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24 October 2009

Ms. Jennifer Adams

Social Worker
Elizabeth Community Health Center
125 Munno Parra Avenue

Re: Martin Wilson, 62 years old

Dear Ms. Adams,

I am writing to refer Mr. Martin Wilson for your expertise for further evaluation and management. He
was admitted on our institution and has been diagnosed with attempted suicide due to overdosing of
Morgodol intake, and he is due for discharge today.

About his social history, Mr. Wilson has retired two years ago and had began gambling since.
Subsequently, he became bankrupt and had used up his superannuation funds that prompted him to
borrow money to his friends however, he lost contact with them since he was not able to pay them
back. He became depressed and he felt ashamed and expressed regrets in all of his wrong doings. He
was prescribed with Lovan 200g. Moreover, He lives with his wife Mrs. Joan Wilson and had 3 kids that
are unaware of his addiction, but they became upset knowing about his suicidal attempt.

During his initial assessment, Mr. Wilson appeared to be physically unfit with poor nutritional intake that
resulted him to being underweight (66kg and BMI 18). He was prompted to use wheelchair for another
week, and a frame was suggested afterwards.

With your help regarding this case, he will need assistance with his adherence to his anti-depressant
medication as the SSRI is established with the supervision of Mrs. Wilson. It was suggested that he
resumes on playing lawn bowls for physical activities. It would also be best if an appointment will be
arranged for him with Gambling Addiction Active Group that is available to your facility and he needs to
be in touch with Quitline. Furthermore, he might need to return for his monthly follow-up with
psychologist Dr. Brian Murphy. Kindly note that this case needs urgent attention.

Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Lyall McEwen Hospital

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