The Employment Law Review and Reform Issue

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Cornell University ILR School

Law Firms Key Workplace Documents

Winter 2014

The Global Employer: The Employment Law

Review and Reform Issue
Patrick J. O'Brien (Ed.)
Baker & McKenzie

Jeffrey H. Kessler (Ed.)

Baker & McKenzie

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The Global Employer: The Employment Law Review and Reform Issue
[Excerpt] Although the economies of many jurisdictions are improving, there is still some lingering global
economic uncertainty. It is no surprise that governments the world over continue to revisit their employment
laws to see what else, if anything, can be done to further stimulate their economies. 2013 was another busy
year for employment law reform.

Baker & McKenzie’s Global Employment Practice Group is pleased to present its 55th issue of The Global
Employer™ entitled “The Employment Law Review and Reform Issue.” In this issue, we review changes to the
law in 2013 and a look at pending changes for 2014.

Included, you will find information pertaining to the leasing of employees in Germany; new measures in Spain
intended to promote employment among young people under 30 and employee privacy rights over
employers' controls; challenges to the applicable interest rate to worker's claims in Argentina; how
employment law reforms will significantly impact employers in Mexico and in some specific cases, may
considerably elevate increase the cost of formal employment; and controversy around making the Colombian
Social Security System more progressive.

We also review several significant legal developments in China during 2013 that impact employers operating
there; legislative changes that were expected in Hong Kong in 2013 that may be implemented in 2014
including a focus on discrimination in the coming years; and welcome changes to TUPE and automatic
pension plan enrollment in the United Kingdom.

Baker & McKenzie, labor law, employment law, labor rights, labor market

Required Publisher Statement
Copyright by Baker & McKenzie. Document posted with special permission by the copyright holder.

This article is available at DigitalCommons@ILR:

The Global Employer

The Employment Law Review and Reform Issue

Volume XIX, No. 1


Table of Contents
Changes in Jurisprudence in 2013 that have had,
or will have, an Impact on Global Employers........................... 4

China / Hong Kong

Significant Legal Developments in China – 2013..................... 6

Colombian Social Security System in 2014............................ 10

Development of German Employment Law,
in Particular as Regards Leasing of Employees -
Looking to the Past and the Future........................................ 11

Legal Reforms Affecting Employment in Mexico................... 13

Review of the Year in Spain..................................................... 17
Employees’ Privacy vs Employer’s Control ............................ 19

United Kingdom
Reforms to TUPE.................................................................... 21
Auto-Enrollment: Preparing for Crunch Time....................... 26

United States
Top Developments that will Impact Your
US Operations in 2014............................................................ 29

The Global Employer

The Employment Law Review and
Reform Issue
Although the economies of many jurisdictions are improving, there is
still some lingering global economic uncertainty. It is no surprise that
The Editors governments the world over continue to revisit their employment laws
to see what else, if anything, can be done to further stimulate their
economies. 2013 was another busy year for employment law reform.
Patrick J. O'Brien (Chicago)
Tel: +1 312 861 8942 Baker & McKenzie’s Global Employment Practice Group is
pleased to present its 55th issue of The Global Employer™ entitled
Jeffrey H. Kessler (Chicago) “The Employment Law Review and Reform Issue.” In this issue,
Tel: +1 312 861 3078 we review changes to the law in 2013 and a look at pending
changes for 2014.

Included, you will find information pertaining to the leasing of

For more information regarding employees in Germany; new measures in Spain intended to promote
the Global Employment Practice employment among young people under 30 and employee privacy
Group, please contact: rights over employers' controls; challenges to the applicable interest
rate to worker's claims in Argentina; how employment law reforms will
Paul G. Brown (Sydney)
Tel: +61 2 8922 5120
significantly impact employers in Mexico and in some specific cases, may considerably elevate increase the cost of formal employment;
and controversy around making the Colombian Social Security System
Carlos Felce (Caracas)
Tel: +58 212 276 5133
more progressive.
We also review several significant legal developments in China during
Guenther Heckelmann (Frankfurt) 2013 that impact employers operating there; legislative changes that
Tel: +49 (0) 69 29 908 142
were expected in Hong Kong in 2013 that may be implemented in 2014
guenther.heckelmann including a focus on discrimination in the coming years; and welcome
changes to TUPE and automatic pension plan enrollment in the
Cynthia L. Jackson (Palo Alto)
United Kingdom.
Tel: +1 650 856 5572

Changes in
Jurisprudence in 2013
that have had, or will
have, an Impact on
Global Employers

Different rates applied to calculate Burden of the proof in trial - acts should render reasonable
interests: The Act on Labor Discriminatory acts: evidence to prove the existence of the
Procedures ("Act") of the Province Notwithstanding the general act that caused an injury. The court
of Buenos Aires was amended, procedural rule under which whoever also held that once discrimination
establishing the applicable interest alleges an act needs to prove it, has been proved, the employer has
rate to worker's claims to be "the Argentine courts are now more the burden of proof that the act was
average lending rate" set by the inclined to place a dynamic burden, not discriminatory. Since there was
Bank of the Province of Buenos Aires which means that evidence needs to evidence that the employees had
("Bank"). So far, almost all the courts be brought by the party that is in a been claiming salary differences
in the Province of Buenos Aires have better position to do so, regardless before their termination, the court
been applying the borrowing rate set of who brings the act to the attention understood that the termination
by the Bank, which is lower than the of the court. Moreover, labor law was retaliatiory. In another ruling
lending rate. Despite the differences provides that if there is doubt about the court not only decided that the
between both rates, the amendment the evidence, the court should rule in termination was discriminatory,
has been challenged by many labor favor of the employee. This means but also ordered the employer to
courts alleging that it is in conflict that employers are now required to reinstate the employees and pay
with the Constitution, by stating pay more attention to the evidence them back wages.
that the law must be pronounced by during litigation. In order to avoid
Employers' right to monitoring
the National Congress, as opposed claims of arbitrary or discriminatory
employees: A recent ruling granted
to the Congress of the Province of behavior, employers should take
an injunctive measure requested
Buenos Aires. Recently, the Supreme proper measures to document their
by a trade union regarding the
Court of Justice of the Province of decisions. During 2013, many cases
placement of security cameras
Buenos Aires decided that the Act were brought to the courts, alleging
inside toll booths, by claiming
violates the Constitution, and the different types of discrimination. In
that it undermined the right to
interest rate imposed in such Act a recent case, employees claimed
intimacy and privacy of employees
is not enforceable. Consequently, retaliatory discharge based on a
in violation of the Constitution and
most of the courts in the Province of claim that salary differences existed,
several laws. With the advance of
Buenos Aires are deciding to apply the court held that the employees
new technologies and the desire of
the borrowing rate. who to be victims of discriminatory

4 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

employers to control employees' words, to have a related company activity they represent. Further, only
work, this type of claim in which jointly and severally liable, related unions with exclusive recognition can
the right to privacy and the new companies should (i) be related in exercise the right to strike. Hence,
measures of surveillance collide, are such manner that they constitute by this decision, the Supreme Court
becoming more regular. It should a permanent economic unit; and made the unions with exclusive
be noted that although there are (ii) have performed an act that is recognition made equal to the
no specific local regulations, like contrary to the law, in any manner ones with mere registration. In
other legislations, governing the whatsoever. A recent ruling attracted one example, the Union of State
implementation of visual procedures attention because it changed this Workers filed a motion alleging the
to control the activity of employees', concept of joint liability by accepting unconstitutionality of a decree issued
is in base of good faith and respect it in a case where a permanent by the intendent of the Province of
for their dignity that such means economic unit existed, but not an Salta, by which municipal agents'
of control could be justified to the act against the law. Following this salaries were reduced due to the
extent that they are necessary for reasoning, any claim against a emergency situation. The Justice
the organization and the production related company could prevail, even Court in Salta rejected such action
of the company or its security. The when the lack of fraudulent activities arguing that as of the date the
practical recommendations of the are demonstrated. motion was filed, the Union was
International Labor Organization on not a recognized union and did
Creation of Courts of cassation -
protection of employees' personal not have legal standing to act on
Another judicial instance: Referring
data state that employees who object behalf of the collective interests
to the need to democratize justice in
to surveillance measures should of the municipal workers of Salta.
Argentina, a new law was enacted.
be informed beforehand of: (i) the The Union filed an extraordinary
It creates several Courts for Civil,
reason behind such measures, (ii) appeal against this decision. The
Commercial, Administrative and
the hours in which such measures Supreme Court held that section
Labor issues, similar to the one that
will be applied, (iii) the methods and 31 violates the Constitutional right
already exists for criminal cases.
techniques used and (iv) the data that of freedom of choice and affiliation,
Consequently, there are now four
will be collected. Furthermore, such and also violates Convention 87 of
judicial instances in Argentina:
control should only be allowed if the International Labor Organization
(i) the courts of first instance,
safety and the protection of property (which under the Argentine legal
(ii) the chamber of appeals,
require it. In conclusion, although the systems supersedes local laws) on
(iii) the cassation court, and (iv) the
right of the employer to exercise a freedom of election of the Union.
Supreme Court. These new Courts
reasonable surveillance and control
of cassation, therefore, provide for a
of the employees' activities by the Conclusion
new judicial stage. As of the date of
means it deems most appropriate
this article, these courts have not Due to recent changes in the trend
is not under discussion, the use of
been integrated yet. It is likely that of the courts and amendments to
cameras which principal objective
the organization process for these the laws, employers in Argentina
is to control the quantity and quality
courts may require a considerable face many uncertainties. Employers
of the work performed is not, in
amount of time. should monitor the trend and status
principle, an acceptable practice.
of ongoing changes so that they stay
Worker's associations: A ruling current with the new developments
Joint liability in cases of
issued by the Supreme Court and are able to adapt as needed.
subsidiaries and affiliates:
decided that section 31 of Law
According to the law, separate
23,551 (Labor Organizations
legal entities that are under the
Law) was unconstitutional. This
direction, control or administration
section establishes that workers’
of others, or that are related in Daniel Orlansky (Buenos Aires)
associations with exclusive
such manner that they constitute
recognition have exclusive rights +54 11 4310 2273
a permanent economic unit, are
that cannot be exercised by other
jointly and severally liable to their
associations. Unions with exclusive Mariana Saban (Buenos Aires)
workers and the social security
recognition have higher political
authorities, in the event of actions to +54 11 5776 2362
power because they are empowered
defraud or malicious conduct. In other
to negotiate in the name of the

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 5


Significant Legal
Developments in China –
There were several significant security bureaus, and addressed A Chinese subsidiary of a U.S.-
legal developments in China during employer obligations when hiring based pharmaceutical company was
2013 impacting global employers foreign workers. successful in obtaining the first ever
operating in China. The key preliminary injunction in a trade
We examine each development
developments were as follows : secrets case under the amended
in further detail below.
law on July 31, 2013. The Shanghai
(I) Amendments to the PRC Civil
(I) Amendments to the PRC Civil No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court,
Procedure Law - these allow
Procedure Law issued a preliminary injunction
employers to seek injunctive
order against a former employee
relief from the courts when The amendments to the PRC Civil
of the Chinese subsidiary before a
facing employee theft of Procedure Law took effect on
trial on the merits of the case. The
confidential information; January 1, 2013. The amended Civil
injunction order restrained him from
Procedure Law specifically allows
(II) Labor dispatch changes - disclosing, using, or allowing others
for preliminary injunctions and
amendments to the Employment to use certain documents containing
asset preservation relief in all civil
Contract Law under which trade secrets that he downloaded
cases. In the past, such remedies
companies will no longer be from the company’s database without
were only specifically allowed in
allowed to hire staff through authorization. In addition, the court
patent, trademark, and copyright
staffing agencies except in very also issued an asset preservation
infringement cases. Trade secrets
narrow circumstances; and order to freeze the ex-employee’s
were therefore not well protected
real property and bank account
(III) The introduction of the under the previous judicial practice,
pending the trial.
implementing regulations to the since companies would have to wait
Law of the People’s Republic until they actually suffered harm This case set a milestone for trade
of China on Entry and Exit before they even had a basis for secrets protection (or breach of
Control. These regulations bringing a claim, and then would confidentiality) cases. It remains to
took effect on September 1, have to wait for final judgment (which be seen whether the court would
2013 and introduced new visa could be up to one year or more later enforce the same measures in a
categories, provided guidance if all appeals are exhausted) before non-compete case, which is another
on audits by the local public obtaining any relief. type of employer-employee dispute

