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For one in the husband role, Zukra signifies the wife-figure.

if there are additional graha sharing the bhava with Zukra,
additional wives will be expected.
For one in the wife role, Guru signifies the first husband whereas
Shani traditionally signifies additional husbands. The logic for wives
is slightly different in that f there are additional graha sharing the
bhava with Guru, additional husbands will be expected. However the
character of the additional husbands must be assessed via both the
graha-yuti-Guru and via the social-law conditions attending
Professor Shani.
The task of interpreting these indicators requires some delicacy.
Certain Shani-intensive cultures impose strict behavioral rules for
marriage conduct. Any movement away from Shani's rules
(Mangala) is considered dangerous to the social structure. As a
result of the double standard between what is (Kuja) versus what
should be (Shani) these cultures suffer from high rates of dishonesty
and denial in human relationships, along with astronomical rates of
political and financial corruption.

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