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Agudelo, Gian Isaiah, De Guzman, Beverlyn, Guins, Blessy Joy, Mateo, Linneth, Pendon, Maria
Roselle, Resusta, Ma. Angelica, Mrs. Arlene P. Par

College of Hospitality and Institutional Management

Research Development and Innovation Center

Our Lady of Fatima University

MARCH 2019
Table of Contents

First Title Page

Endorsement Page

Certificate of Originality

Contents Page

Second Title Page

Research Abstract

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Statement of the Problem

2.0 Review of Related Literature

3.0 Research Method(s)

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Research Locale

3.3 Population and Sampling

3.4 Research Instruments

3.5 Data Collection

3.6 Data Analysis

4.0 Result(s)

5.0 Discussion

6.0 Conclusion
7.0 Recommendation

8.0 References

9.0 Glossary of Terms

10.0 List of Appendices

Letters of Consent

Glossary of Terms

Research Instrument(s)

Research Budget

Agudelo, Gian Isaiah

De Guzman, Beverlyn

Guins, Blessy Joy

Mateo, Linneth

Pendon, Maria Roselle

Resusta, Ma. Angelica,

College if Hospitality and Institutional management

Research Development and Innovation Center

Our Lady of Fatima University

Research Abstract

Therapeutic effect refers to the response after a treatment of any kind, the results of which are judged
to be useful or favorable. This is true whether the result was expected, unexpected, or even an
unintended consequence. What constitutes a therapeutic effect versus a side effect is a matter of both
the nature of the situation and the goals of treatment. No inherent difference separates therapeutic and
undesired side effects; both responses are behavioral/physiologic changes that occur as a response to
the treatment strategy or agent.Los Baños' hot spring resorts are frequent weekend or summer
getaways for residents of the vast metropolis and tourists from other places in the Philippines and
abroad. The purpose of this study is to determine the “Tourist Perception on the therapeutic benefits of
hot spring pools in Los Banos, Laguna”. This study is focused on the therapeutic benefits of hot
springs to the tourist respondents. The researchers used the descriptive design in gathering the needed
information for this study. Using a 4-point Likert’s scale, a total of fifty tourist respondents were
selected randomly to answer the researcher’s google form survey. Data analysis was carried using
mean, percentage and ranking.The research showed that the hot springs in Los Banos, Laguna have a
therapeutic benefit to the tourist respondents. Based on the study, the respondents strongly agree that
the hot springs in Los Banos, Laguna has a beneficial effect.
1.0 Introduction

Soaking in a hot spring need not be solely reserved for a relaxing vacation or a weekend getaway.
These mineral-rich baths offer a slew of natural health benefits you may not know about. The healing
powers of hot springs have been used for thousands of years and are widely accepted in Europe and
Japan as natural treatment options for various common ailments. The therapeutic use of water, or
balneotherapy, could be just what the doctor ordered when it comes to relieving pain, stress, skin woes
and more. The springs are still an attraction and many of the better class of hotels in town include
bathing areas. Los banos is Spanish for the “the baths”; the city takes its name from thermal springs at
the foot of Mount Makiling, a dormant volcano located just a south of town.

Los Baños is nestled between two of Southern Luzon's most dominant geographical features –
Mount Makiling to the south and south-west and Laguna de Bay to the north. In fact, Laguna de Bay's
southernmost tip is at Barangay Bambang, and Barangay Bagong Silang is already halfway up Mount
Makiling. Both the mountain and the lake are volcanic features – Makiling being a potentially active
volcano whose geothermal activities gave birth to the hot springs after which the town was named, and
Laguna de Bay being the filled-in caldera of a massive prehistoric volcano.

Another notable geological feature is Tadlac Lake, a maar lake whose almost perfectly round
shape and uncharted waters have led some locals to call it "the enchanted lake." Others call it
"alligator lake", a reminder that it served as the last bastion of Laguna de Bay's once-plentiful cayman
population, which has since been wiped out and is now just another legendary part of Philippine

1.1 Statement of the Problem

Generally, the study aims to know the “Effects of the hot spring pools on the tourists”

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Name

1.2 Age

1.3 Gender

2 What are the therapeutic benefits of hot springs?

3 What significant finding can be concluded from the study?

1.2 Assumption

The hot spring in Los Banos, Laguna has a therapeutic benefit to the tourist.

1.3 scope and limitation

This study focused on the tourist' perception on the therapeutic benefits of hot spring pools in Los
Banos, Laguna to be participated by 50 tourist-respondents.

1.4 significance of the study

The purpose of this study is to understand and determine the therapeutic benefits of hot spring in
Los Banos, Laguna to the tourist.

For the tourist - this study is important for the tourist to determine and be aware of the therapeutic
benefits of hot springs in Los Banos, Laguna.

For the researchers - this study is important to serve as a guide, basis, especially for those who will
conduct a study on the same or similar framework.

For the Future researchers - this study is important to serve as guide and to enlighten more the future
researchers who will conduct a study on the same or similar framework.

2.0 Review of Related Literature

The healing powers of hot springs have been used for thousands of years and have been widely
accepted in Europe and Japan as natural treatment options for various common ailments. Hot springs
are reputed to have a number of therapeutic benefits, with many scientists from around the world
studying balneology or the “treatment of disease by bathing.” We have outlined some of the top
benefits of dipping into a hot spring. A hot spring is an all-natural body of water that is warmed
geothermally. One way to classify a hot spring is that it must be well above the temperature of the
surrounding earth, and usually hot springs hover around the 100 degrees Fahrenheit mark. The
temperature of a given hot spring is dependent on a few different factors; the heat supplied at depth
(sometimes from a magma chamber), the rate at which the water flows, and if there is a mixture of
cooler groundwater into the flow of hot water.

The effect of hot spring bathing is basically stimulation. Various minerals and other elements
penetrate the body, promoting hormone secretion. When one first begins hot spring therapy, the
sympathetic nerve becomes predominant, blood pressure rises, heart rate goes up, and blood sugar
level also rises. Then, to correct this condition, the parasympathetic nerve becomes predominant,
blood pressure decreases, heart rate goes down, and blood sugar also comes down. In this way, the
sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve alternately predominate, and eventually a stable
condition of equilibrium is achieved, allowing the body to repair itself.Most people will experience
this effect if they immerse themselves in healing waters over the course of one week. People in past
times knew this from experience or word of mouth, not scientific study. In 1604, just after the
installment of the Edo shogunate, the shōgun Tokugawa Ieyasu himself went to Atami Onsen in
Shizuoka Prefecture for a week of hot spring therapy.

Soaking in a hot spring can be wonderful therapy, for a number of reasons. The heat and
subsequent sweating have a deeply cleansing effect on our skin and entire body-mind system. The
specific mineral content of the spring will offer its unique benefits. If the spring is in a relatively
natural environment, chances are we’re receiving the qi (life-force energy) of all five elements: earth
(the ground in which the spring is held); metal (the various minerals in the spring water); water (the
water itself); wood (the surrounding trees, and/or the wooden benches etc. surrounding the spring);
and fire (the heat of the water, and the sun overhead). As such, hot springs have the capacity to
balance and harmonize our body-mind, quite naturally.

