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8/18/2019 To apply you will need

To apply you will need

• Details of your previous course(s)

• Emergency contact. This is the person we will contact in case of emergency. This should be a
family member and they do not need to be in the UK.

• The contact details of your guarantor. This is the person who will make up any arears should
you fall behind in your rent. They do not need to be in the UK.

Attachments you will need to upload:

A recent photo to be used on your Goodenough ID photo card. This should be a good quality
.JPEG or .JPG photo of you alone, from your shoulders up and in the style of a passport photo.
Your face should be clearly shown but smiling is welcome.

The following uploads must be in English or have an English summary or translation and be any
of these le types: JPG; GIF; PNG; BMP; DOC; DOCX; PDF; TXT.

Recent CV or Resume.

Details of your proposed full-time postgraduate level course of study in London. If you are a
continuing student this will include your original course dates. We will ask you to upload your
o er or acceptance letter from the institution at which you will be studying in London or your
CAS letter. We will also ask you to provide proof of your full-time postgraduate level enrolment
once you have joined us.

A reference. This could be from an existing academic who knows you well, a professional work
recommendation or an alumnus of Goodenough College. We do not require an academic
reference but a personal one which comments on your ability to contribute to the community
life of the College. They do not need to be in the UK.

Funding. You will need to provide one of these three documents 1/2
8/18/2019 To apply you will need

A scholarship o er. This should be a letter from a scholarship body con rming that you
have been awarded the scholarship or a letter from a sponsor. The letter should con rm
the amount of living expenses covered or

A bank statement showing that you have su cient funds to cover at least 3 months of
living expenses (equivalent to at least £4,500 GBP) or

A signed guarantor letter from someone con rming that they will pay any shortfall in
accommodation expenses if you fail to make payments. This letter must include their
postal address, telephone number and email address. They do not need to be in the UK. 2/2

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