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Cessation of Diastolic Cerebral Blood Flow Velocity: The Role of

Critical Closing Pressure

Georgios V. Varsos • Hugh K. Richards • Magdalena Kasprowicz • Matthias Reinhard • Peter Smielewski • Ken
M. Brady • John D. Pickard •

Marek Czosnyka
G. V. Varsos (&) H. K. Richards P. Smielewski J. D.
Pickard M. Czosnyka
Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Clinical
Neurosciences, University of Cambridge Biomedical Campus,
Published online: 19 November 2013 Cambridge CB20QQ, UK e-mail:
Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
M. Kasprowicz
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation,
Abstract Wroclaw University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland
Background Reducing cerebral perfusion pressure
M. Reinhard
(CPP) below the lower limit of autoregulation Department of Neurology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg,
(LLA) causes cerebral blood flow (CBF) to become Germany
pressure passive. Further reductions in CPP can
K. M. Brady
cause cessation of CBF during diastole. We
Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Children’s Hospital,
hypothesized that zero diastolic flow velocity (FV) Houston, TX, USA
occurs when diastolic blood pressure becomes less
than the critical closing pressure (CrCP). Methods M. Czosnyka
Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of
We retrospectively analyzed studies of 34 rabbits
Technology, Warsaw, Poland
with CPP below the LLA, induced with between diastolic blood pressure and CrCP. LDF
pharmacologic sympathectomy (N = 23) or was recorded for DCM values greater than and less
cerebrospinal fluid infusion (N = 11). Basilar artery than zero. Results Arterial hypotension caused a
blood FV and cortical Laser Doppler Flow (LDF) reduction of CrCP (p < 0.001), consistent with
were monitored. CrCP was trended using a model decreased wall tension (p < 0.001) and a drop in
of cerebrovascular impedance. The diastolic closing intracranial pressure (ICP; p = 0.004).
margin (DCM) was monitored as the difference Cerebrospinal infusion caused an increase of CrCP
(p = 0.002) accounted for by increasing ICP (p <
0.001). The DCM was compromised by either
arterial hypotension or intracranial hypertension (p
< 0.001 for both). When the DCM reached zero,
diastolic FV ceased for a short period during each
heart cycle (R = 0.426, p < 0.001). CBF pressure
passivity accelerated when DCM decreased below
zero (from 1.51 ± 0.51 to 2.17 ± 1.17 %
DLDF/DmmHg; mean ± SD; p = 0.010).
Conclusions The disappearance of diastolic CBF
below LLA can be explained by DCM reaching
zero or negative values. Below this point the
decrease in CBF accelerates with further
decrements of CPP.

41 Neurocrit Care (2014) 20:40–48
Keywords Brain ischemia Cerebral autoregulation circulatory arrest for cardiac surgery, observed to
Vanishing diastolic flow velocity persist up to 4 h after surgery [10–12]. All the
Critical closing pressure Wall tension above described scenarios signify the important role
of FVd in clinical reality, prompting further
investigations for enhancing the understanding of
Introduction the underlying mechanisms affecting diastolic
blood flow. We hypothesized that the disappearance
The brain is protected against ischemic injury of FVd reflects a fall in arterial blood pressure
during low cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) by (ABP) during diastole below the critical closing
cerebrovascular pressure autoregulation [1–4]. The pressure (CrCP).
lower limit of autoregulation (LLA) is the CPP CrCP was first introduced and theoretically
below which cerebrovascular dilatation fails to described by Burton, who stated that small brain
maintain cerebral blood flow (CBF), which then vessels can collapse when local blood pressure is
becomes passive to changes in CPP [2, 5]. reduced to a critical value [13]. According to
With further reduction of CPP an additional Burton’s model, CrCP equals the sum of
threshold can be observed, below which CBF intracranial pressure (ICP) and vascular wall
occurs only during systole, and is absent during tension (WT) [13, 14]. Therefore, in addition to the
diastole, despite the diastolic CPP being >0. This obvious clinical potential of knowing a critical
indicates a discontinuity of arterial blood flow threshold of ABP, CrCP may also provide insight
during a single heart cycle and can be observed into the behavior of vascular tone in pathological
with transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD) states [15].
as cessation of diastolic blood flow velocity (FVd); Classic methods for estimating CrCP from TCD
an example depicting this phenomenon in a case of are burdened with assumptions of linearity between
arterial hypotension is demonstrated in Fig. 1. ABP and CBF [16–18]. These assumptions can
In clinical terms, vanishing FVd in the TCD cause underestimation of CrCP, and occasionally
signal has been associated with imminent cerebral render negative, noninterpretable values in various
circulatory arrest and brain death in both adults [6, pathologies, limiting the clinical worth of the
7] and children [8]. Moreover, a low magnitude of threshold [19]. We recently introduced a method for
FVd obtained with TCD on admission has been estimating CrCP based on a model of
demonstrated to be an accurate detector of patients cerebrovascular impedance, which eliminates the
at risk for a secondary neurological deterioration negative values’ drawback of past methods [15].
after mild to moderate traumatic brain injury [9]. In this study, we used this method of CrCP
The phenomenon of disappearing FVd has also determination in experimental models of low CPP
been described in infants after hypothermic

