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DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2013 Technical Reference Documentation Time Overcurrent RelToc, TypToc Publisher: DIgSILENT GmbH Hoinrch-Hortz-StraBe 9 72810 Gomaringen / Germany Tol: +49 (0) 7072.9168-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7072.9168-88 inlo@aigsiient de Please visit our homepage at hitpuiwww.digsilont de Copyright © 2017 DIgSILENT GmbH Al rghts reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced or dlstrouted in any form without writen permission of DIgSILENT GmbH, December 4, 2017 PowerFactory 2018 Revision 1 Contents Contents 1 General Description 2. Features & User interface 2.4 Time-Overcurrent (RetToc) 2.4.1 Basic data 2.1.2 Tripping times 2.1.3 Blocking 2.1.4 Description 22 Time Overcurrent Type(TypToc) 2.2.1 Basic data Adgitional fields Trip characteristic Reset characteristic 2.2.2 Total Clear Curve Breaker operating time “Total Clear Curve" definition 2.2.3 Blocking 3 Integration in the relay scheme 4 Logie 4.4 Single phase 42 Sphase 43. Inverse characteristic trip time calculation A Parameter Definitions Al. Toc Type (TypToc) A2 Toc Element (RelToc) B Signal Definitions B41. Single phase B2 3phase DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) 16 16 16 Contents List of Figures List of Tables DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) 7 1B 1. General Description 1. General Description The Time Overcurrent*RelToc” block implements a directional or non directional overcurrent or undercurrent time dependent element. The block defines a trip curve shape with associated reset characteristic, a current threshold, atime delay, a maximum and a minimum trip time, and a reset time: it creates in the time-current diagram a trip characteristic with a shape similar to the characteristic represented here below in Figure 1.1 Figure 1.1: DigSILENT The Time Overcurrent’RelToc" Time-Current diagram. Moreover the user can define a “Total Clear Curve" characteristic to represent the overall ime spent to remove the fault or the maximum time spent by the device to detect the fault. The Toc characteristic when the "Total Clear Curve'is defined is represented in Figure 1.2. Figure 1.2: DIgSILENT The Time Overcurrent'RelToc" Time-Current diagram with the “Total Time Curve" enabled The block can be set to calculate the tip time using the "Minimum Trip Curve" or the “Total Clear Curve” characteristic. The Time Overcurrent'RelToc" biock is operational during short circuit, load flow and RMS/EMT simulations, DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 1 Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) 2. Features & User interface 2 Features & User interface 2.1 Time-Overcurrent (RelToc) The user can change the block settings using the “Time overcurrent” dialogue ("RelToc” class). The dialogue consists of 4 tab pages: Basic data, Trioping times, Blocking, and Descriotion. The main settings are located in the Basic data tab page. 24.1 Basic data The "Time overcurrent” dialogue provides a presentation area where the red text shows some info regarding: + The international symbols used to represent the block protective function. ‘+ Which currents are measured by the block. ‘The block can be disabled using the "Out of service” check box. A directional feature can be set using the "Tripping direction” combo box. Please notice that the directional logic relies on a separate block (Directional Overcurrent "RelDir" class). The trip curve shape is set using the “Characteristic” combo box. The current threshold, time delay, reset delay, and minimum and maximum trip time can be set using the “Current Setting’, the “Time dial’, tho “Reset dolay’ the "Min, Time", and the “Max. Time” control. They are showed as a combo box for ranges of discrete values or otherwise as an edit box. The ranges are defined inside the trip characteristic dialogue (“TypChatoo" class). In this way itis possible to define diferent ranges for each trip characteristic. The blue text provides additional info regarding the current threshold in terms of primary current. 24.2 Tripping times ‘The Tripping times tab page allows the user to select whether the Minimum Trip Curve or the Total Clear Curve is used to calculate the element tripping time. The radio buttons are only displayed if the Total Clear Curve has been defined and is associated with the Minimum Trip Curve which has been selected. 