln*.], obed, 3J Booth, Ul.yeeao Crent; gi 'gl,
Alyondn i).dchel, g? itcar,5, ttaits!. J., iit; Ee
. ttlvordr ljar.t.h, Sii BcioOtr,,Ttlltars Jotrneen, - -'-' gg '
il.}'.rord, Sencr iseia*].;3] g? Bonen, Bllaa, fr
Armoutr, i.{o. o,=f fofu,s*gyssst, lfr., to} gbmenpEllzabelh .lohn*on, ,FQ
.i Banercf.[:, nierr.rshgFaot+, ?0 Bomon, Bot-:oro 3$
Eancrsft, Saniuol, EO Boxon, llenfy, 2F
Barnes, itathieor:1 ?14 Borton, Hepey Jrnr ja '
I':aJnrclldg.r 1t/+ Bos.en, faapl, jO .
itorn€rs,, lI4 .Dowonn
John. g0
Bartholaso", Jahnas:r50 Bcwon, lf*rgeretl '5S
Sarthotercsn, lyillt1;,l, t'J Bo**n. mriep 3o
Baptello, liothrliialr 'iir?! .' Il:.r*rrorr Benliniu vanco, lle
Eockrltlr, i'fannah$:e:r,tcn"*s Brerrer, Berntse paynca'll?
Beclc'rtth, l-itE:".h*n"4g SrosnrlJchn ftoxwalA, IOj*
Beeoirqf, gairid" f8 anokn, jrh,bsl .rohnscn, f6!a
Beeeher, li'ln::alt, e8 gullr'!,t"rry enn, ZO?
ileeeher; Ifrinry ifa.r-dn1S Fu].i, $tephen, 10A
Beeehetr, trrise*6 lB',iesluo gg
Beocher, ,1*uep3:, 18 gur"roua, .fu-,aeon;gg
Seechor, lyrur*, tin fs Surroua, I/aq:r'etta ltunf,,
Beochor, ' SS
'Beec!r*r, liatl:a.*tol.; l8 0haileor, ch;;., Si .----
itcEta.nneFiste, rg chalker, J;;;tH#, ET
. $ettr.r, iii'lre$rt J,, 91 0hanberiata, Chae,, Sg
Bettg, Racho!.Eliarbeilr $oothn gtr Clie.ubbrr:,llqi;, Cetpt,"q*nr*r, za
!]nghanr i;'r*'rl, 9S Ghl{iirgrlein, Llan:.a.1, it.;E eP
$ $ n g h a m!' r * r " r " e ' a B
r ou r r ' * r i r rs, g ' . j h q . u : ' n e r i a i r : r ts;l;;'r-U"'
SlLnn, }.Jr. nnd.l&.a,-$n. #priir S.lI 6he.mherlain,n"".1i*'.tol,rr"nn, 4p
Sno!!' An*tt L:.!ia, p! ChecberSsln, Jedisha tsurnett, p?
Bootlr'' i'.riiJiri' Gle.ude, gl chanrrcrl,arn, ;otrn, iir
&oa[tl, g.s,flir:lso If . Lii:daurt:-, fil ng
C!i":nber1-ein, *anoy" ii
Bootl:" Gseeie {." jahgrocn, Si, ?T,.,|L#Z clan$r Atber.t
,{higgipl -blirn*y, i},, Jr. lOs, 116
Seoth, Gerflils."ririt$ -tieie.
'y'rn Harailton,
-* - '--" 105, }16
Ssoth, Sin.renee ifi"i,eoaui;i frI,*rhl r" I4-.
