Limonene As An Alternative Insect Repellant

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Dayap Oil : Alternative Insect Repellant

A Science Investigatory Project Presented to

Paniqui North Central Elementary School
Paniqui, Tarlac


JULY 2019




Grade : Five -SSES

Institution: Paniqui North Central Elementary School

This study was sought to test the efficiency of extract lime peel as an alternative

insect repellent. Nowadays, many insects are responsible for transmitting diseases.

Mosquitoes, cockroaches, fly ants and many others transmit wide range of tropical

diseases including Dengue, Malaria, Typhoid Fever and Japanese Encephalitis. Insect

repellent are important tools for prevention of insect-borne disease as well as painful or

uncomfortable insect bites. And one of the natural insect repellent is the Lime or Dayap

fruit (Citrus aurantifolia (Christm) . Determining the effectiveness of Lime as insect

repellent is the main goal of the study. Specifically ,it intends to apply the fermentation

technique in obtaining the natural elements and essential oils of most citrus plants such

as phytochemical called limonene which gives a district smell to these fruits and also

an important substance that can repelled insects.

In this study, the raw materials that the researchers used to make an alternative

insect repellent was Lime fruits. The researchers have chosen this material because

there’s no expenses in doing it. The researchers collected all the materials needed then,

started to make the project. After doing all the procedure it was set aside and set it dry for

a day. It was proven that the raw materials of the Lime fruits have the phytochemicals

that repel insects that we can get and can serve as substitute for the commercially

available products.
It was concluded that the extracted Lime or Dayap Oil can be used as a substitute

to the commercial insect repellent because it is however cheaper and it is absolutely

natural and good to our health.


Protection against disease transmission from insect bites is an important

worldwide public health issue. Insect bites can cause local allergic reactions and some

diseases of particular concern are bites from mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can carry viruses

and parasites that cause Dengue, Malaria, Typhoid Fever and Japanese Encephalitis and

other illnesses. There has been an increase of reported cases of Dengue in Tarlac, and this

is cause for concern. However, taking care to prevent exposure to the insects that carry

these diseases is important, and preparation is better than panic when there is an outbreak.

To reduce the risk of insect bites. Insect repellents were used.

A wide variety of insect repellents are available in the market . However, most

insect repellents are loaded with toxic chemicals and when we use these repellents, the

toxic chemicals that are inside them get directly absorbed into our blood through the skin

and may be doing more damage to the body than we ever imagined. Studies are now

showing that exposure to insect repellents indicates a higher risk of cancers, typically of

the blood, brain, lymph system, soft tissues, stomach, prostate and breast. In children,

exposure to insect repellents also indicates an increased risk of various forms of cancer,

as well as weakening of the immune system and as more and more people are becoming

aware of the dangers of repellents, natural alternatives are becoming increasingly popular.

These not only protect you from mosquitoes, they also prevent bacteria, relieve itching,

eliminate irritated skin, and even enhance your skin texture. .One of the natural insect

repellent is the Lime or Dayap fruit (Citrus aurantifolia (Christm). Determining the

effectiveness of Lime or Dayap fruit as insect repellent is the main goal of this study.
Specifically, it intends to apply the fermentation technique in obtaining the natural

elements and essential oils of most citrus plants such as phytochemical called limonene.

Limoline is a phtyochemicals present in the peel of citrus fruits. The most significant

property which plays important role in our home by repelling insects. The limoline

extracted from the rind or peel of citrus fruits can be used as cleaning agent both in

household and industrial settings. This chemical may also use as replacement of acetone

and the flourinated and chlorinated organic agents.

Statement of the Problem

The researcher would like to investigate the efficiency of extract lime peel as an

alternative insect repellent.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. Will the extract of lime or Dayap peel is an effective way of natural insect repellent?