6 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

in which preliminary injunctive relief core business provide services Administrative Licensing for Labor
would help the employer prevent to those involved in the core Dispatch (“Labor Dispatch Licensing
further damage resulting from the business. Measures”), which took effect on
employee’s alleged breach of duties. July 1, 2013. The Labor Dispatch
• A “substitute” position is
Licensing Measures reiterated
In light of the amended legislation, defined as one in which staff
the preconditions for entities
employers are advised to focus are hired to temporarily
to engage in the labor dispatch
attention on their company replace employees who leave
business (e.g. RMB 2 million as the
policies and agreements related work for a fixed period of
minimum registered capital), as
to the protection of confidential time for study, leave or other
well as specifying the procedures
information, as robust company reasons.
and documents necessary for the
policies and agreements may help (ii) Host companies will be limited application of a labor dispatch
the company seek injunctive relief to only hiring a certain number license.
even before the trial on the merits or percentage of their workforce
commences. through labor dispatch. The Labor Dispatch Licensing
Measures provide some more clarity
(II) Labor Dispatch (iii) Legally hired dispatch staff must
regarding the transitional and
be paid the same compensation
On December 28, 2012, the Standing grandfathering rules contained in the
as directly-hired employees in
Committee of the National People’s amended Employment Contract Law.
the same position.
Congress passed an amendment Since July 1, 2013, staffing agencies
to the Employment Contract Law (iv) If host companies violate the established before July 1, 2013, may
(“ECL”), under which companies provisions on labor dispatch, they only engage in new labor dispatch
are no longer allowed to hire staff can be fined up to RMB 10,000 business after obtaining the required
through staffing agencies (such as (double the previous fine) for license. It is unclear how this fits
FESCO, CIIC, China Start, etc.) except each staff member hired through in with the amended Employment
in very narrow circumstances. The labor dispatch. Under the Contract Law, which allows existing
amendments took effect on July 1, amended ECL, hiring dispatched staffing agencies to obtain the
2013. staff outside the allowable scope license by June 30, 2014, in order
would now more clearly be to engage in new labor dispatch
Under the newly amended ECL, the subject to this fine. business, since this grace period
following important changes were provision is missing from the Labor
(v) Companies wishing to engage
made: Dispatch Licensing Measures.
in labor dispatch must obtain
(i) Companies should hire most a special license from the An exception to the above
employees directly, and may local labor bureau, and the requirementwould be that
use labor dispatch “only” capital requirements have been employment contracts and labor
for temporary, auxiliary, and increased four-fold to RMB 2 dispatch service agreements signed
substitute job positions. The million. If a company engages in before July 1, 2013 can still be
original ECL only stated that labor dispatch services without performed until their expiration
labor dispatch should “generally” such a license, it risks fines up to date. However, from July 1, 2013,
be used for such job positions. five times the amount of illegally the employment contracts and labor
generated income or RMB dispatch service agreements signed
The amended ECL provides
50,000 if no such illegal income between December 28, 2012, (the
definitions of the three crucial terms:
has been generated. Previously, date when the amended Employment
• A “temporary” job position potential fines had been much Contract law was originally issued)
is defined as a position in lower. and June 30, 2013, must be
which the person is hired for a performed in compliance with the
consecutive period of no more New Measures on Labor Dispatch
amended Employment Contract Law
than six months. Licensing Issued in June 2013
(i.e. dispatched employees may be
• An “auxiliary” position is On June 20, 2013, the Ministry used only for temporary / auxiliary
defined as one in which staff of Human Resources and Social / substitute positions, equal pay for
engaging in a company’s non- Security (“MOHRSS”) issued the equal work, etc.).
Implementation Measures on

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 7

Host companies should carefully Most significantly, the draft visitors. Neither visa category
check whether the staffing agency regulations set the maximum makes reference to training or
it uses has applied for the license percentage of employees that may be training-type activities. The PRC
and the outcome of its application, hired through labor dispatch. Under embassies and consulates in
as well as subsequent annual the draft, dispatched workers used charge of visa issuance overseas
inspections. Otherwise, the hiring in auxiliary positions may not exceed are expected to provide guidance
of staff through an agency without a 10 percent of the total workforce on F and M visa application
license may be deemed unlawful and of the company (including both the requirements.
the host company may potentially directly hired employees and the
• Talent Visa. The R visa has been
be subject to fines or even deemed dispatched workers used in auxiliary
created for high-level talent
as establishing direct employment positions). There are no numerical or
and specialists whose skills are
relationships with the dispatched percentage limitations for dispatched
in short supply in China. The
staff. workers hired for temporary and
requirements for high-level
substitute job positions.
The Labor Dispatch Licensing talent classification are expected
Measures are mainly relevant to There is still no indication when the to be defined by relevant PRC
companies wishing to engage in the Labor Dispatch Regulations will ministries. R visa holders will be
labor dispatch business, rather than finally be passed, or whether the permitted to apply for Residence
host companies that use dispatched government will make any further Permits for employment
workers. The government has significant changes to the draft. purposes.
still not yet issued the other set of • Work Visa. The Z visa continues
implementing regulations that it (III) Entry and Exit Control Law to apply to foreign nationals who
had promised to issue regarding The Entry and Exit Control Law will work in China. While the
restrictions and requirements for was passed last summer, one year draft regulations created Z sub-
host entities’ use of dispatched ahead of its effective date of July categories for short-term versus
workers. 1, 2013. This piece of legislation long-term stays, this language
was widely viewed as an overhaul does not appear in the final
Draft Labor Dispatch Regulations of China's immigration laws, with regulations.
Issued for Public Comment in significant provisions governing the • PSB Audits. The local public
August 2013 employment of foreign workers. The security bureaus (“PSB”)
MOHRSS issued the draft Labor final regulations became effective on responsible for processing
Dispatch Regulations in August 2013 September 1, 2013. Residence Permit applications
for public comment. The draft Labor may conduct verification through
Dispatch Regulations include some Key Provisions various methods including
significant provisions that would help The key employment-related interviews and onsite visits.
clarify certain matters left unclear in provisions that will be relevant to Employers sponsoring foreign
the amended Employment Contract multinational employers doing workers must plan for such
Law (“ECL”). For example, some business in China are highlighted audits during Residence Permit
guidance is provided regarding how below: processing. Such audits have
to distinguish a true outsourcing already been in practice for some
arrangement from a disguised labor • Business Visa. Under the months in cities like Beijing and
dispatch arrangement. The draft previous law, the F visa category Suzhou, where the PSBs have
also provides guidance on how to was used for business travelers telephoned employers to confirm
handle the termination of dispatched to visit China, including for the employment details such as job
workers in the event that the host purpose of short-term training. position and duties and visited
entity goes through a restructuring. Under the new regulations, an worksites to confirm job location.
In addition, the draft regulations F visa is now defined as the
category for exchanges and • Student Interns. Employers now
more clearly provide dispatched
similar visits, while the newly have guidance on hiring interns
workers with a right to sue their
created M visa is to be used for who are studying in China. Under
host entity for de facto employment
commercial trade activities and the new regulations, foreign
if the host entity uses labor dispatch
is expected to be the appropriate students holding Residence
arrangements outside the allowable
visa category for business Permits for study purposes

8 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

may participate in work-study visa type would apply for these procedures. Additional guidance,
programs and off-campus foreign students to engage in whether from the overseas
internships by obtaining school internships and similar training- embassies and consulates or
approval and applying for PSB type activities. the local labor bureaus and PSBs
approval to be granted via an across China, was also provided
• Employer Obligations. Employers
endorsement in the Residence in addition to extended processing
continue to have a duty to report
Permit. The PSB endorsement times and new documentation
on material changes to a foreign
will be specific, identifying the requirements such as legalized
worker's employment such
internship location and period, police clearance certificates (in
as termination or job location
at a minimum. This is important cities that previously did not impose
change. Employers also have the
guidance for employers because such requirements on work permit
affirmative obligation to report
the Entry and Exit Control Law's applicants). Employers are advised
on a foreign employee's violation
definition of illegal employment to build in additional lead time for
of these regulations.
includes a foreign student who any foreign worker hire or transfer
performs work that exceeds the to accommodate these changes.
What to Expect Next
specified scope or duration of the
Since the final regulations became Please note that the Labor Dispatch
work-study position.
effective, the PRC authorities who Regulations were issued on 24
In contrast, the regulations are January 2014. For further details
administer the travel and activities
silent on the issue of foreign please access our client alert here.
of foreign nationals in China rolled
interns who are studying overseas
out new or different practices and
(rather than in China) and what

Hong Kong
Legislative changes were expected in Hong Kong in 2013, however ultimately
these did not materialize. We saw detailed proposals in relation to paid statutory
paternity leave and proposed amendments to empower the Labour Tribunal to
order compulsory reinstatement and re‑engagement of employees who have been
unlawfully dismissed without a valid reason. It seems likely that these proposals
will be introduced in Q1 of 2014.

On the horizon
The introduction of standard working of the four anti-discrimination
hours in Hong Kong should be on ordinances; (ii) conducting a public
employers’ radar for 2014/15 as consultation on legislating against Andreas Lauffs (China)
studies were commissioned, and discrimination on the grounds of
+852 2846 1964
committees set up, to review the sexual orientation; (iii) lobbying the
regulation of working hours in 2013. government to legislate against
discrimination on the grounds Jonathan Isaacs (China)
There may be an increased focus
of age; (iv) reviewing the Code of +852 2846 1968
on discrimination over the next few
Practice on Employment under the
years as the Equal Opportunities
Sex Discrimination Ordinance; and
Commission has an ambitious Adam Hugil (Hong Kong)
(v) establishing a Human Rights
agenda for 2014 and beyond. This
Commission. +852 2846 2542
includes (i) a comprehensive review

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 9


Colombian Social Security

System in 2014

One of the most controversial constitutional principles regarding the Colombian

Social Security System has been the continuing efforts of the Colombian
Government to make its practical application more progressive. A good example
of this is Decree 2616 of 2013 ("Decree"), which regulated affiliation to the Social
Security System in Pensions, Labor Risks and Family Compensation Bureaus of
employee working for days and/or part-time who for less than thirty days a month.

With the main purpose of assuring of under 30 days within a month and • For employees who work
affiliation and coverage to part-time whose remuneration is less than between 15 and 21 days a month,
employees, Article 171, Law 1450 one monthly statutory salary, should contributions should exceed
of 2011, disposed that affiliation be affiliated to the Integral Social three-quarters of a minimum
to the Social Security System of Security System by the respective statutory salary.
employees who worked part-time for employer. The minimum contribution
• For employees who work
under 30 days a month, and receive should be greater than one-quarter
more than 21 days per month,
incomes for a monthly amount less of a minimum statutory salary and
contributions should be based on
than one (1) minimum monthly the base should vary depending on
the minimum statutory salary.
statutory salary, will be affiliated the working days as follows:
and contribute to the Social Security Nevertheless, the regulation is
• For employees who work still pending on the adoption of
System according to the worked days
between one and seven days the Contributions Liquidation
and over a base of not less than
a month, contributions should Spreadsheet by the Colombian Social
one daily minimum statutory salary
exceed one-quarter of a Security Entities. The Government
according to the established limits
minimum statutory salary.1 is allowing two months from
and conditions.
• For employees who work November 20, 2013 (publication
Such limits and conditions were date of the Decree), for the entities
between eight and 14 days within
specifically regulated by the Decree. to regulate this aspect themselves
a month, contributions should
According to this regulation, any or the Ministry of Health and Social
be made over half a minimum
person who is employed through an Protection will perform such
statutory salary.
employment agreement for a period regulation ex officio.