24.3 Blocking ‘This tab page defines the blocking input signals configuration. Ifthe "Consider Blocking” setting is set to User configurable in the relevant Blocking tab page of the Time Overcurrent Type( TypToc) dialogue (see 2.2.3), the “Consider Blocking” check box is displayed. If the check box is not set, the input blocking signals are not considered and the Time overcurrent\"RelToc’) black is allowed to trip. If the check box is sat the black doesn't trip if the blocking input signals are on and before the “Release Blocking Time" time has expired, In the "Release Blocking Time'the user can insert the expiration time for the blocking input signals. When a block trip is triggered , if the blocking input signals are active, a timer is activated. When the timer has counted a time equal to the expiration time, the blocking input signals are ignored and the block is allowed to trip. DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 2 Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) 2. Features & User interface ‘The relevant Blocking tab page of the Time Overcurrent Type(TypTec) dialogue (see 2.2.3) must be used to define which features are available. 24.4 Description The Description tab page can be used to insert some information to identity the Toc protective element (both with a generic string and with an unique textual string similar to the Foreign Key approach used in the relational databases) and to identity the source of the data used to create i. 2.2 Time Overcurrent Type(TypToc) The Time overcurrent block main characteristics must be configured in the “Time Overcurrent Type" dialogue (TypToc class). The dialogue contains three tab pages: Basic data, Total clear curve, and Blocking. 22.1 Basic data The Basic data tab page contains most of the controls used to configure the Time Overcurrent block. ‘The block can be configured using the “Type” combo box variable as: + 3 phase element ("Phase Current (3ph)") + single phase element ("Phase Current (1ph)") + earth fault element (‘Earth Current (3*10)") + sensitive earth fault element ("Sensitive Earth Current (3*10)") + zor0 sequence element ("Zero Sequence Current (I0)") + negative sequence element ("Negative Sequence Current (12)") + unbalance current element ("3*Negative Sequence Current (3"12)") + Phase A element ("Phase A Current’) + Phase B element ("Phase B Current’) + Phase C element ("Phase C Current’) + Thermal image (Sph) + Thermal image (1ph) + 3 phase element for special purposes ("ap (other)’) + single phase element for special purposes ("1ph (other)") Furthermore if the "External Starting” check box is set, the block starts only when the "wstart A “wstart.B", and "wstart.C’ input signals are active. DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 3 Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) 2. Features & User interface The block can be controlled by a recloser block (‘RelRect” object). The “Reclosing” item (to perform a mult-shot reclosing)or the “Lockout” item (to block the recloser after the first trip) ‘must be set in the “Rlecl.Feature" combo box for this purpose. Many of the types detailed above are provided for “documentation only” purpose. The underlying types are: + a3 phase block (3 phase element and 3 phase element for special purposes) + a single phase block (single phase element, earth fault element, sensitive earth fault el ‘ement, zero sequence element, negative sequence element, unbalance current element, Phase A element, Phase B element, Phase C element and single phase element for spe- = 0 and Wp < 1. In the ‘example below the "Min Currant” (imin variable) value is 0 Vip and the "Max currant” (imax variable) value is 0.999 Vp. Please notice that in the range where the reset characteristic is not defined the reset is not performed, If the “User Configurable” option i selected in the “Reset characteristic configuration” combo box of the'Time Overcurrent Type” dialogue (“TypTac” class), then the “Reset characteristic’ check box is displayed in the "ElmToc" dialogue. 