CPB 23 No 2

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Staff induction programs

A well-prepared and comprehensive induction program helps staff quickly

understand the responsibilities of their new role and your expectations of them.

It's important to communicate staffing changes, such as a new staff member starting
or an existing one changing roles, to other staff members. Existing staff can support
a new staff member throughout the induction process (e.g. by explaining key duties
and helping set up their workspace).

Inductions will vary depending on whether the staff member is new or they are an
existing staff member switching roles or returning from a long absence.

New staff members

New staff members will need a more comprehensive induction than existing ones.
Inductions help new staff understand the culture of your business and the processes
they need to follow.

Employers must provide a copy of the Fair Work Information Statement before, or as
soon as possible after, they start their new job. The statement provides new staff
members with information about their conditions of employment.

The first day induction

The first day for a new staff member at your business is particularly important. You
will want to make the new staff member feel welcome and enthusiastic about their
new job.

On a new staff member's first day, you should:

 introduce them to their colleagues, managers and supervisors

 take them on a tour of your business premises, pointing out important areas
such as:
o toilets
o fire escapes
o break rooms
o their work area.
 provide them with general information on your business, which may include:
o a copy of your business's code of conduct
o annual reports
o your business plan
o marketing materials
o organisational charts
o phone lists.
 record essential details, including their:
o superannuation account
o bank account
o tax file number
o emergency contacts.
 explain employment conditions and policies, including:
o work hours and break times
o smoking
o pay details, including when they can expect to be paid
o leave entitlements
o probation periods for new staff.
 provide any necessary work health and safety information, including:
o fire and evacuation instructions
o details about any training you've planned for them.
 explain their duties and have some work for them to do
 provide necessary equipment, uniforms, email addresses and computer
access details
 ask if they have any questions.

Ongoing induction

The ongoing induction for new staff will include specific details about processes,
tasks and equipment related to their role. Some staff may need training as part of
their induction. This may be for specific equipment or processes. You might also
have specific work health and safety training obligations for inductions, depending on
the role.

Existing staff members

Existing staff members who are changing roles may need to be taken through an
induction to understand their new duties, processes and work health and safety
information if it's different from their previous role. In some cases, existing staff may
need additional training before they can move into new roles.

Staff returning to work after a long absence, such as from maternity or long service
leave or after injury, may need a refresher induction to explain any new or updated
processes and equipment.

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