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Freedom writers

Freedom writers is a movie about an idealistic teacher Erin Gruwell, whom

just started her first teaching job at Woodrow Wilson High School. Her first
teaching experience becomes way too contrary with the excitement that she
expected. Her first assignment school is a multicultural school due to an
integration program implemented two years prior to her designation. The
challenge of her teaching experience is getting more intense knowing that most
of her students are “at- risk”. Students coming from different races don’t seem
to blend with each other, always causing conflict which causes breach in the
teaching-learning process. Racism and stereotyping have always disturbed the
conduciveness of the learning environment and that is the greatest burden of
Erin Gruwell in her journey of teaching in the school she was assigned to. How
will she impart knowledge to a class of gang-related students and how far can
she go on instilling morality and discipline to these violent learners.
The situation of Erin teaching in this unfriendly school is like going out to
a kingdom of wild beasts, not knowing who will harm or befriend her, she is just
a friendly alien to a kingdom offering new perspective and perception in life. Erin
believes that there is hope in each of her student and it her mission to make
them believe that there is a better world behind the box they are dwelling in. This
mission is very crucial for Erin for she knew it will never be going to happen
easily. She needs super elastic patience and perseverance in order for her to gain
their trust and in return making them believe that they are capable of setting a
good future for themselves.
The movie is a reflection of how far the teacher can go in transforming the
lives of her students. How flexible is her understanding on the different culture
that her students have. The things that she is willing to sacrifice just for the
passion of reaching out the souls of her learners. What more could a teacher give
just for her students to have a secure future. To teach is to transform a certain
life forever. What you teach is what they will practice in life. In the case of Erin,
instead of being afraid of what she might experience in turns out that she is
living on the reality never imagined. She was able to spawn new behavior to her
students. She was successful on making her students deviate from what life they
were used to live. She was able to move them. She brought them sunshine to
their gloomy world.

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