Fig. 1 a Waveforms of ABP and cerebral FV, depicting an event of arterial hypotension from baseline to low ABP. b Waveform of FV during the
‘baseline’ part of a. c Waveform of FV during the ‘low ABP’ part of a, demonstrating the vanishing diastolic FV during this case of arterial
Neurocrit Care (2014) 20:40–48 42
to evaluate the behavior of the cerebrovascular bed
below the LLA. Based on the fact that mean CBF
ceases when mean ABP goes below the CrCP
threshold, we hypothesized that diastolic ABP
(ABPd) less than CrCP would result in a cessation
of diastolic CBF observed as zero FVd on the TCD
monitor. For this reason, we introduce a new term
called diastolic closing margin (DCM) depicting
the difference between ABPd and CrCP. By
exploring what is happening below the LLA, we
investigated whether there is another threshold in
the CPP–CBF relationship, below which the

43 Neurocrit Care (2014) 20:40–48
decrease in CBF past the LLA would become faster, microsensor (Codman and Shurtleff, Raynham,
accelerating then the risk for ischemia. We further MA, USA). As part of multi-purpose experiments
hypothesized that below this new threshold the of cerebral hemodynamics, lumbar laminectomy
systoledependent CBF would be associated with was also performed in the group of arterial
further increased passivity of TCD mean flow hypotension, with a catheter inserted into the
velocity (FV) and Laser Doppler Flow (LDF) to lumbar subarachnoid space, sealed with
changes in mean ABP. The exact mechanisms of cyanoacrylate. The laminectomy was used in order
this phenomenon and whether it differs in to perform two lumbar infusions of Hartmann’s
circulatory failure because of low systemic ABP or solution at baseline and decreased ABP, thus before
high ICP are unclear. Knowledge of these and after the maneuver of arterial hypotension was
mechanisms can enhance the understanding of TCD performed. Sufficient time was given after the first
findings while providing a physiological lumbar infusion in order for the ABP baseline to
explanation of this dramatic hemodynamic return to normal, in order not to affect then the
phenomenon. In that respect, we tested the above subsequent arterial hypotension maneuver. These
mentioned hypotheses in rabbits with two maneuvers of lumbar infusion were not studied
experimentally induced reduction of CPP, either in the group of arterial hypotension, as we used the
with arterial hypotension caused by chemical second group of rabbits specifically for intracranial
sympathectomy, or with intracranial hypertension hypertension purposes.
caused by cerebrospinal fluid infusion. After recovery from surgery and stabilization of
ABP, temperature and arterial blood gas tensions,
recordings of ABP, ICP, basilar artery FV and LDF
Materials and Methods were used to establish a baseline prior to decreasing
ABP. Sympathetic blockade to induce hypotension
The animal experiments in this study were carried was studied, by administrating the short-acting
out under UK Home Office license, with ganglion blocking drug trimetaphan (Arfonad,
permission from the Institutional Animal Care and Roche, Welwyn, UK) at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg i.v.
Use Committee at Cambridge University and in When necessary, additional doses of trimetaphan
accordance with the standards set by the UK were administered to maintain the desired ABP
Animals Scientific Procedures Act of 1986. level.
Recordings from 34 experiments of male New In the group of rabbits with solely increasing ICP
Zealand White rabbits (weighting from 2.7 to 3.7 (N = 11), the same principles of the experimental
kg) were performed [20] including high-resolution protocols were used. ICP was increased by infusion
sampling of ABP, ICP, and FV. The nature of this of
study is retrospective, and the experimental Hartmann’s solution into the lumbar subarachnoid
protocols have been published in detail in the past space at a stepwise increasing rate from 0.1 to 2
[15, 21]. mL/min producing gradual rise in ICP to 70–80
ABP was monitored through a cannula in a mmHg. The experimental protocol for studying
femoral artery with a catheter advancing to lie high intracranial hypertension was designed for a better
in the dorsal aorta (GaelTec, Dunvegan, UK). CBF understanding of the cerebral circulation in cases of
was approximated by monitoring FV with an 8 high ICP [22]. For this reason, periods of already
MHz pulsed Doppler ultrasound probe (PcDop 842, elevated ICP (with a previous infusion resulting in
SciMed, Bristol, UK) positioned over the basilar baseline ICP around 40 mmHg) to terminal rise in
artery. Access to the artery was made through a ICP were analyzed for the sake of integrity of LDF
posterior frontal burr hole (7 mm diameter) at the readings (optical couplings of fiberoptic were often
bregma to the left of the midline. A second burr shifted during recording resulting into a change in
hole of 1.5 mm in diameter was made over the the output signal level). This also explains why the
contralateral cerebral hemisphere close to the first measurements of baseline ICP of the second
bregma, and a Laser Doppler probe of 1 mm in group where considerably higher than the ones in
diameter (Moor Instruments, Axbridge, Devon, the arterial hypotension group (see Table 1).
UK) was placed epidurally in order to measure
cerebral LDF and validate the TCD measurements.
ICP was monitored through an intraparenchymal

Neurocrit Care (2014) 20:40–48 44
Data Acquisition and Analysis Calculation of CrCP, WT, and DCM

