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Life for me has become a burden,

I have started to see darkness in the sun.
My days are filled with never ending sorrow,
In the nights I stay awake thinking of a miserable tomorrow!!

I have been betrayed times too many,

And now I’m left with nothing but agony.
My soul has lost the ability to trust,
Suffering from deep pain, feels like my heart’s about to burst!!
Things have become unnatural,
All beauty lost,
On a warm summer’s day
It’s like I am suffering from frost.

Things need to be changed,

Situations need to be transformed.
I wish I could make them,
But bounded by my own norms.

I wish I could live in peace,

I wish I could be free.
But stuck in the world’s web of lies,
Where my heart wants to skip its beats and flee !!

Wandering around with this broken heart

In search of a life that was once mine,
One that was whole and untarnished
And full of peace divine.

‘I wish I could ‘ is an all-time thought for me

I wish my dreams would come true
But I probably won’t last to see.


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