Basth, ie.r"rd tl*rrgqr, >4i1 Clnrk, tucy Jonnson, 43, *o 3ti
Bor:th,.G?a. ,ireohlnggon,gp Clark, Rubsn b5
l*11, {}ra-*a, p3. Cole, RobolLo ?6
ilooth, $.r.rrtia, 9l coio":an, auo"on John, Jg
Bos'glr-.lisr"olrl 0heet{rr, gtr colon*n, ribbltabl,a .iohnson Hinsda:.e
$cotir, l{elen AdolSa i:arker, gL noot, 5?, }go ,g


,Jcili:lol1", ;r Lbey'i, i,'ri;|l'raji, ilsll iirjl:n.$Glf, t*nrge ?lrd, :,-;;:ii*,
tl ' 'l|t it:?.-,, :: O".J:",.-.-:"." - r1:1, - .S{F!X i0
1,1-**g'b Ray, :.tl1, ri( jli. Jlarr.Jr :f i S
rt - joi:nr:on, {iileg, b}
. Al.frod iir$, 5!
Anneh, i;6 u . tr iislge, -iri
tf -Anoti.s 10
,- ailnns, Gia:dy.l {J-..Bi'ervor.,i}.2
lfowdcrn, 4';, 46 I
, ',' tls.acc l:frrirer: en
It- lf
$ 'SeninnrinlDulfai, 114
/rlgt-is'ls Gt"u'<loniorln ci' ;th.jcrh)
,2t l+Q, l+9 $1, 59, EB
'! nenolo, (Adriencnne;') 5L, : lt
Grrden,(son cf J'*ssph)
u '9,
,)*leb, 49, : 59, de, 64, 77, ?9., sl
tr Saralynp lLt , n l{atrnah, }6, LtT '
tr f,lolts, 5L ti
llannah lane.. $1
It clnrlear.4s Ir ilarriet t.1 ?f
Crraries A*1 6p, ?$, {Ugr}(i:i;l It i.,{core, 8}, #1, i.os
" Ciura l3a11o, I04 il
llall'y lYalker, 1i]1, :.3.1j
it ,}lnrsnes frevl'i:i, ?4, p3, ' . I{el:i'letli,*, L0ll
1.11, l.Le lieriry A:.'Llurr, 8i1, LCli,l.{.:::
" 0larc{nce 1,, Jrtrior, 44, tLg lielrey #'ic,d<iar.*r7S , ,3i-
Ito'oarJ, L05iJ, Li.Y
" CLif:ford l€o, olt'., l#i. I'lorard fhsms. 3.{.i5,l.iS
rr il o:'ri., iTri gh'L1 1t)'A llui:er[ iCdwai'*, :;]
Huuphray, 9J4.,i$, 28r
!r hvi;l , it1, *5, 'li7 zgt 1r
L\:br:rah, )9, ,,;t"t,
1, .tr,
Iea+rc,. !, , $, ii, ii,
lr /rF 'i'n
shi1i1fi:iie.l.r 17 tr7, 97, 4?,
'iiapN+. ,'k!+;' 23, i:,*i''dr 10, ?l
i'au6c', ,
lt 3i, 29r "p
: Itlii.u-, lifi
rl iili jeh, 4i, #+, gB Jacob' $C
rf Tl..i.r;]:rs-.iti, 55, sgr ll tl rlanrec, 5,
'r -Lansi.n64,
1ILJ-2a.,tglisebeth)?orler.. Jar:o B" i05
34" fi93r 3O Jea.n A' Clar:ci-, Lfiji', i-i':i
fr ' jean r\r:i:e, l'16
dli a*b*tl:, 26, 37 , lir;,
liiirabeth filltkc, 3i fenni,o t?" ,l,t*.Lker', i0l
It {}i.ra}>*th i{annal: liti.le;;r rt Jeru*!s. Fcote, 2O, 7i'l't 1,9
,. ?l"|, T7, S$ 6) , 7t
" , Eli zabeth ilopeon, 4j., fd Joel' 5j
{Eat*3r) iiu:*.'i:, pll Jbirn 15 i0, 2li"fg:
[i]laabeth ii;, ::!ir
. 63, &., s? ht{

fr ELlen (El*anor) C;l:en*s, i.rlr i? Jolrn, 2L, 2A, !i'-" i0, i?r
ll tsIlen t. sl"i.irn, tle 's7, lrli, t"ti, 5fi', 5g
rf ti,mo:'o ?hm.o, 10i+, L16
' eijt
tt El*ie .1"lice, 53 .Joi:it 3 (sor: af; iir*:i:hi'i-';;ri
I $ather, 53. 24, 52r !"2, fr;5
tl tl
Jon*rthatrn J+Jf
. Sugene Veirc'.lr 112
fi [untcoe 4.5 rt
rJCaep!1r )ut ?it
;' a':
". l,' ' ' ' ' at : -
I Ezekicl, 32 72
F1crenco, 1014 J*.*epii of o+lch*s'i+r'r i'.;lt-i
'Il Florence lday Alvard, n] of EIiJair]17r til, 5Ji'o iJii,,
F'lorence .rtu,eh, gg 6tr, 5-;;,?1
tt Flryd l}ruio*, 1-08 tlJooelrh iiantl*, iiZ, i.i5, T;'".. iil
tl Frances rlte.rlo H*n'f:Orr tl it$o SO
10'8, ri? 'r "iaeht-i.e.,
i,ii L 3,i-e &{n;gTi' ::v:';'., , l'ri , .:i
" . Irra"::lctls j-pit, .65, 7T, 9,6 It
L;..rai.c S.]-nc:'e':.r:c'--:'-ilil';.l..i'r:
rr Fr.snl{ $i:L-l-;sn, l.Oi I
+ a1.