ABP, ICP, FV, and LDF were converted into digital Impedance-modeled CrCP was calculated as [15,
samples using an analog-to-digital converter with a 23]:
sampling frequency set to 50 Hz. The recorded CPP
signals were then analyzed using our own software CrCP ¼ ABP
for clinical data processing (ICM+; qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiff
Heart rate was calculated using the spectral iffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
position of the peak associated with the first ðmmHgÞ
harmonic of ABP. Mean values of ABP, ICP, FV,
ðCVR Ca HR 2pÞ þ1
and CPP were calculated in ICM+ by averaging
values in a 10 s time window. The minimal values
where CPP is mean cerebral perfusion pressure
of ABP and FV from consecutive 2 s epochs were
(estimated as CPP = ABP - ICP); CVR is
calculated and treated as end-diastolic components.
cerebrovascular resistance; Ca is compliance of
These components were then averaged over 10 s to
cerebral arterial bed, while HR denotes heart rate
give the mean values for end-ABPd and FV, termed
as ABPd and FVd, respectively. Individual LDF
Although CVR and Ca cannot be measured
recordings were normalized and expressed as
directly, they can be estimated using TCD blood FV
fraction of baselines (highest ABP in the
and ABP or CPP waveforms according to an
hypotensive group or baseline CPP in
Table 1 Mean values and SD’s of measured and calculated variables during arterial hypotension and intracranial hypertension
Arterial N = 23) Intracranial hypertension (N =
hypotension ( 11)
Baseline ABP Low ABP Baseline ICP High ICP Level of
Level of significance significance
(p value) (p value)
ABP (mmHg) 87.00 ± 21.57 51.53 ± 14.18 p < 0.001 97.26 ± 15.56 108.17 ± 26.19 p = 0.252 (NS)
ABPd (mmHg) 74.30 ± 20.25 41.72 ± 12.22 p < 0.001 84.87 ± 14.85 95.51 ± 22.78 p = 0.212 (NS)
ICP (mmHg) 13.35 ± 7.11 11.90 ± 5.82 p = 0.004 43.23 ± 16.94 78.10 ± 20.33 p < 0.001
CPP (mmHg) 73.64 ± 22.72 39.63 ± 15.65 p < 0.001 54.03 ± 17.18 30.07 ± 14.68 P = 0.002
FV (cm/s) 16.83 ± 5.72 10.50 ± 3.68 p < 0.001 30.38 ± 11.26 8.25 ± 4.87 p < 0.001
FVs (cm/s) 37.62 ± 11.44 34.96 ± 11.19 p = 0.086 (NS) 43.08 ± 14.77 22.61 ± 13.26 p = 0.003
FVd (cm/s) 7.15 ± 3.55 0.40 ± 1.11 p < 0.001 22.16 ± 9.35 0.42 ± 0.84 p < 0.001
CrCP (mmHg) 57.79 ± 15.40 43.53 ± 11.88 p < 0.001 61.80 ± 18.21 95.52 ± 24.05 p = 0.002
WT (mmHg) 63.39 ± 20.15 37.06 ± 14.85 p < 0.001 36.30 ± 19.36 25.05 ± 14.63 p = 0.141 (NS)
DCM (mmHg) 16.51 ± 10.80 -1.81 ± 1.77 p < 0.001 23.07 ± 11.32 0.00 ± 3.99 p < 0.001
LDF (%) 78.77 ± 35.21 49.38 ± 30.10 p < 0.001 67.95 ± 48.61 41.98 ± 40.95 p = 0.010
ABP mean arterial blood pressure, ABPd diastolic ABP, ICP intracranial pressure, CPP cerebral perfusion pressure, FV mean flow velocity, FVs
systolic FV, FVd diastolic FV, CrCP critical closing pressure, WT vascular wall tension, DCM diastolic closing margin, LDF Laser Doppler
Flow, normalized in % units
Results are presented in mean value ± standard deviation (SD) format; p values for univariate tests were used; NS non-significant result
the spinal infusion group) after subtracting the algorithm described in previous studies [24, 25].
values obtained at demise (biologic zero). In that The vascular WT was calculated as the
way, changes in LDF can expressed then non- difference CrCP - ICP [14].
unitized as percentages in the range of 0–100 %. DCM was calculated as:
DCM ¼ ABPd CrCP mmHgð Þ

