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QUE, Francis Agustin P.

August 27, 2019

2TE-3 ENT5118

Describe a customer experience you have personally encountered where the good or service or
both were unsatisfactory (e.g., defective product, errors, mistakes, poor service, service upsets,
etc.). How might the organization have handled it better, and how could operations management
have helped?
During the summer break, I ate in a fast food restaurant here in the Philippines. I
suddenly felt the urge to go to the lavatory. Before I went to the lavatory, I asked one of the
service crew for a favor and that is to keep an eye on my food while I’m away. After I used the
comfort room, when I returned to my table, my food was gone and went missing. It turned out
that one of the other service crew mistook the table as vacant and cleared the table. I confronted
the manager about the issue and they were unable to make a compromise since the food I ordered
was the last cooked dish since it was late in the night already. All I got was an apology and
nothing else. Ever since this experience, I never went back to eat in this fast food branch.
As a student from the BS Entrepreneurship, I believe that it is vital to build a rapport with
your clients and workers. As this experience happened late in the night, I understand that some
workers are already tired and exhausted. If I were to be the manager of the branch, I would’ve at
least issued a refund or made a compromise to the complaining customer and assure that this
experience wouldn’t happen again.
Operations Management could help by further assessing the situation at hand. As the
operations manager, you should be able to adapt to unforeseen situations such as this, and this
shouldn’t be a hindrance to your daily work flow. Having a medium for customers to provide
feedback is one way of building rapport and connection to your clients, and this is as vital as any
other factor in the daily operations of a firm.

Interview a manager at a local company about the work he or she performs. Identify the aspects
of the job that relate to OM (like the OM activities – “What do Operations Managers do?”) and
(b) example primary, support, and general management processes.
I interviewed my mother, Maria Fe Que. She is the general manager/proprietor of The
Mulberry Shop Flowers and Gifts. For her, operations management is one of the areas of
management in which you monitor and manage the production of arrangements, how efficient
personnel is and assessing if the arrangement is cost-effective. For her, Operations Managers
monitor and manage total operations, in relation to flowers, managing the conditioning of
flowers, designing, arranging, and making designations to personnel.
She also mentioned the factors which affect her business’ daily operations. She told that
the supply and fluctuating cost of flowers and other raw materials. Also, the design of an
arrangement, assessing if it is cost-effective or not. She also mentioned about logistics and
delivery scheduling. Lastly, she mentioned financial planning and A/R collections. The most
vital aspect of her daily operations is the supply and cost of materials. She emphasized that
without Operations Management, a firm won’t last long.

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