These water resorts are estimated to consume large volume of groundwater which could result to
over-extraction and decrease in groundwater quantity. However, monitoring and regulation of usage is
difficult as most of these resorts operate without water use permits. If groundwater use is left
unregulated, water availability for the resorts industry and for domestic, commercial and other uses in
the future will be negatively affected. It is necessary to strengthen implementation of laws and
enhance partnerships among national and local government agencies, private sector, civil society and
communities, in the proper monitoring and regulation of groundwater resources to promote

One significant activity in Laguna province is the development of the water resorts which
includes hot springs resorts and spas. Presence of hot springs is due to the geothermal activities in the
area. These water resorts are estimated to consume large volume of groundwater which could result to
over-extraction and decrease in groundwater quantity. Due to the folklore and health benefits of hot
springs, it is no wonder they are a popular tourist destination, and increasingly more so these days, as
well as being used regularly as a form of therapy or for rehabilitation.

Hot springs have an especially high mineral content, because heated water can hold more
dissolved solids. This means a given hot spring can contain everything from calcium, magnesium,
silica, lithium, and even radium. Like a multivitamin for the skin! Sulphur in particular explains that
pleasant aroma springs can sometimes have – dissolved Sulphur in the water is converted to Hydrogen
Sulphide by way of bacteria, explaining this harmless but undesirable ‘rotten egg’ smell that some hot
springs are blessed with.

Calamba and Los Baños in Laguna Province, Philippines lie between the northern part of Mt.
Makiling and north shore of Laguna de Bay. One significant activity in Laguna province is the
development of the water resorts which includes hot springs resorts and spas. Presence of hot springs
is due to the geothermal activities in the area. This study seeks to explore the nature and possible
impacts of ground water utilization in hot spring resorts in Calamba and Los Baños in Laguna

The name of the city, Calamba comes from a legend that during the early time of the Spanish period in
the country, two "guardias civil" or soldiers were lost and passing through what is now Calamba. The
soldiers met a young lady who came from a river carrying a jar of water and a clay stove. The soldiers
unwittingly in Spanish language and in authoritative tone, to conceal the fact that they were lost, asked
the local maiden the name of the place they were in. The lady, who speaks only her native language,
naturally thought she was being interrogated about what she was carrying and nervously uttered
"kalan-banga", meaning "clay stove" (kalan) and "water jar" (banga). Because the Spaniards could not
pronounce it properly, the town has been called Calamba supposedly since then. This legend is
immortalized with a large concrete water jar erected in the city plaza with the names of the city's
barangays written on its surface. It is now known as Calambanga and is considered the "World's
Biggest Claypot". This same jar is also found in the city's seal.

Calamba lies on the northern slopes of Mount Makiling, a dormant volcano. The southern terminus of
the South Luzon Expressway is in Calamba and this geographic position makes the city a gateway to
the southern provinces of Luzon. The highway at the end of the South Luzon Expressway leads east to
the other towns of Laguna and south towards the provinces of Batangas and Quezon.

Healing Properties of Mineral Hot Springs

Soaking in hot springs has many health benefits. The reason why hot springs have healing
powers and are beneficial are a combination of the temperature of the water along with the mineral
content. Depending on the minerals in the waters, you receive additional benefits from hot
springs. Here are some of the health benefits you receive from the waters.

Silica - Promotes healthy skin, nails and hair. Helps prevent and treat several types of skin problems
and prevents brittle nails. Strengthens bones, joints, connective tissues. Helpful during the healing
process, especially with fractures or dislocations. Helps boost the immune system.
Sulfate - Rids the body of toxins which helps the liver. Promotes healthy hair, nails and prevents skin
inflammation and infection. Also helps with respiratory problems.
Bicarbonate - Helps with circulation issues, helps with many cardiovascular issues, helps nervous
system imbalances and has natural antacid properties for healthy digestion.
Calcium - Promotes the formation of healthy teeth and bones, prevents and helps osteoporosis, helps
to protect heart and helps the nervous system.
Magnesium - Maintains muscle tissue and normal heart rhythms. Maintains nerves, muscles and
bones. Regulates blood sugar levels. Helps with cramps and fatigue, psychiatric disorders,
osteoporosis, asthma, diabetes, pain, seizures, bone health and regulates muscle relaxation.
Potassium - Promotes healthy skin, bones and kidney function, rids the body of toxins, helps
normalize heart rhythms. Helps the nervous system, helps balance water levels in the body, helps to
balance blood sugar and blood pressure. Helps anxiety and stress, heart and kidney disorders, brain
function, helps to prevent muscle disorders, stroke and cramps.
Sodium - Maintains water levels in the body, provides relief for arthritic symptoms and muscle
Lithium - Helps brain function, improves memory, reduces aggressive behavior, used to treat
depression, bipolar and manic-depressive illness.(URL no. 1)

Therapeutic Benefits of Hot Spring

Due to the folklore and health benefits of hot springs, it is no wonder they are a popular
tourist destination, and increasingly more so these days, as well as being used regularly as a form of
therapy or for rehabilitation.

Hot springs have an especially high mineral content, because heated water can hold more
dissolved solids. This means a given hot spring can contain everything from calcium, magnesium,
silica, lithium, and even radium. Like a multivitamin for the skin! Sulphur in particular explains that
pleasant aroma springs can sometimes have – dissolved sulphur in the water is converted to hydrogen
sulphide by way of bacteria, explaining this harmless but undesirable ‘rotten egg’ smell that some hot
springs are blessed with.The heat in hot springs envelopes and helps soothe aching muscles, and the
minerals present in the water get soaked up by the skin, and stimulate certain bodily processes. (URL
It boosts blood circulation.

The hot springs actually contains different materials like calcium and sodium bicarbonate. With
that being said, when you rest in the water you absorb the minerals. According to,
when you soak up the minerals “your hydrostatic pressure rises”. Your blood starts pumping and you
get to feeling like you’re working out – without even having to run or lift weights! So, if exercising
isn’t your forte, hot springs are a great alternative. Getting your blood to circulate is important to your
health because it allows your heart to pump a little faster and can even get adrenaline pumping through
your body. Blood circulation helps your body feel not so stiff and tired as it would if you were lying in
bed all day.The water found in natural hot springs contains a variety of different minerals, including
calcium and sodium bicarbonate. Our bodies soak up these minerals when we are in a hot spring,
which increases circulation and overall oxygen flow. Hot springs may help to increase your circulation
by introducing important minerals into your skin. This may help to increase the oxygen flow in your
blood, which is important not only for your heart, but for all other systems of your body.(URL no. 3)

Something almost all spa-like features do is relieve stress and calm you down.