45 Neurocrit Care (2014) 20:40–48
Statistical Methods < 0.001) due to dilation of vessels compensating for
the decrease in ABP prior to loss of autoregulation
Statistical analysis of the data was performed with and continuing past the LLA, although with a lower
IBM SPSS Statistics 20 package. The analysis rate.
consisted of comparing changes in an array of
parameters, averaged from steady periods of Group II
baseline ABP to averaged periods of low and stable
ABP following arterial hypotension and in the same After lumbar spinal infusion, ICP was significantly
manner from baseline ICP to high and stable increased by 80.66 % (p < 0.001), leading to a
plateau ICP following intracranial hypertension significant decrease in CPP of 44.35 % (p < 0.001).
(Table 1). Results are presented in mean value ± ABP and ABPd showed a slight upward trend that
standard deviation (SD) format. Normal was not significant (p = 0.252 and 0.212,
distribution was established with the Shapiro–Wilk respectively). Exhausted autoregulation was
test and T tests were used to examine the confirmed by observing a significant reduction in
significance of each sample comparison with the CBF: mean FV was reduced by 72.8 % (p < 0.001),
level of significance being set at 0.05. The criterion FVs was reduced by 47.52 % (p = 0.003), and LDF
for vanishing diastolic FV was FVd to be equal or decreased by 38.22 % (p = 0.010). FVd was ablated
lower to 1.0 cm/s. at high ICP, after a decrease of 98.10 % (p < 0.001).
CrCP increased by 54.56 % (p < 0.001), which in
absence of change in ABPd resulted in a decrement
and exhaustion of DCM (p < 0.001). Examples of
the behavior of CrCP, ABPd, FV, and FVd during
intracranial hypertension are demonstrated in Fig.
Measurements and calculations for both
2b. The vascular WT showed a trend for decrease
experimental groups, with hypotension and with
that was not significant (p = 0.141).
elevated ICP, are shown in Table 1, and considered
in turn below.
Exhaustion of DCM Accelerates the Decrease in
Group I
Inducing trimetaphan reduced mean ABP by 40.77
% and CPP by 46.18 %. Exhausted autoregulation
(CPP going below LLA) was confirmed by a
decrease in CBF: mean FV decreased by 37.61 %
(p < 0.001) and LDF decreased by 37.31 % (p <
0.001). Further, also ICP was decreased during
hypotension by 10.86 %, (p < 0.001) suggesting
passive transmission of ABP changes to ICP.
ABPd was also decreased by 43.85 %, whereas
CrCP was decreased by only 24.67 % (p < 0.001 for
both). This disparity led to a significant DCM
reduction of 110.96 % (p < 0.001) and a negative
DCM was observed at this degree of hypotension.
Synchronous to the reduction of the DCM, FVd was
