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EC-Council CEH (Certified Ethical Hacking)

Duration: 5 days
Date: 7 - 11 July 2008, Class offered in English
Super Special Promotion Price: 29,500 Baht!!! (Normal rate is 69,000 Baht)
Register Now! (Limited seat) and offer valid for registered before 23 June 2008
(Includes: Courseware, CDs, and Exam Vouchers)
Boost up your network security, and earned a worldwide recognition for practical security professionals,
CEH. Learn how perimeter defenses work, how to protect your network. Try tons of tools with practical
hands-on knowledge. This intensive course certifies you to understand and explore the vulnerabilities.
Learn to scan, test, hack and secure your system. Learn the tools and technologies used by malicious
hackers, including social engineering, DDoS attacks, buffer overflows, virus creation and more.

(Certified Security Analyst/Licensed Penetration Tester)
Duration: 5 days
Date: 4 - 8 Aug 2008, Class offered in English
Super Special Promotion Price: 39,500 Baht!!! (Normal rate is 99,000 Baht)
Register Now! (Limited seat) and offer valid for registered before 21 July 2008
(Includes: Courseware, CDs, and Exam Vouchers)
ECSA/LPT is a security class like no other! Providing real world hands on experience, it is the only in-
depth Advanced Hacking and Penetration Testing class available that covers testing in all modern
infrastructures, operating systems and application environments. This class designed to teach Security
Professionals the advanced uses of the LPT methodologies, tools and techniques required to perform
comprehensive information security tests. Learn how to design, secure and test networks to protect your
organization from the threats hackers and crackers pose.

Data Mining Techniques

Duration: 3 days
Date: 24 - 26 June 2008, Class offered in Thai
Price: 10,000 Baht
Gain the skills and learn the power of data mining! This course introduces issues related to data mining,
both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. You will gain the knowledge of data mining methodology,
data exploration, decisions trees, neural networks concept, clustering, with introduction to some
advanced topics such as web mining. The course is for business analysts, managers, statisticians, and
anyone who has a professional interest in data mining.
Becoming Project Management Professional (PMP)
Duration: 5 days
Date: 10-11 Jul, 14-16 Jul 2008, Class offered in Thai
Price: 29,500 Baht
Learn world class framework and knowledge to become world class project manager. Avoid project
delay, project over time over budget, communication problem in project, or even project failure. This five
day intensive program will give you best practice and framework in project management based from
Project Management Body of Knowledge. You will learn how to get your project on track. It also helps
you make your project more manageable. This course is good for any project participant and it is a must
for new project manager or old project manager who never takes the standard project management
course before.

ITIL Foundation V3 (IT Infrastructure Library)

Duration: 3 days
Date: 28 – 30 July 2008, Class offered in Thai
Price: 15,000 Baht
ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) are best practices for IT Service Management. This course will guide you
more on “How to align IT with Business” aspects and how to properly prioritize IT tasks. This course also
helps you to understand the component of service management and will make your organization be
more productive, increase customer satisfaction and save money in long term. This course will also
introduce you to the concept of IT Service Management (ITSM) via IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). You will
study definition and inter-relation among the processes. The course will be interactive class among
attendees and instructor. Exchanging real case experience will make easier for participants to use
learning knowledge after the class.

ISO 27001: From Introduction to Practices

Duration: 2 days
Date: 13-15 Aug 2008, Class offered in Thai
Price: 15,000 Baht
Do you have plans or processes to protect your company’s important assets, Information?
This course will introduce you to the international standard ISO/IEC27001 provides a framework for
organizations to implement 'best practices' in Information Security Management. The ISO standard is
quite high level and generic and in most cases does not provide practical solutions. This course will fill up
this gap by providing more examples in real life cases. This course provides comprehensive first-level
training for personal who would like to comply with ISO27001 or anyone involved in provision, support,
and delivery of organization’s computer IT Security to comply with the new Thai Computer Security Law
that will start enforced estimated in year 2008.

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