2.2.2 Total Clear Curve ‘The “Total clear curve” tab page contains settings which allow definition of the curve represent ing the overall ime spent clearing the fault or the maximum time spent by the device in order to detect the fault The following features are available: + Ability to automatically add the Breaker Opening Time to the Total Clear Curve character- istic. + Definition of the current and time muttiplirs and shift factors applied to the Minimum Trip Curve in order to generate the Total Clear Curve characteristic. Breaker operating time The “Total Clear Curve" can include the “Breaker operating time if required. The user can configure the behaviour by adapting the “Include Breaker Operating Time" check box. When the “Include Breaker Operating Time” chock box is not chacked and the "Consider Breaker Operating time” check box in the “Overcurrent Plot Seitings” dialogue(SetOcplat class) is checked, the “Total Clear” curve time values used to draw the curve are increased by the ‘operating time of the breaker associated with the relay. DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 5 Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) 2. Features & User interface The Breaker operating time value can be inserted inside the "Breaker time” control located in the Basic Data tab page (“Lopen* variablejinside the “Switch Type" dialogue of the switchgear associated with the relay. It in the Toc element dialogue (RelToc class) the “Compute Time Using" is set to “Total Clear Curve" and in the Time Overcurrent Type(-TypToc’) dialogue the “Include Breaker Operating Time” check box is not checked, the tripping time is equal to the breaker operating time plus the tripping time calculated using the “Total Clear’ curve characteristic. No value is added in the graphical representation or to the tripping time calculation if no switch type is available or ifthe "Breaker time" is zero. “Total Clear Curve" definition The “Enable” check box can be used to enable or disable the “Total Clear" curve definition and the relevant controls in the dialogue. Please note that the “Total clear” curve is always defined and drawn inside the overcurrent plot windows even when the “Enable” check box is not checked, the “Include Breaker Operating Time" check box is not checked and the “Consider Breaker Operating time” check box in the ‘Overcurrent Plot Settings” dialogua("SetOcplot” class) is checked. The “Total Clear’ curve can be defined with the application of a “shifter” and “multiplier” both to the current values and to the time values which define the "Min trip" curve. The “shifter” is simply an additive factor, the “muttpler” is a multiplicative factor. The “Total Clear” curve current values are calculated using the following formula: Frotaiciear = Untintrsy * “CurrentMultiplien") + *CurrentShifte « ‘Tho “Total Clear” curve time values are calculated using the following formula: CrottCtear = (lasintrip © “DimeM ultiplier") + “TirmeShi fer" @ 22.3 Blocking The Blocking tab page allows definition of the effect of the blocking input signals: the block can be + Always enabled + Always disabled + User configurable Moreover itis possible to define the range of the expiration time for the blocking input signals. When a biock trips triggered it the blocking input signals are active. a timer activated. When the timer has counted a time equal to the expiration time the blocking input signals are ignored and the block is allowed to trip. DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 6 Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) 3_Integration in the relay scheme 3. Integration in the relay scheme ‘The Time Overcurrent"PalToc" type class name is TypToc. The Time Overcurrent dialogue class ‘name is Re!Toc. As already shown, there are two main versions of the block: a single phase and a three phase version. The number and the name of the input signals depends only upon Which of these versions is used. Please note that inside the "TypToc” dialogue if the "Type" is. set as “Sph (other)” (or “tph (other)") a normal 3 phase Toc element (or a single phase “RelToc’) is stil used. The only difference is that the Time Current characteristic is not displayed in the “Time-Overcurrent plot’. Itcan be useful ifthe Time Overcurrent"RelToc" element is for instance Used for control purposes and is not directly settable by the user. The typical connection of a single phase Time Overcurrent'RelToc" block is showed in Figure 3.1. Heaure “ we vt ative ac Figure 3.1: DigSILENTThe typical connection scheme of a single phase Time Overcur- rent’RetToc" block. Ifthe Time Overcurrent’RelToc” block is directional the “wiwd" and the “wrev" signals