reduced by 94.41 % and was completely ablated at
low ABP. An example of behaviors of CrCP, ABPd,
mean FV, and FVd is demonstrated in the Fig. 2a.
Decreases in DCM were significantly positively
correlated to decrement of CPP (R = 0.806, p <
0.001). There was a trend for decreased systolic FV
(FVs) that was not significant (p = 0.086). The
vascular WT decreased significantly by 41.54 % (p

Neurocrit Care (2014) 20:40–48 46
Overall, with decreasing
DCM, FVd decreased (R =
0.426, p < 0.001, pooled data
from both groups: N = 34) and
became zero with depletion of
the DCM (Figs. 3a, b). In
addition to being associated
with a zero FVd state, a DCM
B 0 was associated with a
change in the rate of pressure
autoregulation and decrease in
CBF. This is seen when
plotting normalized LDF as a
function of CPP and
comparing the slope below the
point when DCM B 0, and
between zero DCM and the
LLA. With positive DCM, the
slope of this static
autoregulation curve was 1.51
± 0.51 (% change LDF)/
Fig. 2 a During arterial
hypotension both CrCP and
diastolic values of ABPd
decrease. Mean FV also
decreases with its diastolic
values (FVd) following the
same pattern and then vanishing
when ABPd falls below the
CrCP threshold. b During
intracranial hypertension CrCP
is increasing while ABPd
remains static at the same levels.
Following FV, FVd is
decreasing and then vanishes
when CrCP overcomes ABPd
(mmHg), while with DCM B 0 the slope increased Fig. 3 a Scatter plot depicting the phenomenon of decreasing
to 2.17 ± 1.17 (% change LDF)/(mmHg), a DCM being linked to decreasing FVd. When DCM is getting
lower than zero (vertical line), FVd vanishes, taking zero
difference that was statistically significant (p = (ceased flow-horizontal line) or negative values (reversed
0.010; paired samples T test). This increase in the flow). b Decrement of mean FVd (averaged from the full
rate of change of LDF across CPP is indicative of cohort of rabbits) with decreasing DCM. Error bars present
95 % confidence limit
increased pressure passivity associated with
exhaustion of the DCM, illustrated from an
individual rabbit in Fig. 4a. Static autoregulation
plots were only analyzed in the hypotensive group, Using pooled data from both groups, static
as limited data below the DCM was available in the autoregulation curves of mean FV as a function of
group with elevated ICP. CPP also demonstrated a similar inflection with
DCM. Above DCM = 0, FV plotted across CPP had
a slope of 1.35(% change FV)/(mmHg) (1.48–8.30;
median, IQR). Below the DCM = 0 point FV
plotted across CPP had a slope of 4.61(% change
FV)/(mmHg) (0.77–2.02; median, IQR; p = 0.018,
N = 34). A static plot of pressure autoregulation

