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Chavez, Lorraine Allyson


How do you see your role in the community visit protocols? Describe the importance of the said topic

As a student, my role in the community visit protocols is to follow the guidelines and instruction
given by the instructor or professor. Also, it is important to follow the rules and regulation provided to
the students because it is for their safety and guidance. Being a responsible student, I will not be late
on the said call time to prevent any delays that might cause problems and also inform someone in your
class or your professor if you will go somewhere or you will do something that is not planned or
unnecessary. The importance of the community visit protocol is to guide the students about what they
should do before, during, and after the activity. It is to have a well-organized project and prevent any

What is your realization, learning and insights on the said topic?

Prior Leaving for the Community

Students should be aware in the place that they will visit. They should know what kind of
community it is, to help them familiarize to the place and situation of the community. Also, students
should know the guidelines given or provided by the professor. In that case, it will prevent any
unnecessary action and accidents. It is needed to be extra careful in a new environment that you are
not used to, and you are just a visitor in that community. Prior to leaving for the community, the professor
should gather the students to check the attendance - it is to be aware of the head counts of the students,
and also to prevent to leave some students behind. Students should also dress comfortably, in that way
they can easily do their work and move comfortably. Also, it is not necessary to bring gadgets and huge
amount of money. It is better to bring only the things that you'll need during the activity. They should
provide transportation vehicle for the students, so the students will be together in going to the
community. It will prevent danger to the students and it can secure their safety. The instructor is the one
with authority that makes her/him in charge to the activity. It is also her/his responsibility to secure the
safety of the students. The students are responsible to know the rules and regulation of the activity to
prevent unnecessary incidents and also for their safety and awareness.

During the Community Activity

The students should be mindful of their actions especially that they are outside of the university.
In the arrival to the location, show respect to the community that you visited and keep in mind the things
that you should do. During the community activity know the things you should do, exercise the objectives
of the activity. Show gratitude to the new people that you'll encounter. Know to respect every individual
because you do not know the reason behind their beliefs and attitude. Also, do not do any unnecessary
actions that will affect the image of the school you belong because during this activity you are not just
being yourself, you are also representing the name of your school. Always be reminded that you are
there to help the community, be a good role model to the people in the community. Understand the
situation of the place and the people in the community, they have been through a lot so the activity
should be a refresher to them. Communicate to the people within the community to make them feel
welcome and to be aware of their situation. The instructor should know the whereabouts of the students
during the activity. It is to prevent any kind of accidents.

After the Community Activity

Before finishing the activity make sure that the students achieved the objectives provided. Also,
let the students know about how beneficial it is to the community that they helped. The students should
be aware that the activity that was held is helpful to the people within the community. With the instructor
and student's little effort and time is a big help to others. After the community activity, the instructor
should insure the safety of his/her students. He/she should check the attendance of the students to
know if someone is missing. They should go back to the university together as they go the community
together. The instructor should ask the students about the activity - the things that happened during the
activity, if there are some unnecessary incidents, and the things they learned during the activity. Also,
they should also start planning about the next community activity. The students should also provide
feedback about the activity to improve it during the next activity. Students should know that this kind of
activity is not only about their grades in the subject but also to be aware of the situation of other people
around them. It is also to develop their self and be more grateful about the things that they have.

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