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Enrolled Agent Training in India Overview

Enrolled Agent is a person representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS). Life is what you make it. It’s the efforts that you put into making life happen. The main
mantra of a good life comes from the career or the job you have. So, why not to get a good
and reputed job? I mean, who does not want it? Everyone of you needs that? Right?

So, now, let’s talk about one of the most recognizable jobs nowadays. This job is all about
what you need actually, to make life happening. Without wasting time, let’s get into it.

What is an Enrolled Agent?

 “Enrolled” means someone who has got the license to do the practice by the federal
government and “Agent”, that means one who has the authority to appear at the place of a
taxpayer in the Internal Revenue Service
 Enrolled Agent, attorney and CPAs are only some who can represent in front of IRS
(Internal Revenue Service at the place of taxpayers)
 The Enrolled Agent profession was established back in 1884 when questionable claims
presented the civil war losses.
 Enrolled Agent is a person who has got an EA certification
 EA certification describes them as someone who usually has to tax code, which is used to
pay tax returns professionally
 An Enrolled Agent acts as a representative on the part of the taxpayer in front of IRS
(Internal Revenue Services) all over the world
What can Enrolled Agent do for you?

 An Enrolled Agent can assist the taxpayer and have a better understanding of the inner
working of the law and can suggest the best strategy to handle unique circumstances of the
issues related to tax.
 The enrolled agent training includes IRS regulations, tax law related matters and various
situations related to the taxpayer. And most importantly, how the best and most effective
outcome could be obtained for the taxpayer.
 There are some circumstances in which you should get in contact with enrolled Agent

(a) Tax Evasion

 Tax evasion is a serious and considerable criminal offence. If you are found guilty in tax
evasion you may have to pay a substantial amount penalty and in the worst situation you
may get imprisonment
 A tax professional not only can represent on your behalf in front of the court of the law, but
also may be able to figure out the actual reason behind your failure to give up with tax law
to get your penalty amount decreased.

(b) Tax Fraud

 If you have done tax fraud like claiming false or claiming credits or reduction in credits that
you do not earn either intentionally or by mistake, under the Law this is considered as tax
fraud. An IRS (Internal Revenue Services) enrolled Agent can help you throughout the
process of the related investigation.
(c) IRS (Internal Revenue Services) investigation
 Going through investigation by IRS department is one of the worst and very serious matter.
Depending upon your current situation, an IRS enrolled agent who is aware of laws of IRS
in and out can give you a higher level consult and guide you about the investigation process
and train you through the investigation to ensure best outcomes.

(d) Failure to pay or failure to file tax penalties

 Failing to file tax and pending dues of taxes can result in tax penalties in long term and
could be costly depending on the duration of time for which you failed to file the tax.
 A tax professional can work for you in your favor to reduce a significant amount of penalties
and associated costs with the event of failing to file taxes according to the IRS regulations.

(e) Unfiled tax returns

 Having unfiled tax returns can lead to interest with IRS and steep penalties
 An enrolled agent can help you to file old taxes and can ensure that you get significant
reduction in the amount as well as helping you work through any interest or penalties you
may incur.

(f) Tax liens

 A tax professional can help you out if you have any Tax liens fight against you.
 An enrolled is also a tax professional that can thoroughly analyze your current situation and
will figure out the best set of actions to get the tax liens removed and prevent the position in
which the IRS could take any further steps.

(g) Tax levies

 A tax levy is a critical matter, and the IRS continues to seize your assets until they have
recovered the required tax amount, plus penalties and interest amount.
 An enrolled agent knows different ways by which the tax levy could be stopped. It is one of
the best ideas to take help from a tax professional while facing this situation.
 Resolution to tax issues
 An enrolled agent can give good advice about many solutions to tax issues introduced by
IRS. The difficulty in solutions offered by the IRS to deal with the tax problems is one of
those things for which the enrolled Agent is highly trained to deal with and to negotiate.

Some of the resolution that an enrolled agent can negotiate for you
 Payment Plans
 Penalty abatement
 Offer in compromise
 Innocent spouse relief
The IRS Enrolled Agent specializes in matters related to tax law and are well-practiced in
the workings of IRS and the regulations as well as figuring out one of the best solutions
possible to your tax problems.
Because the enrolled Agent gets certified to practice has passed both the competency,
taxpayers are getting peace in their minds that they are not getting risk “scammed” by the
most self-declared tax relief agents that put an advertisement of their services on the

