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ABM 12-28

First movie that I will give an insight paper is the movie "Spotlight". The
roles of media and information in the society can change and mold many of us,
Media can spread a lot of leanings and information including the people who
are asking for help and people who are suffering from sexual abuse. We may
not just rely to the media but we can always use media as a source and
instrument of help and solution to sexual abuse. If we are hurting or we know
someone who are abusing or was currently abused by someone, I think media
can totally make a big impact to help someone. We can spread awareness and
we can asked for help to stop the violence which is really happening right now
in our society. But i am just really sad that we are not using the media the way
it should be used. At this age of time, people are just posting lies and hatred
towards someone.

Many people are not helping and just using media not to help, but to
destroy someone. I think that we can make possibilities if we will have a proper
discipline and we will use our voice not just in media but also in the internet
and in personal communication with love and aspirations. And I think that it is
one of many problems or conflicts that the media is facing right now in
fulfilling their roles because we are bombarded by the social media. I also
observed that nowadays, people are just becoming close minded regarding to
every issues and people are being biased regarding who's right and wrong here
in our society. Just because they are the one who has a higher position, it does
not mean that they are the one who's always upright. By being biased, we are
becoming obstinate to those people who are innocent.

The second movie was "The Post" and I think that the roles of the media
and information in the society is to spread out the proper and real information
towards people. We, as a listener and as a member of the society deserves an
authentic datas and details about what is really happening. Media information
should not manipulate people and they should be trustworthy for all the news
that they are spreading. It may affect a lot of people because every new can
make a big impact to our society. I think the problems or conflicts that the
media is facing right now regarding to this is, it may happen that people would
not believe the media because it has a lot of fake news and it is made
intentionally. This is a problem because how can we trust media if we are
manipulated by them? whether it is a bad or a good news, we have to deal with
it and accept it as long as it is true. Media should not act that everything is fine
when the truth is, it is not really fine. Media is responsible to spread a true
information to the citizens and I think that is one thing that some of us has
already forgotten.

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