1 For year 2013, COL 147.375 or approximately USD 76.14.

10 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

The employee decides where single Pensions Administrator Special measures will be taken
contributions to the Pensions Fund. The Decree does not mention by the Ministry of Work in order
Administrator Fund should be made, multiple affiliation to Labor Risks to assure compliance to the new
while the employer decides over the and Family Compensation Bureaus, regulation and in order to avoid
Labor Risks Administrator and the but considering the general contributions evasion to the
Family Compensation Bureau where prohibition of multi-affiliation as Integral Social Security System.
contributions should be made. well as a former decree that stated
so, it can be concluded that the
Whenever multiple employers
first affiliation made regarding Tatiana Garcés-Carvajal (Bogota)
exist, as may happen with many
Labor Risks Administrators and
domestic employees, each employer +57 1 634 1543
Family Compensation Bureau, will
should perform individually and
be the one to which employers
independently its respective Sebastián Luque-Charry (Bogota)
must make contributions.
contribution to the Social Security
+57 1 634 1500 Ext. 2715
System. Nevertheless, such
affiliation must be made to one


Development of German Employment

Law, in Particular as Regards Leasing
of Employees - Looking to the Past
and the Future
In contrast to the previous years, on the election of the new Federal one of the main and recurring
when there were more noticeable Government which took place in subjects. Consideration of temporary
developments and changes in September of this year. workers for (i) the calculation of
German employment law and the the company’s size as regards
In 2013 the Federal Labor Court
related jurisdiction, 2013 was a the applicability of the statutory
had to decide on various cases,
relatively “quiet” year. This is based, termination protection, and (ii) the
whereby, retrospectively, the topic
certainly not only, but in particular, size of the company’s works council,
“leasing of employees” has been
the works council’s right to refuse

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 11

its consent to the deployment of of the lessee may refuse its consent required by a sense and purpose-
temporary workers are just a few to the employment of temporary oriented interpretation of the
of the cases with which the Federal workers, if they shall be deployed statutory provision. The question
Labour Court had to deal during the not only “of temporary nature.” whether the temporary workers have
past twelve months. The following to be considered when calculating
According to Section 14 of the
does not describe the full extent the threshold in the individual case,
AÜG, the lessee’s works council
of the rulings, however, it outlines has to be decided on a case-by-case
must be involved pursuant to the
the most important and practice- basis according to the standards set
German Works Constitution Act
oriented ones. by the Court.
BetrVG”) prior to the leasing of
Leasing of employees of temporary Considering temporary workers
a temporary worker. The works
nature only when calculating the size of the
council may refuse its consent
company’s works council
The most recent decision of the in case the deployment of the
Federal Labour Court is dated temporary worker violates a law. Basically, temporary workers
December 10, 2013, and was eagerly As said, the AÜG provides for a have to be taken into account for
awaited both by German employers statutory regulation according to the number of staff relevant for
and the legal community. It deals which the leasing of employees by the size of the company’s works
with the question whether an the lending company to a third party council. According to the BetrVG
employment relationship between (the lessee) must be of a temporary the number of members of the
the temporary worker and the lessee nature. The lessee’s works council company’s works council depends
comes into existence if the leasing of may therefore refuse its consent to on the number of workers normally
the employee is not only temporary. the deployment of the temporary employed in the company. In case of
According to the German Law workers, if they shall be employed at five to 100 employees, additionally
concerning the Leasing of Employees the lessee not only temporarily but the employee’s right to vote is
(“Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz/ rather without any time limitation. decisive. From 101 workers on,
AÜG”), the leasing of employees by Based on this reason, and contrary the law no longer mentions this
the lending company to a third party to the lower courts’ decisions, the statutory condition. In March 2013,
(the lessee) must be of a temporary application of an employer before the Federal Labour Court decided,
nature. The Federal Labour Court the Federal Labour Court with which contrary to its previous jurisdiction,
has now decided that an employment the employer wanted to replace the that temporary workers must
relationship between the employee consent refused by the works council be considered when calculating
and the lessee does not exist if the to the permanent employment of a the thresholds for the size of the
statutory precondition “of temporary temporary worker had no success. company’s works council. Again,
nature” is not met. However, at the Federal Labour Court argues
present, it is still unclear, and does not Considering temporary workers that this is required by a sense and
have to be decided by the Court yet, when calculating the termination purpose-oriented interpretation
what maximum duration can be agreed protection threshold of the statutory provision. At least
on in order to qualify the leasing of in companies with more than 100
According to the German
employees as “temporary” and what employees, the temporary worker’s
Termination Protection Act
exact penalties apply in case the right to vote no longer needs to be
leasing cannot be considered as taken into account. Contrary to the
KSchG”), the statutory termination
“of temporary nature.” However, and lower courts’ decisions, the appeal of
protection applies to workers hired
this is the good news, an employment a works council election, therefore,
after December 31, 2003, only in
relationship with the lessee is not was successful at the Federal Labour
companies where usually more than
assumed according to the Federal Court. In the present case, the
10 employees are employed. When
Labour Court’s recent ruling. selection board had not considered
calculating the relevant size of the
temporary workers when choosing
company in this regard, temporary
Works council’s right to refuse the correct number of the works
workers employed at this company
its consent to the employment council’s members.
also have to be considered when
of temporary workers
their use is based on an existing
In July of this year, the Federal Labour "usual" staffing. According to
Court decided that the works council the Federal Labour Court, this is

12 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

Prospects of 2014. It remains to be seen on
which employment law-related
After the election of the new Federal
topics the new Government will
Government, the coalition agreement
have a focus in the next four years
has not been approved and the new Guenther Heckelmann (Frankfurt)
and whether the German legislator
Government has not been formed
will clarify still unanswered +49 0 69 29 908 142
yet, so the implementation of new,
questions as regards the leasing of
respectively the amendment of
employees, in particular define by Lara Link (Frankfurt)
current employment law regulations,
law the requirements of the required
if and where required, will not +49 0 69 29 908 287
“temporary nature.”
take place before the beginning


Legal Reforms Affecting

Employment in Mexico
Major law reforms have been already approved while
others are still under discussion at the Mexican
Congress. These reforms will significantly impact
employers in Mexico and in some specific cases, will
considerably increase the cost of formal employment.

Relevant provisions were already the first time in Mexico the creation on January 1, 2014. Three specific
modified in the Income Tax Law of an Unemployment Insurance provisions of this reform will affect
and amendments are expected in and a Universal Pension, tending to employers:
the Social Security Law as well. grant minimum financial benefits to
• The first establishes that
In particular, the modification to individuals over 65 years old, who do
exempt payments for workers
the "base quotation salary" for not have a pension or social security
and employees such as fringe
the payment of social security system benefit.
benefits (food coupons, savings
contributions and an increase on the
1. Income Tax Law. funds, overtime, Christmas
quotas for the illness and maternity
Bonuses and others) will only
branch of insurance. In addition, On October 31, 2013, the Mexican be deductible up to 47 percent.
new legislation is under discussion Congress approved a major Income The amended Income Tax Law
at the Congress, establishing for Tax Law reform, entering into force provides however that if the

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 13

fringe benefits paid in a given In general terms, this reform In order to gain access to
year are not reduced from proposes the following, regarding unemployment benefits, the
the payments made in the social security matters: following requirements must be met:
immediately previous tax year,
1. Having paid social security
they will be tax deductible at The Universal Pension Law
contributions for at least 24
53 percent. It is also establishes
The purpose is to create a Universal months within a period no
that the non-deductible portion
Pension to cover those individuals longer than 36 months, following
of such payments shall be
who cannot obtain a tax-related affiliation to IMSS, as of the date
further deductible for the
pension, in order to grant basic when the last monthly payment
purposes of determining the
wellbeing, protecting senior citizens for such benefit was made;
base of the mandatory profit
from circumstantial events that may
sharing payouts . 2. Having been unemployed for at
increase transient poverty or deepen
least 45 calendar days;
• With respect to the contributions poverty levels, providing economic
made by employers to create support to these citizens through a 3. Not receiving any other monetary
or increase the reserves for monthly amount of MXN 1,092 pesos. income for retirement, pension,
supplementary pension funds unemployment support, or any
The requirements set for having
to those established under the other similar reasons; and
access to such pension are:
Social Security Law, and seniority
4. Proof of meeting some
bonus, such contributions will a) To reach the age of 65 years as requirements set in the
be deductible up to 47 percent. of 2014 and not being a retiree; promotion, placement, and
However, if the benefit paid in
b) Residence in national territory; training programs under the
a given year does not decrease
care of the Ministry of Labor and
from the one paid in the previous c) Be registered before the National
Social Welfare, basically tending
fiscal year, such deductions up to Population Registry; and
to facilitate the reemployment.
53 percent will be allowed.
d) Have a monthly income equal
This benefit and its corresponding
• In addition, the deductible to or less than fifteen minimum
administrative expenses will
amount for investments in daily wages ($971.40).
be funded through resources
automobiles was reduced from
In order to receive this pension, the obtained from the employer's
MXN 175,000 to MXN 130,000
Mexican Social Security Institute (the mandatory contributions to the
pesos per unit. It also
"IMSS," per its Spanish acronym) National Workers' Housing Fund
establishes a new limit of
will verify that the Universal Pension Institute (INFONAVIT), with a two to
MXN 200 pesos per day for car
applicant meets the requirements five percent increase in the amount
leasing. Cars are usually granted
indicated above and will issue the of the dues paid to the INFONAVIT.
as working tools in Mexico
corresponding resolution. If the
by employers to Managerial An unemployed individual will be
resolution is favorable, then it shall
and Director level positions entitled to receive the benefit in up to
notify the Ministry of Finance and
to facilitate the execution of six monthly payments, using first the
Public Credit (Hacienda), which
work-related activities. This resources accrued in the Mixed Sub-
will be in charge of processing the
particular provision will impact Account of his Individual Retirement
corresponding payment.
the type of automobiles granted Account and in accordance with the
to employees or increase the These pensions will be paid through following percentages of the base
cost of this working tool . the public budget. salary for purposes of computing
social security dues and benefits
2. Social Reform. for the latest 24 monthly payments:
Unemployment Insurance
In the framework of the tax reform,
The legislation proposes the First Payment 60%
the Federal Executive Power
creation of a new branch for a
submitted to the Congress an Second Payment 50%
mandatory social security regime for
Initiative of the Decree to issue the Third to Sixth Payments 40%
unemployment. This insurance will
Universal Pension Law and the
cover employees who are registered
Unemployment Insurance Law, in
before the IMSS in the mandatory
order to establish universal social
regime of the Social Security Law.
security mechanisms.

14 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

In case the balance in the Individual Federal Government will cover the income due to retirement, pension,
Sub-Account proves insufficient to payment of any remaining difference or unemployment support of a
cover the amount of the payments, through a sum equal to one month of similar or another kind, or upon the
then the benefit will be paid out minimum wages per each remaining unemployed individual's failure to
of resources from a Federal month until the benefit is covered. perform the obligations set forth
Government Fund, in order to cover in the promotion, placement, and
The payment of the benefit will be
the difference, for an amount of up training programs under the care
completed upon the unemployed
to a sum equal to a minimum wage of the Ministry of Labor and Social
individual's receipt of all six monthly
per each remaining month until Welfare.
payments, entering an employment
covering the full benefit. Should
relationship, receipt of monetary
this fund prove insufficient, then the

Modification of Social Security Dues

The reform proposes the following modifications to social security dues:

Item Current Rate Proposed Rate

Dues for in-kind benefits from the Illness Employer 1.05% SBC* Employer 2.8% of the SBC
and Maternity Insurance for retirees and Employees 0.375% Employees 0.375%
their beneficiaries
Government 0.75% Government 0.75%
Dues for in-kind benefits from the Illness Employer 20.4% of the SMVG** Employer 10% of the SMVG**
and Maternity Insurance
Dues for monetary benefits from the Illness Employer 0.70% SBC Employer 1.8% SBC
and Maternity Insurance Employees 0.25% Employees 0.25%
Government 0.05% Government 0.05%
*SBC Base salary for purposes of payment of social security contributions.
**SMVG General Minimum Wage in force.

