IFS Food, Issue 6.1, Audit Process.: Client Information Note

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IFS Food, Issue 6.1, Audit Process.

Overview Our auditor will send a plan for the audit prior to the audit
In this Client Information Note we explain the key stages of (unless the audit is unannounced) - start the visit with an
the LR process for audit against the International Food opening meeting. At this meeting, we will:
Standard Issue 6, which we will refer to below as the ‘IFS
Food’.  explain the LR assessment approach to your
management team
In preparation for the visit, you must have a copy of the IFS
 request an introduction to your company, and
Food. You can get this from IFS portal as a free PDF
 confirm a visit plan with you.
download. Other important documents including
interpretation guideline, doctrine, etc… can also be The auditor will then work on:
downloaded from the same site.
 your quality systems and procedures, and your HACCP
Conduct of the visit study
 the on-site inspection and interviewing of the
Independently from audit duration, besides on-site audit, personnel
preparation of the audit shall be at least 2 hours.  the final conclusions drawn from the audit
1/3 of the audit duration shall be spent, as a minimum, in  the closing meeting.
the production area of the site.
We will carry out the audit against the Audit Checklist that
Additionally, time for generation of the audit report is
forms part of the IFS protocol.
typically 0, 5 days.
Evaluation of requirements
Before the audit, you may be asked to supply the following We will grade the findings of the audit in line with the
information to the auditor to help him to plan the audit. requirements of IFS.
 Summary of critical control points
 Process flow diagram Non Conformities :
 Site plan There are two kinds of non-conformities which are Major
 Organisational chart and KO.
 List of products
KO (Knock out) - there are specific requirements which
 Shift patterns
are designated as KO requirements (KO – Knock Out). If
 Production schedules
during the audit the auditor establishes that these
 Previous IFS reports, if applicable requirements are not fulfilled by the company, this results
in non-certification. A full re-audit will be required before
we can issue a certificate.

Lloyd’s Register IFS Food, Issue 6.1, Audit Process. | 01

Major –can be given to any requirement which is not corrective action plan communicated by the company to
defined as KO requirement. When there is a substantial LR.
failure to meet the requirements of the Standard, which
includes food safety and/or the legal requirements of the The decision is made by person(s) other than those who
production and destination countries. A Major can also be have carried out the audit.
given when the identified non-conformity can lead to a
serious health hazard. Extension audit

Deviations – In IFS Food, there are 4 scoring possibilities: In specific situations, such as new products and/or
processes to be included in the audit scope it is possible to
Scoring with: organise an on-site extension audit during the validity
A: Full compliance with the requirement specified in the period of the existing certificate. The updated certificate
Standard shall keep the same due date of end of validity as the
B: Almost full compliance with the requirement specified current certificate
in the Standard, but a small deviation was found
C: Only a small part of the requirement has been Renewal audit
D: The requirement in the Standard has not been Renewal audits are those which are performed after the
implemented initial audit. The re-audit visit frequency is 12 months. The
period in which a renewal audit shall be performed is
A full re-audit is required if we have raised KO or several
shown on the certificate and called window time. The
Major nonconformities.
renewal audit shall be scheduled during the window time
Closing meeting i.e. [–8 weeks; + 2 weeks] of the audit due date (due date is
anniversary date of the initial audit)
It is advisable that the company’s senior managers are
present at the opening and closing meetings so that any If this is not the case, the certificate cannot be renewed
deviations and non-conformities can be explained with the “due date” but with the actual new date; this will
lead to a break in the certification.
During the closing meeting, the auditor will
In cases where more than one Major non-conformity have
- present all findings and discuss all deviations and
been identified, a complete new audit shall be performed.
non-conformities which have been identified The new audit shall be scheduled no earlier than 6 weeks
- confirm that the final decision of awarding the IFS after the audit where Major non-conformities were issued
certificate is dependant both on final scoring and
on relevance of corrective action plan Certificate
communicated to LR.
A certificate shall be issued to one specific site. The final
If KO or Major NC are raised, the Auditor will discuss audit score, in percentage, can be published on the
arrangements for the next follow-up or full re-audit. certificate, if required.
We will ask you to accept any nonconformity raised.
The time between the date of the audit and the awarding
Audit report and Corrective Action Plan
of certificate is between 6 up to 8 weeks.
The auditor will complete the visit report. He will send a Each certificate has a QR code
copy of the corrective action plan for completion.
In case Non conformities (Major(s), or KO(s)) the current
Your company shall complete the corrective action plan IFS certificate will be suspended in the IFS audit portal by
and send it back to the assessor within 2 weeks having LR as soon as possible and a maximum 2 working days
received the action plan layout. If this deadline is not after the audit date.
respected, your company has to undergo a complete
initial or renewal audit. Unannounced audit protocol

