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P.1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager
According to Fernie and Sparks (2014), in the above part, it has been discussed the functional
roles of the difference between the manager and the leader which involve the characteristics,
traits and the concept of leadership and the management. In order to conduct the business,
various operations include the business that conducts the approach of activities in the TESCO
group. The comparison includes the roles and responsibilities for the varied characteristics with
the manager and the leader.

Management reflects the managing activity of the organization effectiveness in the profit and
non-profit organization that enhance the strategy for the effective coordination for accomplishing
the objective through the availability of the resources and managing the organization effectively.

Leadership is the practical approach for encompassing the organization for the ability of the
entire organization. Leadership provides the leading criteria of the results for guiding and
motivating to other employees in order to accomplish the goals in the organization so as to attain
smooth access of the business (Fernie and Sparks, 2014).

Fig 1: Difference between managers and leaders

Source: (Born, 2012).

There are four functions of management that constitute the organization procedure include
planning, organizing, leading and controlling constitute the foremost function that emphasis on
the basic function of the principles of administrative function that includes:

 Planning: Planning constitutes the function in the organization for the predicting in the
future regarding the mission and the resources that has been used. TESCO planning is to
maximize sales and to attract wide number of customers. The major responsibility is to
make effective decision making for the benefit of the organization.
 Organizing: This function allows the synchronization of human activity in the
organization processes which involve achievement of results including the functioning of
organization purposes. In organizing, there is an effective coordination between the
responsibility and authority. In TESCO offering products into varied number of
customers and maintain the coordination among those products.
 Leading: The function of leading emphasis on the motivating and inspiring employees
towards the encouragement of employees that increase and maximize the productivity
and leads to the results. In TESCO, time utilization of superiors with the subordinates
with the valuable guidance and motivate to all other employees.
 Controlling: This function focuses on the reviewing and monitors the performances of
the employees and the goals and according to that necessary action must be taken. In
TESCO Performance and budget is the foremost mechanism for the controlling technique
by the relative operations of the business (Wood et. al., 2016).
D1. You should critically analyze and evaluate the different theories and approaches to
leadership using examples from your chosen organization.
 Interpersonal roles: These roles conclude the personality, lifestyle and traits of the
organization practices for the varied division of communication on the based roles that
emphasis on the action. In TESCO this role constitute the employees traits and their
characteristics that will be valuable to the organization benefits.
 Informational roles: Informational role are the decisional roles which has been kept by
the managerial activity and their relationship. In TESCO the informational role constitute
the superiors in the organization takes the voluntary decision in regard to the benefits
taken for the employees.
 Decisional roles: These roles constitute the pertaining action for the decision taken by
the organization in order to accomplish the objective. In handling the decision, TESCO
put some effort for the contribution done by the rise in goodwill for the framework of the
organization results (Sparks, 2014).
M1. You should analyze and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a
manager by effectively applying a range of theories and concepts in your chosen
Manager Leader
The objective of the managers is to set the role The foremost objective of the leader is to guide
in the organization. other employees in the organization.
The communication of the manager will be The leader responsibility is to communicate
done to the policies regulated to the leaders. with other employees as per the policies set by
the organization
Manager emphasis on the things and activity. Leader emphasis on the entire employees
Managers allocate the work to the employees. Leader motivates the employees for the work
done in the organization.

In the end it is concluded that the concept of management and leadership has been depicted while
analyses of the roles and responsibilities for the management strategy in the evaluation of results.
The differentiated roles and responsibility with the leaders and managers in the organization
relate effectively for the enhancement of growth that has to be achieved in the better way.

P2. Examine examples of how the role of a leader and the function of a manager apply in
different situational contexts.
The role of the leader and the function of management constitute the TESCO organization for the
improvement and changes in the operations of the company for the varied types of traits and
characteristics of leadership in the functioning of management. This concept allows the changes
for the factor that initiate the knowledge of the managerial activity.

Various situation that focuses on the effectiveness of the organization that includes the concept
for the detailed activity of the results that enhance three varied situations that include:

 Stable situation: These situations consist of the organization that will not prone to any
further changes that will influence in the organization purposes and to maintain the
stability of the results. Example: If in the market there is not changes arise including the
inflation, recession or boom, the market will be uniform then the situation will be stable
and will not be affected in the organization.
 Slow to moderate changing situation: In the past scenario, the competition will not be
offended then the situation will not rise and slow to the results while the changing
scenario will influence the factors that moderately changed in the organization purposes.
Example: When in the market, the inflation rise then the changing situation will be
moderate that emphasis on the results (Sparks, 2014).
 Fast changing situation: This situation is currently the most rapid situation in the
organization purpose as it drawn down the fast changing conditions according to the
market environment. Example in the stock market, there are rapid changes driven
according to the fluctuations in the indices like NSE, BSE and this will influence on the