Hot springs are no exception to this. While you sit in the pool, the heat deeply relaxes your
muscles, resulting in the release of body tension. This in turn, helps you sleep better. By relaxing and
de-stressing, your body is able to fall asleep faster. De-stressing in general is very beneficial to your
health. It not only helps you sleep better, but helps you clear your mind. It takes the tension out of
your body and therefore allows your mind to relax and get your blood flowing again and your heart
beating. In turn, you can make better decisions with a clear mind and you can, even if it is just for a
minute, forget your problems(URL no. 4)

Hot springs are great for people with chronic pain.

According to, who cited Dr. Andrew Weil, a hot spring can help with joint pain, muscle
fatigue, tissue damage, and others. The Chinese and Japanese have evidently been using hot springs to
cure these pains for thousands of years. For those with extreme pain, a trip to the hot pool springs
would be greatly beneficial. The heat loosens your skin from your bones and the muscles and helps
you move freer.An Israeli study published in the journal Rheumatology International found that hot
mineral baths may aid in pain relief and fatigue caused by widespread pain. This is because the heat,
although sometimes intense, can dull our perception of pain by blocking the pain receptors in our
bodies. Also being buoyant in the water often allows for freer movement as the water supports the
body’s joints.(URL no. 5)

Skin conditions can also be helped with hot springs.

In natural hot springs, there is something called silica that can actually really help your skin. If you
have eczema or psoriasis, the sulfur in the water really helps to heal it. Sulfur is used to make collagen,
which keeps your skin healthy and smooth. Sulfur also helps with dry scalp, arthritis, and other
possible medical conditions. So, if you have skin conditions that affect your daily life, and you just
cannot get rid of it, you should consider visiting a hot spring! And if it does not work, at least you
helped your blood circulation, your stress levels, and possibly your pain. The high silica content found
in hot springs can smooth and soften dry and rough skin. Meanwhile the sulphur contained in the
water can also hold medicinal properties that may relieve conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Plain water often has a dehydrating effect on skin, but mineral water is rich in silica which helps to
soothe irritations, particularly rough, dry skin. Soaking in mineral hot springs is often prescribed by
physicians and naturopaths in Europe and Japan where holistic healing is more readily
embraced.(URL no. 6)

The heat helps with nasal congestion and digestion problems as well.

The heat and steam rise to your sinuses, clearing out the pathway. The saltwater is what helps the
digestion tract. Clearing out your sinuses can make you feel a lot more comfortable and healthier, even
if it is just for a minute! Clearing out your digestion problem also helps you feel a lot more
comfortable. Something else along these same lines, hot springs can help exercise your autonomic
nervous system as well as stabilize your endocrine system. Detoxification of oils and dead cells can
occur through you sweating it all out.The heat from the springs in combination with sulfur makes is a
great combo to combat nasal congestion. The heat and steam rise to your sinuses and clear them
making you a lot more comfortable in the process. Inhaling mineral water as vapor can be an effective
treatment for sinus problems, allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems. Clearing mucus from
the lungs facilitates breathing easier.(URL no. 7)
Boost Immune System

Some proponents believe that iron content in hot springs, along with other trace minerals, might
help build your body’s immune system, making it stronger and more able to fight infections.This leads
to several things occurring which give your body’s overall defense system a hand. Since many viruses
and bacteria can’t survive in high heat, the sauna makes it hard for them to stick around. It can also
help your body tackle a bacterial or viral infection you might be experiencing. The resulting sweating
that takes place when enjoying a sauna aids in detoxification, flushing those nasty bugs out of your
system. (And it makes your skin look pretty darn amazing to boot!)

If you’ve never tried going from your sauna to a cold splash, give it a try! Your white blood cell
count increases when you alternate between hot and cold in a short span of time. Use a sauna for ten
minutes, then retreat to a cold shower or bath for a period, then repeat the process a couple more times.
It’s a simple way to give your body extra immunity boost with a higher white blood cell total.

When your wrap up is a sauna session, your body moves into cool down mode. Not only does this
help you get a more restful night’s sleep (sleep is well known to be key in helping your body’s
immune system), the cool down also increases cardiovascular circulation. This assists in cell repair—
and it’s certainly heart health. There is a myriad of reasons that sauna use is good for us. Know that
you’re also doing your body good by naturally helping your immune system be more effective at
doing its job.(URL no. 8)


Bathing repeatedly in hot springs can help tone your autonomic nervous system and normalize your
endocrine system, as well as release toxins in your body through sweating.Besides boosting
circulation, hot springs can help with detox in several ways. The circulation boost can also help to
trigger metabolic activity, and get things moving along in your bowel. Plus, the mineral-rich hot water
helps to open your pores and lets you sweat out accumulated toxins.

Hot springs that have not yet breached the ground surface have this special oxidation-reduction
system, and the scientific substance and value of hot springs can be said to be in their reductive
function. The reductive function is the ability to restore and activate our cells, which are oxidized by
free radicals and run the risk of turning into a serious disease if the corrosion is left unchecked. Hot
springs also have an “antioxidant effect,” preventing oxidation.(URL no. 9)
Reduce Stress

Hot springs help your body relax, which benefits many aspects of your health, including sleeping
patterns and nutrient assimilation. The relaxation promoted by the heat and buoyancy of hot springs
also helps increase the range of motion of your muscles and joints, making the soaking beneficial for
individuals recovering from trauma or suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.The mineral water in hot
springs can also help reduce stress by relaxing tense muscles. Meanwhile as your body temperature
rises in the bath, and then cools once you exit can also help you relax and fall into a deeper
sleep.(URL no. 10)

Promotes Sleep

Stress relief doesn’t have to come in the form of a pill. Excess stress can be remedied naturally by
immersing your body in a hot-spring water bath. The minerals in the water can contribute to the
psychological healing process, while heat relaxes tense muscles. Improved sleep can be an added
benefit; when you soak in warm water, your body temperature rises, then quickly cools down when
your bath is complete. This body-cooling process can help you relax and fall into a deeper sleep.
According to the National Sleep Foundation we begin to feel sleepy when our body temperature drops.
For an all-natural sleep aid, you can encourage the effect with a warm bath or and an evening hot
springs soak. The contrast between the warmth and coolness of your bedroom will help induce a
restful night’s sleep.(URL no. 11)


Chronically dry, flaky skin, otherwise known as eczema, is a skin condition that affects up to 15%
of Americans and Canadians. Regularly soaking in hot springs has been found to reduce eczema
itching, redness, and cover.Sulfur is a mineral present in every cell of your body and is used to make
collagen, which keeps your skin smooth and healthy. Hot springs are a rich source of sulfur and its
healing benefits include treating skin irritations and infections such as rashes and eczema. Sulfur-rich
hot springs are also thought to help treat dry scalp, arthritic pain and internal problems such as
menopausal symptoms and digestive disorders. Eczema is a condition that makes your skin red and
itchy. It's common in children but can occur at any age. Atopic dermatitis is long lasting (chronic) and
tends to flare periodically. It may be accompanied by asthma or hay fever. No cure has been found for
atopic dermatitis. Regularly soaking in hot springs has been found to reduce eczema itching, redness,
and cover. Circulation: Specifically, sodium bicarbonate and calcium found in mineral hot
springs help with good circulation in the body.(URL no. 12)


Never to be underestimated, is the power of de-stressing and relaxation. A stressed state can lead
to all kinds of health complications, such as high blood pressure, depression, and an increase in the
output of the stress hormone, cortisol. When Cortisol is released in stress-induced doses, this can mess
with our hormonal balance, which in turn, unfortunately affects just about everything, including our
mood, our immune system, and our metabolism. As in, the key to a faster metabolism and being able
to shed those pounds, is having balanced hormones, not stressed, unbalanced hormones. So whatever
your method of choice, whether you relax with hot springs, a good book, or both, make sure you do
invest in yourself through stress reduction and relaxation.