.LV" T
;r ilniri'ie 11r...Au.gur;',-:et-i,i.1J3 n i,yri'in &:':i'ii.i'.ri:, i.1
t' rSsorgelrf,, {)2" {i$, 7?, ;i:1, It
ir.;'r.i.i:- :tj*.i'tt ir::.1:t r;.r.t:.. ij:{-
V.g, ili)" *"iai ;;l ii';;l:i;'r":, LciL:i '''l:, I:1.'l'

Jchneono irir's*411.'a3f, :lar4,n-Tt'l?.t8 Jqhilrqrb ,'rilIi+rr .jrlnqlrd, 'eot 5:,r

fohnsb*, r ii'iIlslr." 1T f ,lrr.ran*n'?l;, 6?"-
.fn:rr:B;;n,,Uar;,*ri1r,. 2ltp
'99 z1n *, ?fi 5?C'6gg'?D;'77, TS, gya
36tu1aoirr.i''nfihn, r' ftiffi** ifue*s,,'.i*i.,- fc,
uTcil',rqii; ir:ary)*1 1i6o 57 c 4r!F 48 #tn 6?f 68
ichqfan, Jrlary iltll riioarnnnp l^16 !r. ;f11.ii.a Tiov!.t.i., .tt?
$ '
Jclrn.jon, i,lery l}le.kea 3T fdl*eys l0r
,Ichnsonl iilary iluahi.rrg6 52- .lul1ig;1; rlol"'.fceep!-', 6ll
t s llsrrr: a \Ar j{eston Ar-v Crump, it?
. 1 ,. 37
tt 'n ti
. ;lsts:;'?y , 2\ , 4?, 4x iler{torf ..,'i .l..or:i -'" i l:
rr u i'ig'''- Jirielilertc BIit pl
,l i,lry $:lithr }Qr 76
*n t i'fairrl.ogp.:i$q.s I
tt1 : Jesx{:hsn {,racot"lloti.e) .4g
i itqy 9. :itanSey-,2&u ?}ofta i- rr$ ' ' ft,1 ni;', go
'r . f! j,ar.l,rxi;,ierln ;ti;.oa,
, lillhi-teb!.$, ;10 i]lir ij:ip:i*
, ,..,ir1t"ble
Larscrr; lCIi] te,"fJ-r:r,,,J,nn li:.i1'.;1i6.
ls, ]J
1 lta.thnnfeto 14, lLs 3?o f.el1o;n !*rrt,in, )S
5& ji ii*ilog, ;.r,#y iie,i,t an, l'.5
'' tt lltah, ]$ . t ,ii'+or-Se
ittfiSr b,, f 14
tl "
$ 'no Sb*d,."{9 i#.n[; lia:]itya tcui.e*, i,'r..r+
olt,voro 2)
' ?:nicl*:,rb0skern $lna iJueh, l-{;1,
:: : :ilff',,ll**u,*aj{ ,o,,u|,,,=,
,r-,i;.i ili;-;:urou
, lirilph I {ron ef . Jo*errhi Zli, $ " ilarnc*, lgii
qgo $oe 69, &5, 64s 67r ?'la .L:ijeit,U, n*rp" 4l
Blr {}? r r' :cvid., lrl .
