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Based in true event’s in the 50’s

Clarita is a Filipino horror movie full of thrilling, exciting, and suspense scenes acted
by Ms. Jodi Sta. Maria as Clarita Villanueva. It is all about a girl who have been
possessed by a demon and it happened true to life in the year 1950’s. At the
beginning of the movie, I thought that it would be not worth it to watch but I was
wrong. I almost applaud the acting of Ms. Jodi Sta. Maria in my mind because I know
that it would be so hard because most of the scene are full of crawling, arching and
floating under demonic influence and she must become a linguist too but she almost
got it to the top.

The movie Clarita is interesting because of the flow of the story not ignoring the fact
that it is true to life and it happened to a real person. And also the visual effects,
features and the production design of the 1950’s is still recognizable also makes the
movie amazing. The location of the scene, props, camera angle, and the actors and
actresses are professional. Even the backgrounds and the transition effects from the
past is amazing.

As I continuously watched the movie, I had noticed that the movie Clarita shows that
the early Filipinos already believes in superstitions and in the presences of evil
demonic spirits just like nowadays. Many people would go to the church and tell the
priest who’s in there that there is or someone who is being possessed by a demonic
spirit even though they are not really sure.

I think that exorcism is the best theme in most of the Filipino horror film stories
because it is full of terrifying movements and scenes that will surely give goose
bumps to the audience who is watching Clarita. Even the trailer of the movie is full of
suspense that will surely attracts the viewers who see it to watch the full movie of

The movie also conveys that we should strengthen our faith not in our religion or
church but to God Himself because He is the one who is most superior other than
anyone and anything in the world and He is also the one who can conquer all evil.

At the end of the movie, I almost forgot that I am not a fan of Filipino horror movies
or any kinds of horror movies. I don’t like watching horror movies because I am
easily get scared but this one is different. It resonates to our reflection in our life, faith
to the Lord and family and self-love. Even if this is terrifying, the movie Clarita
delivers an interesting story through a well-built scary atmosphere. So if you’re not a
fan of horror film, watch Clarita and I assure you that it would change your taste and
feeling and also your thinking. And most of all, Clarita is worth watching.

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