TESCO adopts the slow to moderate situation in the organization purposes as it involves various
handling methods and precautions to safeguard the purpose of the organization benefits and this
will not influence to the results. TESCO is considered as the popular organization in the UK, so
these strategies allow the function that emphasis on the relative benefits of the purposes of
organization benefits.
Outer organizational changes : These changes influenced by the external forces of the
organization factors that constitute the action for focusing of the results including the
government regulation, change sin tax and policy, varied economic situation, changes in
competitors, changes in taste and preferences constitute the organization factors that influence at
the macro level. In relate to the TESCO, the external factors influenced widely to the
organization purposes constitute the stability of the position and increase in tax and economic
factors influence on the monetary implications of the organization.

Inner organizational factors: These factors influence the organization according to the internal
changes in the purpose of the administrative function that opts for the results. These changes
include management team changes, changes in the financial situation of the organization, various
strategies regarding the products and emphasis on planning, marketing and staffing activity of
the organization. With the help of inner organizational factors, market share will be increased as
it leads to diversification of products and services for the available results in the TESCO
organization (Ivanov et. al., 2016).

In TESCO, the organization function adopt including the emphasis on the results that involve
slow to moderate position for the factors growing the result driven activity that involve:

 Planning: In the organization analysis in considerate to slow to moderate position,

various planning techniques to be used included for the budget allocation, utilization of
resources, availability of workforce and decision taken effectively is to be checked.
 Organizing: In the organizing purpose in TESCO Group, the coordination will be
maintained by the stability of the results for the economic development and measuring
technique in order to enable results.
 Leading: In TESCO, the leading function enrolls in the slow to moderate position entails
the motivation and leading to other employees for the higher growth and utilization of
complete demand that will fluctuates according to the taste an preference that ensure the
 Controlling: This situation allows in the TESCO group entails the controlling operations
regarding the internal management, preparing staff for the practices and reviewing of the
policies undertaken and the right adopt of the technology, and the monitoring of the
resource utilization in the appropriate manner and maximize it (Christopher, 2016).
Leadership styles

 Directive style: This style will be helpful for the support of the managerial activity that
communication other subordinate and the staff members for the employment that has not
been specialized according to the objective decided in the organization purposes. These
style of leader will not find any guidance to achieve it.
 Supportive style: This style of leader involves the leadership traits which reduce the
stress and frustration in the organization and to increase the productivity that entails the
organization growth and emphasis on the result through activity. This style of leadership
is very effective to the other employees as supporting activity will be increased.
 Participative styles: This style will emphasis on the decision taken on the organization
purposes so as to evaluate the method and results in order to maintain the participation
for the maximization of strength and including the factors that relates to the activities that
has been drawn in the method of results ( Ibrahim et. al., 2017).
 Achievement-oriented style: In this style organization evaluates the results according to
the high performances set by the action for maintain the results including the level of
employability, skill and increase level of confidence that attained the mutual benefits of
the action that enable the results in rendering the service.

TESCO has adopted the participative leadership style in the organization purposes for the
decision taken including the influence in the appropriate manner. TESCO has given advantage
for enabling the factoring results undertaken for the method in the organization purposes and
involve the methods that attain the strength maximization and productivity.

In the above part it is concluded that there are various sections that denotes the management and
leadership styles of the TESCO group though which various factors should be reflected to
achieve the results in the significant manner and entails the benefits of drawn activity involve the
variable situation that has been adopted in the organization purposes.
P3. Apply different theories and models of approach, including situational leadership,
systems leadership and contingency
This task depicts varied theories and including the model of the approach that relates to various
aspects of the organization purposes and influence on the relative aspect that has been drawn in
the appropriate manner and the implications of the activity that has been driven by the results.

The Situational leadership theory is practiced by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard that initiate the
organizational behavior and working for the employees. This is also known as Life cycle theory
of the results. This leadership style according to the performance readiness of the method.
TESCO enable to adopt the situational theory for the factor and evaluation of varied situations in
order for recommending the various actions taken for the forces.

The system theory includes the phenomenon of the organization that prevails to various systems
that prevails to various actions to be followed including the type and the temporal scale of the
business. System, theory reflects the interdisciplinary system of the results that include action.
System theory is emphasis on the concepts and conventions and includes two system active and
passive systems. In TESCO group the employees are motivated to the well extended results
according to the growth that employees are motivated to the results for the worldwide
extent (Martínez et. al., 2016).