The reform will trigger the following financial effects for employers:


Times the SMVG Days of the month SBC Current cost Cost according to the reform Difference %
2 30 129.5 985 893.69 -91.31 -9.27%
3 30 194.28 1,279.33 1,243.39 -35.94 -2.81%
4 30 259.04 1,595.04 1,614.47 19.43 1.22%
5 30 323.8 1,910.74 1,985.54 74.8 3.91%
6 30 388.56 2,226.45 2,356.62 130.17 5.85%
7 30 453.32 2,542.15 2,727.69 185.54 7.30%
8 30 518.08 2,857.86 3,098.77 240.91 8.43%
9 30 582.84 3,171.61 3,467.55 295.94 9.33%
10 30 647.6 3,489.27 3,840.92 351.65 10.08%
25 30 1,619.00 8,224.84 9,407.04 1,182.19 14.37%

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 15

3. Social Security Law - benefits employers grant to their for employers, and it is highly
Base Quotation Salary employees, and companies are advisable to analyze its cost on a
On April 25, 2013, the Chamber of are currently analyzing their a case‑by‑case basis. In addition
Representatives approved a bill financial impact and evaluating to the financial impact, companies
amending the Social Security Law different alternatives. Among will need to significantly restructure
which is currently under discussion those, the possibility to monetize payroll systems and anticipate the
in the Senate. nonmandatory benefits (i.e. food need to take action to review actions
coupons, savings fund, etc.), that may be implemented for the
According to the Social Security Law some others are considering specific case.
in effect, the salary for the payment absorbing the full cost of
of Social Security Contributions is iv) General comments
the reform, a modification of
integrated with all in-cash and in- the compensation package, Provisions modified in the Income
kind benefits paid by the employer and some employers are Tax Law, and those modified in the
to the employee as a compensation analyzing on a per benefit basis Income Tax Law and those submitted
for his or her work. Some concepts, a combination of these options. for modification in the Social Security
because of their specific nature Law will increase the cost of formal
Employers, employees, and unions
are excluded, such as working employment in Mexico.
are also evaluating evaluating
tools, savings funds, additional
whether to file a Constitutional Claim As in other countries, Mexico
contributions granted by employers
(Amparo Claim or Habeas Corpus), is struggling with a very active
to the retirement insurance for
considering the reform does violate underground economy (where taxes
employees, Christmas Bonuses,
constitutional principles and human are underpaid or not paid at all, and
Housing Agency contributions and
rights embodied in the International where individuals are not protected
profit sharing, food and housing, food
Agreements ratified by Mexico. by the Mexican Federal Labor Law
coupons, assistance and punctuality
bonuses, contributions performed nor the Social Security System) and
It is advisable for each employer to
by employers to pension funds, in our opinion, the reform should
calculate the impact of the reform
and overtime. All of the above will address in a very specific manner
and carefully analyze the options
be subject to specific limits and the particular issue of increasing the
that can be implemented.
conditions. costs for those employers who are
ii) Universal Pension and in compliance with their labor and
The Reforms cancel or exclude some Unemployment Insurance social security obligations.
items (i.e. punctuality and assistance
Initiatives mentioned in section 2 are A significant amount of litigation
bonuses) and/or reduce the amounts
still under discussion in Congress. is anticipated since the legal
not to be part of the integrated
salary (i.e. savings funds, overtime, community is considering that some
The Universal Pension and
Christmas bonuses, profit sharing) of the specific provisions may be in
Unemployment Insurance, in our
and restrict the exclusion of others violation of Constitutional principles
view are positive because they
such as working tools, food and and human rights. Major difficulties
will provide a minimum level of
housing, to very specific conditions. are also foreseen with respect to
protection to individuals affected by
Collective Bargaining Agreements.
being unable to earn income, in the
The financial impact of this reform, if
event that the Universal Pension is
approved, will raise the cost of social
implemented on a permanent basis,
security contributions depending on
and on unemployment insurance on
the specific compensation package
a temporary basis.
granted by each company and
therefore, the cost of the impact iii) Modification of Social Security
cannot be calculated. Dues and the Base quotation
If the reform to the Social Security
i) The new provisions of the Law modifying the Social Security Maria Rosario Lombera-Gonzalez
(Mexico City)
Income Tax Law that came into dues and the base quotation salary
effect on January 1, 2014, will were to pass, it will also trigger +52 55 5279 2936
increase the tax on the fringe a substantial financial impact

16 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014


Review of the Year

in Spain
In 2012, due to the particularly serious labour
market situation and an unemployment
rate of 25 percent, the Spanish Government
passed emergency legislation that included
the most significant amendments to Spanish
Employment Law in decades.

The amendments were numerous In 2013, with on-going economic without any work experience or with
and they substantially modified uncertainty and an unsustainable work experience not exceeding three
different areas of employment law unemployment rate of more than months; (ii) part-time agreements
including collective bargaining 26 percent, particularly dramatic for training purposes: companies
agreements ("CBAs"). For example, among young people (56,5 percent), that hire unemployed persons under
the severance costs for unfair employment and social security 30 without any work experience or
dismissals were significantly reduced law reforms have continued to be with work experience not exceeding
to 33 days' salary per year worked, introduced, the most notable of three months under such contract
as opposed to the traditional 45 days' which are the following: may benefit from a reduction in
salary; redundancies and company's the employers' social security
(i) New Measures to promote
ability to unilaterally change work contribution rates during 12 months,
Employment and Business
conditions (including salary), location extendable by another 12 months and
initiatives among young people
and duties were facilitated and (iii) on-the-job-training agreement
under 30:
changes were introduced to create for first-job: companies that hire
less binding industry CBAs (company In order to encourage the hiring of persons under 30 years under such
level CBAs prevailing over industry young people, the Government is contract will benefit from a reduction
CBAs in a significant list of matters). offering compelling social security in the employers' social security
In sum, the Spanish employment rebates until the unemployment contribution rates.
law was notably changed in many rate is reduced to below 15 percent,
(ii) Changes to retirement regulations:
respects with the aim of favoring which includes (i) new temporary
employer flexibility, facilitating the "first job" contract: companies / a. Ordinary Retirement:
hiring of employees, decreasing independent contractors may employ, As of January 1, 2013, the
company costs, and reducing CBA for a period ranging from three to six ordinary retirement age
restrictions. months, extendable to 12 months, will be gradually increased
unemployed persons under 30 years from 65 to 67 by 2027.

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 17

However, employees who The objective behind such reforms is The above changes have continued
have contributed to the Social to postpone full retirement age and the trend started by the major
Security system for a certain maximize the level of contributions 2012 labour reform to make labour
period of time will retain their to the Spanish Public Pension regulations more flexible and able
right to retire at age 65 (35 System. to adapt to the changing market
years and three months in demands. Despite these changes
(iii) Other amendments include:
2013, to be gradually increased having modified very substantial
to 38 years and six months (i) the Social Security General aspects of the previous regulations,
by 2027). The reference Treasury Office has clarified the unemployment rate is still far
periods for calculating the the social security regime for from acceptable levels, and hence
pension entitlement will also university students working we anticipate more new reforms
change gradually from 15 to as trainees in companies, to follow.
25 years by 2022. Lastly, the authorizing extended terms
contribution period required for registration and de-
for full pension entitlement registration and payment
will gradually be increased of contributions;
from 35 to 37 years by 2027.
(ii) new social security regulations
b. Partial and Early Retirement: have been passed to protect
Significant changes have been part-time workers in order
introduced with regard to to improve social security
these two types of retirement, coverage; and
aimed at raising the early
(iii) collective dismissal
retirement age and increasing
regulations have been
the number of hours to be
amended to clarify the rules
worked by partially retired
for constituting a negotiating
employees, among other
committee to act on behalf
of the workers during the
c. Compatibility between pension consultation period, a
and work: the Government controversial issue that many
facilitates compatibility companies have faced when
between receiving a public implementing collective
retirement pension and dismissal procedures,
Alberto Madamé (Madrid)
receiving remuneration often resulting in the whole
from employment (whether collective procedure being +34 91 230 45 76
as an employee or as a invalidated.

self-employed individual), Arturo Fernández-Cruz (Madrid)

a possibility that has been
+34 91 230 46 29
traditionally very restricted
under Spanish Legislation.

18 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014


Employees’ Privacy vs
Employer’s Control

Companies have for years been providing their employees with

the latest technologies with the aim of improving their efficiency.
Nowadays, the number employees who are provided with smart
phones, tablets, laptops, etc. has increased significantly.

What happens when companies employers. Moreover, taking into device were to previously inform the
suspect that the device provided is account that no specific rules have employees on the following: (i) the
not being correctly used? Can an entered into force regarding this use they should give to the referred
employer monitor its employees’ matter, the courts have been obliged company’s device, (ii) that their
laptops and correspondence without to base their judgements on general correspondence could be monitored,
their authorization? Do employees principles of law. and (iii) the way the employer would
need to be previously notified control the use of a device. If one of
According to the aforementioned,
that their laptops and electronic these requirements was not met,
during the past years the
correspondence will be monitored? the employer was not entitled to
Supreme Court interpreted that
access its employees’ electronic
Taking into consideration the time the employees’ privacy was a
correspondence and device.
that has elapsed since technologies fundamental right that needed
Moreover, the employer was not
took off, Spanish legislation has to be protected. Consequently, in
entitled to use the evidence obtained
not kept pace with technology general terms, the employer could
by accessing to the employees’
developments and does not address not freely control the employees’
electronic correspondence in a
all of these questions. While we are device, as some strict requirements
judicial procedure, without fulfilling
waiting for a legal solution to all the were needed. In compliance with
the aforementioned requirements.
unsolved queries, our courts have the uncontroversial case law
been obliged to resolve claims filed published as of October 2013, the However, the employer’s right
by employees whose correspondence necessary requirements for the to exercise its control over the
has been monitored by their employer to control the employees’ employees’ seems to have been

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 19

reinforced against the employees’ However, despite the interpretation We will have to wait and see if the
right to privacy. In this sense, a of the previous case law, the legislation is reviewed and modified
recent judgment of the Spanish Constitutional Court has completely in accordance with the current
Constitutional Court from changed its interpretation and necessities. In the meantime, it
October 2013, totally changed the has recently held that the referred seems that the employees’ privacy
interpretation previously adopted evidence could be taken into rights will remain second behind
by the case law, ruling in favor of consideration as it was obtained the employers' right to control
the company’s control and leaving correctly (even though the employee the employees' device. However,
the employees' privacy at a lower was never informed by his employer considering that the case law is
level. In accordance with this new beforehand on the use he should continuously being modified, it is
interpretation, the employer is give to the company’s device, nor highly advisable for companies
allowed to control the employees’ on the fact that the employer was to continue to be cautious and
electronic correspondence and able to control use, or the ways the follow the steps required by the
device regardless of whether or employer could exercise its control). uncontroversial case law published
not they have been previously as of October 2013.
The justification of this new
informed on the use they should
interpretation is that the applicable
give to them, or have been informed
collective bargaining agreement
on the control and the means the
expressly prohibited the personal
employer will effectively use to
use of the company’s device, and the
control the company’s means in their
company had reasons to suspect the
employee’s conduct.
In this latest case ruled by the
Does this mean that if the
Constitutional Court, the employer
applicable collective bargaining
had access to its employee’s
agreement prohibits the personal
electronic correspondence because
use of the company’s means, the
it suspected that the employee was
employer will automatically be
providing confidential information
entitled to monitor the employees’
to a third person. After reviewing
electronic correspondence and
the employee’s electronic
the means it has provided? Has
correspondence, the employer
the court forgotten that besides
verified that the employee was
the employees' acknowledging the
effectively sharing confidential
prohibition of the personal use of the
information with a person outside
company’s device, the previous case
the company, and therefore decided
law also required that the employee
to dismiss him. The employee filed
had to be informed on the control,
a claim indicating that the evidence
and the way the employer would
obtained by the employer when
apply its control over the electronic
controlling his correspondence was Elisabet Pujol-Xicoy (Barcelona)
correspondence and device provided?
null and void and could not be used
+34 9325 51 129
as it was obtained without meeting
the requirements required by the
case law.