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of enjoying a natural hot springs bath is
relaxation at its best. While you’re sitting in the pool, the heat deeply relaxes your muscles helping
you naturally release physical tension. Relaxing should never be underestimated. Chronic stress can
create all kinds of serious health complications including an increase in cortisol. Stress-induced levels
of cortisol can ultimately affect just about everything in our system. While relaxing just plain feels
good, know that it is critically important to our overall health.(URL no. 13)

Bathing Prevents Ageing and Disease

It is said that 90 percent of diseases and ageing are caused by free radicals. Sources of free
radicals include intense ultraviolet rays, radiation, pesticides, car exhaust, food additives, cigarettes,
pharmaceuticals, and intense stress. Free radicals “oxidize” a substance; in other words, they cause it
to corrode. Oxidization is also the reason that metal rusts and fish go rancid. The human body is made
up of some 60 trillion cells, and as a cell membrane corrodes, before long it gets to the point that the
DNA inside is damaged and becomes cancerous.

On the other hand, the opposite of oxidation is “restoration.” It is the reverse action of
oxidation; that is to say, not only does it prevent ageing and corrosion, or decay, in the case of humans
it takes the corroded cell and activates it, with the effect of, for example, rejuvenating the skin. In both
Japan and Europe, hot springs have from ancient times been called “the waters of youth” precisely
because they offer this kind of “restorative power.” In other words, just as it is written in Izumo no
KuniFudoki, when you soak in hot springs it restores the clarity of your corroded skin and can turn
back the clock, bringing back your youthful appearance.(URL no. 14)

Cardiovascular Health

One of the most lauded benefits of hot springs, as well as a spa treatment, is the prevention of
various cardiovascular diseases. But wait, there is a paradox here. It is also proven that cardiac arrests
happen more times in hot springs and during hot baths. In fact, more often than it is normally
reported.When you bathe in hot springs, your skin soaks in a variety of minerals and it results in
increased blood circulation and oxygen flow. The best part is, you don’t even have to exercise! More
oxygen in your bloodstream and increased circulation is very advantageous to keeping your body’s
vital organs healthy. Floating in the water brings about a weightlessness that also helps to increase
circulation. If you can’t drag yourself to a gym, drag yourself to the hot springs instead.

A high temperature can lower blood pressure. But the sudden temperature rise causes the drastic
drop in blood pressure that, in turn, shocks the body and stresses the heart, giving way to
lightheadedness, fainting, and even cardiac arrest. The same change in temperature, but gradually,
causes improvement in cardiovascular function.(URL no. 15)
2.1Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Hot Springs Of
Relieve stress and Relaxation.
Los Banos, Laguna
calm you down.

Therapeutic Benefits
Hot springs are great Cardiovascular
The branch of medicine that is concerned
for people with Health.
specifically with the treatment of disease.
chronic pain.

Skin condition can be Bathing prevents

helped with hot ageing and disease.


The heat helps with Boost your immune It detoxify your Promotes

nasal congestion and system.

body. sleep.
digestion problems.

2.2 Literature Review

Hillspa Resort

Hillspa Resort Laguna is a good-sized pool resort in Laguna. This is a public resort with hot springs
and a good landscape. This is right along the national highway so it is very accessible. It has 3
swimming pools, 10 air-con rooms and a good 3-hectare land to boast.

Duplex Hot Spring Resort Laguna

Duplex Hot Spring Resort Group or commonly known as Duplex is composed of 5 hot spring villas
where everyone can chill and celebrate. It is also an alternative venue for corporate seminars,
meetings, or strategic planning with an atmosphere of a vacation home. The modern hot spring
boutique is complete with amenities like mini-mart, mini-bar w/ disco set-up, restaurant, and outdoor
Calidus Laguna Hot Spring Resort

Calidus Laguna Hot Spring Resort Pavilion 1 is part of the Calidus resort in Pansol Laguna. This
is a colorful pavilion and you can enjoy with your friends and family. This is a place to enjoy intimate
family events. This resort is also formerly known as the Duplex Resort. Pavilion 1 is very colorful and
will be able to accommodate a big group of people. The amenities include a restaurant, 4 air-
conditioned rooms with double sized beds and an entertainment package to keep you partying. There
is a swimming pool, a kiddie pool and a basketball ring that will surely be a hit with the pack.

BalaiPuti Private Resort Spa

BalaiPuti is a place where you can just relax, and rejuvenate yourself. A place where you can unwind
from your regular fast-paced life in the city - as you breath clean and fresh air, and splash in our
refreshing swimming pools.Blessed with Mt. Makiling's natural sulphuric hot water with great
medicinal properties, large swimming pool and jacuzzi will truly help you relax and revitalize.

South 5 Hot Spring Resort

Sense of South Hot Spring Resort was born out of our desire to provide a private pool that is clean,
modern and with a great ambiance and a hotel-like feel for its guests. We want to upgrade the whole
experience, thus we created something that is good enough for large groups at the same time giving
quality experience to our loyal patrons. We have a total of 6 rooms, one of which is located at the
ground floor for the convenience of senior guests.

Our swimming pool is 100% natural hot spring with a slide and professional sized basketball ring
in-pool to add more fun. Kiddie pool is large enough even for the kids at heart. It is also partially
covered for those who wants to swim all day and not worry about get sun burned.

Al Fresco Springs Resort

Al Fresco Springs Resort awaits you! Just a little over an hour drive from Makati, this laguna hot
spring private resort overlooks the picturesque Mount Makiling. Relax and submerge yourself in the
hot spring as it overlooks the lush, green mountains of Laguna. Nestled in the heart of Los Baños,
Laguna, Al Fresco Springs Resort is surrounded by lush greenery, making it a great place to relax.
Breathe in the fresh mountain air and enjoy the scenic views of Mt. Makiling.

La Vue Hot Spring Resort

This minimalist place is conveniently located in Los Banos, Laguna, very near the boundary of
Los Banos and Calamba with an amazing view of Mt. Makiling from the veranda. Enjoy this cozy
abode perfect for family outings and get togethers. The wide, spacious, well ventilated hall can serve
as an ideal venue for special occasions like wedding reception, birthday party, team building or family

Sentosa Elenita Private Hot Spring Resort

Experience los baños at its finest here at sentosaelenita private hotspring resort. Guaranteed fully
private, fully airconditioned rooms, clean and chlorine free water, natural hot spring water, remarkable
services. Perfect for any occasions, weddings, debut, children parties, baptismal, team buildings,
convention/seminars, etc. Or simply for relaxation and fun! Relax and enjoy, great stress reliever.