must be connected to a directional block (see 3.2). jeff Tp ad ef ed, Figure 8.2: DIgSILENT Typical connection scheme of a single phase directional Time Overcur- rent'RetToc" block. The connections associated with a three phase Time Overcurrent’RelToc” block are quite simi- lar, The main difference is that a current signal and a forwardireverse directional signal for each phase is included. The Time Overcurrent"RelToc" block can be made sensitive to the current flow direction by using the “Tripping direction” combobox in the "RelToc” dialogue. Figure 3.3: DigSILENT Typical connection scheme of a three phase directional Time Overcur- rent'RetToc" block. DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 7 Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) 3_Integration in the relay scheme The available options present in the combobox must be set using the “Directional” combobox in the “TypToc’ dialogue. Please keep in mind the follow rules: + If the “Forward” direction is set the "fwd" signal (“twd.A” or “fwd.8” or “fwd.C" for the Sphase version)must be activated to allow starting of the element. + Ifthe “Reverse” direction is set the “rev” signal ("rev A” or “rev.B" or “tev.C" for the 3phase version}must be activated to allow starting of the element. + If the “External” direction is set the "twa" signal (“twd.A” or “hwd_B" or “fwd.C” for tho Sphase version)must be activated to allow starting of the element. The “rev” signal status is ignored (it can be disconnected). "External" makes the block direction dependant on an external “directional” block setting Ifthe "External Starting” check box is set the block starting depends upon the status of the wstart input signal: in the 3 phase version each phase works independently so the starting depends Upon the status of the wstart.A, wstart_B, wstart.C input signals. To control a Time Overcurrent’RelToc block with a reclosing element ("RelRec!" object) the following configuration must be used: + the “block” input signal must be connected with the output signal of the reclosing element, where the reclosing element has been programmed to black (yblock TOCx with 1 <= <= 5 or yblock.Logick with 1 <= k <= 16) . Please read the"RelRecl” documentation for more details about the way to program a reclosing sequence. in the “TypeToc” dialogue the *Recl. Feature” combobox must be selected to “Normal” of Lockout". If “Normal” is selected a standard reclosing sequence is triggered, if “Lockout is selected a trip of the Time Overcurrent"RelToc" element puts the reclosing element in lockout status and no other reclosing is attempted. Please note that if "None" is the selected option in the "Recl, Feature" combobox no reclosing operation is attempted, This is also true ifthe Time Overcurrent'RelToc" element “block” input is connected to @ reclosing element. Ifa reclosing element is not present the iblock signal (in the 3 phase version also iblock.A, iblock.8 and iblock.C to act on each phase) can be used by any cther element to black the starting of the Time Overcurrent’RelToc” element. ‘To got a current threshold value reference from another block the following operation must be performed + Inside the “TypToc” dialogue set the "Ref. Current from’ item with the link to the element from which the Time OvercurrentRelToc" element gets the reference value. + Inside the “TypToc" dialogue set the “Current Range" unit equal to "p.u". Please note that if"Sec.A”is selected as the unit than the whole feature does not work and the Time (Overcurrent"RalToc” secondary amps throshold is used DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 8 Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) 4 Logic 4 Logic 4.1 Single phase ee cy Figure 4.1: The DIgSILENT Time Overcurrent (Re/Toc) logic DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference Tine Overcurrent (Rec, TypTos) 4 Logic DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 10 Tine Overcurrent (Rec, TypTos) 4 Logic 4.2 3phase Figure 4.4: The DIgSILENT Time Overcurrent (Re/Toc) logic DIgSWLENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Relerence Te Overcurrent (Ree Typ Tee) 4 Logic Figure 4.5: The DIgSILENT Time Overcurrent (RelToc) Block logic Figure 4.6: The DIgSILENT Time Overcurrent (RefToc) Directional logic === f=] DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 2 Tine Overcurrent (Rec, TypTos) 4 Logie 