The assessor will verify your corrective action plan This option involves a full unannounced audit against the
remotely. audit checklist of the IFS Food requirements, which
replaces the yearly scheduled audit. The audit date will
Awarding certificate
not be notified to your company in advance of the audit.
The final decision of awarding the IFS certificate is This option is preferably aimed at renewal audits (i.e. for
dependant both on final scoring and on relevance of companies already IFS Food certified), but may also apply
for initial audits.

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For each renewal audit, the company shall inform LR If your company denies access to the auditor, the currently
about the chosen option. valid IFS certificate shall be suspended by LR, within a
maximum of 2 working days after the audit date and this
There are 2 options: information will be visible in the company history in the
Option 1 : Is the regular registration to the unannounced audit portal. The company will be invoiced by LR for the
audit, with a timeframe of [- 16 weeks; + 2 weeks] (18 total cost of the audit. Moreover, the next audit can only
weeks in total) from the recent audit due date. be scheduled announced.

By choosing this option, the certification validity does Withdrawal of certificate

not change.

In case where initial audit will be performed directly Withdrawal of certificate by LR is permitted in
unannounced, there will not be a specific time window. case of any information indicating that the product may
no longer comply with the requirements of the
To get registered for an unannounced audit, the company certification system
shall notify LR at latest before the start of audit window
time (see below). This applies both to companies keeping Sampling
LR and those changing certification body.
An important point to remember is that the absence of
If your company does not inform LR before the start of nonconformity or deviation does not necessarily imply
audit time window, the option “Unannounced” cannot be that no nonconformity exists. Audit work uses sampling
chosen. techniques, and thus statistically it is possible that issues
Option 2 : Was developed to give companies the will remain unidentified during an audit. Please bear this
possibility to postpone or move forward their audit time in mind as you carry out your own internal audits.
frame (18 weeks in total) in order to align it with other Confidentiality
schemes and/ or due to holidays or non-production
We will not disclose any of the information we gather
Based on the new time frame the validity of the next about your organisation, including the contents of reports,
certificate will change. to any other party, except as required by the accreditation
body and IFS Management GmbH. The IFS standard
Therefore LR and IFS suppliers should discuss possible owners reserve the right to audit any of our IFS clients and
certification gaps before the registration. contractually you must allow all auditors visiting the site
to be witnessed either by COFRAC, IFS Management and
Window time : The time in which LR shall perform the
unannounced audit is [–16 weeks; + 2 weeks] of the audit
due date. The audit shall be performed during consecutive IFS Portal
LR must upload each audit report, action plan and
Blackout period : When registering for an unannounced
certificate to the IFS audit portal. Each certified company
audit with LR, your company has the opportunity to
will received an access with a dedicated password.
identify maximum 10 operational days, plus not operating
periods, when the site is not available for the audit. These
dates shall be notified to LR at the same time as your
company is registered for the unannounced audit and
reasons shall be provided. Reasons may be challenged by
LR or by the auditor during the audit.

Get in touch Lloyd’s Register

1 Trinity Park
Please visit www.lr.org for more information
Bickenhill Lane
Or call +44(0)1224 398 398
Birmingham B37 7ES,
United Kingdom
Revision 0, 28 June 2018

Lloyd’s Register is a trading name of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited

and its subsidiaries. For further details please see www.lr.org/entities
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