Laresio Lakeside Resort and Spa

Dubbed as one of the best getaways near Metro Manila which boasts a natural and serene
surrounding, combined with extreme water activities which makes Laresio the ultimate place to relax
and enjoy corporate and personal adventure. Come and see how we designed Laresio to cater the most
laid-back individual to the most active and thrill-seeker of them all.

The Cliffhouse Laguna Hot Spring Resort

The Cliffhouse Laguna is located inside Springdale Subdivision in Los Baños, Laguna, just a few
meters after the exit ark from Pansol, Calamba, Laguna. It was a family rest house that has been later
turned into a profitable business as a resort that is best for groups. It’s located on a cliff with a great
view of Laguna Bay and the surrounding environment of Los Baños, Laguna.

The Cliffhouse Laguna is situated on a cliff and the views atop is magnificent and glorious. Makes
you want to click your camera shutter all the time. But it requires energy when going up which is good
for the heart.The main selling point of The Cliffhouse Laguna is their infinity pool. The infinity pool is
so gorgeous and beautiful even during the night plus it has a view of Laguna Bay, a perfect backdrop.
A picture-perfect place for Instagramers and photo enthusiasts.

Arabella Hot Spring Resort

Featuring a garden, private pool and pool views, Arabella Hot Spring Resort is set in Forestry.
This property offers access to a terrace and free Wi-Fi. The villa is fitted with 4 bedrooms, a flat-
screen TV and a fully equipped kitchen that provides guests with a microwave. Featuring air
conditioning, the villa also includes 5 bathrooms with a bidet. Languages spoken at the reception
include English and Filipino, and guests are invited to request information on the area when needed.
Guests can also relax in the shared lounge area.

Splash Mountain Resort

The Splash Mountain Resort in Laguna is located at the Splash Mountain Resort Complex, Km.58
Bgy. Lalakay (along the National Highway), Los Baños. When you come to Splash Mountain Resort
for day or night swimming, you can choose from several hot spring pools for fun or relaxation.

City of Springs Laguna Resort

The City of Springs Hotel is located at the heart of Los Baños town, beside the Laguna Lake, and
near the Los Baños Municipal Hall. Its complete address is: 147 N. Villegas Street, Los Baños,
Laguna. Because we live in Los Baños town, we don't really have to spend for overnight hotel
accommodations in Laguna when we tour the province. But last year, we thought it would be nice to
try one of the hotels in Laguna. So just for a night away from home, we stayed at the City of Springs
Hotel, a mere 10-minute drive away from our house!

Splash Suites Hotel Laguna

The Splash Suites Hotel is the latest luxurious addition to the Splash Mountain Resort in Los
Banos, Laguna. The hotel allows you to pamper yourself in one of their stylish rooms and at the same
time destress with the hot spring water from the pools. Guests in Splash Suites Hotel can use the pools
from the Splash Mountain Hotel and Splash Oasis.

Casa Eladio Private Pool Resort

Casa Eladio Private Pool Resort is located at Lt 08 block 4 Lakewood subdivision phase 1
Lalakay Lt, Los Baños, 4030 Laguna. The resort has Adult Pool & Kids Pool w/ Slide, Natural Hot
Spring, 4 Rooms A/C, Sleeping Capacity of 30 to 35 Pax, 4 Comfort Rooms, Kitchen, Refrigerator,
Cooking Utensils, Unlimited Videoke, Table and Chairs, Complete Set of Billiard Table, Capacity of
30 to 35 Pax.

Foreign Literature

The aim of this research was to assess the role of natural hot and mineral springs in health,
wellness and recreational tourism, based on a model which was developed for this purpose. Natural
hot and mineral springs are important resources for the development of health resort and spa
destinations and present interesting features for nature-based tourism (ecotourism, geotourism). Hot
spring tourism involves visiting destinations with natural hot and mineral springs as key tourist
attractions and is under-reported in the tourism literature, although visitor numbers for this particular
sector are rising. While health and wellness tourism is discussed in recent literature, a paucity of in-
depth academic analyses relating to the significant contribution of natural hot and mineral springs to
health, wellness and recreational tourism is evident. To close this gap in the literature this thesis
focuses on the role of natural hot and mineral springs as an important natural resource in health,
wellness and recreational tourism. Elements of the hot spring experience are examined and include the
historical use and cultural background, their geology and their contribution to the health, wellness and
recreational tourism sector based on facilities available for medical and recreational purposes at hot
spring destinations. As with any research project there have been limitations which have affected the
scope of the study, in particular the size of the global hot spring tourism industry and the difficulty to
obtain reliable data.

Natural hot and mineral springs are recognized by the tourism industry as a unique natural
resource and frequently marketed in combination with other local attractions (e.g. cultural, historical,
geological). They not only provide a resource for health and wellness tourism, but also contribute to
the demand for recreational aspects of nature-based tourism. Hot springs are considered a significant
draw card for the health, wellness and recreational tourism and are developed for tourism purposes
where possible. The research findings further reveal that the historical and cultural use of natural hot
and mineral springs has been extensive over time on a global basis. Many spa towns have a history of
hundreds or even thousands of years and have upgraded and redeveloped their thermal facilities for
current use (e.g. Aachen, Germany; Kusatsu, Japan; Bath, UK; Rotorua, New Zealand; Beitou,
Taiwan). Another significant point is the popularity of hot springs with all age groups, genders and
sociocultural backgrounds, especially in countries were natural hot springs can be easily accessed (e.g.
Japan, New Zealand, Iceland) and are used on a regular basis. Under responsible management and by
avoiding over-exploitation natural hot springs present a renewable resource for sustainable tourism
development on a long-term basis.

The key findings of the research confirm the significance of hot spring-based tourism on a global
basis and present a new perspective in the discussion of health, wellness and recreational tourism.
Natural hot and mineral springs are found in many countries and make a significant contribution to
health, wellness and recreational tourism. As an alternative health source natural hot and mineral
springs have the profound benefit of being seasonally independent and therefore attract visitors all
year round. A high awareness about the therapeutic value of natural hot springs due to their mineral
content is common throughout the related literature and among interview respondents. In many
European countries for example medical treatment based on natural hot and mineral springs is
integrated into the respective health systems and supported by the medical profession based on clinical
studies and success rates. Government policies and regulations in countries such as Japan, Germany or
Taiwan indicate strongly that natural hot springs are an important part of the national health system
and provide evidence for their role in health wellness and recreational use.(URL no. 16)

Local Literature

For years, scientists had assumed that geysers and other types of hot springs spewed water that
came from deep inside Earth. Now researchers working at a Philippine volcano have stumbled across
an exception. Hot springs flowing into a lake in the volcano’s crater come from a shallow source —
the lake itself. The new finding suggests there may be plenty of similar spots worldwide.