20 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

United Kingdom

Reforms to TUPE

Significant changes to the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)

Regulations 2006 ("TUPE"), which implement the Acquired Rights Directive ("ARD")
in the UK, will come into force on 31 January 2014, although some provisions will
not take effect immediately. The changes follow the UK Government's review
of TUPE, which was part of its wider review of employment laws to ensure that
they provide sufficient flexibility for employers. On the whole, the changes are
likely to be beneficial to employers, providing greater certainty on some practices
which were already fairly commonplace, such as pre-transfer consultation on
collective redundancies, and the approach to a change of location following a
transfer. However, the changes do give rise to some uncertainty, particularly as
to when changes to terms and conditions will be permitted, and some aspects
of the pre-transfer consultation process. The changes are introduced by the
Collective Redundancies and Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment)
(Amendment) Regulations 2014 (the "Regulations"). The changes are accompanied
by updated guidance from the Government ("TUPE Guidance").

The key changes are: introduced, which provides that a more restrictive approach to the
transfer will only be an SPC where SPC test that the courts have taken
1. Service provision change test the activities carried on post transfer in recent years. While the existing
will stay but will apply where are "fundamentally the same" as the case law gives some guidance on
activities post transfer are
activities carried out by the person whether a SPC applies, each case
"fundamentally the same"
as those pre transfer. who has ceased to carry them out. will turn on its specific facts. With
that in mind, parties entering into
The Government has confirmed This new qualification in fact reflects
an outsourcing agreement should
that, contrary to earlier indications, the existing case law and will
be aware of the possibility that
the Service Provision Change not therefore require employers
there may not be a SPC at the end
("SPC") test (which typically applies to approach the SPC test any
of the agreement, meaning that any
in outsourcing situations) will differently in practice. However,
employees assigned to providing
not be repealed. However, a new the new provision and the TUPE
the service will not transfer to the
qualification to the SPC test has been Guidance implicitly endorses the
new service provider on exit and will

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 21

remain with the incumbent provider. The removal of the reference to a by entering into an agreement with
It is therefore prudent to address reason "connected with" the transfer the purchaser of a business, and the
this possibility in the outsourcing is helpful, but in practice it may ECJ decided that it could not where
agreement. not be easy to distinguish between the reason for the change was the
a change that is by reason of the transfer itself. Where changes are
2. Changes to employees' terms transfer, and therefore in principle permitted by an existing contract,
and conditions void, and one which is merely the transferee is merely exercising
Currently, any changes to employees' "connected with" the transfer, and so contractual rights which it inherited
terms are void if the sole or principal now permitted. The TUPE Guidance from the transferor, which is not
reason for the changes are the gives little assistance on this point the same as asking an employee to
transfer itself, or a reason connected although it does state that this is waive his/her rights under the ARD.
with the transfer. Where the reason a new test therefore a reason that The TUPE Guidance does not take us
is a reason connected with the might have been considered to be any further on this point. However, in
transfer, there is an exception to connected with the transfer pre-31 our view, employers should be able
permit changes to terms where the January 2014, may be considered to rely on this new right, but some
reason is an "economic, technical to be a transfer reason from 31 caution should be exercised given the
or organisational reason entailing January. Most of the existing UK risk of a future challenge based on
changes in the workforce" ("ETO case law has focused on reasons extending the principles established
reason"). "connected with" the transfer and so in Daddy's Dance Hall.
will be of limited guidance in finding
The Regulations have deleted the The provisions allowing changes
this distinction. It is likely to be more
reference to "a reason connected to terms incorporated from
instructive to look to the EU case law,
with the transfer" so that TUPE (as collective agreements mirror the
as the UK provisions will have to be
amended) now provides that changes wording of the ARD and gives
interpreted in accordance with that.
to terms will only be void if the sole transferees greater flexibility to
It is clear from the TUPE Guidance
or principal reason for the changes amend contractual terms that
however that harmonisation for
is "the transfer". There are three are incorporated from collective
harmonisation's sake will be void.
exceptions: agreements. However, employers
The express provision allowing should remember that where terms
• Where the reason for the changes which are permitted by the under a collective agreement have
change is an ETO reason and the contract is helpful to employers. been incorporated into an individual's
employer and employee agrees Some legal commentators have contract of employment, they can
to the changes; suggested that the new wording is only be varied with the individual
• Where the changes are in breach of the ARD. In Foreningen employee's consent. There is at
effected pursuant to an existing af Arbejdsledere i Danmark v Daddy's least an argument that since the new
contractual clause e.g. a mobility Dance Hall A/S, the ECJ (as it then right permits changes to individual
clause; and was) stated that the relationship terms through the back door, it is
between an employee and a a breach of the Daddy's Dance Hall
• Where the terms have been
transferee could be altered to the principle. However, our view is that
incorporated from a collective
same extent as when the transferor such a challenge should not succeed
agreement, provided that the
was the employer but not where the given the express provisions of the
changes take effect, at the
reason for the change is the transfer ARD. In addition, the terms need to
earliest, one year after the TUPE
itself. On this basis, it has been be no less favourable overall.
transfer, and provided that the
suggested that an employer cannot
changes are "no less favourable" 3. Dismissals
rely on flexibility wording to make
to the employee overall.
changes to terms if those changes Dismissals are currently
The new provisions will only apply are purely because of the transfer. automatically unfair where the sole
where both changes to the terms and However, the specific question or principal reason for the dismissal
the TUPE transfer takes place after referred to the ECJ in Daddy's Dance is the transfer itself, or a reason
the Regulations come into force on Hall was whether an employee could connected with the transfer that is
31 January 2014. waive his/her rights under the ARD not an ETO reason.

22 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

Similar to the changes made to the 5. Pre-transfer consultation may was already the transferring
provisions on changing employee be relied on by a transferee individuals' employer and as if any
terms, the Regulations have deleted The Regulations make a number of transferring individuals who may be
the reference to dismissals that are changes to the provisions relating to affected by the proposed dismissals
"connected with the transfer" so that collective redundancy consultation were already employed at the
dismissals will only be automatically in the Trade Union and Labour transferee's establishment. However,
unfair if the sole or principal reason Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 there is no obligation on the
for the dismissal is "the transfer". ("TULRCA"). The effect is that transferor to provide any assistance
The changes will apply to TUPE where the transferor and transferee or information to the transferee to
transfers which take place on or agree, the transferee may begin help it comply with its obligations.
after 31 January 2014 and where collective consultation on potential This results in some practical issues
notice of termination is given on or redundancies pre-transfer, and for the parties to consider:
after that date. this will count for the purposes • Co-operation: in order to meet
The removal of the reference to a of complying with the rules on its obligations, (for example the
reason connected with the transfer collective consultation in the context obligation to ensure that the
is likely to have a limited impact in of redundancy. The new provisions employee representatives are
practice as most transferees have apply where: allowed access to the affected
been able to find an ETO reason to 1. There is, or is likely to be, a TUPE transferring individuals), the
rely on in the past, with the exception transfer; transferee is reliant on the
of relocations (see below). transferor's co-operation. If
2. The transferee is proposing to the transferor refuses to assist,
4. ETO reason to include changes dismiss as redundant 20 or more the transferee could find itself
to work location employees within 90 days or less in breach of its consultation
at one establishment; and obligations. If this happens,
Current case law provides that an
ETO reason must entail a change 3. One or more of the individuals the transferee may exercise its
in the numbers or functions in the who are to be (or are likely to option of serving a cancellation
workforce. The Regulations now be) transferred to the transferee notice. However, having begun
expressly provide that a change to a may be affected by the proposed the process, it is obviously
workplace location will constitute an dismissals or by measures taken unattractive from an employee
ETO reason. The changes will apply in connection with the proposed relations perspective to pull
to TUPE transfers which take place dismissals. out. Alternatively, the transferee
on or after 31 January 2014, and in could continue consultation
Where these conditions are
relation to dismissals, where notice after the transfer correcting any
satisfied, the transferee may elect,
of termination is given on or after earlier defects. However, it could
by written notice to the transferor,
that date. - in theory at least - still be liable
to start redundancy consultation
for some failures e.g. a failure to
The clarification that a change to with representatives of the affected
provide appropriate facilities to
a place of work can amount to an employees before the transfer. Note
employee representatives.
ETO reason is very helpful given however that the transferor must
how common relocations are in agree to accept the election - if it • Who to consult? The Regulations
the context of TUPE transfers, does not, the transferee cannot state that where an independent
particularly outsourcings. undertake pre-transfer consultation. trade union is recognised by
Employers should remember that the transferor in respect of the
Where the transferor agrees to transferring individuals who
they must comply with the usual pre-transfer consultation and the
fair procedures before effecting any will be affected by the proposed
other conditions above are met, dismissals, the transferee should
changes to terms and conditions the existing collective consultation
and/or dismissals. consult with representatives of
rules apply (subject to certain the transferor's recognised trade
modifications) as if the transferee union; and where the transferee

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 23

recognises an independent Government has confirmed that In principle, the ability to carry out
trade union in respect of its own there will be no change to this pre-transfer consultation is welcome
existing employees who may point and therefore at the time news for employers. However,
be affected by the proposed of dismissal, the transferring as set out above, there are some
dismissals, it should consult with employees must be employed uncertainties and complexities with
its own recognised trade union by the transferee. However, this process, which transferees and
in relation to those employees. an unanswered question is transferors will have to carefully
However, the Regulations do whether notice of termination consider when deciding whether
not expressly state with whom can be given before the transfer to elect to carry out pre-transfer
the transferee must consult but expire afterwards? The consultation / accept the election
in respect of the affected Regulations do not address this to do so. It would therefore be
transferring employees outside point. There is some doubt as advisable for the parties to document
of these circumstances i.e. where to whether current case law is their agreement to any pre-transfer
there is no recognised trade correct, but the safest approach consultation in writing (in any event,
union. is for the transferee to issue the transferee's election to start
notice of termination post pre-transfer consultation must be in
The answer appears to be
transfer. writing).
that the transferee has the
choice to either use existing • Pooling: Where transferring
6. Employee Liability Information
representatives of the affected employees would, following the
employees who are authorised transfer, need to be pooled with The Regulations have extended
to take part in such information employees in the transferee’s the deadline by which transferors
and consultation process, or to workforce for redundancy must provide the Employee Liability
specifically elect representatives selection purposes, the Information ("ELI") to transferees
of the affected employees for transferee will have obligations from 14 days to 28 days prior to the
these purposes. In practice, to consult with the transferring transfer. This change reflects the
there are risks in consulting employees as well as with its majority view of the respondents
with an existing body (of either existing employees who are to the TUPE consultation, which
the transferor or transferee) affected. That is a strategic considered that the current time
in relation to employees of the question that needs to be frame of 14 days is inadequate. No
transferor. The transferee also considered by the transferee. changes have been made however
needs to consider, at the outset, One option would be to carry to the categories / detail of the ELI
the practicalities of being able out joint consultation, but this which includes matters such as the
to continue consultation, if may not always be practicable or identity and age of the employees
necessary, after the transfer date preferable, for example, where who will transfer; information
if it is possible that it will not be different severance terms apply, contained in those employees'
completed before the transfer. or where the employees are written particulars of employment;
represented by different unions. certain information on collective
• Issuing notice pre-transfer? agreements; certain information
One practical question is when • Time off and detriment:
regarding any disciplinary
notice of termination can be The obligation to provide
proceedings taken against an
given. Currently, case law holds reasonable time off for employee
employee or grievance brought by an
that the transferor cannot rely representatives and not to
employee; and certain information
on the transferee's reason for subject them to a detriment
regarding any legal action taken
dismissal. This means that if appear to fall on the transferor
by those employees against the
the transferor dismisses before up to the point of transfer.
transferor. This change does not
the transfer, the dismissal is The transferor has no right to
have immediate effect and will only
likely to be unfair, unless the decide the timing or frequency
apply to transfers which take place
reason for the dismissal was of consultation or to attend the
on or after 1 May 2014.
the transferor's reason. The consultation meetings