47 Neurocrit Care (2014) 20:40–48
with FV plotted across CPP is shown with the DCM which in some situations may be reversible [10,
highlighted in Fig. 4b. 26]. Therapeutics would then require an increase in
mean arterial pressure or treatment of increased
ICP. In a neurointensive environment where DCM
Discussion is also being monitored, the partial cessation of
CBF in some patients would be indicated as a
The main finding of this study is a demonstration decreased DCM reaching exhaustion. The
that ABPd less than CrCP is associated with loss of therapeutic procedures mentioned above can then
measureable blood FV during diastole when TCD is also been explained based on the DCM mechanism,
used. Loss of CBF during diastole is associated as both of them can increase DCM in order to reach
with a measurable increase in pressure passivity. By positive values and reverse the partial CBF
monitoring CrCP, the DCM can also be trended and cessation phenomenon. In that direction, increasing
may represent an important clinical threshold in DCM could also be achieved with an induction of
patients with hypotension, elevated ICP, or with vasodilatation, leading to decreasing CrCP, due to
pathologically increased vascular WT. decreased WT, even though the use of vasodilators
When CPP decreases below LLA, CBF is known would be debatable in this setting.
to become pressure passive as cerebrovascular Further studies on DCM may be able to explore
dilation is no longer able to compensate for its timeevolution in a clinical scenario where CPP is
reductions in CPP [1, 5]. However, the pressure getting reduced considerably. Figure 2,
passivity of both LDF and FV measurements in this demonstrating both arterial
study increased with exhaustion of the DCM. The Fig. 4 Cases of arterial hypotension with brain ischemia
point of DCM exhaustion therefore appears to be an getting accelerated below the LLA. a Relationship of
normalized LDF with decreasing CPP for an individual
important landmark of CPP in addition to the LLA,
rabbit. Below the point where the diastolic closing margin
likely to be associated with significant cerebral equals zero (DCM = 0, depicted as solid line), the slope
ischemia. between LDF and CPP is increased, denoting the

Vascular Wall Tension Below the LLA

With intact autoregulation, a decrease in ABP

causes compensatory arterial dilation [1, 5] and a
decrease in active vasomotor tone, manifested as a
decrease in WT [15]. Below LLA, WT was seen to
decrease further, correlated with decrements of the
DCM, evidence that the LLA is not necessarily the
threshold of maximal arteriolar vasodilatation.
When CPP is further reduced below the point where
DCM = 0, the correlation between DCM and WT is
inversed, and WT increases then with decrements
of DCM (Fig. 5). In theory, this behavior of the
vasomotor tone reflects the collapse of cerebral
microvasculature during systole as well as diastole
[5]. Fig. 5 Relationship of vascular WT with decreasing DCM for
the full cohort of rabbits. Behavior of WT changes before
and after DCM becomes exhausted (DCM = 0). Error bars
Possible Clinical Consequences present 95 % confidence
The role of the DCM mechanism could be to
provide supplementary information on the patients’
hypotension and intracranial hypertension, is
hemodynamics based on the concept of CrCP,
representative of the implemented changes in time,
which can follow a diagnosis made with TCD
where diastolic FV is vanishing. In this particular
measurements. In this instance, when for example
example it can be seen that a big reduction of ABP
zero diastolic flow is seen with TCD, it may
resulted in exhaustion of DCM and disappearance
indicate an imminent cerebral circulatory arrest,