Temperatures deep below Earth’s surface are, on average, much warmer than at ground level.
That’s true for a number of reasons. First, there is heat left over from when dust, gas and other
material collided billions of years ago and formed Earth. The planet is still cooling off from those
long-ago cosmic fender-benders.

Second, radioactive elements deep inside Earth are constantly generating heat. As each
radioactive atom morphs, shedding subatomic particles (and sometimes transforming into other
elements) it releases a tiny bit of energy. Add all those tiny bits together and there’s a lot of heat
working its way upward through Earth’s crust.

That heat reaches Earth’s surface in different ways. Some is carried upward by molten rock,
which spews from volcanoes or oozes through the seafloor at vents along mid-ocean ridges.
Sometimes heat is emitted into space as infrared radiation; it’s the same sort of heat produced by an
electric stove or a light bulb. (On average, each 10-square-foot area of Earth’s surface emits about half
the power needed to light up a 4-watt nightlight.) Sometimes, Earth’s heat even flows forth in hot
springs like those found at Yellowstone National Park and around many volcanoes.

Most scientists had presumed that water spewing from hot springs, like the source of heat itself,
came from deep within the ground, says Bayani Cardenas. As a hydrologist at the University of Texas
at Austin, he studies how water flows across and through Earth’s crust. But recent field tests by
Cardenas and his coworkers have just revealed a new type of hot spring. It recirculates water coming
from a source near Earth’s surface.

While describing his discovery at a meeting of geologists in November, Cardenas joked that his
talk could have been titled: ”What I Did for My Summer Vacation.” When Cardenas isn’t teaching, he
sometimes returns to his hometown in the Philippines. While there, he looks for opportunities to do

On a recent trip home, he visited nearby Taal volcano, which last erupted about 40 years ago. Still
active, this volcano is peppered with instruments that measure seismic activity and other aspects of the
changing landscape (such as changes in the slope in and around its crater). “That volcano is one of the
most monitored in the Philippines,” Cardenas notes. “I went there mostly for curiosity. I knew if I
went there, I’d find something interesting.”(URL no. 17)

2.3 Research Simulacrum

The input of the research was derived from the demographic profile of the respondents which
are name, age and gender. The process defined as descriptive using a Google form survey in terms of
therapeutic effects of hot spring.

Input Process Output

Demographic profile of Descriptive Research Touristperceptionon the

the respondent using a Google form therapeutic benefits of
survey hot spring in
Los Banos, Laguna
1. Name (optional)
1. Beneficial effects of
2. Age Determine the
hot springs in tourist-
3. Gender Therapeutic benefits of
hot spring

3.0 Research Methodology

This chapter deals with the research methodology of the study, including the research design,
setting, sources of data, sampling technique, procedures, research instrument and etc. The researchers
used IBM SPSS Statistics in computing the respondent’s data. According to it is software
used to solve such business and research problems by means of ad-hoc analysis, hypothesis testing,
geospatial analysis and predictive analytic.

3.1 Research Design

Respondents are selected without discrimination and according to their physical attributes and
research criteria. All information gathered shall be treated as confidential by the researchers. Survey
using the google form method shall be used in collection of data from the respondents. The researchers
shall utilize questionnaires intended to elicit answers from the respondents.
The analysis of data shall immediately take place after all the needed information are completely
gathered from the responses of the respondents. Tabulation of retrieved data shall be done by the
researchers using the process of classifying and grouping of collected data into different intervals in a
frequency distribution.

Descriptive design will be utilized to determine the usability of a researcher-made computer

health game. Descriptive designs aim to discuss a variable or phenomena without engaging into its
relationship or causation with outside variables (Grimes & Schulz, 2002; Polit& Beck, 2003). It limits
itself to descriptions, observations and documentations of said phenomenon (Polit& Beck, 2003). It
answers the basic W-questions, acts as preliminary approach to new events (Grimes & Schulz, 2002)
suitable for future theory creation and development (Polit& Beck, 2003).

3.2 Research Locale

The Study will be conducted in Los Banos, City of Laguna. The Researchers will use “Survey
Monkey” it will be done through online survey. The researchers chose Los Banos, City of Laguna
because it will give the researchers more information why they choose Los Banos, Laguna as a
Summer Holiday Destination. The study will be conducted in the second semester of the academic
year of 2018-2019.

3.3 Population and Sampling

A basic information sheet was prepared to obtain the basic demographic profile of the
respondents. It contains the basic information about the respondent, such as its name, age, gender and
it has a total of 50 tourist-respondents.
In order to gather the respondents, purposive sampling was utilized following this set of criteria:
A total of 50 respondents are expected to participate in this study. The respondents shall have the
following attributes which are randomly selected by the herein respondent

(1) A Tourist

(2) Ages ranging from 18 years old and above

(3) Able to understand and speak conversational English and Filipino

(4) No significant medical, neurological or psychiatric dysfunction to impair survey performance.

(5) Not related to any of the researchers

3.4 Research Instrument

The instrument used was a survey in google form. The draft of the questionnaire was gathered
based on the researcher’s readings, previous studies, journals, and published thesis relevant to the
study. The questionnaire has its own different parts. The first part includes the demographic profile of
respondents in terms of name, age, and gender. The second part of the survey questionnaire is made to
answer the Tourist perception on the therapeutic benefits of hot spring pools in Los, Baños Laguna.

3.5 Data Collection

1. Notation and approval of letter questionnaire by the research adviser or CHIM Dean respectively
2. Approval of the letter questionnaire by the management
3. Administration of survey questionnaire to the respondents
4. Retrieval of survey questionnaire from the respondents
5. Tallying of the data and subjected to the statistical treatment
6. Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation

3.6 Data Analysis

Tourist perception on the therapeutic benefits of hot spring pools in Los, Baños Laguna is measured
using the frequency distribution formula in representing the demographic profile of the respondents
using the formula.

P = Percentage

R = Number of Respondents

F = total number of questionnaires

P = 𝑭 X 100

The average weighted mean was utilized to measure the central tendency in in the research
and that will be answered by the respondents. The responses will be weighted using the formula:

WM= ∑fx/n


WM= Weighted Mean

∑= summation sign

x= weight of every value of the scale

N= total number of respondents

4.0 Results(s)

Demographic Profile Of Respondents By Age

13-17 18-22 23-28 29-Above




Pie Chart #1 shows the Demographic Profile of Respondents by Age. The 52% of respondents
are ages 18-22, The 25% of the respondents are age 23-28 and the 20% of the respondents are 13-17
and the smallest percentage of our respondents is 3% which ages 29-above

Majority of our Respondents are millennials,which ages 18-22 years of age.

Demographic Profile Of Respondents By
Male Female



Pie Chart #2 presents the gender of the respondents. There are 32 or 64% female and 18 or
36 males.

Majority of the respondents were female.