A contingency theory explains influence the organization purposes for the influence the decision
taken. It is dependent on the optimal position for the contingent position. It relatively highly
position for the right situation in the leadership. This theory in the TESCO group influences the
decision handling taken for the aspects the relative to the current position.

In this approach varied characteristics influence that reflects of the system leadership and
contingency approach for the varied results of the aspects that has been drawn in the organization
purposes for the relative position for the growth (Ivanov et. al., 2017).
M2 You should assess and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to
situations within the work environment.
 Empowers the leadership style.  Measurement and reviewing
 Maximizes return. techniques.
 Increases productivity  Controlling operations.
 Stable work environment  Increased number of competitors.
 Maximizes profitability  Fluctuations in demand.

P.4 explain the key approaches to operations management and the role that leaders and
managers play
According to Are et. al. (2017), in this part it has been discussed for the varied approaches held
in the operations management that constitute the leaders for the managers with the inability
include the operations management that managers play the wider role in increasing the

Operations management: It involves the designing the controlling the process technique of the
results for redesigning business operations and to maintain the effective return undertaken the
goods and services involved in the production process for focusing the action and to attain the
strength and results by ensuring it.

A core definition of TQM is the long term process for the effective results for the innovative
undertaken to build the forces by the increasing standard for the aspects of the operations

JUST IN TIME is the practical approach for the strategy involves the inventory for enhancing the
employees to increase the efficiency and decrease by receiving the goods undertaken for the
factor availed in order to predict the accurate demand.

Continuous improvement is the approach for the continual development for the effort of ongoing
products and the improvements. This improvement will be break through all over time and to
induced the results.

In the above example it explained the concept that requires the total quality management that
ensures the TESCO group for the maintenance of productivity and lead to the stability for the
varied factors of the ensuring stability in the organization system (Are et. al., 2017)

The foremost role of the leader in the operations management is to enhance management by
focusing the results and the quality of the management that on the responsibility of the supply
chain management and the adequate transaction of ensuring in TESCO group. The role of
responsibility of the manager in the operations management includes the resource allocation,
financial management, goal setting and effective communication.
P5. Explain the importance and value of operations management in achieving business
According to Ramanathan et. al. (2017), in the introductory part it has explained the concept of
business objective and to remain attained for the factor regarding the results that involved the
criteria for the regarding activity of the concept and importance of operations management
inclusive all the results.

 Survival: For surviving in the business organization foremost factor that contained the
results by according the taste and preferences according to the TESCO group. Survival
creates the growth in the organization.
 Maximize profit: Another factor that attained to the growth of the results is to ensure
productivity and profitability of the TESCO organization and the profit will be
maximized in order to ensure the results.
 Satisfying customers: For the growth of the organization, it is very important for enable
and creating knowledge of the taste and preference regarding the demand and the buying
benefits of the customers.

The importance of operations management is to endure the activities that create the
transformation of resultant through the activities by the varied approach in the market regulated
efforts for the result through the activity that has to be carried down for constituting the actions.

In the end it is concluded the various factors that has been drawn for figuring out the action and
maximize the attainment of procedure for the relative extent of the conditions prevailed in the
result going activity (Ramanathan et. al., 2017).
M3. Evaluate how leaders and managers can improve the efficiencies of operational
management to successfully meet the business objectives of your chosen organization.
In order to improve the efficiency of the organization and to act as the standards of the
performance for the factoring of the results includes:

 Government regulation: In constituting the business role the effective operations

constitute the managerial activity for the centralized government action and
implementing the offer office communication in the financial terms in TESCO group.
 Quality control: In enhancing good quality retained for having the dependable products
for the customers in just assuring for more than expectation that involves the criteria for
the effective operations policies and company ability in TESCO group (Christopher,
 Inventory control: The emphasis on the inventory focusing on the action that has been
entitled on the TESCO group for the factoring of the actions by increasing inventory
turnover for the result activities in the results.
D1. Critically evaluate the application of operations management in your chosen
organization and the factors that impact on the wider business environment.
Various levels that evolve the strategy of results in order for focusing and enduring the relative
activity for the applications evolved in the operations management that contain the core
competencies for the wider term in the involvement of business environment and constitute to
the relative term that obstruct the certain conditions through the procedure of TESCO
organization for the relative term in order to ensure the results.

 Cost: The cost effective strategy that generates low cost for the relative strength in order
to accumulate the results.
 Quality: The production will place the quality free work in the organization purposes
and with the specification.
 Dependability: The availability of products and services according to the demand for
the factors influenced and commitments made to the customers (Christopher, 2016).

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