4.3 Inverse characteristic trip time calculation Figure 4.7: The DIgSILENT Inverse characteristic trip time calculation logic DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) ‘A_ Parameter Definitions A Parameter Definitions AA Toe Type (TypToc) Table A.1: Input parameters of Toc type (TypToc) (Parameter [Descriptor Ua weame Nate assignog By Towser We BOVE Tor sce TEC symbol (>> IE>>,12>>) Tot stan ANSI symbol (60 50N, 46) Toxt iype Block Type (Phase Current (@ph’. "Phase Current (iph. “Earth Cur | integer rant (30) “Senstva Earth Cuan (610). "Zar Sequence Curent (0) ‘Negative Sequence Curent (2, s-Negative Sequence Ourert (312) Phase A Current. “Phase B Curent, “Pnave C Current, "tpn (other "ph (tha) Irtagor rctaget Racosing fate (None, Normal, Lock cut inogout Fiag oot the elemento act as an undercurent oloment lnteger ipo Drodtional"avalabio options (None. Nono'Forwar, | Ilegor NonoiForwardiRavarse,Forwari Reverse NenafExterral Extorral) iners ‘Aro tho ters incung the px up ia? yn leseart Is the block starting depending upon an externa signal? YIN piel Ponto o te lock providing the ran aleonce(apiona) Pinar Mise Range a the Curent hveshola Tox un Custonheshois unk (See. Amps pu Integer Tit Range ofthe Time Shit Seconds pslyout Fag erabledisabl the naw conols addede suport the US recieve | YIN Facer FRango of the tine acer variable Text tae “ime adder un (Seconds, cycles) totager rrineapiime | Range ofthe minimum respanse ime varisbe Tort imtunit Minimum response ime unk(Secon, eyes) lnteger porarae Veetor of he avaible ip chavatertc shapes Veetor resetcont Rese coniguraton (avalable opons “Enabled, ‘Disabled’ “User cont | Inlogor rable?) t Plex up time, the tine spent measuring the curots inthe lead fow | Seconds nd short crout ealeulaton and inthe AMS simulation © Reset ma 2 te delay win wien the ook reset he rp ouputs star | Seconds ‘hate current won! below the tp tveshois" Kr kr Reset ato. Re inekbroskt | Flag it sue" the clear cuve detintonakeady Ineluds the breaker | YIN ‘imo operating timo. 0 the broakor operating time sol added to tho curve tao enable Flag io enablisisale th curve deiniton vi shor ‘Adative factor added to each cure valve ofthe points belonging tothe | pu or Sec Amps ‘Min rp" curve to generate he Teal Gear curve irstipior Mutplestve factor aplea te each curert val of he points belonging | Real to tho Win ip" eve to gonorate to “Toa lear” cure mount Ishtar un (ou oF See Amps). lotogor ‘shitor ‘Aste factor aod to each time value of he points belonging tothe"Min | Seconds or oy: tro" curv to gonorate tho “Total ear cue oe ‘utp Noiipictve factor applied to each tim value of he points belonging to | Ral ‘he "Min tip" curve 1 generate the "Total clear cue smeunt ‘shiter unt (seconds or eyes) tnteger Bioskmode | How te input block signals Is considered (gnorad, Always considered, | intogar User configuabie) ‘reblock ange of the olaase Blocking Tine vaio Text DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) ‘A_ Parameter Definitions A2 Toc Element (RelToc) Table A.2: Input parameters of Toc element (RefToc)) Deserta Ta Natio assigned to We usar He BOK GoTo Tost Ponlor tote elvan TyTac object Poinor Fag o put out of servic the Book vi “Tonping drecton (None axemal, fontad, reverse the avalsbe options | Intager depend upon tho pos value in the relevant Typo object) Current tvesholdn Amps See Amps Custom wesrold in pu po ime da Posi ovo Delay Seconds det Minimum Time Seconds ddetimax Maximum Time Seconds Tent Time shiter Seconds perarae “Top eharacterte shape Veer Modtrame Flag io enable the addtional modes ade to support the US veslosers | YN Tacdor imo adder varablo:n seconds Secends cTadgot “Time ado varabl in eyes Gyetes minrosptina | Minimum respons time in seconds Seconds minrespime | Minimum response mein eylae Cycles roselse Frag o anatleaisabl tho robot charactors (avalale ony ithorasetis | YIN ‘oniguble’reseton!varable nthe Typros cess), caleuse et whih curve sould ba used ocala I tntegor ‘aimun tp curve, = “Toate cue" sczoptblock | Flag fo enable the ality to consior inl lock signal (avaiable | ttogor ‘only 1 "Consider blocking blockmede™ variable inthe TypToe elas) is ‘User cofiguabie) ‘Trebock Maximum tne thatthe Input lock signals aro considered Seconds DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) B_ Signal Definitions B_ Signal Definitions B.1_ Single phase ‘Table 8.1: Input/output signals of the single phase Toc element (CalToctp) [Rane —Posserpro ar Type waar Tabs nput curren Soe AGS eBoy wiock | Blocking signal Seconds( or WO ANSIEMT simutaton) | IN| np wid | Forward ctor signal Seconds{r VO ANSVENT smutston) | IN| Arp virev | Reverse curent signa ‘Seconds{ or VO AMSVENT smusaton) | IN| Ary wstan | Extmal staring signa (vaiabie ony t | Seconds (or VORWSIEMT smutaton) | IN | Any lena = 1 In Typed you | Tipsigna Socondsor vo AUEstEMT simulation) | our | ary ys | siartsigna Soconde(or 10 ANSVEMT smutaton) | OUT _| Ay Table B.2: Single phase Toc element state variables Tae Deserta Ta ] a Tegrtes GUTERTTTS PHT eal | B.2 3phase Table 8.3: Inputfoutput signals of 3 phase Toc element (CalToc) [Rane —Posseror ar Type waar Tabak | Phat A inp aTenT See Aes ww | y tabs.8 | Phase Binputcurent Sec Arps IN | Boy taba.c | Pave C input erent Sec ATS ww | Boy Block | Blocking signa Seconds for VO RSVEMT smutaon) | IN| Ary wicca. | Phase A Blocking signa Seconds or V0 AMSVEMT smusaton) | IN| Ary wiock3 | Phase 8 Blocking signal Soconds or 10 ANSVENT smutaton) | IN| Ary wiocc | Phate C Blocking signal Soconds or 0 ANSVENT smutaton) | IN| Arp wiwd.A | Phase A onward curert signal Seconds or 1D ANSVENT smutaton) | IN| Any wwdia | Phase 8 forward curt sonal Seconds or VO ANSVENT smutaton) | IN| Arp wwd.¢ | Phase C forward curent signal Seconds or V0 ANSIENT smutston) | IN| ry rev | Phase Arevorsecurontsignal Seconds or V0 AMSVEMT smutaton) | IN| Ary vnet3 | Phase B reverse curent signl Seconds or V0 AMSVEMT smusaton) | IN| Ary vwev.c | Phase C reverse curent sna) Second (or 0 ANESEMT smuiaton) | IN | Boy wotartA | Phase Aexemal staring signal (avaiabie | Soconds( or VORMSIEMT smulaton) | IN | Ary ny toststart = 1 in TpToe waters | Praso Bertora! staring signal (avaiabis | Soconds( or vOAWSIEMT simulator) | IN | Ary ni tiawatart = tin Type) watar.c. | Phase G extemal staring signal (avai | Seconds(or vOAWSIEMT simuiston) | IN | Ary abe ony fenstart = tin TypTon) yout | Tip signal ry phase) Seconds (or 0 RS'EMT simutaton) | OUT. | Ary Pras A tip sina Second (or 0 AESTEMT smuiaton) | OUT | Boy Phase Bip signal Soconds (or 0 ANSVENT smutaton) | OUT | Ary Prase O Wp signal Seconds or 0 ANSVENT smutaton) | OUT | Arp Yalout | Al phases tip sanal Seconds or 1D ANSVENT smutaton) | OUT | Ary yx | Startsignl (ary ahs) Seconds or VO ANSVENT smutston) | OUT | Ary yA | Phase Astar sgnal Seconds or 10 ANSIENT smutaton) | OUT | Ary 5B | Phase Bata signal Seconds or V0 AMSVEMT smutaton) | OUT | Ary xe Phase C stat sia Seconds (or vo AMSEMT smusaton) _[ouT_| Bey ‘Table B.4: 3 phase Toc element state variables Tae Deseripan OR 3 Phase A oorSU OTST T= WA Foal 33 Phase Bintsgated current (1 =p) Real 2G Phase C integrated curent (1 = tp) Real DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference 16 Time Overcurrent (Reo, TypToe) List of Figures List of Figures 1 12 34 32 33 4a 42 43 44 45 46 47 DIgSILENT The Time Overcurrent*PelToo" Time-Current diagram. DIgSILENT The Time Overcurrent’RelToc" Time-Current diagram with the “Total Time Curve" enabled, 1 DIgSILENT The typical connection scheme of a single phase Time Overcurrent’RelToc' block. 7 DIgSILENT Typical connection scheme of a single phase directional Time Over- current"RelTos" block. 7 DigSILENT Typical conection scheme of a twee phase dreconal Time Over current"RetToc" block. . : 7 ‘The DigSILENT Time Overcurrent (RelToc) logic 9 ‘The DigSILENT Time Overcurrent (RelToc) Block logic a ‘The DigSILENT Time Overcurrent (RelToc) Directional logic 10 ‘The DIgSILENT Time Overcurrent (RelToc) logic 1" ‘The DigSILENT Time Overcurrent (RelToc) Block logic 12 ‘The DigSILENT Time Overcurrent (RelToc) Directional logic 12 ‘The DigSILENT Inverse characteristic trip time calculation logic 13 7 DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference Time Overeurent (Raoe,TypTee) st of Tables List of Tables ‘AA. Input parameters of Toc type (TypToc) ‘A2_ Input parameters of Toc element (Re!Toc]) B.1_ InpuVioutput signals of the single phase Toc element (Ca/Toc'tp) B2_ Single phase Toc element state variables B3_ Inputioutput signals of 3 phase Toc element (CalToc) B43 phase Toc element state variables DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2018, Technical Reference Time Overcurrent (Reo, TypToe) 16 16 16 16

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