24 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

7. Collective agreements to be 8. Businesses with 10 or fewer Conclusion
given a "static" interpretation employees can inform and
consult directly Overall, the changes to TUPE will
The Regulations clarify the effect of be welcome news for employers.
TUPE on collective agreements to The Regulations now provide an However, as explained above, the
confirm that the "static" approach exemption for micro-businesses, Regulations do give rise to some
will apply i.e. that a transferee will defined as employers with 9 uncertainty, particularly in relation
only be bound by the terms of the or fewer employees, from the to the pre-transfer consultation
collective agreement agreed before requirement to elect and consult obligations, which can only be
the transfer date and will not be with employee representatives. resolved by judicial guidance from
bound by any changes agreed by Instead, the employer can discharge the Courts and Tribunals.
the transferor after the transfer its obligations by informing and
date. This reflects the position consulting with the employees
taken by the ECJ in Alemo-Herron v directly. The exemption will only
Parkwood Leisure. In Alemo-Herron, apply where there are no appropriate
the employees had argued that the representatives already in place and
transferee continued to be bound by the employer has not invited any
changes to the collective agreement of the affected employees to elect
that were agreed with the transferor employee representatives. This
after the transfer, and in which change does not have immediate
the transferee had no involvement effect and will only apply to transfers
in the negotiating process (the which take place on or after 31 July
"dynamic" approach). The ECJ held 2014.
that this dynamic approach was not
This is a welcome relaxation of the
permitted, as the transferee was not
requirements of TUPE and reflects
able to participate in the negotiation
the existing practice of many
of the collective agreement, it was
employers on smaller transfers.
not bound by the new terms.
However, its application is limited as
In light of the decision in Alemo- it only applies to employers with 9 or
Herron, this change is unlikely to fewer employers - it would not apply
have a significant effect in practice. in a situation where the employer
However, it does appear to go has more than 9 employees but
slightly further than the decision the transfer itself is small. In this
in Alemo-Herron, which only situation, technically, consultation
precluded a "dynamic" approach should take place with employee
where the transferee did not have representatives, but in practice, we
the opportunity to participate in anticipate that some employers will
collective bargaining. The changes choose to inform and consult with
to TUPE appear to apply however the affected employees directly. To John Evason (London)
even where the transferee has reduce the legal risk of challenge,
+ 44 020 7919 1181
the opportunity to participate but employers should offer the affected
chooses not to. employees the opportunity to elect
employee representatives if they

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 25

United Kingdom

Preparing for Crunch Time
Since October 1, 2012, starting with the largest employers, the UK has been implementing a major workplace pension
reform known as "automatic enrollment" or "auto-enrollment." Under the reform workers are being enrolled without
their consent into pension schemes, into which employers must make statutory contributions, although the workers
may subsequently opt out. According to official statistics, up to the end of October 2013, more than 1.9 million workers
have been automatically enrolled across nearly 3,000 employers. The reform will continue to be rolled out until
February 2018, but 2014 is predicted to be the "crunch" year, as medium-sized employers of fewer than 250 employees
will be implementing auto‑enrollment beginning on April 1, 2014. Approximately 29,000 employers are expected to
implement auto‑enrollment during January to July 2014. Some of these employers will be international businesses
who have a branch, purchase a business unit, or send workers to the UK. These businesses will need to assess the
extent to which they will need to comply with auto-enrollment legislation.

In this article, updating the survey Workers who must be auto-enrolled the criteria for auto-enrollment or
provided in the September 2011 into a "qualifying" pension scheme become entitled to opt in. Employers
edition of Global Employer, we will (one that satisfies one of a number of may postpone the assessment from
outline the duties placed upon quality requirements depending on their staging date for up to three
employers, explain two of the the type of scheme) are those who at months. Workers may opt out and
outstanding problem areas of which the relevant date: receive a refund of deductions from
international employers who conduct their pay only if they provide the
• work or ordinarily work in the UK
business in the UK will need to be employer with the correct form
under the worker's contract;
aware, and then look at the key ways within a one-month window, and
in which the UK government has • have reached age 22 but not their employers must be careful not to
modified the auto-enrollment regime State Pensionable Age; and encourage or "induce" this or they
in the course of its implementation. may face regulatory intervention.
• have earnings of at least
GBP9,440 (in 2013/14 terms, and Alongside these requirements there
An outline of auto-enrollment
proposed by the UK Government are a significant number of additional
The purpose of auto-enrollment is to rise to GBP10,000 on April 6, safeguards and administrative
to address the UK Government's 2014) (the "earnings trigger"). requirements, including information,
concern that many workers in the communication and record-keeping
Other workers who do not meet the
UK are not saving enough money for requirements. Also, if workers do opt
earnings trigger or age requirements
their retirement. Auto-enrollment out then they must be automatically
may have rights to opt into a
seeks to redress this by making re-enrolled every three years.
qualifying scheme.
pension saving the default option
for workers, who then have an onus Employers have duties to assess
upon them if they wish to opt out workers from the date on which
of saving. For the first time in the the requirements first apply to
UK, auto-enrollment also requires them (their "staging date"), and
by law certain levels of employer subsequently to monitor whether
contributions, although increasing any new or existing workers meet
amounts are being phased in up to

26 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

Mostly good news so far these areas: the location of workers should be considered when a
who must be auto-enrolled and worker works partly outside the
Given that the purpose of auto-
inducement. UK, for example, or is employed
enrollment has been to address low
by a non‑UK entity:
levels of workplace saving, the data
Location of workers in scope
showing that only approximately • where the worker begins and
9 percent of automatically enrolled The assessment of which employees ends their work;
workers have subsequently opted will be in scope will be particularly
• where their private residence is,
out has been received positively. relevant for non-UK employers who
or is intended to be;
This figure has been described as conduct some of their economic
"really very encouraging" by the UK's activities in the UK. The UK legal • where the worker’s headquarters
Pensions Minister, Steve Webb. requirement is for an employer are located;
to auto-enroll a worker who (in
Furthermore, the UK's Pensions • whether they pay National
addition to meeting the age and
Regulator - tasked with enforcing Insurance contributions
earnings requirements set out
compliance - has not needed to in the UK; and
above) ordinarily works in the UK
be heavy-handed in monitoring • what currency they are paid in.
under their contract. This definition
compliance with the larger
contains two levels of uncertainty The Regulator's guidance provides a
employers who have already
in individual circumstances. Firstly, number of helpful examples of these
implemented auto-enrollment. There
under UK law a "worker" is a wider principles in action.2 For example, in
has been just one reported case of
category than an "employee", and dealing with workers on secondment
a "compliance notice" being issued
may include individuals who appear to the UK, the crucial question is
against an unnamed company, and
to be self-employed. Secondly, whether the worker is expected to
the Regulator has disclosed that
"ordinarily working in the UK" is return to their position outside of
it has issued 38 informal warning
likely to admit some workers who the UK. In addition there are special
letters prior to 12 August 2013.
actually perform many of their duties rules in respect of offshore workers
Most instances of non-compliance
outside the UK, such as "ex-pat" and seafarers. In practice, employers
have been resolved without the
oil workers who work in the Middle will need to document a reasoned
Regulator taking the punitive steps
East but have a close connection assessment on a case-by-case basis,
available to it. A spokesman for
with the UK, whom are paid into recording why a worker is or is not
the Regulator has revealed that
a UK bank account and who pay in scope for auto-enrollment, taking
the majority of these interventions
UK tax (as the UK Supreme Court account of the guidance and seeking
were triggered by companies who
held in Ravat v Halliburton (2012) advice where appropriate.
had not left themselves enough
in connection with eligibility for
time to implement auto-enrollment
the UK's employment tribunals). Inducement
according to the statutory schedule.
Alternatively, "in-pat" workers who
One of the crucial safeguards of
However, UK businesses have perform some of their duties in the
the auto-enrollment regime is the
reported that putting auto- UK, but have a closer simultaneous
rule that an employer must not do
enrollment in place involves a heavy working relationship with another
anything that might induce a worker
commitment in terms of human country, may fall outside the
to opt out of auto-enrollment, fail to
resources and cost. In part this scope of auto-enrollment. For
opt in, or cease active membership of
has been a result of the technical international businesses the point
a qualifying scheme. Breach of this
complexity of the legislation and is this: the employer itself does not
rule may lead to a fine being imposed
difficulties in synchronising auto- need to be based in the UK - the
by the Regulator and criminal
enrollment with existing payroll crucial factor is having a worker
conviction for the senior officers
systems. As we outline below (under sufficiently based in the UK.
of a company that are personally
"Simplification") some of these
The Regulator has issued guidance implicated in that breach. However,
concerns have been addressed.
that the key question is whether the Regulator has introduced a
There do, though, remain the worker is "based" in the UK, test whereby only acts that have as
outstanding areas where employers as defined by their contract of their "sole or main purpose" the
are faced with some legal uncertainty employment and how it operates inducement of opting-out should be
and may require legal assistance. in practice. The Regulator has also proscribed.
We consider in this article two of provided a list of factors which