, Iial,ph 2 (oon of Alber*) St+n ', ljrr,.-,,'!tiah, I+tr
3C6.'.1OT il ,r9116.,.-1_ni1" Jii
". , i:eb*cr:e1 .ll.r 't0, tt Jshno lg;.
tt H 1$
o itbote, 45, ttS .tcgapii, *i
n $ ll*r*ey" J+O tt
' rr , Robc,,tr$Augtlet'i:n, ;ostrua" 4l
* r' tr Brucr*r-,Sl:* lq
'r ,Lrrgoret, 1+t
* t t o ,lZin t(]& 1CIS
. il ,r.rli.r:,r,;rr;
t'r Prrt|:o 4o 1.;, lr2.
' ..iary , Atr.
fi Ruth $.. ifurf.clter,soelr*i'n}L,ir o ostlf, 4f
t' !,!gr' Ler:yen'snl*illp john;ono fI
t 'ri 31itr.9'3qsi.,. &? Lounsbury, i.,*d,i:i.i:r.., il .! A,3
' sf :io.n'ueli 5li, tt
' iteuUei, 38
{ S::i lhn 14 k,rjr, ii]e;xrilrCei,; iir tl$
't .$tl-sr:ann l.O, t+?
.:+n;ol{, .ieo., g0
n $te;:heRo ll ;jardii.. "rla;'y Jolrrr*,oii, rif
$ueopn p.$ .'r.s6oa, ilanleln ld
tr . ?ho?6oet*1 $s r .Iohn, ty
tl Thcxssl nC {l
' .'-.,nyoh;,ilr:rpero }}
:. tlx'ie't1 ?1 ..,rc..Ierrl1:.r,,Ai?rel.{o }.t;g''
l ?s.!.&e'r! f)* iisyr -l-1::iuolo pi
fi :'ilLl.irar !-oc 1?* ?I ;.,.a,;ien, Joh*" r,t 'Lcui*e,
tf 1'11itr^euSlbenr, l.(S, l!6 iilt;ilurn{rll, Gl'rrrieaa 9{
n !l:i.3.1:l.n.m
Anrnaa, f!, {r2; 61, ;;n-rlenl. lily' ?6
. 6Sr iR; T?*tl0r i]t, *3a gj rtirgiL JriLon, 9fj
!t .it:-1j.1.:rr, ;; ;r.,:jil::{;1}F:3!,L.s:l,O ..C;l'nr}.'"nd, .t;':Orrli X.r l$$
}ici"arisrr:dr idiklrod i{anks, LCIO irainer, Saa,uell 20
.ituado*; e larlerea Ai.lno Fiuycie, --:
l0p Patrri8nr.'llt:? .
tfer,rdoro lisnrlr i{aff:la, }O?. ilartla "-,f-p$69on1 2t4' Z?ts 28,, '5
i{lrlgsr gilrriai*'.S1
!{er.Rtrre.,rcr" *ii''*-i rl":n n., f io .'srtet 3r .
*" r,{illero llrda ui; SA
P*rsonai'lllolstta 1ee Johneon, 11Ir
Af+rgar*f Johrrean; ]J
;i;l;;; ;;.;t - e6" q5
o. sr1ie6, . l"qli:' lo1,1gdno--i7
:r,Llerl ,r-rHrre.r8si-ii6 P':rpn*r, n9f'lt19r. ?7 --
Pcp5or' gllia'agthe
l,{lllar Franlclln; 5} ','i' :,rl.L"I}f''U'ffi' ?8' 1")
1rrr3,-ho-"{ Rirth.oaann
i{5.tchol, 0b.arleo, 6? il
.fr{onroel lnna 8, Geoe Pl Joaob., ,i
'iioor,aa l"fu"p"it'.t6n*on sly, 96
lfoi;..:o1 ..?+lfr*y. 8)
I ,*nifr}rt,
*' '
l{dbra, narrioil si . .-.:,*.,itob€rtf fr ^
:.-1"' {:;i{'i,.'sd
ifornar.Cantol. )fi
3: * g
i*p.r?ei *s;erlepfia' !p Popre',Ceprgo" tol
Llir*n, Jeifrm, 5g .' :- , l-11Ltstt S. Jotnson, l0i.