Scope of Enrolled Agents in India and Abroad

 The primary role to play as an enrolled agent is to deal with any and every kind of taxation
 They can also represent taxpayers in the IRS(Internal Revenue Services)
 Nowadays, an enrolled agent career expectation is available only if you want to work in The
United States.
 As there is no career in India for enrolled agents until you are linked with an international
corporate and are working for them.
How Do I Become an Enrolled Agent?
There is no requirement for becoming an enrolled agent, unlike other professional
designations. However, you would have to prove your knowledge related to all tax-related
issues either by clearing the EA exam or by working for at least five years with IRS.
A vital aspect for becoming an Enrolled agent is by maintaining the Certifications.
Certificates are considered crucial for all steps of the selection procedure.
The EA exam is also known as the particular enrollment exam; it consists of three-level
each level tests your knowledge on taxation in various ways.
 The first part focuses on individual taxpayers, covering multiple sections of assets,
deduction, credits, income and taxpayer’s information advice, taxation and returns for
 The second part concerns on business entities with various sections like specialized
returns, taxpayer, businesses and business-related financial information. It is considered as
the most robust section in the exam by enrolled agents. The part focuses on procedure,
practice and representation.
Aside from clearing the exam, you will get the exposure to investigation organized by the
When you clear the exam successfully, you will get recognition as an enrolled agent.

However, you will have to do the below mentioned to maintain your certification
1. Getting renewed your Prepare Tax Identification Number (PTIN) annually.
2. Getting your status renewed as an enrolled agent.
3. Go through 72 hours of continuing education (CE) every three years.
You will have to fulfill the minimum requirement of CE every year, with a minimum time of
two hours on your ethics. The compulsory requirement of going through at least two hours
of ethics training annually is in the department of treasury’s circular 230.
Top 12 Tips for Passing the Enrolled Agent Exam
12 tips for passing the enrolled agent exam are listed below

1. Taking actions daily or weekly to get your agent credential

 If you have planned to pass all your exams in 3-4 months, you need to set deadlines and
goals for each part.
 Having a goal for the end but too large is difficult to accomplish. The real path to success is
to break down the path towards the goal in many small parts and achieve the modest goals
in everyday life, results in long term success.
2. Positive thinking mostly results in a positive outcome
 Someone once quoted “a bad attitude is the same as a flat tire, you can’t travel much until
you change it”. Same implies with your attitude you need to be positive.
 Yes, we all get the thoughts in our mind that we could fail or what if we failed, but that would
not help you to achieve success. It would rather make you feel that you cannot achieve that
 Always stay positive and give your 100% in every part.
 Hard work is always the key to success.
3. You will have to take out time for studying about enrolled agent exam
 While preparing for a big exam every hour is critical, you need to schedule your whole day
 Time is the most valuable thing while preparing for the exam. You need to use your time
 There is a lot for you to make, breaking down the syllabus into small parts will help you to
learn it quickly and more efficiently.
 Students require a minimum of 40 hours and 160 hours of study time for studying each
 Being able to take quizzes and videos will help you to decide how much time you need to
give to each section.
4. Set your goals for just upcoming week for your EA exam
 Divide your goal into short term goals
 Follow the target set for this week
 Don’t try to achieve the complete goal at once
 Go through the slow process for success
 Always take out time for setting up a goal for the upcoming week
5. Train yourself to be wise with your time
 Always do things on time
 Don’t be lazy with your routine
 Decide where you want to invest the most of your time in this and then, proceed
 Dedicate your efforts to your goals
 Keep an eye on the time
 Synchronize your progress with time to achieve your goal
6. Rule out distractions and focus on your EA exam preparations
We all face distractions in life and it’s normal. When you are getting distracted think about
your goal
 Rule out that thing which is distracting you from your goal
 Keep yourself fresh with healthy drinks and food
7. Train yourself for the final day by giving mock test
Sitting for such a long time at once is difficult. Giving your 100% is not possible until you
practice it
 Give mock test and prepare yourself for the final day
 Train your body to cooperate with your mind
8. Understand the basics of every topic
Understanding the basics is a very crucial part of learning. Whenever you study a new topic
be focused
 Boil down the topic to the basics
 Prepare the topic for 100% results
 Do practice questions after studying the topic to make it more strong
9. Stay motivated to run towards your goal
 Stay motivated for your goal
 Leave the fear of failure and believe in your knowledge
10. Be persisted for you EA credentials
 Always be ready to give your 100%
 Do not care about the path whether it is difficult or easy
11. Passing the EA exam is not easy
You need to remember that passing wouldn’t be easy. You need to work hard and get it
12. Sacrifices make you great
 Be ready to do sacrifice
 Cut off whatever weighs you down
 Be true to yourself
Knowing this much stuff about the Enrolled Agent, surely, you will be curious to know the
best place for such course so that you can get yourself enrolled for the program of Enrolled
Well, the answer to this question resides here. You can find the best training place for
clearing Enrolled Agent.
For clearing the Enrolled Agent Exam, you need to take Enrolled Agents Training. The best
Enrolled Agents Training Institute is Fast Forward academy. Fast Forward is very much
renowned for their Enrolled Agents Classes because:
The sessions are so much good and natural that you can learn or grab the concept with no
time. Also, you will get the preciseness regarding the idea, as the academy keeps track of
performance. And suggest the investment of time.

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