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 27

It is recognized that there are a few The crucial change was to introduce worker may opt out and receive a
areas where the application of the new definitions of "pay reference refund of his deductions from pay
sole or main purpose test is not periods" as an alternative to existing has passed;
clear-cut. One instance is flexible definitions, which employers may
• more flexibility in the prescribed
benefits packages (arrangements continue to use if they wish. Pay
contents of the opt-out form
which allow employees to select reference periods are the periods
that must be provided to
the benefits packages which suit over which employers must measure
automatically enrolled workers
them from a range offered by the a worker's earnings to determine
(usually by the pension scheme).
employer) which include options whether they exceed the earnings
to opt-out of auto-enrollment, trigger at which that worker must be Cracking down on charges
particularly where there is a link auto-enrolled. The old definition
The UK government has resolved to
to receiving benefits for doing so. corresponded with the period by
ensure that pension schemes used for
Employers should carefully review reference to which a worker is paid,
auto-enrollment purposes ("qualifying
the structure of flexible benefits and did not align with the tax periods
schemes") will offer workers value for
(e.g. extra cash) packages offered to which are built into payroll software.
money. On 14 September 2013 a ban
ascertain the risk that they may be The consequence was that the
came into force to prevent employers
deemed to induce opting-out. measurement of earnings could not
passing consultancy charges from
be easily reconciled with payroll,
Another area of uncertainty is third parties, such as financial advisers
leading to administrative difficulties
whether employers may advise brought in to talk to the workforce about
and missed deadlines. To resolve this
employees who have large pension the impact of auto-enrollment, onto
issue the new pay reference period
pots, and stand to lose certain the members of qualifying schemes.
definition is aligned with tax periods,
tax protections from the "lifetime The ban does not currently cover
meaning that employers can integrate
allowance tax charge" that we agreements with third parties entered
auto-enrollment with payroll.
have in the UK if they remain auto- into before 10 May 2013 when the ban
enrolled into a scheme, that it is in Other easements introduced at the was announced.
their interest to opt out. Although same time include:
appropriately worded cautions Subsequently in October 2013, the
• the "joining window" (the period UK government published an all
should be capable of addressing this,
in which a worker who must be encompassing consultation which,
the UK government is likely to use
enrolled must become an active as well as proposing the extension of the
a new power that will be available
member of a qualifying scheme) consultancy charges cap to all auto-
under the Pensions Bill currently
will be extended from one month enrollment schemes, proposed that:
going through Parliament (expected
to six weeks, to give employers
to be enacted early in 2014) to • there would be a cap on investment
sufficient time to assess workers
exempt employers from the duty charges for all members (active
with widely fluctuating earnings
to enroll workers who have such and deferred) in the default fund of
before enrollment. There will
protection. a qualifying DC scheme (this may
also be an extension to six weeks
for the period for registering be one of three options, the lowest
Simplification of which is 0.75 percent, and the
details with the Regulator and/
In March 2013 the UK government or issuing a notice that auto- highest 1 percent, of funds under
launched a consultation proposing enrollment is being postponed management);
ways to simplify the auto-enrollment for up to three months; • there would be a ban on differential
process ahead of the 2014 crunch.
• an optional extension to the charges (such as active member
Most of those proposals were
contribution payment deadline to discounts) between active and
passed into law in October 2013,
the 19th day of the fourth month deferred members of qualifying DC
with some coming into force at that
(or the 22nd day if the payment schemes; and
time and the rest on 1 April 2014.
is transferred electronically) • there would be further requirements
These reforms will certainly reduce
after the worker's automatic relating to disclosure of charges.
some of the teething problems faced
enrollment date, which will allow
by employers who have already The consultation envisages that a
companies to hold contributions
gone through the auto-enrollment charges cap will be introduced for
until the period during which the
process. all employers implementing auto-

28 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

enrollment from April 1, 2014, and Conclusion implementation runs smoothly, is
then be extended to all employers communicated effectively to the
Although the UK's pensions auto-
by April 2015. Because the market workforce, and problem areas are
enrollment reform has been seen
rate for DC charges in the UK is addressed in good time. It is also to
as a success so far, whether it
typically 0.5 percent of funds under be hoped that the UK government
continues to be so depends largely
management, it is notable that the and the Regulator continue to
on the coming year and the degree
cap largely targets legacy schemes constructively engage with ways to
to which small- and medium- sized
being used for auto-enrollment which lighten administrative burdens.
employers, including international
may have higher charges built in.
employers who have a presence in
As a result of these actions, employers the UK, can understand and manage
may need to review the charges built the duties placed upon them. Sue Tye (London)
into their schemes, and ensure that This partly means that employers
+44 20 7919 1178
if used for auto-enrollment they need to give adequate time and
comply with whatever cap emerges resources in advance to ensure that
from the consultation.

United States

Top Developments
that will Impact Your
US Operations in 2014

The Affordable Health Care Act employees or pay a penalty. While to obtain health insurance coverage
Overhauls the US Healthcare System the U.S. Department of the Treasury if they are not already covered by
delayed ACA's employer pay-or-play an employer plan or a government
The rollout of the Patient Protection
mandate and reporting requirements sponsored program. Among other
and Affordable Care Act (ACA)
until 2015, other provisions became changes for 2014, employers, to
dominated the news in 2013. ACA
effective as scheduled on January the extent they have not previously
requires large employers in the
1, 2014, including the individual done so, must establish a maximum
United States to provide specific
mandate that requires US residents waiting period of 90 days before
health coverage to full-time

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 29

employees are eligible to participate (OFCCP), issued new regulations, Following the Supreme Court’s
in the employer’s group health plan, rules and guidance, significantly historic decision in United States
eliminate pre-existing condition altering the compliance landscape v. Windsor providing protections to
exclusions, remove or modify annual for employers operating in the US. same-sex spouses under the US
or lifetime limits on essential Employers also continued to witness Constitution, the DOL also issued
health benefits, limit out-of-pocket aggressive enforcement initiatives by guidance clarifying that spousal
maximums, and ensure that the plan federal agencies. Based on agency care leave under the Family and
offers coverage for adult children up pronouncements and increased Medical Leave Act (FMLA) must now
to age 26. Employers should review budget proposals, US employers can be made available for same-sex
their sponsored plans to ensure expect more of the same in 2014. couples. Because the FMLA defines a
ACA-compliance. "spouse" according to the law of the
DOL Targets Misclassification and state where the employee resides,
The U.S. Departments of Labor, Expands Family Care Leave Coverage same-sex couples now are protected
Health and Human Services and
The DOL remained focused in those states that recognize same-
Treasury provided additional
on combatting contractor sex marriages. Employers should
guidance related to ACA in 2013. The
misclassification and other wage update their FMLA policies and
U.S. Department of the Treasury
and hour violations. In fiscal year procedures accordingly, and review
issued proposed regulations related
2013, the DOL's Wage and Hour employment and benefit coverage
to determining when employees
Division recovered nearly a quarter for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
are treated as full-time employees
of a billion dollars in back wages transgender individuals.
for purposes of calculating the
total number of employees to for more than 250,000 workers. The
agency also continued to enter into EEOC Expands Worker Protections
determine if an employer is a large and Uses Aggressive Enforcement
employer covered by ACA and to memoranda of understanding with
determine if at least 95 percent of state agencies to allow for increased
cooperation, enhancing the state and Consistent with its Strategic Plan
the full-time equivalent employee
federal DOL’s efforts to crack down for 2012-2016, the EEOC maintained
population is covered by the large
on contractor misclassification. its focus on targeting discriminatory
employer’s group health plan. The
hiring practices, protecting migrant
federal agencies also released joint Misclassification audits will likely and vulnerable workers, preserving
final regulations implementing stay front and center in 2014. The access to the legal system, enforcing
expanded wellness rules under ACA. DOL recently submitted its proposed equal pay laws, and preventing
Employers should continue to track Worker Classification Survey to the harassment. The EEOC obtained a
guidance related to the law in 2014. Office of Management and Budget record amount in monetary relief
Final regulations on the play-or- (OMB) for review and approval. – $372.1 million – for victims of
pay rules may differ significantly According to the DOL, the survey workplace discrimination. It also
from the proposed rules and impact is intended to collect information utilized aggressive enforcement
the employer’s decision-making to better understand the scope tools, including directed
calculus. of worker misclassification in the investigations under the Equal Pay
US. This survey likely is the first Act, Commissioners' charges, and
Federal Agency Regulations and step toward a renewed "Right to systemic lawsuits. Even charges
Enforcement Initiatives Expand Know" rule that could require arising out of individual allegations
Worker Protections employers to inform workers of their of discrimination or harassment
While the US Congress remains employment classification status can trigger class-wide workforce
gridlocked, with its 2013 session one and whether they are entitled to investigations.
of the most unproductive in recent the protections of the Fair Labor
times, federal agencies stayed busy Standards Act (FLSA). With increased The EEOC also continued to push
in 2013. Various agencies, including enforcement and potential new rules for more expansive interpretations
the Department of Labor (DOL), on the horizon, employers should and protections of individuals under
Equal Employment Opportunity review all independent contractor federal anti-discrimination laws.
Commission (EEOC), Occupational classifications to minimize For example, in May 2013, the EEOC
Safety and Health Administration employment, benefit, and tax issued guidance addressing how
(OSHA), and Office of Federal liabilities. the Americans with Disabilities Act
Contract Compliance Programs (ADA) applies to applicants and

30 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

employees with cancer, diabetes, to implement record-keeping and the same protections to employees
epilepsy, and intellectual disabilities. job posting requirements and of contractors working with other
Employers should review their conduct a quantitative analysis of agencies.
recruitment, screening and hiring the number of applicants and hires
Federal contractors and
policies and processes to ensure who are veterans or individuals with
subcontractors can expect additional
they do not exclude or unduly restrict disabilities, and impose controversial
compliance challenges in 2014.
individuals with these types of new hiring benchmarks and
In September 2013, the Federal
disabilities. Employers also should utilization goals. Contractors should
Acquisition Regulatory Council
review their ADA policies related consult with counsel to establish
published a proposed rule that
to reasonable accommodation an action plan and timeline for
would impose requirements on
(including pregnancy-related compliance.
contractors related to combating
limitations), qualification standards,
The OFCCP also issued a directive human trafficking. In early 2014, the
job descriptions, and leave policies.
on the use of criminal background OFCCP plans to publish a proposed
Federal Contractors Face checks adopting the EEOC's 2012 rule for a new compensation data
Expanded Obligations guidance and recommending collection tool which would require
contractors follow the EEOC's federal contractors to provide the
The OFCCP significantly expanded “best practices” to avoid liability total compensation paid to men and
obligations for federal contractors for discrimination. Accordingly, women by race and ethnicity in each
and subcontractors in 2013. In contractors should examine their of the EEO-1 job categories and
February, the OFCCP issued criminal background check practices subcategories. The OFCCP also is
new investigation standards and to ensure they are satisfying EEOC considering revisions to its 30-year-
procedures and a new internal and OFCCP directives. old gender discrimination guidelines.
directive for reviewing compensation And the DOL’s Veterans Employment
systems for federal contractors. On the legislative front, the 2013
and Training Service plans to
The directive provides for broad National Defense Authorization Act
propose a rule to require federal
investigation of potential pay (NDAA) extended whistleblower
contractors to report the number of
disparities using a wide range of protections to employees of
their employees and new hires who
investigative and analytical tools. federal government contractors
are veterans.
Consistent with current regulations, and subcontractors. The NDAA
federal contractors should conduct forbids retaliation against an Late in 2013, a report by Senate
an annual, privileged audit of their employee of a contractor who Health, Education, Labor and
compensation systems to determine raises information that is evidence Pensions (HELP) Committee
whether there are gender, race, of gross mismanagement of a Chairman Tom Harkin recommended
or ethnicity-based disparities. federal contract, a gross waste of more disclosure of violations of
In addition, contractors should federal funds, or a violation of a wage and hour, health and safety and
ensure that policies affecting the law, rule, or regulation related to a other labor and employment laws
compensation of employees (i.e., federal contract. Additionally, the and changes to make compliance
initial pay, increases, promotions, NDAA expands what constitutes an with labor laws a meaningful part
assignments, overtime) reflect act of whistleblowing by including of federal contracting decisions.
current market and diversity trends disclosure to internal sources as well The committee's investigation into
and are consistently implemented as outside sources. The expansion the federal contracting process
and that pay decisions are well- of whistleblower protections by revealed widespread labor law
documented. the NDAA highlights the need for violations among major government
contractors and subcontractors to contractors. Compliance with the
In August 2013, the OFCCP review their compliance programs changing landscape will be critical,
issued two final rules updating to ensure adequate reporting particularly if so-called “blacklisting”
requirements under the Vietnam Era channels are in place. The NDAA rules initially proposed by the Clinton
Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance made these changes permanently administration are re-introduced to
Act of 1974 and Section 503 of the for employees of DOD and NASA address these perceived widespread
Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The rules, contractors and authorized a four- violations by federal contractors and
which largely take effect on March year “pilot program” that offers subcontractors.
24, 2014, require certain federal
contractors and subcontractors