Neurocrit Care (2014) 20:40–48 48

of diastolic FV in about 30 s, whereas rising ICP basilar artery in comparison, i.e., to the middle
had had the same effect later, after 2 min and 30 s. cerebral artery is its minimal insonation depth, near
the take-off of the posterior cerebral arteries, which
Limitations makes the insonation more convenient on the small
skull of rabbits. In that sense, the use of basilar
Even though these experimental data have been artery could provide more accurate continuous
published previously [15, 20–22], reanalysis of recordings in terms of the quality of measurements.
existing experimental material for mathematical In some animals the extracranial section of the
modeling studies is scientifically sound and artery may have been insonated as the basilar artery
ethically justifiable ( has both an intra- and extracranial course. In this
decrease in LDF is accelerating. b Relationship of mean FV model both cranial and lumbar spaces are treated as
with decreasing CPP. Below the point where DCM = 0
(depicted as solid line), the decrease in FV is accelerating.
a single craniospinal system. It has been
Example taken from another single rabbit demonstrated that infusion of mock CSF into the
lumbar space interacts with the pulsatility of FV in
the basilar artery [15], justifying the assumption of
this craniospinal coupling.
The recordings were analyzed from an experimental
The estimation of changes in global CBF may be
data set originally intended for multiple studies of
confounded by the fact the disappearance of FVd is
cerebral hemodynamics. The presented result of
related to the collapse of small brain vessels distal
estimated CrCP and DCM is a unique analysis of
to the basilar artery. We assumed that the basilar
the dataset.
artery TCD recording is reflective of the state of
The experimental design may be a limitation for
flow in the collapsing distal microvasculature. For
this study, potentially limiting a further
this reason, the basilar artery TCD results were also
understanding of the exact relationship among the
validated by synchronous use of LDF recordings at
measured variables. However, the original
the contralateral cerebral hemisphere close to the
experimental protocol was intended for having
bregma. LDF measurements in these studies
prospective data from different experiments in
provided a direct examination of cortical
regards to brain hemodynamics. Even though
microvasculature for comparison, and rendered
further maneuvers could have been implemented in
similar results to TCD recordings in the
the experimental protocol, exploiting these existent
autoregulation analyses above and below DCM
data in the best manner possible reduces the need
for new animals to be killed in compliance with the
3Rs principles of replacement, reduction, and
In rabbits the pulsatility of the blood flow is
high, as can be seen in Fig. 1, which is different to
The use of basilar artery TCD FV as an
what is usually found in humans. This could limit
approximation of CBF can pose a limitation for this
the extrapolability of the results in the human
study as it does not reflect global CBF. However,
setting. However, the purpose of the study was
without focal brain lesions, changes in blood flow
associated with changes being made in the cerebral
in the basilar artery can be considered as
circulation through the two maneuvers of reducing
proportional to changes of CBF. In that case, the
CPP. As such, even if the blood flow pulsatility is
interest of the study is associated on induced
higher than that seen on humans, the changes on the
changes on blood flow and not on an approximation
measured parameters would be proportional from
of absolute values CBF. The advantage of using the

49 Neurocrit Care (2014) 20:40–48
baseline to the end of each maneuvers. Therefore, supported with internal funding (Neurosurgical Unit,
University of Cambridge, UK).
the knowledge of understanding then these changes
in rabbits could be beneficial in the human setting. Disclosure ICM+ is licensed by the Cambridge Enterprise
Pharmacologically induced hypotension can Ltd. (Cambridge, UK,
affect most of the variables used in the estimation PS and MC have financial interest in a fraction of the
licensing fee.
of CrCP, which are fully delineated in our previous
reports of this method [15, 30]. It is possible then,
that the behavior of CrCP shown in this study might
be different in other clinical causes of hypotension.
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