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In spite of the evidences that the elephant is an endangered species, these

animals are being hunted down not only for their ivory but also their meat, hide, and
other parts (mainly used for traditional medicine). There are thousands of elephants
being killed every year for their ivory tusks. Saddening as it is, elephant poaching
has been one of the most problematic topics. The lack of protection over these gentle
giants are due to the remoteness of the areas of their habitats. Additionally, their
habitats are decreasing at an alarming rate and are fragmented. Before the start of
ivory poaching, there were millions of elephants in the world in both Africa and
India, but today because of the hunting for ivory, there are barely any of these giants
left in the wild. Some people, like farmers, kill these big living beings not only
because of their use but also for revenge. For you see, they destroy farmers crops by
eating them. The farmers would obviously be fuming with anger and revenge and in
return they harm/kill these beings. As stated by Cyril Christo (CNN; February3,
2013), “It is a tragedy beyond reckoning and humanity needs to pay attention to
the plight of the elephants before it is too late”. Whatsoever they might do, it is
still unethical to kill these creatures.

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