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Leadership is not about the position, it is about how you are responsible of what
you have obliged of. As Gardner,1990 points out “Most men and women go through
their lives using no more than a fraction – usually a rather small fraction – of the
potentialities within them. It is an ability of someone has to motivate and empower
others to achieve a goal.
According to McBean, 2013, that there are 5 characteristics of a great leader:
Flexible, good in communication, have courage, have humility and presence, and
The first of these is being flexible. Not everything goes as planned. I will give an
example, in a business. Competitors change tactics, governments force new
regulations on business, strikes stop the flow of products, and, occasionally, natural
disasters occur. And at times like these, leaders have to be able to change course;
that is, first make sure their businesses will survive, and then find a new way to
reach their goals.
The second characteristic is being able to communicate. Some leaders are
great orators, but speaking well isn’t all that’s required of a leader. As we all know,
there are lots of people who talk a great game but deliver nothing. Leaders who
communicate well are those who not only share their thoughts with employees, but
also let their strength and personal character show through in their communication,
and empower those who work for them by defining the team’s goal and showing how
to get there.
The third is having courage, tenacity, and patience. Having the courage to stand
alone, the tenacity to not succumb to pressure, and the patience to keep fighting until
you win the day–and sometimes being able to do all three at the same time–is
something you will have to develop if you want to be a true and successful leader.
The fourth necessary characteristic is the combination of humility and presence.
Acting aloof, or above your employees, does not make a leader. Leaders have to be
able to talk and listen to their employees on all levels of the company. At the same
time, they must have the respect of their employees, the kind of respect that’s
earned by being honest, having integrity, and being tough but fair.
The fifth and final characteristic of a successful leader is being responsible. Let's
say again in a business owner has to realize that, as the saying goes, “A skunk
stinks from the head down,” and a business does too. This means when there is
blame to be accepted, the owner must be the first one to accept it. But it also means
that when accolades are appropriate, they should be spread out among the
employees. And when this happens, a leader is born.
As a student, a person and an individual, I could say that I don't have that talent
in terms of leadership. But I have these two characteristics that may realize me that I
may be possibly a leader. I am good in communication. I communicate others
accordingly. I listened other's opinion and other's side to maintain good
communication among my team. And I am also this what we called the courage. I
lived in not a decent family. I have a lots of experiences. I experienced to say give up
when I used to but in that experiences it encourage me to be a good person and to
stand alone. With this I can also encourage my team on what we used to be inspired
Chris Hadfield said that “Ultimately, leadership is not about glorious crowning
acts. It's about keeping your team focused on a goal and motivated to do their best
to achieve it, especially when the stakes are high and the consequences really
matter. It is about laying the groundwork for others' success, and then standing back
and letting them shine. “Letting your companions successes because of you is a
great honor. With that it proves that you are an effective leader and a great one.


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