, t', :rary Br?''wer' t?1"
lf*rns, t9 ! H1-:l'rl.tor Invingl 1O1'
I,tcrse, .'ri*rtha lf oi*nrr*, fil ,-r Ni lg
rfarsqr orredtahl..1i;;'ib./"r " Porte:i, Bertha E' ttellcyt pt)
" t p0
lfo:rry, netrlanin,'iir ., chris{:1on
!f r Ollf,foedr 90
Herrir, eet:r*.cin--44' . il, Eilo'r Jc*ir' ?o
tt*.*iti r;ii"**otfi, yi
no lolian }rlndse;;r' fg
),-{c,,sr:/,nar:null6-;A' tr,
iiie,,vrlnn +T*hns ,li {r'od*rick i}ronncn; !}o
rr, ftgbort LindooSrr-po
}i;'::fr ,!*nathanp )4
r " Jcoe,ptr, i;E
', Poitor, r;aPtatn, 69 -
- ,rr"!r; ii .'Lrtrrl'{'' Slancho Lou *rerdnaf,r 9?
$ i{ar:/ nTol:nscn,35, 39, !l' Joirnnon' 77t 97
14 :,;-ii}'Lian
o* ir:l"i-+,gbk,,
u listlra,;i.*1, f:i'lrrrric' 'iohna'rn' 9?
iA ::'
rt,;'fettico A., 9?
t iioq;r,
o Tt',o*oni 6,
it+ fti::P'"'*, nr"
I,Ie-l.ha1pa,*gr ilionstnnco E. Stanldy, ?4 ladcliffsr ?hifi-pt S
t }t:ri:ert 011fford, 94'
n -T..i
lL1aa g"U.rtr"pt+ $coviIle. $olorioU-]]
},lesellr l{anry, fO S,nnclrr$t .ichn F'1 fOP ,
*, Il:"r:sh*" Fcot*, N n , Fry Jrrs lop
tr Jc'inrr"iohn
.lrleeten, i.b,{,{!sXLi46 I S:r '}'O!}.
* .Aahaolr'46- Sonburpl furnabael 4O
fi. tt ; r?ary Johnoon, 4?-
H*n*ranr" to 4sf
u iu"n*i"i tii +A '- rioeleye Albe?rt nlohnson, 1"i"0
r t, , C. :,ieasursr 1r.S
tt- *TdmesJrlberb, 119
Cle:rn. Sofle Lln:*Csen, 92
tr F' , .Iarpeoi?arg5er,84' llC
Tho:'vo.lrlr g?
sr u'*}1$
..i::;:;;'l*:::;*,{^*u'*) :.i +irtT;iT;h-,l:Tt3'''
S.ho].d*;i, }|r,4r 111nodalo, :78
Osbopne, 1,*L$e {i"Ouf se) Crrt!.er, r5f
t', (lhnr-lotto'tl,i"*,o*u, tl$ Slryel.b,llr [it,$ Thce"aa, ]S
taee, l'lLeh:rrti, Bf\, 3hortl.'sdg;t,, S;rlt'h' ?5 '17,
Palrnerr Clclr."rrltt;'.!tiiir;ne,nr 2lr 59, 60r 3ili.l,.lr,*,t" .111.*irr,
S, Joilr-.rsa::, 99
I tt
*,r:i;'.6-krfi, :" ;f].."il'lrllrll:T;
Fnlaei's Jarueha Footo, 20
Faluorr. Jerugha 21. &, 66 $kianer, Jemsha fo*';'*, ?C
6ga ?o $kj-rlner', 3'telhonr 20
Pr.,l"laar', i,t*i:tc:;.so21,, tig, 6'), *6, 7*
' ''
Snithr Ellzabeth,' r14
lr tyl'sr,
- Jeeso H " 7 4
,r jonathan, 41 rr i/rarla t. Convergac 77
Jersaf an
"rr Jerueba Footo, 20 Uphan, Lt', ;'hineao' A
il',aryJohns;;; 4, uireY, rtn' P;, 76
' N;;L,-tt ';-- ii""e,
van HenrY'8!