2. Is there any side effect of the oil from the lime or Dayap peel as insect repellent

Conceptual Frame Work

Peel of the Lime or

Dayap fruit


Limonene Insect
1. Assemble all the materials.
2. Remove the lime or Dayap peel .You can use either knife or grind off the peel.
3. Place the zester or ground lime or Dayap peel in a jar. Pour enough vodka to cover the
grind and secure the lid.
4. Let the mixture sit for two to three days and shake it frequently.
5. Strain the mixture using a coffee or clean cloth
6. Allow the Vodka to evaporate. Once the vodka evaporates, lime oil will be now

Significance of the study

The study helps people to prevent from being capable of taking in toxic chemicals

in using insect repellants. It also less harmful to the environment because it is a natural

remedy for increasing toxicity of the said subject.

Students, so that they could gather an additional data and information for the

study and gather knowledge of insect repellent will enable them to prevent

possible disease.

Community, because it helps individual to be aware on the harmful effect of

insect repellents they’re going to consume that would be increased and

prevention could be done to avoid serious damage to their children..

Future Researchers, for them to conduct any further investigation and add some

data to the study.

Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on the effectiveness of extracted Lime or Dayap as

insect repellent. Investigating the performance using two biscuit , one biscuit is treated

with lime oil and the other biscuit is without lime oil. The study is performed during third

week of June. The data used in the research is gathered through observation and oil

extraction technique.


Materials which are related to the present study were read and reviewed to give

the reader insight into the studies that were already conducted along this area of

investigation to find out how the data were gathered for the purpose of gaining

suggestions useful to the present study, and to look into findings and conclusions which

may be relevant to the present one.

Related Literature

Preventing or minimizing mosquito-borne diseases transmission depends

completely on control of the mosquito vectors or interference of human-vector contact.
Efforts to control transmission should target the vector in the habitats of its immature and
adult stages (WHO, 2009). The various problems associated with the efficacy of synthetic
chemicals and the growing prevalence of resistance in the mosquito have emphasized the
CAM Research Journal Vol 2 No. 1 September 2014 99 call for the development of new
strategies for mosquito control (Zhu et al., 2008).

Natural essential oils extracted from the peel of a citrus fruit could be an effective
new eco-friendly alternative in mosquitoes control programs, reports a new study
published today in Natural Product Research.

The essential oils were extracted in large amounts from the peel of a fruit similar
to a Lime which is available throughout many countries in the world. With such ease of
access and productions of the oils, it could potentially be used in areas which have little
or no access to an alternative.
Zhu (2008) stated that activities have been focused on plant extracts or
phytochemicals as sources of agents to control mosquito. During the last decade, a
variety of studies on natural plant products against mosquito vectors indicate them as
possible alternatives to synthetic chemical insecticides. Plants are rich source of bioactive
chemicals, some of which have medicinal and pesticidal properties (Rahuman et al.,
2008; Kamaraj et al., 2009).

Limoline is a phtyochemicals present in the peel of citrus fruits.The most

significant property which plays important role in our home by repelling insects.The
limoline extracted from the rind or peel of citrus fruits can be used as cleaning agent
both in household and industrial settings.This chemical may also use as replacement of
acetone and then flourinated and chlorinated organic agents.


A. Research Design
The descriptive survey method was used in the study. The descriptive survey

method was used to determine the difference between the commercial Insect Repellant to

the alternative one. There was 10 intermediate pupils of Paniqui North Central

elementary school who were the respondents to this research.

B. Preparation of the Materials
The researcher prepares 10 pcs lime or Dayap peelings, 25 ml of Gin or Vodka.
C. Respondents
The respondents of this study were the ten 10 intermediate pupils of Paniqui

North Central Elementary School.

D. Making of the Products

In this study, the raw materials that the researchers used to make an alternative
insect repellent was Lime or Dayap fruits. The researchers have chosen this material
because there’s no expense in doing it. The researchers collected all the materials needed
then, started to make the project. After doing all the procedure it was set aside and set it
dry for a day. It was proven that the raw materials of the Lime or Dayap fruits have the
phytochemicals that repel insects that we can get and can serve as substitute for the
commercially available products.

The extracted lime or Dayap oil were placed in a sealed container where 250mL of
Vodka or Gin will be added. The treatment is kept for 72 hrs with periodic shaking.
Afterwards, the mixture was filtered using filter paper and the filtrate will be collected.