Have you visited hot spring pools in Los Banos, Laguna



Yes No

Pie Chart #3 shows that the 43 or 86% of our respondents says yes and 7 or 14% of respondents says
Duplex Hot Spring
City of Springs

Balai Puti

South 5
Al Fresco Spring
Splash Mountain 4%
La Vue Hot Spring
Sentosa Elenita

The Cliffhouse Laresio Lakeside
2% 2% 10%

This pie chart is a series of sales point different Hot springs in Los Banos, Laguna. The Splash
Mountain is 23%, Others 17%, Laresio Lakeside and Duplex Hot Spring Villa 10%, BalaiPuti 8%,
Sentosa Elenita 6%, Hillspa Resort 5.10 %, City of Springs and Al Fresco Spring Resort 4%, South 5,
La Vue Hot Spring Resort, The Cliffhouse and Arabelle got same 2%.
It shows here that Splash Mountain was the leading Hot spring spa in Los Banos, Laguna for the
visitor that got 23% in the survey
Relieve Stress & Calm You Down
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

0% 0%



Pie chart #4 shown our question number 1 which is Relieve Stress and Calm You down. 54% or 27 of
our respondent is Strongly Agree while the 46% or 23 of our respondents is just agreed with the
beneficial effect.

Mostly of the respondents believes that the hot springs has the effect of relieving stress and
will calm you down.
Hot springs are great for people with chronic
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

0% 0%



Pie chart #5is about the result of Hot springs are great for people with chronic pain, 64% or
32 of our respondents agreed that the Hot springs are great for people with chronic pain. While the
36% or 18 people is strongly agree that hot spring pools are great for the people with chronic pain.

Majority of our respondents believes that the Hot springs are great for people with chronic
Skin Condition can be helped with Hot Springs




Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Pie Chart #6 shown our question number 3 which is Skin Condition can helped with hot
springs. 50% or 25 of our respondents is just agreed that hot springs can help the skin conditions,
while the 38% or of our respondents is strongly agree on the statement 12% or 6 respondents are not
believing that skin conditions can help with hot springs. Still,majority of our respondents believed and
agree that hot spring can help with the skin conditions.
The heat helps with nasal congestion and
digestion problems
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree




Pie Chart #7 The heat helps with nasal congestion and digestion problems. 64% or 32 of our
respondents are agreed that the heat of the water in hot springs helps with nasal congestion and
digestion problems, 32% or 16 of our respondents are strongly agree while the 4% or 2 respondents
are disagree that the heat helps with nasal congestion and digestion problems.

Most of our respondents are agree or believing that heat helps with nasal congestion and
digestion problems.
Boost your immune system
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree





Pie Chart #8 shows the result that our respondents is believing that hot spring can boost
immune system. 58% or 29 of our respondents agreeing that hot spring pools can boost immune
system while the 36% or 18 of our respondents are strongly agree that hot spring pools can boost your
immune system, but 6% or 3 of our respondents are disagree that hot spring pool can boost the
immune system
It detoxifies your body
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagrree

0% 0%



Pie chart #9 shows that 60% or 30 of our respondents agree in our question number 6 that hotspring
can detoxifies the body and 40% of it or 20 of our respondents is strongly agree in this statement.
Bathing Prevents Ageing and Disease
Stongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree





Pie chart #10 shows that 52% or 26 of our respondents agree that hotsprings bathing prevents ageing
and disease and 39% or 19 of our respondents strongly agree while 8% or 4 of the respondents
Cardiovascular Health
Stongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree





Pie chart #11 shows that 66% or 33 of the respondents agree that one of the effects from hotsprings in
los banoslaguna can help the cardiovascular health and 30% or 15 of the respondents is strongly agree
while 4% or 2 of our respondents are Disagree.
Stongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

0% 0%



Pie chart #12 which is relaxation 68% or 34 of our respondents is strongly agree that hotsprings can
help you relax while 32% of it or 16 of our respondents are agree.
5.0 Discussion

I. Demographic Profile of the respondent in terms of:

A. Name(optional)

There are 28 or 56% respondents who put their name in the survey and the rest 22 or 44%
respondents did not.

B. Gender

There are 33 or 64.7% female respondents and 18 or 35.3% male respondents.

C. Age

The 26 or 52% of respondents are ages 18-22, The 13 or 25% of the respondents are age 23-
28 and the 10 or 20% of the respondents are 13-17 and the smallest percentage of our
respondents is 1 or 3% which ages 29-above Majority of our Respondents are millennials, which
ages 18-22 years of age.

II. Tourist Perception on the Therapeutic Benefits of hot spring pools in Los Banos,

1. Relieve stress and calm you down.

- Mostly of the respondents believes that the hot springs has the effect of relieving stress
and will calm you down. 54% or 27 of our respondent is STRONGLY AGREE while the 46% or
23 of our respondents is just agreed with the beneficial effect.

2. Hot springs are great for people with chronic pain.

- Majority of our respondents believes that the Hot springs are great for people with
chronic pain. 64% or 32 of our respondents agreed that the Hot springs are great for people with
chronic pain. While the 36% or 18 people is strongly agree that hot spring pools are great for the
people with chronic pain.

3. Skin Condition can help with hot springs.

- Majority of our respondents believed and agree that hot spring can help with the skin
conditions. 50% or 25 of our respondents is just agreed that hot springs can help the skin
conditions, while the 38% or of our respondents is strongly agree on the statement 12% or 6
respondents are not believing that skin conditions can help with hot springs.
4. The heat helps with nasal congestion and digestion problems.

- Most of our respondents are agree or believing that heat helps with nasal congestion
and digestion problems. 64% or 32 of our respondents are agreed that the heat of the water in
hot springs helps with nasal congestion and digestion problems, 32% or 16 of our respondents
are strongly agree while the 4% or 2 respondents are disagreethat the heat helps with nasal
congestion and digestion problems.

5. Hot spring can boost immune system.

- Majority of our respondents believed and agree that hot spring can boost immune
system. 58% or 29 of our respondents agreeing that hot spring pools can boost immune
system while the 36% or 18 of our respondents are strongly agree that hot spring pools can
boost your immune system, but 6% or 3 of our respondents are disagree.

6. Hot springs detoxifies body.

- Majority of our respondents agree that the hot springs can detoxifies body. 60% or 30 of our
respondents agree in our question number 6 that hot spring can detoxifies the body and 40%
of it or 20 of our respondents is strongly agree in this statement.

7. Hot springs promotes sleep.

- Majority of our respondents agree that the hot springs promotes sleep. 66% or 33 of the
respondents agree that one of the benefits of hotsprings in Los Banos,Laguna can promote
sleep and 28% or 14 of the respondents is strongly agree while 6% or 3 of the respondents

8. Bathing prevents ageing and diseases.

- Majority of our respondents agree that the hot spring prevents and ageing and diseases.
52% or 26 of our respondents agree that hot springs bathing prevents ageing and disease and
39% or 19 of our respondents strongly agree while 8% or 4 of the respondents disagree.