-'tt ',;i'agdaiino
n Jamuell 14 len tyrch-Uphen' S)
rf susannutr isuaan) Johnaon, lI) ' velta,
'- ,dlaffitna sklllnano 99
i- Alac'i'irederickr' 99
Springr gardlnor, 70 r
squler, Cheg. A.r 8? Charles Henryt 99
,r t Cherlee Skillnanr 99
Elizeboth Crofute 8?
,f rt ol.s're .filheluolna, 99
ilunic' Hunt, B? tr 99
,, John Agathor, B? i'hyllla Tavls fhdlton,
,, John ,t. 97 n r'iitelnlnE l3euercan'pero99
,r Jufla o E7' Terd, seneral Andrenl L7
il 'r AndrrdwrlE .
g? { Col Andrew, 1?
" i.:tary,
rr SalLy Saphrona, 87 Olahe Hubbard, L7
n Roxanna; f7
stanloy, Arnol,d l".tioaia, 94
rr .:,tt.drid p"lii""rr-i4' - iiaLkor. frustin Garret, 191
. ,f r,et€r ritti;;; ;:4
$ Basglo H. Donto lo}
tr ,lill H", g) .'llalter, i ' H., 70 t .,
$tilee, flanneh Packard iillmore, 85 Vater", S.""uft iohnson
n tarktn, g5 a\, 4T, *, 55r 56, 57
il Ludolpi.,t ?7, 85 TebLn.oactainr 59
. I ",
liory A. crandall, - 85
lt ]larrlst Burroua, 88
tt Henry, 88
3toddardp-HepecY, 81 'tabater, Jaocb, 61
,, Hopaeyf:artfn, gI
{ r ;luth Cul'ver, 61
Terael, BI .
Jane li. Dou"3hty,v' 8L 'iolloer Thornan' l4o f9 -
"n cut'ler' 5l
John, ur"*tt'ruJt "'iot,heralr, 0llrlsea
t s Joeoph' 6r
tols Hortonn 0l
u lr,artin, Bt ?oynouth,
- c-I;;;'i''rsrla i'ttlLer' 85
tr tt PearL' 8{-
samuel auluotue" 81
n Sarafr ge;;hor, 6f lleuban, 86
ru ,[mr lra.l 81 ,IllliaUar Olerieoa i'i.' 1O2
n - Zcrah, Sl r Cleriasa J. Johneon, 65, 82
rf .0urtLe, 81 ft Francla Johngon (frank) Bze
tr 0eorge ll' ' 82-
Stone, gsborph Ao, 10? t r
n g r n e e t ,a l ' i * " [ ; fol oranvlllo s', 82
,r t L;yrita ld. ilull, 1O2
Harrtet Johnson, 107
rr !/ary Armour, fO7 .Ioods, Clsra 6ol'l'e, lob
* s Elinor Jane, 1C5
r{ichard .lohnson, fO7
I n tt6nry JolureOnr^lo5
llichard Johneon, Jr., L0?
'ft3,1 o Jcsge olennr I'O5
.$toughton, tt tr l/ary sllaabeth' 1o5
3t,ose, F'iarrlgl 3eecher, f9
?avle, Cleronqo Arthur, 100 Zlnncr' Jasouellno A" 98
rr John 3t'cchens' 98
,r Gerald )rax, loo
t' 0 Rutlr clnro' 98
churlee Donald, loo
Thcne, Oavld Elnoro, 104
tr !&ry E. Gatton, 104
Tracy, Saoktel, 19
tt lially, 19
Trovitta $uaan Ann l"co' 91
u Constanto 9l

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