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Who We Are > Our Structure


Correct as at 1 August 2019

The Regular Force make up the majority of our numbers and the
HQ New Zealand Defence Force
Army Reserves continue to provide support to the Regular Force and
contribute to the wider community in times of need.
Our civilian staff support the New Zealand Army at all levels, often Queen Elizabeth II
Army General Staff Headquarters Joint Forces NZ
National Army Museum
bringing specialist expertise and performing a wide range of functions
to enhance overall defence capabilities.
Special Operations Component
The following map shows the NZ Army Order of Battle in a hierarchal Land Component Command
structured format. The element colours depicted are non corp colours
Regional Support Centres (Army) NZ Special Operations Forces

Regional Support (Army) NZ Army Band

HQ 1st (New Zealand) Brigade HQ Training & Doctrine Command

HQ 16th Field Regiment HQ Queen Alexandra’s Mounted Rifles (QAMR) NZ Army Army Command School
National Marae
Wellington Rongomaraeroa
161 163 11/4 Scots Waikato Mounted Support Delta o ngā hau e whā
East Coast Non Commissioned
Battery Battery Battery Squadron Rifles Squadron Squadron Squadron Officer Cadet School NZ Army Leadership Centre
Squadron Officer School

HQ 1st Command Support Regiment HQ 2nd Engineer Regiment Mission Command Training Centre
1st (NZ) Military 3 Signal
25 Engineer Army
1st Signal 2nd Signal Squadron 4th Signal 25 Cypher 1st Field 2nd Field 3rd Field Emergency Depot Tactical School of Adaptive School of Military Mission Command
Intelligence Support
Squadron Squadron (Electronic Squadron Section Squadron Squadron Squadron Response Squadron School Signals Warfighting Centre Intelligence & Security Training School
Company Warfare) Squadron

HQ 1st Battalion, Royal NZ Infantry Regiment HQ 2nd/1st Battalion, Royal NZ Infantry Regiment Land Operations Training Centre
Training School of Trade Logistics Defence
Alpha Victor Whiskey Support Combat Service Alpha Bravo Delta Support Depot Combat Service School of Combat
Centre Military Training Operations Driver Training
Company Company Company Company Support Company Company Company Company Company Company Support Company Artillery School
Engineering School School School

HQ 2/4 Battalion, Royal NZ Infantry Regiment HQ 3/6 Battalion, Royal NZ Infantry Regiment

Alpha Company Bravo Company Charlie Company Northland Company Auckland Company Hauraki Company

HQ 5/7 Battalion, Royal NZ Infantry Regiment

East Coast Wellington West Coast

Company Company Company
Legend key
Headquarters Component Command Army Formations
HQ 2nd Combat Service Support Battalion HQ 3rd Combat Service Support Battalion
Combat Combat Support Combat Service Support Training
10th 21st 2nd 5th Combat Service 38th
3 Transport
3 Catering &
3 Workshop
3 Reserve Support Services Establishment not posted
Transport Supply Workshop Movements Support Company Combat Service
Company Supply Company Company Company
Company Company Company Company (North) Support Company

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