9. Hot springs helps cardiovascular health.

-Majority of our respondents agree that hot springs helps cardiovascular health. 66% or
33 of the respondents agree that one of the effects from hot springs in Los Banos, Laguna can
help the cardiovascular health and 30% or 15 of the respondents is strongly agree while 4% or
2 of our respondents are Disagree.

10. Relaxation

- Majority of our respondents strongly agree that the hot springs help them relax. 68% or
34 of our respondents is strongly agree that hot springs can help you relax while 32% of it or
16 of our respondents are agree. The heat helps with nasal congestion and digestion problems.
6.0 Conclusion

1. Most of the respondents ages 18-22, ages 23-28 and the 20% of the respondents are 13-17
and the smallest percentage of our respondents is which ages 29-above/ Majority of our
Respondents are millennials,which ages 18-22 years of age;

2. To identify settings where natural hot and mineral springs are integrated in health, wellness
and relaxation;

3. To develop of a conceptual model to assess the role of hot springs in Los Banos, Laguna
within health, wellness and relaxation;

4. To determine the cultural context of hot springs as a health beneficial resource.

7.0 Recommendation

It is recommended that further research is carried out on the following:

1. From the findings presented it becomes obvious that the role of hot springs in people is an
important one. Hot springs are natural resources which are popular to the visitors wherever
they are available. It is a challenge however to have this importance recognized and separated
from health and wellness without hot spring access, and methods to do this should be

2. Discover more natural hot springs for more health beneficial effects that can be discover.

3. Advertise hot springs importantly to the Seniors who needed it most.

4. Implement discounts for the Senior, Student and PWD tourist for the entrance in hot spring

5. Add recreational activities in hot spring resorts and spas that visitor will enjoy.

6. Establish hot spring resorts that is near and easy to access.

7. To determine exact visitor numbers at hot spring facilities or destinations is a demanding

task with the question whether this depends on a certain distance travelled from home and if
so, how and by whom this distance is determined. Many hot spring facilities are visited
regularly by local residents and it is not clear how they are included in this equation, and this
needs further research.

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URL no. 16

URL no. 17
Glossary of Terms

Adrenaline - a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress,

increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing
muscles for exertion.

Ageing – is the process during which structural and functional changes.

Balneotherapy - Is the presumed benefit from disease by bathing, a traditional technique

usually practiced at spas. While it is considered distinct from hydrotherapy, there are some
overlaps in practice and in underlying principles.

Buoyancy - is an upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed
object. In a column of fluid, pressure increases with depth as a result of the weight of the
overlying fluid. Thus, the pressure at the bottom of a column of fluid is greater than at the top
of the column. Similarly, the pressure at the bottom of an object submerged in a fluid is
greater than at the top of the object.

Calidus - is Latin meaning fiery, spirited or rash.

Cardiac arrest -a sudden, sometimes temporary, cessation of function of the heart.

Cardiovascular - relating to the heart and blood vessels.

Chronic pain - is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Whereas acute pain
is a normal sensation that alerts us to possible injury, chronic pain is very different. Chronic
pain may arise from an initial injury, such as a back sprain, or there may be an ongoing cause,
such as illness.

Cortisol - It is produced in humans by the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex within
the adrenal gland. It is released in response to stress and low blood-glucose concentration. It
functions to increase blood sugar through gluconeogenesis, to suppress the immune system,
and to aid in the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. It also decreases bone

Detoxify - remove toxic substances or qualities

Digestion – The process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic action in the
alimentary canal into substances that can be used by the body.

Ecotourism -tourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, intended
to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.

Eczema - a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed, with
blisters that cause itching and bleeding, sometimes resulting from a reaction to irritation
(eczematous dermatitis) but more typically having no obvious external cause.
Elicit - evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own
actions or questions.

Evident -plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood.

Extensive -covering or affecting a large area.

Extraction - the action of taking out something, especially using effort or force.

Folklore - is the expressive body of culture shared by a particular group of people; it

encompasses the traditions common to that culture, subculture or group. These include
traditions such as tales, proverbs and jokes.

Geology -the science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance, its history,
and the processes that act on it.

Geospatial -relating to information that identifies where particular features are on the
earth's surface, such as oceans and mountains.

Hormone Secretion - The process of secreting a substance, especially one that is not a waste,
from the blood or cells.

Immerse - dip or submerge in a liquid; involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or


Immune system - the bodily system that protects the body from foreign substances, cells, and
tissues by producing the immune response and that includes especially the thymus, spleen,
lymph nodes, special deposits of lymphoid tissue (as in the gastrointestinal tract and bone
marrow), macrophages, lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells, and antibodies.

Lightheaded - dizzy and slightly faint

Nasal congestion- is the blockage of the nasal passages usually due to membranes lining the
nose becoming swollen from inflamed blood vessels.

Oxidation -the process or result of oxidizing or being oxidized.

Paradox - is a statement that, despite apparently valid reasoning from true premises, leads to
an apparently-self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion. A paradox involves
contradictory-yet-interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.

Parasympathetic Nerve - The part of the involuntary nervous system that serves to slow the
heart rate, increase intestinal and glandular activity, and relax the sphincter muscles. The
parasympathetic nervous system, together with the sympathetic nervous system, constitutes
the autonomic nervous system.
Picturesque - is an aesthetic ideal introduced into English cultural debate in 1782
by William Gilpin in Observations on the River Wye, and Several Parts of South Wales, etc.
Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty; made in the Summer of the Year 1770, a practical
book which instructed England’s leisure travelers to examine “the face of a country by the
rules of picturesque beauty”. Picturesque, along with the aesthetic and cultural strands
of Gothic and Celticism, was a part of the emerging Romantic sensibility of the 18th century.

Predominant - present as the strongest or main element; having or exerting control or power.

Radioactive - emitting or relating to the emission of ionizing radiation or particles.

Recreational -relating to or denoting activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.

Reduction -the action or fact of making a specified thing smaller or less in amount, degree, or

Relieve - cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious.

Rejuvenate - to make young again; restore to youthful vigor, appearance

Sauna -is a small room or building designed as a place to experience dry or wet heat sessions,
or an establishment with one or more of these facilities. The steam and high heat make the
bathers perspire. Infrared therapy is often referred to as a type of sauna, but according to the
Finnish sauna organizations, infrared is not a sauna.

Sociocultural- combining social and cultural factors.

Subatomic particles -a particle smaller than an atom (e.g., a neutron) or a cluster of such

Subsequent - coming after something in time; following.

Therapeutic - refers to the response after a treatment of any kind, the results of which are
judged to be useful or favorable.This is true whether the result was expected, unexpected, or
even an unintended consequence.
Research Instrument(s)

The instrument used in this study is a Google form survey that is designed to identify the Tourists
Perception on the Therapeutic Benefits of Hot Spring Pools in Los Banos, Laguna..

Part I is the Demographic profile of the respondents.

Part II is The Benefits of Hot spring pools in terms of health, wellness and relaxation using google
form survey.

Research Budget


Computer Rentals Php. 700.00

Compter Prints Php. 300.00

Final Defense Fee Php. 2,400.00


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