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 31

Employers Prepare for Mandatory and file complaints, request NLRB Targets Non-Unionized
Injury and Illness Prevention workplace inspections, act as a Employers and Expands Worker
Programs “walk around” representative during Rights
OSHA continued to prioritize agency inspections, and participate The National Labor Relations Board
regulations for mandatory injury in informal conferences and contest (NLRB) continued its pro-labor
and illness prevention programs. employer-filed proceedings. With the agenda in 2013, issuing decisions
The agency is developing a rule electronic reporting rules looming, generally viewed as highly favorable
that would require employers to it is more important than ever to organized labor on a wide variety
develop and implement an injury that employers stay proactive and of topics, including confidentiality
and illness prevention program. develop injury and illness prevention policies, workplace access rules,
Elements currently include working programs so that they can minimize social media, and bargaining units.
with employees to develop the and prevent any unwanted corporate For a review of the NLRB’s most
program, identifying and assessing campaigns. significant decisions of 2013, see
hazards, creating a plan to control our 2013 Labor Year in Review.
hazards, training employees on how Immigration Noncompliance Poses
Significant Risks At the same time, the NLRB
to report and recognize hazards,
remained mired in constitutional
and conducting periodic reviews Congress failed to enact immigration
challenges to its authority. In January
and necessary modifications to reform legislation in 2013, and the
2013, in Noel Canning v. NLRB,
improve the program and correct prospect for an overhaul of the
the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
deficiencies. Companies should system in 2014 is dim. Employers
invalidated President Obama's
continue to monitor the agency's could see “step by step” changes
recess appointments of three
efforts and understand the to US immigration laws as both
members to the NLRB a year earlier.
requirements of an injury and illness parties head into an election year.
The court held that the Constitution
prevention program – which many Such changes could include separate
only authorizes presidential
US states already require – before bills providing for a pathway for
appointments during intersession
OSHA finalizes a federal standard. legalization for agricultural workers
recesses, and that the president can
and young immigrants who came
OSHA also issued a new proposed only exercise his recess-appointment
to the country illegally as children,
rule in November 2013 which would power to fill vacancies that arise
and increased visas for high-tech
require employers to submit injury during a recess. The Fourth and
and illness reports electronically. Third Circuits similarly held that
Under the proposed rule, OSHA In the meantime, the U.S. the President's appointments did
would make the company-specific Immigration and Customs not comport with the Constitution's
injury and illness information Enforcement is continuing its audits Recess Appointments Clause. On
available on the Internet in a of employers to detect those who January 13, 2014, the Supreme Court
searchable database. According to knowingly hire workers that are heard oral argument in Noel Canning.
OSHA, the proposed online posting not authorized to work in the US. If the decision stands, it could undo
will encourage employers to improve Form I-9 and E-Verify compliance a year of NLRB decisions, as well
and/or maintain workplace safety/ is critical to minimize legal risks, as earlier decisions made by other
health to support their reputations including substantial fines. In recess appointees.
as good employers and corporate October of 2013, the U.S. Department
While the NLRB's agenda was
citizens. of Justice reached a $34 million
frustrated to some degree by the
settlement with Infosys as a result
Significantly, the proposed electronic Courts of Appeals in 2013, the NLRB
of an investigation into claims that
reporting and online posting is now positioned to pursue an
Infosys violated U.S. immigration law
requirements could lead to increased aggressive rule-making and case
by inappropriately using the B-1 visa
corporate campaigns by unions and agenda in 2014. The NLRB now has a
status to bring foreign employees
work centers. In this regard, a recent fully confirmed five-member Board
to perform productive work in the
OSHA interpretation letter allows for the first time in a decade and a
United States. Employers should
employees at worksites without strong labor advocate as the General
ensure that their business travellers
collective bargaining agreements to Counsel. Going forward, employers
are obtaining the appropriate visa
designate a person affiliated with a can expect new compliance
status to perform the desired
union or a community organization challenges and heightened
activities in the United States.
to act as a “personal representative” enforcement as the NLRB continues

32 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014

to target non-unionized employer relations consultants to provide court decisions highlights the new
policies. Employers who have not greater detail on the revenue they reality—arbitration agreements
updated their employee handbooks receive from employers. Employers with employees that include class
in recent years should do so now. It is should assess their labor relations action waivers are a viable option
clear from the NLRB's decisions, as policies and practices and consider for employers seeking to avoid class
well as statements by NLRB members whether to conduct additional action threats. Federal appellate and
about the Board's agenda, that the training or planning related to union district courts uniformly rejected the
NLRB will continue to aggressively organizing activity before the DOL NLRB agency decision in D.R. Horton
attack what it perceives as overly publishes its final rule. holding class action waivers in
broad employer handbook policies. arbitration agreements violated the
For more information regarding
NLRA. Employers now must decide
In addition, employers can expect the federal developments, see our
whether arbitration is a preferred
NLRB to take up so-called "quickie" 2013 US Employer Update.
dispute resolution method based
election rules. These rules, coupled
on their culture and experience,
with recent NLRB decisions on US Supreme Court Decisions
and how to structure arbitration
bargaining units, have the potential Approve Employer Strategies to
agreements to achieve the maximum
to significantly alter the organizing Minimize Employment Litigation
benefits for their workforce. Those
landscape. Accordingly, employers
Over the last few years, the US companies already using arbitration
should prepare for the possibility
Supreme Court has issued a series agreements should review those
of quicker elections and develop
of landmark decisions addressing agreements to see if they address
an effective communications plan
class action litigation, with many class-wide arbitration or waive such
to respond to union organizing
commentators predicting the rights. For more information on the
in advance. And while the NLRB
demise of wage and hour class and use of class action waivers in ERISA
recently announced that it will not
collective actions in the US as a plans, click here.
seek Supreme Court review of two
result. While class action litigation
appellate court decisions striking Heightened Class Certification
remains a significant threat, the
down its rule requiring businesses Standards
Court's 2013 decisions provide
to post a notice informing workers
employers with more options to avoid The litigation landscape has improved
of their rights under the NLRA, the
class-wide litigation. The Supreme in the wake of the Supreme Court's
NLRB no doubt will continue with its
Court's decisions also affirmed decisions in Dukes v. Wal‑Mart and
aggressive efforts to inform workers
other strategies to reduce the risk Comcast v. Behrend. In its 2011
and labor organizations of their
horizon for employment litigation historic decision in Dukes, the Court
rights. For now, the battleground
and to minimize litigation in far-flung unanimously held that the lack of an
has shifted to the DOL. On December
(and frequently plaintiff-friendly) allegedly discriminatory company-
18, 2013, the National Association
jurisdictions. For more information wide pay or promotion policy, and the
of Manufacturers filed a federal
on how courts are applying recent necessity of individualized monetary
lawsuit against the DOL challenging
Supreme Court cases to wage and damages, made class certification
its rule requiring federal government
hour class actions, see our special inappropriate. Similarly, in March
contractors and subcontractors to
edition Wage and Hour Quarterly: 2013 in Comcast, the Court reversed
post a notice informing employees of
Recent US Supreme Court Decisions class certification in a consumer
their labor rights. Employers should
Mark a Sea Change for Wage and anti-trust case where "[q]uestions
continue to monitor developments in
Hour Class Actions. of individual damage calculations
this area.
[would] inevitably overwhelm
In early 2014, the Office of Labor- Class Action Waivers in Arbitration questions common to the class.”
Management Standards (OLMS) Agreements
The Court noted that damages must
is expected to issue its final In June 2013, in American Express be “capable of measurement on a
"persuader" rule expanding Company v. Italian Colors Restaurant, classwide basis” for class issues to
the reporting requirements for the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed predominate in order to make class
employers who use outside its pro-arbitration stance in a treatment appropriate under Federal
consultants and counsel to develop decision holding that a waiver of Rule of Civil Procedure 23(b)(3).
certain communications to their the right to proceed as a class Employers facing class allegations
employees. OLMS also plans to is enforceable against federal should consider whether to attack
propose a rule requiring labor statutory claims. A review of district the pleadings early if there is no

The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 33

alleged unlawful company-wide enforceable if the limitations period candidates’ social-media passwords,
policy or where individual damages is reasonable and the applicable and restricting criminal and credit
will predominate. statute does not prohibit the background checks. For example,
contractual limitation. Accordingly, employers in San Francisco must
Mooting Strategy an employer can consider adopting consider employee requests for
In April 2013, in Genesis Healthcare a contractual statute of limitations in "flexible work arrangements" due
Corp. v. Symczyk, the Supreme its employment contracts, application to caregiver requirements. Effective
Court considered whether an FLSA and/or handbook to reduce its risk July 1, 2014, California law will
collective action may proceed when horizon. prohibit employers from asking
the lone plaintiff's claim is mooted applicants about expunged, sealed or
Forum Selection Clauses dismissed criminal records. Various
by a full offer by the employer to pay
all the damages that the plaintiff is In December 2013, in Atlantic Marine, states also expanded discrimination
seeking individually. In a narrowly the Supreme Court strengthened laws to cover immigrant workers,
tailored decision, the Court held that the enforceability of contractual victims of domestic violence or
it could not. Significantly, the Court's forum selection clauses. According sexual assault, and veterans or
decision left the divided judicial to the Court, district courts must servicepersons.
landscape intact, with mooting an grant a motion to transfer when On the wage and hour front,
accepted strategy to defeat wage the contractual forum is another minimum wage increases take
and hour claims in some, but not all, federal court, unless “extraordinary effect in various states and cities
circuits. Employers facing class or circumstances unrelated to the in 2014. And employers continue
collective wage and hour litigation convenience of the parties clearly to navigate new state legislation
should consider how the appellate disfavor a transfer.” The Court's imposing wage and hour notice and
and district courts in the relevant decision makes it clear that the recordkeeping requirements and
jurisdiction are applying Genesis and plaintiff's choice of forum and private creating significant civil penalties for
assess whether mooting the claim is interests are irrelevant. This decision employee misclassification.
an effective early strategy. is a welcome change for employers,
who are often faced with claims in US employers should ensure their
Contractual Statutes of Limitation far-flung states where an employee policies and practices are updated
chooses to move and later bring a to comply with new laws and
In December 2013, in Heimeshoff v.
claim. Employers should consider regulations at both the federal and
Hartford Life & Accident Insurance Co.,
the use of forum selection clauses state level to minimize litigation and
the Supreme Court held that the time
in employment agreements, as well compliance risks.
period stated in an ERISA plan for
beneficiaries or employees to contest as ERISA and other benefit and
For more information on state
benefit decisions must be enforced, compensation plans, to strength the
law developments, see our
unless the time period specified predictability of the jurisdictional law
2013 California Employer Update.
is “unreasonably short or [where] that will apply. For more information,
a controlling statute prevents the see our article, "Employer Takeaways
limitations provision from taking From Atlantic Marine."
effect.” Accordingly, ERISA plan
sponsors should consider adopting Increased State Laws and
plan-based statutes of limitations. Regulations Complicates the
See our Client Alert for more Compliance Landscape
information. At the state and local level, new laws
and regulations expanded worker
A number of courts have applied a
protections in 2013. Employers must
similar rule to non-ERISA governed
contend with new laws increasing
employment relationships and Cynthia Jackson (Palo Alto)
the minimum wage, expanding family
held that limitations periods for
leave benefits, preventing employers +1 650 856 5572
certain employment claims are
from asking for employees’ or

34 | The Global Employer - Winter 2014


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The Global Employer - Winter 2014 | 37

About Baker & McKenzie's Employment Law Practice:

Our Global Employment Practice includes more than 500 locally

qualified practitioners in 47 countries. We have more lawyers
with mastery of the subtle intricacies of labour, employment,
immigration and benefits issues in more jurisdictions around
the world than any other leading law firm. Chambers Global
2013 ranks both our Global Employment and Global Immigration
practices as Tier 1. Baker & McKenzie is recognized by PLC Which
lawyer? Labour and Employee Benefits Super League 2012, as the
top global law firm with our Global Employment practice ranked in
25 countries, and we are among the 10 firms US general counsel
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most often as “go-to” advisors on employment matters.


If you would like additional information about Baker & McKenzie's
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Baker & McKenzie Global Services LLC
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