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An Analysis: Once Upon a Time

Kiezel A. Paming Bsem 3

The poem "Once upon a time "written by Gabriel Okara is all about relationship
between parent and child which is the parent gave an advice and guidance to his child.
In this stanza, the father in the story it's like reminiscing moment in the past. "they
used to laugh with their hearts and laugh with their eyes". This lines represent
happiness which is the true happiness in his heart because if someone is happy, the
true happiness is clearly reflect with their eyes. "but now they only laugh their ice
block cold eyes". And then his come at the point that his happiness is full of plasticity.
"they used to shake hands with their hearts; but thats gone son. Now they shake hands
without hearts. In this second stanza, the lines "but that's gone, son" this sense of lost
or a sadness because it's gone. "for then I find the doors shut on me". The doors
represent opportunities for him.
The fourth stanza, there a lesson learned of the narrator for the past experienced
because of that experienced he learned how to wear many faces. He learned how
associates to others like "Go with the flow". He learned how to distinguish of his
behavior like when or what faces what he used and it's depends to the people along
with and acting like everyone else. "like a fixed portrait smile" which is the behavior
compared in a portrait smile means it depends how do you interpret that smile. And he
learned also how to laugh only with his teeth and without a heart, saying glad to meet
you even if it not and saying nice talking to you after getting bored. Meaning he
learned to cope up with the situation. Like when you are educated person whenever
talks to the others we used to say good things whether if is not. He knows if what he
used to say good things in the situation in his life.
"But believe me, son".The narrator talked of his son and then he wants to unlearn all
these mutings things. He want to become a kid again because like a kid you can't hide
your emotions. You can't laugh if you don't want to laugh so no hidden feelings. And
this is the narrator want to give back in his childhood life. Because being a child he
doesn't need to impersonate of someone else or to associate with the different kind of
people that he doesn't need to adjust. Just being true with his life. And the last stanza,
"so show me, son. how to laugh; show me how I used to laugh and smile". The father
wants to learn again or feel again what the true happiness is. Through the help of his

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