E. Testing of the Product

To test the product, the researcher prepared tables for the Ten (10) pupils for them to test

and rate.
Table 1
Difference between Trial A and B

Panelist Odor Effectiveness Cost Environmental


A= Commercial Insect Repellant B= Alternative Insect Repellant

F. Observation
The researcher will then analyze and interpret the data based on its odor, effectiveness,

cost and environmental friendly. Then, the researcher will use The Likert-type scale in

analyzing the data.

Range Verbal Indicator

5 Excellent
4 Very Satisfactory
3 Satisfactory
2 Need Improvements
1 Poor

G. Statistical Treatment
The statistical treatments used to analyze the data were: First was a five (5) point

Likert – scale that measured teachers. The Likert-type scale with items 1-5 was used
where: (1) Poor (2) Need Improvements (3) Satisfactory (4)Very Satisfactory (5)

Excellent. Second was the Frequency Distribution, which was used to determine the

responses from each category of respondent using a matrix table consisting of rows and

columns and then frequency counts were tabulated for analysis and interpretation, Third

was the Percentage Distribution, which was the frequency of an item or the number of

items that had occurred and was divided by the number of items observed then multiplied

by 100; and third was the Weighted Average Mean which used to determine the level of

performance of the respondents.

H. Tool
Primary data means data that has been collected specially for the purpose in mind.

It means someone collected the data from the original source first hand. In this study, the

researcher used survey method in the form of questionnaire.


This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation of data and through survey

and documentary analysis. It covers the discussion of the findings presented logically in answer

to the problem posited in Chapter 1 of this study.

Comparison between the alternative and commercial in terms of odor, texture,

softness and viscoelasticity

Table 1

Panelist Odor Effectiveness Cost Environmental

1 3 3 4 4 5 1 4 2
2 4 4 3 3 4 2 4 3
3 3 3 3 3 4 1 4 2
4 3 2 4 3 5 2 4 2
5 3 2 4 4 4 1 4 3
6 4 4 4 3 4 1 4 3
7 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 3
8 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 3
9 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 2
10 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2
Average 3.4 3.2 3.4 3.2 4.2 1.9 3.9 2.5

Legend: A= Commercial B= Alternative

In table 1, The data shows that the alternative insect repellant is better than the

commercial insect repellant in terms of cost and the environmental friendly of the

product. The mean for Odor in A 3.4 and in B 3.2.The mean for Effectiveness in A 3.4

and in B is 3.2.The mean for cost in A is 4.2 and in B is 1.9 and for Environmental

friendly the mean for A is 3.9and B is 2.5.There is slight difference in the mean of A and

B in terms of effectiveness and odor but there is big difference between the mean of A

and B in terms of cost and environmental friendly. Therefore the Alternative Insect

Repellant and the Commercial Insect Repellant sand is almost the same in terms of odor

and effectiveness.

Result and Discussions

In this study, the raw materials that the researchers used to make an alternative
insect repellent was Lime fruits. The researchers have chosen this material because
there’s no expense in doing it. The researchers collected all the materials needed then,
started to make the project. After doing all the procedure it was set aside and set it dry for
a day. It was proven that the raw materials of the Lime fruits have the phytochemicals
that repel insects that we can get and can serve as substitute for the commercially
available products.

In testing its validity the researchers used two biscuits as an observation, one
biscuit is treated with lime oil and the other biscuit is without lime or Dayap oil. As a
result, in the observation after fourteen minutes (14), the biscuit without lime or Dayap oil
are now approaching by ants, but the biscuit with lime oil still no ants, because of the
lime or Dayap oil that repels the ants away.


Based from the results of the study it is therefore concluded that the extracted
Lime or Dayap oil can be used as a substitute to the commercial insect repellent because it
is however cheaper and it is absolutely natural and good to our health.


The researcher recommended this product to the society especially for the benefit
of those less fortunate people who can’t afford those expensive insect repellent. This
product will not only help the economy but also it will not cause any bad effect to our
body because there’s no chemical in it.

It is also recommended to take further study and investigation about the good
effect of Lime or Dayap oil to the body.

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